path: root/git/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'git/')
1 files changed, 602 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/git/ b/git/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c0b6697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git/
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier ( and contributors
+# This module is part of GitPython and is released under
+# the BSD License:
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+import platform
+import tempfile
+from gitdb.util import (
+ make_sha,
+ LockedFD,
+ file_contents_ro,
+ LazyMixin,
+ to_hex_sha,
+ to_bin_sha
+ )
+__all__ = ( "stream_copy", "join_path", "to_native_path_windows", "to_native_path_linux",
+ "join_path_native", "Stats", "IndexFileSHA1Writer", "Iterable", "IterableList",
+ "BlockingLockFile", "LockFile", 'Actor', 'get_user_id', 'assure_directory_exists',
+ 'RemoteProgress')
+#{ Utility Methods
+def stream_copy(source, destination, chunk_size=512*1024):
+ """Copy all data from the source stream into the destination stream in chunks
+ of size chunk_size
+ :return: amount of bytes written"""
+ br = 0
+ while True:
+ chunk =
+ destination.write(chunk)
+ br += len(chunk)
+ if len(chunk) < chunk_size:
+ break
+ # END reading output stream
+ return br
+def join_path(a, *p):
+ """Join path tokens together similar to os.path.join, but always use
+ '/' instead of possibly '\' on windows."""
+ path = a
+ for b in p:
+ if b.startswith('/'):
+ path += b[1:]
+ elif path == '' or path.endswith('/'):
+ path += b
+ else:
+ path += '/' + b
+ return path
+def to_native_path_windows(path):
+ return path.replace('/','\\')
+def to_native_path_linux(path):
+ return path.replace('\\','/')
+if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ to_native_path = to_native_path_windows
+ # no need for any work on linux
+ def to_native_path_linux(path):
+ return path
+ to_native_path = to_native_path_linux
+def join_path_native(a, *p):
+ """
+ As join path, but makes sure an OS native path is returned. This is only
+ needed to play it safe on my dear windows and to assure nice paths that only
+ use '\'"""
+ return to_native_path(join_path(a, *p))
+def assure_directory_exists(path, is_file=False):
+ """Assure that the directory pointed to by path exists.
+ :param is_file: If True, path is assumed to be a file and handled correctly.
+ Otherwise it must be a directory
+ :return: True if the directory was created, False if it already existed"""
+ if is_file:
+ path = os.path.dirname(path)
+ #END handle file
+ if not os.path.isdir(path):
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ return True
+ return False
+def get_user_id():
+ """:return: string identifying the currently active system user as name@node
+ :note: user can be set with the 'USER' environment variable, usually set on windows"""
+ ukn = 'UNKNOWN'
+ username = os.environ.get('USER', os.environ.get('USERNAME', ukn))
+ if username == ukn and hasattr(os, 'getlogin'):
+ username = os.getlogin()
+ # END get username from login
+ return "%s@%s" % (username, platform.node())
+#} END utilities
+#{ Classes
+class RemoteProgress(object):
+ """
+ Handler providing an interface to parse progress information emitted by git-push
+ and git-fetch and to dispatch callbacks allowing subclasses to react to the progress.
+ """
+ _num_op_codes = 5
+ BEGIN, END, COUNTING, COMPRESSING, WRITING = [1 << x for x in range(_num_op_codes)]
+ __slots__ = ("_cur_line", "_seen_ops")
+ re_op_absolute = re.compile("(remote: )?([\w\s]+):\s+()(\d+)()(.*)")
+ re_op_relative = re.compile("(remote: )?([\w\s]+):\s+(\d+)% \((\d+)/(\d+)\)(.*)")
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._seen_ops = list()
+ def _parse_progress_line(self, line):
+ """Parse progress information from the given line as retrieved by git-push
+ or git-fetch
+ :return: list(line, ...) list of lines that could not be processed"""
+ # handle
+ # Counting objects: 4, done.
