path: root/cheetah/Tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cheetah/Tests/')
1 files changed, 3227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cheetah/Tests/ b/cheetah/Tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78e0cc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cheetah/Tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,3227 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
+Syntax and Output tests.
+- #finally
+- #filter
+- #errorCatcher
+- #echo
+- #silent
+import sys
+import types
+import re
+from copy import deepcopy
+import os
+import os.path
+import new
+import pdb
+import warnings
+from Cheetah.NameMapper import NotFound
+from Cheetah.NameMapper import C_VERSION as NameMapper_C_VERSION
+from Cheetah.Template import Template
+from Cheetah.Parser import ParseError
+from Cheetah.Compiler import Compiler, DEFAULT_COMPILER_SETTINGS
+import unittest_local_copy as unittest
+class Unspecified(object):
+ pass
+majorVer, minorVer = sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]
+versionTuple = (majorVer, minorVer)
+def testdecorator(func):
+ return func
+class DummyClass:
+ _called = False
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'object'
+ def meth(self, arg="arff"):
+ return str(arg)
+ def meth1(self, arg="doo"):
+ return arg
+ def meth2(self, arg1="a1", arg2="a2"):
+ return str(arg1) + str(arg2)
+ def methWithPercentSignDefaultArg(self, arg1="110%"):
+ return str(arg1)
+ def callIt(self, arg=1234):
+ self._called = True
+ self._callArg = arg
+def dummyFunc(arg="Scooby"):
+ return arg
+defaultTestNameSpace = {
+ 'aStr':'blarg',
+ 'anInt':1,
+ 'aFloat':1.5,
+ 'aList': ['item0','item1','item2'],
+ 'aDict': {'one':'item1',
+ 'two':'item2',
+ 'nestedDict':{1:'nestedItem1',
+ 'two':'nestedItem2'
+ },
+ 'nestedFunc':dummyFunc,
+ },
+ 'aFunc': dummyFunc,
+ 'anObj': DummyClass(),
+ 'aMeth': DummyClass().meth1,
+ 'aStrToBeIncluded': "$aStr $anInt",
+ 'none' : None,
+ 'emptyString':'',
+ 'numOne':1,
+ 'numTwo':2,
+ 'zero':0,
+ 'tenDigits': 1234567890,
+ 'webSafeTest': 'abc <=> &',
+ 'strip1': ' \t strippable whitespace \t\t \n',
+ 'strip2': ' \t strippable whitespace \t\t ',
+ 'strip3': ' \t strippable whitespace \t\t\n1 2 3\n',
+ 'blockToBeParsed':"""$numOne $numTwo""",
+ 'includeBlock2':"""$numOne $numTwo $aSetVar""",
+ 'includeFileName':'parseTest.txt',
+ 'listOfLambdas':[lambda x: x, lambda x: x, lambda x: x,],
+ 'list': [
+ {'index': 0, 'numOne': 1, 'numTwo': 2},
+ {'index': 1, 'numOne': 1, 'numTwo': 2},
+ ],
+ 'nameList': [('john', 'doe'), ('jane', 'smith')],
+ 'letterList': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
+ '_': lambda x: 'Translated: ' + x,
+ 'unicodeData':u'aoeu12345\u1234',
+ }
+class OutputTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ report = '''
+Template output mismatch:
+ Input Template =
+ Expected Output =
+ Actual Output =
+ convertEOLs = True
+ _EOLreplacement = None
+ _debugEOLReplacement = False
+ _searchList = [defaultTestNameSpace]
+ _useNewStyleCompilation = True
+ #_useNewStyleCompilation = False
+ _extraCompileKwArgs = None
+ def searchList(self):
+ return self._searchList
+ def verify(self, input, expectedOutput,
+ inputEncoding=None,
+ outputEncoding=None,
+ convertEOLs=Unspecified):
+ if self._EOLreplacement:
+ if convertEOLs is Unspecified:
+ convertEOLs = self.convertEOLs
+ if convertEOLs:
+ input = input.replace('\n', self._EOLreplacement)
+ expectedOutput = expectedOutput.replace('\n', self._EOLreplacement)
+ self._input = input
+ if self._useNewStyleCompilation:
+ extraKwArgs = self._extraCompileKwArgs or {}
+ templateClass = Template.compile(
+ source=input,
+ compilerSettings=self._getCompilerSettings(),
+ keepRefToGeneratedCode=True,
+ **extraKwArgs
+ )
+ moduleCode = templateClass._CHEETAH_generatedModuleCode
+ self.template = templateObj = templateClass(searchList=self.searchList())
+ else:
+ self.template = templateObj = Template(
+ input,
+ searchList=self.searchList(),
+ compilerSettings=self._getCompilerSettings(),
+ )
+ moduleCode = templateObj._CHEETAH_generatedModuleCode
+ if self.DEBUGLEV >= 1:
+ print moduleCode
+ try:
+ output = templateObj.respond() # rather than __str__, because of unicode
+ assert output==expectedOutput, self._outputMismatchReport(output, expectedOutput)
+ finally:
+ templateObj.shutdown()
+ def _getCompilerSettings(self):
+ return {}
+ def _outputMismatchReport(self, output, expectedOutput):
+ if self._debugEOLReplacement and self._EOLreplacement:
+ EOLrepl = self._EOLreplacement
+ marker = '*EOL*'
+ return % {'template': self._input.replace(EOLrepl,marker),
+ 'expected': expectedOutput.replace(EOLrepl,marker),
+ 'actual': output.replace(EOLrepl,marker),
+ 'end': '(end)'}
+ else:
+ return % {'template': self._input,
+ 'expected': expectedOutput,
+ 'actual': output,
+ 'end': '(end)'}
+ def genClassCode(self):
+ if hasattr(self, 'template'):
+ return self.template.generatedClassCode()
+ def genModuleCode(self):
+ if hasattr(self, 'template'):
+ return self.template.generatedModuleCode()
+class EmptyTemplate(OutputTest):
+ convertEOLs = False
+ def test1(self):
+ """an empty string for the template"""
+ warnings.filterwarnings('error',
+ 'You supplied an empty string for the source!',
+ UserWarning)
+ try:
+ self.verify("", "")
+ except UserWarning:
+ pass
+ else:
+"Should warn about empty source strings.")
