path: root/build/lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build/lib/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1593 deletions
diff --git a/build/lib/ b/build/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index ba7fab8..0000000
--- a/build/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1593 +0,0 @@
-"""Variant on standard library's cmd with extra features.
-To use, simply import cmd2.Cmd instead of cmd.Cmd; use precisely as though you
-were using the standard library's cmd, while enjoying the extra features.
-Searchable command history (commands: "hi", "li", "run")
-Load commands from file, save to file, edit commands in file
-Multi-line commands
-Case-insensitive commands
-Special-character shortcut commands (beyond cmd's "@" and "!")
-Settable environment parameters
-Optional _onchange_{paramname} called when environment parameter changes
-Parsing commands with `optparse` options (flags)
-Redirection to file with >, >>; input from file with <
-Easy transcript-based testing of applications (see example/
-Bash-style ``select`` available
-Note that redirection with > and | will only work if `self.stdout.write()`
-is used in place of `print`. The standard library's `cmd` module is
-written to use `self.stdout.write()`,
-- Catherine Devlin, Jan 03 2008 -
-mercurial repository at
-import cmd
-import re
-import os
-import sys
-import optparse
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-import doctest
-import unittest
-import datetime
-import urllib
-import glob
-import traceback
-import platform
-import copy
-from code import InteractiveConsole, InteractiveInterpreter
-from optparse import make_option
-import pyparsing
-__version__ = '0.6.4'
-if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
- pyparsing.ParserElement.enablePackrat()
-Packrat is causing Python3 errors that I don't understand.
-> /usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.2/lib/python3.2/site-packages/pyparsing-1.5.6-py3.2.egg/
--> nextLoc,tokens = parseFn( instring, preloc, callPreParse=False )
-(Pdb) n
-NameError: global name 'exc' is not defined
-(Pdb) parseFn
-<bound method Or._parseCache of {Python style comment ^ C style comment}>
-Bug report filed:
-class OptionParser(optparse.OptionParser):
- def exit(self, status=0, msg=None):
- self.values._exit = True
- if msg:
- print (msg)
- def print_help(self, *args, **kwargs):
- try:
- print (self._func.__doc__)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- optparse.OptionParser.print_help(self, *args, **kwargs)
- def error(self, msg):
- """error(msg : string)
- Print a usage message incorporating 'msg' to stderr and exit.
- If you override this in a subclass, it should not return -- it
- should either exit or raise an exception.
- """
- raise optparse.OptParseError(msg)
-def remaining_args(oldArgs, newArgList):
- '''
- Preserves the spacing originally in the argument after
- the removal of options.
- >>> remaining_args('-f bar bar cow', ['bar', 'cow'])
- 'bar cow'
- '''
- pattern = '\s+'.join(re.escape(a) for a in newArgList) + '\s*$'
- matchObj =, oldArgs)
- return oldArgs[matchObj.start():]
-def _attr_get_(obj, attr):
- '''Returns an attribute's value, or None (no error) if undefined.
- Analagous to .get() for dictionaries. Useful when checking for
- value of options that may not have been defined on a given
- method.'''
- try:
- return getattr(obj, attr)
- except AttributeError:
- return None
-optparse.Values.get = _attr_get_
-options_defined = [] # used to distinguish --options from SQL-style --comments
-def options(option_list, arg_desc="arg"):
- '''Used as a decorator and passed a list of optparse-style options,
- alters a cmd2 method to populate its ``opts`` argument from its
- raw text argument.
- Example: transform
- def do_something(self, arg):
- into
- @options([make_option('-q', '--quick', action="store_true",
- help="Makes things fast")],
- "source dest")
- def do_something(self, arg, opts):
- if opts.quick:
- self.fast_button = True
- '''
- if not isinstance(option_list, list):
- option_list = [option_list]
- for opt in option_list:
- options_defined.append(pyparsing.Literal(opt.get_opt_string()))
- def option_setup(func):
- optionParser = OptionParser()
- for opt in option_list:
- optionParser.add_option(opt)
- optionParser.set_usage("%s [options] %s" % (func.__name__[3:], arg_desc))
- optionParser._func = func
- def new_func(instance, arg):
- try:
- opts, newArgList = optionParser.parse_args(arg.split())
- # Must find the remaining args in the original argument list, but
- # mustn't include the command itself
- #if hasattr(arg, 'parsed') and newArgList[0] == arg.parsed.command:
- # newArgList = newArgList[1:]
- newArgs = remaining_args(arg, newArgList)
- if isinstance(arg, ParsedString):
- arg = arg.with_args_replaced(newArgs)
- else:
- arg = newArgs
- except optparse.OptParseError, e:
- print (e)
- optionParser.print_help()
- return
- if hasattr(opts, '_exit'):
- return None
- result = func(instance, arg, opts)
- return result
- new_func.__doc__ = '%s\n%s' % (func.__doc__, optionParser.format_help())
- return new_func
- return option_setup
-class PasteBufferError(EnvironmentError):
- if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
- errmsg = """Redirecting to or from paste buffer requires pywin32
-to be installed on operating system.
-Download from"""
- elif sys.platform[:3] == 'dar':
- # Use built in pbcopy on Mac OSX
- pass
- else:
- errmsg = """Redirecting to or from paste buffer requires xclip
-to be installed on operating system.
-On Debian/Ubuntu, 'sudo apt-get install xclip' will install it."""
- def __init__(self):
- Exception.__init__(self, self.errmsg)
-pastebufferr = """Redirecting to or from paste buffer requires %s
-to be installed on operating system.
-if subprocess.mswindows:
- try:
- import win32clipboard
- def get_paste_buffer():
- win32clipboard.OpenClipboard(0)
- try:
- result = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()
- except TypeError:
- result = '' #non-text
- win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
- return result
- def write_to_paste_buffer(txt):
- win32clipboard.OpenClipboard(0)
- win32clipboard.EmptyClipboard()
- win32clipboard.SetClipboardText(txt)
- win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
- except ImportError:
- def get_paste_buffer(*args):
- raise OSError, pastebufferr % ('pywin32', 'Download from')
- write_to_paste_buffer = get_paste_buffer
-elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
- can_clip = False
- try:
- # test for pbcopy - AFAIK, should always be installed on MacOS
- subprocess.check_call('pbcopy -help', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- can_clip = True
- except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError, IOError):
- pass
- if can_clip:
- def get_paste_buffer():
- pbcopyproc = subprocess.Popen('pbcopy -help', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- return
- def write_to_paste_buffer(txt):
- pbcopyproc = subprocess.Popen('pbcopy', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- pbcopyproc.communicate(txt.encode())
- else:
- def get_paste_buffer(*args):
- raise OSError, pastebufferr % ('pbcopy', 'On MacOS X - error should not occur - part of the default installation')
- write_to_paste_buffer = get_paste_buffer
- can_clip = False
- try:
- subprocess.check_call('xclip -o -sel clip', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- can_clip = True
- except AttributeError: # check_call not defined, Python < 2.5
- try:
- teststring = 'Testing for presence of xclip.'
