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+ :label: intro
+Who should read this Guide?
+ :label: intro.whoShouldRead
+This Users' Guide is for Python programmers. Part I is a tutorial/reference
+and should be read by everybody. Part II is a cookbook of of techniques for
+using Cheetah with various web frameworks and various non-HTML output formats,
+plus some technical appendices. The PDF version of this Guide is distributed
+as two files so you can print Part I to read offline without having to print a
+lot of pages from Part II that don't apply to you.
+What is Cheetah?
+ :label: intro.whatIs
+Cheetah is a template engine for Python. A template engine is like Python's
+``%`` operator for strings: it has fixed parts which are output verbatim, and
+*placeholders* which are replaced by their values::
+ # Python's "%" operator (not Cheetah)
+ >>> "The king is a %(noun)s!" % {"noun": "fink"}
+ 'The king is a fink!"
+Templates are useful for form letters, dynamic web pages, customized source
+code or SQL, and innumerable other tasks. Cheetah is like a super-powered
+``%`` operator, but it also has many other features needed in real-world
+templating situations.
+Viewed another way, Cheetah is an alternate source format for Python modules,
+one that's friendlier for large chunks of text. Compiled templates are
+ordinary Python modules which can be imported. Cheetah is one of Python's
+oldest template engines and perhaps the most widely used. This is mainly due
+to its speed (hence the name Cheetah), stability, and suitability for many
+output formats. Cheetah has been used in production environments since 2001
+(0.9.9a1), and changes are committed conservatively, so even the CVS version is
+usually more bug-free than the previous release.
+Cheetah's syntax uses ``$`` before placeholders and a ``#``
+before control structures (directives), although these characters can be
+changed. This differs from Python's other template systems which generally use
+XML tags (Kid and Tal) or a function syntax (PTL and QPY). The difference
+allows Cheetah to be more suitable for a variety of output formats, and even
+users of the other systems often use Cheetah for non-HTML output such as
+text, Python source code, or SQL. Cheetah's syntax and behavior was
+inspired most directly by Velocity, a Java template engine. In PHP, Smarty is
+Cheetah's closest equivalent. Cheetah templates tend to be function-driven:
+define a method with ``#def``, and call it via a placeholder with arguments.
+Cheetah also has PSP-style tags (``<% %>``) and ``#include``, which will be
+familiar to people coming from ASP/JSP/PHP. However, we'll argue that these
+should be used sparingly, since there are other constructs which are more
+* generates HTML, SGML, XML, SQL, Postscript, form email, LaTeX, or any
+ other text-based format. It has also been used to produce Python, Java
+ and PHP source code.
+* cleanly separates content, graphic design, and program code. This leads
+ to highly modular, flexible, and reusable site architectures; faster
+ development time; and HTML and program code that is easier to understand
+ and maintain. It is particularly well suited for team efforts.
+* blends the power and flexibility of Python with a simple template language
+ that non*programmers can understand.
+* gives template writers full access in their templates to any Python data
+ structure, module, function, object, or method.
+* makes code reuse easy by providing an object-oriented interface to
+ templates that is accessible from Python code or other Cheetah templates.
+ One template can subclass another and selectively reimplement sections of
+ it. A compiled template {\em is} a Python class, so it can subclass a
+ pure Python class and vice*versa.
+* provides a simple yet powerful caching mechanism
+Here's a simple example of a Cheetah template::
+ <HTML>
+ <HEAD><TITLE>$title</TITLE></HEAD>
+ <BODY>
+ #for client in clients
+ <TR>
+ <TD>$client.surname, $client.firstname</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="mailto:$">$</A></TD>
+ </TR>
+ #end for
+ </TABLE>
+ </BODY>
+ </HTML>
+* has a lot of features but most of them are optional. Cheetah is easy to use
+ in simple cases, and scales well to complex cases. Most of Cheetah's
+ features were added due to demonstrated needs in production environments
+ where Cheetah was already runing.
+Cheetah is distributed under a BSD-style open-source license. See appendix E
+(E_license.txt) for details. Cheetah exists thanks to the help of many
+open-source volunteers (
+What is the philosophy behind Cheetah?
+ :label: intro.philosophy
+Cheetah's design was guided by these principles:
+* Python for the back end (business logic), Cheetah for the front end
+ (presentation format). Cheetah was designed to complement Python, not
+ replace it.
+* Cheetah's core syntax should be easy for non-programmers to learn.
+* Cheetah should make code reuse easy by providing an object-oriented
+ interface to templates that is accessible from Python code or other
+ Cheetah templates.
+* Python objects, functions, and other data structures should be fully
+ accessible in Cheetah.
+* Cheetah should provide flow control and error handling. Logic
+ that belongs in the front end shouldn't be relegated to the
+ back end simply because it's complex.
+* It should be easy to {\bf separate} content, graphic design, and program
+ code, but also easy to {\bf integrate} them.
+ A clean separation makes it easier for a team of content writers,
+ HTML/graphic designers, and programmers to work together without stepping
+ on each other's toes and polluting each other's work. The HTML framework
+ and the content it contains are two separate things, and analytical
+ calculations (program code) is a third thing. Each team member should be
+ able to concentrate on their specialty and to implement their changes
+ without having to go through one of the others (i.e., the dreaded
+ "webmaster bottleneck").
+ While it should be easy to develop content, graphics and program
+ code separately, it should be easy to integrate them together into a
+ website. In particular, it should be easy:
+ - for {\bf programmers} to create reusable components and functions
+ that are accessible and understandable to designers.
+ - for {\bf designers} to mark out placeholders for content and
+ dynamic components in their templates.
+ - for {\bf designers} to soft-code aspects of their design that are
+ either repeated in several places or are subject to change.
+ - for {\bf designers} to reuse and extend existing templates and thus
+ minimize duplication of effort and code.
+ - and, of course, for {\bf content writers} to use the templates that
+ designers have created.
+* Features are added only to support a demonstrated need in production
+ applications, and generally only if the feature is useful for a wide variety
+ of situations and output formats. This prevents Cheetah from accumulating
+ lots of esoteric features which are used only rarely.
+Why Cheetah doesn't use HTML-style tags
+ :label: intro.htmlStyleTags
+Cheetah does not use HTML/XML-style tags for flow control, unlike some other
+Python template engines, for the following reasons:
+* Cheetah is not limited to HTML,
+* HTML-style tags are hard to distinguish from real HTML tags,
+* HTML-style tags are not visible in rendered HTML when something goes wrong,
+* HTML-style tags often lead to invalid HTML (e.g.,
+ \code{<img src="<template*directive>">}),
+Cheetah tags are less verbose and easier to understand than HTML-style tags,
+and HTML-style tags aren't compatible with most WYSIWYG editors. In a WSYWIG
+editor, Cheetah tags appear to be literal text.
+Besides being much more compact, Cheetah also has some advantages over
+languages that put information inside the HTML tags, such as Zope Page
+Templates or PHP:
+* HTML or XML-bound languages do not work well with other languages,
+* While ZPT-like syntaxes work well in many ways with WYSIWYG HTML editors,
+ they also give up a significant advantage of those editors -- concrete
+ editing of the document. When logic is hidden away in (largely
+ inaccessible) tags it is hard to understand a page simply by viewing it,
+ and it is hard to confirm or modify that logic.
+How stable is Cheetah? How do I upgrade?
+ :label: intro.stable
+Cheetah 2.0 was released [MONTH] [YEAR] with internal restructuring,
+easier-to-understand usage, updated documentation, and many other improvements.
+Cheetah 1.0 was released December 2005 after a three-year stable beta.
+Production sites have been using Cheetah since 2001. Most changes since then
+have been based on requests from production sites: things they need that we
+hadn't considered.
+Templates and calling code from Cheetah 1.0 remain 100% compatible. Those from
+pre-1.0 versions since December 2001 (0.9.9) remain compatible except in rare
+.. important::
+ You must recompile all precompiled templates when upgrading
+ to Cheetah 2.0.
+Upgrades from 2.0 to a future version may or may not require
+recompilation. Try filling a single precompiled template and see if you get a
+version exception. If you do, recompile them all. Or to be safe on a
+production site, just recompile them all anyway.
+Cheetah's development version is normally as stable as the last release if not
+better. All CVS checkins are installed and run through the test suite before
+being checked in.
+Additional information is in these files in the Cheetah source distribution:
+ All changes in each version.
+ Known bugs we haven't fixed yet.
+ Enhancements we're planning, thing's like to do someday, and user requests
+ we haven't committed to.
+Web site and mailing list
+ :label:
+Cheetah releases and other stuff can be obtained from the the Cheetah
+{\bf Web site}:
+Cheetah discussions take place on the {\bf mailing list}
+\email{}. This is where to hear
+the latest news first.
+If you encounter difficulties, or are unsure about how to do something,
+please post a detailed message to the list. Also please share your
+experiences, tricks, customizations, and frustrations. And if you have a
+success story for the "Who Is Using Cheetah"
+( or
+"Testimonials" (
+page on the website, send it to the mailing list.
+Bug reports, patches, and the test suite
+If you think there is a bug in Cheetah, send a message to the mailing list
+with the following information:
+* a description of what you were trying to do and what happened
+* all tracebacks and error output
+* your version of Cheetah
+* your version of Python
+* your operating system
+* whether you have changed anything in the Cheetah installation
+Cheetah is packaged with a regression testing suite that is run with each
+new release to ensure that everything is working as expected and that recent
+changes haven't broken anything. The test cases are in the Cheetah.Tests
+module. If you find a reproduceable bug please consider writing a test case
+that will pass only when the bug is fixed. Send any new test cases to the email
+list with the subject-line "new test case for Cheetah". (@@MO Shorten
+paragraph, link to testing section.)
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+ :label: glossary
+**Template** is an informal term meaning a template definition, a template
+class or a template instance. A **template definition** is what the human
+maintainer writes: a file or string consisting of text, placeholders and
+directives. **Placeholders** are variables that will be looked up when the
+template is filled. **Directives** are commands to be executed when the
+template is filled, or instructions to the Cheetah compiler. Placeholders
+normally start with "$"; directives with "#". The conventional suffix for a
+file containing a template definition is **.tmpl**.
+To use a template, you first **compile** the template definition into
+**template class**. Then you instantiate the class and **fill** it by calling
+one of its instance methods. Filling does all the placeholder lookups and
+returns the finished result. Templates can be compiled in memory or written to
+a Python module, called a **precompiled template**.
+Every template has a **main** method that fills the entire template. The main
+method is usually ``.respond()``. Calling ``str()`` or ``unicode()`` on a
+template instance is the same as calling the main method. Templates can also
+contain **#def methods** (via ``#def`` or ``#block``), which can be called
+A **placeholder** consists of one or more **identifiers** separated by periods.
+Identifiers must follow the same rules as Python variable names, and may be
+followed by the usual ``[]`` and ``()`` as in Python. Example with three
+identifiers: ``a.b[2].c("arg")``. The value discovered at fill time is the
+**placeholder value**.
+The first (or only) identifier of a placeholder name represents a **variable**
+to be looked up. If Cheetah's **NameMapper** is turned on (the default), it
+looks in various **namespaces** including the template instance's ``self``,
+Python variables local/global to the template method, and an arbitrary list of
+**user-defined namespaces** you may have passed to the template constructor.
+A user-defined namespace is any Python object; Cheetah searches its attributes
+and keys for a matching name. ``#set`` and ``#for`` create local
+variables. ``#import`` and ``#set module global`` create global variables.
+``#attr``, ``#def``, and ``#block`` create ``self`` variables. When the
+NameMapper is turned off, only local/global variables are accessible.
+The NameMapper also handles universal dotted notation and autocalling.
+**Universal dotted notation** means that keys may be written as if they were
+attributes: ``a.b`` instead of ``a['b']``. **Autocalling** means that
+if any identifier's value is found to be a function or method, Cheetah will
+call it without arguments if there is no ``()`` following. More about the
+NameMapper is in section \ref{language.namemapper}.
+Cheetah 1 used the term "searchList" for user-defined namespaces. However,
+Cheetah has another **search list** internally: the actual list of namespaces
+it consults. This is almost the same thing but not quite. To avoid confusion,
+this Guide uses the term "search list" only for the internal list.
+Some directives are multi-line, meaning they have a matching **\#end** tag.
+The lines of text between the start and end tags is the **body** of the
+directive. Arguments on the same line as the start tag, in contrast, are
+considered part of the directive tag.
+A **template-servlet** is a Webware_-specific construct. Any .py template
+module in a Webware servlet directory can be filled directly through the web by
+requesting the URL.
+.. _Webware:
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+Getting Started
+ :label: gettingStarted
+ :label: gettingStarted.requirements
+Cheetah requires Python release 2.2 or newer, and has been tested with all
+versions through 2.4.2. It should run everywhere Python runs, and has been
+tested on Linux, Windows NT/98/XP, FreeBSD, Solaris, and Mac OS X.
+99% of Cheetah is written in Python. There is one small C module
+(````) for speed, but Cheetah automatically falls back to a
+Python equivalent (````) if the C module is not available.
+ :label: gettingStarted.install
+If you have ``easy_install``
+( set up, this command will
+download and install the latest version of Cheetah as a Python Egg
+ # easy_install Cheetah
+Or from an already-downloaded tarball::
+ # easy_install Cheetah-2.0.tar.gz
+Or from an unpacked source directory or CVS sandbox::
+ # easy_install .
+If you don't have ``easy_install``, you'll have to install Cheetah manually::
+ # tar xzvf Cheetah-2.0.tar.gz
+ # cd Cheetah-2.0
+ # python install
+You can also specify non-default locations::
+ # python install --install-lib=/home/tavis/python
+ # python install --home=/home/tavis
+ # python install --help
+.. tip::
+ If you install Cheetah manually and then install an egg that depends on
+ Cheetah (like TurboCheetah_), ``easy_install`` may *reinstall*
+ Cheetah as an egg. This leaves two copies of Cheetah on your system,
+ possibly different versions. Python will use whichever version comes
+ first in the Python path. To avoid this, use ``easy_install``'s
+ **--no-deps** option or delete the copy you don't wish to use.
+ :label: gettingstarted.uninstalling
+To uninstall Cheetah:
+1. Delete the "cheetah" program
+from whichever bin/ directory it was put in (perhaps /usr/local/bin/).
+2. If Cheetah was installed as an egg, delete the egg directory
+(e.g., /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Cheetah-2.0-py2.4.egg/), and
+remove the "Cheetah" line in **easy-install.pth** in the same directory.
+3. If Cheetah was not installed as an egg, delete the package directory
+(e.g., /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Cheetah/).
+The 'cheetah' command
+ :label: gettingStarted.cheetah
+Cheetah comes with a utility "cheetah" that provides a command-line
+interface to various housekeeping tasks. The command's first argument is
+the name of the task. The following commands are currently supported::
+ cheetah compile [options] [FILES ...] : Compile template definitions
+ cheetah fill [options] [FILES ...] : Fill template definitions
+ cheetah help : Print this help message
+ cheetah options : Print options help message
+ cheetah test : Run Cheetah's regression tests
+ cheetah version : Print Cheetah version number
+You only have to type the first letter of the command:
+``cheetah c`` is the same as ``cheetah compile``.
+The test suite is described in the next section. The ``compile``
+command in section \ref{howWorks.cheetah-compile},
+and the ``fill`` command in section \ref{howWorks.cheetah-fill}.
+Testing your installation
+ :label: gettingStarted.test
+After installing Cheetah, you can run its self-test routine to verify it's
+working properly on your system. First cd to to any directory you have write
+permission in (the tests write temporary files) *except* the unpacked Cheetah
+source directory (it might produce spurious errors). Type the following at the
+command prompt::
+ $ cheetah test
+The tests will run for about three minutes and print a success/failure
+message. If the tests pass, start Python in interactive mode and try the
+example in the next section.
+Sometimes the CheetahWrapper tests fail on Windows because they can't execute
+"cheetah" via ``os.system()``. Ignore these; you won't be doing this when
+you use Cheetah.
+If any other tests fail, please send a message to the e-mail list with a copy
+of the test output and the following details about your installation:
+* your version of Cheetah
+* your version of Python
+* your operating system
+* whether you have changed anything in the Cheetah installation
+Quickstart tutorial
+ :label: gettingStarted.tutorial
+This tutorial briefly introduces how to use Cheetah from the Python prompt.
+The following chapters will discuss other ways to use templates and more of
+Cheetah's features.
+The core of Cheetah is the ``Template`` class in the ``Cheetah.Template``
+module. The following example shows how to use the ``Template`` class in an
+interactive Python session. ``t`` is the Template instance. Lines prefixed
+with ``>>>`` and ``...`` are user input. The remaining lines are Python
+output. ::
+ >>> from Cheetah.Template import Template
+ >>> templateDef = """
+ ... <HTML>
+ ... <HEAD><TITLE>$title</TITLE></HEAD>
+ ... <BODY>
+ ... $contents
+ ... ## this is a single-line Cheetah comment and won't appear in the output
+ ... #* This is a multi-line comment and won't appear in the output
+ ... blah, blah, blah
+ ... *#
+ ... </BODY>
+ ... </HTML>"""
+ >>> namespace = {'title': 'Hello World Example', 'contents': 'Hello World!'}
+ >>> t = Template(templateDef, namespaces=[namespace])
+ >>> print t
+ <HTML>
+ <HEAD><TITLE>Hello World Example</TITLE></HEAD>
+ <BODY>
+ Hello World!
+ </BODY>
+ </HTML>
+ >>> print t # print it as many times as you want
+ [ ... same output as above ... ]
+ >>> namespace['title'] = 'Example #2'
+ >>> namespace['contents'] = 'Hiya Planet Earth!'
+ >>> print t # Now with different plug-in values.
+ <HTML>
+ <HEAD><TITLE>Example #2</TITLE></HEAD>
+ <BODY>
+ Hiya Planet Earth!
+ </BODY>
+ </HTML>
+Because Cheetah is extremely flexible, you can achieve the same result this
+ >>> t2 = Template(templateDef)
+ >>> t2.title = 'Hello World Example!'
+ >>> t2.contents = 'Hello World'
+ >>> print t2
+ [ ... same output as the first example above ... ]
+ >>> t2.title = 'Example #2'
+ >>> t2.contents = 'Hello World!'
+ >>> print t2
+ [ ... same as Example #2 above ... ]
+Or the values can be extracted from an object's attributes.
+ >>> myInstance.title
+ 'Hello World Example!'
+ >>> myInstance.contents = 'Hello World!'
+ >>> t2 = Template(templateDef, namespaces=[myInstance])
+The template will search your namespaces in order, then its own ``self``
+attributes, until it finds a match. The template definition can also
+come from a file rather than a string.
+Let's look at the ``Template`` constructor again::
+ t = Template(templateDef, namespaces=[namespace])
+This does more than it appears. It compiles the template definition into a
+template class, a subclass of ``Template``, and instantiates it. Sometimes
+it's desirable to separate these operations, and the ``.compile`` class method
+does this::
+ tclass = Template.compile(templateDef)
+ t = tclass(namespaces=[namespace])
+The first line compiles the template class; the second line instantiates it.
+You can also do this on one line::
+ t = Template.compile(templateDef)(namespaces=[namespace])
+You can use either ``Template()`` or ``Template.compile()`` in your programs,
+but you should learn both styles so you'll recognize them in other people's
+This is all fine for short templates, but for long templates or for an
+application that depends on many templates, it's easier to store the templates
+in separate \*.tmpl files and use the **cheetah** program to compile
+them into Python modules. This will be covered in section
+\ref{howWorks.cheetah-compile}. Here's how you use a precompiled template::
+ >>> from MyPrecompiledTemplate import MyPrecompiledTemplate
+ >>> t = MyPrecompiledTemplate()
+ >>> = "Fred Flintstone"
+ >>> = "Bedrock City"
+ >>> print t
+ >>> from MyPrecompiledTemplate import MyPrecompiledTemplate
+ >>> namespace = {"name": "Fred Flintstone", "city": "Bedrock City"}
+ >>> t = MyPrecompiledTemplate(namespaces=[namespace])
+ >>> print t
+For the minimalists out there, here's a template compilation,
+instantiation and filling all in one Python statement::
+ >>> print Template("Templates are pretty useless without placeholders.")
+ Templates are useless without placeholders.
+.. _TurboCheetah:
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+How Cheetah Works
+ :label: howWorks
+Constructing Template Objects
+ :label: howWorks.templateClass
+ :label: howWorks.constructing
+The heart of Cheetah is the ``Template`` class in the
+``Cheetah.Template`` module. There are several ways to construct templates,
+each with slightly different arguments. Where *source* is shown, it's always
+the first argument and may be specified positionally. The order of the
+other arguments may change, so always specify them as keyword arguments.
+``Template()`` accepts the following arguments:
+ source
+ The template definition as a string. The source can be a string
+ literal in your module, or perhaps a string you read from a database
+ or other data structure.
+ file
+ A filename or file object containing the template definition. A
+ filename must be a string, and a file object must be open for reading.
+ By convention, template definition files have the extension **.tmpl**.
+ namespaces, searchList
+ A list of objects which Cheetah will search for placeholder values.
+ (Cheetah also searches certain other objects automatically; see the
+ "Placeholders" chapter for details.) Use either argument; they both
+ mean the same thing.
+ filter
+ Equivalent to putting ``#filter`` at the top of the template. The
+ argument may be a subclass of ``Cheetah.Filters.Filter``, or a string
+ naming a class in filtersLib (the next argument below). See
+ ``#filter`` for details.
+ filtersLib
+ A module containing the filters Cheetah should look up by name. The
+ default is ``Cheetah.Filters``. All classes in this module that are
+ subclasses of ``Cheetah.Filters.Filter`` are considered filters.
+ errorCatcher
+ Equivalent to putting ``#errorCatcher`` at the top of the template.
+ The object may be a subclass of ``Cheetah.ErrorCatchers.ErrorCatcher``,
+ or a string naming a class in ``Cheetah.ErrorCatchers``. See
+ ``#errorCatcher`` for details.
+ compilerSettings
+ Equivalent to putting ``#compiler-settings`` at the top of the
+ template. The argument is a dictionary or nesting of dictionaries.
+ See ``#compiler-settings`` for details.
+A template class returned by ``Cheetah.compile`` or precompiled via "cheetah
+compile" takes the same constructor arguments as above, except "source" and
+"file" which are not allowed. Use keyword arguments for all arguments
+because their order may change.
+The class method ``Template.compile()`` takes the following
+ source, file, compilerSettings
+ Same as above. *These are the only arguments most users will ever
+ use.* The other args below are for specialized advanced uses.
+ returnAClass
+ If true (default), return a subclass of ``Template`` specific to this
+ template definition. If false, return the Python source of a module
+ containing this class; i.e., what "cheetah compile" would write to a
+ file.
+ moduleName, className, mainMethodName
+ Override the default names. For instance, TurboCheetah (a third-party
+ library) requires its templates to have a fixed class name, so it uses
+ *className*.
+ compilerClass
+ Use an You'll probably never need this.
+ baseclass
+ Equivalent to putting ``#extends`` at the top of the template.
+ ``#extends`` overrides this, unlike other arguments.
+ moduleGlobals
+ In case you want to sneak in some extra variables that don't require
+ the NameMapper.
+ preprocessors
+ A list of filter functions which will modify the template definition
+ before Cheetah's compiler sees it. See chapter @@MO for details.
+ compilerClass, cacheCompilationResults, useCache, cacheModuleFilesForTracebacks, cacheDirForModuleFiles, keepRefToGeneratedCode
+ You'll probably never need these. They are used to provide an
+ alternate compiler, disable Cheetah's template caching (*not* related
+ to ``#cache``), or modify Cheetah's enhanced traceback reporting. See
+ the ``Template.compile()`` docstring for details.
+Here are typical ways to create a template instance:
+``t = Template("The king is a \$placeholder1.")``
+ Pass the template definition as a string.
+``t = Template(file="fink.tmpl")``
+ Read the template definition from a file named "fink.tmpl".
+``t = Template(file=f)``
+ Read the template definition from file-like object 'f'.
+``t = Template("The king is a \$placeholder1.", namespaces=[dict, obj])``
+ Pass the template definition as a string. Also pass two namespaces for
+ the namespaces: a dictionary 'dict' and an instance 'obj'.
+``t = Template(file="fink.txt", namespaces=[dict, obj])``
+ Same, but pass a filename instead of a string.
