diff options
authorJannis Leidel <>2011-07-19 09:00:24 +0000
committerJannis Leidel <>2011-07-19 09:00:24 +0000
commit8f7b5024b29321ff7b6995c6616558dca16104eb (patch)
parent0452d4c3cce8b41e01a21977cf35341712e70e7c (diff)
Fixed #16414 -- Added standard Windows make batch file for Sphinx. Thanks, Aymeric Augustin.
git-svn-id: bcc190cf-cafb-0310-a4f2-bffc1f526a37
4 files changed, 181 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/docs/README b/docs/README
index 77fb3f0ddb..323e191cce 100644
--- a/docs/README
+++ b/docs/README
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ To create an HTML version of the docs on a Unix machine (Linux or Mac):
* Install Sphinx (using ``easy_install Sphinx`` or some other method)
-* In this docs/ directory, type ``make html`` at a shell prompt.
+* In this docs/ directory, type ``make html`` (or ``make.bat html`` on
+ Windows) at a shell prompt.
The documentation in _build/html/index.html can then be viewed in a web browser.
diff --git a/docs/internals/contributing/writing-documentation.txt b/docs/internals/contributing/writing-documentation.txt
index 39723057dd..f6d6c6f108 100644
--- a/docs/internals/contributing/writing-documentation.txt
+++ b/docs/internals/contributing/writing-documentation.txt
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ Sphinx -- ``easy_install Sphinx`` should do the trick.
-Then, building the HTML is easy; just ``make html`` from the ``docs``
+Then, building the HTML is easy; just ``make html`` (or ``make.bat html`` on
+Windows) from the ``docs`` directory.
To get started contributing, you'll want to read the `reStructuredText
Primer`__. After that, you'll want to read about the `Sphinx-specific markup`__
diff --git a/docs/intro/whatsnext.txt b/docs/intro/whatsnext.txt
index 00c1654c19..fed8a71a81 100644
--- a/docs/intro/whatsnext.txt
+++ b/docs/intro/whatsnext.txt
@@ -183,6 +183,13 @@ You can get a local copy of the HTML documentation following a few easy steps:
You'll need `GNU Make`__ installed for this.
+ If you're on Windows you can alternatively use the included batch file:
+ .. code-block:: bat
+ cd path\to\django\docs
+ make.bat html
* The HTML documentation will be placed in ``docs/_build/html``.
.. note::
diff --git a/docs/make.bat b/docs/make.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f00c79f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/make.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+REM Command file for Sphinx documentation
+if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" (
+ set SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build
+set BUILDDIR=_build
+if NOT "%PAPER%" == "" (
+if "%1" == "" goto help
+if "%1" == "help" (
+ :help
+ echo.Please use `make ^<target^>` where ^<target^> is one of
+ echo. html to make standalone HTML files
+ echo. dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories
+ echo. singlehtml to make a single large HTML file
+ echo. pickle to make pickle files
+ echo. json to make JSON files
+ echo. htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project
+ echo. qthelp to make HTML files and a qthelp project
+ echo. devhelp to make HTML files and a Devhelp project
+ echo. epub to make an epub
+ echo. latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter
+ echo. text to make text files
+ echo. man to make manual pages
+ echo. changes to make an overview over all changed/added/deprecated items
+ echo. linkcheck to check all external links for integrity
+ echo. doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation if enabled
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "clean" (
+ for /d %%i in (%BUILDDIR%\*) do rmdir /q /s %%i
+ del /q /s %BUILDDIR%\*
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "html" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The HTML pages are in %BUILDDIR%/html.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "dirhtml" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The HTML pages are in %BUILDDIR%/dirhtml.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "singlehtml" (
+ %SPHINXBUILD% -b singlehtml %ALLSPHINXOPTS% %BUILDDIR%/singlehtml
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The HTML pages are in %BUILDDIR%/singlehtml.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "pickle" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished; now you can process the pickle files.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "json" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished; now you can process the JSON files.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "htmlhelp" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the ^
+.hhp project file in %BUILDDIR%/htmlhelp.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "qthelp" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the ^
+.qhcp project file in %BUILDDIR%/qthelp, like this:
+ echo.^> qcollectiongenerator %BUILDDIR%\qthelp\django.qhcp
+ echo.To view the help file:
+ echo.^> assistant -collectionFile %BUILDDIR%\qthelp\django.qhc
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "devhelp" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "epub" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The epub file is in %BUILDDIR%/epub.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "latex" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished; the LaTeX files are in %BUILDDIR%/latex.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "text" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The text files are in %BUILDDIR%/text.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "man" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The manual pages are in %BUILDDIR%/man.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "changes" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.The overview file is in %BUILDDIR%/changes.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "linkcheck" (
+ %SPHINXBUILD% -b linkcheck %ALLSPHINXOPTS% %BUILDDIR%/linkcheck
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output ^
+or in %BUILDDIR%/linkcheck/output.txt.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "doctest" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the ^
+results in %BUILDDIR%/doctest/output.txt.
+ goto end