+ # Compressing objects: 50% (1/2) \rCompressing objects: 100% (2/2) \rCompressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
+ self._cur_line = line
+ sub_lines = line.split('\r')
+ failed_lines = list()
+ for sline in sub_lines:
+ # find esacpe characters and cut them away - regex will not work with
+ # them as they are non-ascii. As git might expect a tty, it will send them
+ last_valid_index = None
+ for i,c in enumerate(reversed(sline)):
+ if ord(c) < 32:
+ # its a slice index
+ last_valid_index = -i-1
+ # END character was non-ascii
+ # END for each character in sline
+ if last_valid_index is not None:
+ sline = sline[:last_valid_index]
+ # END cut away invalid part
+ sline = sline.rstrip()
+ cur_count, max_count = None, None
+ match = self.re_op_relative.match(sline)
+ if match is None:
+ match = self.re_op_absolute.match(sline)
+ if not match:
+ self.line_dropped(sline)
+ failed_lines.append(sline)
+ continue
+ # END could not get match
+ op_code = 0
+ remote, op_name, percent, cur_count, max_count, message = match.groups()
+ # get operation id
+ if op_name == "Counting objects":
+ op_code |= self.COUNTING
+ elif op_name == "Compressing objects":
+ op_code |= self.COMPRESSING
+ elif op_name == "Writing objects":
+ op_code |= self.WRITING
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Operation name %r unknown" % op_name)
+ # figure out stage
+ if op_code not in self._seen_ops:
+ self._seen_ops.append(op_code)
+ op_code |= self.BEGIN
+ # END begin opcode
+ if message is None:
+ message = ''
+ # END message handling
+ message = message.strip()
+ done_token = ', done.'
+ if message.endswith(done_token):
+ op_code |= self.END
+ message = message[:-len(done_token)]
+ # END end message handling
+ self.update(op_code, cur_count, max_count, message)
+ # END for each sub line
+ return failed_lines
+ def line_dropped(self, line):
+ """Called whenever a line could not be understood and was therefore dropped."""
+ pass
+ def update(self, op_code, cur_count, max_count=None, message=''):
+ """Called whenever the progress changes
+ :param op_code:
+ Integer allowing to be compared against Operation IDs and stage IDs.
+ Stage IDs are BEGIN and END. BEGIN will only be set once for each Operation
+ ID as well as END. It may be that BEGIN and END are set at once in case only
+ one progress message was emitted due to the speed of the operation.
+ Between BEGIN and END, none of these flags will be set
+ Operation IDs are all held within the OP_MASK. Only one Operation ID will
+ be active per call.
+ :param cur_count: Current absolute count of items
+ :param max_count:
+ The maximum count of items we expect. It may be None in case there is
+ no maximum number of items or if it is (yet) unknown.
+ :param message:
+ In case of the 'WRITING' operation, it contains the amount of bytes
+ transferred. It may possibly be used for other purposes as well.
+ You may read the contents of the current line in self._cur_line"""
+ pass
+class Actor(object):
+ """Actors hold information about a person acting on the repository. They
+ can be committers and authors or anything with a name and an email as
+ mentioned in the git log entries."""
+ name_only_regex = re.compile( r'<(.+)>' )
+ name_email_regex = re.compile( r'(.*) <(.+?)>' )
+ # read when creating new commits
+ env_author_name = "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME"
+ env_author_email = "GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL"
+ env_committer_name = "GIT_COMMITTER_NAME"
+ env_committer_email = "GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL"
+ conf_name = 'name'
+ conf_email = 'email'
+ __slots__ = ('name', 'email')
+ def __init__(self, name, email):
+ = name
+ = email
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return == and ==
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not (self == other)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash((,
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<git.Actor "%s <%s>">' % (,
+ @classmethod
+ def _from_string(cls, string):
+ """Create an Actor from a string.
+ :param string: is the string, which is expected to be in regular git format
+ John Doe <>
+ :return: Actor """
+ m =
+ if m:
+ name, email = m.groups()
+ return Actor(name, email)
+ else:
+ m =
+ if m:
+ return Actor(, None)
+ else:
+ # assume best and use the whole string as name
+ return Actor(string, None)
+ # END special case name
+ # END handle name/email matching
+ @classmethod
+ def _main_actor(cls, env_name, env_email, config_reader=None):
+ actor = Actor('', '')
+ default_email = get_user_id()
+ default_name = default_email.split('@')[0]
+ for attr, evar, cvar, default in (('name', env_name, cls.conf_name, default_name),
+ ('email', env_email, cls.conf_email, default_email)):
+ try:
+ setattr(actor, attr, os.environ[evar])
+ except KeyError:
+ if config_reader is not None:
+ setattr(actor, attr, config_reader.get_value('user', cvar, default))
+ #END config-reader handling
+ if not getattr(actor, attr):
+ setattr(actor, attr, default)
+ #END handle name
+ #END for each item to retrieve
+ return actor
+ @classmethod
+ def committer(cls, config_reader=None):
+ """
+ :return: Actor instance corresponding to the configured committer. It behaves
+ similar to the git implementation, such that the environment will override
+ configuration values of config_reader. If no value is set at all, it will be
+ generated
+ :param config_reader: ConfigReader to use to retrieve the values from in case
+ they are not set in the environment"""
+ return cls._main_actor(cls.env_committer_name, cls.env_committer_email, config_reader)
+ @classmethod
+ def author(cls, config_reader=None):
+ """Same as committer(), but defines the main author. It may be specified in the environment,
+ but defaults to the committer"""
+ return cls._main_actor(cls.env_author_name, cls.env_author_email, config_reader)
+class Stats(object):
+ """
+ Represents stat information as presented by git at the end of a merge. It is
+ created from the output of a diff operation.