+ try:
+ self.verify("#implements foo", "")
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ pass
+ else:
+"This should barf about respond() not being implemented.")
+ self.verify("#implements respond", "")
+ self.verify("#implements respond(foo=1234)", "")
+class Backslashes(OutputTest):
+ convertEOLs = False
+ def setUp(self):
+ fp = open('backslashes.txt','w')
+ fp.write(r'\ #LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"' + '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n')
+ fp.flush()
+ fp.close
+ def tearDown(self):
+ if os.path.exists('backslashes.txt'):
+ os.remove('backslashes.txt')
+ def test1(self):
+ """ a single \\ using rawstrings"""
+ self.verify(r"\ ",
+ r"\ ")
+ def test2(self):
+ """ a single \\ using rawstrings and lots of lines"""
+ self.verify(r"\ " + "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
+ r"\ " + "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n")
+ def test3(self):
+ """ a single \\ without using rawstrings"""
+ self.verify("\ \ ",
+ "\ \ ")
+ def test4(self):
+ """ single line from an apache conf file"""
+ self.verify(r'#LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"',
+ r'#LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"')
+ def test5(self):
+ """ single line from an apache conf file with many NEWLINES
+ The NEWLINES are used to make sure that MethodCompiler.commitStrConst()
+ is handling long and short strings in the same fashion. It uses
+ triple-quotes for strings with lots of \\n in them and repr(theStr) for
+ shorter strings with only a few newlines."""
+ self.verify(r'#LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"' + '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n',
+ r'#LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"' + '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n')
+ def test6(self):
+ """ test backslash handling in an included file"""
+ self.verify(r'#include "backslashes.txt"',
+ r'\ #LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"' + '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n')
+ def test7(self):
+ """ a single \\ without using rawstrings plus many NEWLINES"""
+ self.verify("\ \ " + "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
+ "\ \ " + "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n")
+ def test8(self):
+ """ single line from an apache conf file with single quotes and many NEWLINES
+ """
+ self.verify(r"""#LogFormat '%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b'""" + '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n',
+ r"""#LogFormat '%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b'""" + '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n')
+class NonTokens(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """dollar signs not in Cheetah $vars"""
+ self.verify("$ $$ $5 $. $ test",
+ "$ $$ $5 $. $ test")
+ def test2(self):
+ """hash not in #directives"""
+ self.verify("# \# #5 ",
+ "# # #5 ")
+ def test3(self):
+ """escapted comments"""
+ self.verify(" \##escaped comment ",
+ " ##escaped comment ")
+ def test4(self):
+ """escapted multi-line comments"""
+ self.verify(" \#*escaped comment \n*# ",
+ " #*escaped comment \n*# ")
+ def test5(self):
+ """1 dollar sign"""
+ self.verify("$",
+ "$")
+ def _X_test6(self):
+ """1 dollar sign followed by hash"""
+ self.verify("\n$#\n",
+ "\n$#\n")
+ def test6(self):
+ """1 dollar sign followed by EOL Slurp Token"""
+ self.verify("\n$%s\n"%DEFAULT_COMPILER_SETTINGS['EOLSlurpToken'],
+ "\n$")
+ else:
+ self.verify("\n$#\n",
+ "\n$#\n")
+class Comments_SingleLine(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """## followed by WS"""
+ self.verify("## ",
+ "")
+ def test2(self):
+ """## followed by NEWLINE"""
+ self.verify("##\n",
+ "")
+ def test3(self):
+ """## followed by text then NEWLINE"""
+ self.verify("## oeuao aoe uaoe \n",
+ "")
+ def test4(self):
+ """## gobbles leading WS"""
+ self.verify(" ## oeuao aoe uaoe \n",
+ "")
+ def test5(self):
+ """## followed by text then NEWLINE, + leading WS"""
+ self.verify(" ## oeuao aoe uaoe \n",
+ "")
+ def test6(self):
+ """## followed by EOF"""
+ self.verify("##",
+ "")
+ def test7(self):
+ """## followed by EOF with leading WS"""
+ self.verify(" ##",
+ "")
+ def test8(self):
+ """## gobble line
+ with text on previous and following lines"""
+ self.verify("line1\n ## aoeu 1234 \nline2",
+ "line1\nline2")
+ def test9(self):
+ """## don't gobble line
+ with text on previous and following lines"""
+ self.verify("line1\n 12 ## aoeu 1234 \nline2",
+ "line1\n 12 \nline2")
+ def test10(self):
+ """## containing $placeholders
+ """
+ self.verify("##$a$b $c($d)",
+ "")
+ def test11(self):
+ """## containing #for directive
+ """
+ self.verify("##for $i in range(15)",
+ "")
+class Comments_MultiLine_NoGobble(OutputTest):
+ """
+ Multiline comments used to not gobble whitespace. They do now, but this can
+ be turned off with a compilerSetting
+ """
+ def _getCompilerSettings(self):
+ return {'gobbleWhitespaceAroundMultiLineComments':False}
+ def test1(self):
+ """#* *# followed by WS
+ Shouldn't gobble WS
+ """
+ self.verify("#* blarg *# ",
+ " ")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#* *# preceded and followed by WS
+ Shouldn't gobble WS
+ """
+ self.verify(" #* blarg *# ",
+ " ")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#* *# followed by WS, with NEWLINE
+ Shouldn't gobble WS
+ """
+ self.verify("#* \nblarg\n *# ",
+ " ")
+ def test4(self):
+ """#* *# preceded and followed by WS, with NEWLINE
+ Shouldn't gobble WS
+ """
+ self.verify(" #* \nblarg\n *# ",
+ " ")
+class Comments_MultiLine(OutputTest):
+ """
+ Note: Multiline comments don't gobble whitespace!
