path: root/tests/many_to_many
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authorTim Graham <>2016-02-05 13:53:03 -0500
committerTim Graham <>2016-02-05 15:11:07 -0500
commit406675b1a03c0568f7768a73e7c279011e56054d (patch)
tree092da11ce8e2773a29576b2d937e188c7a46621d /tests/many_to_many
parent275314512d7dd10065026f02f61931e4c62c9cc8 (diff)
Fixed #26176 -- Fixed E123 flake8 warnings.26176
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/many_to_many')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/tests/many_to_many/ b/tests/many_to_many/
index d7f81c5c29..67b3c9601e 100644
--- a/tests/many_to_many/
+++ b/tests/many_to_many/
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.db import transaction
from django.test import TestCase, ignore_warnings
-from django.utils import six
from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango20Warning
from .models import Article, InheritedArticleA, InheritedArticleB, Publication
@@ -12,15 +11,15 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Create a couple of Publications.
- self.p1 = Publication.objects.create(id=None, title='The Python Journal')
- self.p2 = Publication.objects.create(id=None, title='Science News')
- self.p3 = Publication.objects.create(id=None, title='Science Weekly')
+ self.p1 = Publication.objects.create(title='The Python Journal')
+ self.p2 = Publication.objects.create(title='Science News')
+ self.p3 = Publication.objects.create(title='Science Weekly')
self.p4 = Publication.objects.create(title='Highlights for Children')
- self.a1 = Article.objects.create(id=None, headline='Django lets you build Web apps easily')
+ self.a1 = Article.objects.create(headline='Django lets you build Web apps easily')
- self.a2 = Article.objects.create(id=None, headline='NASA uses Python')
+ self.a2 = Article.objects.create(headline='NASA uses Python')
self.a2.publications.add(self.p1, self.p2, self.p3, self.p4)
self.a3 = Article.objects.create(headline='NASA finds intelligent life on Earth')
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
def test_add(self):
# Create an Article.
- a5 = Article(id=None, headline='Django lets you reate Web apps easily')
+ a5 = Article(headline='Django lets you reate Web apps easily')
# You can't associate it with a Publication until it's been saved.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
getattr(a5, 'publications')
@@ -39,51 +38,55 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
# Associate the Article with a Publication.
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(a5.publications.all(),
- ['<Publication: The Python Journal>'])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(a5.publications.all(), ['<Publication: The Python Journal>'])
# Create another Article, and set it to appear in both Publications.
- a6 = Article(id=None, headline='ESA uses Python')
+ a6 = Article(headline='ESA uses Python')
a6.publications.add(self.p1, self.p2)
# Adding a second time is OK
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(a6.publications.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ a6.publications.all(),
'<Publication: Science News>',
'<Publication: Science Weekly>',
'<Publication: The Python Journal>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
# Adding an object of the wrong type raises TypeError
- with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, TypeError, "'Publication' instance expected, got <Article.*"):
+ with self.assertRaisesMessage(TypeError, "'Publication' instance expected, got <Article"):
with transaction.atomic():
# Add a Publication directly via publications.add by using keyword arguments.
a6.publications.create(title='Highlights for Adults')
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(a6.publications.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ a6.publications.all(),
'<Publication: Highlights for Adults>',
'<Publication: Science News>',
'<Publication: Science Weekly>',
'<Publication: The Python Journal>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
def test_reverse_add(self):
# Adding via the 'other' end of an m2m
a5 = Article(headline='NASA finds intelligent life on Mars')
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ self.p2.article_set.all(),
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Mars>',
'<Article: NASA uses Python>',
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
- ])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(a5.publications.all(),
- ['<Publication: Science News>'])
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(a5.publications.all(), ['<Publication: Science News>'])
# Adding via the other end using keywords
self.p2.article_set.create(headline='Carbon-free diet works wonders')
@@ -97,39 +100,48 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
a6 = self.p2.article_set.all()[3]
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(a6.publications.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ a6.publications.all(),
'<Publication: Highlights for Children>',
'<Publication: Science News>',
'<Publication: Science Weekly>',
'<Publication: The Python Journal>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
def test_related_sets(self):