- xclipproc = subprocess.Popen('xclip -sel clip', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- xclipproc.stdin.write(teststring)
- xclipproc.stdin.close()
- xclipproc = subprocess.Popen('xclip -o -sel clip', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- if == teststring:
- can_clip = True
- except Exception: # hate a bare Exception call, but exception classes vary too much b/t stdlib versions
- pass
- except Exception:
- pass # something went wrong with xclip and we cannot use it
- if can_clip:
- def get_paste_buffer():
- xclipproc = subprocess.Popen('xclip -o -sel clip', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- return
- def write_to_paste_buffer(txt):
- xclipproc = subprocess.Popen('xclip -sel clip', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- xclipproc.stdin.write(txt.encode())
- xclipproc.stdin.close()
- # but we want it in both the "primary" and "mouse" clipboards
- xclipproc = subprocess.Popen('xclip', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- xclipproc.stdin.write(txt.encode())
- xclipproc.stdin.close()
- else:
- def get_paste_buffer(*args):
- raise OSError, pastebufferr % ('xclip', 'On Debian/Ubuntu, install with "sudo apt-get install xclip"')
- write_to_paste_buffer = get_paste_buffer
-pyparsing.ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')
-class ParsedString(str):
- def full_parsed_statement(self):
- new = ParsedString('%s %s' % (self.parsed.command, self.parsed.args))
- new.parsed = self.parsed
- new.parser = self.parser
- return new
- def with_args_replaced(self, newargs):
- new = ParsedString(newargs)
- new.parsed = self.parsed
- new.parser = self.parser
- new.parsed['args'] = newargs
- new.parsed.statement['args'] = newargs
- return new
-class StubbornDict(dict):
- '''Dictionary that tolerates many input formats.
- Create it with stubbornDict(arg) factory function.
- >>> d = StubbornDict(large='gross', small='klein')
- >>> sorted(d.items())
- [('large', 'gross'), ('small', 'klein')]
- >>> d.append(['plain', ' plaid'])
- >>> sorted(d.items())
- [('large', 'gross'), ('plaid', ''), ('plain', ''), ('small', 'klein')]
- >>> d += ' girl Frauelein, Maedchen\\n\\n shoe schuh'
- >>> sorted(d.items())
- [('girl', 'Frauelein, Maedchen'), ('large', 'gross'), ('plaid', ''), ('plain', ''), ('shoe', 'schuh'), ('small', 'klein')]
- '''
- def update(self, arg):
- dict.update(self, StubbornDict.to_dict(arg))
- append = update
- def __iadd__(self, arg):
- self.update(arg)
- return self
- def __add__(self, arg):
- selfcopy = copy.copy(self)
- selfcopy.update(stubbornDict(arg))
- return selfcopy
- def __radd__(self, arg):
- selfcopy = copy.copy(self)
- selfcopy.update(stubbornDict(arg))
- return selfcopy
- @classmethod
- def to_dict(cls, arg):
- 'Generates dictionary from string or list of strings'
- if hasattr(arg, 'splitlines'):
- arg = arg.splitlines()
- if hasattr(arg, '__reversed__'):
- result = {}
- for a in arg:
- a = a.strip()
- if a:
- key_val = a.split(None, 1)
- key = key_val[0]
- if len(key_val) > 1:
- val = key_val[1]
- else:
- val = ''
- result[key] = val
- else:
- result = arg
- return result
-def stubbornDict(*arg, **kwarg):
- '''
- >>> sorted(stubbornDict('cow a bovine\\nhorse an equine').items())
- [('cow', 'a bovine'), ('horse', 'an equine')]
- >>> sorted(stubbornDict(['badger', 'porcupine a poky creature']).items())
- [('badger', ''), ('porcupine', 'a poky creature')]
- >>> sorted(stubbornDict(turtle='has shell', frog='jumpy').items())
- [('frog', 'jumpy'), ('turtle', 'has shell')]
- '''
- result = {}
- for a in arg:
- result.update(StubbornDict.to_dict(a))
- result.update(kwarg)
- return StubbornDict(result)
-def replace_with_file_contents(fname):
- if fname:
- try:
- result = open(os.path.expanduser(fname[0])).read()
- except IOError:
- result = '< %s' % fname[0] # wasn't a file after all
- else:
- result = get_paste_buffer()
- return result
-class EmbeddedConsoleExit(SystemExit):
- pass
-class EmptyStatement(Exception):
- pass
-def ljust(x, width, fillchar=' '):
- 'analogous to str.ljust, but works for lists'
- if hasattr(x, 'ljust'):
- return x.ljust(width, fillchar)
- else:
- if len(x) < width:
- x = (x + [fillchar] * width)[:width]
- return x
-class Cmd(cmd.Cmd):
- echo = False
- case_insensitive = True # Commands recognized regardless of case
- continuation_prompt = '> '
- timing = False # Prints elapsed time for each command
- # make sure your terminators are not in legalChars!
- legalChars = u'!#$%.:?@_' + pyparsing.alphanums + pyparsing.alphas8bit
- shortcuts = {'?': 'help', '!': 'shell', '@': 'load', '@@': '_relative_load'}
- excludeFromHistory = '''run r list l history hi ed edit li eof'''.split()
- default_to_shell = False
- noSpecialParse = 'set ed edit exit'.split()
- defaultExtension = 'txt' # For ``save``, ``load``, etc.
- default_file_name = 'command.txt' # For ``save``, ``load``, etc.
- abbrev = True # Abbreviated commands recognized
- current_script_dir = None
- reserved_words = []
- feedback_to_output = False # Do include nonessentials in >, | output
- quiet = False # Do not suppress nonessential output
- debug = False
- locals_in_py = True
- kept_state = None
- redirector = '>' # for sending output to file
- settable = stubbornDict('''
- prompt
- colors Colorized output (*nix only)
- continuation_prompt On 2nd+ line of input
- debug Show full error stack on error
- default_file_name for ``save``, ``load``, etc.
- editor Program used by ``edit``
- case_insensitive upper- and lower-case both OK
- feedback_to_output include nonessentials in `|`, `>` results
- quiet Don't print nonessential feedback
- echo Echo command issued into output
- timing Report execution times
- abbrev Accept abbreviated commands
- ''')
- def poutput(self, msg):
- '''Convenient shortcut for self.stdout.write(); adds newline if necessary.'''