+ """
+ def test1(self):
+ """#* *# followed by WS
+ Should gobble WS
+ """
+ self.verify("#* blarg *# ",
+ "")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#* *# preceded and followed by WS
+ Should gobble WS
+ """
+ self.verify(" #* blarg *# ",
+ "")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#* *# followed by WS, with NEWLINE
+ Shouldn't gobble WS
+ """
+ self.verify("#* \nblarg\n *# ",
+ "")
+ def test4(self):
+ """#* *# preceded and followed by WS, with NEWLINE
+ Shouldn't gobble WS
+ """
+ self.verify(" #* \nblarg\n *# ",
+ "")
+ def test5(self):
+ """#* *# containing nothing
+ """
+ self.verify("#**#",
+ "")
+ def test6(self):
+ """#* *# containing only NEWLINES
+ """
+ self.verify(" #*\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n*# ",
+ "")
+ def test7(self):
+ """#* *# containing $placeholders
+ """
+ self.verify("#* $var $var(1234*$c) *#",
+ "")
+ def test8(self):
+ """#* *# containing #for directive
+ """
+ self.verify("#* #for $i in range(15) *#",
+ "")
+ def test9(self):
+ """ text around #* *# containing #for directive
+ """
+ self.verify("foo\nfoo bar #* #for $i in range(15) *# foo\n",
+ "foo\nfoo bar foo\n")
+ def test9(self):
+ """ text around #* *# containing #for directive and trailing whitespace
+ which should be gobbled
+ """
+ self.verify("foo\nfoo bar #* #for $i in range(15) *# \ntest",
+ "foo\nfoo bar \ntest")
+ def test10(self):
+ """ text around #* *# containing #for directive and newlines: trailing whitespace
+ which should be gobbled.
+ """
+ self.verify("foo\nfoo bar #* \n\n#for $i in range(15) \n\n*# \ntest",
+ "foo\nfoo bar \ntest")
+class Placeholders(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """1 placeholder"""
+ self.verify("$aStr", "blarg")
+ def test2(self):
+ """2 placeholders"""
+ self.verify("$aStr $anInt", "blarg 1")
+ def test3(self):
+ """2 placeholders, back-to-back"""
+ self.verify("$aStr$anInt", "blarg1")
+ def test4(self):
+ """1 placeholder enclosed in ()"""
+ self.verify("$(aStr)", "blarg")
+ def test5(self):
+ """1 placeholder enclosed in {}"""
+ self.verify("${aStr}", "blarg")
+ def test6(self):
+ """1 placeholder enclosed in []"""
+ self.verify("$[aStr]", "blarg")
+ def test7(self):
+ """1 placeholder enclosed in () + WS
+ Test to make sure that $(<WS><identifier>.. matches
+ """
+ self.verify("$( aStr )", "blarg")
+ def test8(self):
+ """1 placeholder enclosed in {} + WS"""
+ self.verify("${ aStr }", "blarg")
+ def test9(self):
+ """1 placeholder enclosed in [] + WS"""
+ self.verify("$[ aStr ]", "blarg")
+ def test10(self):
+ """1 placeholder enclosed in () + WS + * cache
+ Test to make sure that $*(<WS><identifier>.. matches
+ """
+ self.verify("$*( aStr )", "blarg")
+ def test11(self):
+ """1 placeholder enclosed in {} + WS + *cache"""
+ self.verify("$*{ aStr }", "blarg")
+ def test12(self):
+ """1 placeholder enclosed in [] + WS + *cache"""
+ self.verify("$*[ aStr ]", "blarg")
+ def test13(self):
+ """1 placeholder enclosed in {} + WS + *<int>*cache"""
+ self.verify("$*5*{ aStr }", "blarg")
+ def test14(self):
+ """1 placeholder enclosed in [] + WS + *<int>*cache"""
+ self.verify("$*5*[ aStr ]", "blarg")
+ def test15(self):
+ """1 placeholder enclosed in {} + WS + *<float>*cache"""
+ self.verify("$*0.5d*{ aStr }", "blarg")
+ def test16(self):
+ """1 placeholder enclosed in [] + WS + *<float>*cache"""
+ self.verify("$*.5*[ aStr ]", "blarg")
+ def test17(self):
+ """1 placeholder + *<int>*cache"""
+ self.verify("$*5*aStr", "blarg")
+ def test18(self):
+ """1 placeholder *<float>*cache"""
+ self.verify("$*0.5h*aStr", "blarg")
+ def test19(self):
+ """1 placeholder surrounded by single quotes and multiple newlines"""
+ self.verify("""'\n\n\n\n'$aStr'\n\n\n\n'""",
+ """'\n\n\n\n'blarg'\n\n\n\n'""")
+ def test20(self):
+ """silent mode $!placeholders """
+ self.verify("$!aStr$!nonExistant$!*nonExistant$!{nonExistant}", "blarg")
+ try:
+ self.verify("$!aStr$nonExistant",
+ "blarg")
+ except NotFound:
+ pass
+ else:
+'should raise NotFound exception')
+ def test21(self):
+ """Make sure that $*caching is actually working"""
+ namesStr = 'You Me Them Everyone'
+ names = namesStr.split()
+ tmpl = Template.compile('#for name in $names: $name ', baseclass=dict)
+ assert str(tmpl({'names':names})).strip()==namesStr
+ tmpl = tmpl.subclass('#for name in $names: $*name ')
+ assert str(tmpl({'names':names}))=='You '*len(names)
+ tmpl = tmpl.subclass('#for name in $names: $*1*name ')
+ assert str(tmpl({'names':names}))=='You '*len(names)
+ tmpl = tmpl.subclass('#for name in $names: $*1*(name) ')
+ assert str(tmpl({'names':names}))=='You '*len(names)
+ if versionTuple > (2,2):
+ tmpl = tmpl.subclass('#for name in $names: $*1*(name) ')
+ assert str(tmpl(names=names))=='You '*len(names)
+class Placeholders_Vals(OutputTest):
+ convertEOLs = False
+ def test1(self):
+ """string"""
+ self.verify("$aStr", "blarg")
+ def test2(self):
+ """string - with whitespace"""
+ self.verify(" $aStr ", " blarg ")
+ def test3(self):
+ """empty string - with whitespace"""
+ self.verify("$emptyString", "")
+ def test4(self):
+ """int"""
+ self.verify("$anInt", "1")
+ def test5(self):
+ """float"""
+ self.verify("$aFloat", "1.5")
+ def test6(self):
+ """list"""
+ self.verify("$aList", "['item0', 'item1', 'item2']")
+ def test7(self):
+ """None
+ The default output filter is ReplaceNone.
