path: root/git/
diff options
authorSebastian Thiel <>2014-02-09 21:09:00 +0100
committerSebastian Thiel <>2014-02-09 21:09:00 +0100
commitf573b6840509bf41be822ab7ed79e0a776005133 (patch)
tree11f807845bcbe9901e84efab53aa8585a452022f /git/
parent0b820e617ab21b372394bf12129c30174f57c5d7 (diff)
tabs to 4 spaces - this won't make integrating the patches easier, but it's probably a good idea to go a little more pep8 (and fix sins of my youth ;) )
Diffstat (limited to 'git/')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 395 deletions
diff --git a/git/ b/git/
index c71bb8ca..285ade6b 100644
--- a/git/
+++ b/git/
@@ -18,408 +18,408 @@ from git.util import LockFile
__all__ = ('GitConfigParser', 'SectionConstraint')
class MetaParserBuilder(type):
- """Utlity class wrapping base-class methods into decorators that assure read-only properties"""
- def __new__(metacls, name, bases, clsdict):
- """
- Equip all base-class methods with a needs_values decorator, and all non-const methods
- with a set_dirty_and_flush_changes decorator in addition to that."""
- kmm = '_mutating_methods_'
- if kmm in clsdict:
- mutating_methods = clsdict[kmm]
- for base in bases:
- methods = ( t for t in inspect.getmembers(base, inspect.ismethod) if not t[0].startswith("_") )
- for name, method in methods:
- if name in clsdict:
- continue
- method_with_values = needs_values(method)
- if name in mutating_methods:
- method_with_values = set_dirty_and_flush_changes(method_with_values)
- # END mutating methods handling
- clsdict[name] = method_with_values
- # END for each name/method pair
- # END for each base
- # END if mutating methods configuration is set
- new_type = super(MetaParserBuilder, metacls).__new__(metacls, name, bases, clsdict)
- return new_type
+ """Utlity class wrapping base-class methods into decorators that assure read-only properties"""
+ def __new__(metacls, name, bases, clsdict):
+ """
+ Equip all base-class methods with a needs_values decorator, and all non-const methods
+ with a set_dirty_and_flush_changes decorator in addition to that."""
+ kmm = '_mutating_methods_'
+ if kmm in clsdict:
+ mutating_methods = clsdict[kmm]
+ for base in bases:
+ methods = ( t for t in inspect.getmembers(base, inspect.ismethod) if not t[0].startswith("_") )
+ for name, method in methods:
+ if name in clsdict:
+ continue
+ method_with_values = needs_values(method)
+ if name in mutating_methods:
+ method_with_values = set_dirty_and_flush_changes(method_with_values)
+ # END mutating methods handling
+ clsdict[name] = method_with_values
+ # END for each name/method pair
+ # END for each base
+ # END if mutating methods configuration is set
+ new_type = super(MetaParserBuilder, metacls).__new__(metacls, name, bases, clsdict)
+ return new_type
def needs_values(func):
- """Returns method assuring we read values (on demand) before we try to access them"""
- def assure_data_present(self, *args, **kwargs):
- return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
- # END wrapper method
- assure_data_present.__name__ = func.__name__
- return assure_data_present
+ """Returns method assuring we read values (on demand) before we try to access them"""
+ def assure_data_present(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ # END wrapper method
+ assure_data_present.__name__ = func.__name__
+ return assure_data_present
def set_dirty_and_flush_changes(non_const_func):
- """Return method that checks whether given non constant function may be called.
- If so, the instance will be set dirty.
- Additionally, we flush the changes right to disk"""
- def flush_changes(self, *args, **kwargs):
- rval = non_const_func(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.write()
- return rval
- # END wrapper method
- flush_changes.__name__ = non_const_func.__name__
- return flush_changes
+ """Return method that checks whether given non constant function may be called.
+ If so, the instance will be set dirty.
+ Additionally, we flush the changes right to disk"""
+ def flush_changes(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ rval = non_const_func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.write()
+ return rval
+ # END wrapper method
+ flush_changes.__name__ = non_const_func.__name__
+ return flush_changes
class SectionConstraint(object):
- """Constrains a ConfigParser to only option commands which are constrained to
- always use the section we have been initialized with.