+``t = Template(file=f, namespaces=[dict, obj])``
+ Same with a file object.
+Filling templates and extracting data
+There are several ways to fill a template. Assume ``t`` is a template
+ 1 output = t.respond()
+ 2 output = str(t) # Shortcut for "str(t.respond())".
+ 3 output = unicode(t) # Shortcut for "unicode(t.respond())".
+ 4 print t # Shortcut for "print str(t.respond())".
+ 4 sys.stderr.write( unicode(t).encode('latin1') )
+ 5 result = t.my_def_method(arg1, arg2)
+These all assume the template's main method is ``.respond``, which is true
+in the normal case. [#]_ ``str()`` and
+``unicode()`` will always call the main method whatever it's named.
+If the output contains non-ASCII characters, examples 2 and 4 will raise
+an exception. Use one of the other examples instead.
+Example 5 calls a ``#def`` method with arguments. Only that method's output
+is returned.
+If the template contains ``#attr`` attributes, you can access those directly::
+ title = t.title
+ author =
+.. [#] See the Inheritance chapter... (#implements, mainMethodName,
+ inheritance).
+"cheetah compile" and precompiled templates
+ :label: howWorks.cheetah-compile
+To create a precompiled template module, do either of these::
+ cheetah compile [options] [FILES ...]
+ cheetah c [options] [FILES ...]
+There are several advantages of precompiled templates:
+- Precompiled templates are easier to debug because you can see the generated
+ Python code, and the line numbers in error messages will correspond to the
+ actual line in the template definition file. (If the template definition is
+ embedded in a string literal inside a module, you'll have to count down from
+ the first line in the string to find the error line.)
+- Data analysis programs can import the template classes and query their
+ attributes, which can be set via ``#attr``. Example: a directory of
+ templates can each contain ``.title`` and ``.author`` attributes, and
+ another program can read them all and make an index page.
+- Slightly faster performance since the compilation is done before
+ the user runs your application, and Python will optimize this further
+ with .pyc or .pyo files. The actual speed difference is minimal --
+ Cheetah appears to compile templates instantaneously anyway, and it caches
+ templates in memory if possible, but precompiling templates will make
+ some developers feel better for conserving electrons.
+- ``#extends`` requires that the base template be precompiled, or the
+ child template cannot be instantiated. (@@MO: The *baseclass* constructor
+ arg can be used to set the parent class for a dynamically-compiled
+ template.)
+- Only precompiled templates may be used as Webware servlets.
+Some of Cheetah's developers use only precompiled templates and recommend the
+same. However, it's your choice whether to do this.
+The following options are supported::
+ --idir DIR, --odir DIR : input/output directories (default: current dir)
+ --iext EXT, --oext EXT : input/output filename extensions
+ (default input: tmpl, default output: py)
+ -R : recurse subdirectories looking for input files
+ --debug : print lots of diagnostic output to standard error
+ --flat : no destination subdirectories
+ --nobackup : don't make backups
+ --stdout, -p : output to standard output (pipe)
+ --settings : a string representing the compiler settings to use
+ e.g. --settings='useNameMapper=False,useFilters=False'
+ This string is eval'd in Python so it should contain
+ valid Python syntax.
+ --templateAPIClass : a string representing a subclass of
+ Cheetah.Template:Template to use for compilation
+.. tip::
+ If Cheetah can't find your input files, or if it puts output files
+ in the wrong place, use the ``--debug`` option to see how Cheetah
+ interpreted your command line.
+The most basic usage is::
+ cheetah compile a.tmpl : writes
+ cheetah compile a.tmpl b.tmpl : writes and
+Cheetah will automatically add the default input extension (.tmpl) if the exact
+file is not found. So the following two examples are the same as above if
+"a" and "b" don't exist::
+ cheetah compile a : writes (from a.tmpl)
+ cheetah compile a b : writes and
+Use the ``-R`` option to recurse subdirectories::
+ cheetah compile dir1 : error, file is a directory
+ cheetah compile -R dir1 : look under `dir1' for files to compile
+ cheetah compile : error, no file specified
+ cheetah compile -R : compile all templates under current
+ directory and subdirectories
+ cheetah compile -R a b dir1 : compile files and recurse
+When recursing, only regular files that end in the input extension (.tmpl) are
+considered source files. All other filenames are ignored.
+The options ``--idir`` and ``--odir`` allow you to specify that
+the source (and/or destination) paths are relative to a certain directory
+rather than to the current directory. This is useful if you keep your
+\*.tmpl and \*.py files in separate directory hierarchies. After editing a
+source file, just run one of these (or put the command in a script or
+ cheetah compile --odir /var/webware a.tmpl
+ cheetah compile -R --odir /var/webware
+ cheetah c --odir /var/webware sub/a.tmpl
+ : writes /var/webware/sub/
+"cheetah compile" overwrites any existing ``.py`` file it finds, after
+backing it up to FILENAME.py_bak (unless you specify ``--nobackup``). For
+this reason, you should make changes to the ``.tmpl`` version of the
+template rather than to the ``.py`` version.
+For the same reason, if your template requires custom Python methods or
+other Python code, don't put it in the ```` file or it will be
+overwritten! Instead, put it in a separate base class and use
+``#extends`` to inherit from it.
+Because FILENAME will be used as a class and module name, it must be a valid
+Python identifier. For instance, ``cheetah compile spam-eggs.tmpl`` is
+illegal because of the hyphen ("-"). This is sometimes inconvenient when
+converting a site of HTML files into Webware servlets. Fortunately, the
+*directory* it's in does not have to be an identifier. (*Hint:* for
+date-specific files, try converting 2002/04/12.html to 2002/04/12/index.tmpl.
+This also gives you a directory to store images or supplemental files.)
+Occasionally you may want output files put directly into the output directory
+(or current directory), rather than into subdirectories parallel to the input
+file. The ``--flat`` option does this. This may cause several input files
+might map to the same output file. Cheetah checks for output file collisions
+before writing any files, and aborts if there are any collisions. ::
+ cheetah c sub/ : writes sub/
+ cheetah c --flat sub/ : writes
+ cheetah c --odir DEST sub/a.tmpl
+ : writes DEST/sub/
+ cheetah c --flat --odir DEST sub/a.tmpl
+ : writes DEST/
+ cheetah c --idir /home/henry sub/rollins.tmpl
+ : writes sub/
+ cheetah c --flat --idir /home/henry sub/rollins.tmpl
+ : writes
+ cheetah c --idir /home/henry --odir /home/henry sub/rollins.tmpl
+ : writes /home/henry/sub/
+ cheetah c --flat --idir /home/henry --odir /home/henry sub/rollins.tmpl
+ : writes /home/henry/
+Whenever "cheetah compile" has to create an output directory or subdirectory,
+it also creates an file in it. This file is necessary in order
+to make Python treat the directory as a Python package.
+Chapter @@MO has a look inside a precompiled template module.
+"cheetah fill"
+ :label: howWorks.cheetah-fill
+You can fill templates from the command line with "cheetah fill". The most
+common example is static HTML files which are generated from templates. The
+output extension is .html by default. The compiled template modules are not
+written to disk. All the options to "cheetah compile" are allowed.
+ cheetah fill a.tmpl : writes a.html
+ cheetah fill a.tmpl b.tmpl : writes a.html and b.html
+ cheetah f --oext txt a : writes a.txt (from a.tmpl)
+You can't specify user-defined namespaces the normal way, so the templates must
+be written to have default values for all variables. However, there is limited
+support for gathering placeholder values from operating-system resources::
+ --env : make the environment variables a user-defined namespace
+ --pickle FILE : unpickle FILE and make that object a user-defined namespace
+Using ``--env`` may have security or reliability implications because the
+environment normally contains lots of variables you inherited rather than
+defining yourself. If any of these variables override any of yours (say a
+``#def``), you will get incorrect output, may reveal private information,
+and may get an exception due to the variable being an unexpected type
+(environment variables are always strings). Your calling program may wish
+to clear out the environment before setting environment variables for the
+There are two other differences between "cheetah compile" and "cheetah fill".
+Cheetah doesn't create files when creating directories in
+fill mode. Also, the source filenames don't have to be identifiers. This
+allows you to create any .html filename even if it contains characters like "-"
+that are illegal in identifiers.
+Running a .py template module as a standalone program
+ :label: howWorks.standalone
+In addition to importing your .py template module file into a Python
+script or using it as a Webware servlet, you can also run it from the
+command line as a standalone program. The program will print the filled
+template on standard output. This is useful while debugging the template,
+and for producing formatted output in shell scripts.
+When running the template as a program, you cannot provide a searchList or
+set ``self.`` attributes in the normal way, so you must take
+alternative measures to ensure that every placeholder has a value.
+Otherwise, you will get the usual ``NameMapper.NotFound`` exception at
+the first missing value. You can either set default values in the template
+itself (via the ``\#attr`` or ``\#def`` directives) or in a Python
+superclass, or use the ``--env`` or ``--pickle`` command-line options,
+which work just like their "cheetah fill" counterparts.
+Run ``python --help`` to see all the command-line
+options your .py template module accepts.
diff --git a/docs/users_guide_2_src/05_language.txt b/docs/users_guide_2_src/05_language.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..673abca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/users_guide_2_src/05_language.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
+\section{Language Overview}
+Cheetah's basic syntax was inspired by the Java-based template engines Velocity
+and WebMacro. It has two types of tags: {\bf \$placeholders} and {\bf
+\#directives}. Both types are case-sensitive.
+Placeholder tags begin with a dollar sign (\code{\$varName}) and are similar to
+data fields in a form letter or to the \code{\%(key)s} fields on the left side
+of Python's \code{\%} operator. When the template is filled, the placeholders
+are replaced with the values they refer to.
+Directive tags begin with a hash character (\#) and are used for comments,
+loops, conditional blocks, includes, and all other advanced features.
+({\em Note:} you can customize the start and end delimeters for placeholder
+and directive tags, but in this Guide we'll assume you're using the default.)
+Placeholders and directives can be escaped by putting a backslash before them.
+\verb+\$var+ and \verb+\#if+ will be output as literal text.
+A placeholder or directive can span multiple physical lines, following the same
+rules as Python source code: put a backslash (\verb+\+) at the end of all
+lines except the last line. However, if there's an unclosed parenthesis,
+bracket or brace pending, you don't need the backslash.
+#if $this_is_a_very_long_line and $has_lots_of_conditions \
+ and $more_conditions:
+#end if
+#if $country in ('Argentina', 'Uruguay', 'Peru', 'Colombia',
+ 'Costa Rica', 'Venezuela', 'Mexico')
+<H1>Hola, senorita!</H1>
+<H1>Hey, baby!</H1>
+#end if
+\subsection{Language Constructs -- Summary}
+\item Comments and documentation strings
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \code{\#\# single line}
+ \item \code{\#* multi line *\#}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item Generation, caching and filtering of output
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item plain text
+ \item look up a value: \code{\$placeholder}
+ \item evaluate an expression: \code{\#echo} \ldots
+ \item same but discard the output: \code{\#silent} \ldots
+ \item one-line if: \code{\#if EXPR then EXPR else EXPR}
+ \item gobble the EOL: \code{\#slurp}
+ \item parsed file includes: \code{\#include} \ldots
+ \item raw file includes: \code{\#include raw} \ldots
+ \item verbatim output of Cheetah code: \code{\#raw} \ldots \code{\#end raw}
+ \item cached placeholders: \code{\$*var}, \code{\$*<interval>*var}
+ \item cached regions: \code{\#cache} \ldots \code{\#end cache}
+ \item set the output filter: \code{\#filter} \ldots
+ \item control output indentation: \code{\#indent} \ldots ({\em not
+implemented yet})
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item Importing Python modules and objects: \code{\#import} \ldots,
+ \code{\#from} \ldots
+\item Inheritance
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item set the base class to inherit from: \code{\#extends}
+ \item set the name of the main method to implement: \code{\#implements}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item Compile-time declaration
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item define class attributes: \code{\#attr} \ldots
+ \item define class methods: \code{\#def} \ldots \code{\#end def}
+ \item \code{\#block} \ldots \code{\#end block} provides a simplified
+ interface to \code{\#def} \ldots \code{\#end def}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item Run-time assignment
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item local vars: \code{\#set} \ldots
+ \item global vars: \code{\#set global} \ldots
+ \item deleting local vars: \code{\#del} \ldots
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item Flow control
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \code{\#if} \ldots \code{\#else} \ldots \code{\#else if} (aka
+ \code{\#elif}) \ldots \code{\#end if}
+ \item \code{\#unless} \ldots \code{\#end unless}
+ \item \code{\#for} \ldots \code{\#end for}
+ \item \code{\#repeat} \ldots \code{\#end repeat}
+ \item \code{\#while} \ldots \code{\#end while}
+ \item \code{\#break}
+ \item \code{\#continue}
+ \item \code{\#pass}
+ \item \code{\#stop}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item error/exception handling
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \code{\#assert}
+ \item \code{\#raise}
+ \item \code{\#try} \ldots \code{\#except} \ldots \code{\#else} \ldots
+ \code{\#end try}
+ \item \code{\#try} \ldots \code{\#finally} \ldots \code{\#end try}
+ \item \code{\#errorCatcher} \ldots set a handler for exceptions raised by
+\$placeholder calls.
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item Instructions to the parser/compiler
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \code{\#breakpoint}
+ \item \code{\#compiler-settings} \ldots \code{\#end compiler-settings}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item Escape to pure Python code
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item evalute expression and print the output: \code{<\%=} \ldots
+ \code{\%>}
+ \item execute code and discard output: \code{<\%} \ldots \code{\%>}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item Fine control over Cheetah-generated Python modules
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item set the source code encoding of compiled template modules: \code{\#encoding}
+ \item set the sh-bang line of compiled template modules: \code{\#shBang}
+ \end{enumerate}
+The use of all these constructs will be covered in the next several chapters.
+%% @@MO: TODO: reconcile the order of this summary with the order in the
+%% detail sections.
+% @@MO: PSP chapter with examples. What does write() do? Print?
+\subsection{Placeholder Syntax Rules}
+\item Placeholders follow the same syntax rules as Python variables except
+ that they are preceded by \code{\$} (the short form) or enclosed in
+ \code{\$\{\}} (the long form).
+ Examples:
+$['def']('gh', $subplaceholder, 2)
+${['def']('gh', $subplaceholder, 2)}
+ We recommend \code{\$} in simple cases, and \code{\$\{\}} when followed
+ directly by a letter or when Cheetah or a human template maintainer might
+ get confused about where the placeholder ends. You may alternately use
+ \verb+$()+ or \verb+$[]+, although this may confuse the (human) template
+ maintainer:
+$(['def']('gh', $subplaceholder, 2))
+$[['def']('gh', $subplaceholder, 2)]
+ {\em Note:} Advanced users can change the delimiters to anything they
+ want via the \code{\#compiler} directive.
+ {\em Note 2:} The long form can be used only with top-level placeholders,
+ not in expressions. See section \ref{language.placeholders.positions}
+ for an elaboration on this.
+\item To reiterate Python's rules, placeholders consist of one or more
+ identifiers separated by periods. Each identifier must start with a letter
+ or an underscore, and the subsequent characters must be letters, digits or
+ underscores. Any identifier may be followed by arguments enclosed in
+ \verb+()+ and/or keys/subscripts in \verb+[]+.
+\item Identifiers are case sensitive. \code{\$var} does not equal \code{\$Var}
+ or \code{\$vAr} or \code{\$VAR}.
+\item Arguments inside \verb+()+ or \verb+[]+ are just like in Python.
+ Strings may be quoted using any Python quoting style. Each argument is an
+ expression and may use any of Python's expression operators. Variables
+ used in argument expressions are placeholders and should be prefixed with
+ \code{\$}. This also applies to the *arg and **kw forms. However, you do
+ {\em not} need the \code{\$} with the special Python constants \code{None},
+ \code{True} and \code{False}.
+ Examples:
+$func2($*args, $**kw)
+$func3(3.14159, $arg2, None, True)
+\item Trailing periods are ignored. Cheetah will recognize that the placeholder
+ name in \code{\$varName.} is \code{varName}, and the period will be left
+ alone in the template output.
+\item The syntax \code{\$\{placeholderName, arg1="val1"\}} passes arguments to
+ the output filter (see \code{\#filter}, section \ref{output.filter}.
+ The braces and comma are required in this case. It's conventional to
+ omit the \code{\$} before the keyword arguments (i.e. \code{arg1}) in this
+ case.
+\item Cheetah ignores all dollar signs (\code{\$}) that are not followed by a
+ letter or an underscore.
+The following are valid \$placeholders:
+$a $_ $var $_var $var1 $_1var $var2_ $dict.key $list[3]
+$object.method $object.method() $object.method
+These are not \$placeholders but are treated as literal text:
+$@var $^var $15.50 $$
+\subsection{Where can you use placeholders?}
+There are three places you can use placeholders: top-level position,
+expression position and LVALUE position. Each has slightly different
+syntax rules.
+Top-level position means interspersed in text. This is the only place
+you can use the placeholder long form: \code{\$\{var\}}.
+{\em Expression position} means inside a Cheetah expression, which is the same
+as a Python expression. The placeholder names a searchList or other variable
+to be read. Expression position occurs inside () and $[]$ arguments within
+placeholder tags (i.e., a placeholder inside a placeholder), and in several
+directive tags.
+{\em LVALUE position} means naming a variable that will be written to. LVALUE
+is a computer science term meaning ``the left side of an assignment
+statement''. The first argument of directives \code{\#set}, \code{\#for},
+\code{\#def}, \code{\#block} and \code{\#attr} is an LVALUE.
+This stupid example shows the three positions. Top-level position is shown
+in \code{courier}, expression position is {\em italic}, and LVALUE position is
+{\bf bold}.
+\#for {\bf \$count} in {\em \$range}({\em \$ninetyNine}, 0, -1)\\
+\#set {\bf \$after} = {\em \$count} - 1\\
+\code{\$count} bottles of beer on the wall. \code{\$count} bottles of beer!\\
+~~~~Take one down, pass it around. \code{\$after} bottles of beer on the wall.\\
+\#end for\\
+\code{\$hex}({\em \$myVar}, {\bf \$default}={\em None})
+The output of course is:
+99 bottles of beer on the wall. 99 bottles of beer!
+ Take one down, pass it around. 98 bottles of beer on the wall.
+98 bottles of beer on the wall. 98 bottles of beer!
+ Take one down, pass it around. 97 bottles of beer on the wall.
+\subsection{Are all those dollar signs really necessary?}
+\code{\$} is a ``smart variable prefix''. When Cheetah sees \code{\$}, it
+determines both the variable's position and whether it's a searchList value or
+a non-searchList value, and generates the appropriate Python code.
+In top-level position, the \code{\$} is {\em required}. Otherwise there's
+nothing to distinguish the variable from ordinary text, and the variable name
+is output verbatim.
+In expression position, the \code{\$} is {\em required} if the value comes from
+the searchList or a ``\#set global'' variable, {\em recommended} for
+local/global/builtin variables, and {\em not necessary} for the special
+constants \code{None}, \code{True} and \code{False}. This works because
+Cheetah generates a function call for a searchList placeholder, but a bare
+variable name for a local/global/builtin variable.
+In LVALUE position, the \code{\$} is {\em recommended}. Cheetah knows where
+an LVALUE is expected, so it can handle your variable name whether it has
+\code{\$} or not.
+EXCEPTION: Do {\em not} use the \code{\$} prefix for intermediate variables in
+a Python list comprehensions. This is a limitation of Cheetah's parser; it
+can't tell which variables in a list comprehension are the intermediate
+variables, so you have to help it. For example:
+#set $theRange = [x ** 2 for x in $range(10)]
+\code{\$theRange} is a regular \code{\#set} variable. \code{\$range} is a
+Python built-in function. But \code{x} is a scratch variable internal to
+the list comprehension: if you type \code{\$x}, Cheetah will miscompile
+\subsection{NameMapper Syntax}
+One of our core aims for Cheetah was to make it easy for non-programmers to
+use. Therefore, Cheetah uses a simplified syntax for mapping placeholders
+in Cheetah to values in Python. It's known as the {\bf NameMapper syntax}
+and allows for non-programmers to use Cheetah without knowing (a) the
+difference between an instance and a dictionary, (b) what functions and methods
+are, and (c) what 'self' is. A side benefit is that you can change the
+underlying data structure (e.g., instance to dictionary or vice-versa) without
+having to modify the templates.
+NameMapper syntax is used for all variables in Cheetah placeholders and
+directives. If desired, it can be turned off via the \code{Template} class'
+\code{'useNameMapper'} compiler setting. But it's doubtful you'd ever want to
+turn it off.
+Consider this scenario:
+You are building a customer information system. The designers with you want to
+use information from your system on the client's website --AND-- they want to
+understand the display code and so they can maintian it themselves.
+You write a UI class with a 'customers' method that returns a dictionary of all
+the customer objects. Each customer object has an 'address' method that returns
+the a dictionary with information about the customer's address. The designers
+want to be able to access that information.
+Using PSP, the display code for the website would look something like the
+following, assuming your servlet subclasses the class you created for managing
+customer information:
+ <%= self.customer()[ID].address()['city'] %> (42 chars)
+With Cheetah's NameMapper syntax, you can use any of the following:
+ $self.customers()[$ID].address()['city'] (39 chars)
+ --OR--
+ $customers()[$ID].address()['city']
+ --OR--
+ $customers()[$ID].address().city
+ --OR--
+ $customers()[$ID]
+ --OR--
+ $customers[$ID] (27 chars)
+Which of these would you prefer to explain to the designers, who have no
+programming experience? The last form is 15 characters shorter than the PSP
+version and -- conceptually -- far more accessible. With PHP or ASP, the
+code would be even messier than with PSP.
+This is a rather extreme example and, of course, you could also just implement
+\code{\$getCustomer(\$ID).city} and obey the Law of Demeter (search Google for more
+on that). But good object orientated design isn't the point of this example.
+\subsubsection{Dictionary Access}
+NameMapper syntax allows access to dictionary items with the same dotted
+notation used to access object attributes in Python. This aspect of NameMapper
+syntax is known as 'Unified Dotted Notation'.
+For example, with Cheetah it is possible to write:
+ $customers()['kerr'].address() --OR-- $customers().kerr.address()
+where the second form is in NameMapper syntax.
+This works only with dictionary keys that also happen to be valid Python
+Cheetah automatically detects functions and methods in Cheetah \$variables and
+calls them if the parentheses have been left off. Our previous example can be
+further simplified to:
+ $customers.kerr.address
+As another example, if 'a' is an object, 'b' is a method
+ $a.b
+is equivalent to
+ $a.b()
+If b returns a dictionary, then following variations are possible
+ $a.b.c --OR-- $a.b().c --OR-- $a.b()['c']
+where 'c' is a key in the dictionary that a.b() returns.
+Further notes:
+\item When Cheetah autocalls a function/method, it calls it without any
+arguments. Thus, the function/method must have been declared without arguments
+(except \code{self} for methods) or to provide default values for all arguments.
+If the function requires arguments, you must use the \code{()}.
+\item Cheetah autocalls only functions and methods. Classes and other callable
+objects are not autocalled. The reason is that the primary purpose of a
+function/method is to call it, whereas the primary purpose of an instance is to
+look up its attributes or call its methods, not to call the instance itself.
+And calling a class may allocate large sums of memory uselessly or have other
+side effects, depending on the class. For instance, consider
+\code{\$myInstance.fname}. Do we want to look up \code{fname} in the namespace
+of \code{myInstance} or in the namespace of whatever \code{myinstance} returns?
+It could go either way, so Cheetah follows the principle of least surprise. If
+you {\em do} want to call the instance, put the \code{()} on, or rename the
+\code{.\_\_call\_\_()} method to \code{.\_\_str\_\_}.
+\item Autocalling can be disabled via Cheetah's 'useAutocalling' compiler
+setting. You can also disable it for one placeholder by using the syntax
+\code{\$getVar('varName', 'default value', False)}. (\code{.getVar()} works
+only with searchList values.)
+\subsection{Namespace cascading and the searchList}
+When Cheetah maps a variable name in a template to a Python value, it searches
+several namespaces in order:
+\item {\bf Local variables:} created by \code{\#set},
+ \code{\#for}, or predefined by Cheetah.
+\item The {\bf searchList}, consisting of:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \code{\#set\ global} variables.
+ \item The {\bf searchList} containers you passed to the \code{Template}
+ constructor, if any.