- if msg:
- self.stdout.write(msg)
- if msg[-1] != '\n':
- self.stdout.write('\n')
- def perror(self, errmsg, statement=None):
- if self.debug:
- traceback.print_exc()
- print (str(errmsg))
- def pfeedback(self, msg):
- """For printing nonessential feedback. Can be silenced with `quiet`.
- Inclusion in redirected output is controlled by `feedback_to_output`."""
- if not self.quiet:
- if self.feedback_to_output:
- self.poutput(msg)
- else:
- print (msg)
- _STOP_AND_EXIT = True # distinguish end of script file from actual exit
- editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR')
- if not editor:
- if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
- editor = 'notepad'
- else:
- for editor in ['gedit', 'kate', 'vim', 'emacs', 'nano', 'pico']:
- if subprocess.Popen(['which', editor], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]:
- break
- colorcodes = {'bold':{True:'\x1b[1m',False:'\x1b[22m'},
- 'cyan':{True:'\x1b[36m',False:'\x1b[39m'},
- 'blue':{True:'\x1b[34m',False:'\x1b[39m'},
- 'red':{True:'\x1b[31m',False:'\x1b[39m'},
- 'magenta':{True:'\x1b[35m',False:'\x1b[39m'},
- 'green':{True:'\x1b[32m',False:'\x1b[39m'},
- 'underline':{True:'\x1b[4m',False:'\x1b[24m'}}
- colors = (platform.system() != 'Windows')
- def colorize(self, val, color):
- '''Given a string (``val``), returns that string wrapped in UNIX-style
- special characters that turn on (and then off) text color and style.
- If the ``colors`` environment paramter is ``False``, or the application
- is running on Windows, will return ``val`` unchanged.
- ``color`` should be one of the supported strings (or styles):
- red/blue/green/cyan/magenta, bold, underline'''
- if self.colors and (self.stdout == self.initial_stdout):
- return self.colorcodes[color][True] + val + self.colorcodes[color][False]
- return val
- def do_cmdenvironment(self, args):
- '''Summary report of interactive parameters.'''
- self.stdout.write("""
- Commands are %(casesensitive)scase-sensitive.
- Commands may be terminated with: %(terminators)s
- Settable parameters: %(settable)s\n""" % \
- { 'casesensitive': (self.case_insensitive and 'not ') or '',
- 'terminators': str(self.terminators),
- 'settable': ' '.join(self.settable)
- })
- def do_help(self, arg):
- if arg:
- funcname = self.func_named(arg)
- if funcname:
- fn = getattr(self, funcname)
- try:
- fn.optionParser.print_help(file=self.stdout)
- except AttributeError:
- cmd.Cmd.do_help(self, funcname[3:])
- else:
- cmd.Cmd.do_help(self, arg)
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- cmd.Cmd.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.initial_stdout = sys.stdout
- self.history = History()
- self.pystate = {}
- self.shortcuts = sorted(self.shortcuts.items(), reverse=True)
- self.keywords = self.reserved_words + [fname[3:] for fname in dir(self)
- if fname.startswith('do_')]
- self._init_parser()
- def do_shortcuts(self, args):
- """Lists single-key shortcuts available."""
- result = "\n".join('%s: %s' % (sc[0], sc[1]) for sc in sorted(self.shortcuts))
- self.stdout.write("Single-key shortcuts for other commands:\n%s\n" % (result))
- prefixParser = pyparsing.Empty()
- commentGrammars = pyparsing.Or([pyparsing.pythonStyleComment, pyparsing.cStyleComment])
- commentGrammars.addParseAction(lambda x: '')
- commentInProgress = pyparsing.Literal('/*') + pyparsing.SkipTo(
- pyparsing.stringEnd ^ '*/')
- terminators = [';']
- blankLinesAllowed = False
- multilineCommands = []
- def _init_parser(self):
- r'''
- >>> c = Cmd()
- >>> c.multilineCommands = ['multiline']
- >>> c.case_insensitive = True
- >>> c._init_parser()
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('').dump())
- []
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('').dump())
- []
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('/* empty command */').dump())
- []
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('plainword').dump())
- ['plainword', '']
- - command: plainword
- - statement: ['plainword', '']
- - command: plainword
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('termbare;').dump())
- ['termbare', '', ';', '']
- - command: termbare
- - statement: ['termbare', '', ';']
- - command: termbare
- - terminator: ;
- - terminator: ;
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('termbare; suffx').dump())
- ['termbare', '', ';', 'suffx']
- - command: termbare
- - statement: ['termbare', '', ';']
- - command: termbare
- - terminator: ;
- - suffix: suffx
- - terminator: ;
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('barecommand').dump())
- ['barecommand', '']
- - command: barecommand
- - statement: ['barecommand', '']
- - command: barecommand
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('COMmand with args').dump())
- ['command', 'with args']
- - args: with args
- - command: command
- - statement: ['command', 'with args']
- - args: with args
- - command: command
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('command with args and terminator; and suffix').dump())
- ['command', 'with args and terminator', ';', 'and suffix']
- - args: with args and terminator
- - command: command
- - statement: ['command', 'with args and terminator', ';']
- - args: with args and terminator
- - command: command
- - terminator: ;
- - suffix: and suffix
- - terminator: ;
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('simple | piped').dump())
- ['simple', '', '|', ' piped']
- - command: simple
- - pipeTo: piped
- - statement: ['simple', '']
- - command: simple
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('double-pipe || is not a pipe').dump())
- ['double', '-pipe || is not a pipe']
- - args: -pipe || is not a pipe
- - command: double
- - statement: ['double', '-pipe || is not a pipe']
- - args: -pipe || is not a pipe
- - command: double
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('command with args, terminator;sufx | piped').dump())
- ['command', 'with args, terminator', ';', 'sufx', '|', ' piped']
- - args: with args, terminator
- - command: command
- - pipeTo: piped
- - statement: ['command', 'with args, terminator', ';']
- - args: with args, terminator
- - command: command
- - terminator: ;
- - suffix: sufx
- - terminator: ;
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('output into > afile.txt').dump())
- ['output', 'into', '>', 'afile.txt']
- - args: into
- - command: output
- - output: >
- - outputTo: afile.txt
- - statement: ['output', 'into']
- - args: into
- - command: output
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('output into;sufx | pipethrume plz > afile.txt').dump())
- ['output', 'into', ';', 'sufx', '|', ' pipethrume plz', '>', 'afile.txt']
- - args: into
- - command: output
- - output: >
- - outputTo: afile.txt
- - pipeTo: pipethrume plz
- - statement: ['output', 'into', ';']
- - args: into
- - command: output
- - terminator: ;
- - suffix: sufx
- - terminator: ;
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('output to paste buffer >> ').dump())
- ['output', 'to paste buffer', '>>', '']
- - args: to paste buffer
- - command: output
- - output: >>
- - statement: ['output', 'to paste buffer']
- - args: to paste buffer
- - command: output
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('ignore the /* commented | > */ stuff;').dump())
- ['ignore', 'the /* commented | > */ stuff', ';', '']
- - args: the /* commented | > */ stuff
- - command: ignore
- - statement: ['ignore', 'the /* commented | > */ stuff', ';']
- - args: the /* commented | > */ stuff
- - command: ignore
- - terminator: ;
- - terminator: ;
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('has > inside;').dump())