- It supports all ConfigParser methods that operate on an option"""
- __slots__ = ("_config", "_section_name")
- _valid_attrs_ = ("get_value", "set_value", "get", "set", "getint", "getfloat", "getboolean", "has_option",
- "remove_section", "remove_option", "options")
- def __init__(self, config, section):
- self._config = config
- self._section_name = section
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- if attr in self._valid_attrs_:
- return lambda *args, **kwargs: self._call_config(attr, *args, **kwargs)
- return super(SectionConstraint,self).__getattribute__(attr)
- def _call_config(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
- """Call the configuration at the given method which must take a section name
- as first argument"""
- return getattr(self._config, method)(self._section_name, *args, **kwargs)
- @property
- def config(self):
- """return: Configparser instance we constrain"""
- return self._config
+ """Constrains a ConfigParser to only option commands which are constrained to
+ always use the section we have been initialized with.
+ It supports all ConfigParser methods that operate on an option"""
+ __slots__ = ("_config", "_section_name")
+ _valid_attrs_ = ("get_value", "set_value", "get", "set", "getint", "getfloat", "getboolean", "has_option",
+ "remove_section", "remove_option", "options")
+ def __init__(self, config, section):
+ self._config = config
+ self._section_name = section
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ if attr in self._valid_attrs_:
+ return lambda *args, **kwargs: self._call_config(attr, *args, **kwargs)
+ return super(SectionConstraint,self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ def _call_config(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Call the configuration at the given method which must take a section name
+ as first argument"""
+ return getattr(self._config, method)(self._section_name, *args, **kwargs)
+ @property
+ def config(self):
+ """return: Configparser instance we constrain"""
+ return self._config
class GitConfigParser(cp.RawConfigParser, object):
- """Implements specifics required to read git style configuration files.
- This variation behaves much like the git.config command such that the configuration
- will be read on demand based on the filepath given during initialization.
- The changes will automatically be written once the instance goes out of scope, but
- can be triggered manually as well.
- The configuration file will be locked if you intend to change values preventing other
- instances to write concurrently.
- :note:
- The config is case-sensitive even when queried, hence section and option names
- must match perfectly."""
- __metaclass__ = MetaParserBuilder
- #{ Configuration
- # The lock type determines the type of lock to use in new configuration readers.
- # They must be compatible to the LockFile interface.
- # A suitable alternative would be the BlockingLockFile
- t_lock = LockFile
- re_comment = re.compile('^\s*[#;]')
- #} END configuration
- OPTCRE = re.compile(
- r'\s*(?P<option>[^:=\s][^:=]*)' # very permissive, incuding leading whitespace
- r'\s*(?P<vi>[:=])\s*' # any number of space/tab,
- # followed by separator
- # (either : or =), followed
- # by any # space/tab
- r'(?P<value>.*)$' # everything up to eol
- )
- # list of RawConfigParser methods able to change the instance
- _mutating_methods_ = ("add_section", "remove_section", "remove_option", "set")
- __slots__ = ("_sections", "_defaults", "_file_or_files", "_read_only","_is_initialized", '_lock')
- def __init__(self, file_or_files, read_only=True):
- """Initialize a configuration reader to read the given file_or_files and to
- possibly allow changes to it by setting read_only False
- :param file_or_files:
- A single file path or file objects or multiple of these
- :param read_only:
- If True, the ConfigParser may only read the data , but not change it.
- If False, only a single file path or file object may be given."""
