path: root/tests/version
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Refs #33476 -- Reformatted code with Black.django-bot2022-02-071-18/+19
* Fixed #32316 -- Deferred accessing __file__.William Schwartz2021-04-011-1/+21
* Added tests for AssertionErrors in get_complete_version() and _lazy_re_compil...Hasan Ramezani2021-03-151-1/+12
* Fixed #27830 -- Used distutils.version.LooseVersion for version parsing.chillaranand2017-06-131-0/+6
* Fixed #27579 -- Added aliases for Python 3's assertion names in SimpleTestCase.Tim Graham2016-12-071-5/+3
* Fixed #25769 -- Updated get_version() release candidate naming for PEP 0440.Tim Graham2015-11-191-2/+2
* Fixed #22378 -- Updated \d to [0-9]+ in urlpatterns of docs and tests.chriscauley2014-04-161-1/+1
* Removed superfluous files.Aymeric Augustin2013-12-171-0/+0
* Fixing E302 ErrorsJason Myers2013-11-021-0/+1
* Fixed #21302 -- Fixed unused imports and import *.Tim Graham2013-11-021-1/+0
* Whitespace cleanup.Tim Graham2013-10-101-1/+0
* Stopped using django.utils.unittest in the test suite.Aymeric Augustin2013-07-011-1/+1
* Merged regressiontests and modeltests into the test root.Florian Apolloner2013-02-263-0/+27