+ """
+ self.verify("$none", "")
+ def test8(self):
+ """True, False
+ """
+ self.verify("$True $False", "%s %s"%(repr(True), repr(False)))
+ def test9(self):
+ """$_
+ """
+ self.verify("$_('foo')", "Translated: foo")
+class PlaceholderStrings(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """some c'text $placeholder text' strings"""
+ self.verify("$str(c'$aStr')", "blarg")
+ def test2(self):
+ """some c'text $placeholder text' strings"""
+ self.verify("$str(c'$aStr.upper')", "BLARG")
+ def test3(self):
+ """some c'text $placeholder text' strings"""
+ self.verify("$str(c'$(aStr.upper.replace(c\"A$str()\",\"\"))')", "BLRG")
+ def test4(self):
+ """some c'text $placeholder text' strings"""
+ self.verify("#echo $str(c'$(aStr.upper)')", "BLARG")
+ def test5(self):
+ """some c'text $placeholder text' strings"""
+ self.verify("#if 1 then $str(c'$(aStr.upper)') else 0", "BLARG")
+ def test6(self):
+ """some c'text $placeholder text' strings"""
+ self.verify("#if 1\n$str(c'$(aStr.upper)')#slurp\n#else\n0#end if", "BLARG")
+ def test7(self):
+ """some c'text $placeholder text' strings"""
+ self.verify("#def foo(arg=c'$(\"BLARG\")')\n"
+ "$arg#slurp\n"
+ "#end def\n"
+ "$foo()$foo(c'$anInt')#slurp",
+ "BLARG1")
+class UnicodeStrings(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """unicode data in placeholder
+ """
+ #self.verify(u"$unicodeData", defaultTestNameSpace['unicodeData'], outputEncoding='utf8')
+ self.verify(u"$unicodeData", defaultTestNameSpace['unicodeData'])
+ def test2(self):
+ """unicode data in body
+ """
+ self.verify(u"aoeu12345\u1234", u"aoeu12345\u1234")
+ #self.verify(u"#encoding utf8#aoeu12345\u1234", u"aoeu12345\u1234")
+class EncodingDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """basic #encoding """
+ self.verify("#encoding utf-8\n1234",
+ "1234")
+ def test2(self):
+ """basic #encoding """
+ self.verify("#encoding ascii\n1234",
+ "1234")
+ def test3(self):
+ """basic #encoding """
+ self.verify("#encoding utf-8\n\xe1\x88\xb4",
+ u'\u1234', outputEncoding='utf8')
+ def test4(self):
+ """basic #encoding """
+ self.verify("#encoding latin-1\n\xe1\x88\xb4",
+ u"\xe1\x88\xb4")
+ def test5(self):
+ """basic #encoding """
+ self.verify("#encoding latin-1\nAndr\202",
+ u'Andr\202')
+class UnicodeDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """basic #unicode """
+ self.verify("#unicode utf-8\n1234",
+ u"1234")
+ self.verify("#unicode ascii\n1234",
+ u"1234")
+ self.verify("#unicode latin-1\n1234",
+ u"1234")
+ self.verify("#unicode latin-1\n1234ü",
+ u"1234ü")
+ self.verify("#unicode: latin-1\n1234ü",
+ u"1234ü")
+ self.verify("# unicode : latin-1\n1234ü",
+ u"1234ü")
+ self.verify(u"#unicode latin-1\n1234ü",
+ u"1234ü")
+ self.verify("#encoding latin-1\n1234ü",
+ u"1234ü")
+class Placeholders_Esc(OutputTest):
+ convertEOLs = False
+ def test1(self):
+ """1 escaped placeholder"""
+ self.verify("\$var",
+ "$var")
+ def test2(self):
+ """2 escaped placeholders"""
+ self.verify("\$var \$_",
+ "$var $_")
+ def test3(self):
+ """2 escaped placeholders - back to back"""
+ self.verify("\$var\$_",
+ "$var$_")
+ def test4(self):
+ """2 escaped placeholders - nested"""
+ self.verify("\$var(\$_)",
+ "$var($_)")
+ def test5(self):
+ """2 escaped placeholders - nested and enclosed"""
+ self.verify("\$(var(\$_)",
+ "$(var($_)")
+class Placeholders_Calls(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """func placeholder - no ()"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc",
+ "Scooby")
+ def test2(self):
+ """func placeholder - with ()"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc()",
+ "Scooby")
+ def test3(self):
+ r"""func placeholder - with (\n\n)"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc(\n\n)",
+ "Scooby", convertEOLs=False)
+ def test4(self):
+ r"""func placeholder - with (\n\n) and $() enclosure"""
+ self.verify("$(aFunc(\n\n))",
+ "Scooby", convertEOLs=False)
+ def test5(self):
+ r"""func placeholder - with (\n\n) and ${} enclosure"""
+ self.verify("${aFunc(\n\n)}",
+ "Scooby", convertEOLs=False)
+ def test6(self):
+ """func placeholder - with (int)"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc(1234)",
+ "1234")
+ def test7(self):
+ r"""func placeholder - with (\nint\n)"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc(\n1234\n)",
+ "1234", convertEOLs=False)
+ def test8(self):
+ """func placeholder - with (string)"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc('aoeu')",
+ "aoeu")
+ def test9(self):
+ """func placeholder - with ('''string''')"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc('''aoeu''')",
+ "aoeu")
+ def test10(self):
+ r"""func placeholder - with ('''\nstring\n''')"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc('''\naoeu\n''')",
+ "\naoeu\n")
+ def test11(self):
+ r"""func placeholder - with ('''\nstring'\n''')"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc('''\naoeu'\n''')",
+ "\naoeu'\n")
+ def test12(self):
+ r'''func placeholder - with ("""\nstring\n""")'''
+ self.verify('$aFunc("""\naoeu\n""")',
+ "\naoeu\n")
+ def test13(self):
