path: root/tests/fixtures_regress/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/fixtures_regress/')
1 files changed, 688 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/fixtures_regress/ b/tests/fixtures_regress/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61dc4460df
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Unittests for fixtures.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
+import os
+import re
+from django.core.serializers.base import DeserializationError
+from django.core import management
+from import CommandError
+from import sort_dependencies
+from django.db import transaction, IntegrityError
+from django.db.models import signals
+from django.test import (TestCase, TransactionTestCase, skipIfDBFeature,
+ skipUnlessDBFeature)
+from django.test.utils import override_settings
+from django.utils.encoding import force_text
+from django.utils._os import upath
+from django.utils import six
+from django.utils.six import PY3, StringIO
+import json
+from .models import (Animal, Stuff, Absolute, Parent, Child, Article, Widget,
+ Store, Person, Book, NKChild, RefToNKChild, Circle1, Circle2, Circle3,
+ ExternalDependency, Thingy)
+class TestFixtures(TestCase):
+ def animal_pre_save_check(self, signal, sender, instance, **kwargs):
+ self.pre_save_checks.append(
+ (
+ 'Count = %s (%s)' % (instance.count, type(instance.count)),
+ 'Weight = %s (%s)' % (instance.weight, type(instance.weight)),
+ )
+ )
+ def test_duplicate_pk(self):
+ """
+ This is a regression test for ticket #3790.
+ """
+ # Load a fixture that uses PK=1
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'sequence',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ # Create a new animal. Without a sequence reset, this new object
+ # will take a PK of 1 (on Postgres), and the save will fail.
+ animal = Animal(
+ name='Platypus',
+ latin_name='Ornithorhynchus anatinus',
+ count=2,
+ weight=2.2
+ )
+ self.assertGreater(, 1)
+ def test_loaddata_not_found_fields_not_ignore(self):
+ """
+ Test for ticket #9279 -- Error is raised for entries in
+ the serialised data for fields that have been removed
+ from the database when not ignored.
+ """
+ with self.assertRaises(DeserializationError):
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'sequence_extra',
+ verbosity=0
+ )
+ def test_loaddata_not_found_fields_ignore(self):
+ """
+ Test for ticket #9279 -- Ignores entries in
+ the serialised data for fields that have been removed
+ from the database.
+ """
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'sequence_extra',
+ ignore=True,
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(Animal.specimens.all()[0].name, 'Lion')
+ @skipIfDBFeature('interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls')
+ def test_pretty_print_xml(self):
+ """
+ Regression test for ticket #4558 -- pretty printing of XML fixtures
+ doesn't affect parsing of None values.
+ """
+ # Load a pretty-printed XML fixture with Nulls.
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'pretty.xml',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(Stuff.objects.all()[0].name, None)
+ self.assertEqual(Stuff.objects.all()[0].owner, None)
+ @skipUnlessDBFeature('interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls')
+ def test_pretty_print_xml_empty_strings(self):
+ """
+ Regression test for ticket #4558 -- pretty printing of XML fixtures
+ doesn't affect parsing of None values.
+ """
+ # Load a pretty-printed XML fixture with Nulls.
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'pretty.xml',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(Stuff.objects.all()[0].name, '')
+ self.assertEqual(Stuff.objects.all()[0].owner, None)
+ def test_absolute_path(self):
+ """
+ Regression test for ticket #6436 --
+ os.path.join will throw away the initial parts of a path if it
+ encounters an absolute path.
+ This means that if a fixture is specified as an absolute path,
+ we need to make sure we don't discover the absolute path in every
+ fixture directory.
+ """
+ load_absolute_path = os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(upath(__file__)),
+ 'fixtures',
+ 'absolute.json'
+ )
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ load_absolute_path,
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(Absolute.load_count, 1)
+ def test_unknown_format(self):
+ """
+ Test for ticket #4371 -- Loading data of an unknown format should fail
+ Validate that error conditions are caught correctly
+ """
+ with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, management.CommandError,
+ "Problem installing fixture 'bad_fixture1': "
+ "unkn is not a known serialization format."):
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'bad_fixture1.unkn',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ @override_settings(SERIALIZATION_MODULES={'unkn': 'unexistent.path'})
+ def test_unimportable_serializer(self):
+ """
+ Test that failing serializer import raises the proper error
+ """
+ with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ImportError,
+ r"No module named.*unexistent"):
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'bad_fixture1.unkn',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ def test_invalid_data(self):
+ """
+ Test for ticket #4371 -- Loading a fixture file with invalid data
+ using explicit filename.