- super(GitConfigParser, self).__init__()
- # initialize base with ordered dictionaries to be sure we write the same
- # file back
- self._sections = OrderedDict()
- self._defaults = OrderedDict()
- self._file_or_files = file_or_files
- self._read_only = read_only
- self._is_initialized = False
- self._lock = None
- if not read_only:
- if isinstance(file_or_files, (tuple, list)):
- raise ValueError("Write-ConfigParsers can operate on a single file only, multiple files have been passed")
- # END single file check
- if not isinstance(file_or_files, basestring):
- file_or_files =
- # END get filename from handle/stream
- # initialize lock base - we want to write
- self._lock = self.t_lock(file_or_files)
- self._lock._obtain_lock()
- # END read-only check
- def __del__(self):
- """Write pending changes if required and release locks"""
- # checking for the lock here makes sure we do not raise during write()
- # in case an invalid parser was created who could not get a lock
- if self.read_only or not self._lock._has_lock():
- return
- try:
- try:
- self.write()
- except IOError,e:
- print "Exception during destruction of GitConfigParser: %s" % str(e)
- finally:
- self._lock._release_lock()
- def optionxform(self, optionstr):
- """Do not transform options in any way when writing"""
- return optionstr
- def _read(self, fp, fpname):
- """A direct copy of the py2.4 version of the super class's _read method
- to assure it uses ordered dicts. Had to change one line to make it work.
- Future versions have this fixed, but in fact its quite embarassing for the
- guys not to have done it right in the first place !
- Removed big comments to make it more compact.
- Made sure it ignores initial whitespace as git uses tabs"""
- cursect = None # None, or a dictionary
- optname = None
- lineno = 0
- e = None # None, or an exception
- while True:
- line = fp.readline()
- if not line:
- break
- lineno = lineno + 1
- # comment or blank line?
- if line.strip() == '' or self.re_comment.match(line):
- continue
- if line.split(None, 1)[0].lower() == 'rem' and line[0] in "rR":
- # no leading whitespace
- continue
- else:
- # is it a section header?
- mo = self.SECTCRE.match(line.strip())
- if mo:
- sectname ='header').strip()
- if sectname in self._sections:
- cursect = self._sections[sectname]
- elif sectname == cp.DEFAULTSECT:
- cursect = self._defaults
- else:
- cursect = OrderedDict((('__name__', sectname),))
- self._sections[sectname] = cursect
- # So sections can't start with a continuation line
- optname = None
- # no section header in the file?
- elif cursect is None:
- raise cp.MissingSectionHeaderError(fpname, lineno, line)
- # an option line?
- else:
- mo = self.OPTCRE.match(line)
- if mo:
- optname, vi, optval ='option', 'vi', 'value')
- if vi in ('=', ':') and ';' in optval:
- pos = optval.find(';')
- if pos != -1 and optval[pos-1].isspace():
- optval = optval[:pos]
- optval = optval.strip()
- if optval == '""':
- optval = ''
- optname = self.optionxform(optname.rstrip())
- cursect[optname] = optval
- else:
- if not e:
- e = cp.ParsingError(fpname)
- e.append(lineno, repr(line))
- # END
- # END ?
- # END ?
- # END while reading
- # if any parsing errors occurred, raise an exception
- if e:
- raise e
- def read(self):
- """Reads the data stored in the files we have been initialized with. It will
- ignore files that cannot be read, possibly leaving an empty configuration
- :return: Nothing
- :raise IOError: if a file cannot be handled"""
- if self._is_initialized:
- return
- files_to_read = self._file_or_files
- if not isinstance(files_to_read, (tuple, list)):
- files_to_read = [ files_to_read ]
- for file_object in files_to_read:
- fp = file_object
- close_fp = False
- # assume a path if it is not a file-object
- if not hasattr(file_object, "seek"):
- try:
- fp = open(file_object)
- close_fp = True
- except IOError,e:
- continue
- # END fp handling
- try:
- self._read(fp,
- finally:
- if close_fp:
- fp.close()
- # END read-handling
- # END for each file object to read
- self._is_initialized = True
- def _write(self, fp):
- """Write an .ini-format representation of the configuration state in
- git compatible format"""
- def write_section(name, section_dict):
- fp.write("[%s]\n" % name)
- for (key, value) in section_dict.items():
- if key != "__name__":
- fp.write("\t%s = %s\n" % (key, str(value).replace('\n', '\n\t')))
- # END if key is not __name__
- # END section writing
- if self._defaults:
- write_section(cp.DEFAULTSECT, self._defaults)
- map(lambda t: write_section(t[0],t[1]), self._sections.items())
+ """Implements specifics required to read git style configuration files.