+ \item The {\bf Template instance} (``self''). This contains any attributes
+ you assigned, \code{\#def} methods and \code{\#block methods},
+ attributes/methods inherited via \code{\#extends}, and other
+ attributes/methods built into \code{Template} or inherited by it
+ (there's a list of all these methods in section
+ \ref{tips.allMethods}).
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item {\bf Python globals:} created by \code{\#import},
+ \code{\#from\ ...\ import}, or otherwise predefined by Cheetah.
+\item {\bf Python builtins:} \code{None}, \code{max}, etc.
+The first matching name found is used.
+Remember, these namespaces apply only to the {\em first} identifier after the
+\code{\$}. In a placeholder like \code{\$a.b}, only `a' is looked up in the
+searchList and other namespaces. `b' is looked up only inside `a'.
+A searchList container can be any Python object with attributes or keys:
+dictionaries, instances, classes or modules. If an instance contains both
+attributes and keys, its attributes are searched first, then its keys.
+Because the \code{Template} instance is part of the searchList, you can
+access its attributes/methods without `self': \code{\$myAttr}. However, use
+the `self' if you want to make sure you're getting the \code{Template}
+attribute and not a same-name variable defined in a higher namespace:
+\code{\$self.myAttr}. This works because ``self'' itself is a local variable.
+The final resulting value, after all lookups and function calls (but before the
+filter is applied) is called the {\em placeholder value}, no matter which
+namespace it was found in.
+{\em {\bf Note carefully:}} if you put an object `myObject' in the searchList,
+you {\em cannot} look up \code{\$myObject}! You can look up only the
+attributes/keys {\em inside} `myObject'.
+Earlier versions of Cheetah did not allow you to override Python builtin
+names, but this was fixed in Cheetah 0.9.15.
+If your template will be used as a Webware servlet, do not override methods
+'name' and 'log' in the \code{Template} instance or it will interfere with
+Webware's logging. However, it {\em is} OK to use those variables in a higher
+namespace, since Webware doesn't know about Cheetah namespaces.
+\subsection{Missing Values}
+If NameMapper can not find a Python value for a Cheetah variable name, it will
+raise the NameMapper.NotFound exception. You can use the \code{\#errorCatcher}
+directive (section \ref{errorHandling.errorCatcher}) or {\bf errorCatcher}
+Template constructor argument (section \ref{howWorks.constructing}) to specify
+an alternate behaviour. BUT BE AWARE THAT errorCatcher IS ONLY INTENDED FOR
+To provide a default value for a placeholder, write it like this:
+\code{\$getVar('varName', 'default value')}. If you don't specify a default
+and the variable is missing, \code{NameMapper.NotFound} will be raised.
+\subsection{Directive Syntax Rules}
+Directive tags begin with a hash character (\#) and are used for comments,
+loops, conditional blocks, includes, and all other advanced features. Cheetah
+uses a Python-like syntax inside directive tags and understands any valid
+Python expression. {\bf However, unlike Python, Cheetah does not use colons
+(:) and indentation to mark off multi-line directives.} That doesn't work in
+an environment where whitespace is significant as part of the text. Instead,
+multi-line directives like \code{\#for} have corresponding closing tags
+(\code{\#end for}). Most directives are direct mirrors of Python statements.
+Many directives have arguments after the opening tag, which must be in the
+specified syntax for the tag. All end tags have the following syntax:
+The expression is ignored, so it's essentially a comment.
+\subsubsection{Directive closures and whitespace handling}
+Directive tags can be closed explicitly with \code{\#}, or implicitly with the
+end of the line if you're feeling lazy.
+#block testBlock #
+Text in the body of the
+block directive
+#end block testBlock #
+is identical to:
+#block testBlock
+Text in the body of the
+block directive
+#end block testBlock
+When a directive tag is closed explicitly, it can be followed with other text on
+the same line:
+bah, bah, #if $sheep.color == 'black'# black#end if # sheep.
+When a directive tag is closed implicitly with the end of the line, all trailing
+whitespace is gobbled, including the newline character:
+foo #set $x = 2
+foo bar
+foo #set $x = 2 #
+When a directive tag is closed implicitly AND there is no other text on the
+line, the ENTIRE line is gobbled up including any preceeding whitespace:
+ #set $x = 2
+ - #set $x = 2
+ - bar
+The \code{\#slurp} directive (section \ref{output.slurp}) also gobbles up
+Spaces outside directives are output {\em exactly} as written. In the
+black sheep example, there's a space before ``black'' and another before
+``sheep''. So although it's legal to put multiple directives on one line,
+it can be hard to read.
+#if $a# #echo $a + 1# #end if
+ - There's a space between each directive,
+ or two extra spaces total.
+#if $a##echo $a + 1##end if
+ - No spaces, but you have to look closely
+ to verify none of the ``##'' are comment markers.
+#if $a##echo $a + 1##end if ### A comment.
+ - In ``###'', the first ``#'' ends the directive,
+ the other two begin the comment. (This also shows
+ how you can add extra whitespace in the directive
+ tag without affecting the output.)
+#if $a##echo $a + 1##end if # ## A comment.
+ - More readable, but now there's a space before the
+ comment.
+% Local Variables:
+% TeX-master: "users_guide"
+% End:
+% # vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/docs/users_guide_2_src/05_placeholders_and_the_namemapper.txt b/docs/users_guide_2_src/05_placeholders_and_the_namemapper.txt
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/users_guide_2_src/06_comments.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+Comments are used to mark notes, explanations, and decorative text that should
+not appear in the output. Cheetah maintains the comments in the Python module
+it generates from the Cheetah source code. There are two forms of the comment
+directive: single-line and multi-line.
+All text in a template definition that lies between two hash characters
+(\code{\#\#}) and the end of the line is treated as a single-line comment and
+will not show up in the output, unless the two hash characters are escaped with
+a backslash.
+##============================= this is a decorative comment-bar
+$var ## this is an end-of-line comment
+Any text between \code{\#*} and \code{*\#} will be treated as a multi-line
+ Here is some multiline
+ comment text
+If you put blank lines around method definitions or loops to separate them,
+be aware that the blank lines will be output as is. To avoid this, make sure
+the blank lines are enclosed in a comment. Since you normally have a
+comment before the next method definition (right?), you can just extend that
+comment to include the blank lines after the previous method definition, like
+#def method1
+... lines ...
+#end def
+ Description of method2.
+ $arg1, string, a phrase.
+#def method2($arg1)
+... lines ...
+#end def
+\subsection{Docstring Comments}
+Python modules, classes, and methods can be documented with inline
+'documentation strings' (aka 'docstrings'). Docstrings, unlike comments, are
+accesible at run-time. Thus, they provide a useful hook for interactive help
+Cheetah comments can be transformed into doctrings by adding one of the
+following prefixes:
+##doc: This text will be added to the method docstring
+#*doc: If your template file is MyTemplate.tmpl, running "cheetah compile"
+ on it will produce, with a class MyTemplate in it,
+ containing a method .respond(). This text will be in the .respond()
+ method's docstring. *#
+##doc-method: This text will also be added to .respond()'s docstring
+#*doc-method: This text will also be added to .respond()'s docstring *#
+##doc-class: This text will be added to the MyTemplate class docstring
+#*doc-class: This text will be added to the MyTemplate class docstring *#
+##doc-module: This text will be added to the module docstring
+#*doc-module: This text will be added to the module docstring*#
+\subsection{Header Comments}
+Cheetah comments can also be transformed into module header comments using the
+following syntax:
+##header: This text will be added to the module header comment
+#*header: This text will be added to the module header comment *#
+Note the difference between \code{\#\#doc-module: } and \code{header: }:
+``cheetah-compile'' puts \code{\#\#doc-module: } text inside the module
+docstring. \code{header: } makes the text go {\em above} the docstring, as a
+set of \#-prefixed comment lines.
+% Local Variables:
+% TeX-master: "users_guide"
+% End:
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+++ b/docs/users_guide_2_src/07_output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+\section{Generating, Caching and Filtering Output}
+\subsection{Output from complex expressions: \#echo}
+#echo EXPR
+The \code{\#echo} directive is used to echo the output from expressions that
+can't be written as simple \$placeholders.
+Here is my #echo ', '.join(['silly']*5) # example
+This produces:
+Here is my silly, silly, silly, silly, silly example.
+\subsection{Executing expressions without output: \#silent}
+#silent EXPR
+\code{\#silent} is the opposite of \code{\#echo}. It executes an expression
+but discards the output.
+#silent $myList.reverse()
+#silent $myList.sort()
+Here is #silent $covertOperation() # nothing
+If your template requires some Python code to be executed at the beginning;
+(e.g., to calculate placeholder values, access a database, etc), you can put
+it in a "doEverything" method you inherit, and call this method using
+\code{\#silent} at the top of the template.
+\subsection{One-line \#if}
+#if EXPR1 then EXPR2 else EXPR3#
+The \code{\#if} flow-control directive (section \ref{flowControl.if}) has a
+one-line counterpart akin to Perl's and C's \code{?:} operator.
+If \code{EXPR1} is true, it evaluates \code{EXPR2} and outputs the result (just
+like \code{\#echo\ EXPR2\#}). Otherwise it evaluates \code{EXPR3} and outputs
+that result. This directive is short-circuiting, meaning the expression that
+isn't needed isn't evaluated.
+You MUST include both 'then' and 'else'. If this doesn't work for you or you
+don't like the style use multi-line \code{\#if} directives (section
+The trailing \code{\#} is the normal end-of-directive character. As usual
+it may be omitted if there's nothing after the directive on the same line.
+\subsection{Caching Output}
+\subsubsection{Caching individual placeholders}
+By default, the values of each \$placeholder is retrieved and
+interpolated for every request. However, it's possible to cache the values
+of individual placeholders if they don't change very often, in order to
+speed up the template filling.
+To cache the value of a single \code{\$placeholder}, add an asterisk after the
+\$; e.g., \code{\$*var}. The first time the template is
+filled, \code{\$var} is looked up. Then whenever the template is filled again,
+the cached value is used instead of doing another lookup.
+The \code{\$*} format caches ``forever''; that is, as long as the template
+instance remains in memory. It's also possible to cache for a certain time
+period using the form \code{\$*<interval>*variable}, where \code{<interval>} is
+the interval. The time interval can be specified in seconds (5s), minutes
+(15m), hours (3h), days (2d) or weeks (1.5w). The default is minutes.
+$var ${var} ## dynamic - will be reinterpolated for each request
+$*var2 $*{var2} ## static - will be interpolated only once at start-up
+$*5*var3 $*5*{var3} ## timed refresh - will be updated every five minutes.
+Note that ``every five minutes'' in the example really means every five
+minutes: the variable is looked up again when the time limit is reached,
+whether the template is being filled that frequently or not. Keep this in
+mind when setting refresh times for CPU-intensive or I/O intensive
+If you're using the long placeholder syntax, \verb+${}+, the braces go only
+around the placeholder name: \verb+$*.5h*{var.func('arg')}+.
+Sometimes it's preferable to explicitly invalidate a cached item whenever
+you say so rather than at certain time intervals. You can't do this with
+individual placeholders, but you can do it with cached regions, which will
+be described next.
+\subsubsection{Caching entire regions}
+#cache [id=EXPR] [timer=EXPR] [test=EXPR]
+#end cache
+The \code{\#cache} directive is used to cache a region of
+content in a template. The region is cached as a single unit, after
+placeholders and directives inside the region have been evaluated. If there
+are any \code{\$*<interval>*var} placholders inside the cache
+region, they are refreshed only when {\em both} the cache region {\em and} the
+placeholder are simultaneously due for a refresh.
+Caching regions offers more flexibility than caching individual placeholders.
+You can specify the refresh interval using a placeholder or
+expression, or refresh according to other criteria rather than a certain
+time interval.
+\code{\#cache} without arguments caches the region statically, the same
+way as \code{\$*var}. The region will not be automatically refreshed.
+To refresh the region at an interval, use the \code{timer=EXPRESSION} argument,
+equivalent to \code{\$*<interval>*}. The expression should evaluate to a
+number or string that is a valid interval (e.g., 0.5, '3m', etc).
+To refresh whenever an expression is true, use \code{test=EXPRESSION}.
+The expression can be a method/function returning true or false, a boolean
+placeholder, several of these joined by \code{and} and/or \code{or}, or any
+other expression. If the expression contains spaces, it's easier to
+read if you enclose it in \code{()}, but this is not required.
+To refresh whenever you say so, use \code{id=EXPRESSION}. Your program can
+then call \code{.refreshCache(ID)} whenever it wishes. This is useful if the
+cache depends on some external condition that changes infrequently but has just
+changed now.
+You can combine arguments by separating them with commas. For instance, you can
+specify both \code{id=} and \code{interval=}, or \code{id=} and \code{test=}.
+(You can also combine interval and test although it's not very useful.)
+However, repeating an argument is undefined.
+This is a static cache. It will not be refreshed.
+$a $b $c
+#end cache
+#cache timer='30m', id='cache1'
+#for $cust in $customers
+$cust.street - $
+#end for
+#end cache
+#cache id='sidebar', test=$isDBUpdated
+... left sidebar HTML ...
+#end cache
+#cache id='sidebar2', test=($isDBUpdated or $someOtherCondition)
+... right sidebar HTML ...
+#end cache
+The \code{\#cache} directive cannot be nested.
+We are planning to add a \code{'varyBy'} keyword argument in the future that
+will allow a separate cache instances to be created for a variety of conditions,
+such as different query string parameters or browser types. This is inspired by's varyByParam and varyByBrowser output caching keywords.
+% @@MO: Can we cache by Webware sessions? What about sessions where the
+% session ID is encoded as a path prefix in the URI? Need examples.
+#end raw
+Any section of a template definition that is inside a \code{\#raw \ldots
+\#end raw} tag pair will be printed verbatim without any parsing of
+\$placeholders or other directives. This can be very useful for debugging, or
+for Cheetah examples and tutorials.
+\code{\#raw} is conceptually similar to HTML's \code{<PRE>} tag and LaTeX's
+\code{\\verbatim\{\}} tag, but unlike those tags, \code{\#raw} does not cause
+the body to appear in a special font or typeface. It can't, because Cheetah
+doesn't know what a font is.
+#include [raw] FILENAME_EXPR
+#include [raw] source=STRING_EXPR
+The \code{\#include} directive is used to include text from outside the
+template definition. The text can come from an external file or from a
+\code{\$placeholder} variable. When working with external files, Cheetah will
+monitor for changes to the included file and update as necessary.
+This example demonstrates its use with external files:
+#include "includeFileName.txt"
+The content of "includeFileName.txt" will be parsed for Cheetah syntax.
+And this example demonstrates use with \code{\$placeholder} variables:
+#include source=$myParseText
+The value of \code{\$myParseText} will be parsed for Cheetah syntax. This is not
+the same as simply placing the \$placeholder tag ``\code{\$myParseText}'' in
+the template definition. In the latter case, the value of \$myParseText would
+not be parsed.
+By default, included text will be parsed for Cheetah tags. The argument
+``\code{raw}'' can be used to suppress the parsing.
+#include raw "includeFileName.txt"
+#include raw source=$myParseText
+Cheetah wraps each chunk of \code{\#include} text inside a nested
+\code{Template} object. Each nested template has a copy of the main
+template's searchList. However, \code{\#set} variables are visible
+across includes only if the defined using the \code{\#set global} keyword.
+All directives must be balanced in the include file. That is, if you start
+a \code{\#for} or \code{\#if} block inside the include, you must end it in
+the same include. (This is unlike PHP, which allows unbalanced constructs
+in include files.)
+% @@MO: What did we decide about #include and the searchList? Does it really
+% use a copy of the searchList, or does it share the searchList with the
+% parent?
+% @@MO: deleted
+%These nested templates share the same \code{searchList}
+%as the top-level template.
+The \code{\#slurp} directive eats up the trailing newline on the line it
+appears in, joining the following line onto the current line.
+It is particularly useful in \code{\#for} loops:
+#for $i in range(5)
+$i #slurp
+#end for
+0 1 2 3 4
+This directive is not implemented yet. When/if it's completed, it will allow
+you to
+\item indent your template definition in a natural way (e.g., the bodies
+ of \code{\#if} blocks) without affecting the output
+\item add indentation to output lines without encoding it literally in the
+ template definition. This will make it easier to use Cheetah to produce
+ indented source code programmatically (e.g., Java or Python source code).
+There is some experimental code that recognizes the \code{\#indent}
+directive with options, but the options are purposely undocumented at this
+time. So pretend it doesn't exist. If you have a use for this feature
+and would like to see it implemented sooner rather than later, let us know
+on the mailing list.
+The latest specification for the future \code{\#indent} directive is in the
+TODO file in the Cheetah source distribution.
+% @@MO: disabled because it's not implemented and the spec is changing
+% \code{\#indent} decouples the indentation in the template definition from the
+% indentation in the output. Normally, Cheetah outputs indentation exactly as
+% it sees it, no matter whether the indentation is on the first line of a
+% paragraph, in front of a directive, or wherever. \code{\#indent} has two main
+% uses:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item To strip all indentation from source lines. This lets you indent
+% multiline directives (e.g., \code{\#if}, \code{\#for}) in a natural way
+% without having that indentation appear in the output.
+% \item To indent every text line in the output according to a user-specified
+% ``indentation level'', independent of whatever indentation the source lines
+% may have. This is useful for producing Python output, or any language that
+% requires strict indentation levels at certain places. To accomplish this,
+% Cheetah adds a call to an indentation method at the beginning of every
+% affected source line.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% To accomplish the first part, Cheetah removes leading whitespace from the
+% affected source lines before the compiler see them. To accomplish the second
+% part, Cheetah keeps track of the current indentation level, a value you have
+% full control over. At the beginning of every affected text line, Cheetah calls
+% a method that outputs the appropriate indentation string. This affects only
+% lines in the template definition itself, not multiline placeholder values.
+% See the \code{Indent} filter below to indent multiline placeholder values.
+% All \code{\#indent} commands operate on the lines physically below them in
+% the template definition until the next \code{\#indent}, regardless of scope.
+% This means they work thorugh all other directives (\code{\#def}, \code{\#for},
+% \code{\#if}, etc) -- so that if you turn on indentation inside a \code{\#def},
+% it remains in effect past the \code{\#end def}.
+% The following commands turn indentation on and off:
+% \begin{description}
+% \item{\code{\#indent on}} Strip leading whitespace and add indentation to the
+% following lines. This fulfills use \#2 above.
+% \item{\code{\#indent off}} Do not strip leading whitespace or add indentation.
+% This is Cheetah's default behavior.
+% \item{\code{\#indent strip}} Strip leading whitespace but do {\em not} add
+% indentation. This fulfills use \#1 above.
+% \end{description}
+% Indentation by default uses real tabs. But you can change the indentation
+% string thus:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% ## Output four spaces for each indentation level.
+% #indent chars ' '
+% ## Output the mail reply prefix for each indentation level.
+% #indent chars '> '
+% ## Use a placeholder.
+% #indent chars $indentChars
+% ## Return to the default behavior.
+% #indent chars '\t'
+% \end{verbatim}
+% The following commands change the indentation level, which is a non-negative
+% integer initially at zero. All of these commands implicitly do an
+% \code{\#indent on}:
+% \begin{description}
+% \item{\code{\#indent ++}} Increment the current indentation level.
+% \item{\code{\#indent --}} Decrement the current indentation level.
+% \item{\code{\#indent +3}} Add three indentation levels (or any number).
+% \item{\code{\#indent -3}} Subtract three indentation levels (or any number).
+% \item{\code{\#indent =3}} Set the indentation level to 3.
+% \item{\code{\#indent push +2}} Save the current indentation level on a stack
+% and add two.
+% \item{\code{\#indent pop}} Return to the most recently pushed level. Raise
+% \code{IndentationStackEmptyError} if there is no previous level.
+% \end{description}
+% The expressions after \code{+}/\code{-}/\code{=} may be numeric literals or
+% Cheetah expressions. The effect is undefined if the value is negative. There
+% may be whitespace after the \code{+}/\code{-}/\code{=} symbol.
+% The initial implementation uses a simple preprocessor that doesn't understand
+% newline characters in expressions. \code{\\n} is fine, but not a real newline.
+% To indent multiline placeholder values using the current indentation level,
+% use the \code{Indent} filter:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% #filter Indent
+% \end{verbatim}
+% It works like the default filter but adds indentation after every newline. It
+% does not strip any leading whitespace. It hooks into \code{\$self.\_indenter},
+% defined in \code{Cheetah.Utils.Indenter}. This object keeps track of the
+% current indentation level. Specifically, the filter calls
+% \code{\$self.\_indent()}, which is a shortcut to the indenter's
+% \code{.indent()} method. This is the same thing \code{\#indent} does.
+% However, the filter is usable even when indentation is in
+% \code{off} or \code{strip} mode.
+\subsection{Ouput Filtering and \#filter}
+#filter None
+Output from \$placeholders is passed through an ouput filter. The default
+filter merely returns a string representation of the placeholder value,
+unless the value is \code{None}, in which case the filter returns an empty
+string. Only top-level placeholders invoke the filter; placeholders inside
+expressions do not.
+Certain filters take optional arguments to modify their behaviour. To pass
+arguments, use the long placeholder syntax and precede each filter argument by
+a comma. By convention, filter arguments don't take a \code{\$} prefix, to
+avoid clutter in the placeholder tag which already has plenty of dollar signs.
+For instance, the MaxLen filter takes an argument 'maxlen':
+${placeholderName, maxlen=20}
+${functionCall($functionArg), maxlen=$myMaxLen}
+To change the output filter, use the \code{'filter'} keyword to the
+\code{Template} class constructor, or the \code{\#filter}
+directive at runtime (details below). You may use \code{\#filter} as often as
+you wish to switch between several filters, if certain \code{\$placeholders}
+need one filter and other \code{\$placeholders} need another.
+The standard filters are in the module \code{Cheetah.Filters}. Cheetah
+currently provides:
+ \\ The default filter, which converts None to '' and everything else to
+ \code{str(whateverItIs)}. This is the base class for all other filters,
+ and the minimum behaviour for all filters distributed with Cheetah.
+ \\ Same.
+ \\ Same, but truncate the value if it's longer than a certain length.
+ Use the 'maxlen' filter argument to specify the length, as in the
+ examples above. If you don't specify 'maxlen', the value will not be
+ truncated.
+ \\ Output a "pageful" of a long string. After the page, output HTML
+ hyperlinks to the previous and next pages. This filter uses several
+ filter arguments and environmental variables, which have not been
+ documented yet.
+ \\ Same as default, but convert HTML-sensitive characters ('$<$', '\&',
+ '$>$')
+ to HTML entities so that the browser will display them literally rather
+ than interpreting them as HTML tags. This is useful with database values
+ or user input that may contain sensitive characters. But if your values
+ contain embedded HTML tags you want to preserve, you do not want this
+ filter.
+ The filter argument 'also' may be used to specify additional characters to
+ escape. For instance, say you want to ensure a value displays all on one
+ line. Escape all spaces in the value with '\&nbsp', the non-breaking
+ space:
+${$country, also=' '}}
+To switch filters using a class object, pass the class using the
+{\bf filter} argument to the Template constructor, or via a placeholder to the
+\code{\#filter} directive: \code{\#filter \$myFilterClass}. The class must be
+a subclass of \code{Cheetah.Filters.Filter}. When passing a class object, the
+value of {\bf filtersLib} does not matter, and it does not matter where the
+class was defined.
+To switch filters by name, pass the name of the class as a string using the
+{\bf filter} argument to the Template constructor, or as a bare word (without
+quotes) to the \code{\#filter} directive: \code{\#filter TheFilter}. The
+class will be looked up in the {\bf filtersLib}.
+The filtersLib is a module containing filter classes, by default
+\code{Cheetah.Filters}. All classes in the module that are subclasses of
+\code{Cheetah.Filters.Filter} are considered filters. If your filters are in
+another module, pass the module object as the {\bf filtersLib} argument to the
+Template constructor.
+Writing a custom filter is easy: just override the \code{.filter} method.
+ def filter(self, val, **kw): # Returns a string.
+Return the {\em string} that should be output for `val'. `val' may be any
+type. Most filters return `' for \code{None}. Cheetah passes one keyword
+argument: \verb+kw['rawExpr']+ is the placeholder name as it appears in
+the template definition, including all subscripts and arguments. If you use
+the long placeholder syntax, any options you pass appear as keyword
+arguments. Again, the return value must be a string.