+ Validate that error conditions are caught correctly
+ """
+ with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, management.CommandError,
+ "No fixture data found for 'bad_fixture2'. \(File format may be invalid.\)"):
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'bad_fixture2.xml',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ def test_invalid_data_no_ext(self):
+ """
+ Test for ticket #4371 -- Loading a fixture file with invalid data
+ without file extension.
+ Validate that error conditions are caught correctly
+ """
+ with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, management.CommandError,
+ "No fixture data found for 'bad_fixture2'. \(File format may be invalid.\)"):
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'bad_fixture2',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ def test_empty(self):
+ """
+ Test for ticket #4371 -- Loading a fixture file with no data returns an error.
+ Validate that error conditions are caught correctly
+ """
+ with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, management.CommandError,
+ "No fixture data found for 'empty'. \(File format may be invalid.\)"):
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'empty',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ def test_error_message(self):
+ """
+ (Regression for #9011 - error message is correct)
+ """
+ with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, management.CommandError,
+ "^No fixture data found for 'bad_fixture2'. \(File format may be invalid.\)$"):
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'bad_fixture2',
+ 'animal',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ def test_pg_sequence_resetting_checks(self):
+ """
+ Test for ticket #7565 -- PostgreSQL sequence resetting checks shouldn't
+ ascend to parent models when inheritance is used
+ (since they are treated individually).
+ """
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'model-inheritance.json',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(Parent.objects.all()[0].id, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(Child.objects.all()[0].id, 1)
+ def test_close_connection_after_loaddata(self):
+ """
+ Test for ticket #7572 -- MySQL has a problem if the same connection is
+ used to create tables, load data, and then query over that data.
+ To compensate, we close the connection after running loaddata.
+ This ensures that a new connection is opened when test queries are
+ issued.
+ """
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'big-fixture.json',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ articles = Article.objects.exclude(id=9)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ list(articles.values_list('id', flat=True)),
+ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
+ )
+ # Just for good measure, run the same query again.
+ # Under the influence of ticket #7572, this will
+ # give a different result to the previous call.
+ self.assertEqual(
+ list(articles.values_list('id', flat=True)),
+ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
+ )
+ def test_field_value_coerce(self):
+ """
+ Test for tickets #8298, #9942 - Field values should be coerced into the
+ correct type by the deserializer, not as part of the database write.
+ """
+ self.pre_save_checks = []
+ signals.pre_save.connect(self.animal_pre_save_check)
+ try:
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'animal.xml',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.pre_save_checks,
+ [
+ ("Count = 42 (<%s 'int'>)" % ('class' if PY3 else 'type'),
+ "Weight = 1.2 (<%s 'float'>)" % ('class' if PY3 else 'type'))
+ ]
+ )
+ finally:
+ signals.pre_save.disconnect(self.animal_pre_save_check)
+ def test_dumpdata_uses_default_manager(self):
+ """
+ Regression for #11286
+ Ensure that dumpdata honors the default manager
+ Dump the current contents of the database as a JSON fixture
+ """
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'animal.xml',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'sequence.json',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ animal = Animal(
+ name='Platypus',
+ latin_name='Ornithorhynchus anatinus',
+ count=2,
+ weight=2.2
+ )
+ stdout = StringIO()
+ management.call_command(
+ 'dumpdata',
+ 'fixtures_regress.animal',
+ format='json',
+ stdout=stdout
+ )
+ # Output order isn't guaranteed, so check for parts
+ data = stdout.getvalue()
+ # Get rid of artifacts like '000000002' to eliminate the differences
+ # between different Python versions.