- ['has', '> inside', ';', '']
- - args: > inside
- - command: has
- - statement: ['has', '> inside', ';']
- - args: > inside
- - command: has
- - terminator: ;
- - terminator: ;
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('multiline has > inside an unfinished command').dump())
- ['multiline', ' has > inside an unfinished command']
- - multilineCommand: multiline
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('multiline has > inside;').dump())
- ['multiline', 'has > inside', ';', '']
- - args: has > inside
- - multilineCommand: multiline
- - statement: ['multiline', 'has > inside', ';']
- - args: has > inside
- - multilineCommand: multiline
- - terminator: ;
- - terminator: ;
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('multiline command /* with comment in progress;').dump())
- ['multiline', ' command /* with comment in progress;']
- - multilineCommand: multiline
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('multiline command /* with comment complete */ is done;').dump())
- ['multiline', 'command /* with comment complete */ is done', ';', '']
- - args: command /* with comment complete */ is done
- - multilineCommand: multiline
- - statement: ['multiline', 'command /* with comment complete */ is done', ';']
- - args: command /* with comment complete */ is done
- - multilineCommand: multiline
- - terminator: ;
- - terminator: ;
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('multiline command ends\n\n').dump())
- ['multiline', 'command ends', '\n', '\n']
- - args: command ends
- - multilineCommand: multiline
- - statement: ['multiline', 'command ends', '\n', '\n']
- - args: command ends
- - multilineCommand: multiline
- - terminator: ['\n', '\n']
- - terminator: ['\n', '\n']
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('multiline command "with term; ends" now\n\n').dump())
- ['multiline', 'command "with term; ends" now', '\n', '\n']
- - args: command "with term; ends" now
- - multilineCommand: multiline
- - statement: ['multiline', 'command "with term; ends" now', '\n', '\n']
- - args: command "with term; ends" now
- - multilineCommand: multiline
- - terminator: ['\n', '\n']
- - terminator: ['\n', '\n']
- >>> print (c.parser.parseString('what if "quoted strings /* seem to " start comments?').dump())
- ['what', 'if "quoted strings /* seem to " start comments?']
- - args: if "quoted strings /* seem to " start comments?
- - command: what
- - statement: ['what', 'if "quoted strings /* seem to " start comments?']
- - args: if "quoted strings /* seem to " start comments?
- - command: what
- '''
- #outputParser = (pyparsing.Literal('>>') | (pyparsing.WordStart() + '>') | pyparsing.Regex('[^=]>'))('output')
- outputParser = (pyparsing.Literal(self.redirector *2) | \
- (pyparsing.WordStart() + self.redirector) | \
- pyparsing.Regex('[^=]' + self.redirector))('output')
- terminatorParser = pyparsing.Or([(hasattr(t, 'parseString') and t) or pyparsing.Literal(t) for t in self.terminators])('terminator')
- stringEnd = pyparsing.stringEnd ^ '\nEOF'
- self.multilineCommand = pyparsing.Or([pyparsing.Keyword(c, caseless=self.case_insensitive) for c in self.multilineCommands])('multilineCommand')
- oneLineCommand = (~self.multilineCommand + pyparsing.Word(self.legalChars))('command')
- pipe = pyparsing.Keyword('|', identChars='|')
- self.commentGrammars.ignore(pyparsing.quotedString).setParseAction(lambda x: '')
- doNotParse = self.commentGrammars | self.commentInProgress | pyparsing.quotedString
- afterElements = \
- pyparsing.Optional(pipe + pyparsing.SkipTo(outputParser ^ stringEnd, ignore=doNotParse)('pipeTo')) + \
- pyparsing.Optional(outputParser + pyparsing.SkipTo(stringEnd, ignore=doNotParse).setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].strip())('outputTo'))
- if self.case_insensitive:
- self.multilineCommand.setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].lower())
- oneLineCommand.setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].lower())
- if self.blankLinesAllowed:
- self.blankLineTerminationParser = pyparsing.NoMatch
- else:
- self.blankLineTerminator = (pyparsing.lineEnd + pyparsing.lineEnd)('terminator')
- self.blankLineTerminator.setResultsName('terminator')
- self.blankLineTerminationParser = ((self.multilineCommand ^ oneLineCommand) + pyparsing.SkipTo(self.blankLineTerminator, ignore=doNotParse).setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].strip())('args') + self.blankLineTerminator)('statement')
- self.multilineParser = (((self.multilineCommand ^ oneLineCommand) + pyparsing.SkipTo(terminatorParser, ignore=doNotParse).setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].strip())('args') + terminatorParser)('statement') +
- pyparsing.SkipTo(outputParser ^ pipe ^ stringEnd, ignore=doNotParse).setParseAction(lambda x: x[0].strip())('suffix') + afterElements)
- self.multilineParser.ignore(self.commentInProgress)
- self.singleLineParser = ((oneLineCommand + pyparsing.SkipTo(terminatorParser ^ stringEnd ^ pipe ^ outputParser, ignore=doNotParse).setParseAction(lambda x:x[0].strip())('args'))('statement') +
- pyparsing.Optional(terminatorParser) + afterElements)
- #self.multilineParser = self.multilineParser.setResultsName('multilineParser')
- #self.singleLineParser = self.singleLineParser.setResultsName('singleLineParser')
- self.blankLineTerminationParser = self.blankLineTerminationParser.setResultsName('statement')
- self.parser = self.prefixParser + (
- stringEnd |
- self.multilineParser |
- self.singleLineParser |
- self.blankLineTerminationParser |
- self.multilineCommand + pyparsing.SkipTo(stringEnd, ignore=doNotParse)
- )
- self.parser.ignore(self.commentGrammars)
- inputMark = pyparsing.Literal('<')
- inputMark.setParseAction(lambda x: '')
- fileName = pyparsing.Word(self.legalChars + '/\\')
- inputFrom = fileName('inputFrom')
- inputFrom.setParseAction(replace_with_file_contents)
- # a not-entirely-satisfactory way of distinguishing < as in "import from" from <
- # as in "lesser than"
- self.inputParser = inputMark + pyparsing.Optional(inputFrom) + pyparsing.Optional('>') + \
- pyparsing.Optional(fileName) + (pyparsing.stringEnd | '|')
- self.inputParser.ignore(self.commentInProgress)
- def preparse(self, raw, **kwargs):
- return raw
- def postparse(self, parseResult):
- return parseResult
- def parsed(self, raw, **kwargs):
- if isinstance(raw, ParsedString):
- p = raw
- else:
- # preparse is an overridable hook; default makes no changes
- s = self.preparse(raw, **kwargs)
- s = self.inputParser.transformString(s.lstrip())
- s = self.commentGrammars.transformString(s)
- for (shortcut, expansion) in self.shortcuts:
- if s.lower().startswith(shortcut):
- s = s.replace(shortcut, expansion + ' ', 1)
- break
- result = self.parser.parseString(s)
- result['raw'] = raw
- result['command'] = result.multilineCommand or result.command
- result = self.postparse(result)
- p = ParsedString(result.args)
- p.parsed = result
- p.parser = self.parsed
- for (key, val) in kwargs.items():
- p.parsed[key] = val
- return p
- def postparsing_precmd(self, statement):
- stop = 0
- return stop, statement
- def postparsing_postcmd(self, stop):
- return stop
- def func_named(self, arg):
- result = None
- target = 'do_' + arg
- if target in dir(self):
- result = target
- else:
- if self.abbrev: # accept shortened versions of commands
- funcs = [fname for fname in self.keywords if fname.startswith(arg)]
- if len(funcs) == 1:
- result = 'do_' + funcs[0]
- return result
- def onecmd_plus_hooks(self, line):
- # The outermost level of try/finally nesting can be condensed once
- # Python 2.4 support can be dropped.