# Article objects have access to their related Publication objects.
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a1.publications.all(),
- ['<Publication: The Python Journal>'])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a2.publications.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a1.publications.all(), ['<Publication: The Python Journal>'])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ self.a2.publications.all(),
'<Publication: Highlights for Children>',
'<Publication: Science News>',
'<Publication: Science Weekly>',
'<Publication: The Python Journal>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
# Publication objects have access to their related Article objects.
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ self.p2.article_set.all(),
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
'<Article: NASA uses Python>',
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
- ])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p1.article_set.all(),
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ self.p1.article_set.all(),
'<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>',
'<Article: NASA uses Python>',
- ])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Publication.objects.get(,
- ['<Article: NASA uses Python>'])
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ Publication.objects.get(,
+ ['<Article: NASA uses Python>']
+ )
def test_selects(self):
# We can perform kwarg queries across m2m relationships
@@ -144,19 +156,22 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
'<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>',
'<Article: NASA uses Python>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
'<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>',
'<Article: NASA uses Python>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
'<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>',
'<Article: NASA uses Python>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
@@ -164,14 +179,16 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
'<Article: NASA uses Python>',
'<Article: NASA uses Python>',
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
'<Article: NASA uses Python>',
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
# The count() function respects distinct() as well.
self.assertEqual(Article.objects.filter(publications__title__startswith="Science").count(), 4)
@@ -191,7 +208,8 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
'<Article: NASA uses Python>',
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
Article.objects.filter(publications__in=[self.p1, self.p2]).distinct(),
@@ -199,20 +217,22 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
'<Article: NASA uses Python>',
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
# Excluding a related item works as you would expect, too (although the SQL
# involved is a little complex).
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Article.objects.exclude(publications=self.p2),
- ['<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>'])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ Article.objects.exclude(publications=self.p2),
+ ['<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>']
+ )
def test_reverse_selects(self):
# Reverse m2m queries are supported (i.e., starting at the table that
# doesn't have a ManyToManyField).
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Publication.objects.filter(,
- ['<Publication: The Python Journal>'])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Publication.objects.filter(,
- ['<Publication: The Python Journal>'])
+ python_journal = ['<Publication: The Python Journal>']
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(Publication.objects.filter(, python_journal)
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(Publication.objects.filter(, python_journal)
@@ -222,14 +242,11 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
'<Publication: Science Weekly>',
'<Publication: The Python Journal>',
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Publication.objects.filter(,
- ['<Publication: The Python Journal>'])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Publication.objects.filter(,
- ['<Publication: The Python Journal>'])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Publication.objects.filter(,
- ['<Publication: The Python Journal>'])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Publication.objects.filter(article=self.a1),
- ['<Publication: The Python Journal>'])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(Publication.objects.filter(, python_journal)
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(Publication.objects.filter(, python_journal)
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(Publication.objects.filter(, python_journal)
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(Publication.objects.filter(article=self.a1), python_journal)
@@ -259,47 +276,59 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
def test_delete(self):
# If we delete a Publication, its Articles won't be able to access it.
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Publication.objects.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ Publication.objects.all(),
'<Publication: Highlights for Children>',
'<Publication: Science News>',
'<Publication: Science Weekly>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a1.publications.all(), [])