+ ``Example``::
+ c = Commit( sha1 )
+ s = c.stats
+ # full-stat-dict
+ s.files # dict( filepath : stat-dict )
+ ``stat-dict``
+ A dictionary with the following keys and values::
+ deletions = number of deleted lines as int
+ insertions = number of inserted lines as int
+ lines = total number of lines changed as int, or deletions + insertions
+ ``full-stat-dict``
+ In addition to the items in the stat-dict, it features additional information::
+ files = number of changed files as int"""
+ __slots__ = ("total", "files")
+ def __init__(self, total, files):
+ = total
+ self.files = files
+ @classmethod
+ def _list_from_string(cls, repo, text):
+ """Create a Stat object from output retrieved by git-diff.
+ :return: git.Stat"""
+ hsh = {'total': {'insertions': 0, 'deletions': 0, 'lines': 0, 'files': 0}, 'files': dict()}
+ for line in text.splitlines():
+ (raw_insertions, raw_deletions, filename) = line.split("\t")
+ insertions = raw_insertions != '-' and int(raw_insertions) or 0
+ deletions = raw_deletions != '-' and int(raw_deletions) or 0
+ hsh['total']['insertions'] += insertions
+ hsh['total']['deletions'] += deletions
+ hsh['total']['lines'] += insertions + deletions
+ hsh['total']['files'] += 1
+ hsh['files'][filename.strip()] = {'insertions': insertions,
+ 'deletions': deletions,
+ 'lines': insertions + deletions}
+ return Stats(hsh['total'], hsh['files'])
+class IndexFileSHA1Writer(object):
+ """Wrapper around a file-like object that remembers the SHA1 of
+ the data written to it. It will write a sha when the stream is closed
+ or if the asked for explicitly usign write_sha.
+ Only useful to the indexfile
+ :note: Based on the dulwich project"""
+ __slots__ = ("f", "sha1")
+ def __init__(self, f):
+ self.f = f
+ self.sha1 = make_sha("")
+ def write(self, data):
+ self.sha1.update(data)
+ return self.f.write(data)
+ def write_sha(self):
+ sha = self.sha1.digest()
+ self.f.write(sha)
+ return sha
+ def close(self):
+ sha = self.write_sha()
+ self.f.close()
+ return sha
+ def tell(self):
+ return self.f.tell()
+class LockFile(object):
+ """Provides methods to obtain, check for, and release a file based lock which
+ should be used to handle concurrent access to the same file.
+ As we are a utility class to be derived from, we only use protected methods.
+ Locks will automatically be released on destruction"""
+ __slots__ = ("_file_path", "_owns_lock")
+ def __init__(self, file_path):
+ self._file_path = file_path
+ self._owns_lock = False
+ def __del__(self):
+ self._release_lock()
+ def _lock_file_path(self):
+ """:return: Path to lockfile"""
+ return "%s.lock" % (self._file_path)
+ def _has_lock(self):
+ """:return: True if we have a lock and if the lockfile still exists
+ :raise AssertionError: if our lock-file does not exist"""
+ if not self._owns_lock:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _obtain_lock_or_raise(self):
+ """Create a lock file as flag for other instances, mark our instance as lock-holder
+ :raise IOError: if a lock was already present or a lock file could not be written"""
+ if self._has_lock():
+ return
+ lock_file = self._lock_file_path()
+ if os.path.isfile(lock_file):
+ raise IOError("Lock for file %r did already exist, delete %r in case the lock is illegal" % (self._file_path, lock_file))
+ try:
+ fd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0)
+ os.close(fd)
+ except OSError,e:
+ raise IOError(str(e))
+ self._owns_lock = True
+ def _obtain_lock(self):
+ """The default implementation will raise if a lock cannot be obtained.
