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+ Inside A Docutils Command-Line Front-End Tool
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Date: $Date$
+:Revision: $Revision$
+:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+`The Docutils Publisher`_ class was set up to make building
+command-line tools easy. All that's required is to choose components
+and supply settings for variations. Let's take a look at a typical
+command-line front-end tool, ``tools/``, from top to
+On Unixish systems, it's best to make the file executable (``chmod +x
+file``), and supply an interpreter on the first line, the "shebang" or
+"hash-bang" line::
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+Windows systems can be set up to associate the Python interpreter with
+the ``.py`` extension.
+Next are some comments providing metadata::
+ # Author: David Goodger
+ # Contact:
+ # Revision: $Revision: ...
+ # Date: $Date: ...
+ # Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
+The module docstring describes the purpose of the tool::
+ """
+ A minimal front end to the Docutils Publisher, producing HTML.
+ """
+This next block attempts to invoke locale support for
+internationalization services, specifically text encoding. It's not
+supported on all platforms though, so it's forgiving::
+ try:
+ import locale
+ locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
+ except:
+ pass
+The real work will be done by the code that's imported here::
+ from docutils.core import publish_cmdline, default_description
+We construct a description of the tool, for command-line help::
+ description = ('Generates (X)HTML documents from standalone '
+ 'reStructuredText sources. ' + default_description)
+Now we call the Publisher convenience function, which takes over.
+Most of it's defaults are used ("standalone" Reader,
+"reStructuredText" Parser, etc.). The HTML Writer is chosen by name,
+and a description for command-line help is passed in::
+ publish_cmdline(writer_name='html', description=description)
+That's it! `The Docutils Publisher`_ takes care of the rest.
+.. _The Docutils Publisher: ./publisher.html
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+ The Docutils Publisher
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Date: $Date$
+:Revision: $Revision$
+:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+.. contents::
+Publisher Convenience Functions
+Each of these functions set up a ``docutils.core.Publisher`` object,
+then call its ``publish`` method. ``docutils.core.Publisher.publish``
+handles everything else. There are five convenience functions in the
+``docutils.core`` module:
+:_`publish_cmdline`: for command-line front-end tools, like
+ ````. There are several examples in the ``tools/``
+ directory. A detailed analysis of one such tool is in `Inside A
+ Docutils Command-Line Front-End Tool`_
+:_`publish_file`: for programmatic use with file-like I/O. In
+ addition to writing the encoded output to a file, also returns the
+ encoded output as a string.
+:_`publish_string`: for programmatic use with string I/O. Returns
+ the encoded output as a string.
+:_`publish_parts`: for programmatic use with string input; returns a
+ dictionary of document parts. Dictionary keys are the names of
+ parts, and values are Unicode strings; encoding is up to the client.
+ Useful when only portions of the processed document are desired.
+ See `publish_parts Details`_ below.
+ There are usage examples in the `docutils/`_ module.
+:_`publish_programmatically`: for custom programmatic use. This
+ function implements common code and is used by ``publish_file``,
+ ``publish_string``, and ``publish_parts``. It returns a 2-tuple:
+ the encoded string output and the Publisher object.
+.. _Inside A Docutils Command-Line Front-End Tool: ./cmdline-tool.html
+.. _docutils/ ../../docutils/
+To pass application-specific setting defaults to the Publisher
+convenience functions, use the ``settings_overrides`` parameter. Pass
+a dictionary of setting names & values, like this::
+ overrides = {'input_encoding': 'ascii',
+ 'output_encoding': 'latin-1'}
+ output = publish_string(..., settings_overrides=overrides)
+Settings from command-line options override configuration file
+settings, and they override application defaults. For details, see
+`Docutils Runtime Settings`_. See `Docutils Configuration Files`_ for
+details about individual settings.
+.. _Docutils Runtime Settings: ./runtime-settings.html
+.. _Docutils Configuration Files: ../user/tools.html
+The default output encoding of Docutils is UTF-8. If you have any
+non-ASCII in your input text, you may have to do a bit more setup.
+Docutils may introduce some non-ASCII text if you use
+`auto-symbol footnotes`_ or the `"contents" directive`_.
+.. _auto-symbol footnotes:
+ ../ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#auto-symbol-footnotes
+.. _"contents" directive:
+ ../ref/rst/directives.html#table-of-contents
+``publish_parts`` Details
+The ``docutils.core.publish_parts`` convenience function returns a
+dictionary of document parts. Dictionary keys are the names of parts,
+and values are Unicode strings.
+Each Writer component may publish a different set of document parts,
+described below. Currently only the HTML Writer implements more than
+the "whole" part.
+Parts Provided By All Writers
+ ``parts['whole']`` contains the entire formatted document.
