path: root/tests/staticfiles_tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/staticfiles_tests/')
1 files changed, 761 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/staticfiles_tests/ b/tests/staticfiles_tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..555ea9f3d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/staticfiles_tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,761 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import codecs
+import os
+import posixpath
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from django.template import loader, Context
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.cache.backends.base import BaseCache
+from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
+from import call_command
+from django.test import TestCase
+from django.test.utils import override_settings
+from django.utils.encoding import force_text
+from django.utils.functional import empty
+from django.utils._os import rmtree_errorhandler, upath
+from django.utils import six
+from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders, storage
+TEST_ROOT = os.path.dirname(upath(__file__))
+ 'DEBUG': True,
+ 'MEDIA_URL': '/media/',
+ 'STATIC_URL': '/static/',
+ 'MEDIA_ROOT': os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'project', 'site_media', 'media'),
+ 'STATIC_ROOT': os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'project', 'site_media', 'static'),
+ os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'project', 'documents'),
+ ('prefix', os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'project', 'prefixed')),
+ ),
+ 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder',
+ 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder',
+ 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.DefaultStorageFinder',
+ ),
+from import Command as CollectstaticCommand
+class BaseStaticFilesTestCase(object):
+ """
+ Test case with a couple utility assertions.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ # Clear the cached staticfiles_storage out, this is because when it first
+ # gets accessed (by some other test), it evaluates settings.STATIC_ROOT,
+ # since we're planning on changing that we need to clear out the cache.
+ storage.staticfiles_storage._wrapped = empty
+ # Clear the cached staticfile finders, so they are reinitialized every
+ # run and pick up changes in settings.STATICFILES_DIRS.
+ finders._finders.clear()
+ testfiles_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'apps', 'test', 'static', 'test')
+ # To make sure SVN doesn't hangs itself with the non-ASCII characters
+ # during checkout, we actually create one file dynamically.
+ self._nonascii_filepath = os.path.join(testfiles_path, '\u2297.txt')
+ with, 'w', 'utf-8') as f:
+ f.write("\u2297 in the app dir")
+ # And also create the stupid hidden file to dwarf the's
+ # package data handling.
+ self._hidden_filepath = os.path.join(testfiles_path, '.hidden')
+ with, 'w', 'utf-8') as f:
+ f.write("should be ignored")
+ self._backup_filepath = os.path.join(
+ TEST_ROOT, 'project', 'documents', 'test', 'backup~')
+ with, 'w', 'utf-8') as f:
+ f.write("should be ignored")
+ def tearDown(self):
+ os.unlink(self._nonascii_filepath)
+ os.unlink(self._hidden_filepath)
+ os.unlink(self._backup_filepath)
+ def assertFileContains(self, filepath, text):
+ self.assertIn(text, self._get_file(force_text(filepath)),
+ "'%s' not in '%s'" % (text, filepath))
+ def assertFileNotFound(self, filepath):
+ self.assertRaises(IOError, self._get_file, filepath)
+ def render_template(self, template, **kwargs):
+ if isinstance(template, six.string_types):
+ template = loader.get_template_from_string(template)
+ return template.render(Context(kwargs)).strip()
+ def static_template_snippet(self, path, asvar=False):
+ if asvar:
+ return "{%% load static from staticfiles %%}{%% static '%s' as var %%}{{ var }}" % path
+ return "{%% load static from staticfiles %%}{%% static '%s' %%}" % path
+ def assertStaticRenders(self, path, result, asvar=False, **kwargs):
+ template = self.static_template_snippet(path, asvar)
+ self.assertEqual(self.render_template(template, **kwargs), result)
+ def assertStaticRaises(self, exc, path, result, asvar=False, **kwargs):
+ self.assertRaises(exc, self.assertStaticRenders, path, result, **kwargs)
+class StaticFilesTestCase(BaseStaticFilesTestCase, TestCase):
+ pass
+class BaseCollectionTestCase(BaseStaticFilesTestCase):
+ """
+ Tests shared by all file finding features (collectstatic,
+ findstatic, and static serve view).
