path: root/creole/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'creole/')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/creole/ b/creole/
index 17623f5..24b1b1a 100644
--- a/creole/
+++ b/creole/
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# coding: utf-8
utils for distutils setup
@@ -23,9 +21,9 @@
from creole.setup_utils import get_long_description
except ImportError:
- if "register" in sys.argv or "sdist" in sys.argv or "--long-description" in sys.argv:
+ if 'register' in sys.argv or 'sdist' in sys.argv or '--long-description' in sys.argv:
etype, evalue, etb = sys.exc_info()
- evalue = etype("%s - Please install python-creole >= v0.8 - e.g.: pip install python-creole" % evalue)
+ evalue = etype('%s - Please install python-creole >= v0.8 - e.g.: pip install python-creole' % evalue)
raise etype, evalue, etb
long_description = None
@@ -43,16 +41,20 @@
import codecs
+import datetime
import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
import sys
import warnings
+from pathlib import Path
-from creole import creole2html, html2rest
+from creole import __version__, creole2html, html2rest
from creole.shared.unknown_tags import raise_unknown_node, transparent_unknown_nodes
- "check", "register", "sdist", "bdist", "upload",
- "--long-description", "--restructuredtext",
+ 'check', 'register', 'sdist', 'bdist', 'upload',
+ '--long-description', '--restructuredtext',
@@ -70,13 +72,16 @@ def should_raise_errors():
return False
-def get_long_description(package_root, filename="README.creole", raise_errors=None):
+def get_long_description(package_root, filename='README.creole', raise_errors=None):
""" read README file and convert it on-the-fly to ReStructuredText. """
+ warnings.warn('get_long_description() will be removed in the future', DeprecationWarning)
if raise_errors is None:
raise_errors = should_raise_errors()
if raise_errors:
- sys.stderr.write("Test creole2rest and raise an error, if rendering failed...\n")
+ sys.stderr.write('Test creole2rest and raise an error, if rendering failed...\n')
# raise a error if a unknown node found
unknown_emit = raise_unknown_node
@@ -84,10 +89,10 @@ def get_long_description(package_root, filename="README.creole", raise_errors=No
unknown_emit = transparent_unknown_nodes
filepath = os.path.join(package_root, filename)
- long_description_origin = ""
+ long_description_origin = ''
# Read creole README
- f =, "r", encoding="utf-8")
+ f =, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
long_description_origin =
@@ -97,14 +102,14 @@ def get_long_description(package_root, filename="README.creole", raise_errors=No
# convert html to ReSt
long_description_rest = html2rest(
- emitter_kwargs={"unknown_emit": unknown_emit}
+ emitter_kwargs={'unknown_emit': unknown_emit}
except Exception:
if raise_errors:
# Don't raise the error e.g. in ./setup install process
evalue = sys.exc_info()[1]
- long_description_rest = f"[Error: {evalue}]\n{long_description_origin}"
+ long_description_rest = f'[Error: {evalue}]\n{long_description_origin}'
if raise_errors:
# Test created ReSt code like PyPi does it.
@@ -112,31 +117,230 @@ def get_long_description(package_root, filename="README.creole", raise_errors=No
except SystemExit as e:
- msg = f"Error creole2rest self test failed: rest2html() exist with status code: {e.args[0]}\n"
+ msg = f'Error creole2rest self test failed: rest2html() exist with status code: {e.args[0]}\n'
except Exception as e:
- sys.exit(f"ReSt2html error: {e}")
+ sys.exit(f'ReSt2html error: {e}')
- if "check" in sys.argv:
- print("Generating creole to ReSt to html, ok.")
+ if 'check' in sys.argv:
+ print('Generating creole to ReSt to html, ok.')
return long_description_rest
-def _get_long_description(*args, **kwargs):
- msg = "'GetLongDescription' is deprecated, use 'get_long_description' instead."
- if should_raise_errors():
- raise DeprecationWarning(msg)
+def update_rst_readme(package_root, filename='README.creole'):
+ """
+ Generate README.rst from README.creole
+ """
+ assert isinstance(package_root, Path)
+ assert package_root.is_dir(), f'Directory not found: {package_root}'
+ creole_readme_path = Path(package_root, filename)
+ assert creole_readme_path.is_file(), f'File not found: {creole_readme_path}'
+ rest_readme_path = creole_readme_path.with_suffix('.rst')
+ print(
+ f'Generate {} from {}',
+ end='...', flush=True
+ )
+ with'r') as f:
+ creole_readme =
+ # convert creole into html
+ html_readme = creole2html(creole_readme)
+ # convert html to ReSt
+ rest_readme = html2rest(
+ html_readme,
+ emitter_kwargs={
+ 'unknown_emit': raise_unknown_node # raise a error if a unknown node found
+ }
+ )
+ with'w') as f:
+ f.write(rest_readme)
+ f.write('\n\n------------\n\n')
+ dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ dt = dt.replace(microsecond=0)
+ dt = dt.isoformat(sep=' ')
+ f.write(f'``Note: this file is generated from {filename} with "python-creole" at {dt}``')
+ print('done.')
