path: root/repo/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'repo/')
1 files changed, 752 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/repo/ b/repo/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f401628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repo/
@@ -0,0 +1,752 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier ( and contributors
+# This module is part of GitPython and is released under
+# the BSD License:
+from git.exc import InvalidGitRepositoryError, NoSuchPathError
+from git.cmd import Git
+from git.refs import *
+from git.index import IndexFile
+from git.objects import *
+from git.config import GitConfigParser
+from git.remote import Remote
+from git.db import (
+ GitCmdObjectDB,
+ GitDB
+ )
+from gitdb.util import (
+ join,
+ isfile,
+ hex_to_bin
+ )
+from fun import (
+ rev_parse,
+ is_git_dir,
+ touch
+ )
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+DefaultDBType = GitDB
+if sys.version_info[1] < 5: # python 2.4 compatiblity
+ DefaultDBType = GitCmdObjectDB
+# END handle python 2.4
+__all__ = ('Repo', )
+class Repo(object):
+ """Represents a git repository and allows you to query references,
+ gather commit information, generate diffs, create and clone repositories query
+ the log.
+ The following attributes are worth using:
+ 'working_dir' is the working directory of the git command, wich is the working tree
+ directory if available or the .git directory in case of bare repositories
+ 'working_tree_dir' is the working tree directory, but will raise AssertionError
+ if we are a bare repository.
+ 'git_dir' is the .git repository directoy, which is always set."""
+ DAEMON_EXPORT_FILE = 'git-daemon-export-ok'
+ __slots__ = ( "working_dir", "_working_tree_dir", "git_dir", "_bare", "git", "odb" )
+ # precompiled regex
+ re_whitespace = re.compile(r'\s+')
+ re_hexsha_only = re.compile('^[0-9A-Fa-f]{40}$')
+ re_hexsha_shortened = re.compile('^[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,40}$')
+ re_author_committer_start = re.compile(r'^(author|committer)')
+ re_tab_full_line = re.compile(r'^\t(.*)$')
+ # invariants
+ # represents the configuration level of a configuration file
+ config_level = ("system", "global", "repository")
+ def __init__(self, path=None, odbt = DefaultDBType):
+ """Create a new Repo instance
+ :param path: is the path to either the root git directory or the bare git repo::
+ repo = Repo("/Users/mtrier/Development/git-python")
+ repo = Repo("/Users/mtrier/Development/git-python.git")
+ repo = Repo("~/Development/git-python.git")
+ repo = Repo("$REPOSITORIES/Development/git-python.git")
+ :param odbt: Object DataBase type - a type which is constructed by providing
+ the directory containing the database objects, i.e. .git/objects. It will
+ be used to access all object data
+ :raise InvalidGitRepositoryError:
+ :raise NoSuchPathError:
+ :return: git.Repo """
+ epath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(path or os.getcwd())))
+ if not os.path.exists(epath):
+ raise NoSuchPathError(epath)
+ self.working_dir = None
+ self._working_tree_dir = None
+ self.git_dir = None
+ curpath = epath
+ # walk up the path to find the .git dir
+ while curpath:
+ if is_git_dir(curpath):
+ self.git_dir = curpath
+ self._working_tree_dir = os.path.dirname(curpath)
+ break
+ gitpath = join(curpath, '.git')
+ if is_git_dir(gitpath):
+ self.git_dir = gitpath
+ self._working_tree_dir = curpath
+ break
+ curpath, dummy = os.path.split(curpath)
+ if not dummy:
+ break
+ # END while curpath
+ if self.git_dir is None:
+ raise InvalidGitRepositoryError(epath)
+ self._bare = False
+ try:
+ self._bare = self.config_reader("repository").getboolean('core','bare')
+ except Exception:
+ # lets not assume the option exists, although it should
+ pass
+ # adjust the wd in case we are actually bare - we didn't know that
+ # in the first place
+ if self._bare:
+ self._working_tree_dir = None
+ # END working dir handling
+ self.working_dir = self._working_tree_dir or self.git_dir
+ self.git = Git(self.working_dir)
+ # special handling, in special times
+ args = [join(self.git_dir, 'objects')]
+ if issubclass(odbt, GitCmdObjectDB):
