path: root/tests/settings_tests
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Refs #33476 -- Applied Black's 2023 stable style.David Smith2023-02-011-1/+0
* Refs #32365 -- Removed support for pytz timezones per deprecation timeline.Mariusz Felisiak2023-01-171-26/+1
* Refs #32379 -- Changed default USE_TZ to True.Mariusz Felisiak2023-01-171-16/+0
* Fixed #33569 -- Added SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER support for list of protocols i...Thomas Schmidt2022-03-231-0/+20
* Refs #33476 -- Reformatted code with Black.django-bot2022-02-071-212/+235
* Fixed #30360 -- Added support for secret key rotation.tschilling2022-02-011-0/+1
* Fixed #32365 -- Made zoneinfo the default timezone implementation.Carlton Gibson2021-09-161-1/+19
* Fixed #32873 -- Deprecated settings.USE_L10N.Claude Paroz2021-09-141-5/+5
* Fixed #32379 -- Started deprecation toward changing default USE_TZ to True.Claude Paroz2021-05-181-0/+17
* Fixed #29606 -- Added type check for ALLOWED_HOSTS setting.Adam Donaghy2021-03-241-2/+4
* Fixed #32304 -- Fixed prefixing STATIC_URL and MEDIA_URL by SCRIPT_NAME for a...Mariusz Felisiak2020-12-311-1/+3
* Fixed #29324 -- Made SECRET_KEY validation lazy (on first access).Florian Apolloner2020-07-291-7/+3
* Fixed #25598 -- Added SCRIPT_NAME prefix to STATIC_URL and MEDIA_URL set to r...Oleg Kainov2019-09-251-0/+49
* Refs #29817 -- Removed settings.FILE_CHARSET per deprecation timeline.Mariusz Felisiak2019-09-101-40/+0
* Switched to use `HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO` custom header in tests. Min ho Kim2019-08-121-7/+7
* Fixed CVE-2019-12781 -- Made HttpRequest always trust SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER...Carlton Gibson2019-07-011-0/+12
* Fixed #30234 -- Disallowed non-upper settings in settings.configure().orlnub1232019-03-051-1/+12
* Fixed #29817 -- Deprecated settings.FILE_CHARSET.Jon Dufresne2018-10-151-0/+40
* Fixed #29467 -- Made override_settings handle errors in setting_changed signa...SÅ‚awek Ehlert2018-07-301-0/+103
* Reverted "Fixed #29324 -- Made Settings raise ImproperlyConfigured if SECRET_...Tim Graham2018-05-261-13/+1
* Fixed #29363 -- Added SimpleTestCase.assertWarnsMessage().Morgan Aubert2018-05-091-8/+3
* Fixed #29324 -- Made Settings raise ImproperlyConfigured if SECRET_KEY is acc...Jon Dufresne2018-04-171-1/+13
* Added a test for a settings error message.Tim Graham2018-04-171-1/+2
* Used assertRaisesMessage() to test Django's error messages.Mads Jensen2017-07-291-1/+1
* Improved test coverage for django.conf.Anton Samarchyan2017-07-261-0/+38
* Replaced type-specific assertions with assertEqual().Tim Graham2017-03-171-9/+9
* Refs #23919 -- Replaced super(ClassName, self) with super().chillaranand2017-01-251-2/+2
* Refs #23919 -- Removed misc references to Python 2.Tim Graham2017-01-211-2/+1
* Fixed #27626 -- Moved MEDIA_URL/STATIC_URL validation to a system check.Adam Chainz2016-12-231-78/+0
* Used @override_settings for SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER tests.Adam Chainz2016-12-221-11/+4
* Refs #27392 -- Removed "Tests that", "Ensures that", etc. from test docstrings.za2016-11-101-2/+2
* Replaced use of with assertRaises().Tim Graham2016-06-281-4/+1
* Fixed #26747 -- Used more specific assertions in the Django test suite.Jon Dufresne2016-06-161-5/+5
* Fixed #26427 -- Ensured deleted setting doesn't appear in dir(settings)Claude Paroz2016-04-231-0/+2
* Fixed E128 flake8 warnings in tests/.Tim Graham2016-04-081-17/+8
* Refs #26022 -- Used context manager version of assertRaises in tests.Hasan2016-01-291-15/+30
* Refs #23957 -- Required session verification per deprecation timeline.Tim Graham2015-09-231-45/+0
* Refs #24022 -- Removed the ssi tag per deprecation timeline.Tim Graham2015-09-231-1/+0
* Fixed #25331 -- Removed trailing blank lines in docstrings.Maxime Lorant2015-08-311-2/+0
* Refs #24121 -- Added repr() to LazySettings, Settings, and UserSettingsHolder.Keryn Knight2015-08-311-1/+26
* Renamed RemovedInDjangoXYWarnings for new roadmap.Tim Graham2015-06-241-1/+1
* Refs #24652 -- Used SimpleTestCase where appropriate.Simon Charette2015-05-201-5/+5
* Fixed typo in settings_testsTim Graham2015-05-091-1/+1
* Sorted imports with isort; refs #23860.Tim Graham2015-02-061-3/+5
* Fixed #24149 -- Normalized tuple settings to lists.darkryder2015-02-031-6/+6
* Fixed typos in code comments.Adam Taylor2015-01-201-1/+1
* Deprecated TEMPLATE_LOADERS.Aymeric Augustin2014-12-281-4/+4
* Fixed #23957 -- Started deprecation toward requiring session verification.Tim Graham2014-12-051-0/+45
* Adjusted tests for previous commit.Aymeric Augustin2014-11-171-9/+6
* Fixed #21281 -- Made override_settings act at class level when used as a Test...Thomas Chaumeny2014-11-031-0/+10