+ This relies on the asserts defined in BaseStaticFilesTestCase, but
+ is separated because some test cases need those asserts without
+ all these tests.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(BaseCollectionTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.old_root = settings.STATIC_ROOT
+ settings.STATIC_ROOT = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=os.environ['DJANGO_TEST_TEMP_DIR'])
+ self.run_collectstatic()
+ # Use our own error handler that can handle .svn dirs on Windows
+ self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, settings.STATIC_ROOT,
+ ignore_errors=True, onerror=rmtree_errorhandler)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ settings.STATIC_ROOT = self.old_root
+ super(BaseCollectionTestCase, self).tearDown()
+ def run_collectstatic(self, **kwargs):
+ call_command('collectstatic', interactive=False, verbosity='0',
+ ignore_patterns=['*.ignoreme'], **kwargs)
+ def _get_file(self, filepath):
+ assert filepath, 'filepath is empty.'
+ filepath = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, filepath)
+ with, "r", "utf-8") as f:
+ return
+class CollectionTestCase(BaseCollectionTestCase, StaticFilesTestCase):
+ pass
+class TestDefaults(object):
+ """
+ A few standard test cases.
+ """
+ def test_staticfiles_dirs(self):
+ """
+ Can find a file in a STATICFILES_DIRS directory.
+ """
+ self.assertFileContains('test.txt', 'Can we find')
+ self.assertFileContains(os.path.join('prefix', 'test.txt'), 'Prefix')
+ def test_staticfiles_dirs_subdir(self):
+ """
+ Can find a file in a subdirectory of a STATICFILES_DIRS
+ directory.
+ """
+ self.assertFileContains('subdir/test.txt', 'Can we find')
+ def test_staticfiles_dirs_priority(self):
+ """
+ File in STATICFILES_DIRS has priority over file in app.
+ """
+ self.assertFileContains('test/file.txt', 'STATICFILES_DIRS')
+ def test_app_files(self):
+ """
+ Can find a file in an app static/ directory.
+ """
+ self.assertFileContains('test/file1.txt', 'file1 in the app dir')
+ def test_nonascii_filenames(self):
+ """
+ Can find a file with non-ASCII character in an app static/ directory.
+ """
+ self.assertFileContains('test/⊗.txt', '⊗ in the app dir')
+ def test_camelcase_filenames(self):
+ """
+ Can find a file with capital letters.
+ """
+ self.assertFileContains('test/camelCase.txt', 'camelCase')
+class TestFindStatic(CollectionTestCase, TestDefaults):
+ """
+ Test ``findstatic`` management command.
+ """
+ def _get_file(self, filepath):
+ out = six.StringIO()
+ call_command('findstatic', filepath, all=False, verbosity=0, stdout=out)
+ lines = [l.strip() for l in out.readlines()]
+ with[0].strip()), "r", "utf-8") as f:
+ return
+ def test_all_files(self):
+ """
+ Test that findstatic returns all candidate files if run without --first and -v1.
+ """
+ out = six.StringIO()
+ call_command('findstatic', 'test/file.txt', verbosity=1, stdout=out)
+ lines = [l.strip() for l in out.readlines()]
+ self.assertEqual(len(lines), 3) # three because there is also the "Found <file> here" line
+ self.assertIn('project', force_text(lines[1]))
+ self.assertIn('apps', force_text(lines[2]))
+ def test_all_files_less_verbose(self):
+ """
+ Test that findstatic returns all candidate files if run without --first and -v0.
+ """
+ out = six.StringIO()
+ call_command('findstatic', 'test/file.txt', verbosity=0, stdout=out)
+ lines = [l.strip() for l in out.readlines()]
+ self.assertEqual(len(lines), 2)
+ self.assertIn('project', force_text(lines[0]))
+ self.assertIn('apps', force_text(lines[1]))
+class TestCollection(CollectionTestCase, TestDefaults):
+ """
+ Test ``collectstatic`` management command.
+ """
+ def test_ignore(self):
+ """
+ Test that -i patterns are ignored.
+ """
+ self.assertFileNotFound('test/test.ignoreme')
+ def test_common_ignore_patterns(self):
+ """
+ Common ignore patterns (*~, .*, CVS) are ignored.