+ args.append(self.git)
+ self.odb = odbt(*args)
+ def __eq__(self, rhs):
+ if isinstance(rhs, Repo):
+ return self.git_dir == rhs.git_dir
+ return False
+ def __ne__(self, rhs):
+ return not self.__eq__(rhs)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.git_dir)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "%s(%r)" % (type(self).__name__, self.git_dir)
+ # Description property
+ def _get_description(self):
+ filename = join(self.git_dir, 'description')
+ return file(filename).read().rstrip()
+ def _set_description(self, descr):
+ filename = join(self.git_dir, 'description')
+ file(filename, 'w').write(descr+'\n')
+ description = property(_get_description, _set_description,
+ doc="the project's description")
+ del _get_description
+ del _set_description
+ @property
+ def working_tree_dir(self):
+ """:return: The working tree directory of our git repository
+ :raise AssertionError: If we are a bare repository"""
+ if self._working_tree_dir is None:
+ raise AssertionError( "Repository at %r is bare and does not have a working tree directory" % self.git_dir )
+ return self._working_tree_dir
+ @property
+ def bare(self):
+ """:return: True if the repository is bare"""
+ return self._bare
+ @property
+ def heads(self):
+ """A list of ``Head`` objects representing the branch heads in
+ this repo
+ :return: ``git.IterableList(Head, ...)``"""
+ return Head.list_items(self)
+ @property
+ def references(self):
+ """A list of Reference objects representing tags, heads and remote references.
+ :return: IterableList(Reference, ...)"""
+ return Reference.list_items(self)
+ # alias for references
+ refs = references
+ # alias for heads
+ branches = heads
+ @property
+ def index(self):
+ """:return: IndexFile representing this repository's index."""
+ return IndexFile(self)
+ @property
+ def head(self):
+ """:return: HEAD Object pointing to the current head reference"""
+ return HEAD(self,'HEAD')
+ @property
+ def remotes(self):
+ """A list of Remote objects allowing to access and manipulate remotes
+ :return: ``git.IterableList(Remote, ...)``"""
+ return Remote.list_items(self)
+ def remote(self, name='origin'):
+ """:return: Remote with the specified name
+ :raise ValueError: if no remote with such a name exists"""
+ return Remote(self, name)
+ #{ Submodules
+ @property
+ def submodules(self):
+ """
+ :return: git.IterableList(Submodule, ...) of direct submodules
+ available from the current head"""
+ return Submodule.list_items(self)
+ def submodule(self, name):
+ """ :return: Submodule with the given name
+ :raise ValueError: If no such submodule exists"""
+ try:
+ return self.submodules[name]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise ValueError("Didn't find submodule named %r" % name)
+ # END exception handling
+ def create_submodule(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Create a new submodule
+ :note: See the documentation of Submodule.add for a description of the
+ applicable parameters
+ :return: created submodules"""
+ return Submodule.add(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def iter_submodules(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """An iterator yielding Submodule instances, see Traversable interface
+ for a description of args and kwargs
+ :return: Iterator"""
+ return RootModule(self).traverse(*args, **kwargs)
+ def submodule_update(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Update the submodules, keeping the repository consistent as it will
+ take the previous state into consideration. For more information, please
+ see the documentation of RootModule.update"""
+ return RootModule(self).update(*args, **kwargs)
+ #}END submodules
+ @property
+ def tags(self):
+ """A list of ``Tag`` objects that are available in this repo
+ :return: ``git.IterableList(TagReference, ...)`` """
+ return TagReference.list_items(self)
+ def tag(self,path):
+ """:return: TagReference Object, reference pointing to a Commit or Tag
+ :param path: path to the tag reference, i.e. 0.1.5 or tags/0.1.5 """
+ return TagReference(self, path)
+ def create_head(self, path, commit='HEAD', force=False, **kwargs ):
+ """Create a new head within the repository.