# If we delete an Article, its Publications won't be able to access it.
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Article.objects.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ Article.objects.all(),
'<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>',
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
- ])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ self.p2.article_set.all(),
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
def test_bulk_delete(self):
# Bulk delete some Publications - references to deleted publications should go
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Publication.objects.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ Publication.objects.all(),
'<Publication: Highlights for Children>',
'<Publication: The Python Journal>',
- ])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(Article.objects.all(),
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ Article.objects.all(),
'<Article: Django lets you build Web apps easily>',
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
'<Article: NASA uses Python>',
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
- ])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a2.publications.all(),
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ self.a2.publications.all(),
'<Publication: Highlights for Children>',
'<Publication: The Python Journal>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
# Bulk delete some articles - references to deleted objects should go
q = Article.objects.filter(headline__startswith='Django')
@@ -308,46 +337,45 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
# After the delete, the QuerySet cache needs to be cleared,
# and the referenced objects should be gone
self.assertQuerysetEqual(q, [])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p1.article_set.all(),
- ['<Article: NASA uses Python>'])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p1.article_set.all(), ['<Article: NASA uses Python>'])
def test_remove(self):
# Removing publication from an article:
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ self.p2.article_set.all(),
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
'<Article: NASA uses Python>',
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ self.p2.article_set.all(),
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
'<Article: NASA uses Python>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(), [])
# And from the other end
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
- [
- '<Article: NASA uses Python>',
- ])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(), ['<Article: NASA uses Python>'])
self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a3.publications.all(), [])
def test_set(self):
self.p2.article_set.set([self.a4, self.a3])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ self.p2.article_set.all(),
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
- ])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(),
- ['<Publication: Science News>'])
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(), ['<Publication: Science News>'])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
- ['<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>'])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(),
- ['<Publication: Science Weekly>'])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(), ['<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>'])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(), ['<Publication: Science Weekly>'])
self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(), [])
@@ -355,18 +383,17 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(), [])
self.p2.article_set.set([self.a4, self.a3], clear=True)
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ self.p2.article_set.all(),
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
- ])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(),
- ['<Publication: Science News>'])
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(), ['<Publication: Science News>'])
self.a4.publications.set([], clear=True)
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
- ['<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>'])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(),
- ['<Publication: Science Weekly>'])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(), ['<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>'])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(), ['<Publication: Science Weekly>'])
self.p2.article_set.set([], clear=True)
self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(), [])
@@ -385,18 +412,17 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
def test_assign_deprecated(self):
self.p2.article_set = [self.a4, self.a3]
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ self.p2.article_set.all(),
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
- ])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(),
- ['<Publication: Science News>'])
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(), ['<Publication: Science News>'])
self.a4.publications = []
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
- ['<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>'])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(),
- ['<Publication: Science Weekly>'])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(), ['<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>'])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(), ['<Publication: Science Weekly>'])
# An alternate to calling clear() is to assign the empty set
self.p2.article_set = []
@@ -427,18 +453,17 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
def test_assign_ids(self):
# Relation sets can also be set using primary key values
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ self.p2.article_set.all(),
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
- ])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(),
- ['<Publication: Science News>'])
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(), ['<Publication: Science News>'])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
- ['<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>'])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(),
- ['<Publication: Science Weekly>'])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(), ['<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>'])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(), ['<Publication: Science Weekly>'])
def test_forward_assign_with_queryset(self):
# Ensure that querysets used in m2m assignments are pre-evaluated
@@ -472,19 +497,17 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
# And you can clear from the other end
self.p2.article_set.add(self.a3, self.a4)
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ self.p2.article_set.all(),
'<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>',
'<Article: Oxygen-free diet works wonders>',
- ])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(),
- [
- '<Publication: Science News>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(), ['<Publication: Science News>'])
self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.a4.publications.all(), [])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(),
- ['<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>'])
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(self.p2.article_set.all(), ['<Article: NASA finds intelligent life on Earth>'])
def test_inherited_models_selects(self):
@@ -494,19 +517,19 @@ class ManyToManyTests(TestCase):
a = InheritedArticleA.objects.create()
b = InheritedArticleB.objects.create()
a.publications.add(self.p1, self.p2)
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(a.publications.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ a.publications.all(),
'<Publication: Science News>',
'<Publication: The Python Journal>',
self.assertQuerysetEqual(b.publications.all(), [])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(a.publications.all(),
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(
+ a.publications.all(),
'<Publication: Science News>',
'<Publication: The Python Journal>',
- ])
- self.assertQuerysetEqual(b.publications.all(),
- [
- '<Publication: Science Weekly>',
- ])
+ ]
+ )
+ self.assertQuerysetEqual(b.publications.all(), ['<Publication: Science Weekly>'])