path: root/repo/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'repo/')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/repo/ b/repo/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0f66fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repo/
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+"""Package with general repository related functions"""
+from gitdb.exc import BadObject
+from git.refs import SymbolicReference
+from git.objects import Object
+from gitdb.util import (
+ join,
+ isdir,
+ isfile,
+ hex_to_bin,
+ bin_to_hex
+ )
+from string import digits
+__all__ = ('rev_parse', 'is_git_dir', 'touch')
+def touch(filename):
+ fp = open(filename, "a")
+ fp.close()
+def is_git_dir(d):
+ """ This is taken from the git setup.c:is_git_directory
+ function."""
+ if isdir(d) and \
+ isdir(join(d, 'objects')) and \
+ isdir(join(d, 'refs')):
+ headref = join(d, 'HEAD')
+ return isfile(headref) or \
+ (os.path.islink(headref) and
+ os.readlink(headref).startswith('refs'))
+ return False
+def short_to_long(odb, hexsha):
+ """:return: long hexadecimal sha1 from the given less-than-40 byte hexsha
+ or None if no candidate could be found.
+ :param hexsha: hexsha with less than 40 byte"""
+ try:
+ return bin_to_hex(odb.partial_to_complete_sha_hex(hexsha))
+ except BadObject:
+ return None
+ # END exception handling
+def name_to_object(repo, name):
+ """:return: object specified by the given name, hexshas ( short and long )
+ as well as references are supported"""
+ hexsha = None
+ # is it a hexsha ? Try the most common ones, which is 7 to 40
+ if repo.re_hexsha_shortened.match(name):
+ if len(name) != 40:
+ # find long sha for short sha
+ hexsha = short_to_long(repo.odb, name)
+ else:
+ hexsha = name
+ # END handle short shas
+ else:
+ for base in ('%s', 'refs/%s', 'refs/tags/%s', 'refs/heads/%s', 'refs/remotes/%s', 'refs/remotes/%s/HEAD'):
+ try:
+ hexsha = SymbolicReference.dereference_recursive(repo, base % name)
+ break
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ # END for each base
+ # END handle hexsha
+ # tried everything ? fail
+ if hexsha is None:
+ raise BadObject(name)
+ # END assert hexsha was found
+ return Object.new_from_sha(repo, hex_to_bin(hexsha))
+def deref_tag(tag):
+ """Recursively dereerence a tag and return the resulting object"""
+ while True:
+ try:
+ tag = tag.object
+ except AttributeError:
+ break
+ # END dereference tag
+ return tag
+def to_commit(obj):
+ """Convert the given object to a commit if possible and return it"""
+ if obj.type == 'tag':
+ obj = deref_tag(obj)
+ if obj.type != "commit":
+ raise ValueError("Cannot convert object %r to type commit" % obj)
+ # END verify type
+ return obj
+def rev_parse(repo, rev):
+ """
+ :return: Object at the given revision, either Commit, Tag, Tree or Blob
+ :param rev: git-rev-parse compatible revision specification, please see
+ for details
+ :note: Currently there is no access to the rev-log, rev-specs may only contain
+ topological tokens such ~ and ^.
+ :raise BadObject: if the given revision could not be found"""
+ if '@' in rev:
+ raise ValueError("There is no rev-log support yet")
+ # colon search mode ?
+ if rev.startswith(':/'):
+ # colon search mode
+ raise NotImplementedError("commit by message search ( regex )")
+ # END handle search
+ obj = None
+ output_type = "commit"
+ start = 0
+ parsed_to = 0
+ lr = len(rev)
+ while start < lr:
+ if rev[start] not in "^~:":
+ start += 1
+ continue
+ # END handle start
+ if obj is None:
+ # token is a rev name
+ obj = name_to_object(repo, rev[:start])
+ # END initialize obj on first token
+ token = rev[start]
+ start += 1
+ # try to parse {type}
+ if start < lr and rev[start] == '{':
+ end = rev.find('}', start)
+ if end == -1:
+ raise ValueError("Missing closing brace to define type in %s" % rev)
+ output_type = rev[start+1:end] # exclude brace
+ # handle type
+ if output_type == 'commit':
+ pass # default
+ elif output_type == 'tree':
+ try:
+ obj = to_commit(obj).tree
+ except (AttributeError, ValueError):
+ pass # error raised later
+ # END exception handling
+ elif output_type in ('', 'blob'):
+ if obj.type == 'tag':
+ obj = deref_tag(obj)
+ else:
+ # cannot do anything for non-tags
+ pass
+ # END handle tag
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid output type: %s ( in %s )" % (output_type, rev))
+ # END handle output type
+ # empty output types don't require any specific type, its just about dereferencing tags
+ if output_type and obj.type != output_type:
+ raise ValueError("Could not accomodate requested object type %r, got %s" % (output_type, obj.type))
+ # END verify ouput type
+ start = end+1 # skip brace
+ parsed_to = start
+ continue
+ # END parse type
+ # try to parse a number
+ num = 0
+ if token != ":":
+ found_digit = False
+ while start < lr:
+ if rev[start] in digits:
+ num = num * 10 + int(rev[start])
+ start += 1
+ found_digit = True
+ else:
+ break
+ # END handle number
+ # END number parse loop
+ # no explicit number given, 1 is the default
+ # It could be 0 though
+ if not found_digit:
+ num = 1
+ # END set default num
+ # END number parsing only if non-blob mode
+ parsed_to = start
+ # handle hiererarchy walk
+ try:
+ if token == "~":
+ obj = to_commit(obj)
+ for item in xrange(num):
+ obj = obj.parents[0]
+ # END for each history item to walk
+ elif token == "^":
+ obj = to_commit(obj)
+ # must be n'th parent
+ if num:
+ obj = obj.parents[num-1]
+ elif token == ":":
+ if obj.type != "tree":
+ obj = obj.tree
+ # END get tree type
+ obj = obj[rev[start:]]
+ parsed_to = lr
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid token: %r" % token)
+ # END end handle tag
+ except (IndexError, AttributeError):
+ raise BadObject("Invalid Revision in %s" % rev)
+ # END exception handling
+ # END parse loop
+ # still no obj ? Its probably a simple name
+ if obj is None:
+ obj = name_to_object(repo, rev)
+ parsed_to = lr
+ # END handle simple name
+ if obj is None:
+ raise ValueError("Revision specifier could not be parsed: %s" % rev)
+ if parsed_to != lr:
+ raise ValueError("Didn't consume complete rev spec %s, consumed part: %s" % (rev, rev[:parsed_to]))
+ return obj