+ This variation behaves much like the git.config command such that the configuration
+ will be read on demand based on the filepath given during initialization.
+ The changes will automatically be written once the instance goes out of scope, but
+ can be triggered manually as well.
+ The configuration file will be locked if you intend to change values preventing other
+ instances to write concurrently.
+ :note:
+ The config is case-sensitive even when queried, hence section and option names
+ must match perfectly."""
+ __metaclass__ = MetaParserBuilder
+ #{ Configuration
+ # The lock type determines the type of lock to use in new configuration readers.
+ # They must be compatible to the LockFile interface.
+ # A suitable alternative would be the BlockingLockFile
+ t_lock = LockFile
+ re_comment = re.compile('^\s*[#;]')
+ #} END configuration
+ OPTCRE = re.compile(
+ r'\s*(?P<option>[^:=\s][^:=]*)' # very permissive, incuding leading whitespace
+ r'\s*(?P<vi>[:=])\s*' # any number of space/tab,
+ # followed by separator
+ # (either : or =), followed
+ # by any # space/tab
+ r'(?P<value>.*)$' # everything up to eol
+ )
+ # list of RawConfigParser methods able to change the instance
+ _mutating_methods_ = ("add_section", "remove_section", "remove_option", "set")
+ __slots__ = ("_sections", "_defaults", "_file_or_files", "_read_only","_is_initialized", '_lock')
+ def __init__(self, file_or_files, read_only=True):
+ """Initialize a configuration reader to read the given file_or_files and to
+ possibly allow changes to it by setting read_only False
+ :param file_or_files:
+ A single file path or file objects or multiple of these
+ :param read_only:
+ If True, the ConfigParser may only read the data , but not change it.
+ If False, only a single file path or file object may be given."""
+ super(GitConfigParser, self).__init__()
+ # initialize base with ordered dictionaries to be sure we write the same
+ # file back
+ self._sections = OrderedDict()
+ self._defaults = OrderedDict()
+ self._file_or_files = file_or_files
+ self._read_only = read_only
+ self._is_initialized = False
+ self._lock = None
+ if not read_only:
+ if isinstance(file_or_files, (tuple, list)):
+ raise ValueError("Write-ConfigParsers can operate on a single file only, multiple files have been passed")
+ # END single file check
+ if not isinstance(file_or_files, basestring):
+ file_or_files =
+ # END get filename from handle/stream
+ # initialize lock base - we want to write
+ self._lock = self.t_lock(file_or_files)
+ self._lock._obtain_lock()
+ # END read-only check
+ def __del__(self):
+ """Write pending changes if required and release locks"""
+ # checking for the lock here makes sure we do not raise during write()
+ # in case an invalid parser was created who could not get a lock
+ if self.read_only or not self._lock._has_lock():
+ return
+ try:
+ try:
+ self.write()
+ except IOError,e:
+ print "Exception during destruction of GitConfigParser: %s" % str(e)
+ finally:
+ self._lock._release_lock()
+ def optionxform(self, optionstr):
+ """Do not transform options in any way when writing"""
+ return optionstr
+ def _read(self, fp, fpname):
+ """A direct copy of the py2.4 version of the super class's _read method
+ to assure it uses ordered dicts. Had to change one line to make it work.
+ Future versions have this fixed, but in fact its quite embarassing for the
+ guys not to have done it right in the first place !
+ Removed big comments to make it more compact.
+ Made sure it ignores initial whitespace as git uses tabs"""
+ cursect = None # None, or a dictionary
+ optname = None
+ lineno = 0
+ e = None # None, or an exception
+ while True:
+ line = fp.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ lineno = lineno + 1
+ # comment or blank line?
+ if line.strip() == '' or self.re_comment.match(line):
+ continue
+ if line.split(None, 1)[0].lower() == 'rem' and line[0] in "rR":
+ # no leading whitespace
+ continue
+ else:
+ # is it a section header?
+ mo = self.SECTCRE.match(line.strip())
+ if mo:
+ sectname ='header').strip()
+ if sectname in self._sections:
+ cursect = self._sections[sectname]
+ elif sectname == cp.DEFAULTSECT:
+ cursect = self._defaults
+ else:
+ cursect = OrderedDict((('__name__', sectname),))
+ self._sections[sectname] = cursect
+ # So sections can't start with a continuation line
+ optname = None
+ # no section header in the file?
