path: root/tests/test_utils
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Refs #33476 -- Applied Black's 2023 stable style.David Smith2023-02-011-1/+1
* Fixed #34233 -- Dropped support for Python 3.8 and 3.9.Mariusz Felisiak2023-01-181-43/+0
* Refs #33348 -- Removed support for passing response object and form/formset n...Mariusz Felisiak2023-01-171-247/+1
* Refs #33348 -- Removed support for passing errors=None to SimpleTestCase.asse...Mariusz Felisiak2023-01-171-34/+0
* Refs #26029 -- Deprecated DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE and STATICFILES_STORAGE settings.Jarosław Wygoda2023-01-121-3/+5
* Used DatabaseFeatures.django_test_skips to skip AssertNumQueriesUponConnectio...Christophe Baldy2022-11-241-4/+0
* Refs #33990 -- Renamed TransactionTestCase.assertQuerysetEqual() to assertQue...Gregor Gärtner2022-10-081-15/+24
* Refs #33990 -- Renamed SimpleTestCase.assertFormsetError() to assertFormSetEr...Gregor Gärtner2022-10-071-40/+49
* Fixed #33616 -- Allowed registering callbacks that can fail in transaction.on...SirAbhi132022-09-061-0/+26
* Fixed #33633 -- Skipped some test_utils tests on databases that don't support...zhangyangyu2022-04-122-0/+7
* Refs #33173 -- Fixed test_runner/test_utils tests on Python 3.11+.Mariusz Felisiak2022-04-071-4/+9
* Fixed #33348 -- Changed SimpleTestCase.assertFormError()/assertFormsetErrors(...Baptiste Mispelon2022-04-061-148/+296
* Moved remaining SimpleTestCase.assertFormError()/assertFormsetErrors() tests ...Mariusz Felisiak2022-04-051-0/+135
* Rewrote some references to "master".Adam Johnson2022-03-081-1/+1
* Removed redundant QuerySet.all() calls in docs and tests.Nick Pope2022-02-221-7/+7
* Refs #33348 -- Made SimpleTestCase.assertFormError() raise ValueError when "f...Baptiste Mispelon2022-02-151-0/+11
* Refs #33348 -- Fixed SimpleTestCase.assertFormError() error message raised fo...Mariusz Felisiak2022-02-151-0/+3
* Refs #33348 -- Improved messages raised by SimpleTestCase.assertFormError()/a...Baptiste Mispelon2022-02-151-77/+53
* Refs #33348 -- Made SimpleTestCase.assertFormsetErrors() raise an error when ...Baptiste Mispelon2022-02-141-0/+27
* Refs #33348 -- Made SimpleTestCase.assertFormError()/assertFormsetErrors() ra...Baptiste Mispelon2022-02-141-2/+12
* Refs #33476 -- Refactored code to strictly match 88 characters line length.Mariusz Felisiak2022-02-071-5/+5
* Refs #33476 -- Reformatted code with Black.django-bot2022-02-077-563/+653
* Refs #33476 -- Refactored problematic code before reformatting by Black.Mariusz Felisiak2022-02-031-7/+2
* Refs #33348 -- Deprecated passing errors=None to SimpleTestCase.assertFormErr...Baptiste Mispelon2022-01-061-1/+30
* Fixed #33410 -- Fixed recursive capturing of callbacks by TestCase.captureOnC...Petter Friberg2022-01-061-0/+52
* Fixed #33400 -- Added support for msg_prefix and count arguments to assertTem...Ad Timmering2022-01-051-5/+43
* Fixed #33346 -- Fixed SimpleTestCase.assertFormsetError() crash on a formset ...Baptiste Mispelon2021-12-081-0/+10
* Fixed #33333 -- Fixed setUpTestData() crash with models.BinaryField on Postgr...Mariusz Felisiak2021-12-032-0/+21
* Refs #33301 -- Made SimpleTestCase.assertFormError()/assertFormsetErrors() ra...Baptiste Mispelon2021-11-261-7/+21
* Added tests for SimpleTestCase.assertFormError()/assertFormsetErrors().Baptiste Mispelon2021-11-261-1/+269
* Fixed #33278 -- Improved error for connection/query attempts against disallow...SwastikTripathi2021-11-153-9/+11
* Fixed #33236 -- Fixed assertHTMLEqual() error messages for escaped HTML.Pratyush Mittal2021-10-291-0/+16
* Refs #31235 -- Made assertQuerysetEqual() not call repr() on a queryset when ...Mariusz Felisiak2021-09-201-29/+2
* Refs #31395 -- Removed support for assigning objects which don't support deep...Mariusz Felisiak2021-09-201-23/+1
* Fixed #33054 -- Made TestCase.captureOnCommitCallbacks() capture callbacks re...Eugene Morozov2021-08-301-0/+7
* Refs #32508 -- Raised ImproperlyConfigured/TypeError instead of using "assert".Mateo Radman2021-07-051-0/+10
* Made SerializeMixin check lockfile attr at import time.Adam Johnson2021-06-041-0/+21
* Fixed #32556 -- Fixed handling empty string as non-boolean attributes value b...Baptiste Mispelon2021-03-191-3/+18
* Fixed #32556 -- Fixed assertHTMLEqual() to handle empty string as boolean att...Hasan Ramezani2021-03-181-0/+6
* Refs #21429 -- Added SimpleTestCase.assertNoLogs() on Python < 3.10.François Freitag2021-03-021-0/+43
* Fixed typo in assertQuerysetEqual() exception message.Jacob Walls2021-02-261-1/+4
* Fixed #32469 -- Made assertQuerysetEqual() respect maxDiff when ordered=False.Nick Pope2021-02-221-0/+31
* Fixed #31235 -- Made assertQuerysetEqual() compare querysets directly.Hasan Ramezani2020-11-061-11/+57
* Fixed #27906 -- Fixed test tools counting of HTML matches for subsets of elem...Jacob Walls2020-09-241-1/+20
* Fixed #31944 -- Used addCleanup() to register TestContextDecorator cleanups.François Freitag2020-09-071-0/+23
* Fixed #30457 -- Added TestCase.captureOnCommitCallbacks().Adam Johnson2020-07-131-1/+68
* Fixed #31395 -- Made setUpTestData enforce in-memory data isolation.Simon Charette2020-05-152-3/+99
* Capitalized Unicode in docs, strings, and comments.Jon Dufresne2020-04-201-2/+2
* Removed unused __str__() methods in tests models.Author: Mads Jensen2020-04-151-6/+0
* Removed unused and incorrect PossessedCar.__str__() method in test_utils.Mariusz Felisiak2020-02-141-3/+0