+ """func placeholder - with (string*int)"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc('aoeu'*2)",
+ "aoeuaoeu")
+ def test14(self):
+ """func placeholder - with (int*int)"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc(2*2)",
+ "4")
+ def test15(self):
+ """func placeholder - with (int*float)"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc(2*2.0)",
+ "4.0")
+ def test16(self):
+ r"""func placeholder - with (int\n*\nfloat)"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc(2\n*\n2.0)",
+ "4.0", convertEOLs=False)
+ def test17(self):
+ """func placeholder - with ($arg=float)"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc($arg=4.0)",
+ "4.0")
+ def test18(self):
+ """func placeholder - with (arg=float)"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc(arg=4.0)",
+ "4.0")
+ def test19(self):
+ """deeply nested argstring, no enclosure"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc($arg=$aMeth($arg=$aFunc(1)))",
+ "1")
+ def test20(self):
+ """deeply nested argstring, no enclosure + with WS"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc( $arg = $aMeth( $arg = $aFunc( 1 ) ) )",
+ "1")
+ def test21(self):
+ """deeply nested argstring, () enclosure + with WS"""
+ self.verify("$(aFunc( $arg = $aMeth( $arg = $aFunc( 1 ) ) ) )",
+ "1")
+ def test22(self):
+ """deeply nested argstring, {} enclosure + with WS"""
+ self.verify("${aFunc( $arg = $aMeth( $arg = $aFunc( 1 ) ) ) }",
+ "1")
+ def test23(self):
+ """deeply nested argstring, [] enclosure + with WS"""
+ self.verify("$[aFunc( $arg = $aMeth( $arg = $aFunc( 1 ) ) ) ]",
+ "1")
+ def test24(self):
+ """deeply nested argstring, () enclosure + *cache"""
+ self.verify("$*(aFunc( $arg = $aMeth( $arg = $aFunc( 1 ) ) ) )",
+ "1")
+ def test25(self):
+ """deeply nested argstring, () enclosure + *15*cache"""
+ self.verify("$*15*(aFunc( $arg = $aMeth( $arg = $aFunc( 1 ) ) ) )",
+ "1")
+ def test26(self):
+ """a function call with the Python None kw."""
+ self.verify("$aFunc(None)",
+ "")
+class NameMapper(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """autocalling"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc! $aFunc().",
+ "Scooby! Scooby.")
+ def test2(self):
+ """nested autocalling"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc($aFunc).",
+ "Scooby.")
+ def test3(self):
+ """list subscription"""
+ self.verify("$aList[0]",
+ "item0")
+ def test4(self):
+ """list slicing"""
+ self.verify("$aList[:2]",
+ "['item0', 'item1']")
+ def test5(self):
+ """list slicing and subcription combined"""
+ self.verify("$aList[:2][0]",
+ "item0")
+ def test6(self):
+ """dictionary access - NameMapper style"""
+ self.verify("$",
+ "item1")
+ def test7(self):
+ """dictionary access - Python style"""
+ self.verify("$aDict['one']",
+ "item1")
+ def test8(self):
+ """dictionary access combined with autocalled string method"""
+ self.verify("$",
+ "ITEM1")
+ def test9(self):
+ """dictionary access combined with string method"""
+ self.verify("$",
+ "ITEM1")
+ def test10(self):
+ """nested dictionary access - NameMapper style"""
+ self.verify("$aDict.nestedDict.two",
+ "nestedItem2")
+ def test11(self):
+ """nested dictionary access - Python style"""
+ self.verify("$aDict['nestedDict']['two']",
+ "nestedItem2")
+ def test12(self):
+ """nested dictionary access - alternating style"""
+ self.verify("$aDict['nestedDict'].two",
+ "nestedItem2")
+ def test13(self):
+ """nested dictionary access using method - alternating style"""
+ self.verify("$aDict.get('nestedDict').two",
+ "nestedItem2")
+ def test14(self):
+ """nested dictionary access - NameMapper style - followed by method"""
+ self.verify("$aDict.nestedDict.two.upper",
+ def test15(self):
+ """nested dictionary access - alternating style - followed by method"""
+ self.verify("$aDict['nestedDict'].two.upper",
+ def test16(self):
+ """nested dictionary access - NameMapper style - followed by method, then slice"""
+ self.verify("$aDict.nestedDict.two.upper[:4]",
+ "NEST")
+ def test17(self):
+ """nested dictionary access - Python style using a soft-coded key"""
+ self.verify("$aDict[$anObj.meth('nestedDict')].two",
+ "nestedItem2")
+ def test18(self):
+ """object method access"""
+ self.verify("$anObj.meth1",
+ "doo")
+ def test19(self):
+ """object method access, followed by complex slice"""
+ self.verify("$anObj.meth1[0: ((4/4*2)*2)/$anObj.meth1(2) ]",
+ "do")
+ def test20(self):
+ """object method access, followed by a very complex slice
+ If it can pass this one, it's safe to say it works!!"""
+ self.verify("$( anObj.meth1[0:\n (\n(4/4*2)*2)/$anObj.meth1(2)\n ] )",
+ "do")
+ def test21(self):
+ """object method access with % in the default arg for the meth.
+ This tests a bug that Jeff Johnson found and submitted a patch to SF
+ for."""
+ self.verify("$anObj.methWithPercentSignDefaultArg",
+ "110%")
+#class NameMapperDict(OutputTest):
+# _searchList = [{"update": "Yabba dabba doo!"}]
+# def test1(self):
+# if NameMapper_C_VERSION:
+# return # This feature is not in the C version yet.
+# self.verify("$update", "Yabba dabba doo!")
