path: root/tests/generic_relations/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/generic_relations/')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/generic_relations/ b/tests/generic_relations/
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index 0000000000..27b25185ea
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+++ b/tests/generic_relations/
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+from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
+from django import forms
+from django.contrib.contenttypes.generic import generic_inlineformset_factory
+from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
+from django.test import TestCase
+from .models import (TaggedItem, ValuableTaggedItem, Comparison, Animal,
+ Vegetable, Mineral, Gecko, Rock)
+class GenericRelationsTests(TestCase):
+ def test_generic_relations(self):
+ # Create the world in 7 lines of code...
+ lion = Animal.objects.create(common_name="Lion", latin_name="Panthera leo")
+ platypus = Animal.objects.create(
+ common_name="Platypus", latin_name="Ornithorhynchus anatinus"
+ )
+ eggplant = Vegetable.objects.create(name="Eggplant", is_yucky=True)
+ bacon = Vegetable.objects.create(name="Bacon", is_yucky=False)
+ quartz = Mineral.objects.create(name="Quartz", hardness=7)
+ # Objects with declared GenericRelations can be tagged directly -- the
+ # API mimics the many-to-many API.
+ bacon.tags.create(tag="fatty")
+ bacon.tags.create(tag="salty")
+ lion.tags.create(tag="yellow")
+ lion.tags.create(tag="hairy")
+ platypus.tags.create(tag="fatty")
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(lion.tags.all(), [
+ "<TaggedItem: hairy>",
+ "<TaggedItem: yellow>"
+ ])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(bacon.tags.all(), [
+ "<TaggedItem: fatty>",
+ "<TaggedItem: salty>"
+ ])
+ # You can easily access the content object like a foreign key.
+ t = TaggedItem.objects.get(tag="salty")
+ self.assertEqual(t.content_object, bacon)
+ # Recall that the Mineral class doesn't have an explicit GenericRelation
+ # defined. That's OK, because you can create TaggedItems explicitly.
+ tag1 = TaggedItem.objects.create(content_object=quartz, tag="shiny")
+ tag2 = TaggedItem.objects.create(content_object=quartz, tag="clearish")
+ # However, excluding GenericRelations means your lookups have to be a
+ # bit more explicit.
+ ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(quartz)
+ q = TaggedItem.objects.filter(
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(q, [
+ "<TaggedItem: clearish>",
+ "<TaggedItem: shiny>"
+ ])
+ # You can set a generic foreign key in the way you'd expect.
+ tag1.content_object = platypus
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(platypus.tags.all(), [
+ "<TaggedItem: fatty>",
+ "<TaggedItem: shiny>"
+ ])
+ q = TaggedItem.objects.filter(
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(q, ["<TaggedItem: clearish>"])
+ # Queries across generic relations respect the content types. Even
+ # though there are two TaggedItems with a tag of "fatty", this query
+ # only pulls out the one with the content type related to Animals.
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(Animal.objects.order_by('common_name'), [
+ "<Animal: Lion>",
+ "<Animal: Platypus>"
+ ])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(Animal.objects.filter(tags__tag='fatty'), [
+ "<Animal: Platypus>"
+ ])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(Animal.objects.exclude(tags__tag='fatty'), [
+ "<Animal: Lion>"
+ ])
+ # If you delete an object with an explicit Generic relation, the related
+ # objects are deleted when the source object is deleted.
+ # Original list of tags:
+ comp_func = lambda obj: (
+ obj.tag, obj.content_type.model_class(), obj.object_id
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(TaggedItem.objects.all(), [
+ ('clearish', Mineral,,
+ ('fatty', Animal,,
+ ('fatty', Vegetable,,
+ ('hairy', Animal,,
+ ('salty', Vegetable,,
+ ('shiny', Animal,,
+ ('yellow', Animal,
+ ],
+ comp_func
+ )
+ lion.delete()
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(TaggedItem.objects.all(), [
+ ('clearish', Mineral,,
+ ('fatty', Animal,,
+ ('fatty', Vegetable,,
+ ('salty', Vegetable,,
+ ('shiny', Animal,
+ ],
+ comp_func
+ )
+ # If Generic Relation is not explicitly defined, any related objects
+ # remain after deletion of the source object.
