path: root/tests/auth_tests
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fixed #34438 -- Reallowed extending UserCreationForm.Gary Jarrel2023-03-281-0/+29
* Fixed some typos in comments, docstrings, and tests.Liyang Zhang2023-03-201-1/+1
* Fixed #33985 -- Used app_config.verbose_name in ContentType.__str__().Hrushikesh Vaidya2023-03-091-1/+1
* Fixed #34384 -- Fixed session validation when rotation secret keys.David Wobrock2023-03-081-0/+24
* Fixed #31920 -- Made AuthenticationMiddleware add request.auser().Jon Janzen2023-03-071-0/+7
* Increased the default PBKDF2 iterations for Django 5.0.Mariusz Felisiak2023-02-041-4/+4
* Refs #33476 -- Applied Black's 2023 stable style.David Smith2023-02-012-5/+0
* Increased the default PBKDF2 iterations for Django 5.0.Mariusz Felisiak2023-01-171-4/+4
* Refs #33691 -- Removed django.contrib.auth.hashers.CryptPasswordHasher per de...Mariusz Felisiak2023-01-171-62/+1
* Refs #15619 -- Removed support for logging out via GET requests.Mariusz Felisiak2023-01-171-18/+2
* Refs #33561 -- Made created=True required in signature of RemoteUserBackend.c...Mariusz Felisiak2023-01-171-36/+1
* Refs #34074 -- Used headers argument for RequestFactory and Client in docs an...David Wobrock2023-01-041-2/+2
* Fixed #25617 -- Added case-insensitive unique username validation in UserCrea...Paul Schilling2022-12-291-25/+43
* Fixed #34165 -- Made permissions creation respect the "using" parameter.David Wobrock2022-12-241-0/+19
* Fixed #34187 -- Made UserCreationForm save many-to-many fields.sdolemelipone2022-11-291-0/+20
* Updated documentation and comments for RFC updates.Nick Pope2022-11-101-2/+2
* Fixed #34066 -- Fixed link to password reset view in UserChangeForm.password'...Simon Kern2022-10-271-0/+22
* Completed test coverage for contrib.auth.forms.Marcelo Galigniana2022-10-261-0/+31
* Skipped scrypt tests when OpenSSL 1.1+ is not installed.HieuPham97202022-10-201-0/+9
* Completed test coverage for createsuperuser command.Marcelo Galigniana2022-09-271-0/+13
* Fixed ReadOnlyPasswordHashWidget's template for RTL languages.Shai Berger2022-09-012-11/+10
* Refs #33691 -- Deprecated insecure password hashers.Claude Paroz2022-07-231-8/+34
* Fixed #33764 -- Deprecated BaseUserManager.make_random_password().Ciaran McCormick2022-06-031-0/+8
* Renamed wrapped functions to wrapper.Aymeric Augustin2022-05-251-2/+2
* Increased the default PBKDF2 iterations for Django 4.2.Carlton Gibson2022-05-171-4/+4
* Fixed #33691 -- Deprecated django.contrib.auth.hashers.CryptPasswordHasher.Mariusz Felisiak2022-05-111-1/+15
* Refactored out RedirectURLMixin.get_success_url().Aymeric Augustin2022-04-201-0/+15
* Simplified LogoutView.get_success_url().Aymeric Augustin2022-04-201-1/+8
* Fixed #33648 -- Prevented extra redirect in LogoutView on invalid next page w...Aymeric Augustin2022-04-181-0/+6
* Fixed various tests on MySQL with MyISAM storage engine.Mariusz Felisiak2022-04-181-0/+3
* Fixed #33613 -- Made createsuperuser detect uniqueness of USERNAME_FIELD when...Lucidiot2022-04-013-0/+60
* Fixed #15619 -- Deprecated log out via GET requests.René Fleschenberg2022-03-292-24/+55
* Refs #15619 -- Logged out with POST requests in admin.Mariusz Felisiak2022-03-241-1/+1
* Refs #32365 -- Removed internal uses of utils.timezone.utc alias.Carlton Gibson2022-03-241-2/+1
* Fixed #33561 -- Allowed synchronization of user attributes in RemoteUserBackend.Adrian Torres2022-03-101-4/+47
* Removed redundant QuerySet.all() calls in docs and tests.Nick Pope2022-02-221-2/+2
* Refs #33476 -- Refactored code to strictly match 88 characters line length.Mariusz Felisiak2022-02-076-23/+74
* Refs #33476 -- Reformatted code with Black.django-bot2022-02-0739-2739/+3573
* Fixed #30360 -- Added support for secret key rotation.tschilling2022-02-011-0/+36
* Fixed CVE-2021-45115 -- Prevented DoS vector in UserAttributeSimilarityValida...Florian Apolloner2022-01-041-7/+4
* Fixed #33269 -- Made AnonymousUser/PermissionsMixin.has_perms() raise ValueEr...Lie Ryan2021-11-111-0/+14
* Fixed #33178 -- Made createsuperuser validate required fields passed in optio...Christophe Henry2021-10-121-0/+23
* Refs #33178 -- Added createsuperuser tests for validation of foreign keys.Christophe Henry2021-10-121-0/+37
* Refs #21755 -- Fixed createsuperuser crash for required foreign keys passed i...Christophe Henry2021-10-121-0/+26
* Refs #29628, Refs #33178 -- Made createsuperuser validate password against re...Mariusz Felisiak2021-10-121-0/+40
* Fixed #33151 -- Fixed createsuperuser crash for many-to-many required fields ...Christophe Henry2021-10-071-0/+19
* Increased the default PBKDF2 iterations for Django 4.1.Mariusz Felisiak2021-09-201-3/+3
* Refs #32508 -- Raised TypeError/ValueError instead of using "assert" in encod...Mateo Radman2021-09-061-0/+31
* Refs #29898 -- Changed ProjectState.real_apps to set.Mariusz Felisiak2021-08-111-1/+1
* Refs #32956 -- Corrected usage of "insure" and "assure".David Smith2021-08-021-4/+1