+class CacheDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ r"""simple #cache """
+ self.verify("#cache:$anInt",
+ "1")
+ def test2(self):
+ r"""simple #cache + WS"""
+ self.verify(" #cache \n$anInt#end cache",
+ "1")
+ def test3(self):
+ r"""simple #cache ... #end cache"""
+ self.verify("""#cache id='cache1', timer=150m
+#end cache
+ "1\nblarg")
+ def test4(self):
+ r"""2 #cache ... #end cache blocks"""
+ self.verify("""#slurp
+#def foo
+#cache ID='cache1', timer=150m
+#end cache
+#cache id='cache2', timer=15s
+ #for $i in range(5)
+ #end for
+#end cache
+#end def
+ "1\n01234blarg"*5)
+ def test5(self):
+ r"""nested #cache blocks"""
+ self.verify("""#slurp
+#def foo
+#cache ID='cache1', timer=150m
+#cache id='cache2', timer=15s
+ #for $i in range(5)
+ #end for
+#end cache
+#end cache
+#end def
+ "1\n012346blarg"*5)
+ def test6(self):
+ r"""Make sure that partial directives don't match"""
+ self.verify("#cache_foo",
+ "#cache_foo")
+ self.verify("#cached",
+ "#cached")
+class CallDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ r"""simple #call """
+ self.verify("#call int\n$anInt#end call",
+ "1")
+ # single line version
+ self.verify("#call int: $anInt",
+ "1")
+ self.verify("#call int: 10\n$aStr",
+ "10\nblarg")
+ def test2(self):
+ r"""simple #call + WS"""
+ self.verify("#call int\n$anInt #end call",
+ "1")
+ def test3(self):
+ r"""a longer #call"""
+ self.verify('''\
+#def meth(arg)
+#end def
+#call $meth
+$(1234+1) foo#slurp
+#end call''',
+ "1235 FOO")
+ def test4(self):
+ r"""#call with keyword #args"""
+ self.verify('''\
+#def meth(arg1, arg2)
+$arg1.upper() - $arg2.lower()#slurp
+#end def
+#call self.meth
+#arg arg1
+$(1234+1) foo#slurp
+#arg arg2
+#end call''',
+ "1235 FOO - upper")
+ def test5(self):
+ r"""#call with single-line keyword #args """
+ self.verify('''\
+#def meth(arg1, arg2)
+$arg1.upper() - $arg2.lower()#slurp
+#end def
+#call self.meth
+#arg arg1:$(1234+1) foo#slurp
+#arg arg2:UPPER#slurp
+#end call''',
+ "1235 FOO - upper")
+ def test6(self):
+ """#call with python kwargs and cheetah output for the 1s positional
+ arg"""
+ self.verify('''\
+#def meth(arg1, arg2)
+$arg1.upper() - $arg2.lower()#slurp
+#end def
+#call self.meth arg2="UPPER"
+$(1234+1) foo#slurp
+#end call''',
+ "1235 FOO - upper")
+ def test7(self):
+ """#call with python kwargs and #args"""
+ self.verify('''\
+#def meth(arg1, arg2, arg3)
+$arg1.upper() - $arg2.lower() - $arg3#slurp
+#end def
+#call self.meth arg2="UPPER", arg3=999
+#arg arg1:$(1234+1) foo#slurp
+#end call''',
+ "1235 FOO - upper - 999")
+ def test8(self):
+ """#call with python kwargs and #args, and using a function to get the
+ function that will be called"""
+ self.verify('''\
+#def meth(arg1, arg2, arg3)
+$arg1.upper() - $arg2.lower() - $arg3#slurp
+#end def
+#call getattr(self, "meth") arg2="UPPER", arg3=999
+#arg arg1:$(1234+1) foo#slurp
+#end call''',
+ "1235 FOO - upper - 999")
+ def test9(self):
+ """nested #call directives"""
+ self.verify('''\
+#def meth(arg1)
+#end def
+#def meth2(x,y)
+#end def
+#call self.meth
+#call self.meth
+#call self.meth
+#end call 3
+#set two = 2
+#call self.meth2 y=c"$(10/$two)"
+#arg x
+#end call 4
+#end call 2
+#end call 1''',
+ "12345")
+class I18nDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ r"""simple #call """
+ self.verify("#i18n \n$anInt#end i18n",
+ "1")
+ # single line version
+ self.verify("#i18n: $anInt",
+ "1")
+ self.verify("#i18n: 10\n$aStr",
+ "10\nblarg")
+class CaptureDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ r"""simple #capture"""
+ self.verify('''\
+#capture cap1
+$(1234+1) foo#slurp
+#end capture
+ "1235 foo")
+ def test2(self):
+ r"""slightly more complex #capture"""
+ self.verify('''\
+#def meth(arg)
+#end def
+#capture cap1
+$(1234+1) $anInt $meth("foo")#slurp
+#end capture
+ "1235 1 FOO")
+class SlurpDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ r"""#slurp with 1 \n """
+ self.verify("#slurp\n",
+ "")
+ def test2(self):
+ r"""#slurp with 1 \n, leading whitespace
+ Should gobble"""
+ self.verify(" #slurp\n",
+ "")
+ def test3(self):
+ r"""#slurp with 1 \n, leading content
+ Shouldn't gobble"""
+ self.verify(" 1234 #slurp\n",
+ " 1234 ")
+ def test4(self):
+ r"""#slurp with WS then \n, leading content
+ Shouldn't gobble"""
+ self.verify(" 1234 #slurp \n",
+ " 1234 ")
+ def test5(self):
+ r"""#slurp with garbage chars then \n, leading content
+ Should eat the garbage"""
+ self.verify(" 1234 #slurp garbage \n",
+ " 1234 ")
+class EOLSlurpToken(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ r"""#slurp with 1 \n """
+ self.verify("%s\n"%self._EOLSlurpToken,
+ "")
+ def test2(self):
+ r"""#slurp with 1 \n, leading whitespace
+ Should gobble"""
+ self.verify(" %s\n"%self._EOLSlurpToken,
+ "")
+ def test3(self):
+ r"""#slurp with 1 \n, leading content
+ Shouldn't gobble"""
+ self.verify(" 1234 %s\n"%self._EOLSlurpToken,
+ " 1234 ")
+ def test4(self):
+ r"""#slurp with WS then \n, leading content
+ Shouldn't gobble"""
+ self.verify(" 1234 %s \n"%self._EOLSlurpToken,
+ " 1234 ")
+ def test5(self):
+ r"""#slurp with garbage chars then \n, leading content
+ Should NOT eat the garbage"""