+ For more documentation, please see the Head.create method.
+ :return: newly created Head Reference"""
+ return Head.create(self, path, commit, force, **kwargs)
+ def delete_head(self, *heads, **kwargs):
+ """Delete the given heads
+ :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to git-branch"""
+ return Head.delete(self, *heads, **kwargs)
+ def create_tag(self, path, ref='HEAD', message=None, force=False, **kwargs):
+ """Create a new tag reference.
+ For more documentation, please see the TagReference.create method.
+ :return: TagReference object """
+ return TagReference.create(self, path, ref, message, force, **kwargs)
+ def delete_tag(self, *tags):
+ """Delete the given tag references"""
+ return TagReference.delete(self, *tags)
+ def create_remote(self, name, url, **kwargs):
+ """Create a new remote.
+ For more information, please see the documentation of the Remote.create
+ methods
+ :return: Remote reference"""
+ return Remote.create(self, name, url, **kwargs)
+ def delete_remote(self, remote):
+ """Delete the given remote."""
+ return Remote.remove(self, remote)
+ def _get_config_path(self, config_level ):
+ # we do not support an absolute path of the gitconfig on windows ,
+ # use the global config instead
+ if sys.platform == "win32" and config_level == "system":
+ config_level = "global"
+ if config_level == "system":
+ return "/etc/gitconfig"
+ elif config_level == "global":
+ return os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser("~/.gitconfig"))
+ elif config_level == "repository":
+ return join(self.git_dir, "config")
+ raise ValueError( "Invalid configuration level: %r" % config_level )
+ def config_reader(self, config_level=None):
+ """
+ :return:
+ GitConfigParser allowing to read the full git configuration, but not to write it
+ The configuration will include values from the system, user and repository
+ configuration files.
+ :param config_level:
+ For possible values, see config_writer method
+ If None, all applicable levels will be used. Specify a level in case
+ you know which exact file you whish to read to prevent reading multiple files for
+ instance
+ :note: On windows, system configuration cannot currently be read as the path is
+ unknown, instead the global path will be used."""
+ files = None
+ if config_level is None:
+ files = [ self._get_config_path(f) for f in self.config_level ]
+ else:
+ files = [ self._get_config_path(config_level) ]
+ return GitConfigParser(files, read_only=True)
+ def config_writer(self, config_level="repository"):
+ """
+ :return:
+ GitConfigParser allowing to write values of the specified configuration file level.
+ Config writers should be retrieved, used to change the configuration ,and written
+ right away as they will lock the configuration file in question and prevent other's
+ to write it.
+ :param config_level:
+ One of the following values
+ system = sytem wide configuration file
+ global = user level configuration file
+ repository = configuration file for this repostory only"""
+ return GitConfigParser(self._get_config_path(config_level), read_only = False)
+ def commit(self, rev=None):
+ """The Commit object for the specified revision
+ :param rev: revision specifier, see git-rev-parse for viable options.
+ :return: ``git.Commit``"""
+ if rev is None:
+ return self.active_branch.commit
+ else:
+ return self.rev_parse(str(rev)+"^0")
+ def iter_trees(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """:return: Iterator yielding Tree objects
+ :note: Takes all arguments known to iter_commits method"""
+ return ( c.tree for c in self.iter_commits(*args, **kwargs) )
+ def tree(self, rev=None):
+ """The Tree object for the given treeish revision
+ Examples::
+ repo.tree(repo.heads[0])
+ :param rev: is a revision pointing to a Treeish ( being a commit or tree )
+ :return: ``git.Tree``
+ :note:
+ If you need a non-root level tree, find it by iterating the root tree. Otherwise
+ it cannot know about its path relative to the repository root and subsequent
+ operations might have unexpected results."""