+ data = re.sub('0{6,}\d', '', data)
+ animals_data = sorted([
+ {"pk": 1, "model": "fixtures_regress.animal", "fields": {"count": 3, "weight": 1.2, "name": "Lion", "latin_name": "Panthera leo"}},
+ {"pk": 10, "model": "fixtures_regress.animal", "fields": {"count": 42, "weight": 1.2, "name": "Emu", "latin_name": "Dromaius novaehollandiae"}},
+ {"pk":, "model": "fixtures_regress.animal", "fields": {"count": 2, "weight": 2.2, "name": "Platypus", "latin_name": "Ornithorhynchus anatinus"}},
+ ], key=lambda x: x["pk"])
+ data = sorted(json.loads(data), key=lambda x: x["pk"])
+ self.maxDiff = 1024
+ self.assertEqual(data, animals_data)
+ def test_proxy_model_included(self):
+ """
+ Regression for #11428 - Proxy models aren't included when you dumpdata
+ """
+ stdout = StringIO()
+ # Create an instance of the concrete class
+ widget = Widget.objects.create(name='grommet')
+ management.call_command(
+ 'dumpdata',
+ 'fixtures_regress.widget',
+ 'fixtures_regress.widgetproxy',
+ format='json',
+ stdout=stdout
+ )
+ self.assertJSONEqual(
+ stdout.getvalue(),
+ """[{"pk": %d, "model": "fixtures_regress.widget", "fields": {"name": "grommet"}}]"""
+ %
+ )
+ def test_loaddata_works_when_fixture_has_forward_refs(self):
+ """
+ Regression for #3615 - Forward references cause fixtures not to load in MySQL (InnoDB)
+ """
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'forward_ref.json',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(Book.objects.all()[0].id, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(Person.objects.all()[0].id, 4)
+ def test_loaddata_raises_error_when_fixture_has_invalid_foreign_key(self):
+ """
+ Regression for #3615 - Ensure data with nonexistent child key references raises error
+ """
+ with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, IntegrityError,
+ "Problem installing fixture"):
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'forward_ref_bad_data.json',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ _cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(upath(__file__)))
+ @override_settings(FIXTURE_DIRS=[os.path.join(_cur_dir, 'fixtures_1'),
+ os.path.join(_cur_dir, 'fixtures_2')])
+ def test_loaddata_forward_refs_split_fixtures(self):
+ """
+ Regression for #17530 - should be able to cope with forward references
+ when the fixtures are not in the same files or directories.
+ """
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'forward_ref_1.json',
+ 'forward_ref_2.json',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(Book.objects.all()[0].id, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(Person.objects.all()[0].id, 4)
+ def test_loaddata_no_fixture_specified(self):
+ """
+ Regression for #7043 - Error is quickly reported when no fixtures is provided in the command line.
+ """
+ with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, management.CommandError,
+ "No database fixture specified. Please provide the path of "
+ "at least one fixture in the command line."):
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ def test_loaddata_not_existant_fixture_file(self):
+ stdout_output = StringIO()
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'this_fixture_doesnt_exist',
+ verbosity=2,
+ commit=False,
+ stdout=stdout_output,
+ )
+ self.assertTrue("No xml fixture 'this_fixture_doesnt_exist' in" in
+ force_text(stdout_output.getvalue()))
+class NaturalKeyFixtureTests(TestCase):
+ def test_nk_deserialize(self):
+ """
+ Test for ticket #13030 - Python based parser version
+ natural keys deserialize with fk to inheriting model
+ """
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'model-inheritance.json',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'nk-inheritance.json',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ NKChild.objects.get(pk=1).data,
+ 'apple'
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ RefToNKChild.objects.get(pk=1),
+ 'apple'
+ )
+ def test_nk_deserialize_xml(self):
+ """
+ Test for ticket #13030 - XML version
+ natural keys deserialize with fk to inheriting model
+ """
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'model-inheritance.json',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'nk-inheritance.json',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'nk-inheritance2.xml',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ NKChild.objects.get(pk=2).data,
+ 'banana'
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ RefToNKChild.objects.get(pk=2),
+ 'apple'
+ )
+ def test_nk_on_serialize(self):
+ """
+ Check that natural key requirements are taken into account
+ when serializing models
+ """
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'forward_ref_lookup.json',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ stdout = StringIO()
+ management.call_command(
+ 'dumpdata',
+ '',
+ 'fixtures_regress.person',
+ '',
+ verbosity=0,
+ format='json',
+ use_natural_keys=True,
+ stdout=stdout,
+ )
+ self.assertJSONEqual(
+ stdout.getvalue(),
+ """[{"pk": 2, "model": "", "fields": {"main": null, "name": "Amazon"}}, {"pk": 3, "model": "", "fields": {"main": null, "name": "Borders"}}, {"pk": 4, "model": "fixtures_regress.person", "fields": {"name": "Neal Stephenson"}}, {"pk": 1, "model": "", "fields": {"stores": [["Amazon"], ["Borders"]], "name": "Cryptonomicon", "author": ["Neal Stephenson"]}}]"""
+ )
+ def test_dependency_sorting(self):
+ """
+ Now lets check the dependency sorting explicitly
+ It doesn't matter what order you mention the models
+ Store *must* be serialized before then Person, and both
+ must be serialized before Book.