+You can always switch back to the default filter this way:
+\code{\#filter None}. This is easy to remember because "no filter" means the
+default filter, and because None happens to be the only object the default
+filter treats specially.
+We are considering additional filters; see
+for the latest ideas.
+%% @@MO: Is '#end filter' implemented? Will it be? Can filters nest?
+%% Will '#end filter' and '#filter None' be equivalent?
+%% @@MO: Tavis TODO: fix the description of the Pager filter. It needs a howto.
+%% @@MO: How about using settings to provide default arguments for filters?
+%% Each filter could look up FilterName (or FilterNameDefaults) setting,
+%% whose value would be a dictionary containing keyword/value pairs. These
+%% would be overridden by same-name keys passed by the placeholder.
+%% @@MO: If sed-filters (#sed) get added to Cheetah, give them a section here.
+% Local Variables:
+% TeX-master: "users_guide"
+% End:
+% vim: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab
diff --git a/docs/users_guide_2_src/08_inheritanceEtc.txt b/docs/users_guide_2_src/08_inheritanceEtc.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3e76ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/users_guide_2_src/08_inheritanceEtc.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+\section{Import, Inheritance, Declaration and Assignment}
+\subsection{\#import and \#from directives}
+#import MODULE_OR_OBJECT [as NAME] [, ...]
+#from MODULE import MODULE_OR_OBJECT [as NAME] [, ...]
+The \code{\#import} and \code{\#from} directives are used to make external
+Python modules or objects available to placeholders. The syntax is identical
+to the import syntax in Python. Imported modules are visible globally to all
+methods in the generated Python class.
+#import math
+#import math as mathModule
+#from math import sin, cos
+#from math import sin as _sin
+#import random, re
+#from mx import DateTime # ## Part of Egenix's mx package.
+After the above imports, \code{\$math}, \code{\$mathModule},
+\code{\$sin}, \code{\$cos} and \code{\$\_sin}, \code{\$random}, \code{\$re}
+and \code{\$DateTime} may be used in \code{\$placeholders} and expressions.
+#extends CLASS
+All templates are subclasses of \code{Cheetah.Template.Template}. However,
+it's possible for a template to subclass another template or a pure Python
+class. This is where \code{\#extends} steps in: it
+specifies the parent class. It's equivalent to PSP's \code{``@page extends=''}
+Cheetah imports the class mentioned in an \code{\#extends} directive
+automatically if you haven't imported it yet. The implicit importing works
+like this:
+#extends Superclass
+## Implicitly does '#from Superclass import Superclass'.
+#extends Cheetah.Templates.SkeletonPage
+## Implicitly does '#from Cheetah.Templates.SkeletonPage import SkeletonPage'.
+If your superclass is in an unusual location or in a module named
+differently than the class, you must import it explicitly. There is no
+support for extending from a class that is not imported; e.g., from a template
+dynamically created from a string. Since the most practical way to
+get a parent template into a module is to precompile it, all parent templates
+essentially have to be precompiled.
+There can be only one \code{\#extends} directive in a template and it
+may list only one class. In other words, templates don't do multiple
+inheritance. This is intentional: it's too hard to initialize multiple
+base classes correctly from inside a template. However, you can do
+multiple inheritance in your pure Python classes.
+If your pure Python class overrides any of the standard \code{Template}
+methods such as \code{.\_\_init\_\_} or \code{.awake}, be sure to call
+the superclass method in your method or things will break. Examples of calling
+the superclass method are in section \ref{tips.callingSuperclassMethods}.
+A list of all superclass methods is in section
+In all cases, the root superclass must be \code{Template}. If your
+bottommost class is a template, simply omit the \code{\#extends} in it and it
+will automatically inherit from \code{Template}. {\em If your bottommost class
+is a pure Python class, it must inherit from \code{Template} explicitly: }
+from Cheetah.Template import Template
+class MyPurePythonClass(Template):
+If you're not keen about having your Python classes inherit from
+\code{Template}, create a tiny glue class that inherits both from your
+class and from \code{Template}.
+Before giving any examples we'll stress that Cheetah does {\em not}
+dictate how you should structure your inheritance tree. As long as
+you follow the rules above, many structures are possible.
+Here's an example for a large web site that has not only a general site
+template, but also a template for this section of the site, and then a
+specific template-servlet for each URL. (This is the ``inheritance
+approach'' discussed in the Webware chapter.) Each template inherits from a
+pure Python class that contains methods/attributes used by the template. We'll
+begin with the bottommost superclass and end with the specific
+1. (pure Python class containing methods for the site)
+ from Cheetah.Template import Template
+ class SiteLogic(Template):
+2. Site.tmpl/py (template containing the general site framework;
+ this is the template that controls the output,
+ the one that contains "<HTML><HEAD>...", the one
+ that contains text outside any #def/#block.)
+ #from SiteLogic import SiteLogic
+ #extends SiteLogic
+ #implements respond
+3. (pure Python class with helper code for the section)
+ from Site import Site
+ class SectionLogic(Site)
+4. Section.tmpl/py (template with '#def' overrides etc. for the section)
+ #from SectionLogic import SectionLogic
+ #extends SectionLogic
+5. (pure Python class with helper code for the template-servlet)
+ from Section import Section
+ class indexLogic(Section):
+6. page1.tmpl/py (template-servlet for a certain page on the site)
+ #from page1Logic import page1Logic
+ #extends page1Logic
+A pure Python classes might also contain methods/attributes that aren't used by
+their immediate child template, but are available for any descendant
+template to use if it wishes. For instance, the site template might have
+attributes for the name and e-mail address of the site administrator,
+ready to use as \$placeholders in any template that wants it.
+{\em Whenever you use \code{\#extends}, you often need \code{\#implements}
+too,} as in step 2 above. Read the next section to understand what
+\code{\#implements} is and when to use it.
+% @@MO: Edmund suggests making some diagrams of inheritance chains.
+#implements METHOD
+You can call any \code{\#def} or \code{\#block} method directly and get its
+outpt. The top-level content -- all the text/placeholders/directives outside any
+\code{\#def}/\code{\#block} -- gets concatenated and wrapped in a ``main
+method'', by default \code{.respond()}. So if you call \code{.respond()}, you
+get the ``whole template output''. When Webware calls \code{.respond()},
+that's what it's doing. And when you do 'print t' or 'str(t)' on a template
+instance, you're taking advantage of the fact that Cheetah makes
+\code{.\_\_str\_\_()} an alias for the main method.
+That's all fine and dandy, but what if your application prefers to call another
+method name rather than \code{.respond()}? What if it wants to call, say,
+\code{.send\_output()} instead? That's where \code{\#implements} steps in. It
+lets you choose the name for the main method. Just put this in your template
+#implements send_output
+When one template extends another, every template in the inheritance chain
+has its own main method. To fill the template, you invoke exactly one of
+these methods and the others are ignored. The method you call may be in any of
+the templates in the inheritance chain: the base template, the leaf template,
+or any in between, depending on how you structure your application. So you
+have two problems: (1) calling the right method name, and (2) preventing an
+undesired same-name subclass method from overriding the one you want to call.
+Cheetah assumes the method you will call is \code{.respond()} because
+that's what Webware calls. It further assumes the desired main method is the
+one in the lowest-level base template, because that works well with
+\code{\#block} as described in the Inheritance Approach for building Webware
+servlets (section \ref{webware.inheritance}), which was originally the
+principal use for Cheetah. So when you use \code{\#extends}, Cheetah changes
+that template's main method to \code{.writeBody()} to get it out of the way and
+prevent it from overriding the base template's \code{.respond()}.
+Unfortunately this assumption breaks down if the template is used in other
+ways. For instance, you may want to use the main method in the highest-level
+leaf template, and treat the base template(s) as merely a library of
+methods/attributes. In that case, the leaf template needs \code{\#implements
+respond} to change its main method name back to \code{.respond()} (or whatever
+your application desires to call). Likewise, if your main method is in one of the
+intermediate templates in an inheritance chain, that template needs
+\code{\#implements respond}.
+The other way the assumption breaks down is if the main method {\em is} in
+the base template but that template extends a pure Python class. Cheetah sees
+the \code{\#extends} and dutifully but incorrectly renames the method to
+\code{.writeBody()}, so you have to use \code{\#implements respond} to change
+it back. Otherwise the dummy \code{.respond()} in \code{Cheetah.Template}
+is found, which outputs... nothing. {\bf So if you're using \code{\#extends}
+and get no output, the {\em first} thing you should think is, ``Do I need to
+add \code{\#implements respond} somewhere?'' }
+#set [global] $var = EXPR
+\code{\#set} is used to create and update local variables at run time.
+The expression may be any Python expression.
+Remember to preface variable names with \$ unless they're part of an
+intermediate result in a list comprehension.
+Here are some examples:
+#set $size = $length * 1096
+#set $buffer = $size + 1096
+#set $area = $length * $width
+#set $namesList = ['Moe','Larry','Curly']
+#set $prettyCountry = $country.replace(' ', '&nbsp;')
+\code{\#set} variables are useful to assign a short name to a
+\code{\$deeply.nested.value}, to a calculation, or to a printable version of
+a value. The last example above converts any spaces in the 'country' value
+into HTML non-breakable-space entities, to ensure the entire value appears on
+one line in the browser.
+\code{\#set} variables are also useful in \code{\#if} expressions, but
+remember that complex logical routines should be coded in Python, not in
+#if $size > 1500
+ #set $adj = 'large'
+ #set $adj = 'small'
+#end if
+Or Python's one-line equivalent, "A and B or C". Remember that in this case,
+B must be a true value (not None, '', 0, [] or {}).
+#set $adj = $size > 1500 and 'large' or 'small'
+(Note: Cheetah's one-line \code{\#if} will not work for this, since it
+produces output rather than setting a variable.
+You can also use the augmented assignment operators:
+## Increment $a by 5.
+#set $a += 5
+By default, \code{\#set} variables are not visible in method calls or include
+files unless you use the \code{global} attribute: \code{\#set global \$var =
+EXPRESSION}. Global variables are visible in all methods, nested templates and
+included files. Use this feature with care to prevent surprises.
+#del $var
+\code{\#del} is the opposite of \code{\#set}. It deletes a {\em local}
+variable. Its usage is just like Python's \code{del} statement:
+#del $myVar
+#del $myVar, $myArray[5]
+Only local variables can be deleted. There is no directive to delete a
+\code{\#set global} variable, a searchList variable, or any other type of
+#attr $var = EXPR
+The \code{\#attr} directive creates class attributes in the generated Python
+class. It should be used to assign simple Python literals such as numbers or
+strings. In particular, the expression must {\em not} depend on searchList
+values or \code{\#set} variables since those are not known at compile time.
+#attr $title = "Rob Roy"
+#attr $author = "Sir Walter Scott"
+#attr $version = 123.4
+This template or any child template can output the value thus:
+$title, by $author, version $version
+If you have a library of templates derived from etexts
+(\url{}), you can extract the titles and authors
+and put them in a database (assuming the templates have been compiled into template modules):
+%import glob
+% @@MO: Finish this example.
+#end def
+Or the one-line variation:
+The \code{\#def} directive is used to define new methods in the generated
+Python class, or to override superclass methods. It is analogous to Python's
+\code{def} statement. The directive is silent, meaning it does not itself
+produce any output. However, the content of the method will be inserted into
+the output (and the directives executed) whenever the method is later called by
+a \$placeholder.
+#def myMeth()
+This is the text in my method
+$a $b $c(123) ## these placeholder names have been defined elsewhere
+#end def
+## and now use it...
+The arglist and parentheses can be omitted:
+#def myMeth
+This is the text in my method
+$a $b $c(123)
+#end def
+## and now use it...
+Methods can have arguments and have defaults for those arguments, just like
+in Python. Remember the \code{\$} before variable names:
+#def myMeth($a, $b=1234)
+This is the text in my method
+$a - $b
+#end def
+## and now use it...
+The output from this last example will be:
+This is the text in my method
+1 - 1234
+There is also a single line version of the \code{\#def} directive.
+{\bf Unlike the multi-line directives, it uses a colon (:) to delimit the method
+signature and body}:
+#attr $adj = 'trivial'
+#def myMeth: This is the $adj method
+Leading and trailing whitespace is stripped from the method. This is in
+contrast to:
+#def myMeth2
+This is the $adj method
+#end def
+where the method includes a newline after "method". If you don't want the
+newline, add \code{\#slurp}:
+#def myMeth3
+This is the $adj method#slurp
+#end def
+Because \code{\#def} is handled at compile time, it can appear above or
+below the placeholders that call it. And if a superclass placeholder
+calls a method that's overridden in a subclass, it's the subclass method
+that will be called.
+\subsection{\#block ... \#end block}
+The \code{\#block} directive allows you to mark a section of your template that
+can be selectively reimplemented in a subclass. It is very useful for
+changing part of a template without having to copy-paste-and-edit
+the entire thing. The output from a template definition that uses blocks will
+be identical to the output from the same template with the \code{\#block \ldots
+\#end block} tags removed.
+({\em Note:} don't be confused by the generic word `block'' in this Guide,
+which means a section of code inside {\em any} \code{\#TAG \ldots \#end TAG}
+pair. Thus, an if-block, for-block, def-block, block-block etc. In this
+section we are talking only of block-blocks.)
+To reimplement the block, use the \code{\#def} directive. The magical effect
+is that it appears to go back and change the output text {\em at the point the
+original block was defined} rather than at the location of the
+#block testBlock
+Text in the contents
+area of the block directive
+#if $testIt
+#end if
+#end block testBlock
+You can repeat the block name in the \code{\#end block} directive or not, as
+you wish.
+\code{\#block} directives can be nested to any depth.
+#block outerBlock
+Outer block contents
+#block innerBlock1
+inner block1 contents
+#end block innerBlock1
+#block innerBlock2
+inner block2 contents
+#end block innerBlock2
+#end block outerBlock
+Note that the name of the block is optional for the \code{\#end block} tag.
+Technically, \code{\#block} directive is equivalent to a \code{\#def} directive
+followed immediately by a \code{\#placeholder} for the same name. In fact,
+that's what Cheetah does. Which means you can use \code{\$theBlockName}
+elsewhere in the template to output the block content again.
+There is a one-line \code{\#block} syntax analagous to the one-line
+The block must not require arguments because the implicit placeholder that's
+generated will call the block without arguments.
+% Local Variables:
+% TeX-master: "users_guide"
+% End:
+Object-Oriented Documents
+ :label: howWorks.objoriented
+Because Cheetah documents are actually class definitions, templates may inherit
+from one another in a natural way, using regular Python semantics. For
+instance, consider this template, FrogBase.tmpl::
+ #def title
+ This document has not defined its title
+ #end def
+ #def htTitle
+ $title
+ #end def
+ <TITLE>$title</TITLE>
+ <H1>$htTitle</H1>
+ $body
+ </BODY></HTML>
+And its subclassed document, Frog1.tmpl::
+ #from FrogBase import FrogBase
+ #extends FrogBase
+ #def title
+ The Frog Page
+ #end def
+ #def htTitle
+ The <IMG SRC="Frog.png"> page
+ #end def
+ #def body
+ ... lots of info about frogs ...
+ #end def
+This is a classic use of inheritance. The parent "template" is simply an
+abstract superclass. Each document specializes the output of its parent.
+For instance, here the parent defines
+``\$htTitle`` so that by default it's identical to whatever the
+``\$title`` is, but it can also be customized.
+In many other templating systems, you'd have to use case statements or
+if-elseif blocks of some sort, repeated in many different sections of code.
+While we show another Cheetah document inheriting from this parent, a Python
+class can inherit from it just as easily. This Python class could define its
+programmatically-driven value for ``\$body`` and ``\$title``, simply by
+defining body() and title() methods that return a string. (Actually they
+can return anything, but we'll get into that later.) ::
+ from FrogBase import FrogBase
+ class Frog2(FrogBase):
+ def title(self):
+ return "Frog 2 Page"
+ # We don't override .htTitle, so it defaults to "Frog 2 Page" too.
+ def body(self):
+ return " ... more info about frogs ..."
+Similarly, the Cheetah document can inherit from an arbitrary class. That's
+how Cheetah makes templates usable as Webware servlets, by subclassing
+``Servlet``. This technique should be possible for non-Webware systems
+(*Note:*\ ``FrogBase.tmpl`` could be improved by using the
+``\#block`` directive, section \ref{inheritanceEtc.block}.)
diff --git a/docs/users_guide_2_src/09_flowControl.txt b/docs/users_guide_2_src/09_flowControl.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..75a5845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/users_guide_2_src/09_flowControl.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+\section{Flow Control}
+\subsection{\#for ... \#end for}
+#for $var in EXPR
+#end for
+The \code{\#for} directive iterates through a sequence. The syntax is the same
+as Python, but remember the \code{\$} before variables.
+Here's a simple client listing:
+#for $client in $service.clients
+<TD>$client.surname, $client.firstname</TD>
+<TD><A HREF="mailto:$" >$</A></TD>
+#end for
+Here's how to loop through the keys and values of a dictionary:
+#for $key, $value in $dict.items()
+$key: $value
+#end for
+Here's how to create list of numbers separated by hyphens. This ``\#end for''
+tag shares the last line to avoid introducing a newline character after each
+#for $i in range(15)
+$i - #end for
+If the location of the \code{\#end for} offends your sense of indentational
+propriety, you can do this instead:
+#for $i in $range(15)
+$i - #slurp
+#end for
+The previous two examples will put an extra hyphen after last number. Here's
+how to get around that problem, using the \code{\#set} directive, which will be
+dealt with in more detail below.
+#set $sep = ''
+#for $name in $names
+#set $sep = ', '
+#end for
+Although to just put a separator between strings, you don't need a for loop:
+#echo ', '.join($names)
+\subsection{\#repeat ... \#end repeat}
+#repeat EXPR
+#end repeat
+Do something a certain number of times.
+The argument may be any numeric expression.
+If it's zero or negative, the loop will execute zero times.
+#repeat $times + 3
+She loves me, she loves me not.
+She loves me.
+Inside the loop, there's no way to tell which iteration you're on. If you
+need a counter variable, use \code{\#for} instead with Python's \code{range}
+function. Since Python's ranges are base 0 by default, there are two ways
+to start counting at 1. Say we want to count from 1 to 5, and that
+\code{\$count} is 5.
+#for $i in $range($count)
+#set $step = $i + 1
+$step. Counting from 1 to $count.
+#end for
+#for $i in $range(1, $count + 1)
+$i. Counting from 1 to $count.
+#end for
+A previous implementation used a local variable \code{\$i} as the repeat
+counter. However, this prevented instances of \code{\#repeat} from
+being nested. The current implementation does not have this problem as it
+uses a new local variable for every instance of \code{\#repeat}.
+\subsection{\#while ... \#end while}
+#while EXPR
+#end while
+\code{\#while} is the same as Python's \code{while} statement. It may be
+followed by any boolean expression:
+#while $someCondition('arg1', $arg2)
+The condition is true.
+#end while
+Be careful not to create an infinite loop. \code{\#while 1} will loop until
+the computer runs out of memory.
+\subsection{\#if ... \#else if ... \#else ... \#end if}
+#if EXPR
+#else if EXPR
+#elif EXPR
+#end if
+The \code{\#if} directive and its kin are used to display a portion of text
+conditionally. \code{\#if} and \code{\#else if} should be followed by a
+true/false expression, while \code{\#else} should not. Any valid Python
+expression is allowed. As in Python, the expression is true unless it evaluates
+to 0, '', None, an empty list, or an empty dictionary. In deference to Python,
+\code{\#elif} is accepted as a synonym for \code{\#else if}.
+Here are some examples:
+#if $size >= 1500
+It's big
+#else if $size < 1500 and $size > 0
+It's small
+It's not there
+#end if
+#if $testItem($item)
+The item $ is OK.
+#end if
+Here's an example that combines an \code{\#if} tag with a \code{\#for} tag.
+#if $people
+#for $p in $people
+#end for
+<p> Sorry, the search did not find any people. </p>
+#end if
+See section \ref{output.oneLineIf} for the one-line \code{\#if} directive,
+which is equivalent to Perl's and C's \code{?:} operator.
+\subsection{\#unless ... \#end unless}
+#unless EXPR
+#end unless
+\code{\#unless} is the opposite of \code{\#if}: the text is executed if the
+condition is {\bf false}. Sometimes this is more convenient.
+\code{\#unless EXPR} is equivalent to \code{\#if not (EXPR)}.
+#unless $alive
+This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be!
+'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! ...
+#end unless
+You cannot use \code{\#else if} or \code{\#else} inside an \code{\#unless}
+construct. If you need those, use \code{\#if} instead.
+\subsection{\#break and \#continue}
+These directives are used as in Python. \code{\#break} will
+exit a \code{\#for} loop prematurely, while \code{\#continue} will immediately
+jump to the next iteration in the \code{\#for} loop.
+In this example the output list will not contain ``10 - ''.
+#for $i in range(15)
+#if $i == 10
+ #continue
+#end if
+$i - #slurp
+#end for
+In this example the loop will exit if it finds a name that equals 'Joe':
+#for $name in $names
+#if $name == 'Joe'
+ #break
+#end if
+$name - #slurp
+#end for
+The \code{\#pass} directive is identical to Python \code{pass} statement: it
+does nothing. It can be used when a statement is required syntactically but the
+program requires no action.
+The following example does nothing if only \$A is true
+#if $A and $B
+ do something
+#elif $A
+ #pass
+#elif $B
+ do something
+ do something
+#end if
+The \code{\#stop} directive is used to stop processing of a template at a
+certain point. The output will show {\em only} what has been processed up to
+that point.
+When \code{\#stop} is called inside an \code{\#include} it skips the rest of
+the included code and continues on from after the \code{\#include} directive.
+stop the processing of the included code. Likewise, when \code{\#stop} is
+called inside a \code{\#def} or \code{\#block}, it stops only the \code{\#def}
+or \code{\#block}.
+A cat
+#if 1
+ sat on a mat
+ #stop
+ watching a rat
+#end if
+in a flat.
+will print
+A cat
+ sat on a mat
+A cat
+#block action
+ sat on a mat
+ #stop
+ watching a rat
+#end block
+in a flat.
+will print
+A cat
+ sat on a mat
+in a flat.
+This is used as in Python. \code{\#return} will exit the current method with a
+default return value of \code{None} or the value specified. It may be used
+only inside a \code{\#def} or a \code{\#block}.
+Note that \code{\#return} is different from the \code{\#stop} directive,
+which returns the sum of all text output from the method in which it is called.
+The following examples illustrate this point:
+#def test
+#if 1
+#return '123'
+#end if
+#end def
+will produce
+#def test
+#if 1
+#end if
+#end def
+will produce
+% Local Variables:
+% TeX-master: "users_guide"
+% End:
diff --git a/docs/users_guide_2_src/10_errorHandling.txt b/docs/users_guide_2_src/10_errorHandling.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..28eee3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/users_guide_2_src/10_errorHandling.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+\section{Error Handling}
+There are two ways to handle runtime errors (exceptions) in Cheetah. The first
+is with the Cheetah directives that mirror Python's structured exception
+handling statements. The second is with Cheetah's \code{ErrorCatcher}
+framework. These are described below.
+\subsection{\#try ... \#except ... \#end try, \#finally, and \#assert}
+Cheetah's exception-handling directives are exact mirrors Python's
+exception-handling statements. See Python's documentation for details. The
+following Cheetah code demonstrates their use:
+ $mightFail()
+ It failed
+#end try
+ #assert $x == $y
+#except AssertionError
+ They're not the same!
+#end try
+ #raise ValueError
+#except ValueError
+ #pass
+#end try
+ $mightFail()
+#except ValueError
+ Hey, it raised a ValueError!
+#except NameMapper.NotFound
+ Hey, it raised a NameMapper.NotFound!
+ It didn't raise anything!
+#end try
+ $mightFail()
+ $cleanup()
+#end try
+Like Python, \code{\#except} and \code{\#finally} cannot appear in the same
+try-block, but can appear in nested try-blocks.
+\subsection{\#errorCatcher and ErrorCatcher objects}
+#errorCatcher CLASS
+\code{ErrorCatcher} is a debugging tool that catches exceptions that occur
+inside \code{\$placeholder} tags and provides a customizable warning to the
+developer. Normally, the first missing namespace value raises a
+\code{NameMapper.NotFound} error and halts the filling of the template. This
+requires the developer to resolve the exceptions in order without seeing the
+subsequent output. When an \code{ErrorCatcher} is enabled, the developer can
+see all the exceptions at once as well as the template output around them.