+ """
+ self.assertFileNotFound('test/.hidden')
+ self.assertFileNotFound('test/backup~')
+ self.assertFileNotFound('test/CVS')
+class TestCollectionClear(CollectionTestCase):
+ """
+ Test the ``--clear`` option of the ``collectstatic`` managemenet command.
+ """
+ def run_collectstatic(self, **kwargs):
+ clear_filepath = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'cleared.txt')
+ with open(clear_filepath, 'w') as f:
+ f.write('should be cleared')
+ super(TestCollectionClear, self).run_collectstatic(clear=True)
+ def test_cleared_not_found(self):
+ self.assertFileNotFound('cleared.txt')
+class TestCollectionExcludeNoDefaultIgnore(CollectionTestCase, TestDefaults):
+ """
+ Test ``--exclude-dirs`` and ``--no-default-ignore`` options of the
+ ``collectstatic`` management command.
+ """
+ def run_collectstatic(self):
+ super(TestCollectionExcludeNoDefaultIgnore, self).run_collectstatic(
+ use_default_ignore_patterns=False)
+ def test_no_common_ignore_patterns(self):
+ """
+ With --no-default-ignore, common ignore patterns (*~, .*, CVS)
+ are not ignored.
+ """
+ self.assertFileContains('test/.hidden', 'should be ignored')
+ self.assertFileContains('test/backup~', 'should be ignored')
+ self.assertFileContains('test/CVS', 'should be ignored')
+class TestNoFilesCreated(object):
+ def test_no_files_created(self):
+ """
+ Make sure no files were create in the destination directory.
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(os.listdir(settings.STATIC_ROOT), [])
+class TestCollectionDryRun(CollectionTestCase, TestNoFilesCreated):
+ """
+ Test ``--dry-run`` option for ``collectstatic`` management command.
+ """
+ def run_collectstatic(self):
+ super(TestCollectionDryRun, self).run_collectstatic(dry_run=True)
+class TestCollectionFilesOverride(CollectionTestCase):
+ """
+ Test overriding duplicated files by ``collectstatic`` management command.
+ Check for proper handling of apps order in INSTALLED_APPS even if file modification
+ dates are in different order:
+ 'regressiontests.staticfiles_tests.apps.test',
+ 'regressiontests.staticfiles_tests.apps.no_label',
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.orig_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'apps', 'no_label', 'static', 'file2.txt')
+ # get modification and access times for no_label/static/file2.txt
+ self.orig_mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.orig_path)
+ self.orig_atime = os.path.getatime(self.orig_path)
+ # prepare duplicate of file2.txt from no_label app
+ # this file will have modification time older than no_label/static/file2.txt
+ # anyway it should be taken to STATIC_ROOT because 'test' app is before
+ # 'no_label' app in INSTALLED_APPS
+ self.testfile_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'apps', 'test', 'static', 'file2.txt')
+ with open(self.testfile_path, 'w+') as f:
+ f.write('duplicate of file2.txt')
+ os.utime(self.testfile_path, (self.orig_atime - 1, self.orig_mtime - 1))
+ super(TestCollectionFilesOverride, self).setUp()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ if os.path.exists(self.testfile_path):
+ os.unlink(self.testfile_path)
+ # set back original modification time
+ os.utime(self.orig_path, (self.orig_atime, self.orig_mtime))
+ super(TestCollectionFilesOverride, self).tearDown()
+ def test_ordering_override(self):
+ """
+ Test if collectstatic takes files in proper order
+ """
+ self.assertFileContains('file2.txt', 'duplicate of file2.txt')
+ # run collectstatic again
+ self.run_collectstatic()
+ self.assertFileContains('file2.txt', 'duplicate of file2.txt')
+ # and now change modification time of no_label/static/file2.txt
+ # test app is first in INSTALLED_APPS so file2.txt should remain unmodified
+ mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.testfile_path)
+ atime = os.path.getatime(self.testfile_path)
+ os.utime(self.orig_path, (mtime + 1, atime + 1))
+ # run collectstatic again
+ self.run_collectstatic()
+ self.assertFileContains('file2.txt', 'duplicate of file2.txt')
+class TestCollectionNonLocalStorage(CollectionTestCase, TestNoFilesCreated):
+ """
+ Tests for #15035
+ """
+ pass
+# we set DEBUG to False here since the template tag wouldn't work otherwise
+ DEBUG=False,
+class TestCollectionCachedStorage(BaseCollectionTestCase,
+ BaseStaticFilesTestCase, TestCase):
+ """
+ Tests for the Cache busting storage
+ """
+ def cached_file_path(self, path):
+ fullpath = self.render_template(self.static_template_snippet(path))
+ return fullpath.replace(settings.STATIC_URL, '')
+ def test_template_tag_return(self):
+ """
+ Test the CachedStaticFilesStorage backend.