+ """
+ sorted_deps = sort_dependencies(
+ [('fixtures_regress', [Book, Person, Store])]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ sorted_deps,
+ [Store, Person, Book]
+ )
+ def test_dependency_sorting_2(self):
+ sorted_deps = sort_dependencies(
+ [('fixtures_regress', [Book, Store, Person])]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ sorted_deps,
+ [Store, Person, Book]
+ )
+ def test_dependency_sorting_3(self):
+ sorted_deps = sort_dependencies(
+ [('fixtures_regress', [Store, Book, Person])]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ sorted_deps,
+ [Store, Person, Book]
+ )
+ def test_dependency_sorting_4(self):
+ sorted_deps = sort_dependencies(
+ [('fixtures_regress', [Store, Person, Book])]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ sorted_deps,
+ [Store, Person, Book]
+ )
+ def test_dependency_sorting_5(self):
+ sorted_deps = sort_dependencies(
+ [('fixtures_regress', [Person, Book, Store])]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ sorted_deps,
+ [Store, Person, Book]
+ )
+ def test_dependency_sorting_6(self):
+ sorted_deps = sort_dependencies(
+ [('fixtures_regress', [Person, Store, Book])]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ sorted_deps,
+ [Store, Person, Book]
+ )
+ def test_dependency_sorting_dangling(self):
+ sorted_deps = sort_dependencies(
+ [('fixtures_regress', [Person, Circle1, Store, Book])]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ sorted_deps,
+ [Circle1, Store, Person, Book]
+ )
+ def test_dependency_sorting_tight_circular(self):
+ self.assertRaisesMessage(
+ CommandError,
+ """Can't resolve dependencies for fixtures_regress.Circle1, fixtures_regress.Circle2 in serialized app list.""",
+ sort_dependencies,
+ [('fixtures_regress', [Person, Circle2, Circle1, Store, Book])],
+ )
+ def test_dependency_sorting_tight_circular_2(self):
+ self.assertRaisesMessage(
+ CommandError,
+ """Can't resolve dependencies for fixtures_regress.Circle1, fixtures_regress.Circle2 in serialized app list.""",
+ sort_dependencies,
+ [('fixtures_regress', [Circle1, Book, Circle2])],
+ )
+ def test_dependency_self_referential(self):
+ self.assertRaisesMessage(
+ CommandError,
+ """Can't resolve dependencies for fixtures_regress.Circle3 in serialized app list.""",
+ sort_dependencies,
+ [('fixtures_regress', [Book, Circle3])],
+ )
+ def test_dependency_sorting_long(self):
+ self.assertRaisesMessage(
+ CommandError,
+ """Can't resolve dependencies for fixtures_regress.Circle1, fixtures_regress.Circle2, fixtures_regress.Circle3 in serialized app list.""",
+ sort_dependencies,
+ [('fixtures_regress', [Person, Circle2, Circle1, Circle3, Store, Book])],
+ )
+ def test_dependency_sorting_normal(self):
+ sorted_deps = sort_dependencies(
+ [('fixtures_regress', [Person, ExternalDependency, Book])]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ sorted_deps,
+ [Person, Book, ExternalDependency]
+ )
+ def test_normal_pk(self):
+ """
+ Check that normal primary keys still work
+ on a model with natural key capabilities
+ """
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'non_natural_1.json',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'forward_ref_lookup.json',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'non_natural_2.xml',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ books = Book.objects.all()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ books.__repr__(),
+ """[<Book: Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson (available at Amazon, Borders)>, <Book: Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (available at Collins Bookstore)>, <Book: Permutation City by Greg Egan (available at Angus and Robertson)>]"""
+ )
+class TestTicket11101(TransactionTestCase):
+ def ticket_11101(self):
+ management.call_command(
+ 'loaddata',
+ 'thingy.json',
+ verbosity=0,
+ commit=False
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(Thingy.objects.count(), 1)
+ transaction.rollback()
+ self.assertEqual(Thingy.objects.count(), 0)
+ transaction.commit()
+ @skipUnlessDBFeature('supports_transactions')
+ def test_ticket_11101(self):
+ """Test that fixtures can be rolled back (ticket #11101)."""
+ ticket_11101 = transaction.commit_manually(self.ticket_11101)
+ ticket_11101()