path: root/tests/signing/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/signing/')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/signing/ b/tests/signing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05c8b3dc74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/signing/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import time
+from django.core import signing
+from django.test import TestCase
+from django.utils.encoding import force_str
+from django.utils import six
+class TestSigner(TestCase):
+ def test_signature(self):
+ "signature() method should generate a signature"
+ signer = signing.Signer('predictable-secret')
+ signer2 = signing.Signer('predictable-secret2')
+ for s in (
+ b'hello',
+ b'3098247:529:087:',
+ '\u2019'.encode('utf-8'),
+ ):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ signer.signature(s),
+ signing.base64_hmac(signer.salt + 'signer', s,
+ 'predictable-secret').decode()
+ )
+ self.assertNotEqual(signer.signature(s), signer2.signature(s))
+ def test_signature_with_salt(self):
+ "signature(value, salt=...) should work"
+ signer = signing.Signer('predictable-secret', salt='extra-salt')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ signer.signature('hello'),
+ signing.base64_hmac('extra-salt' + 'signer',
+ 'hello', 'predictable-secret').decode()
+ )
+ self.assertNotEqual(
+ signing.Signer('predictable-secret', salt='one').signature('hello'),
+ signing.Signer('predictable-secret', salt='two').signature('hello'))
+ def test_sign_unsign(self):
+ "sign/unsign should be reversible"
+ signer = signing.Signer('predictable-secret')
+ examples = [
+ 'q;wjmbk;wkmb',
+ '3098247529087',
+ '3098247:529:087:',
+ 'jkw osanteuh ,rcuh nthu aou oauh ,ud du',
+ '\u2019',
+ ]
+ if not six.PY3:
+ examples.append(b'a byte string')
+ for example in examples:
+ signed = signer.sign(example)
+ self.assertIsInstance(signed, str)
+ self.assertNotEqual(force_str(example), signed)
+ self.assertEqual(example, signer.unsign(signed))
+ def unsign_detects_tampering(self):
+ "unsign should raise an exception if the value has been tampered with"
+ signer = signing.Signer('predictable-secret')
+ value = 'Another string'
+ signed_value = signer.sign(value)
+ transforms = (
+ lambda s: s.upper(),
+ lambda s: s + 'a',
+ lambda s: 'a' + s[1:],
+ lambda s: s.replace(':', ''),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(value, signer.unsign(signed_value))
+ for transform in transforms:
+ self.assertRaises(
+ signing.BadSignature, signer.unsign, transform(signed_value))
+ def test_dumps_loads(self):
+ "dumps and loads be reversible for any JSON serializable object"
+ objects = [
+ ['a', 'list'],
+ 'a unicode string \u2019',
+ {'a': 'dictionary'},
+ ]
+ if not six.PY3:
+ objects.append(b'a byte string')
+ for o in objects:
+ self.assertNotEqual(o, signing.dumps(o))
+ self.assertEqual(o, signing.loads(signing.dumps(o)))
+ self.assertNotEqual(o, signing.dumps(o, compress=True))
+ self.assertEqual(o, signing.loads(signing.dumps(o, compress=True)))
+ def test_decode_detects_tampering(self):
+ "loads should raise exception for tampered objects"
+ transforms = (
+ lambda s: s.upper(),
+ lambda s: s + 'a',
+ lambda s: 'a' + s[1:],
+ lambda s: s.replace(':', ''),
+ )
+ value = {
+ 'foo': 'bar',
+ 'baz': 1,
+ }
+ encoded = signing.dumps(value)
+ self.assertEqual(value, signing.loads(encoded))
+ for transform in transforms:
+ self.assertRaises(
+ signing.BadSignature, signing.loads, transform(encoded))
+class TestTimestampSigner(TestCase):
+ def test_timestamp_signer(self):
+ value = 'hello'
+ _time = time.time
+ time.time = lambda: 123456789
+ try:
+ signer = signing.TimestampSigner('predictable-key')
+ ts = signer.sign(value)
+ self.assertNotEqual(ts,
+ signing.Signer('predictable-key').sign(value))
+ self.assertEqual(signer.unsign(ts), value)
+ time.time = lambda: 123456800
+ self.assertEqual(signer.unsign(ts, max_age=12), value)
+ self.assertEqual(signer.unsign(ts, max_age=11), value)
+ self.assertRaises(
+ signing.SignatureExpired, signer.unsign, ts, max_age=10)
+ finally:
+ time.time = _time