+Parts Provided By the HTML Writer
+ ``parts['body']`` is equivalent to parts['fragment_']. It is
+ *not* equivalent to parts['html_body_'].
+ ``parts['docinfo']`` contains the document bibliographic data.
+ ``parts['footer']`` contains the document footer content, meant to
+ appear at the bottom of a web page, or repeated at the bottom of
+ every printed page.
+ ``parts['fragment']`` contains the document body (*not* the HTML
+ ``<body>``). In other words, it contains the entire document,
+ less the document title, subtitle, docinfo, header, and footer.
+ ``parts['header']`` contains the document header content, meant to
+ appear at the top of a web page, or repeated at the top of every
+ printed page.
+ ``parts['html_body']`` contains the HTML ``<body>`` content, less
+ the ``<body>`` and ``</body>`` tags themselves.
+ ``parts['html_head']`` contains the HTML ``<head>`` content, less
+ the stylesheet link and the ``<head>`` and ``</head>`` tags
+ themselves. Since ``publish_parts`` returns Unicode strings and
+ does not know about the output encoding, the "Content-Type" meta
+ tag's "charset" value is left unresolved, as "%s"::
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=%s" />
+ The interpolation should be done by client code.
+ ``parts['html_prolog]`` contains the XML declaration and the
+ doctype declaration. The XML declaration's "encoding" attribute's
+ value is left unresolved, as "%s"::
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s" ?>
+ The interpolation should be done by client code.
+ ``parts['html_subtitle']`` contains the document subtitle,
+ including the enclosing ``<h2 class="subtitle">`` & ``</h2>``
+ tags.
+ ``parts['html_title']`` contains the document title, including the
+ enclosing ``<h1 class="title">`` & ``</h1>`` tags.
+ ``parts['meta']`` contains all ``<meta ... />`` tags.
+ ``parts['stylesheet']`` contains the document stylesheet link.
+ ``parts['subtitle']`` contains the document subtitle text and any
+ inline markup. It does not include the enclosing ``<h2>`` &
+ ``</h2>`` tags.
+ ``parts['title']`` contains the document title text and any inline
+ markup. It does not include the enclosing ``<h1>`` & ``</h1>``
+ tags.
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+ Docutils Runtime Settings
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Date: $Date$
+:Revision: $Revision$
+:Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
+.. contents::
+Docutils runtime settings are assembled from several sources:
+component settings specifications, application settings
+specifications, configuration files, and command-line options.
+Docutils overlays default and explicitly specified values from these
+sources such that settings behave the way we want and expect them to
+To understand how Docutils deals with runtime settings, the attributes
+and parameters involved must first be understood. Begin with the the
+docstrings of the attributes of the ``docutils.SettingsSpec`` base
+class (in the ``docutils/`` module):
+* ``settings_spec``
+* ``settings_defaults``
+* ``settings_default_overrides``
+* ``relative_path_settings``
+* ``config_section``
+* ``config_section_dependencies``
+Next, several _`convenience function parameters` are also significant
+(described in the ``docutils.core.publish_programmatically`` function
+* The ``settings`` parameter is a runtime settings
+ (``docutils.frontend.Values``) object which, if present, is assumed
+ to be complete (it must include all runtime settings). Also, if the
+ ``settings`` parameter is present, no further runtime settings
+ processing is done. In other words, the other parameters, described
+ below, will have no effect.
+* ``settings_spec``, a `docutils.SettingsSpec` subclass or object, is
+ treated like a fourth component (after the Parser, Reader, and
+ Writer). In other words, it's the settings specification for the
+ "Application" itself.
+* ``settings_overrides`` is a dictionary which will override the
+ defaults of the components (from their settings specs).
+* ``config_section`` specifies the name of an application-specific
+ configuration file section.
+.. _command-line tools:
+Runtime Settings Processing for Command-Line Tools
+Following along with the actual code is recommended. The
+``docutils/``, ``docutils/``, and
+```` modules are described.
+1. A command-line front-end tool imports and calls
+ ``docutils.core.publish_cmdline``. The relevant `convenience
+ function parameters`_ are described above.
+2. ``docutils.core.publish_cmdline`` initializes a
+ ``docutils.core.Publisher`` object, then calls its ``publish``
+ method.
+3. The ``docutils.core.Publisher`` object's ``publish`` method checks
+ its ``settings`` attribute to see if it's defined. If it is, no
+ further runtime settings processing is done.
+ If ``settings`` is not defined, ``self.process_command_line`` is
+ called with the following relevant arguments:
+ * ``settings_spec``
+ * ``config_section``
+ * ``settings_overrides`` (in the form of excess keyword
+ arguments, collected in the ``defaults`` parameter)
+4. ``self.process_command_line`` calls ``self.setup_option_parser``,
+ passing ``settings_spec``, ``config_section``, and ``defaults``.