+ quartz_pk =
+ quartz.delete()
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(TaggedItem.objects.all(), [
+ ('clearish', Mineral, quartz_pk),
+ ('fatty', Animal,,
+ ('fatty', Vegetable,,
+ ('salty', Vegetable,,
+ ('shiny', Animal,
+ ],
+ comp_func
+ )
+ # If you delete a tag, the objects using the tag are unaffected
+ # (other than losing a tag)
+ tag = TaggedItem.objects.order_by("id")[0]
+ tag.delete()
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(bacon.tags.all(), ["<TaggedItem: salty>"])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(TaggedItem.objects.all(), [
+ ('clearish', Mineral, quartz_pk),
+ ('fatty', Animal,,
+ ('salty', Vegetable,,
+ ('shiny', Animal,
+ ],
+ comp_func
+ )
+ TaggedItem.objects.filter(tag='fatty').delete()
+ ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(lion)
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(Animal.objects.filter(tags__content_type=ctype), [
+ "<Animal: Platypus>"
+ ])
+ def test_multiple_gfk(self):
+ # Simple tests for multiple GenericForeignKeys
+ # only uses one model, since the above tests should be sufficient.
+ tiger = Animal.objects.create(common_name="tiger")
+ cheetah = Animal.objects.create(common_name="cheetah")
+ bear = Animal.objects.create(common_name="bear")
+ # Create directly
+ Comparison.objects.create(
+ first_obj=cheetah, other_obj=tiger, comparative="faster"
+ )
+ Comparison.objects.create(
+ first_obj=tiger, other_obj=cheetah, comparative="cooler"
+ )
+ # Create using GenericRelation
+ tiger.comparisons.create(other_obj=bear, comparative="cooler")
+ tiger.comparisons.create(other_obj=cheetah, comparative="stronger")
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(cheetah.comparisons.all(), [
+ "<Comparison: cheetah is faster than tiger>"
+ ])
+ # Filtering works
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(tiger.comparisons.filter(comparative="cooler"), [
+ "<Comparison: tiger is cooler than cheetah>",
+ "<Comparison: tiger is cooler than bear>",
+ ], ordered=False)
+ # Filtering and deleting works
+ subjective = ["cooler"]
+ tiger.comparisons.filter(comparative__in=subjective).delete()
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(Comparison.objects.all(), [
+ "<Comparison: cheetah is faster than tiger>",
+ "<Comparison: tiger is stronger than cheetah>"
+ ], ordered=False)
+ # If we delete cheetah, Comparisons with cheetah as 'first_obj' will be
+ # deleted since Animal has an explicit GenericRelation to Comparison
+ # through first_obj. Comparisons with cheetah as 'other_obj' will not
+ # be deleted.