+ """
+ self.assertStaticRaises(ValueError,
+ "does/not/exist.png",
+ "/static/does/not/exist.png")
+ self.assertStaticRenders("test/file.txt",
+ "/static/test/file.dad0999e4f8f.txt")
+ self.assertStaticRenders("test/file.txt",
+ "/static/test/file.dad0999e4f8f.txt", asvar=True)
+ self.assertStaticRenders("cached/styles.css",
+ "/static/cached/styles.93b1147e8552.css")
+ self.assertStaticRenders("path/",
+ "/static/path/")
+ self.assertStaticRenders("path/?query",
+ "/static/path/?query")
+ def test_template_tag_simple_content(self):
+ relpath = self.cached_file_path("cached/styles.css")
+ self.assertEqual(relpath, "cached/styles.93b1147e8552.css")
+ with as relfile:
+ content =
+ self.assertNotIn(b"cached/other.css", content)
+ self.assertIn(b"other.d41d8cd98f00.css", content)
+ def test_path_ignored_completely(self):
+ relpath = self.cached_file_path("cached/css/ignored.css")
+ self.assertEqual(relpath, "cached/css/ignored.6c77f2643390.css")
+ with as relfile:
+ content =
+ self.assertIn(b'#foobar', content)
+ self.assertIn(b'http:foobar', content)
+ self.assertIn(b'https:foobar', content)
+ self.assertIn(b'data:foobar', content)
+ self.assertIn(b'//foobar', content)
+ def test_path_with_querystring(self):
+ relpath = self.cached_file_path("cached/styles.css?spam=eggs")
+ self.assertEqual(relpath,
+ "cached/styles.93b1147e8552.css?spam=eggs")
+ with
+ "cached/styles.93b1147e8552.css") as relfile:
+ content =
+ self.assertNotIn(b"cached/other.css", content)
+ self.assertIn(b"other.d41d8cd98f00.css", content)
+ def test_path_with_fragment(self):
+ relpath = self.cached_file_path("cached/styles.css#eggs")
+ self.assertEqual(relpath, "cached/styles.93b1147e8552.css#eggs")
+ with
+ "cached/styles.93b1147e8552.css") as relfile:
+ content =
+ self.assertNotIn(b"cached/other.css", content)
+ self.assertIn(b"other.d41d8cd98f00.css", content)
+ def test_path_with_querystring_and_fragment(self):
+ relpath = self.cached_file_path("cached/css/fragments.css")
+ self.assertEqual(relpath, "cached/css/fragments.75433540b096.css")
+ with as relfile:
+ content =
+ self.assertIn(b'fonts/font.a4b0478549d0.eot?#iefix', content)
+ self.assertIn(b'fonts/font.b8d603e42714.svg#webfontIyfZbseF', content)
+ self.assertIn(b'data:font/woff;charset=utf-8;base64,d09GRgABAAAAADJoAA0AAAAAR2QAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAA', content)
+ self.assertIn(b'#default#VML', content)
+ def test_template_tag_absolute(self):
+ relpath = self.cached_file_path("cached/absolute.css")
+ self.assertEqual(relpath, "cached/absolute.23f087ad823a.css")
+ with as relfile:
+ content =
+ self.assertNotIn(b"/static/cached/styles.css", content)
+ self.assertIn(b"/static/cached/styles.93b1147e8552.css", content)
+ self.assertIn(b'/static/cached/img/relative.acae32e4532b.png', content)
+ def test_template_tag_denorm(self):
+ relpath = self.cached_file_path("cached/denorm.css")
+ self.assertEqual(relpath, "cached/denorm.c5bd139ad821.css")
+ with as relfile:
+ content =
+ self.assertNotIn(b"..//cached///styles.css", content)
+ self.assertIn(b"../cached/styles.93b1147e8552.css", content)