+5. ``self.setup_option_parser`` checks its ``config_section``
+ parameter; if defined, it adds that config file section to
+ ``settings_spec`` (or to a new, empty ``docutils.SettingsSpec``
+ object), replacing anything defined earlier. (See `Docutils
+ Configuration Files`_ for details.) Then it instantiates a new
+ ``docutils.frontend.OptionParser`` object, passing the following
+ relevant arguments:
+ * ``components``: A tuple of ``docutils.SettingsSpec`` objects,
+ ``(self.parser, self.reader, self.writer, settings_spec)``
+ * ``defaults`` (originally from ``settings_overrides``)
+6. The ``docutils.frontend.OptionParser`` object's ``__init__`` method
+ calls ``self.populate_from_components`` with ``self.components``,
+ which consists of ``self`` prepended to the ``components`` tuple it
+ received. ``self`` (``docutils.frontend.OptionParser``) defines
+ general Docutils settings.
+7. In ``self.populate_from_components``, for each component passed,
+ ``component.settings_spec`` is processed and
+ ``component.settings_defaults`` is applied. Then, for each
+ component, ``component.settings_default_overrides`` is applied.
+ This two-loop process ensures that
+ ``component.settings_default_overrides`` can override the default
+ settings of any other component.
+8. Back in ``docutils.frontend.OptionParser.__init__``, the
+ ``defaults`` parameter (derived from the ``settings_overrides``
+ parameter of ``docutils.core.Publisher.publish``) is overlaid over
+ ``self.defaults``. So ``settings_overrides`` has priority over all
+ ``SettingsSpec`` data.
+9. Next, ``docutils.frontend.OptionParser.__init__`` checks if
+ configuration files are enabled (its ``read_config_files``
+ parameter is true, and ``self.defaults['_disable_config']`` is
+ false). If they are enabled (and normally, they are),
+ ``self.get_standard_config_settings`` is called. This reads the
+ `docutils configuration files`_, and returns a dictionary of
+ settings. This is then overlaid on ``self.defaults``. So
+ configuration file settings have priority over all software-defined
+ defaults.
+10. Back in the ``docutils.core.Publisher`` object,
+ ``self.setup_option_parser`` returns the ``option_parser`` object
+ to its caller, ``self.process_command_line``.
+11. ``self.process_command_line`` calls ``option_parser.parse_args``,
+ which parses all command line options and returns a
+ ``docutils.frontend.Values`` object. This is assigned to the
+ ``docutils.core.Publisher`` object's ``self.settings``. So
+ command-line options have priority over configuration file
+ settings.
+ When ``option_parser.parse_args`` is called, the source and
+ destination command-line arguments are also parsed, and assigned
+ to the ``_source`` and ``_destination`` attributes of what becomes
+ the ``docutils.core.Publisher`` object's ``self.settings``.
+12. From ``docutils.core.Publisher.publish``, ``self.set_io`` is
+ called with no arguments. If either ``self.source`` or
+ ``self.destination`` are not set, the corresponding
+ ``self.set_source`` and ``self.set_destination`` are called,
+ effectively with no arguments.
+13. ``self.set_source`` checks for a ``source_path`` parameter, and if
+ there is none (which is the case for command-line use), it is
+ taken from ``self.settings._source``. ``self.source`` is set by
+ instantiating a ``self.source_class`` object. For command-line
+ front-end tools, the default ``self.source_class`` is used,
+ ````.
+14. ``self.set_destination`` does the same job for the destination
+ that ``self.set_source`` does for the source (the default
+ ``self.destination_class`` is ````).
+.. _Docutils Configuration Files: ../user/config.html
+Runtime Settings Processing From Applications
+Applications process runtime settings in a different way than
+`command-line tools`_ do. Instead of calling ``publish_cmdline``, the
+application calls one of ``publish_file``, ``publish_string``, or
+``publish_parts``. These in turn call ``publish_programmatically``,
+which implements a generic programmatic interface. Although an
+application may also call ``publish_programmatically`` directly, it is
+not recommended (if it does seem to be necessary, please write to the
+Docutils-develop_ mailing list).
+``publish_programmatically`` accepts the same `convenience function
+parameters`_ as ``publish_cmdline``. Where things differ is that
+programmatic use does no command-line processing. Instead of calling
+``docutils.Publisher.process_command_line`` (as ``publish_cmdline``
+does, via ``docutils.Publisher.publish``),
+``docutils.Publisher.process_programmatic_settings`` is called to set
+up the runtime settings.
+.. copy & modify the list from command-line tools?
+.. _Docutils-develop: ../user/mailing-lists.html#docutils-develop