+ Subclasses may override this method to provide a different implementation"""
+ return self._obtain_lock_or_raise()
+ def _release_lock(self):
+ """Release our lock if we have one"""
+ if not self._has_lock():
+ return
+ # if someone removed our file beforhand, lets just flag this issue
+ # instead of failing, to make it more usable.
+ lfp = self._lock_file_path()
+ try:
+ # on bloody windows, the file needs write permissions to be removable.
+ # Why ...
+ if == 'nt':
+ os.chmod(lfp, 0777)
+ # END handle win32
+ os.remove(lfp)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ self._owns_lock = False
+class BlockingLockFile(LockFile):
+ """The lock file will block until a lock could be obtained, or fail after
+ a specified timeout.
+ :note: If the directory containing the lock was removed, an exception will
+ be raised during the blocking period, preventing hangs as the lock
+ can never be obtained."""
+ __slots__ = ("_check_interval", "_max_block_time")
+ def __init__(self, file_path, check_interval_s=0.3, max_block_time_s=sys.maxint):
+ """Configure the instance
+ :parm check_interval_s:
+ Period of time to sleep until the lock is checked the next time.
+ By default, it waits a nearly unlimited time
+ :parm max_block_time_s: Maximum amount of seconds we may lock"""
+ super(BlockingLockFile, self).__init__(file_path)
+ self._check_interval = check_interval_s
+ self._max_block_time = max_block_time_s
+ def _obtain_lock(self):
+ """This method blocks until it obtained the lock, or raises IOError if
+ it ran out of time or if the parent directory was not available anymore.
+ If this method returns, you are guranteed to own the lock"""
+ starttime = time.time()
+ maxtime = starttime + float(self._max_block_time)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ super(BlockingLockFile, self)._obtain_lock()
+ except IOError:
+ # synity check: if the directory leading to the lockfile is not
+ # readable anymore, raise an execption
+ curtime = time.time()
+ if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(self._lock_file_path())):
+ msg = "Directory containing the lockfile %r was not readable anymore after waiting %g seconds" % (self._lock_file_path(), curtime - starttime)
+ raise IOError(msg)
+ # END handle missing directory
+ if curtime >= maxtime:
+ msg = "Waited %g seconds for lock at %r" % ( maxtime - starttime, self._lock_file_path())
+ raise IOError(msg)
+ # END abort if we wait too long
+ time.sleep(self._check_interval)
+ else:
+ break
+ # END endless loop
+class IterableList(list):
+ """
+ List of iterable objects allowing to query an object by id or by named index::
+ heads = repo.heads
+ heads.master
+ heads['master']
+ heads[0]
+ It requires an id_attribute name to be set which will be queried from its
+ contained items to have a means for comparison.
+ A prefix can be specified which is to be used in case the id returned by the
+ items always contains a prefix that does not matter to the user, so it
+ can be left out."""
+ __slots__ = ('_id_attr', '_prefix')
+ def __new__(cls, id_attr, prefix=''):
+ return super(IterableList,cls).__new__(cls)
+ def __init__(self, id_attr, prefix=''):
+ self._id_attr = id_attr
+ self._prefix = prefix
+ if not isinstance(id_attr, basestring):
+ raise ValueError("First parameter must be a string identifying the name-property. Extend the list after initialization")
+ # END help debugging !
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ attr = self._prefix + attr
+ for item in self:
+ if getattr(item, self._id_attr) == attr:
+ return item
+ # END for each item
+ return list.__getattribute__(self, attr)
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ if isinstance(index, int):
+ return list.__getitem__(self,index)
+ try:
+ return getattr(self, index)
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise IndexError( "No item found with id %r" % (self._prefix + index) )
+class Iterable(object):
+ """Defines an interface for iterable items which is to assure a uniform
+ way to retrieve and iterate items within the git repository"""
+ __slots__ = tuple()
+ _id_attribute_ = "attribute that most suitably identifies your instance"
+ @classmethod
+ def list_items(cls, repo, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Find all items of this type - subclasses can specify args and kwargs differently.
+ If no args are given, subclasses are obliged to return all items if no additional
+ arguments arg given.
+ :note: Favor the iter_items method as it will
+ :return:list(Item,...) list of item instances"""
+ out_list = IterableList( cls._id_attribute_ )
+ out_list.extend(cls.iter_items(repo, *args, **kwargs))
+ return out_list
+ @classmethod
+ def iter_items(cls, repo, *args, **kwargs):
+ """For more information about the arguments, see list_items
+ :return: iterator yielding Items"""
+ raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented by Subclass")
+#} END classes