- stop = 0
- try:
- try:
- statement = self.complete_statement(line)
- (stop, statement) = self.postparsing_precmd(statement)
- if stop:
- return self.postparsing_postcmd(stop)
- if statement.parsed.command not in self.excludeFromHistory:
- self.history.append(statement.parsed.raw)
- try:
- self.redirect_output(statement)
- timestart =
- statement = self.precmd(statement)
- stop = self.onecmd(statement)
- stop = self.postcmd(stop, statement)
- if self.timing:
- self.pfeedback('Elapsed: %s' % str( - timestart))
- finally:
- self.restore_output(statement)
- except EmptyStatement:
- return 0
- except Exception, e:
- self.perror(str(e), statement)
- finally:
- return self.postparsing_postcmd(stop)
- def complete_statement(self, line):
- """Keep accepting lines of input until the command is complete."""
- if (not line) or (
- not pyparsing.Or(self.commentGrammars).
- setParseAction(lambda x: '').transformString(line)):
- raise EmptyStatement
- statement = self.parsed(line)
- while statement.parsed.multilineCommand and (statement.parsed.terminator == ''):
- statement = '%s\n%s' % (statement.parsed.raw,
- self.pseudo_raw_input(self.continuation_prompt))
- statement = self.parsed(statement)
- if not statement.parsed.command:
- raise EmptyStatement
- return statement
- def redirect_output(self, statement):
- if statement.parsed.pipeTo:
- self.kept_state = Statekeeper(self, ('stdout',))
- self.kept_sys = Statekeeper(sys, ('stdout',))
- self.redirect = subprocess.Popen(statement.parsed.pipeTo, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
- sys.stdout = self.stdout = self.redirect.stdin
- elif statement.parsed.output:
- if (not statement.parsed.outputTo) and (not can_clip):
- raise EnvironmentError('Cannot redirect to paste buffer; install ``xclip`` and re-run to enable')
- self.kept_state = Statekeeper(self, ('stdout',))
- self.kept_sys = Statekeeper(sys, ('stdout',))
- if statement.parsed.outputTo:
- mode = 'w'
- if statement.parsed.output == 2 * self.redirector:
- mode = 'a'
- sys.stdout = self.stdout = open(os.path.expanduser(statement.parsed.outputTo), mode)
- else:
- sys.stdout = self.stdout = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode="w+")
- if statement.parsed.output == '>>':
- self.stdout.write(get_paste_buffer())
- def restore_output(self, statement):
- if self.kept_state:
- if statement.parsed.output:
- if not statement.parsed.outputTo:
- write_to_paste_buffer(
- elif statement.parsed.pipeTo:
- for result in self.redirect.communicate():
- self.kept_state.stdout.write(result or '')
- self.stdout.close()
- self.kept_state.restore()
- self.kept_sys.restore()
- self.kept_state = None
- def onecmd(self, line):
- """Interpret the argument as though it had been typed in response
- to the prompt.
- This may be overridden, but should not normally need to be;
- see the precmd() and postcmd() methods for useful execution hooks.
- The return value is a flag indicating whether interpretation of
- commands by the interpreter should stop.
- This (`cmd2`) version of `onecmd` already override's `cmd`'s `onecmd`.
- """
- statement = self.parsed(line)
- self.lastcmd = statement.parsed.raw
- funcname = self.func_named(statement.parsed.command)
- if not funcname:
- return self._default(statement)
- try:
- func = getattr(self, funcname)
- except AttributeError:
- return self._default(statement)
- stop = func(statement)
- return stop
- def _default(self, statement):
- arg = statement.full_parsed_statement()
- if self.default_to_shell:
- result = os.system(arg)
- if not result:
- return self.postparsing_postcmd(None)
- return self.postparsing_postcmd(self.default(arg))
- def pseudo_raw_input(self, prompt):
- """copied from cmd's cmdloop; like raw_input, but accounts for changed stdin, stdout"""
- if self.use_rawinput:
- try:
- line = raw_input(prompt)
- except EOFError:
- line = 'EOF'
- else:
- self.stdout.write(prompt)
- self.stdout.flush()
- line = self.stdin.readline()
- if not len(line):
- line = 'EOF'
- else:
- if line[-1] == '\n': # this was always true in Cmd
- line = line[:-1]
- return line
- def _cmdloop(self, intro=None):
- """Repeatedly issue a prompt, accept input, parse an initial prefix
- off the received input, and dispatch to action methods, passing them
- the remainder of the line as argument.
- """
- # An almost perfect copy from Cmd; however, the pseudo_raw_input portion
- # has been split out so that it can be called separately
- self.preloop()
- if self.use_rawinput and self.completekey:
- try:
- import readline
- self.old_completer = readline.get_completer()
- readline.set_completer(self.complete)
- readline.parse_and_bind(self.completekey+": complete")
- except ImportError:
- pass
- try:
- if intro is not None:
- self.intro = intro
- if self.intro:
- self.stdout.write(str(self.intro)+"\n")
- stop = None
- while not stop:
- if self.cmdqueue:
- line = self.cmdqueue.pop(0)
- else:
- line = self.pseudo_raw_input(self.prompt)
- if (self.echo) and (isinstance(self.stdin, file)):
- self.stdout.write(line + '\n')
- stop = self.onecmd_plus_hooks(line)
- self.postloop()
- finally:
- if self.use_rawinput and self.completekey:
- try:
- import readline
- readline.set_completer(self.old_completer)
- except ImportError:
- pass
- return stop
- def do_EOF(self, arg):
- return self._STOP_SCRIPT_NO_EXIT # End of script; should not exit app
- do_eof = do_EOF
- def do_quit(self, arg):
- return self._STOP_AND_EXIT
- do_exit = do_quit
- do_q = do_quit
- def select(self, options, prompt='Your choice? '):
- '''Presents a numbered menu to the user. Modelled after
- the bash shell's SELECT. Returns the item chosen.
