path: root/docs/devel_guide_src/safeDelegation.tex
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diff --git a/docs/devel_guide_src/safeDelegation.tex b/docs/devel_guide_src/safeDelegation.tex
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+++ b/docs/devel_guide_src/safeDelegation.tex
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+\section{Safe Delegation}
+% @@MO: Does this really belong in the Developers' Guide or any guide?
+% It's more of a wiki Wishlist item, no? Especially since nobody has
+% expressed a need for it.
+Safe delegation, as provided by Zope and Allaire's Spectra, is not implemented
+in Cheetah. The core aim has been to help developers and template maintainers
+get things done, without throwing unnecessary complications in their
+way. So you should give write access to your templates only to those whom you
+trust. However, several hooks have been built into Cheetah so that safe
+delegation can be implemented at a later date.
+It should be possible to implement safe delegation via a future configuration
+Setting \code{safeDelegationLevel} (0=none, 1=semi-secure, 2-alcatraz). This
+is not implemented but the steps are listed here in case somebody wants to try
+them out and test them.
+Of course, you would also need to benchmark your code
+and verify it does not impact performance when safe delegation is off, and
+impacts it only modestly when it is on." All necessary changes can be made
+at compile time, so there should be no performance impact when filling the
+same TO multiple times.
+\item Only give untrusted developers access to the .tmpl files.
+(Verifying what this means. Why can't trusted developers access them?)
+\item Disable the \code{\#attr} directive and maybe the \code{\#set} directive.
+\item Use Cheetah's directive validation hooks to disallow
+references to \code{self}, etc
+(e.g. \code{\#if \$steal(self.thePrivateVar)} )
+\item Implement a validator for the \$placeholders and use it
+to disallow '\_\_' in \$placeholders so that tricks like
+\code{\$obj.\_\_class\_\_.\_\_dict\_\_} are not possible.