+ if rev is None:
+ return self.active_branch.commit.tree
+ else:
+ return self.rev_parse(str(rev)+"^{tree}")
+ def iter_commits(self, rev=None, paths='', **kwargs):
+ """A list of Commit objects representing the history of a given ref/commit
+ :parm rev:
+ revision specifier, see git-rev-parse for viable options.
+ If None, the active branch will be used.
+ :parm paths:
+ is an optional path or a list of paths to limit the returned commits to
+ Commits that do not contain that path or the paths will not be returned.
+ :parm kwargs:
+ Arguments to be passed to git-rev-list - common ones are
+ max_count and skip
+ :note: to receive only commits between two named revisions, use the
+ "revA..revB" revision specifier
+ :return ``git.Commit[]``"""
+ if rev is None:
+ rev = self.active_branch
+ return Commit.iter_items(self, rev, paths, **kwargs)
+ def _get_daemon_export(self):
+ filename = join(self.git_dir, self.DAEMON_EXPORT_FILE)
+ return os.path.exists(filename)
+ def _set_daemon_export(self, value):
+ filename = join(self.git_dir, self.DAEMON_EXPORT_FILE)
+ fileexists = os.path.exists(filename)
+ if value and not fileexists:
+ touch(filename)
+ elif not value and fileexists:
+ os.unlink(filename)
+ daemon_export = property(_get_daemon_export, _set_daemon_export,
+ doc="If True, git-daemon may export this repository")
+ del _get_daemon_export
+ del _set_daemon_export
+ def _get_alternates(self):
+ """The list of alternates for this repo from which objects can be retrieved
+ :return: list of strings being pathnames of alternates"""
+ alternates_path = join(self.git_dir, 'objects', 'info', 'alternates')
+ if os.path.exists(alternates_path):
+ try:
+ f = open(alternates_path)
+ alts =
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ return alts.strip().splitlines()
+ else:
+ return list()
+ def _set_alternates(self, alts):
+ """Sets the alternates
+ :parm alts:
+ is the array of string paths representing the alternates at which
+ git should look for objects, i.e. /home/user/repo/.git/objects
+ :raise NoSuchPathError:
+ :note:
+ The method does not check for the existance of the paths in alts
+ as the caller is responsible."""
+ alternates_path = join(self.git_dir, 'objects', 'info', 'alternates')
+ if not alts:
+ if isfile(alternates_path):
+ os.remove(alternates_path)
+ else:
+ try:
+ f = open(alternates_path, 'w')
+ f.write("\n".join(alts))
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ # END file handling
+ # END alts handling
+ alternates = property(_get_alternates, _set_alternates, doc="Retrieve a list of alternates paths or set a list paths to be used as alternates")
+ def is_dirty(self, index=True, working_tree=True, untracked_files=False):
+ """
+ :return:
+ ``True``, the repository is considered dirty. By default it will react
+ like a git-status without untracked files, hence it is dirty if the
+ index or the working copy have changes."""
+ if self._bare:
+ # Bare repositories with no associated working directory are
+ # always consired to be clean.
+ return False
+ # start from the one which is fastest to evaluate
+ default_args = ('--abbrev=40', '--full-index', '--raw')
+ if index:
+ # diff index against HEAD
+ if isfile(self.index.path) and self.head.is_valid() and \
+ len(self.git.diff('HEAD', '--cached', *default_args)):
+ return True
+ # END index handling
+ if working_tree:
+ # diff index against working tree
+ if len(self.git.diff(*default_args)):
+ return True
+ # END working tree handling
+ if untracked_files:
+ if len(self.untracked_files):
+ return True
+ # END untracked files
+ return False
+ @property
+ def untracked_files(self):
+ """
+ :return:
+ list(str,...)
+ Files currently untracked as they have not been staged yet. Paths
+ are relative to the current working directory of the git command.