+ elif cursect is None:
+ raise cp.MissingSectionHeaderError(fpname, lineno, line)
+ # an option line?
+ else:
+ mo = self.OPTCRE.match(line)
+ if mo:
+ optname, vi, optval ='option', 'vi', 'value')
+ if vi in ('=', ':') and ';' in optval:
+ pos = optval.find(';')
+ if pos != -1 and optval[pos-1].isspace():
+ optval = optval[:pos]
+ optval = optval.strip()
+ if optval == '""':
+ optval = ''
+ optname = self.optionxform(optname.rstrip())
+ cursect[optname] = optval
+ else:
+ if not e:
+ e = cp.ParsingError(fpname)
+ e.append(lineno, repr(line))
+ # END
+ # END ?
+ # END ?
+ # END while reading
+ # if any parsing errors occurred, raise an exception
+ if e:
+ raise e
+ def read(self):
+ """Reads the data stored in the files we have been initialized with. It will
+ ignore files that cannot be read, possibly leaving an empty configuration
+ :return: Nothing
+ :raise IOError: if a file cannot be handled"""
+ if self._is_initialized:
+ return
+ files_to_read = self._file_or_files
+ if not isinstance(files_to_read, (tuple, list)):
+ files_to_read = [ files_to_read ]
+ for file_object in files_to_read:
+ fp = file_object
+ close_fp = False
+ # assume a path if it is not a file-object
+ if not hasattr(file_object, "seek"):
+ try:
+ fp = open(file_object)
+ close_fp = True
+ except IOError,e:
+ continue
+ # END fp handling
+ try:
+ self._read(fp,
+ finally:
+ if close_fp:
+ fp.close()
+ # END read-handling
+ # END for each file object to read
+ self._is_initialized = True
+ def _write(self, fp):
+ """Write an .ini-format representation of the configuration state in
+ git compatible format"""
+ def write_section(name, section_dict):
+ fp.write("[%s]\n" % name)
+ for (key, value) in section_dict.items():
+ if key != "__name__":
+ fp.write("\t%s = %s\n" % (key, str(value).replace('\n', '\n\t')))
+ # END if key is not __name__
+ # END section writing
+ if self._defaults:
+ write_section(cp.DEFAULTSECT, self._defaults)
+ map(lambda t: write_section(t[0],t[1]), self._sections.items())
- @needs_values
- def write(self):
- """Write changes to our file, if there are changes at all
- :raise IOError: if this is a read-only writer instance or if we could not obtain
- a file lock"""
- self._assure_writable("write")
- fp = self._file_or_files
- close_fp = False
- # we have a physical file on disk, so get a lock
- if isinstance(fp, (basestring, file)):
- self._lock._obtain_lock()
- # END get lock for physical files
- if not hasattr(fp, "seek"):
- fp = open(self._file_or_files, "w")
- close_fp = True
- else:
- # make sure we do not overwrite into an existing file
- if hasattr(fp, 'truncate'):
- fp.truncate()
- #END
- # END handle stream or file
- try:
- self._write(fp)
- finally:
- if close_fp:
- fp.close()
- # END data writing
- # we do not release the lock - it will be done automatically once the
- # instance vanishes
- def _assure_writable(self, method_name):
- if self.read_only:
- raise IOError("Cannot execute non-constant method %s.%s" % (self, method_name))
- @needs_values
- @set_dirty_and_flush_changes
- def add_section(self, section):
- """Assures added options will stay in order"""
- super(GitConfigParser, self).add_section(section)
- self._sections[section] = OrderedDict()
- @property
- def read_only(self):
- """:return: True if this instance may change the configuration file"""
- return self._read_only
- def get_value(self, section, option, default = None):
- """
- :param default:
- If not None, the given default value will be returned in case
- the option did not exist
- :return: a properly typed value, either int, float or string
- :raise TypeError: in case the value could not be understood
- Otherwise the exceptions known to the ConfigParser will be raised."""