+ self.assertNotIn(b"url(img/relative.png )", content)
+ self.assertIn(b'url("img/relative.acae32e4532b.png', content)
+ def test_template_tag_relative(self):
+ relpath = self.cached_file_path("cached/relative.css")
+ self.assertEqual(relpath, "cached/relative.2217ea7273c2.css")
+ with as relfile:
+ content =
+ self.assertNotIn(b"../cached/styles.css", content)
+ self.assertNotIn(b'@import "styles.css"', content)
+ self.assertNotIn(b'url(img/relative.png)', content)
+ self.assertIn(b'url("img/relative.acae32e4532b.png")', content)
+ self.assertIn(b"../cached/styles.93b1147e8552.css", content)
+ def test_import_replacement(self):
+ "See #18050"
+ relpath = self.cached_file_path("cached/import.css")
+ self.assertEqual(relpath, "cached/import.2b1d40b0bbd4.css")
+ with as relfile:
+ self.assertIn(b"""import url("styles.93b1147e8552.css")""",
+ def test_template_tag_deep_relative(self):
+ relpath = self.cached_file_path("cached/css/window.css")
+ self.assertEqual(relpath, "cached/css/window.9db38d5169f3.css")
+ with as relfile:
+ content =
+ self.assertNotIn(b'url(img/window.png)', content)
+ self.assertIn(b'url("img/window.acae32e4532b.png")', content)
+ def test_template_tag_url(self):
+ relpath = self.cached_file_path("cached/url.css")
+ self.assertEqual(relpath, "cached/url.615e21601e4b.css")
+ with as relfile:
+ self.assertIn(b"https://",
+ def test_cache_invalidation(self):
+ name = "cached/styles.css"
+ hashed_name = "cached/styles.93b1147e8552.css"
+ # check if the cache is filled correctly as expected
+ cache_key = storage.staticfiles_storage.cache_key(name)
+ cached_name = storage.staticfiles_storage.cache.get(cache_key)
+ self.assertEqual(self.cached_file_path(name), cached_name)
+ # clearing the cache to make sure we re-set it correctly in the url method
+ storage.staticfiles_storage.cache.clear()
+ cached_name = storage.staticfiles_storage.cache.get(cache_key)
+ self.assertEqual(cached_name, None)
+ self.assertEqual(self.cached_file_path(name), hashed_name)
+ cached_name = storage.staticfiles_storage.cache.get(cache_key)
+ self.assertEqual(cached_name, hashed_name)
+ def test_post_processing(self):
+ """Test that post_processing behaves correctly.
+ Files that are alterable should always be post-processed; files that
+ aren't should be skipped.
+ collectstatic has already been called once in setUp() for this testcase,
+ therefore we check by verifying behavior on a second run.
+ """
+ collectstatic_args = {
+ 'interactive': False,
+ 'verbosity': '0',
+ 'link': False,
+ 'clear': False,
+ 'dry_run': False,
+ 'post_process': True,
+ 'use_default_ignore_patterns': True,
+ 'ignore_patterns': ['*.ignoreme'],
+ }
+ collectstatic_cmd = CollectstaticCommand()
+ collectstatic_cmd.set_options(**collectstatic_args)
+ stats = collectstatic_cmd.collect()
+ self.assertIn(os.path.join('cached', 'css', 'window.css'), stats['post_processed'])
+ self.assertIn(os.path.join('cached', 'css', 'img', 'window.png'), stats['unmodified'])
+ self.assertIn(os.path.join('test', 'nonascii.css'), stats['post_processed'])
+ def test_cache_key_memcache_validation(self):
+ """
+ Handle cache key creation correctly, see #17861.