+ :note:
+ ignored files will not appear here, i.e. files mentioned in .gitignore"""
+ # make sure we get all files, no only untracked directores
+ proc = self.git.status(untracked_files=True, as_process=True)
+ stream = iter(proc.stdout)
+ untracked_files = list()
+ for line in stream:
+ if not line.startswith("# Untracked files:"):
+ continue
+ # skip two lines
+ for untracked_info in stream:
+ if not untracked_info.startswith("#\t"):
+ break
+ untracked_files.append(untracked_info.replace("#\t", "").rstrip())
+ # END for each utracked info line
+ # END for each line
+ return untracked_files
+ @property
+ def active_branch(self):
+ """The name of the currently active branch.
+ :return: Head to the active branch"""
+ return self.head.reference
+ def blame(self, rev, file):
+ """The blame information for the given file at the given revision.
+ :parm rev: revision specifier, see git-rev-parse for viable options.
+ :return:
+ list: [git.Commit, list: [<line>]]
+ A list of tuples associating a Commit object with a list of lines that
+ changed within the given commit. The Commit objects will be given in order
+ of appearance."""
+ data = self.git.blame(rev, '--', file, p=True)
+ commits = dict()
+ blames = list()
+ info = None
+ for line in data.splitlines(False):
+ parts = self.re_whitespace.split(line, 1)
+ firstpart = parts[0]
+ if
+ # handles
+ # 634396b2f541a9f2d58b00be1a07f0c358b999b3 1 1 7 - indicates blame-data start
+ # 634396b2f541a9f2d58b00be1a07f0c358b999b3 2 2
+ digits = parts[-1].split(" ")
+ if len(digits) == 3:
+ info = {'id': firstpart}
+ blames.append([None, []])
+ # END blame data initialization
+ else:
+ m =
+ if m:
+ # handles:
+ # author Tom Preston-Werner
+ # author-mail <>
+ # author-time 1192271832
+ # author-tz -0700
+ # committer Tom Preston-Werner
+ # committer-mail <>
+ # committer-time 1192271832
+ # committer-tz -0700 - IGNORED BY US
+ role =
+ if firstpart.endswith('-mail'):
+ info["%s_email" % role] = parts[-1]
+ elif firstpart.endswith('-time'):
+ info["%s_date" % role] = int(parts[-1])
+ elif role == firstpart:
+ info[role] = parts[-1]
+ # END distinguish mail,time,name
+ else:
+ # handle
+ # filename lib/grit.rb
+ # summary add Blob
+ # <and rest>
+ if firstpart.startswith('filename'):
+ info['filename'] = parts[-1]
+ elif firstpart.startswith('summary'):
+ info['summary'] = parts[-1]
+ elif firstpart == '':
+ if info:
+ sha = info['id']
+ c = commits.get(sha)
+ if c is None:
+ c = Commit( self, hex_to_bin(sha),
+ author=Actor._from_string(info['author'] + ' ' + info['author_email']),
+ authored_date=info['author_date'],
+ committer=Actor._from_string(info['committer'] + ' ' + info['committer_email']),
+ committed_date=info['committer_date'],
+ message=info['summary'])
+ commits[sha] = c
+ # END if commit objects needs initial creation
+ m =
+ text, = m.groups()
+ blames[-1][0] = c
+ blames[-1][1].append( text )
+ info = None
+ # END if we collected commit info
+ # END distinguish filename,summary,rest
+ # END distinguish author|committer vs filename,summary,rest
+ # END distinguish hexsha vs other information
+ return blames
+ @classmethod
+ def init(cls, path=None, mkdir=True, **kwargs):
+ """Initialize a git repository at the given path if specified
+ :param path:
+ is the full path to the repo (traditionally ends with /<name>.git)
+ or None in which case the repository will be created in the current
+ working directory
+ :parm mkdir:
+ if specified will create the repository directory if it doesn't
+ already exists. Creates the directory with a mode=0755.