+The \code{Cheetah.ErrorCatchers} module defines the base class for
+class ErrorCatcher:
+ _exceptionsToCatch = (NameMapper.NotFound,)
+ def __init__(self, templateObj):
+ pass
+ def exceptions(self):
+ return self._exceptionsToCatch
+ def warn(self, exc_val, code, rawCode, lineCol):
+ return rawCode
+This ErrorCatcher catches \code{NameMapper.NotFound} exceptions and leaves the
+offending placeholder visible in its raw form in the template output. If the
+following template is executed:
+#errorCatcher Echo
+#set $iExist = 'Here I am!'
+Here's a good placeholder: $iExist
+Here's bad placeholder: $iDontExist
+the output will be:
+Here's a good placeholder: Here I am!
+Here's bad placeholder: $iDontExist
+The base class shown above is also accessible under the alias
+\code{Cheetah.ErrorCatchers.Echo}. \code{Cheetah.ErrorCatchers} also provides a
+number of specialized subclasses that warn about exceptions in different ways.
+\code{Cheetah.ErrorCatchers.BigEcho} will output
+Here's a good placeholder: Here I am!
+Here's bad placeholder: ===============&lt;$iDontExist could not be found&gt;===============
+ErrorCatcher has a significant performance impact and is turned off by default.
+It can also be turned on with the \code{Template} class' \code{'errorCatcher'}
+keyword argument. The value of this argument should either be a string
+specifying which of the classes in \code{Cheetah.ErrorCatchers} to use, or a
+class that subclasses \code{Cheetah.ErrorCatchers.ErrorCatcher}. The
+\code{\#errorCatcher} directive can also be used to change the errorCatcher part
+way through a template.
+\code{Cheetah.ErrorCatchers.ListErrors} will produce the same ouput as
+\code{Echo} while maintaining a list of the errors that can be retrieved later.
+To retrieve the list, use the \code{Template} class' \code{'errorCatcher'}
+method to retrieve the errorCatcher and then call its \code{listErrors} method.
+ErrorCatcher doesn't catch exceptions raised inside directives.
+% @@MO: How do you turn ErrorCatcher off after turn it on.
+% '#ErrorCatcher None'?
+% Local Variables:
+% TeX-master: "users_guide"
+% End:
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@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+\section{Instructions to the Parser/Compiler}
+\code{\#breakpoint} is a debugging tool that tells the parser to stop
+parsing at a specific point. All source code from that point on will be ignored.
+The difference between \code{\#breakpoint} and \code{\#stop} is that
+\code{\#stop} occurs in normal templates (e.g., inside an \code{\#if}) but
+\code{\#breakpoint} is used only when debugging Cheetah. Another difference is
+that \code{\#breakpoint} operates at compile time, while \code{\#stop} is
+executed at run time while filling the template.
+key = value (no quotes)
+#end compiler-settings
+#compiler-settings reset
+The \code{\#compiler-settings} directive overrides Cheetah's standard settings,
+changing how it parses source code and generates Python code. This
+makes it possible to change the behaviour of Cheetah's parser/compiler for a
+certain template, or within a portion of the template.
+The \code{reset} argument reverts to the default settings. With \code{reset},
+there's no end tag.
+Here are some examples of what you can do:
+cheetahVarStartToken = @
+#end compiler-settings
+#compiler-settings reset
+## normal comment
+commentStartToken = //
+#end compiler-settings
+// new style of comment
+#compiler-settings reset
+## back to normal comments
+directiveStartToken = %
+#end compiler-settings
+%compiler-settings reset
+Here's a partial list of the settings you can change:
+\item syntax settings
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item cheetahVarStartToken
+ \item commentStartToken
+ \item multilineCommentStartToken
+ \item multilineCommentEndToken
+ \item directiveStartToken
+ \item directiveEndToken
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item code generation settings
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item commentOffset
+ \item outputRowColComments
+ \item defDocStrMsg
+ \item useNameMapper
+ \item useAutocalling
+ \item reprShortStrConstants
+ \item reprNewlineThreshold
+ \end{enumerate}
+The meaning of these settings and their default values will be documented in
+the future.
+% Local Variables:
+% TeX-master: "users_guide"
+% End:
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@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+\section{Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting}
+Troubleshooting: make a precomiled template with "cheetah compile" and inspect
+the Python code. Put $_CHEETAH__searchList in the template. (Caveat about
+"<value>" results.) Make a tiny template containing only the suspicious code
+and precompile it.
+This chapter contains short stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.
+See the Cheetah FAQ for more specialized issues and for troubleshooting tips.
+Check the wiki periodically for recent tips contributed by users. If you
+get stuck and none of these resources help, ask on the mailing list.
+\subsection{Placeholder Tips}
+Here's how to do certain important lookups that may not be obvious.
+For each, we show first the Cheetah expression and then the Python equivalent,
+because you can use these either in templates or in pure Python subclasses.
+The Cheetah examples use NameMapper shortcuts (uniform dotted notation,
+autocalling) as much as possible.
+To verify whether a variable exists in the searchList:
+This is useful in \code{\#if} or \code{\#unless} constructs to avoid a
+\code{\#NameMapper.NotFound} error if the variable doesn't exist. For instance,
+a CGI GET parameter that is normally supplied but in this case the user typed
+the URL by hand and forgot the parameter (or didn't know about it).
+(\code{.hasVar} is a synonym for \code{.varExists}.)
+To look up a variable in the searchList from a Python method:
+self.getVar('theVariable', myDefault)
+This is the equivalent to \code{\$theVariable} in the template. If the
+variable is missing, it returns the second argument, \code{myDefault}, if
+present, or raises \code{NameMapper.NotFound} if there is no second argument.
+However, it usually easier to write your method so that all needed searchList
+values come in as method arguments. That way the caller can just use a
+\code{\$placeholder} to specify the argument, which is less verbose than you
+writing a getVar call.
+To do a ``safe'' placeholder lookup that returns a default value if the
+variable is missing:
+$getVar('theVariable', None)
+$getVar('theVariable', $myDefault)
+To get an environmental variable, put \code{os.environ} on the searchList as a
+container. Or read the envvar in Python code and set a placeholder variable
+for it.
+Remember that variables found earlier in the searchList override same-name
+variables located in a later searchList object. Be careful when adding objects
+containing other variables besides the ones you want (e.g., \code{os.environ},
+CGI parameters). The "other" variables may override variables your application
+depends on, leading to hard-to-find bugs. Also, users can inadvertently or
+maliciously set an environmental variable or CGI parameter you didn't expect,
+screwing up your program. To avoid all this, know what your namespaces
+contain, and place the namespaces you have the most control over first. For
+namespaces that could contain user-supplied "other" variables, don't put the
+namespace itself in the searchList; instead, copy the needed variables into
+your own "safe" namespace.
+\subsection{Diagnostic Output}
+If you need send yourself some debugging output, you can use \code{\#silent} to
+output it to standard error:
+#silent $sys.stderr.write("Incorrigible var is '$incorrigible'.\n")
+#silent $sys.stderr.write("Is 'unknown' in the searchList? " +
+ $getVar("unknown", "No.") + "\n" )
+(Tip contributed by Greg Czajkowski.)
+\subsection{When to use Python methods}
+You always have a choice whether to code your methods as Cheetah \code{\#def}
+methods or Python methods (the Python methods being located in a class your
+template inherits). So how do you choose?
+Generally, if the method consists mostly of text and placeholders, use a
+Cheetah method (a \code{\#def} method). That's why \code{\#def} exists, to
+take the tedium out of writing those kinds of methods. And if you have a
+couple \code{\#if} stanzas to \code{\#set} some variables, followed by a
+\code{\#for} loop, no big deal. But if your method consists mostly of
+directives and only a little text, you're better off writing it in Python.
+Especially be on the watch for extensive use of \code{\#set}, \code{\#echo} and
+\code{\#silent} in a Cheetah method--it's a sure sign you're probably using the
+wrong language. Of course, though, you are free to do so if you wish.
+Another thing that's harder to do in Cheetah is adjacent or nested
+multiline stanzas (all those directives with an accompanying \code{\#end}
+directive). Python uses indentation to show the beginning and end of nested
+stanzas, but Cheetah can't do that because any indentation shows up in the
+output, which may not be desired. So unless all those extra spaces and tabs
+in the output are acceptable, you have to keep directives flush with the left
+margin or the preceding text.
+The most difficult decisions come when you have conflicting goals. What if
+a method generates its output in parts (i.e., output concatenation), contains
+many searchList placeholders and lots of text, {\em and} requires lots of
+\code{\#if \ldots \#set \ldots \#else \#set \ldots \#end if} stanzas. A Cheetah
+method would be more advantageous in some ways, but a Python method in others.
+You'll just have to choose, perhaps coding groups of methods all the same
+way. Or maybe you can split your method into two, one Cheetah and one Python,
+and have one method call the other. Usually this means the Cheetah method
+calling the Python method to calculate the needed values, then the Cheetah
+method produces the output. One snag you might run into though is that
+\code{\#set} currently can set only one variable per statement, so if your
+Python method needs to return multiple values to your Cheetah method, you'll
+have to do it another way.
+\subsection{Calling superclass methods, and why you have to}
+If your template or pure Python class overrides a standard method or attribute
+of \code{Template} or one of its base classes, you should call the superclass
+method in your method to prevent various things from breaking. The most common
+methods to override are \code{.awake} and \code{.\_\_init\_\_}. \code{.awake}
+is called automatically by Webware early during the web transaction, so it makes
+a convenient place to put Python initialization code your template needs.
+You'll definitely want to call the superclass \code{.awake} because it sets up
+many wonderful attributes and methods, such as those to access the CGI input
+There's nothing Cheetah-specific to calling superclass methods, but
+because it's vital, we'll recap the standard Python techniques
+here. We mention only the solution for old-style classes because
+Cheetah classes are old-style (in other Python documentation, you will
+find the technique for new-style classes, but they are not listed here
+because they cannot be used with Cheetah if you use
+dynamically-compiled templates).
+from Cheetah.Template import Template
+class MyClass(Template):
+ def awake(self, trans):
+ Template.awake(self, trans)
+ ... great and exciting features written by me ...
+[ @@MO: Need to test this. .awake is in Servlet, which is a superclass
+of Template. Do we really need both imports? Can we call
+Template.awake? ]
+To avoid hardcoding the superclass name, you can use this
+function \code{callbase()}, which emulates \code{super()} for older versions of
+Python. It also works even \code{super()} does exist, so you don't have to
+change your servlets immediately when upgrading. Note that the argument
+sequence is different than \code{super} uses.
+# Place this in a module . Contributed by Edmund Lian.
+class CallbaseError(AttributeError):
+ pass
+def callbase(obj, base, methodname='__init__', args=(), kw={},
+ raiseIfMissing=None):
+ try: method = getattr(base, methodname)
+ except AttributeError:
+ if raiseIfMissing:
+ raise CallbaseError, methodname
+ return None
+ if args is None: args = ()
+ return method(obj, *args, **kw)
+# Place this in your class that's overriding .awake (or any method).
+from SOMEWHERE import callbase
+class MyMixin:
+ def awake(self, trans):
+ args = (trans,)
+ callbase(self, MyMixin, 'awake', args)
+ ... everything else you want to do ...
+% @@MO: Edmund wants us to mention delegation too, as an alternative to
+% inheritance. Contact for details.
+\subsection{All methods}
+Here is a list of all the standard methods and attributes that can be accessed
+from a placeholder. Some of them exist for you to call, others are mainly used
+by Cheetah internally but you can call them if you wish, and others are only
+for internal use by Cheetah or Webware. Do not use these method names in mixin
+classes (\code{\#extends}, section \ref{inheritanceEtc.extends}) unless you
+intend to override the standard method.
+Variables with a star prefix ({\bf *}) are frequently used in templates or in
+pure Python classes.
+\paragraph*{Inherited from Cheetah.Template}
+\item{{\bf compile(source=None, file=None, moduleName=None,
+ mainMethodName='respond')}} Compile the template. Automatically called
+ by \code{.\_\_init\_\_}.
+\item{{\bf generatedModuleCode()}} Return the module code the compiler
+ generated, or \code{None} if no compilation took place.
+\item{{\bf generatedClassCode()}} Return the class code the compiler
+ generated, or \code{None} if no compilation took place.
+\item{{\bf * searchList()}} Return a reference to the underlying search list.
+ (a list of objects). Use this to print out your searchList for debugging.
+ Modifying the returned list will affect your placeholder searches!
+\item{{\bf * errorCatcher()}} Return a reference to the current error
+ catcher.
+\item{{\bf * refreshCache(cacheKey=None)}} If 'cacheKey' is not \code{None},
+ refresh that item in the cache. If \code{None}, delete all items in the
+ cache so they will be recalculated the next time they are encountered.
+\item{{\bf * shutdown()}} Break reference cycles before discarding a servlet.
+\item{{\bf * getVar(varName, default=NoDefault, autoCall=True)}} Look up a
+ variable in the searchList. Same as \code{\$varName} but allows you to
+ specify a default value and control whether autocalling occurs.
+\item{{\bf * varExists(varName, autoCall=True)}}
+\item{{\bf * getFileContents(path)}} Read the named file. If used as a
+ placeholder, inserts the file's contents in the output without
+ interpretation, like \code{\#include\ raw}. If used in an expression,
+ returns the file's content (e.g., to assign it to a variable).
+\item{{\bf runAsMainProgram()}} This is what happens if you run a
+ .py template module as a standalone program.
+%Private methods: {\bf \_bindCompiledMethod}, {\bf \_bindFunctionAsMethod},
+%{\bf \_includeCheetahSource}, {\bf \_genTmpFilename},
+%{\bf \_importAsDummyModule}, {\bf \_makeDummyPackageForDir},
+%{\bf \_importFromDummyPackage}, {\bf \_importModuleFromDirectory}.
+%Other private attributes:
+%\item{{\bf * \_fileMtime}} Time the template definition was modified, in
+% Unix ticks. \code{None} if the template definition came from a string or
+% file handle rather than a named file, same for the next three variables.
+%\item{{\bf * \_fileDirName}} The directory containing the template definition.
+%\item{{\bf * \_fileBaseName}} The basename of the template definition file.
+%\item{{\bf * \_filePath}} The directory+filename of the template definition.
+\paragraph*{Inherited from Cheetah.Utils.WebInputMixin}
+\item{{\bf nonNumericInputError}} Exception raised by \code{.webInput}.
+\item{{\bf * webInput(...)}} Convenience method to access GET/POST variables
+ from a Webware servlet or CGI script, or Webware cookie or session
+ variables. See section \ref{webware.webInput} for usage information.
+\paragraph*{Inherited from Cheetah.SettingsManager}
+\item{{\bf setting(name, default=NoDefault)}} Get a compiler setting.
+\item{{\bf hasSetting(name)}} Does this compiler setting exist?
+\item{{\bf setSetting(name, value)}} Set setting 'name' to 'value'.
+ See \code{\#compiler-settings}, section
+ \ref{parserInstructions.compiler-settings}.
+\item{{\bf settings()}} Return the underlying settings dictionary. (Warning:
+ modifying this dictionary will change Cheetah's behavior.)
+\item{{\bf copySettings()}} Return a copy of the underlying settings
+ dictionary.
+\item{{\bf deepcopySettings()}} Return a deep copy of the underlying settings
+ dictionary. See Python's \code{copy} module.
+\item{{\bf updateSettings(newSettings, merge=True)}} Update Cheetah's
+ compiler settings from the 'newSettings' dictionary. If 'merge' is true,
+ update only the names in newSettings and leave the other names alone.
+ (The SettingsManager is smart enough to update nested dictionaries one
+ key at a time rather than overwriting the entire old dictionary.)
+ If 'merge' is false, delete all existing settings so that the new ones are
+ the only settings.
+\item{{\bf updateSettingsFromPySrcStr(theString, merge=True)}} Same,
+ but pass a string of \code{name=value} pairs rather
+ than a dictionary, the same as you would provide in a
+ \code{\#compiler-settings} directive, section
+ \ref{parserInstructions.compiler-settings}.
+\item{{\bf updateSettingsFromPySrcFile(path, merge=True)}} Same, but
+ exec a Python source file and use the variables it contains as the new
+ settings. (e.g., \code{cheetahVarStartToken\ =\ "@"}).
+\item{{\bf updateSettingsFromConfigFile(path, **kw)}} Same, but get the new
+ settings from a text file in ConfigParser format (similar to Windows'
+ *.ini file format). See Python's \code{ConfigParser} module.
+\item{{\bf updateSettingsFromConfigFileObj}} Same, but read the open file
+ object 'inFile' for the new settings.
+\item{{\bf updateSettingsFromConfigStr(configStr, convert=True, merge=True}}
+ Same, but read the new settings from a string in ConfigParser format.
+\item{{\bf writeConfigFile(path)}} Write the current compiler settings to
+ a file named 'path' in *.ini format.
+\item{{\bf getConfigString()}} Return a string containing the current
+ compiler settings in *.ini format.
+\paragraph*{Inherited from Cheetah.Servlet}
+{\em Do not override these in a subclass or assign to them as attributes
+if your template will be used as a servlet,} otherwise Webware will behave
+unpredictably. However, it {\em is} OK to put same-name variables in the
+searchList, because Webware does not use the searchList.
+EXCEPTION: It's OK to override {\bf awake} and {\bf sleep} as long as you
+call the superclass methods. (See section
+\item{{\bf * isControlledByWebKit}} True if this template instance is
+ part of a live transaction in a running WebKit servlet.
+\item{{\bf * isWebwareInstalled}} True if Webware is installed and the
+ template instance inherits from WebKit.Servlet. If not, it inherits
+ from Cheetah.Servlet.DummyServlet.
+\item{{\bf * awake(transaction)}} Called by WebKit at the beginning of
+ the web transaction.
+\item{{\bf * sleep(transaction)}} Called by WebKit at the end of the
+ web transaction.
+\item{{\bf * respond(transaction)}} Called by WebKit to produce the
+ web transaction content. For a template-servlet, this means
+ filling the template.
+\item{{\bf shutdown()}} Break reference cycles before deleting instance.
+\item{{\bf * serverSidePath()}} The filesystem pathname of the
+ template-servlet (as opposed to the URL path).
+\item{{\bf transaction}} The current Webware transaction.
+\item{{\bf application}} The current Webware application.
+\item{{\bf response}} The current Webware response.
+\item{{\bf request}} The current Webware request.
+\item{{\bf session}} The current Webware session.
+\item{{\bf write}} Call this method to insert text in the filled template
+ output.
+Several other goodies are available to template-servlets under the
+\code{request} attribute, see section \ref{webware.input}.
+\code{transaction}, \code{response}, \code{request} and \code{session} are
+created from the current transaction when WebKit calls \code{awake}, and don't
+exist otherwise. Calling \code{awake} yourself (rather than letting WebKit
+call it) will raise an exception because the \code{transaction} argument won't
+have the right attributes.
+\paragraph*{Inherited from WebKit.Servlet}
+These are accessible only if Cheetah knows Webware is installed. This
+listing is based on a CVS snapshot of Webware dated 22 September 2002, and
+may not include more recent changes.
+The same caveats about overriding these methods apply.
+\item{name()} The simple name of the class. Used by Webware's logging and
+ debugging routines.
+\item{log()} Used by Webware's logging and debugging routines.
+\item{canBeThreaded()} True if the servlet can be multithreaded.
+\item{canBeReused()} True if the servlet can be used for another transaction
+ after the current transaction is finished.
+\item{serverSideDir()} Depreciated by \code{.serverSidePath()}.
+\subsection{Optimizing templates}
+Here are some things you can do to make your templates fill faster and user
+fewer CPU cycles. Before you put a lot of energy into this, however, make
+sure you really need to. In many situations, templates appear to initialize
+and fill instantaneously, so no optimization is necessary. If you do find a
+situation where your templates are filling slowly or taking too much memory or
+too many CPU cycles, we'd like to hear about it on the mailing list.
+Cache \$placeholders whose values don't change frequently. (Section
+Use \code{\#set} for values that are very frequently used, especially if they
+come out of an expensive operation like a deeply.nested.structure or a database
+lookup. \code{\#set} variables are set to Python local variables, which have a
+faster lookup time than Python globals or values from Cheetah's searchList.
+Moving variable lookups into Python code may provide a speedup in certain
+circumstances. If you're just reading \code{self} attributes, there's no
+reason to use NameMapper lookup (\$placeholders) for them. NameMapper does
+a lot more work than simply looking up a \code{self} attribute.
+On the other hand, if you don't know exactly where the value will come from
+(maybe from \code{self}, maybe from the searchList, maybe from a CGI input
+variable, etc), it's easier to just make that an argument to your method, and
+then the template can handle all the NameMapper lookups for you:
+#silent $myMethod($arg1, $arg2, $arg3)
+Otherwise you'd have to call \code{self.getVar('arg1')} etc in your
+method, which is more wordy, and tedious.
+\subsection{PSP-style tags}
+\code{<\%= \ldots \%>} and \code{<\% \ldots \%>} allow an escape
+to Python syntax inside the template. You do not need it to use Cheetah
+effectively, and we're hard pressed to think of a case to recommend it.
+Nevertheless, it's there in case you encounter a situation you can't
+express adequately in Cheetah syntax. For instance, to set a local
+variable to an elaborate initializer.
+\code{<\%= \ldots \%>} encloses a Python expression whose result will
+be printed in the output.
+\code{<\% \ldots \%>} encloses a Python statement or expression (or set of
+statements or expressions) that will be included as-is into the generated
+method. The statements themselves won't produce any output, but you can use
+the local function \code{write(EXPRESSION)} to produce your own output.
+(Actually, it's a method of a file-like object, but it looks like a local
+function.) This syntax also may be used to set a local variable with a
+complicated initializer.
+To access Cheetah services, you must use Python code like you would in an
+inherited Python class. For instance, use \code{self.getVar()} to look up
+something in the searchList.
+{\em Warning:} {\bf No error checking is done!} If you write:
+<% break %> ## Wrong!
+you'll get a \code{SyntaxError} when you fill the template, but that's what you
+Note that these are PSP-{\em style} tags, not PSP tags. A Cheetah template
+is not a PSP document, and you can't use PSP commands in it.
+If your project has several templates and you get sick of typing
+``cheetah compile FILENAME.tmpl'' all the time--much less remembering which
+commands to type when--and your system has the \code{make}
+command available, consider building a Makefile to make your life easier.
+Here's a simple Makefile that controls two templates, ErrorsTemplate and
+InquiryTemplate. Two external commands, \code{inquiry} and \code{receive},
+depend on Aditionally, InquiryTemplate
+itself depends on ErrorsTemplate.
+all: inquiry receive
+.PHONY: all receive inquiry printsource
+ a2ps InquiryTemplate.tmpl ErrorsTemplate.tmpl
+ ErrorsTemplate.tmpl
+ cheetah compile ErrorsTemplate.tmpl
+ InquiryTemplate.tmpl
+ cheetah compile InquiryTemplate.tmpl
+Now you can type \code{make} anytime and it will recompile all the templates
+that have changed, while ignoring the ones that haven't. Or you can
+recompile all the templates \code{receive} needs by typing \code{make receive}.
+Or you can recompile only ErrorsTemplate by typing
+\code{make ErrorsTemplate}. There's also another target, ``printsource'':
+this sends a Postscript version of the project's source files to the printer.
+The .PHONY target is explained in the \code{make} documentation; essentially,
+you have it depend on every target that doesn't produce an output file with
+the same name as the target.
+\subsection{Using Cheetah in a Multi-Threaded Application}
+Template classes may be shared freely between threads. However, template
+instances should not be shared unless you either:
+\item Use a lock (mutex) to serialize template fills, to prevent two threads
+from filling the template at the same time.
+\item Avoid thread-unsafe features:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Modifying searchList values or instance variables.
+ \item Caching (\code{\$*var}, \code{\#cache}, etc).
+ \item \code{\#set global}, \code{\#filter}, \code{\#errorCatcher}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Any changes to these in one thread will be visible in other threads,
+ causing them to give inconsistent output.