+ cheetah.delete()
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(Comparison.objects.all(), [
+ "<Comparison: tiger is stronger than None>"
+ ])
+ def test_gfk_subclasses(self):
+ # GenericForeignKey should work with subclasses (see #8309)
+ quartz = Mineral.objects.create(name="Quartz", hardness=7)
+ valuedtag = ValuableTaggedItem.objects.create(
+ content_object=quartz, tag="shiny", value=10
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(valuedtag.content_object, quartz)
+ def test_generic_inline_formsets(self):
+ GenericFormSet = generic_inlineformset_factory(TaggedItem, extra=1)
+ formset = GenericFormSet()
+ self.assertHTMLEqual(''.join(form.as_p() for form in formset.forms), """<p><label for="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-tag">Tag:</label> <input id="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-tag" type="text" name="generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-tag" maxlength="50" /></p>
+<p><label for="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-DELETE">Delete:</label> <input type="checkbox" name="generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-DELETE" id="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-DELETE" /><input type="hidden" name="generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-id" id="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-id" /></p>""")
+ formset = GenericFormSet(instance=Animal())
+ self.assertHTMLEqual(''.join(form.as_p() for form in formset.forms), """<p><label for="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-tag">Tag:</label> <input id="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-tag" type="text" name="generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-tag" maxlength="50" /></p>
+<p><label for="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-DELETE">Delete:</label> <input type="checkbox" name="generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-DELETE" id="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-DELETE" /><input type="hidden" name="generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-id" id="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-id" /></p>""")
+ platypus = Animal.objects.create(
+ common_name="Platypus", latin_name="Ornithorhynchus anatinus"
+ )
+ platypus.tags.create(tag="shiny")
+ GenericFormSet = generic_inlineformset_factory(TaggedItem, extra=1)
+ formset = GenericFormSet(instance=platypus)
+ tagged_item_id = TaggedItem.objects.get(
+ tag='shiny',
+ ).id
+ self.assertHTMLEqual(''.join(form.as_p() for form in formset.forms), """<p><label for="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-tag">Tag:</label> <input id="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-tag" type="text" name="generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-tag" value="shiny" maxlength="50" /></p>
+<p><label for="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-DELETE">Delete:</label> <input type="checkbox" name="generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-DELETE" id="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-DELETE" /><input type="hidden" name="generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-id" value="%s" id="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-0-id" /></p><p><label for="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-1-tag">Tag:</label> <input id="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-1-tag" type="text" name="generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-1-tag" maxlength="50" /></p>
+<p><label for="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-1-DELETE">Delete:</label> <input type="checkbox" name="generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-1-DELETE" id="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-1-DELETE" /><input type="hidden" name="generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-1-id" id="id_generic_relations-taggeditem-content_type-object_id-1-id" /></p>""" % tagged_item_id)
+ lion = Animal.objects.create(common_name="Lion", latin_name="Panthera leo")
+ formset = GenericFormSet(instance=lion, prefix='x')
+ self.assertHTMLEqual(''.join(form.as_p() for form in formset.forms), """<p><label for="id_x-0-tag">Tag:</label> <input id="id_x-0-tag" type="text" name="x-0-tag" maxlength="50" /></p>
+<p><label for="id_x-0-DELETE">Delete:</label> <input type="checkbox" name="x-0-DELETE" id="id_x-0-DELETE" /><input type="hidden" name="x-0-id" id="id_x-0-id" /></p>""")
+ def test_gfk_manager(self):
+ # GenericForeignKey should not use the default manager (which may filter objects) #16048
+ tailless = Gecko.objects.create(has_tail=False)
+ tag = TaggedItem.objects.create(content_object=tailless, tag="lizard")
+ self.assertEqual(tag.content_object, tailless)
+ def test_subclasses_with_gen_rel(self):
+ """
+ Test that concrete model subclasses with generic relations work
+ correctly (ticket 11263).
+ """
+ granite = Rock.objects.create(name='granite', hardness=5)
+ TaggedItem.objects.create(content_object=granite, tag="countertop")
+ self.assertEqual(Rock.objects.filter(tags__tag="countertop").count(), 1)
+class CustomWidget(forms.TextInput):
+ pass
+class TaggedItemForm(forms.ModelForm):
+ class Meta:
+ model = TaggedItem
+ widgets = {'tag': CustomWidget}
+class GenericInlineFormsetTest(TestCase):
+ """
+ Regression for #14572: Using base forms with widgets
+ defined in Meta should not raise errors.
+ """
+ def test_generic_inlineformset_factory(self):
+ Formset = generic_inlineformset_factory(TaggedItem, TaggedItemForm)
+ form = Formset().forms[0]
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(form['tag'].field.widget, CustomWidget))