path: root/django/models/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'django/models/')
1 files changed, 281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/django/models/ b/django/models/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d610c965c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/django/models/
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+from django.core import meta
+from django.models import auth, core
+class Comment(meta.Model):
+ db_table = 'comments'
+ fields = (
+ meta.ForeignKey(auth.User, raw_id_admin=True),
+ meta.ForeignKey(core.ContentType, name='content_type_id', rel_name='content_type'),
+ meta.IntegerField('object_id', 'object ID'),
+ meta.CharField('headline', 'headline', maxlength=255, blank=True),
+ meta.TextField('comment', 'comment', maxlength=3000),
+ meta.PositiveSmallIntegerField('rating1', 'rating #1', blank=True, null=True),
+ meta.PositiveSmallIntegerField('rating2', 'rating #2', blank=True, null=True),
+ meta.PositiveSmallIntegerField('rating3', 'rating #3', blank=True, null=True),
+ meta.PositiveSmallIntegerField('rating4', 'rating #4', blank=True, null=True),
+ meta.PositiveSmallIntegerField('rating5', 'rating #5', blank=True, null=True),
+ meta.PositiveSmallIntegerField('rating6', 'rating #6', blank=True, null=True),
+ meta.PositiveSmallIntegerField('rating7', 'rating #7', blank=True, null=True),
+ meta.PositiveSmallIntegerField('rating8', 'rating #8', blank=True, null=True),
+ # This field designates whether to use this row's ratings in
+ # aggregate functions (summaries). We need this because people are
+ # allowed to post multiple review on the same thing, but the system
+ # will only use the latest one (with valid_rating=True) in tallying
+ # the reviews.
+ meta.BooleanField('valid_rating', 'is valid rating'),
+ meta.DateTimeField('submit_date', 'date/time submitted', auto_now_add=True),
+ meta.BooleanField('is_public', 'is public'),
+ meta.IPAddressField('ip_address', 'IP address', blank=True, null=True),
+ meta.BooleanField('is_removed', 'is removed',
+ help_text='Check this box if the comment is inappropriate. A "This comment has been removed" message will be displayed instead.'),
+ meta.ForeignKey(core.Site),
+ )
+ module_constants = {
+ # used as shared secret between comment form and comment-posting script
+ 'COMMENT_SALT': 'ijw2f3_MRS_PIGGY_LOVES_KERMIT_avo#*5vv0(23j)(*',
+ # min. and max. allowed dimensions for photo resizing (in pixels)
+ # option codes for comment-form hidden fields
+ 'IS_PUBLIC': 'ip',
+ }
+ ordering = (('submit_date', 'DESC'),)
+ admin = meta.Admin(
+ fields = (
+ (None, {'fields': ('content_type_id', 'object_id', 'site_id')}),
+ ('Content', {'fields': ('user_id', 'headline', 'comment')}),
+ ('Ratings', {'fields': ('rating1', 'rating2', 'rating3', 'rating4', 'rating5', 'rating6', 'rating7', 'rating8', 'valid_rating')}),
+ ('Meta', {'fields': ('is_public', 'is_removed', 'ip_address')}),
+ ),
+ list_display = ('user_id', 'submit_date', 'content_type_id', 'get_content_object'),
+ list_filter = ('submit_date',),
+ date_hierarchy = 'submit_date',
+ search_fields = ('comment', 'user__username'),
+ )
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "%s: %s..." % (self.get_user().username, self.comment[:100])
+ def get_absolute_url(self):
+ return self.get_content_object().get_absolute_url() + "#c" + str(
+ def get_crossdomain_url(self):
+ return "/r/%d/%d/" % (self.content_type_id, self.object_id)
+ def get_flag_url(self):
+ return "/comments/flag/%s/" %
+ def get_deletion_url(self):
+ return "/comments/delete/%s/" %
+ def get_content_object(self):
+ """
+ Returns the object that this comment is a comment on. Returns None if
+ the object no longer exists.
+ """
+ from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
+ try:
+ return self.get_content_type().get_object_for_this_type(id__exact=self.object_id)
+ except ObjectDoesNotExist:
+ return None
+ get_content_object.short_description = 'Content object'
+ def _fill_karma_cache(self):
+ "Helper function that populates good/bad karma caches"
+ good, bad = 0, 0
+ for k in self.get_karmascore_list():
+ if k.score == -1:
+ bad +=1
+ elif k.score == 1:
+ good +=1
+ self._karma_total_good, self._karma_total_bad = good, bad
+ def get_good_karma_total(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_karma_total_good"):
+ self._fill_karma_cache()
+ return self._karma_total_good
+ def get_bad_karma_total(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_karma_total_bad"):
+ self._fill_karma_cache()
+ return self._karma_total_bad
+ def get_karma_total(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_karma_total_good") or not hasattr(self, "_karma_total_bad"):
+ self._fill_karma_cache()
+ return self._karma_total_good + self._karma_total_bad
+ def get_as_text(self):
+ return 'Posted by %s at %s\n\n%s\n\nhttp://%s%s' % \
+ (self.get_user().username, self.submit_date,
+ self.comment, self.get_site().domain, self.get_absolute_url())
+ def _module_get_security_hash(options, photo_options, rating_options, target):
+ """
+ Returns the MD5 hash of the given options (a comma-separated string such as
+ 'pa,ra') and target (something like 'lcom.eventtimes:5157'). Used to
+ validate that submitted form options have not been tampered-with.
+ """
+ import md5
+ return + photo_options + rating_options + target + COMMENT_SALT).hexdigest()
+ def _module_get_rating_options(rating_string):
+ """
+ Given a rating_string, this returns a tuple of (rating_range, options).
