path: root/tests
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* tests: getaddrinfo(host, 0) is not supported on OpenIndiana platformHEADmasterSergey Shepelev2023-03-271-7/+7
* dep: greenlet>=1.0 removing unused clear_sys_exc_info stubSergey Shepelev2023-03-272-2/+0
* wsgi: Allow keepalive option to be a timeoutTim Burke2023-02-221-0/+51
* dns: support host as bytes in getaddrinfo, resolveGorka Eguileor2023-02-021-0/+24
* hubs: drop pyevent hubSergey Shepelev2023-01-2215-106/+16
* chore: CI upgrades, pycodestyle fix 2 empty lines after class/defSergey Shepelev2023-01-1813-0/+16
* Fix WSGI testTim Burke2023-01-181-1/+7
* test: GreenPipe with mode w+, a+wuming02022-07-081-0/+20
* greenio: GreenPipe/fdopen() with 'a' in mode raised io.UnsupportedOperation: ...wuming02022-06-272-0/+45
* Create a DNS resolver lazily rather than on import (fixes #736)Dmitry Tantsur2021-11-161-0/+3
* green.thread: unlocked Lock().release() should raise exception, returned TrueMichael Wright2021-10-282-21/+24
* Python 3.10 partial supportTim Burke2021-10-082-2/+5
* ssl: GreenSSLContext minimum_version and maximum_version settersBob Haddleton2021-09-292-0/+16
* wsgi: Don't break HTTP framing during 100-continue handlingTim Burke2021-09-131-0/+78
* greendns: compatibility with dnspython v2Felix Yan2021-09-012-2/+3
* docs: fix a few simple typosTim Gates2021-08-162-2/+2
* ssl: py3.6 using client certificates raised ValueError: check_hostname needs ...Paul Lockaby2021-05-111-0/+24
* tests: extend default mysqldb test timeout to 5sSergey Shepelev2021-05-111-0/+2
* replace Travis with Github (actions) CISergey Shepelev2021-05-101-2/+2
* websocket: Limit maximum uncompressed frame length to 8MiBOnno Kortmann2021-05-051-1/+58
* wsgi: websocket ALREADY_HANDLED flag on corolocalChoi Geonu2021-05-022-3/+37
* greenio: socket.connect_ex returned None instead of 0 on success696-connect_exSergey Shepelev2021-03-251-0/+8
* patcher: built-in open() did not accept kwargs683-open-kwargsSergey Shepelev2021-01-292-0/+14
* pyopenssl tsafe module was deprecated and removed in v20.0.0Sergey Shepelev2020-12-131-1/+0
* py39: Add _at_fork_reinit method to SemaphoresTim Burke2020-11-031-0/+21
* tests: Improve ECONNREFUSED checksIvan A. Melnikov2020-10-221-4/+5
* patcher: monkey_patch(builtins=True) failed on py3 because `file` class is go...秋葉2020-10-222-0/+18
* ssl: context wrapped listener failed to supply _context in accept()Sergey Shepelev2020-10-201-0/+46
* Always remove the right listener from the hubSamuel Merritt2020-09-231-1/+46
* Clean up threading book-keeping at fork when monkey-patchedTim Burke2020-08-282-0/+63
* tests checking output were broken by Python 2 end of support warningpy27-warningSergey Shepelev2020-08-191-2/+2
* backdoor: handle disconnects betterTim Burke2020-07-311-0/+16
* wsgi: Fix header capitalization on py3Tim Burke2020-07-021-1/+21
* Fix compatibility with SSLContext usage >= Python 3.7James Page2020-07-021-0/+22
* tests: Increase timeout for test_isolate_from_socket_default_timeoutMichał Górny2020-07-011-1/+1
* tests: Assume that nonblocking mode might set O_NDELAY to fix SPARCMichał Górny2020-07-011-1/+4
* tests: Unset O_NONBLOCK|O_NDELAY to fix SPARCMichał Górny2020-07-011-3/+5
* tests: F_SETFL does not return flags, use F_GETFL againMichał Górny2020-07-011-1/+2
* tests: Fail on timeout when expect_pass=True (#612)Tim Burke2020-05-151-0/+3
* Fix #508: Py37 Deadlock ThreadPoolExecutor (#598)Gorka Eguileor2020-05-152-0/+22
* workaround for pathlib on py 3.7David Szotten2019-08-201-0/+11
* Stop using deprecated cgi.parse_qs() to support Python 3.8Miro Hrončok2019-07-101-1/+2
* wsgi: Only send 100 Continue response if no response has been sent yet (#557)Tim Burke2019-03-211-0/+61
* wsgi: Return 400 on negative Content-Length request headers (#537)Tim Burke2019-03-041-0/+7
* #53: Make a GreenPile with no spawn()s an empty sequence. (#555)nat-goodspeed2019-03-041-0/+6
* Increase Travis slop factor for ZMQ CPU usage. (#542)nat-goodspeed2019-03-041-1/+1
* wsgi: fix Input.readlines when dealing with chunked inputTim Burke2019-02-281-0/+13
* wsgi: fix Input.readline on Python 3Tim Burke2019-02-281-0/+13
* wsgi: Stop replacing invalid UTF-8 on py3Tim Burke2019-02-281-8/+15
* [bug] reimport submodule as well in patcher.inject (#540)Junyi2019-01-235-0/+31