- Argument ``options`` can be:
- | a single string -> will be split into one-word options
- | a list of strings -> will be offered as options
- | a list of tuples -> interpreted as (value, text), so
- that the return value can differ from
- the text advertised to the user '''
- if isinstance(options, basestring):
- options = zip(options.split(), options.split())
- fulloptions = []
- for opt in options:
- if isinstance(opt, basestring):
- fulloptions.append((opt, opt))
- else:
- try:
- fulloptions.append((opt[0], opt[1]))
- except IndexError:
- fulloptions.append((opt[0], opt[0]))
- for (idx, (value, text)) in enumerate(fulloptions):
- self.poutput(' %2d. %s\n' % (idx+1, text))
- while True:
- response = raw_input(prompt)
- try:
- response = int(response)
- result = fulloptions[response - 1][0]
- break
- except ValueError:
- pass # loop and ask again
- return result
- @options([make_option('-l', '--long', action="store_true",
- help="describe function of parameter")])
- def do_show(self, arg, opts):
- '''Shows value of a parameter.'''
- param = arg.strip().lower()
- result = {}
- maxlen = 0
- for p in self.settable:
- if (not param) or p.startswith(param):
- result[p] = '%s: %s' % (p, str(getattr(self, p)))
- maxlen = max(maxlen, len(result[p]))
- if result:
- for p in sorted(result):
- if opts.long:
- self.poutput('%s # %s' % (result[p].ljust(maxlen), self.settable[p]))
- else:
- self.poutput(result[p])
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError("Parameter '%s' not supported (type 'show' for list of parameters)." % param)
- def do_set(self, arg):
- '''
- Sets a cmd2 parameter. Accepts abbreviated parameter names so long
- as there is no ambiguity. Call without arguments for a list of
- settable parameters with their values.'''
- try:
- statement, paramName, val = arg.parsed.raw.split(None, 2)
- val = val.strip()
- paramName = paramName.strip().lower()
- if paramName not in self.settable:
- hits = [p for p in self.settable if p.startswith(paramName)]
- if len(hits) == 1:
- paramName = hits[0]
- else:
- return self.do_show(paramName)
- currentVal = getattr(self, paramName)
- if (val[0] == val[-1]) and val[0] in ("'", '"'):
- val = val[1:-1]
- else:
- val = cast(currentVal, val)
- setattr(self, paramName, val)
- self.stdout.write('%s - was: %s\nnow: %s\n' % (paramName, currentVal, val))
- if currentVal != val:
- try:
- onchange_hook = getattr(self, '_onchange_%s' % paramName)
- onchange_hook(old=currentVal, new=val)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- except (ValueError, AttributeError, NotSettableError), e:
- self.do_show(arg)
- def do_pause(self, arg):
- 'Displays the specified text then waits for the user to press RETURN.'
- raw_input(arg + '\n')
- def do_shell(self, arg):
- 'execute a command as if at the OS prompt.'
- os.system(arg)
- def do_py(self, arg):
- '''
- py <command>: Executes a Python command.
- py: Enters interactive Python mode.
- End with ``Ctrl-D`` (Unix) / ``Ctrl-Z`` (Windows), ``quit()``, '`exit()``.
- Non-python commands can be issued with ``cmd("your command")``.
- Run python code from external files with ``run("")``
- '''
- self.pystate['self'] = self
- arg = arg.parsed.raw[2:].strip()
- localvars = (self.locals_in_py and self.pystate) or {}
- interp = InteractiveConsole(locals=localvars)
- interp.runcode('import sys, os;sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())')
- if arg.strip():
- interp.runcode(arg)
- else:
- def quit():
- raise EmbeddedConsoleExit
- def onecmd_plus_hooks(arg):
- return self.onecmd_plus_hooks(arg + '\n')
- def run(arg):
- try:
- file = open(arg)
- interp.runcode(
- file.close()
- except IOError, e:
- self.perror(e)
- self.pystate['quit'] = quit
- self.pystate['exit'] = quit
- self.pystate['cmd'] = onecmd_plus_hooks
- self.pystate['run'] = run
- try:
- cprt = 'Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.'
- keepstate = Statekeeper(sys, ('stdin','stdout'))
- sys.stdout = self.stdout
- sys.stdin = self.stdin
- interp.interact(banner= "Python %s on %s\n%s\n(%s)\n%s" %
- (sys.version, sys.platform, cprt, self.__class__.__name__, self.do_py.__doc__))
- except EmbeddedConsoleExit:
- pass
- keepstate.restore()
- @options([make_option('-s', '--script', action="store_true", help="Script format; no separation lines"),
- ], arg_desc = '(limit on which commands to include)')
- def do_history(self, arg, opts):
- """history [arg]: lists past commands issued
- | no arg: list all
- | arg is integer: list one history item, by index
- | arg is string: string search
- | arg is /enclosed in forward-slashes/: regular expression search
- """
- if arg:
- history = self.history.get(arg)
- else:
- history = self.history
- for hi in history:
- if opts.script:
- self.poutput(hi)
- else:
- self.stdout.write(
- def last_matching(self, arg):
- try:
- if arg:
- return self.history.get(arg)[-1]
- else:
- return self.history[-1]
- except IndexError:
- return None
- def do_list(self, arg):
- """list [arg]: lists last command issued
- no arg -> list most recent command
- arg is integer -> list one history item, by index
- a..b, a:b, a:, ..b -> list spans from a (or start) to b (or end)
- arg is string -> list all commands matching string search
- arg is /enclosed in forward-slashes/ -> regular expression search
- """
- try:
- history = self.history.span(arg or '-1')
- except IndexError:
- history =
- for hi in history:
- self.poutput(
- do_hi = do_history
- do_l = do_list
- do_li = do_list
- def do_ed(self, arg):
- """ed: edit most recent command in text editor
- ed [N]: edit numbered command from history
- ed [filename]: edit specified file name
- commands are run after editor is closed.
- "set edit (program-name)" or set EDITOR environment variable
- to control which editing program is used."""
- if not self.editor:
- raise EnvironmentError("Please use 'set editor' to specify your text editing program of choice.")