+def update_creole_rst_readme():
+ update_rst_readme(
+ package_root=Path(__file__).parent.parent,
+ filename='README.creole'
+ )
+def verbose_check_output(*args, log=None):
+ """ 'verbose' version of subprocess.check_output() """
+ call_info = 'Call: %r' % ' '.join(args)
+ try:
+ output = subprocess.check_output(
+ args, universal_newlines=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
+ )
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
+ print('\n***ERROR:')
+ print(err.output)
+ if log is not None:
+ log.write(err.output)
+ raise
+ return call_info, output
+def verbose_check_call(*args):
+ """ 'verbose' version of subprocess.check_call() """
+ print('\tCall: %r\n' % ' '.join(args))
+ subprocess.check_call(args, universal_newlines=True)
+def confirm(txt):
+ print(f'\n{txt}')
+ if input('\nPublish anyhow? (Y/N)').lower() not in ('y', 'j'):
+ print('Bye.')
+ sys.exit(-1)
+def poetry_publish(package_root, version, filename='README.creole', log_filename='publish.log'):
+ """
+ Helper to build and upload to PyPi, with prechecks and update README.rst from README.creole
+ Optional arguments are passed to `poetry publish` e.g.:
+ $ poetry config repositories.testpypi
+ $ poetry run publish --repository=testpypi
+ Build and upload to PyPi, if...
+ ... __version__ doesn't contains 'dev'
+ ... we are on git "master" branch
+ ... git repository is 'clean' (no changed files)
+ Upload with 'poetry', git tag the current version and git push --tag
+ The cli arguments will be pass to 'twine'. So this is possible:
+ * Display 'twine' help page...: ./ publish --help
+ * use testpypi................: ./ publish --repository=test
+ add this to poetry pyproject.toml, e.g.:
+ [tool.poetry.scripts]
+ publish = ''
+ based on:
+ """
+ update_rst_readme(package_root=package_root, filename=filename)
+ for key in ('dev', 'rc'):
+ if key in version:
+ confirm(f'WARNING: Version contains {key!r}: v{version}\n')
+ break
+ print('\nCheck if we are on "master" branch:')
+ call_info, output = verbose_check_output('git', 'branch', '--no-color')
+ print(f'\t{call_info}')
+ if '* master' in output:
+ print('OK')
+ else:
+ confirm(f'\nNOTE: It seems you are not on "master":\n{output}')
+ print('\ncheck if if git repro is clean:')
+ call_info, output = verbose_check_output('git', 'status', '--porcelain')
+ print(f'\t{call_info}')
+ if output == '':
+ print('OK')
+ else:
+ print('\n *** ERROR: git repro not clean:')
+ print(output)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ print('\nRun "poetry check":')
+ call_info, output = verbose_check_output('poetry', 'check')
+ if 'All set!' not in output:
+ print(output)
+ confirm('Check failed!')
+ else:
+ print('OK')
+ print('\ncheck if pull is needed')
+ verbose_check_call('git', 'fetch', '--all')
+ call_info, output = verbose_check_output('git', 'log', 'HEAD..origin/master', '--oneline')
+ print(f'\t{call_info}')
+ if output == '':
+ print('OK')
+ else:
+ print('\n *** ERROR: git repro is not up-to-date:')
+ print(output)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ verbose_check_call('git', 'push')
+ print('\nCleanup old builds:')
+ def rmtree(path):
+ path = os.path.abspath(path)
+ if os.path.isdir(path):
+ print('\tremove tree:', path)
+ shutil.rmtree(path)
+ rmtree('./dist')
+ rmtree('./build')
+ print(f'\nSet new version to: v{version}')
+ verbose_check_call('poetry', 'version', version)
+ print('\nbuild but do not upload...')
+ with open(log_filename, 'a') as log:
+ log.write('\n')
+ log.write('-' * 100)
+ log.write('\n')
+ call_info, output = verbose_check_output('poetry', 'build', log=log)
+ print(f'\t{call_info}')
+ log.write(call_info)
+ log.write(output)
+ print(f'Build log file is here: {log_filename!r}')
+ git_tag = f'v{version}'
+ print('\ncheck git tag')
+ call_info, output = verbose_check_output(
+ 'git', 'log', 'HEAD..origin/master', '--oneline',
+ )
+ if git_tag in output:
+ print(f'\n *** ERROR: git tag {git_tag!r} already exists!')
+ print(output)
+ sys.exit(-1)
- warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning)
- return get_long_description(*args, **kwargs)
+ print('OK')
+ print('\nUpload to PyPi via poetry:')
+ args = ['poetry', 'publish'] + sys.argv[1:]
+ verbose_check_call(*args)
-GetLongDescription = _get_long_description # for backward-compatibility
+ print('\ngit tag version')
+ verbose_check_call('git', 'tag', git_tag)
+ print('\ngit push tag to server')
+ verbose_check_call('git', 'push', '--tags')
+ sys.exit(0)
+def publish_python_creole():
+ """
+ Publish python-creole to PyPi
+ Call this via:
+ $ poetry run publish
+ """
+ poetry_publish(
+ package_root=Path(__file__).parent.parent,
+ version=__version__,
+ )
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- package_root = os.path.abspath("../")
- long_description = get_long_description(package_root)
- print(long_description)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ update_creole_rst_readme()