+ self.verify(" 1234 %s garbage \n"%self._EOLSlurpToken,
+ " 1234 %s garbage \n"%self._EOLSlurpToken)
+ del EOLSlurpToken
+class RawDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#raw till EOF"""
+ self.verify("#raw\n$aFunc().\n\n",
+ "$aFunc().\n\n")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#raw till #end raw"""
+ self.verify("#raw\n$aFunc().\n#end raw\n$anInt",
+ "$aFunc().\n1")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#raw till #end raw gobble WS"""
+ self.verify(" #raw \n$aFunc().\n #end raw \n$anInt",
+ "$aFunc().\n1")
+ def test4(self):
+ """#raw till #end raw using explicit directive closure
+ Shouldn't gobble"""
+ self.verify(" #raw #\n$aFunc().\n #end raw #\n$anInt",
+ " \n$aFunc().\n\n1")
+ def test5(self):
+ """single-line short form #raw: """
+ self.verify("#raw: $aFunc().\n\n",
+ "$aFunc().\n\n")
+ self.verify("#raw: $aFunc().\n$anInt",
+ "$aFunc().\n1")
+class BreakpointDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#breakpoint part way through source code"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc(2).\n#breakpoint\n$anInt",
+ "2.\n")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#breakpoint at BOF"""
+ self.verify("#breakpoint\n$anInt",
+ "")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#breakpoint at EOF"""
+ self.verify("$anInt\n#breakpoint",
+ "1\n")
+class StopDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#stop part way through source code"""
+ self.verify("$aFunc(2).\n#stop\n$anInt",
+ "2.\n")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#stop at BOF"""
+ self.verify("#stop\n$anInt",
+ "")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#stop at EOF"""
+ self.verify("$anInt\n#stop",
+ "1\n")
+ def test4(self):
+ """#stop in pos test block"""
+ self.verify("""$anInt
+#if 1
+inside the if block
+#end if
+ "1\ninside the if block\n")
+ def test5(self):
+ """#stop in neg test block"""
+ self.verify("""$anInt
+#if 0
+inside the if block
+#end if
+ "1\nblarg")
+class ReturnDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#return'ing an int """
+ self.verify("""1
+#def test
+#if 1
+#return (3 *2) \
+ + 2
+#end if
+#end def
+ "1\n2\n3\n")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#return'ing an string """
+ self.verify("""1
+#def test
+#if 1
+#return '123'
+#end if
+#end def
+ "1\n2\n3\n")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#return'ing an string AND streaming other output via the transaction"""
+ self.verify("""1
+#def test
+#if 1
+#return '123'
+#end if
+#end def
+ "1\n1.5\n2\n3\n")
+class YieldDirective(OutputTest):
+ convertEOLs = False
+ def test1(self):
+ """simple #yield """
+ src1 = """#for i in range(10)\n#yield i\n#end for"""
+ src2 = """#for i in range(10)\n$i#slurp\n#yield\n#end for"""
+ src3 = ("#def iterator\n"
+ "#for i in range(10)\n#yield i\n#end for\n"
+ "#end def\n"
+ "#for i in $iterator\n$i#end for"
+ )
+ for src in (src1,src2,src3):
+ klass = Template.compile(src, keepRefToGeneratedCode=True)
+ #print klass._CHEETAH_generatedModuleCode
+ iter = klass().respond()
+ output = [str(i) for i in iter]
+ assert ''.join(output)=='0123456789'
+ #print ''.join(output)
+ # @@TR: need to expand this to cover error conditions etc.
+if versionTuple < (2,3):
+ del YieldDirective
+class ForDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#for loop with one local var"""
+ self.verify("#for $i in range(5)\n$i\n#end for",
+ "0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n")
+ self.verify("#for $i in range(5):\n$i\n#end for",
+ "0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n")
+ self.verify("#for $i in range(5): ##comment\n$i\n#end for",
+ "0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n")
+ self.verify("#for $i in range(5) ##comment\n$i\n#end for",
+ "0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#for loop with WS in loop"""
+ self.verify("#for $i in range(5)\n$i \n#end for",
+ "0 \n1 \n2 \n3 \n4 \n")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#for loop gobble WS"""
+ self.verify(" #for $i in range(5) \n$i \n #end for ",
+ "0 \n1 \n2 \n3 \n4 \n")
+ def test4(self):
+ """#for loop over list"""
+ self.verify("#for $i, $j in [(0,1),(2,3)]\n$i,$j\n#end for",
+ "0,1\n2,3\n")
+ def test5(self):
+ """#for loop over list, with #slurp"""
+ self.verify("#for $i, $j in [(0,1),(2,3)]\n$i,$j#slurp\n#end for",
+ "0,12,3")
+ def test6(self):
+ """#for loop with explicit closures"""
+ self.verify("#for $i in range(5)#$i#end for#",
+ "01234")
+ def test7(self):
+ """#for loop with explicit closures and WS"""
+ self.verify(" #for $i in range(5)#$i#end for# ",
+ " 01234 ")
+ def test8(self):
+ """#for loop using another $var"""
+ self.verify(" #for $i in range($aFunc(5))#$i#end for# ",
+ " 01234 ")
+ def test9(self):
+ """test methods in for loops"""
+ self.verify("#for $func in $listOfLambdas\n$func($anInt)\n#end for",
+ "1\n1\n1\n")
+ def test10(self):
+ """#for loop over list, using methods of the items"""
+ self.verify("#for i, j in [('aa','bb'),('cc','dd')]\n$i.upper,$j.upper\n#end for",
+ "AA,BB\nCC,DD\n")
+ self.verify("#for $i, $j in [('aa','bb'),('cc','dd')]\n$i.upper,$j.upper\n#end for",