- try:
- valuestr = self.get(section, option)
- except Exception:
- if default is not None:
- return default
- raise
- types = ( long, float )
- for numtype in types:
- try:
- val = numtype( valuestr )
+ @needs_values
+ def write(self):
+ """Write changes to our file, if there are changes at all
+ :raise IOError: if this is a read-only writer instance or if we could not obtain
+ a file lock"""
+ self._assure_writable("write")
+ fp = self._file_or_files
+ close_fp = False
+ # we have a physical file on disk, so get a lock
+ if isinstance(fp, (basestring, file)):
+ self._lock._obtain_lock()
+ # END get lock for physical files
+ if not hasattr(fp, "seek"):
+ fp = open(self._file_or_files, "w")
+ close_fp = True
+ else:
+ # make sure we do not overwrite into an existing file
+ if hasattr(fp, 'truncate'):
+ fp.truncate()
+ #END
+ # END handle stream or file
+ try:
+ self._write(fp)
+ finally:
+ if close_fp:
+ fp.close()
+ # END data writing
+ # we do not release the lock - it will be done automatically once the
+ # instance vanishes
+ def _assure_writable(self, method_name):
+ if self.read_only:
+ raise IOError("Cannot execute non-constant method %s.%s" % (self, method_name))
+ @needs_values
+ @set_dirty_and_flush_changes
+ def add_section(self, section):
+ """Assures added options will stay in order"""
+ super(GitConfigParser, self).add_section(section)
+ self._sections[section] = OrderedDict()
+ @property
+ def read_only(self):
+ """:return: True if this instance may change the configuration file"""
+ return self._read_only
+ def get_value(self, section, option, default = None):
+ """
+ :param default:
+ If not None, the given default value will be returned in case
+ the option did not exist
+ :return: a properly typed value, either int, float or string
+ :raise TypeError: in case the value could not be understood
+ Otherwise the exceptions known to the ConfigParser will be raised."""
+ try:
+ valuestr = self.get(section, option)
+ except Exception:
+ if default is not None:
+ return default
+ raise
+ types = ( long, float )
+ for numtype in types:
+ try:
+ val = numtype( valuestr )
- # truncated value ?
- if val != float( valuestr ):
- continue
+ # truncated value ?
+ if val != float( valuestr ):
+ continue
- return val
- except (ValueError,TypeError):
- continue
- # END for each numeric type
- # try boolean values as git uses them
- vl = valuestr.lower()
- if vl == 'false':
- return False
- if vl == 'true':
- return True
- if not isinstance( valuestr, basestring ):
- raise TypeError( "Invalid value type: only int, long, float and str are allowed", valuestr )
- return valuestr
- @needs_values
- @set_dirty_and_flush_changes
- def set_value(self, section, option, value):
- """Sets the given option in section to the given value.
- It will create the section if required, and will not throw as opposed to the default
- ConfigParser 'set' method.
- :param section: Name of the section in which the option resides or should reside
- :param option: Name of the options whose value to set
- :param value: Value to set the option to. It must be a string or convertible
- to a string"""
- if not self.has_section(section):
- self.add_section(section)
- self.set(section, option, str(value))
+ return val
+ except (ValueError,TypeError):
+ continue
+ # END for each numeric type
+ # try boolean values as git uses them
+ vl = valuestr.lower()
+ if vl == 'false':
+ return False
+ if vl == 'true':
+ return True
+ if not isinstance( valuestr, basestring ):
+ raise TypeError( "Invalid value type: only int, long, float and str are allowed", valuestr )
+ return valuestr
+ @needs_values
+ @set_dirty_and_flush_changes
+ def set_value(self, section, option, value):
+ """Sets the given option in section to the given value.
+ It will create the section if required, and will not throw as opposed to the default
+ ConfigParser 'set' method.
+ :param section: Name of the section in which the option resides or should reside
+ :param option: Name of the options whose value to set
+ :param value: Value to set the option to. It must be a string or convertible
+ to a string"""
+ if not self.has_section(section):
+ self.add_section(section)
+ self.set(section, option, str(value))