path: root/tests/i18n/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Updated test URL patterns to use path() and re_path().Tim Graham2018-12-311-3/+3
* Converted usage of ugettext* functions to their gettext* aliasesClaude Paroz2017-02-071-1/+1
* Refs #23919 -- Removed encoding preambles and future importsClaude Paroz2017-01-181-2/+0
* Refs #22218 -- Removed conf.urls.patterns() per deprecation timeline.Tim Graham2015-09-231-9/+4
* Renamed RemovedInDjangoXYWarnings for new roadmap.Tim Graham2015-06-241-3/+3
* Sorted imports with isort; refs #23860.Tim Graham2015-02-061-1/+0
* Applied ignore_warnings to Django testsClaude Paroz2014-12-301-7/+6
* Fixed #23923 -- Promoted Django's deprecation warnings to errors in runtests.pyTim Graham2014-11-291-3/+4
* Fixed #22218 -- Deprecated django.conf.urls.patterns.Tim Graham2014-04-031-4/+11
* Fixed #14825 -- LocaleMiddleware keeps languageVlastimil Zíma2013-05-251-1/+2
* Fixed #5241 -- Kept active transalation in LocaleMiddleware.process_response.Aymeric Augustin2013-02-281-0/+9