+ """
+ name = "/some crazy/long filename/ with spaces Here and ?#%#$/other/stuff/some crazy/long filename/ with spaces Here and ?#%#$/other/stuff/some crazy/long filename/ with spaces Here and ?#%#$/other/stuff/some crazy/long filename/ with spaces Here and ?#%#$/other/stuff/some crazy/long filename/ with spaces Here and ?#%#$/other/stuff/some crazy/" + "\x16" + "\xb4"
+ cache_key = storage.staticfiles_storage.cache_key(name)
+ cache_validator = BaseCache({})
+ cache_validator.validate_key(cache_key)
+ self.assertEqual(cache_key, 'staticfiles:821ea71ef36f95b3922a77f7364670e7')
+ def test_css_import_case_insensitive(self):
+ relpath = self.cached_file_path("cached/styles_insensitive.css")
+ self.assertEqual(relpath, "cached/styles_insensitive.2f0151cca872.css")
+ with as relfile:
+ content =
+ self.assertNotIn(b"cached/other.css", content)
+ self.assertIn(b"other.d41d8cd98f00.css", content)
+# we set DEBUG to False here since the template tag wouldn't work otherwise
+ DEBUG=False,
+class TestCollectionSimpleCachedStorage(BaseCollectionTestCase,
+ BaseStaticFilesTestCase, TestCase):
+ """
+ Tests for the Cache busting storage
+ """
+ def cached_file_path(self, path):
+ fullpath = self.render_template(self.static_template_snippet(path))
+ return fullpath.replace(settings.STATIC_URL, '')
+ def test_template_tag_return(self):
+ """
+ Test the CachedStaticFilesStorage backend.
+ """
+ self.assertStaticRaises(ValueError,
+ "does/not/exist.png",
+ "/static/does/not/exist.png")
+ self.assertStaticRenders("test/file.txt",
+ "/static/test/file.deploy12345.txt")
+ self.assertStaticRenders("cached/styles.css",
+ "/static/cached/styles.deploy12345.css")
+ self.assertStaticRenders("path/",
+ "/static/path/")
+ self.assertStaticRenders("path/?query",
+ "/static/path/?query")
+ def test_template_tag_simple_content(self):
+ relpath = self.cached_file_path("cached/styles.css")
+ self.assertEqual(relpath, "cached/styles.deploy12345.css")
+ with as relfile:
+ content =
+ self.assertNotIn(b"cached/other.css", content)
+ self.assertIn(b"other.deploy12345.css", content)
+if sys.platform != 'win32':
+ class TestCollectionLinks(CollectionTestCase, TestDefaults):
+ """
+ Test ``--link`` option for ``collectstatic`` management command.
+ Note that by inheriting ``TestDefaults`` we repeat all
+ the standard file resolving tests here, to make sure using
+ ``--link`` does not change the file-selection semantics.
+ """
+ def run_collectstatic(self):
+ super(TestCollectionLinks, self).run_collectstatic(link=True)
+ def test_links_created(self):
+ """
+ With ``--link``, symbolic links are created.
+ """
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.islink(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'test.txt')))
+class TestServeStatic(StaticFilesTestCase):
+ """
+ Test static asset serving view.
+ """
+ urls = 'regressiontests.staticfiles_tests.urls.default'
+ def _response(self, filepath):
+ return self.client.get(
+ posixpath.join(settings.STATIC_URL, filepath))
+ def assertFileContains(self, filepath, text):
+ self.assertContains(self._response(filepath), text)
+ def assertFileNotFound(self, filepath):
+ self.assertEqual(self._response(filepath).status_code, 404)
+class TestServeDisabled(TestServeStatic):
+ """
+ Test serving static files disabled when DEBUG is False.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestServeDisabled, self).setUp()
+ settings.DEBUG = False
+ def test_disabled_serving(self):
+ six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ImproperlyConfigured, 'The staticfiles view '
+ 'can only be used in debug mode ', self._response, 'test.txt')
+class TestServeStaticWithDefaultURL(TestServeStatic, TestDefaults):
+ """
+ Test static asset serving view with manually configured URLconf.