+ Only effective if a path is explicitly given
+ :parm kwargs:
+ keyword arguments serving as additional options to the git-init command
+ :return: ``git.Repo`` (the newly created repo)"""
+ if mkdir and path and not os.path.exists(path):
+ os.makedirs(path, 0755)
+ # git command automatically chdir into the directory
+ git = Git(path)
+ output = git.init(**kwargs)
+ return Repo(path)
+ @classmethod
+ def _clone(cls, git, url, path, odb_default_type, **kwargs):
+ # special handling for windows for path at which the clone should be
+ # created.
+ # tilde '~' will be expanded to the HOME no matter where the ~ occours. Hence
+ # we at least give a proper error instead of letting git fail
+ prev_cwd = None
+ prev_path = None
+ odbt = kwargs.pop('odbt', odb_default_type)
+ if == 'nt':
+ if '~' in path:
+ raise OSError("Git cannot handle the ~ character in path %r correctly" % path)
+ # on windows, git will think paths like c: are relative and prepend the
+ # current working dir ( before it fails ). We temporarily adjust the working
+ # dir to make this actually work
+ match = re.match("(\w:[/\\\])(.*)", path)
+ if match:
+ prev_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ prev_path = path
+ drive, rest_of_path = match.groups()
+ os.chdir(drive)
+ path = rest_of_path
+ kwargs['with_keep_cwd'] = True
+ # END cwd preparation
+ # END windows handling
+ try:
+ git.clone(url, path, **kwargs)
+ finally:
+ if prev_cwd is not None:
+ os.chdir(prev_cwd)
+ path = prev_path
+ # END reset previous working dir
+ # END bad windows handling
+ # our git command could have a different working dir than our actual
+ # environment, hence we prepend its working dir if required
+ if not os.path.isabs(path) and git.working_dir:
+ path = join(git._working_dir, path)
+ # adjust remotes - there may be operating systems which use backslashes,
+ # These might be given as initial paths, but when handling the config file
+ # that contains the remote from which we were clones, git stops liking it
+ # as it will escape the backslashes. Hence we undo the escaping just to be
+ # sure
+ repo = cls(os.path.abspath(path), odbt = odbt)
+ if repo.remotes:
+ repo.remotes[0].config_writer.set_value('url', repo.remotes[0].url.replace("\\\\", "\\").replace("\\", "/"))
+ # END handle remote repo
+ return repo
+ def clone(self, path, **kwargs):
+ """Create a clone from this repository.
+ :param path:
+ is the full path of the new repo (traditionally ends with ./<name>.git).
+ :param kwargs:
+ odbt = ObjectDatabase Type, allowing to determine the object database
+ implementation used by the returned Repo instance
+ All remaining keyword arguments are given to the git-clone command
+ :return: ``git.Repo`` (the newly cloned repo)"""
+ return self._clone(self.git, self.git_dir, path, type(self.odb), **kwargs)
+ @classmethod
+ def clone_from(cls, url, to_path, **kwargs):
+ """Create a clone from the given URL
+ :param url: valid git url, see
+ :param to_path: Path to which the repository should be cloned to
+ :param kwargs: see the ``clone`` method
+ :return: Repo instance pointing to the cloned directory"""
+ return cls._clone(Git(os.getcwd()), url, to_path, GitCmdObjectDB, **kwargs)
+ def archive(self, ostream, treeish=None, prefix=None, **kwargs):
+ """Archive the tree at the given revision.
+ :parm ostream: file compatible stream object to which the archive will be written
+ :parm treeish: is the treeish name/id, defaults to active branch
+ :parm prefix: is the optional prefix to prepend to each filename in the archive
+ :parm kwargs:
+ Additional arguments passed to git-archive
+ NOTE: Use the 'format' argument to define the kind of format. Use
+ specialized ostreams to write any format supported by python
+ :raise GitCommandError: in case something went wrong
+ :return: self"""
+ if treeish is None:
+ treeish = self.active_branch
+ if prefix and 'prefix' not in kwargs:
+ kwargs['prefix'] = prefix
+ kwargs['output_stream'] = ostream
+ self.git.archive(treeish, **kwargs)
+ return self
+ rev_parse = rev_parse
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<git.Repo "%s">' % self.git_dir