- filename = self.default_file_name
- if arg:
- try:
- buffer = self.last_matching(int(arg))
- except ValueError:
- filename = arg
- buffer = ''
- else:
- buffer = self.history[-1]
- if buffer:
- f = open(os.path.expanduser(filename), 'w')
- f.write(buffer or '')
- f.close()
- os.system('%s %s' % (self.editor, filename))
- self.do__load(filename)
- do_edit = do_ed
- saveparser = (pyparsing.Optional(pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.nums)^'*')("idx") +
- pyparsing.Optional(pyparsing.Word(legalChars + '/\\'))("fname") +
- pyparsing.stringEnd)
- def do_save(self, arg):
- """`save [N] [filename.ext]`
- Saves command from history to file.
- | N => Number of command (from history), or `*`;
- | most recent command if omitted"""
- try:
- args = self.saveparser.parseString(arg)
- except pyparsing.ParseException:
- self.perror('Could not understand save target %s' % arg)
- raise SyntaxError(self.do_save.__doc__)
- fname = args.fname or self.default_file_name
- if args.idx == '*':
- saveme = '\n\n'.join(self.history[:])
- elif args.idx:
- saveme = self.history[int(args.idx)-1]
- else:
- saveme = self.history[-1]
- try:
- f = open(os.path.expanduser(fname), 'w')
- f.write(saveme)
- f.close()
- self.pfeedback('Saved to %s' % (fname))
- except Exception, e:
- self.perror('Error saving %s' % (fname))
- raise
- def read_file_or_url(self, fname):
- # TODO: not working on localhost
- if isinstance(fname, file):
- result = open(fname, 'r')
- else:
- match = self.urlre.match(fname)
- if match:
- result = urllib.urlopen(
- else:
- fname = os.path.expanduser(fname)
- try:
- result = open(os.path.expanduser(fname), 'r')
- except IOError:
- result = open('%s.%s' % (os.path.expanduser(fname),
- self.defaultExtension), 'r')
- return result
- def do__relative_load(self, arg=None):
- '''
- Runs commands in script at file or URL; if this is called from within an
- already-running script, the filename will be interpreted relative to the
- already-running script's directory.'''
- if arg:
- arg = arg.split(None, 1)
- targetname, args = arg[0], (arg[1:] or [''])[0]
- targetname = os.path.join(self.current_script_dir or '', targetname)
- self.do__load('%s %s' % (targetname, args))
- urlre = re.compile('(https?://[-\\w\\./]+)')
- def do_load(self, arg=None):
- """Runs script of command(s) from a file or URL."""
- if arg is None:
- targetname = self.default_file_name
- else:
- arg = arg.split(None, 1)
- targetname, args = arg[0], (arg[1:] or [''])[0].strip()
- try:
- target = self.read_file_or_url(targetname)
- except IOError, e:
- self.perror('Problem accessing script from %s: \n%s' % (targetname, e))
- return
- keepstate = Statekeeper(self, ('stdin','use_rawinput','prompt',
- 'continuation_prompt','current_script_dir'))
- self.stdin = target
- self.use_rawinput = False
- self.prompt = self.continuation_prompt = ''
- self.current_script_dir = os.path.split(targetname)[0]
- stop = self._cmdloop()
- self.stdin.close()
- keepstate.restore()
- self.lastcmd = ''
- return stop and (stop != self._STOP_SCRIPT_NO_EXIT)
- do__load = do_load # avoid an unfortunate legacy use of do_load from sqlpython
- def do_run(self, arg):
- """run [arg]: re-runs an earlier command
- no arg -> run most recent command
- arg is integer -> run one history item, by index
- arg is string -> run most recent command by string search
- arg is /enclosed in forward-slashes/ -> run most recent by regex
- """
- 'run [N]: runs the SQL that was run N commands ago'
- runme = self.last_matching(arg)
- self.pfeedback(runme)
- if runme:
- stop = self.onecmd_plus_hooks(runme)
- do_r = do_run
- def fileimport(self, statement, source):
- try:
- f = open(os.path.expanduser(source))
- except IOError:
- self.stdout.write("Couldn't read from file %s\n" % source)
- return ''
- data =
- f.close()
- return data
- def runTranscriptTests(self, callargs):
- class TestMyAppCase(Cmd2TestCase):
- CmdApp = self.__class__
- self.__class__.testfiles = callargs
- sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] # the --test argument upsets unittest.main()
- testcase = TestMyAppCase()
- runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
- result =
- result.printErrors()
- def run_commands_at_invocation(self, callargs):
- for initial_command in callargs:
- if self.onecmd_plus_hooks(initial_command + '\n'):
- return self._STOP_AND_EXIT
- def cmdloop(self):
- parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- parser.add_option('-t', '--test', dest='test',
- action="store_true",
- help='Test against transcript(s) in FILE (wildcards OK)')
- (callopts, callargs) = parser.parse_args()
- if callopts.test:
- self.runTranscriptTests(callargs)
- else:
- if not self.run_commands_at_invocation(callargs):
- self._cmdloop()
-class HistoryItem(str):
- listformat = '-------------------------[%d]\n%s\n'
- def __init__(self, instr):
- str.__init__(self)
- self.lowercase = self.lower()
- self.idx = None
- def pr(self):
- return self.listformat % (self.idx, str(self))
-class History(list):
- '''A list of HistoryItems that knows how to respond to user requests.
- >>> h = History([HistoryItem('first'), HistoryItem('second'), HistoryItem('third'), HistoryItem('fourth')])
- >>> h.span('-2..')
- ['third', 'fourth']
- >>> h.span('2..3')
- ['second', 'third']
- >>> h.span('3')
- ['third']
- >>> h.span(':')
- ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth']
- >>> h.span('2..')