+ >>> s = "scale:1-10|First_category|Second_category"
+ >>> get_rating_options(s)
+ ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], ['First category', 'Second category'])
+ """
+ rating_range, options = rating_string.split('|', 1)
+ rating_range = range(int(rating_range[6:].split('-')[0]), int(rating_range[6:].split('-')[1])+1)
+ choices = [c.replace('_', ' ') for c in options.split('|')]
+ return rating_range, choices
+ def _module_get_list_with_karma(**kwargs):
+ """
+ Returns a list of Comment objects matching the given lookup terms, with
+ _karma_total_good and _karma_total_bad filled.
+ """
+ kwargs.setdefault('select', {})
+ kwargs['select']['_karma_total_good'] = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments_karma WHERE AND score=1'
+ kwargs['select']['_karma_total_bad'] = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments_karma WHERE AND score=-1'
+ return get_list(**kwargs)
+ def _module_user_is_moderator(user):
+ from django.conf.settings import COMMENTS_MODERATORS_GROUP
+ if user.is_superuser:
+ return True
+ for g in user.get_groups():
+ return True
+ return False
+class FreeComment(meta.Model):
+ "A FreeComment is a comment by a non-registered user"
+ db_table = 'comments_free'
+ fields = (
+ meta.ForeignKey(core.ContentType, name='content_type_id', rel_name='content_type'),
+ meta.IntegerField('object_id', 'object ID'),
+ meta.TextField('comment', 'comment', maxlength=3000),
+ meta.CharField('person_name', "person's name", maxlength=50),
+ meta.DateTimeField('submit_date', 'date/time submitted', auto_now_add=True),
+ meta.BooleanField('is_public', 'is public'),
+ meta.IPAddressField('ip_address', 'IP address'),
+ # TODO: Change this to is_removed, like Comment
+ meta.BooleanField('approved', 'approved by staff'),
+ meta.ForeignKey(core.Site),
+ )
+ ordering = (('submit_date', 'DESC'),)
+ admin = meta.Admin(
+ fields = (
+ (None, {'fields': ('content_type_id', 'object_id', 'site_id')}),
+ ('Content', {'fields': ('person_name', 'comment')}),
+ ('Meta', {'fields': ('submit_date', 'is_public', 'ip_address', 'approved')}),
+ ),
+ list_display = ('person_name', 'submit_date', 'content_type_id', 'get_content_object'),
+ list_filter = ('submit_date',),
+ date_hierarchy = 'submit_date',
+ search_fields = ('comment', 'person_name'),
+ )
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "%s: %s..." % (self.person_name, self.comment[:100])
+ def get_content_object(self):
+ """
+ Returns the object that this comment is a comment on. Returns None if
+ the object no longer exists.
+ """
+ from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
+ try:
+ return self.get_content_type().get_object_for_this_type(id__exact=self.object_id)
+ except ObjectDoesNotExist:
+ return None
+ get_content_object.short_description = 'Content object'
+class KarmaScore(meta.Model):
+ module_name = 'karma'
+ fields = (
+ meta.ForeignKey(auth.User),
+ meta.ForeignKey(Comment),
+ meta.SmallIntegerField('score', 'score', db_index=True),
+ meta.DateTimeField('scored_date', 'date scored', auto_now=True),
+ )
+ unique_together = (('user_id', 'comment_id'),)
+ module_constants = {
+ # what users get if they don't have any karma
+ }
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "%d rating by %s" % (self.score, self.get_user())
+ def _module_vote(user_id, comment_id, score):
+ try:
+ karma = get_object(comment_id__exact=comment_id, user_id__exact=user_id)
+ except KarmaScoreDoesNotExist:
+ karma = KarmaScore(None, user_id, comment_id, score,
+ else:
+ karma.score = score
+ karma.scored_date =
+ def _module_get_pretty_score(score):
+ """
+ Given a score between -1 and 1 (inclusive), returns the same score on a
+ scale between 1 and 10 (inclusive), as an integer.
+ """
+ if score is None:
+ return int(round((4.5 * score) + 5.5))
+class UserFlag(meta.Model):
+ db_table = 'comments_user_flags'
+ fields = (
+ meta.ForeignKey(auth.User),
+ meta.ForeignKey(Comment),
+ meta.DateTimeField('flag_date', 'date flagged', auto_now_add=True),
+ )
+ unique_together = (('user_id', 'comment_id'),)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Flag by %r" % self.get_user()
+ def _module_flag(comment, user):
+ """
+ Flags the given comment by the given user. If the comment has already
+ been flagged by the user, or it was a comment posted by the user,
+ nothing happens.
+ """
+ if int(comment.user_id) == int(
+ return # A user can't flag his own comment. Fail silently.
+ try:
+ f = get_object(,
+ except UserFlagDoesNotExist:
+ from django.core.mail import mail_managers
+ f = UserFlag(None,,, None)
+ message = 'This comment was flagged by %s:\n\n%s' % (user.username, comment.get_as_text())
+ mail_managers('Comment flagged', message, fail_silently=True)
+class ModeratorDeletion(meta.Model):
+ db_table = 'comments_moderator_deletions'
+ fields = (
+ meta.ForeignKey(auth.User, verbose_name='moderator'),
+ meta.ForeignKey(Comment),
+ meta.DateTimeField('deletion_date', 'date deleted', auto_now_add=True),
+ )
+ unique_together = (('user_id', 'comment_id'),)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Moderator deletion by %r" % self.get_user()