path: root/tests/get_object_or_404
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authorFlorian Apolloner <>2013-02-26 09:53:47 +0100
committerFlorian Apolloner <>2013-02-26 14:36:57 +0100
commit89f40e36246100df6a11316c31a76712ebc6c501 (patch)
tree6e65639683ddaf2027908d1ecb1739e0e2ff853b /tests/get_object_or_404
parentb3d2ccb5bfbaf6e7fe1f98843baaa48c35a70950 (diff)
Merged regressiontests and modeltests into the test root.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/get_object_or_404')
3 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/get_object_or_404/ b/tests/get_object_or_404/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/get_object_or_404/
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bda060569e
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+35. DB-API Shortcuts
+``get_object_or_404()`` is a shortcut function to be used in view functions for
+performing a ``get()`` lookup and raising a ``Http404`` exception if a
+``DoesNotExist`` exception was raised during the ``get()`` call.
+``get_list_or_404()`` is a shortcut function to be used in view functions for
+performing a ``filter()`` lookup and raising a ``Http404`` exception if a
+``DoesNotExist`` exception was raised during the ``filter()`` call.
+from django.db import models
+from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible
+class Author(models.Model):
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+class ArticleManager(models.Manager):
+ def get_query_set(self):
+ return super(ArticleManager, self).get_query_set().filter(authors__name__icontains='sir')
+class Article(models.Model):
+ authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author)
+ title = models.CharField(max_length=50)
+ objects = models.Manager()
+ by_a_sir = ArticleManager()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.title
diff --git a/tests/get_object_or_404/ b/tests/get_object_or_404/
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index 0000000000..38ebeb4f8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/get_object_or_404/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from django.http import Http404
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, get_list_or_404
+from django.test import TestCase
+from .models import Author, Article
+class GetObjectOr404Tests(TestCase):
+ def test_get_object_or_404(self):
+ a1 = Author.objects.create(name="Brave Sir Robin")
+ a2 = Author.objects.create(name="Patsy")
+ # No Articles yet, so we should get a Http404 error.
+ self.assertRaises(Http404, get_object_or_404, Article, title="Foo")
+ article = Article.objects.create(title="Run away!")
+ article.authors = [a1, a2]
+ # get_object_or_404 can be passed a Model to query.
+ self.assertEqual(
+ get_object_or_404(Article, title__contains="Run"),
+ article
+ )
+ # We can also use the Article manager through an Author object.
+ self.assertEqual(
+ get_object_or_404(a1.article_set, title__contains="Run"),
+ article
+ )
+ # No articles containing "Camelot". This should raise a Http404 error.
+ self.assertRaises(Http404,
+ get_object_or_404, a1.article_set, title__contains="Camelot"
+ )
+ # Custom managers can be used too.
+ self.assertEqual(
+ get_object_or_404(Article.by_a_sir, title="Run away!"),
+ article
+ )
+ # QuerySets can be used too.
+ self.assertEqual(
+ get_object_or_404(Article.objects.all(), title__contains="Run"),
+ article
+ )
+ # Just as when using a get() lookup, you will get an error if more than
+ # one object is returned.
+ self.assertRaises(Author.MultipleObjectsReturned,
+ get_object_or_404, Author.objects.all()
+ )
+ # Using an empty QuerySet raises a Http404 error.
+ self.assertRaises(Http404,
+ get_object_or_404, Article.objects.none(), title__contains="Run"
+ )
+ # get_list_or_404 can be used to get lists of objects
+ self.assertEqual(
+ get_list_or_404(a1.article_set, title__icontains="Run"),
+ [article]
+ )
+ # Http404 is returned if the list is empty.
+ self.assertRaises(Http404,
+ get_list_or_404, a1.article_set, title__icontains="Shrubbery"
+ )
+ # Custom managers can be used too.
+ self.assertEqual(
+ get_list_or_404(Article.by_a_sir, title__icontains="Run"),
+ [article]
+ )
+ # QuerySets can be used too.
+ self.assertEqual(
+ get_list_or_404(Article.objects.all(), title__icontains="Run"),
+ [article]
+ )
+ def test_bad_class(self):
+ # Given an argument klass that is not a Model, Manager, or Queryset
+ # raises a helpful ValueError message
+ self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError,
+ "Object is of type 'str', but must be a Django Model, Manager, "
+ "or QuerySet",
+ get_object_or_404, "Article", title__icontains="Run"
+ )
+ class CustomClass(object):
+ pass
+ self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError,
+ "Object is of type 'CustomClass', but must be a Django Model, "
+ "Manager, or QuerySet",
+ get_object_or_404, CustomClass, title__icontains="Run"
+ )
+ # Works for lists too
+ self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError,
+ "Object is of type 'list', but must be a Django Model, Manager, "
+ "or QuerySet",
+ get_list_or_404, [Article], title__icontains="Run"
+ )