+About the only advantage in sharing a template instance is building up the
+placeholder cache. But template instances are so low overhead that it
+probably wouldn't take perceptibly longer to let each thread instantiate its
+own template instance. Only if you're filling templates several times a
+second would the time difference be significant, or if some of the placeholders
+trigger extremely slow calculations (e.g., parsing a long text file each time).
+The biggest overhead in Cheetah is importing the \code{Template} module in
+the first place, but that has to be done only once in a long-running
+You can use Python's \code{mutex} module for the lock, or any similar
+mutex. If you have to change searchList values or instance variables
+before each fill (which is usually the case), lock the mutex before
+doing this, and unlock it only after the fill is complete.
+For Webware servlets, you're probably better off using Webware's servlet
+caching rather than Cheetah's caching. Don't override the servlet's
+\code{.canBeThreaded()} method unless you avoid the unsafe operations
+listed above.
+\subsection{Using Cheetah with gettext}
+{\bf gettext} is a project for creating internationalized applications. For
+more details, visit \url{}.
+gettext can be used with Cheetah to create internationalized applications, even
+for CJK character sets, but you must keep a couple things in mind:
+\item xgettext is used on compiled templates, not on the templates themselves.
+\item The way the NameMapper syntax gets compiled to Python gets in the way of
+the syntax that xgettext recognizes. Hence, a special case exists for the
+functions \code{_}, \code{N_}, and \code{ngettext}. If you need to use a
+different set of functions for marking strings for translation, you must set
+the Cheetah setting \code{gettextTokens} to a list of strings representing the
+names of the functions you are using to mark strings for translation.
+% Local Variables:
+% TeX-master: "users_guide"
+% End:
diff --git a/docs/users_guide_2_src/13a_precompiledTemplateModules.txt b/docs/users_guide_2_src/13a_precompiledTemplateModules.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b0f978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/users_guide_2_src/13a_precompiledTemplateModules.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+A look inside precompiled template modules
+ :label: howWorks.pyTrivia
+When debugging a template, it's useful to compile it with "cheetah compile"
+and then inspect the resulting Python module. This will often clear up whether
+Cheetah misinterpreted your intent. You can do this even if you don't intend to
+use the precompiled templates in production. It's also a good way to learn how
+Cheetah works. Simply make a throwaway template definition containing only one
+placeholder or directive, compile it with "cheetah compile", and see what
+Python code Cheetah generated.
+However, precompiled template modules can be a bit cryptic to read unless you
+have a bit of background information. Let's look at an example. Put the
+following into /tmp/x.tmpl (or any other file) and run "cheetah compile" on
+ The number is $Test.unittest.main.
+ #set mood = "lucky"
+ I'm feeling $lucky.
+Open the resulting /tmp/ in your favorite text editor. You'll see a class
+with the same name as the module::
+ class x(Template):
+This template class contains a method ``.respond()``::
+ def respond(self, trans=None):
+ ## CHEETAH: main method generated for this template
+ if (not trans and not self._CHEETAH__isBuffering and
+ not callable(self.transaction)):
+ trans = self.transaction # is None unless self.awake() was called
+ if not trans:
+ trans = DummyTransaction()
+ _dummyTrans = True
+ else: _dummyTrans = False
+ write = trans.response().write
+ SL = self._CHEETAH__searchList
+ _filter = self._CHEETAH__currentFilter
+ ########################################
+ ## START - generated method body
+ write('The number is ')
+ _v = VFFSL(SL,"Test.unittest.main",True)
+ # '$Test.unittest.main' on line 1, col 15
+ if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$Test.unittest.main'))
+ # from line 1, col 15.
+ write('.\n')
+ mood = "lucky"
+ write("I'm feeling ")
+ _v = VFFSL(SL,"lucky",True) # '$lucky' on line 3, col 13
+ if _v is not None: write(_filter(_v, rawExpr='$lucky'))
+ # from line 3, col 13.
+ write('.\n')
+ ########################################
+ ## END - generated method body
+ return _dummyTrans and trans.response().getvalue() or ""
+This becomes clearer when we scroll up to see some important imports and
+global variables::
+ from Cheetah.Template import Template
+ from Cheetah.DummyTransaction import DummyTransaction
+ from Cheetah.NameMapper import NotFound, valueFromFrameOrSearchList
+ VFFSL=valueFromFrameOrSearchList
+ __CHEETAH_version__ = '2.0rc6'
+ __CHEETAH_src__ = 'x.tmpl'
+The actual code will differ slightly depending on your Cheetah version. Also,
+we've split some long lines to make this page printer-friendly.
+Placeholder lookup is handled by ``VFFSL``, which is really the
+``Cheetah.NameMapper.valueFromFrameOrSearchList`` function or its equivalent
+in Cheetah/_namemapper.c.
+``trans`` and ``write()`` are Webware compatibility features. Normally
+``trans`` is not specified and Cheetah creates a ``DummyTransaction``
+instance. ``write()`` is a shortcut for ``trans.response().write()``,
+which concatenates the output to an internal buffer. The method returns
+the result: ``trans.response().getvalue()``. You might assume from
+``.getvalue()`` that Cheetah uses ``StringIO`` internally, but you'd be wrong.
+Cheetah *used* to use ``StringIO`` but now it uses a list and ``str.join()``.
+The ``.getvalue()`` name is retained for backward compatibility.
+If this template is part of a Webware site and the user enters its URL, Webware
+calls ``.respond()`` with a live Webware transaction. In this case,
+``write()`` writes the output directly to Webware's output stream. (Or to
+a Webware buffer, but that's not our concern.) There's nothing to return
+because the output has already been written, so the method returns the empty
+string. That way if it accidentally gets concatenated to the output, no harm
+will be done.
+You can write your own transaction class to support non-Webware output
+streaming, but Cheetah currently comes with no examples of this. Ask on
+the mailing list if you need help with it.
+Global variables and class attributes defined by Cheetah have a
+``_CHEETAH_`` prefix. Instance attributes defined by Cheetah have a
+``__CHEETAH__`` prefix (two trailing underscores). You should normally
+never write to these but you can read them if desired; many are
+self-explanatory. One such attribute is ``._CHEETAH__searchList``. This
+is the actual search List ``VFFSL()`` will consult for placeholder lookups.
diff --git a/docs/users_guide_2_src/14_webware.txt b/docs/users_guide_2_src/14_webware.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8c47e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/users_guide_2_src/14_webware.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+\section{Using Cheetah with Webware}
+{\bf Webware for Python} is a 'Python-Powered Internet Platform' that runs
+servlets in a manner similar to Java servlets. {\bf WebKit} is the name of
+Webware's application server. For more details, please visit
+All comments below refer to the official version of Webware, the DamnSimple!
+offshoot at ?, and the now-abandoned WebwareExperimental implementation at
+\url{}, except where noted. All the
+implementations are 95\% identical to the servlet writer: their differences lie
+in their internal structure and configuration files. One difference is that
+the executable you run to launch standard Webware is called \code{AppServer},
+whereas in WebwareExperimental it's called \code{webkit}. But to servlets
+they're both "WebKit, Webware's application server", so it's one half dozen to
+the other. In this document, we generally use the term {\bf WebKit} to refer
+to the currently-running application server.
+\subsection{Installing Cheetah on a Webware system}
+Install Cheetah after you have installed Webware, following the instructions in
+chapter \ref{gettingStarted}.
+The standard Cheetah test suite ('cheetah test') does not test Webware features.
+We plan to build a test suite that can run as a Webware servlet, containing
+Webware-specific tests, but that has not been built yet. In the meantime, you
+can make a simple template containing something like "This is a very small
+template.", compile it, put the *.py template module in a servlet
+directory, and see if Webware serves it up OK.
+{\em You must not have a Webware context called "Cheetah".} If you do, Webware
+will mistake that directory for the Cheetah module directory, and all
+template-servlets will bomb out with a "ImportError: no module named Template".
+(This applies only to the standard Webware; WebwareExperimental does not have
+If Webware complains that it cannot find your servlet, make sure
+'.tmpl' is listed in 'ExtensionsToIgnore' in your 'Application.config' file.
+% @@MO: Should explain extension cascading and how without it, standard
+% Webware pretends a file doesn't exist if it finds two or more servable files
+% that match the URL.
+\subsection{Containment vs Inheritance}
+Because Cheetah's core is flexible, there are many ways to integrate it with
+Webware servlets. There are two broad strategies: the {\bf Inheritance
+approach} and the {\bf Containment approach}. The difference is
+that in the Inheritance approach, your template object \code{\em is} the
+servlet, whereas in the Containment approach, the servlet is not a template but
+merely {\em uses} template(s) for portion(s) of its work.
+The Inheritance approach is recommended for new sites because it's simpler, and
+because it scales well for large sites with a
+site->section->subsection->servlet hierarchy. The Containment approach is
+better for existing servlets that you don't want to restructure. For instance,
+you can use the Containment approach to embed a discussion-forum table at the
+bottom of a web page.
+However, most people who use Cheetah extensively seem
+to prefer the Inheritance approach because even the most analytical servlet
+needs to produce {\em some} output, and it has to fit the site's look and feel
+{\em anyway}, so you may as well use a template-servlet as the place to put the
+output. Especially since it's so easy to add a template-servlet to a site once
+the framework is established. So we recommend you at least evaluate the
+effort that would be required to convert your site framework to template
+superclasses as described below, vs the greater flexibility and manageability
+it might give the site over the long term. You don't necessarily have to
+convert all your existing servlets right away: just build common site templates
+that are visually and behaviorally compatible with your specification, and use
+them for new servlets. Existing servlets can be converted later, if at all.
+Edmund Liam is preparing a section on a hybrid approach, in which the
+servlet is not a template, but still calls template(s) in an inheritance
+chain to produce the output. The advantage of this approach is that you
+aren't dealing with \code{Template} methods and Webware methods in the
+same object.
+\subsubsection{The Containment Approach}
+In the Containment approach, your servlet is not a template. Instead, it
+it makes its own arrangements to create and use template object(s) for whatever
+it needs. The servlet must explicitly call the template objects'
+\code{.respond()} (or \code{.\_\_str\_\_()}) method each time it needs to fill
+the template. This does not present the output to the user; it merely gives
+the output to the servlet. The servlet then calls its
+\code{\#self.response().write()} method to send the output to the user.
+The developer has several choices for managing her templates. She can store the
+template definition in a string, file or database and call
+\code{Cheetah.Template.Template} manually on it. Or she can put the
+template definition in a *.tmpl file and use {\bf cheetah compile} (section
+\ref{howWorks.cheetah-compile}) to convert it to a Python class in a *.py
+module, and then import it into her servlet.
+Because template objects are not thread safe, you should not store one
+in a module variable and allow multiple servlets to fill it simultaneously.
+Instead, each servlet should instantiate its own template object. Template
+{\em classes}, however, are thread safe, since they don't change once created.
+So it's safe to store a template class in a module global variable.
+% @@MO: Example of containment.
+\subsubsection{The Inheritance Approach}
+In the Inheritance approach, your template object doubles as as Webware
+servlet, thus these are sometimes called {\bf template-servlets}. {\bf cheetah
+compile} (section \ref{howWorks.cheetah-compile}) automatically creates modules
+containing valid Webware servlets. A servlet is a subclass of Webware's
+\code{WebKit.HTTPServlet} class, contained in a module with the same name as
+the servlet. WebKit uses the request URL to find the module, and then
+instantiates the servlet/template. The servlet must have a \code{.respond()}
+method (or \code{.respondToGet()}, \code{.respondToPut()}, etc., but the
+Cheetah default is \code{.respond()}). Servlets created by \code{cheetah
+compile} meet all these requirements.
+(Cheetah has a Webware plugin that automatically converts a \code{.tmpl servlet
+file} into a \code{.py servlet file} when the \code{.tmpl servlet file} is
+requested by a browser. However, that plugin is currently unavailable because
+it's being redesigned. For now, use \code{cheetah compile} instead.)
+What about logic code? Cheetah promises to keep content (the placeholder
+values), graphic design (the template definition and is display logic), and
+algorithmic logic (complex calculations and side effects) separate. How?
+Where do you do form processing?
+The answer is that your template class can inherit from a pure Python class
+containing the analytical logic. You can either use the \code{\#extends}
+directive in Cheetah to indicate the superclass(es), or write a Python
+\code{class} statement to do the same thing. See the template
+\code{Cheetah.Templates.SkeletonPage.tmpl} and its pure Python class
+\code{Cheetah.Templates.\} for an example of a template
+inheriting logic code. (See sections \ref{inheritanceEtc.extends} and
+\ref{inheritanceEtc.implements} for more information about \code{\#extends} and
+\code{\#implements}. They have to be used a certain right way.)
+If \code{\#WebKit.HTTPServlet} is not available, Cheetah fakes it with a
+dummy class to satisfy the dependency. This allows servlets to be tested on
+the command line even on systems where Webware is not installed. This works
+only with servlets that don't call back into WebKit for information about the
+current web transaction, since there is no web transaction. Trying to access
+form input, for instance, will raise an exception because it depends on a
+live web request object, and in the dummy class the request object is
+Because Webware servlets must be valid Python modules, and ``cheetah compile''
+can produce only valid module names, if you're converting an existing site that
+has .html filenames with hyphens (-), extra dots (.), etc, you'll have to
+rename them (and possibly use redirects).
+\subsection{Site frameworks}
+Web sites are normally arranged hierarchically, with certain features common
+to every page on the site, other features common to certain sections or
+subsections, and others unique to each page. You can model this easily with
+a hierarchy of classes, with specific servlets inheriting from their more
+general superclasses. Again, you can do this two ways, using Cheetah's
+{\bf Containment} approach or {\bf Inheritance} approach.
+In the Inheritance approach, parents provide \code{\#block}s and children
+override them using \code{\#def}. Each child \code{\#extend}s its immediate
+parent. Only the leaf servlets need to be under WebKit's document root
+directory. The superclass servlets can live anywhere in the filesystem
+that's in the Python path. (You may want to modify your WebKit startup
+script to add that library directory to your \code{PYTHONPATH} before starting
+% @@MO Examples: simple, IronSite, SkeletonPage.
+Section \ref{libraries.templates.skeletonPage} contains information on a stock
+template that simplifies defining the basic HTML structure of your web
+page templates.
+In the Containment approach, your hierarchy of servlets are not templates, but
+each uses one or more templates as it wishes. Children provide callback
+methods to to produce the various portions of the page that are their
+responsibility, and parents call those methods. Webware's \code{WebKit.Page}
+and \code{WebKit.SidebarPage} classes operate like this.
+% @@MO Show examples of WebKit.Page and WebKit.SidebarPage.
+Note that the two approaches are not compatible! \code{WebKit.Page} was not
+designed to intermix with \code{Cheetah.Templates.SkeletonPage}. Choose either
+one or the other, or expect to do some integration work.
+If you come up with a different strategy you think is worth noting in this
+chapter, let us know.
+\subsection{Directory structure}
+Here's one way to organize your files for Webware+Cheetah.
+www/ # Web root directory.
+ # Site subdirectory.
+ apache/ # Web server document root (for non-servlets).
+ www/ # WebKit document root.
+ #
+ index.tmpl # Source for above.
+ #
+ servlet2.tmpl # Source for above.
+ lib/ # Directory for helper classes.
+ # Site superclass ("#extends Site").
+ Site.tmpl # Source for above.
+ # Logic class inherited by some template.
+ webkit.config # Configuration file (for WebwareExperimental).
+ Webware/ # Standard Webware's MakeAppWorkDir directory.
+ AppServer # Startup program (for standard Webware).
+ Configs/ # Configuration directory (for standard Webware).
+ Application.config
+ # Configuration file (for standard Webware).
+ # Another virtual host on this computer....
+\subsection{Initializing your template-servlet with Python code}
+If you need a place to initialize variables or do calculations for your
+template-servlet, you can put it in an \code{.awake()} method because WebKit
+automatically calls that early when processing the web transaction. If you
+do override \code{.awake()}, be sure to call the superclass \code{.awake}
+method. You probably want to do that first so that you have access to the
+web transaction data \code{Servlet.awake} provides. You don't have to worry
+about whether your parent class has its own \code{.awake} method, just call
+it anyway, and somebody up the inheritance chain will respond, or at minimum
+\code{Servlet.awake} will respond. Section
+\ref{tips.callingSuperclassMethods} gives examples of how to call a
+superclass method.
+As an alternative, you can put all your calculations in your own method and
+call it near the top of your template. (\code{\#silent}, section
+\subsection{Form processing}
+There are many ways to display and process HTML forms with Cheetah.
+But basically, all form processing involves two steps.
+\item{} Display the form.
+\item{} In the next web request, read the parameters the user submitted,
+check for user errors, perform any side effects (e.g., reading/writing a
+database or session data) and present the user an HTML response or another
+The second step may involve choosing between several templates to fill (or
+several servlets to redirect to), or a big if-elif-elif-else construct to
+display a different portion of the template depending on the situation.
+In the oldest web applications, step 1 and step 2 were handled by separate
+objects. Step 1 was a static HTML file, and step 2 was a CGI script.
+Frequently, a better strategy is to have a single servlet handle both steps.
+That way, the servlet has better control over the entire situation, and if
+the user submits unacceptable data, the servlet can redisplay the form with a
+"try again" error message at the top and and all the previous input filled in.
+The servlet can use the presence or absence of certain CGI parameters (e.g.,
+the submit button, or a hidden mode field) to determine which step to take.
+One neat way to build a servlet that can handle both the form displaying and
+form processing is like this:
+\item Put your form HTML into an ordinary template-servlet. In each input
+ field, use a placeholder for the value of the \code{VALUE=} attribue.
+ Place another placeholder next to each field, for that field's error
+ message.
+\item Above the form, put a \code{\$processFormData} method call.
+\item Define that method in a Python class your template \code{\#extend}s. (Or
+ if it's a simple method, you can define it in a \code{\#def}.) The method
+ should:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Get the form input if any.
+ \item If the input variable corresponding to the submit field is empty,
+ there is no form input, so we're showing the form for the first time.
+ Initialize all VALUE= variables to their default value (usually ""),
+ and all error variables to "". Return "", which will be the value for
+ \code{\$processFormData}.
+ \item If the submit variable is not empty, fill the VALUE= variables with
+ the input data the user just submitted.
+ \item Now check the input for errors and put error messages in the error
+ placeholders.
+ \item If there were any user errors, return a general error message
+ string; this will be the value for \code{\$processFormData}.
+ \item If there were no errors, do whatever the form's job is (e.g., update
+ a database) and return a success message; this will be the value for
+ \code{\$processFormData}.
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item The top of the page will show your success/failure message (or nothing
+the first time around), with the form below. If there are errors, the user
+will have a chance to correct them. After a successful submit, the form will
+appear again, so the user can either review their entry, or change it and
+submit it again. Depending on the application, this may make the servlet
+update the same database record again, or it may generate a new record.
+% @@MO: Example of a template that shows a form and then processes the input.
+\code{FunFormKit} is a third-party Webware package that makes it easier to
+produce forms and handle their logic. It has been successfully been used with
+Cheetah. You can download FunFormKit from
+\url{} and try it out for yourself.
+\subsection{Form input, cookies, session variables and web server variables}
+General variable tips that also apply to servlets are in section
+To look up a CGI GET or POST parameter (with POST overriding):
+These will fail if Webware is not available, because \code{\$request}
+(aka \code{self.request()} will be \code{None} rather than a Webware
+\code{WebKit.Request} object. If you plan to read a lot of CGI parameters,
+you may want to put the \code{.fields} method into a local variable for
+#set $fields = $request.fields
+But remember to do complicated calculations in Python, and assign the results
+to simple variables in the searchList for display. These \code{\$request}
+forms are useful only for occasions where you just need one or two simple
+request items that going to Python for would be overkill.
+To get a cookie or session parameter, subsitute ``cookie'' or ``session'' for
+``field'' above. To get a dictionary of all CGI parameters, substitute
+``fields'' (ditto for ``cookies''). To verify a field exists,
+substitute ``hasField'' (ditto for ``hasCookie'').
+Other useful request goodies:
+## Defined in WebKit.Request
+$request.field('myField', 'default value')
+$request.time ## Time this request began in Unix ticks.
+$request.timeStamp ## Time in human-readable format ('asctime' format).
+## Defined in WebKit.HTTPRequest
+$request.hasField.myField ## Is a CGI parameter defined?
+$request.fields ## Dictionary of all CGI parameters.
+$request.cookie.myCookie ## A cookie parameter (also .hasCookie, .cookies).
+$request.value.myValue ## A field or cookie variable (field overrides)
+ ## (also .hasValue).
+$request.session.mySessionVar # A session variable.
+$request.extraURLPath ## URL path components to right of servlet, if any.
+$request.serverDictionary ## Dict of environmental vars from web server.
+$request.remoteUser ## Authenticated username. source
+ ## suggests this is broken and always returns None.
+$request.remoteAddress ## User's IP address (string).
+$request.remoteName ## User's domain name, or IP address if none.
+$request.urlPath ## URI of this servlet.
+$request.urlPathDir ## URI of the directory containing this servlet.
+$request.serverSidePath ## Absolute path of this servlet on local filesystem.
+$request.serverURL ## URL of this servlet, without "http://" prefix,
+ ## extra path info or query string.
+$request.serverURLDir ## URL of this servlet's directory, without "http://".
+$log("message") ## Put a message in the Webware server log. (If you
+ ## define your own 'log' variable, it will override
+ ## this; use $self.log("message") in that case.
+From the method docstring:
+ def webInput(self, names, namesMulti=(), default='', src='f',
+ defaultInt=0, defaultFloat=0.00, badInt=0, badFloat=0.00, debug=False):
+This method places the specified GET/POST fields, cookies or session variables
+into a dictionary, which is both returned and put at the beginning of the
+searchList. It handles:
+ * single vs multiple values
+ * conversion to integer or float for specified names
+ * default values/exceptions for missing or bad values
+ * printing a snapshot of all values retrieved for debugging
+All the 'default*' and 'bad*' arguments have "use or raise" behavior, meaning
+that if they're a subclass of Exception, they're raised. If they're anything
+else, that value is substituted for the missing/bad value.
+The simplest usage is:
+ #silent $webInput(['choice'])
+ $choice
+ dic = self.webInput(['choice'])
+ write(dic['choice'])
+Both these examples retrieves the GET/POST field 'choice' and print it. If you
+leave off the "#silent", all the values would be printed too. But a better way
+to preview the values is
+ #silent $webInput(['name'], $debug=1)
+because this pretty-prints all the values inside HTML <PRE> tags.
+Since we didn't specify any coversions, the value is a string. It's a "single"
+value because we specified it in 'names' rather than 'namesMulti'. Single
+values work like this:
+ * If one value is found, take it.
+ * If several values are found, choose one arbitrarily and ignore the rest.
+ * If no values are found, use or raise the appropriate 'default*' value.
+Multi values work like this:
+ * If one value is found, put it in a list.
+ * If several values are found, leave them in a list.
+ * If no values are found, use the empty list ([]). The 'default*'
+ arguments are *not* consulted in this case.
+Example: assume 'days' came from a set of checkboxes or a multiple combo box
+on a form, and the user chose "Monday", "Tuesday" and "Thursday".
+ #silent $webInput([], ['days'])
+ The days you chose are: #slurp
+ #for $day in $days
+ $day #slurp
+ #end for
+ dic = self.webInput([], ['days'])
+ write("The days you chose are: ")
+ for day in dic['days']:
+ write(day + " ")
+Both these examples print: "The days you chose are: Monday Tuesday Thursday".
+By default, missing strings are replaced by "" and missing/bad numbers by zero.
+(A "bad number" means the converter raised an exception for it, usually because
+of non-numeric characters in the value.) This mimics Perl/PHP behavior, and
+simplifies coding for many applications where missing/bad values *should* be
+blank/zero. In those relatively few cases where you must distinguish between
+""/zero on the one hand and missing/bad on the other, change the appropriate
+'default*' and 'bad*' arguments to something like:
+ * None
+ * another constant value
+ * $NonNumericInputError/self.NonNumericInputError
+ * $ValueError/ValueError
+(NonNumericInputError is defined in this class and is useful for
+distinguishing between bad input vs a TypeError/ValueError
+thrown for some other reason.)
+Here's an example using multiple values to schedule newspaper deliveries.
+'checkboxes' comes from a form with checkboxes for all the days of the week.