+ """
+ pass
+class TestServeStaticWithURLHelper(TestServeStatic, TestDefaults):
+ """
+ Test static asset serving view with staticfiles_urlpatterns helper.
+ """
+ urls = 'regressiontests.staticfiles_tests.urls.helper'
+class TestServeAdminMedia(TestServeStatic):
+ """
+ Test serving media from django.contrib.admin.
+ """
+ def _response(self, filepath):
+ return self.client.get(
+ posixpath.join(settings.STATIC_URL, 'admin/', filepath))
+ def test_serve_admin_media(self):
+ self.assertFileContains('css/base.css', 'body')
+class FinderTestCase(object):
+ """
+ Base finder test mixin.
+ On Windows, sometimes the case of the path we ask the finders for and the
+ path(s) they find can differ. Compare them using os.path.normcase() to
+ avoid false negatives.
+ """
+ def test_find_first(self):
+ src, dst = self.find_first
+ found = self.finder.find(src)
+ self.assertEqual(os.path.normcase(found), os.path.normcase(dst))
+ def test_find_all(self):
+ src, dst = self.find_all
+ found = self.finder.find(src, all=True)
+ found = [os.path.normcase(f) for f in found]
+ dst = [os.path.normcase(d) for d in dst]
+ self.assertEqual(found, dst)
+class TestFileSystemFinder(StaticFilesTestCase, FinderTestCase):
+ """
+ Test FileSystemFinder.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestFileSystemFinder, self).setUp()
+ self.finder = finders.FileSystemFinder()
+ test_file_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'project', 'documents', 'test', 'file.txt')
+ self.find_first = (os.path.join('test', 'file.txt'), test_file_path)
+ self.find_all = (os.path.join('test', 'file.txt'), [test_file_path])
+class TestAppDirectoriesFinder(StaticFilesTestCase, FinderTestCase):
+ """
+ Test AppDirectoriesFinder.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestAppDirectoriesFinder, self).setUp()
+ self.finder = finders.AppDirectoriesFinder()
+ test_file_path = os.path.join(TEST_ROOT, 'apps', 'test', 'static', 'test', 'file1.txt')
+ self.find_first = (os.path.join('test', 'file1.txt'), test_file_path)
+ self.find_all = (os.path.join('test', 'file1.txt'), [test_file_path])
+class TestDefaultStorageFinder(StaticFilesTestCase, FinderTestCase):
+ """
+ Test DefaultStorageFinder.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestDefaultStorageFinder, self).setUp()
+ self.finder = finders.DefaultStorageFinder(
+ storage=storage.StaticFilesStorage(location=settings.MEDIA_ROOT))
+ test_file_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'media-file.txt')
+ self.find_first = ('media-file.txt', test_file_path)
+ self.find_all = ('media-file.txt', [test_file_path])
+class TestMiscFinder(TestCase):
+ """
+ A few misc finder tests.
+ """
+ def test_get_finder(self):
+ self.assertIsInstance(finders.get_finder(
+ 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder'),
+ finders.FileSystemFinder)
+ def test_get_finder_bad_classname(self):
+ self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured, finders.get_finder,
+ 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FooBarFinder')
+ def test_get_finder_bad_module(self):
+ self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured,
+ finders.get_finder, '')
+ @override_settings(STATICFILES_DIRS='a string')
+ def test_non_tuple_raises_exception(self):
+ """
+ We can't determine if STATICFILES_DIRS is set correctly just by
+ looking at the type, but we can determine if it's definitely wrong.
+ """
+ self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured, finders.FileSystemFinder)
+ @override_settings(MEDIA_ROOT='')
+ def test_location_empty(self):
+ self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured, finders.DefaultStorageFinder)
+class TestTemplateTag(StaticFilesTestCase):
+ def test_template_tag(self):
+ self.assertStaticRenders("does/not/exist.png",
+ "/static/does/not/exist.png")
+ self.assertStaticRenders("testfile.txt", "/static/testfile.txt")