- ['second', 'third', 'fourth']
- >>> h.span('-1')
- ['fourth']
- >>> h.span('-2..-3')
- ['third', 'second']
- >>>'o')
- ['second', 'fourth']
- >>>'/IR/')
- ['first', 'third']
- '''
- def zero_based_index(self, onebased):
- result = onebased
- if result > 0:
- result -= 1
- return result
- def to_index(self, raw):
- if raw:
- result = self.zero_based_index(int(raw))
- else:
- result = None
- return result
- def search(self, target):
- target = target.strip()
- if target[0] == target[-1] == '/' and len(target) > 1:
- target = target[1:-1]
- else:
- target = re.escape(target)
- pattern = re.compile(target, re.IGNORECASE)
- return [s for s in self if]
- spanpattern = re.compile(r'^\s*(?P<start>\-?\d+)?\s*(?P<separator>:|(\.{2,}))?\s*(?P<end>\-?\d+)?\s*$')
- def span(self, raw):
- if raw.lower() in ('*', '-', 'all'):
- raw = ':'
- results =
- if not results:
- raise IndexError
- if not'separator'):
- return [self[self.to_index('start'))]]
- start = self.to_index('start'))
- end = self.to_index('end'))
- reverse = False
- if end is not None:
- if end < start:
- (start, end) = (end, start)
- reverse = True
- end += 1
- result = self[start:end]
- if reverse:
- result.reverse()
- return result
- rangePattern = re.compile(r'^\s*(?P<start>[\d]+)?\s*\-\s*(?P<end>[\d]+)?\s*$')
- def append(self, new):
- new = HistoryItem(new)
- list.append(self, new)
- new.idx = len(self)
- def extend(self, new):
- for n in new:
- self.append(n)
- def get(self, getme=None, fromEnd=False):
- if not getme:
- return self
- try:
- getme = int(getme)
- if getme < 0:
- return self[:(-1 * getme)]
- else:
- return [self[getme-1]]
- except IndexError:
- return []
- except ValueError:
- rangeResult =
- if rangeResult:
- start ='start') or None
- end ='start') or None
- if start:
- start = int(start) - 1
- if end:
- end = int(end)
- return self[start:end]
- getme = getme.strip()
- if getme.startswith(r'/') and getme.endswith(r'/'):
- finder = re.compile(getme[1:-1], re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE)
- def isin(hi):
- return
- else:
- def isin(hi):
- return (getme.lower() in hi.lowercase)
- return [itm for itm in self if isin(itm)]
-class NotSettableError(Exception):
- pass
-def cast(current, new):
- """Tries to force a new value into the same type as the current."""
- typ = type(current)
- if typ == bool:
- try:
- return bool(int(new))
- except (ValueError, TypeError):
- pass
- try:
- new = new.lower()
- except:
- pass
- if (new=='on') or (new[0] in ('y','t')):
- return True
- if (new=='off') or (new[0] in ('n','f')):
- return False
- else:
- try:
- return typ(new)
- except:
- pass
- print ("Problem setting parameter (now %s) to %s; incorrect type?" % (current, new))
- return current
-class Statekeeper(object):
- def __init__(self, obj, attribs):
- self.obj = obj
- self.attribs = attribs
- if self.obj:
- def save(self):
- for attrib in self.attribs:
- setattr(self, attrib, getattr(self.obj, attrib))
- def restore(self):
- if self.obj:
- for attrib in self.attribs:
- setattr(self.obj, attrib, getattr(self, attrib))
-class Borg(object):
- '''All instances of any Borg subclass will share state.
- from Python Cookbook, 2nd Ed., recipe 6.16'''
- _shared_state = {}
- def __new__(cls, *a, **k):
- obj = object.__new__(cls, *a, **k)
- obj.__dict__ = cls._shared_state
- return obj
-class OutputTrap(Borg):
- '''Instantiate an OutputTrap to divert/capture ALL stdout output. For use in unit testing.
- Call `tearDown()` to return to normal output.'''
- def __init__(self):
- self.contents = ''
- self.old_stdout = sys.stdout
- sys.stdout = self
- def write(self, txt):
- self.contents += txt
- def read(self):
- result = self.contents
- self.contents = ''
- return result
- def tearDown(self):
- sys.stdout = self.old_stdout
- self.contents = ''
-class Cmd2TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- '''Subclass this, setting CmdApp, to make a unittest.TestCase class
- that will execute the commands in a transcript file and expect the results shown.
- See'''
- CmdApp = None
- def fetchTranscripts(self):
- self.transcripts = {}
- for fileset in self.CmdApp.testfiles:
- for fname in glob.glob(fileset):
- tfile = open(fname)
- self.transcripts[fname] = iter(tfile.readlines())
- tfile.close()
- if not len(self.transcripts):
- raise (StandardError,), "No test files found - nothing to test."
- def setUp(self):
- if self.CmdApp:
- self.outputTrap = OutputTrap()
- self.cmdapp = self.CmdApp()
- self.fetchTranscripts()
- def runTest(self): # was testall
- if self.CmdApp:
- its = sorted(self.transcripts.items())
- for (fname, transcript) in its:
- self._test_transcript(fname, transcript)
- regexPattern = pyparsing.QuotedString(quoteChar=r'/', escChar='\\', multiline=True, unquoteResults=True)
- regexPattern.ignore(pyparsing.cStyleComment)
- notRegexPattern = pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.printables)
- notRegexPattern.setParseAction(lambda t: re.escape(t[0]))
- expectationParser = regexPattern | notRegexPattern
- anyWhitespace = re.compile(r'\s', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
- def _test_transcript(self, fname, transcript):
- lineNum = 0
- finished = False
- line =
- lineNum += 1
- tests_run = 0
- while not finished:
- # Scroll forward to where actual commands begin
- while not line.startswith(self.cmdapp.prompt):
- try:
- line =
- except StopIteration:
- finished = True
- break
- lineNum += 1
- command = [line[len(self.cmdapp.prompt):]]
- line =
- # Read the entirety of a multi-line command
- while line.startswith(self.cmdapp.continuation_prompt):
- command.append(line[len(self.cmdapp.continuation_prompt):])
- try:
- line =
- except StopIteration:
- raise (StopIteration,
- 'Transcript broke off while reading command beginning at line %d with\n%s'
- % (command[0]))
- lineNum += 1
- command = ''.join(command)
- # Send the command into the application and capture the resulting output
- stop = self.cmdapp.onecmd_plus_hooks(command)
- #TODO: should act on ``stop``
- result =
- # Read the expected result from transcript
- if line.startswith(self.cmdapp.prompt):
- message = '\nFile %s, line %d\nCommand was:\n%s\nExpected: (nothing)\nGot:\n%s\n'%\
- (fname, lineNum, command, result)
- self.assert_(not(result.strip()), message)
- continue
- expected = []
- while not line.startswith(self.cmdapp.prompt):
- expected.append(line)
- try:
- line =
- except StopIteration:
- finished = True
- break
- lineNum += 1
- expected = ''.join(expected)
- # Compare actual result to expected
- message = '\nFile %s, line %d\nCommand was:\n%s\nExpected:\n%s\nGot:\n%s\n'%\
- (fname, lineNum, command, expected, result)
- expected = self.expectationParser.transformString(expected)
- # checking whitespace is a pain - let's skip it
- expected = self.anyWhitespace.sub('', expected)
- result = self.anyWhitespace.sub('', result)
- self.assert_(re.match(expected, result, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL), message)
- def tearDown(self):
- if self.CmdApp:
- self.outputTrap.tearDown()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- doctest.testmod(optionflags = doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE)
-To make your application transcript-testable, replace
- app = MyApp()
- app.cmdloop()
- app = MyApp()
-Then run a session of your application and paste the entire screen contents
-into a file, ``transcript.test``, and invoke the test like::
- python --test transcript.test
-Wildcards can be used to test against multiple transcript files.