+The days the user previously chose are preselected. The user checks/unchecks
+boxes as desired and presses Submit. The value of 'checkboxes' is a list of
+checkboxes that were checked when Submit was pressed. Our task now is to
+turn on the days the user checked, turn off the days he unchecked, and leave
+on or off the days he didn't change.
+ dic = self.webInput([], ['dayCheckboxes'])
+ wantedDays = dic['dayCheckboxes'] # The days the user checked.
+ for day, on in self.getAllValues():
+ if not on and wantedDays.has_key(day):
+ self.TurnOn(day)
+ # ... Set a flag or insert a database record ...
+ elif on and not wantedDays.has_key(day):
+ self.TurnOff(day)
+ # ... Unset a flag or delete a database record ...
+'source' allows you to look up the variables from a number of different
+ 'f' fields (CGI GET/POST parameters)
+ 'c' cookies
+ 's' session variables
+ 'v' "values", meaning fields or cookies
+In many forms, you're dealing only with strings, which is why the
+'default' argument is third and the numeric arguments are banished to
+the end. But sometimes you want automatic number conversion, so that
+you can do numeric comparisons in your templates without having to
+write a bunch of conversion/exception handling code. Example:
+ #silent $webInput(['name', 'height:int'])
+ $name is $height cm tall.
+ #if $height >= 300
+ Wow, you're tall!
+ #else
+ Pshaw, you're short.
+ #end if
+ dic = self.webInput(['name', 'height:int'])
+ name = dic[name]
+ height = dic[height]
+ write("%s is %s cm tall." % (name, height))
+ if height > 300:
+ write("Wow, you're tall!")
+ else:
+ write("Pshaw, you're short.")
+To convert a value to a number, suffix ":int" or ":float" to the name. The
+method will search first for a "height:int" variable and then for a "height"
+variable. (It will be called "height" in the final dictionary.) If a numeric
+conversion fails, use or raise 'badInt' or 'badFloat'. Missing values work
+the same way as for strings, except the default is 'defaultInt' or
+'defaultFloat' instead of 'default'.
+If a name represents an uploaded file, the entire file will be read into
+memory. For more sophisticated file-upload handling, leave that name out of
+the list and do your own handling, or wait for Cheetah.Utils.UploadFileMixin.
+This mixin class works only in a subclass that also inherits from
+Webware's Servlet or HTTPServlet. Otherwise you'll get an AttributeError
+on 'self.request'.
+EXCEPTIONS: ValueError if 'source' is not one of the stated characters.
+TypeError if a conversion suffix is not ":int" or ":float".
+\subsection{More examples}
+\subsubsection*{Example A -- a standalone servlet}
+% @@MO:
+\subsubsection*{Example B -- a servlet under a site framework}
+\subsubsection*{Example C -- several servlets with a common template}
+\subsection{Other Tips}
+If your servlet accesses external files (e.g., via an \code{\#include}
+directive), remember that the current directory is not necessarily directory
+the servlet is in. It's probably some other directory WebKit chose. To find a
+file relative to the servlet's directory, prefix the path with whatever
+\code{self.serverSidePath()} returns (from \code{Servlet.serverSidePath()}.
+If you don't understand how \code{\#extends} and \code{\#implements} work, and
+about a template's main method, read the chapter on inheritance (sections
+\ref{inheritanceEtc.extends} and \ref{inheritanceEtc.implements}). This may
+help you avoid buggy servlets.
+% Local Variables:
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+%# vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab
+``Template`` subclasses Webware's ``Servlet`` class when available,
+so the generated class can be used as a Webware servlet. This is practical
+only with precompiled templates.
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+\section{non-Webware HTML output}
+Cheetah can be used with all types of HTML output, not just with Webware.
+\subsection{Static HTML Pages}
+Some sites like Linux Gazette (\url{}) require
+completely static pages because they are mirrored on servers running completely
+different software from the main site. Even dynamic sites may have one or
+two pages that are static for whatever reason, and the site administrator may
+wish to generate those pages from Cheetah templates.
+There's nothing special here. Just create your templates as usual. Then
+compile and fill them whenever the template definition changes, and fill them
+again whenever the placeholder values change. You may need an extra step to
+copy the .html files to their final location. A Makefile (chapter
+\ref{tips.Makefile}) can help encapsulate these steps.
+\subsection{CGI scripts}
+Unlike Webware servlets, which don't have to worry about the HTTP headers,
+CGI scripts must emit their own headers. To make a template CGI aware, add
+this at the top:
+#extends Cheetah.Tools.CGITemplate
+#implements respond
+Or if your template is inheriting from a Python class:
+#extends MyPythonClass
+#implements respond
+A sample Python class:
+from Cheetah.Tools import CGITemplate
+class MyPythonClass(CGITemplate):
+ def cgiHeadersHook(self):
+ return "Content-Type: text/html; charset=koi8-r\n\n"
+Compile the template as usual, put the .py template module in your
+cgi-bin directory and give it execute permission. \code{.cgiHeaders()} is
+a ``smart'' method that outputs the headers if the module is called as a
+CGI script, or outputs nothing if not. Being ``called as a CGI script''
+means the environmental variable \code{REQUEST\_METHOD} exists and
+\code{self.isControlledByWebKit} is false. If you don't agree with that
+definition, override \code{.isCgi()} and provide your own.
+The default header is a simple \verb+Content-type: text/html\n\n+, which works
+with all CGI scripts. If you want to customize the headers (e.g., to
+specify the character set), override \code{.cgiHeadersHook()} and return
+a string containing all the headers. Don't forget to include the extra
+newline at the end of the string: the HTTP protocol requires this empty
+line to mark the end of the headers.
+To read GET/POST variables from form input, use the \code{.webInput()} method
+(section \ref{webware.webInput}), or extract them yourself using Python's
+\code{cgi} module or your own function. Although \code{.webInput()} was
+originally written for Webware servlets, it now handles CGI scripts too. There
+are a couple behavioral differences between CGI scripts and Webware servlets
+regarding input variables:
+\item CGI scripts, using Python's \code{cgi} module, believe
+ \code{REQUEST\_METHOD} and recognize {\em either} GET variables {\em or}
+ POST variables, not both. Webware servlets, doing additional processing,
+ ignore \code{REQUEST\_METHOD} and recognize both, like PHP does.
+\item Webware servlets can ask for cookies or session variables instead of
+ GET/POST variables, by passing the argument \code{src='c'} or
+ \code{src='s'}. CGI scripts get a \code{RuntimeError} if they try to do
+ this.
+If you keep your .tmpl files in the same directory as your CGI scripts, make
+sure they don't have execute permission. Apache at least refuses to serve
+files in a \code{ScriptAlias} directory that don't have execute permission.
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+\section{Non-HTML Output}
+Cheetah can also output any other text format besides HTML.
+\subsection{Python source code}
+To be written. We're in the middle of working on an autoindenter to
+make it easier to encode Python indentation in a Cheetah template.
+% Local Variables:
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+\section{Batteries included: templates and other libraries}
+Cheetah comes ``batteries included'' with libraries of templates, functions,
+classes and other objects you can use in your own programs. The different
+types are listed alphabetically below, followed by a longer description of
+the SkeletonPage framework. Some of the objects are classes for specific
+purposes (e.g., filters or error catchers), while others are standalone and
+can be used without Cheetah.
+If you develop any objects which are generally useful for Cheetah sites,
+please consider posting them on the wiki with an announcement on the mailing
+list so we can incorporate them into the standard library. That way, all
+Cheetah users will benefit, and it will encourage others to contribute their
+objects, which might include something you want.
+Module \code{Cheetah.ErrorCatchers} contains error-handling classes suitable for
+the \code{\#errorCatcher} directive. These are debugging tools that are not
+intended for use in production systems. See section
+\ref{errorHandling.errorCatcher} for a description of the error catchers bundled
+with Cheetah.
+Module \code{Cheetah.FileUtils} contains generic functions and classes for
+doing bulk search-and-replace on several files, and for finding all the files
+in a directory hierarchy whose names match a glob pattern.
+Module \code{Filters} contains filters suitable for the \code{\#Filter}
+directive. See section \ref{output.filter} for a description of the
+filters bundled with Cheetah.
+The \code{SettingsManager} class in the \code{Cheetah.SettingsManager} module is
+a baseclass that provides facilities for managing application settings. It
+facilitates the use of user-supplied configuration files to fine tune an
+application. A setting is a key/value pair that an application or component
+(e.g., a filter, or your own servlets) looks up and treats as a configuration
+value to modify its (the component's) behaviour.
+SettingsManager is designed to:
+\item work well with nested settings dictionaries of any depth
+\item read/write \code{.ini style config files} (or strings)
+\item read settings from Python source files (or strings) so that
+ complex Python objects can be stored in the application's settings
+ dictionary. For example, you might want to store references to various
+ classes that are used by the application, and plugins to the application
+ might want to substitute one class for another.
+\item allow sections in \code{.ini config files} to be extended by settings in
+ Python src files. If a section contains a setting like
+ ``\code{}'', \code{SettingsManager} will merge
+ all the settings defined in ``\code{}'' with the settings for
+ that section that are defined in the \code{.ini config file}.
+\item maintain the case of setting names, unlike the ConfigParser module
+Cheetah uses \code{SettingsManager} to manage its configuration settings.
+\code{SettingsManager} might also be useful in your own applications. See the
+source code and docstrings in the file \code{src/} for more
+Package \code{Cheetah.Templates} contains stock templates that you can
+either use as is, or extend by using the \code{\#def} directive to redefine
+specific {\bf blocks}. Currently, the only template in here is SkeletonPage,
+which is described in detail below in section
+\ref{libraries.templates.skeletonPage}. (Contributed by Tavis Rudd.)
+Package \code{Cheetah.Tools} contains functions and classes contributed by third
+parties. Some are Cheetah-specific but others are generic and can be used
+standalone. None of them are imported by any other Cheetah component; you can
+delete the Tools/ directory and Cheetah will function fine.
+Some of the items in Tools/ are experimental and have been placed there just to
+see how useful they will be, and whether they attract enough users to make
+refining them worthwhile (the tools, not the users :).
+Nothing in Tools/ is guaranteed to be: (A) tested, (B) reliable, (C) immune
+from being deleted in a future Cheetah version, or (D) immune from
+backwards-incompatable changes. If you depend on something in Tools/ on a
+production system, consider making a copy of it outside the Cheetah/ directory
+so that this version won't be lost when you upgrade Cheetah. Also, learn
+enough about Python and about the Tool so that you can maintain it and bugfix
+it if necessary.
+If anything in Tools/ is found to be necessary to Cheetah's operation (i.e., if
+another Cheetah component starts importing it), it will be moved to the
+\code{Cheetah.Utils} package.
+Current Tools include:
+\item{Cheetah.Tools.MondoReport} an ambitious class useful when
+ iterating over records of data (\code{\#for} loops), displaying one
+ pageful of records at a time (with previous/next links), and printing
+ summary statistics about the records or the current page. See
+ \code{MondoReportDoc.txt} in the same directory as the module. Some
+ features are not implemented yet. \code{} is a test
+ suite (and it shows there are currently some errors in MondoReport, hmm).
+ Contributed by Mike Orr.
+\item{Cheetah.Tools.RecursiveNull} Nothing, but in a friendly way. Good
+ for filling in for objects you want to hide. If \code{\$form.f1} is a
+ RecursiveNull object, then \code{\$form.f1.anything["you"].might("use")}
+ will resolve to the empty string. You can also put a \code{RecursiveNull}
+ instance at the end of the searchList to convert missing values to ''
+ rather than raising a \code{NotFound} error or having a (less efficient)
+ errorCatcher handle it. Of course, maybe you prefer to get a
+ \code{NotFound} error... Contributed by Ian Bicking.
+\item{Cheetah.Tools.SiteHierarchy} Provides navigational links to this
+ page's parents and children. The constructor takes a recursive list of
+ (url,description) pairs representing a tree of hyperlinks to every page in
+ the site (or section, or application...), and also a string containing the
+ current URL. Two methods 'menuList' and 'crumbs' return output-ready HTML
+ showing an indented menu (hierarchy tree) or crumbs list (Yahoo-style bar:
+ home > grandparent > parent > currentURL). Contributed by Ian Bicking.
+Package \code{Cheetah.Utils} contains non-Cheetah-specific functions and
+classes that are imported by other Cheetah components. Many of these utils can
+be used standalone in other applications too.
+Current Utils include:
+\item{Cheetah.Utils.CGIImportMixin} This is inherited by \code{Template}
+ objects, and provides the method, \code{.cgiImport} method
+ (section \ref{webware.cgiImport}).
+\item{Cheetah.Utils.Misc} A catch-all module for small functions.
+ \begin{description}
+ \item{\code{UseOrRaise(thing, errmsg='')}} Raise 'thing' if it's a
+ subclass of Exception, otherwise return it. Useful when one
+ argument does double duty as a default value or an exception to
+ throw. Contribyted by Mike Orr.
+ \item{\code{checkKeywords(dic, legalKeywords, what='argument'}}
+ Verifies the dictionary does not contain any keys not listed in
+ 'legalKeywords'. If it does, raise TypeError. Useful for
+ checking the keyword arguments to a function. Contributed by
+ Mike Orr.
+ \end{description}
+\item{Cheetah.Utils.UploadFileMixin} Not implemented yet, but will contain
+ the \code{.uploadFile} method (or three methods) to ``safely'' copy a
+ form-uploaded file to a local file, to a searchList variable, or return
+ it. When finished, this will be inherited by \code{Template}, allowing
+ all templates to do this. If you want this feature, read the docstring
+ in the source and let us know on the mailing list what you'd like this
+ method to do. Contributed by Mike Orr.
+\item{Cheetah.Utils.VerifyType} Functions to verify the type of a
+ user-supplied function argument. Contributed by Mike Orr.
+A stock template class that may be useful for web developers is defined in
+the \code{Cheetah.Templates.SkeletonPage} module. The \code{SkeletonPage}
+template class is generated from the following Cheetah source code:
+##doc-module: A Skeleton HTML page template, that provides basic structure and utility methods.
+#extends Cheetah.Templates._SkeletonPage
+#implements respond
+#cache id='header'
+<!-- This document was autogenerated by Cheetah(
+Do not edit it directly!
+Copyright $currentYr - $siteCopyrightName - All Rights Reserved.
+Feel free to copy any javascript or html you like on this site,
+provided you remove all links and/or references to $siteDomainName
+However, please do not copy any content or images without permission.
+#block writeHeadTag
+#end block writeHeadTag
+#end cache header
+#block writeBody
+This skeleton page has no flesh. Its body needs to be implemented.
+#end block writeBody
+You can redefine any of the blocks defined in this template by writing a new
+template that \code{\#extends} SkeletonPage. (As you remember, using
+\code{\#extends} makes your template implement the \code{.writeBody()}
+method instead of \code{.respond()} -- which happens to be the same method
+SkeletonPage expects the page content to be (note the writeBody block in
+#def bodyContents
+Here's my new body. I've got some flesh on my bones now.
+#end def bodyContents
+%% @@MO: Is this still accurate? Does the child template really need to put a
+%% #def around its whole content? Or by implementing .writeBody() does it
+%% automatically insert itself as the writeBody portion of
+%% SkeletonPage? @@TR 2005-01-06: it happens automatically at the moment.
+All of the \$placeholders used in the \code{SkeletonPage} template definition
+are attributes or methods of the \code{SkeletonPage} class. You can reimplement
+them as you wish in your subclass. Please read the source code of the file
+\code{src/Templates/\} before doing so.
+You'll need to understand how to use the following methods of the
+\code{SkeletonPage} class: \code{\$metaTags()}, \code{\$stylesheetTags()},
+\code{\$javascriptTags()}, and \code{\$bodyTag()}. They take the data you
+define in various attributes and renders them into HTML tags.
+\item {\bf metaTags()} -- Returns a formatted vesion of the self.\_metaTags
+ dictionary, using the formatMetaTags function from
+ \code{\}.
+\item {\bf stylesheetTags()} -- Returns a formatted version of the
+ \code{self.\_stylesheetLibs} and \code{self.\_stylesheets} dictionaries.
+ The keys in \code{self.\_stylesheets} must be listed in the order that
+ they should appear in the list \code{self.\_stylesheetsOrder}, to ensure
+ that the style rules are defined in the correct order.
+\item {\bf javascriptTags()} -- Returns a formatted version of the
+ \code{self.\_javascriptTags} and \code{self.\_javascriptLibs} dictionaries.
+ Each value in \code{self.\_javascriptTags} should be a either a code string
+ to include, or a list containing the JavaScript version number and the code
+ string. The keys can be anything. The same applies for
+ \code{self.\_javascriptLibs}, but the string should be the SRC filename
+ rather than a code string.
+\item {\bf bodyTag()} -- Returns an HTML body tag from the entries in the dict
+ \code{self.\_bodyTagAttribs}.
+The class also provides some convenience methods that can be used as
+\$placeholders in your template definitions:
+\item {\bf imgTag(self, src, alt='', width=None, height=None, border=0)} --
+ Dynamically generate an image tag. Cheetah will try to convert the
+ ``\code{src}'' argument to a WebKit serverSidePath relative to the
+ servlet's location. If width and height aren't specified they are
+ calculated using PIL or ImageMagick if either of these tools are available.
+ If all your images are stored in a certain directory you can reimplement
+ this method to append that directory's path to the ``\code{src}'' argument.
+ Doing so would also insulate your template definitions from changes in your
+ directory structure.
+% Local Variables:
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+\section{Visual Editors}
+This chapter is about maintaining Cheetah templates with visual editors,
+and the tradeoffs between making it friendly to both text editors and visual
+Cheetah's main developers do not use visual editors. Tavis uses \code{emacs};
+Mike uses \code{vim}. So our first priority is to make templates easy to
+maintain in text editors. In particular, we don't want to add features
+like Zope Page Template's
+The syntax is so verbose it makes for a whole lotta typing just to insert a
+simple placeholder, for the benefit of editors we never use. However, as users
+identify features which would help their visual editing without making it
+harder to maintain templates in a text editor, we're all for it.
+As it said in the introduction, Cheetah purposely does not use HTML/XML
+tags for \$placeholders or \#directives. That way, when you preview the
+template in an editor that interprets HTML tags, you'll still see the
+placeholder and directive source definitions, which provides some ``mock text''
+even if it's not the size the final values will be, and allows you to use
+your imagination to translate how the directive output will look visually in
+the final.
+If your editor has syntax highlighting, turn it on. That makes a big
+difference in terms of making the template easier to edit. Since no
+``Cheetah mode'' has been invented yet, set your highlighting to Perl
+mode, and at least the directives/placeholders will show up in different
+colors, although the editor won't reliably guess where the
+directive/placeholder ends and normal text begins.
+% Local Variables:
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+\section{Useful Web Links}
+See the wiki for more links. (The wiki is also updated more often than this
+chapter is.)
+\subsection{Cheetah Links}
+\item[Home Page] -- \url{}
+\item[On-line Documentation] -- \url{}
+\item[SourceForge Project Page] -- \url{}
+\item[Mailing List Subscription Page] --
+ \url{}
+\item[Mailing List Archive @ Geocrawler] --
+ \url{}
+\item[Mailing List Archive @ Yahoo] --
+ \url{}
+\item[CVS Repository] -- \url{\_id=28961}
+\item[CVS-commits archive] --
+ \url{}
+\subsection{Third-party Cheetah Stuff}
+\item Steve Howell has written a photo viewer using Python.
+ \url{}
+\subsection{Webware Links}
+\item[Home Page] -- \url{}
+\item[On-line Documentation] -- \url{}
+\item[SourceForge Project Page] -- \url{}
+\item[Mailing List Subscription Page] --
+ \url{}
+\subsection{Python Links}
+\item[Home Page] -- \url{}
+\item[On-line Documentation] -- \url{}
+\item[SourceForge Project Page] -- \url{}
+\item[The Vaults of Parnassus: Python Resources] --
+ \url{}
+\item[Python Cookbook] -- \url{}
+\subsection{Other Useful Links}
+\subsubsection{Python Database Modules and Open Source Databases}
+\item[Python Database Topic Guide] -- \url{}
+\item[PostgreSQL Database] -- \url{}
+\item[MySQL Database] -- \url{}
+\item[A comparison of PostgreSQL and MySQL] --
+ \url{}
+\subsubsection{Other Template Systems}
+\item[Chuck's ``Templates'' Summary Page] -- \url{}
+\subsubsection{Other Internet development frameworks}
+\item[ZOPE (Z Object Publishing Environment)] -- \url{}
+\item[Server Side Java] -- \url{}
+\item[PHP] -- \url{}
+\item[IBM Websphere] -- \url{}
+\item[Coldfusion and Spectra] -- \url{}
+% Local Variables:
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+The Cheetah distribution comes with an 'examples' directory. Browse the
+files in this directory and its subdirectories for examples of how
+Cheetah can be used.
+\subsection{Syntax examples}
+The \code{Cheetah.Tests} module contains a large number of test cases that can
+double as examples of how the Cheetah Language works. To view these cases go
+to the base directory of your Cheetah distribution and open the file
+\code{Cheetah/Tests/} in a text editor.
+\subsection{Webware Examples}
+For examples of Cheetah in use with Webware visit the Cheetah and Webware wikis
+or use google. We used to have more examples in the cheetah source tarball, but
+they were out of date and confused people.
+% Local Variables:
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+\section{Cheetah vs. Other Template Engines}
+This appendix compares Cheetah with various other template/emdedded scripting
+languages and Internet development frameworks. As Cheetah is similar to
+Velocity at a superficial level, you may also wish to read comparisons between
+Velocity and other languages at
+\subsection{Which features are unique to Cheetah}
+\item The {\bf block framework} (section \ref{inheritanceEtc.block})
+\item Cheetah's powerful yet simple {\bf caching framework} (section
+ \ref{output.caching})
+\item Cheetah's {\bf Unified Dotted Notation} and {\bf autocalling}
+ (sections \ref{language.namemapper.dict} and
+ \ref{language.namemapper.autocalling})
+\item Cheetah's searchList (section \ref{language.searchList})
+ information.
+\item Cheetah's \code{\#raw} directive (section \ref{output.raw})
+\item Cheetah's \code{\#slurp} directive (section \ref{output.slurp})
+\item Cheetah's tight integration with Webware for Python (section
+ \ref{webware})
+\item Cheetah's {\bf SkeletonPage framework} (section
+ \ref{libraries.templates.skeletonPage})
+\item Cheetah's ability to mix PSP-style code with Cheetah
+ Language syntax (section \ref{tips.PSP})
+ Because of Cheetah's design and Python's flexibility it is
+ relatively easy to extend Cheetah's syntax with syntax elements from almost
+ any other template or embedded scripting language.
+%% @@MO: What about the new features we've been adding?
+\subsection{Cheetah vs. Velocity}
+For a basic introduction to Velocity, visit
+Velocity is a Java template engine. It's older than Cheetah, has a larger user
+base, and has better examples and docs at the moment. Cheetah, however, has a
+number of advantages over Velocity:
+\item Cheetah is written in Python. Thus, it's easier to use and extend.
+\item Cheetah's syntax is closer to Python's syntax than Velocity's is to
+\item Cheetah has a powerful caching mechanism. Velocity has no equivalent.
+\item It's far easier to add data/objects into the namespace where \$placeholder
+ values are extracted from in Cheetah. Velocity calls this namespace a 'context'.
+ Contexts are dictionaries/hashtables. You can put anything you want into a
+ context, BUT you have to use the .put() method to populate the context;
+ e.g.,
+VelocityContext context1 = new VelocityContext();
+context1.put("project", "Jakarta");
+context1.put("duplicate", "I am in context1");
+ Cheetah takes a different approach. Rather than require you to manually
+ populate the 'namespace' like Velocity, Cheetah will accept any existing
+ Python object or dictionary AS the 'namespace'. Furthermore, Cheetah
+ allows you to specify a list namespaces that will be searched in sequence
+ to find a varname-to-value mapping. This searchList can be extended at
+ run-time.
+ If you add a `foo' object to the searchList and the `foo' has an attribute
+ called 'bar', you can simply type \code{\$bar} in the template. If the
+ second item in the searchList is dictionary 'foofoo' containing
+ \code{\{'spam':1234, 'parrot':666\}}, Cheetah will first look in the `foo'
+ object for a `spam' attribute. Not finding it, Cheetah will then go to
+ `foofoo' (the second element in the searchList) and look among its
+ dictionary keys for `spam'. Finding it, Cheetah will select
+ \code{foofoo['spam']} as \code{\$spam}'s value.
+\item In Cheetah, the tokens that are used to signal the start of
+ \$placeholders and \#directives are configurable. You can set them to any
+ character sequences, not just \$ and \#.
+\subsection{Cheetah vs. WebMacro}
+For a basic introduction to WebMacro, visit
+The points discussed in section \ref{comparisons.velocity} also apply to the
+comparison between Cheetah and WebMacro. For further differences please refer
+to \url{}.
+\subsection{Cheetah vs. Zope's DTML}
+For a basic introduction to DTML, visit
+\item Cheetah is faster than DTML.
+\item Cheetah does not use HTML-style tags; DTML does. Thus, Cheetah tags are
+ visible in rendered HTML output if something goes wrong.
+\item DTML can only be used with ZOPE for web development; Cheetah can be
+ used as a standalone tool for any purpose.
+\item Cheetah's documentation is more complete than DTML's.
+\item Cheetah's learning curve is shorter than DTML's.
+\item DTML has no equivalent of Cheetah's blocks, caching framework,
+ unified dotted notation, and \code{\#raw} directive.
+Here are some examples of syntax differences between DTML and Cheetah:
+<dtml-in frogQuery>
+ <li><dtml-var animal_name></li>
+#for $animal_name in $frogQuery
+ <li>$animal_name</li>
+#end for
+<dtml-if expr="monkeys > monkey_limit">
+ <p>There are too many monkeys!</p>
+<dtml-elif expr="monkeys < minimum_monkeys">
+ <p>There aren't enough monkeys!</p>
+ <p>There are just enough monkeys.</p>
+#if $monkeys > $monkey_limit
+ <p>There are too many monkeys!</p>
+#else if $monkeys < $minimum_monkeys
+ <p>There aren't enough monkeys!</p>
+ <p>There are just enough monkeys.</p>
+#end if
+<dtml-in expr="objectValues('File')">
+ <dtml-if sequence-even>
+ <tr bgcolor="grey">
+ <dtml-else>
+ <tr>
+ </dtml-if>
+ <td>
+ <a href="&dtml-absolute_url;"><dtml-var title_or_id></a>
+ </td></tr>
+#set $evenRow = 0
+#for $file in $files('File')
+ #if $evenRow
+ <tr bgcolor="grey">
+ #set $evenRow = 0
+ #else
+ <tr>
+ #set $evenRow = 1
+ #end if
+ <td>
+ <a href="$file.absolute_url">$file.title_or_id</a>
+ </td></tr>
+#end for
+The last example changed the name of \code{\$objectValues} to
+\code{\$files} because that's what a Cheetah developer would write.
+The developer would be responsible for ensuring \code{\$files} returned a
+list (or tuple) of objects (or dictionaries) containing the attributes (or
+methods or dictionary keys) `absolute\_url' and `title\_or\_id'. All these
+names (`objectValues', `absolute\_url' and `title\_or\_id') are standard parts
+of Zope, but in Cheetah the developer is in charge of writing them and giving
+them a reasonable behaviour.
+Some of DTML's features are being ported to Cheetah, such as
+\code{Cheetah.Tools.MondoReport}, which is based on the
+\code{<dtml-in>} tag. We are also planning an output filter as flexible as
+the \code{<dtml-var>} formatting options. However, neither of these are
+complete yet.
+\subsection{Cheetah vs. Zope Page Templates}
+For a basic introduction to Zope Page Templates, please visit
+\subsection{Cheetah vs. PHP's Smarty templates}
+PHP (\url{}) is one of the few scripting languages
+expressly designed for web servlets. However, it's also a full-fledged
+programming language with libraries similar to Python's and Perl's. The
+syntax and functions are like a cross between Perl and C plus some original
+ideas (e.g.; a single array type serves as both a list and a dictionary,
+\verb+$arr[]="value";+ appends to an array).
+Smarty (\url{}) is an advanced template engine for
+PHP. ({\em Note:} this comparision is based on Smarty's on-line documentation.
+The author has not used Smarty. Please send corrections or ommissions to the
+Cheetah mailing list.) Like Cheetah, Smarty:
+\item compiles to the target programming language (PHP).
+\item has configurable delimeters.
+\item passes if-blocks directly to PHP, so you can use any PHP expression in
+\item allows you to embed PHP code in a template.
+\item has a caching framework (although it works quite differently).
+\item can read the template definition from any arbitrary source.
+Features Smarty has that Cheetah lacks:
+\item Preprocessors, postprocessors and output filters. You can emulate a
+preprocessor in Cheetah by running your template definition through a filter
+program or function before Cheetah sees it. To emulate a postprocessor, run a template module through a filter program/function. To emulate a Smarty
+output filter, run the template output through a filter program/function. If
+you want to use ``cheetah compile'' or ``cheetah fill'' in a pipeline, use
+\code{-} as the input file name and \code{--stdout} to send the result to
+standard output. Note that Cheetah uses the term ``output filter'' differently
+than Smarty: Cheetah output filters (\code{\#filter}) operate on placeholders,
+while Smarty output filters operate on the entire template output. There has
+been a proposed \code{\#sed} directive that would operate on the entire output
+line by line, but it has not been implemented.
+\item Variable modifiers. In some cases, Python has equivalent string
+methods (\code{.strip}, \code{.capitalize}, \code{.replace(SEARCH, REPL)}),
+but in other cases you must wrap the result in a function call or write
+a custom output filter (\code{\#filter}).
+\item Certain web-specific functions, which can be emulated with
+third-party functions.
+\item The ability to ``plug in'' new directives in a modular way. Cheetah
+directives are tightly bound to the compiler. However, third-party
+{\em functions} can be freely imported and called from placeholders, and
+{\em methods} can be mixed in via \code{\#extends}. Part of this is
+because Cheetah distinguishes between functions and directives, while
+Smarty treats them all as ``functions''. Cheetah's design does not
+allow functions to have flow control effect outside the function
+(e.g., \code{\#if} and \code{\#for}, which operate on template body lines),
+so directives like these cannot be encoded as functions.
+\item Configuration variables read from an .ini-style file. The
+\code{Cheetah.SettingsManager} module can parse such a file, but you'd
+have to invoke it manually. (See the docstrings in the module for
+details.) In Smarty, this feature is used for
+multilingual applications. In Cheetah, the developers maintain that everybody
+has their own preferred way to do this (such as using Python's \code{gettext}
+module), and it's not worth blessing one particular strategy in Cheetah since
+it's easy enough to integrate third-party code around the template, or to add
+the resulting values to the searchList.
+Features Cheetah has that Smarty lacks:
+\item Saving the compilation result in a Python (PHP) module for quick
+reading later.
+\item Caching individual placeholders or portions of a template. Smarty
+caches only the entire template output as a unit.
+Comparisions of various Smarty constructs:
+{assign var="name" value="Bob"} (#set has better syntax in the author's opinion)
+counter (looks like equivalent to #for)
+eval (same as #include with variable)
+fetch: insert file content into output (#include raw)
+fetch: insert URL content into output (no euqivalent, user can write
+ function calling urllib, call as $fetchURL('URL') )
+fetch: read file into variable (no equivalent, user can write function
+ based on the 'open/file' builtin, or on .getFileContents() in
+ Template.)
+fetch: read URL content into variable (no equivalent, use above
+ function and call as: #set $var = $fetchURL('URL')
+html_options: output an HTML option list (no equivalent, user can
+ write custom function. Maybe FunFormKit can help.)
+html_select_date: output three dropdown controls to specify a date
+ (no equivalent, user can write custom function)
+html_select_time: output four dropdown controls to specify a time
+ (no equvalent, user can write custom function)
+math: eval calculation and output result (same as #echo)
+math: eval calculation and assign to variable (same as #set)
+popup_init: library for popup windows (no equivalent, user can write
+ custom method outputting Javascript)
+Other commands:
+capture (no equivalent, collects output into variable. A Python
+ program would create a StringIO instance, set sys.stdout to
+ it temporarily, print the output, set sys.stdout back, then use
+ .getvalue() to get the result.)
+config_load (roughly analagous to #settings, which was removed
+ from Cheetah. Use Cheetah.SettingsManager manually or write
+ a custom function.)
+include (same as #include, but can include into variable.
+ Variables are apparently shared between parent and child.)
+include_php: include a PHP script (e.g., functions)
+ (use #extends or #import instead)
+insert (same as #include not in a #cache region)
+{ldelim}{rdelim} (escape literal $ and # with a backslash,
+ use #compiler-settings to change the delimeters)
+literal (#raw)
+php (``<% %>'' tags)
+section (#for $i in $range(...) )
+foreach (#for)
+strip (like the #sed tag which was never implemented. Strips
+ leading/trailing whitespace from lines, joins several lines
+ together.)
+Variable modifiers:
+capitalize ( $STRING.capitalize() )
+count_characters ( $len(STRING) )
+count_paragraphs/sentances/words (no equivalent, user can write function)
+date_format (use 'time' module or download Egenix's mx.DateTime)
+default ($getVar('varName', 'default value') )
+escape: html encode ($cgi.escape(VALUE) )
+escape: url encode ($urllib.quote_plus(VALUE) )
+escape: hex encode (no equivalent? user can write function)
+escape: hex entity encode (no equivalent? user can write function)
+indent: indent all lines of a var's output (may be part of future
+ #indent directive)
+lower ($STRING.lower() )
+regex_replace ('re' module)
+replace ($STRING.replace(OLD, NEW, MAXSPLIT) )
+spacify (#echo "SEPARATOR".join(SEQUENCE) )
+string_format (#echo "%.2f" % FLOAT , etc.)
+strip_tags (no equivalent, user can write function to strip HTML tags,
+ or customize the WebSafe filter)
+truncate (no equivalent, user can write function)
+upper ($STRING.upper() )
+wordwrap ('writer' module, or a new module coming in Python 2.3)
+Some of these modifiers could be added to the super output filter we
+want to write someday.
+\subsection{Cheetah vs. PHPLib's Template class}
+PHPLib (\url( is a collection of classes for various
+web objects (authentication, shopping cart, sessions, etc), but what we're
+interested in is the \code{Template} object. It's much more primitive than
+Smarty, and was based on an old Perl template class. In fact, one of the
+precursors to Cheetah was based on it too. Differences from Cheetah:
+\item Templates consist of text with \code{\{placeholders\}} in braces.
+\item Instead of a searchList, there is one flat namespace. Every variable
+ must be assigned via the \code{set\_var} method. However, you can pass
+ this method an array (dictionary) of several variables at once.
+\item You cannot embed lookups or calculations into the template. Every
+ placeholder must be an exact variable name.
+\item There are no directives. You must do all display logic (if, for, etc)
+ in the calling routine.
+\item There is, however, a ``block'' construct. A block is a portion of text
+ between the comment markers \code{<!-- BEGIN blockName --> \ldots
+ <!-- END blockName>}. The \code{set\_block} method extracts this text
+ into a namespace variable and puts a placeholder referring to it in the
+ template. This has a few parallels with Cheetah's \code{\#block}
+ directive but is overall quite different.
+\item To do the equivalent of \code{\#if}, extract the block. Then if true, do
+ nothing. If false, assign the empty string to the namespace variable.
+\item To do the equivalent of \code{\#for}, extract the block. Set any
+ namespace variables needed inside the loop. To parse one iteration, use
+ the \code{parse} method to fill the block variable (a mini-template) into
+ another namespace variable, appending to it. Refresh the namespace
+ variables needed inside the loop and parse again; repeat for each
+ iteration. You'll end up with a mini-result that will be plugged into the
+ main template's placeholder.
+\item To read a template definition from a file, use the \code{set\_file}
+ method. This places the file's content in a namespace variable.
+ To read a template definition from a string, assign it to a namespace
+ variable.
+\item Thus, for complicated templates, you are doing a lot of recursive block
+ filling and file reading and parsing mini-templates all into one flat
+ namespace as you finally build up values for the main template. In
+ Cheetah, all this display logic can be embedded into the template using
+ directives, calling out to Python methods for the more complicated tasks.
+\item Although you can nest blocks in the template, it becomes tedious and
+ arguably hard to read, because all blocks have identical syntax. Unless
+ you choose your block names carefully and put comments around them, it's
+ hard to tell which blocks are if-blocks and which are for-blocks, or what
+ their nesting order is.
+\item PHPLib templates do not have caching, output filters, etc.
+\subsection{Cheetah vs. PSP, PHP, ASP, JSP, Embperl, etc.}
+\item[Webware's PSP Component] -- \url{}
+\item[Tomcat JSP Information] -- \url{}
+\item[ASP Information at ASP101] -- \url{}
+\item[Embperl] -- \url{}
+Here's a basic Cheetah example:
+#for $client in $service.clients
+<TD>$client.surname, $client.firstname</TD>
+<TD><A HREF="mailto:$" >$</A></TD>
+#end for
+Compare this with PSP:
+<% for client in service.clients(): %>
+<TD><%=client.surname()%>, <%=client.firstname()%></TD>
+<TD><A HREF="mailto:<>"><></A></TD>
+% Local Variables:
+% TeX-master: "users_guide"
+% End:
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+\paragraph*{The gist}
+Cheetah is open source, but products developed with Cheetah or derived
+from Cheetah may be open source or closed source.
+(@@MO If this licence is identical to the MIT license, let's say so. That will
+make it easier for distributors/aggregators to classify the product.)
+\paragraph*{Legal terms}
+Copyright \copyright 2001-2006, The Cheetah Development Team: Tavis Rudd, Mike
+Orr, Ian Bicking, Chuck Esterbrook, JJ Behrens.
+(@@MO Who is the current development team? Chuck and Ian have not been major
+contributors for years. However, some of their code may remain in Cheetah.)
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose
+and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice
+appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission
+notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of the authors not
+be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
+without specific, written prior permission.
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+RST = --stylesheet=default.css --link-stylesheet --initial-header-level=2
+#%.html: %.txt
+# ${RST} $< $@
+ #${RST} --warnings=/dev/null index.txt index.html
+ ${RST} 01_introduction.txt 01_introduction.html
+ ${RST} 02_glossary.txt 02_glossary.html
+ ${RST} 03_gettingStarted.txt 03_gettingStarted.html
+ ${RST} 04_howItWorks.txt 04_howItWorks.html
+ ${RST} 04_howItWorks.txt 04_howItWorks.html
+ ${RST} 13a_precompiledTemplateModules.txt 13a_precompiledTemplateModules.html
+# vim: sw=8 ts=8 noexpandtab ai
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+/* BEGIN Cheetah additions. *********************************** */
+body {
+ /* font-size: 10pt; */
+blockquote {
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+li {
+ margin-bottom: 1em;
+/* END Cheetah additions. ************************************ */
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Date: $Date: 2006/02/20 07:38:08 $
+:Revision: $Revision: 1.1 $
+:Copyright: This stylesheet has been placed in the public domain.
+Default cascading style sheet for the HTML output of Docutils.
+See for how to
+customize this style sheet.
+/* "! important" is used here to override other ``margin-top`` and
+ ``margin-bottom`` styles that are later in the stylesheet or
+ more specific. See */
+.first {
+ margin-top: 0 ! important }
+.last, .with-subtitle {
+ margin-bottom: 0 ! important }
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+ display: none }
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+ text-decoration: none ;
+ color: black }
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+ margin: 2em 5em ; }
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+ font-weight: bold ;
+ text-align: center }
+div.admonition, div.attention, div.caution, div.danger, div.error,
+div.hint, div.important, div.note, div.tip, div.warning {
+ margin: 2em ;
+ border: medium outset ;
+ padding: 1em }
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+div.important p.admonition-title, div.note p.admonition-title,
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+ font-family: sans-serif }
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+div.danger p.admonition-title, div.error p.admonition-title,
+div.warning p.admonition-title {
+ color: red ;
+ font-weight: bold ;
+ font-family: sans-serif }
+/* Uncomment (and remove this text!) to get reduced vertical space in
+ compound paragraphs.
+div.compound .compound-first, div.compound .compound-middle {
+ margin-bottom: 0.5em }
+div.compound .compound-last, div.compound .compound-middle {
+ margin-top: 0.5em }
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+ font-style: normal }
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+ font-size: medium }
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+ color: red }
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+ padding: 1em }
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+ color: red ;
+ font-weight: bold }
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+ font-weight: bold ;
+ font-size: larger }
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+ font-family: sans-serif ;
+ font-weight: bold }
+p.topic-title {
+ font-weight: bold }
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+ margin-top: 0 ;
+ font-family: serif ;
+ font-size: 100% }
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+ font-style: oblique }
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+ font-family: sans-serif ;
+ font-weight: bold }
+span.interpreted {
+ font-family: sans-serif }
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+ white-space: nowrap }
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+ white-space: pre }
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+ color: red }
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+ /* font-size relative to parent (h1..h6 element) */
+ font-size: 80% }
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+ border-left: solid thin gray }
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+ margin: 2em 4em }
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+ margin-top: 0.5em ;
+ margin-bottom: 0.5em }
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+ border-left: solid thin black }
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+table.docinfo td, table.docinfo th {
+ padding-left: 0.5em ;
+ padding-right: 0.5em ;
+ vertical-align: top }
+table.docutils th.field-name, table.docinfo th.docinfo-name {
+ font-weight: bold ;
+ text-align: left ;
+ white-space: nowrap ;
+ padding-left: 0 }
+h1 tt.docutils, h2 tt.docutils, h3 tt.docutils,
+h4 tt.docutils, h5 tt.docutils, h6 tt.docutils {
+ font-size: 100% }
+tt.docutils {
+ background-color: #eeeeee }
+ {
+ list-style-type: none }
+/* vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab ai */
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#Looking up values held in dictionaries.
+#No need to use all values in searchlist.
+from Cheetah.Template import Template
+tmpl = "$value1 $value2 $value3"
+NS = [{'value1':1, 'value2':2}, {'value3':3},{'value4':4}]
+T = Template.compile(source=tmpl)
+t = T(namespaces=NS)
+print t.respond() #1,2,3
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index 0000000..ee0f7a7
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from Cheetah.Template import Template
+#A retrieved value can be any Python object and can be used _exactly_
+#as it would be in Python code
+tmpl = "$value1, $value2, $value3[0], $value3[1], $value4[0]['this'][0]"
+NS = [{'value1':1, 'value2':2, 'value3':[3,4], 'value4': [ {'this':[5]}]} ]
+#Compile and fill template in one step
+t = Template.compile(source=tmpl)(namespaces=NS)
+print t.respond() #1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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index 0000000..5c89a65
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+++ b/docs/users_guide_2_src/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from Cheetah.Template import Template
+#The namespaces list is a list of dictionaries and/or
+#class instances. Search is for dictionary key or object
+#attributes in this list
+class X:
+ pass
+x = X()
+x.value3 = 3
+x.value4 = 4
+tmpl = "$value1, $value2, $value3, $value4"
+NS = [{'value1':1},{'value2':2}, x]
+t = Template.compile(source=tmpl)(namespaces=NS)
+print t.respond() #1,2,3,4
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+from Cheetah.Template import Template
+from Cheetah import NameMapper
+#Error. Cheetah cannot find 'x' because
+#it is not dictionary key or instance member:
+class X:
+ pass
+x = X()
+x.value3 = 3
+tmpl = "$x.value3"
+NS = [x]
+t = Template.compile(source=tmpl)(namespaces=NS)
+ t.respond() #Here substitution is attempted
+except NameMapper.NotFound, e:
+ print 'NameMapper.NotFound: %s' % e
+ #NameMapper.NotFound: cannot find 'x'
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+from Cheetah.Template import Template
+# ways of using Python to process values after
+#retrieval. 1. Sets a new variable then uses it,
+#2. Uses pure Python function to set new variable
+#3. Cheetah calls function directly
+#4. Extended ${} syntax without function call
+tmpl = """
+#set $value1 = $value.replace(' ','-')
+1. $value1
+<% def change(x):
+ return x.replace(' ','-')
+#set $value1 = change($value)
+2. $value1
+3. $change($value)
+4. ${value.replace(' ','-')}
+NS = [ {'value':'this and that'}]
+#compile and fill the template
+t = Template(source=tmpl, namespaces=NS)
+print t.respond()
diff --git a/docs/users_guide_2_src/ b/docs/users_guide_2_src/
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index 0000000..80f9a1d
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+++ b/docs/users_guide_2_src/
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+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Convert files from LaTeX format to ReStructured Text.
+ This converter is meant only for saving keystrokes. It won't catch
+ everything and it may misformat stuff, so proofread the file after
+ processing.
+ "Verbatim" blocks are not converted due to the difficulty in placing the
+ preceding colon(s) and indenting every line.
+import os, re, shutil, sys
+def convert(filename):
+ print "Processing file", filename
+ backup = filename + ".bak"
+ shutil.copy2(filename, backup)
+ f = open(filename, 'r+')
+ text =
+ text = re.sub( R"%%%+", R"", text)
+ text = re.sub( R"\\section\{(.*?)\}", R"\1\n" + ("=" * 40), text)
+ text = re.sub( R"\\subsection\{(.*?)\}", R"\1\n" + ("-" * 40), text)
+ text = re.sub( R"\\label\{(.*?)\}", R"\n..\n :label: \1", text)
+ text = re.sub( R"``|''", R'"', text)
+ text = re.sub( R"(?s)\{\\em (.*?)\}", R"*\1*", text)
+ text = re.sub( R"(?s)\{\\bf (.*?)\}", R"**\1**", text)
+ text = re.sub( R"(?s)\\code\{(.*?)\}", R"``\1``", text)
+ text = re.sub( R"\\(begin|end)\{(itemize|enumerate)\}\n", R"", text)
+ text = re.sub( R"\\item ", R"* ", text)
+ #text = re.sub(
+ # R"(?sm)(\w):\n\s*^\\begin\{verbatim\}\s*(.*?)\\end\{verbatim\}",
+ # R"\1::\n\n\2", text)
+ f.write(text)
+ f.truncate()
+ f.close()
+def main():
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ raise SystemExit("usage: %s FILENAMES ..." % prog)
+ for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
+ convert(filename)
+if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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+++ b/docs/users_guide_2_src/unused.txt
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+\subsection{Give me an example of a Webware servlet!}
+This example uses an HTML form to ask the user's name, then invokes itself
+again to display a {\em personalized} friendly greeting.
+<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>My Template-Servlet</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>
+#set $name = $request.field('name', None)
+#if $name
+Hello $name
+Name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name"><BR>
+<INPUT TYPE="submit">
+#end if
+To try it out for yourself on a Webware system:
+\item copy the template definition to a file {\bf test.tmpl} in your
+ Webware servlet directory.
+\item Run ``\code{cheetah compile test.tmpl}''. This produces
+ {\bf} (a .py template module) in the same directory.
+\item In your web browser, go to {\bf}, using whatever site and
+ directory is appropriate. Depending on your Webware configuration, you may
+ also be able to go to {\bf test}.
+At the first request, field `name' will be blank (false) so the ``\#else''
+portion will execute and present a form. You type your name and press submit.
+The form invokes the same page. Now `name' is true so the ``\#if'' portion
+executes, which displays the greeting. The ``\#set'' directive creates a
+local variable that lasts while the template is being filled.
+To install Cheetah in your system-wide Python library:
+* Login as a user with privileges to install system-wide Python packages.
+ On POSIX systems (AIX, Solaris, Linux, IRIX, etc.), the command is
+Certain test failures are insignificant:
+\item{**AssertionError: Template output mismatch: Expected Output = 0(end)
+Actual Output = False(end)**} Python 2.3 changed the string representation of
+booleans, and the tests haven't yet been updated to reflect this.
+\item{**AssertionError: subcommand exit status 127**} Certain tests run
+"cheetah" as a subcommand. The failure may mean the command wasn't found
+in your system path. (What happens if you run "cheetah" on the command line?)
+The failure also happens on some Windows systems for unknown reasons. This
+failure has never been observed outside the test suite. Long term, we plan to
+rewrite the tests to do a function call rather than a subcommand, which will
+also make the tests run significantly faster.
+\item{**ImportError: No module named SampleBaseClass**} The test tried to
+write a temporary module in the current directory and ``import`` it. Reread
+the first paragraph in this section about the current directory.
+\item{**ImportError: No module named tmp**} May be the same problem as
+SampleBaseClass; let us know if changing the current directory doesn't work.
+ normally 'su root'. On non-POSIX systems such as Windows NT, login as an
+ administrator.