+ "AA,BB\nCC,DD\n")
+ def test11(self):
+ """#for loop over list, using ($i,$j) style target list"""
+ self.verify("#for (i, j) in [('aa','bb'),('cc','dd')]\n$i.upper,$j.upper\n#end for",
+ "AA,BB\nCC,DD\n")
+ self.verify("#for ($i, $j) in [('aa','bb'),('cc','dd')]\n$i.upper,$j.upper\n#end for",
+ "AA,BB\nCC,DD\n")
+ def test12(self):
+ """#for loop over list, using i, (j,k) style target list"""
+ self.verify("#for i, (j, k) in enumerate([('aa','bb'),('cc','dd')])\n$j.upper,$k.upper\n#end for",
+ "AA,BB\nCC,DD\n")
+ self.verify("#for $i, ($j, $k) in enumerate([('aa','bb'),('cc','dd')])\n$j.upper,$k.upper\n#end for",
+ "AA,BB\nCC,DD\n")
+ def test13(self):
+ """single line #for"""
+ self.verify("#for $i in range($aFunc(5)): $i",
+ "01234")
+ def test14(self):
+ """single line #for with 1 extra leading space"""
+ self.verify("#for $i in range($aFunc(5)): $i",
+ " 0 1 2 3 4")
+ def test15(self):
+ """2 times single line #for"""
+ self.verify("#for $i in range($aFunc(5)): $i#slurp\n"*2,
+ "01234"*2)
+ def test16(self):
+ """false single line #for """
+ self.verify("#for $i in range(5): \n$i\n#end for",
+ "0\n1\n2\n3\n4\n")
+if versionTuple < (2,3):
+ del ForDirective.test12
+class RepeatDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """basic #repeat"""
+ self.verify("#repeat 3\n1\n#end repeat",
+ "1\n1\n1\n")
+ self.verify("#repeat 3: \n1\n#end repeat",
+ "1\n1\n1\n")
+ self.verify("#repeat 3 ##comment\n1\n#end repeat",
+ "1\n1\n1\n")
+ self.verify("#repeat 3: ##comment\n1\n#end repeat",
+ "1\n1\n1\n")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#repeat with numeric expression"""
+ self.verify("#repeat 3*3/3\n1\n#end repeat",
+ "1\n1\n1\n")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#repeat with placeholder"""
+ self.verify("#repeat $numTwo\n1\n#end repeat",
+ "1\n1\n")
+ def test4(self):
+ """#repeat with placeholder * num"""
+ self.verify("#repeat $numTwo*1\n1\n#end repeat",
+ "1\n1\n")
+ def test5(self):
+ """#repeat with placeholder and WS"""
+ self.verify(" #repeat $numTwo \n1\n #end repeat ",
+ "1\n1\n")
+ def test6(self):
+ """single-line #repeat"""
+ self.verify("#repeat $numTwo: 1",
+ "11")
+ self.verify("#repeat $numTwo: 1\n"*2,
+ "1\n1\n"*2)
+ #false single-line
+ self.verify("#repeat 3: \n1\n#end repeat",
+ "1\n1\n1\n")
+class AttrDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#attr with int"""
+ self.verify("#attr $test = 1234\n$test",
+ "1234")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#attr with string"""
+ self.verify("#attr $test = 'blarg'\n$test",
+ "blarg")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#attr with expression"""
+ self.verify("#attr $test = 'blarg'.upper()*2\n$test",
+ def test4(self):
+ """#attr with string + WS
+ Should gobble"""
+ self.verify(" #attr $test = 'blarg' \n$test",
+ "blarg")
+ def test5(self):
+ """#attr with string + WS + leading text
+ Shouldn't gobble"""
+ self.verify(" -- #attr $test = 'blarg' \n$test",
+ " -- \nblarg")
+class DefDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#def without argstring"""
+ self.verify("#def testMeth\n1234\n#end def\n$testMeth",
+ "1234\n")
+ self.verify("#def testMeth ## comment\n1234\n#end def\n$testMeth",
+ "1234\n")
+ self.verify("#def testMeth: ## comment\n1234\n#end def\n$testMeth",
+ "1234\n")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#def without argstring, gobble WS"""
+ self.verify(" #def testMeth \n1234\n #end def \n$testMeth",
+ "1234\n")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#def with argstring, gobble WS"""
+ self.verify(" #def testMeth($a=999) \n1234-$a\n #end def\n$testMeth",
+ "1234-999\n")
+ def test4(self):
+ """#def with argstring, gobble WS, string used in call"""
+ self.verify(" #def testMeth($a=999) \n1234-$a\n #end def\n$testMeth('ABC')",
+ "1234-ABC\n")
+ def test5(self):
+ """#def with argstring, gobble WS, list used in call"""
+ self.verify(" #def testMeth($a=999) \n1234-$a\n #end def\n$testMeth([1,2,3])",
+ "1234-[1, 2, 3]\n")
+ def test6(self):
+ """#def with 2 args, gobble WS, list used in call"""
+ self.verify(" #def testMeth($a, $b='default') \n1234-$a$b\n #end def\n$testMeth([1,2,3])",
+ "1234-[1, 2, 3]default\n")
+ def test7(self):
+ """#def with *args, gobble WS"""
+ self.verify(" #def testMeth($*args) \n1234-$args\n #end def\n$testMeth",
+ "1234-()\n")
+ def test8(self):
+ """#def with **KWs, gobble WS"""
+ self.verify(" #def testMeth($**KWs) \n1234-$KWs\n #end def\n$testMeth",
+ "1234-{}\n")
+ def test9(self):
+ """#def with *args + **KWs, gobble WS"""
+ self.verify(" #def testMeth($*args, $**KWs) \n1234-$args-$KWs\n #end def\n$testMeth",
+ "1234-()-{}\n")
+ def test10(self):
+ """#def with *args + **KWs, gobble WS"""
+ self.verify(
+ " #def testMeth($*args, $**KWs) \n1234-$args-$KWs.a\n #end def\n$testMeth(1,2, a=1)",
+ "1234-(1, 2)-1\n")
+ def test11(self):
+ """single line #def with extra WS"""
+ self.verify(
+ "#def testMeth: aoeuaoeu\n- $testMeth -",
+ "- aoeuaoeu -")
+ def test12(self):
+ """single line #def with extra WS and nested $placeholders"""
+ self.verify(
+ "#def testMeth: $anInt $aFunc(1234)\n- $testMeth -",
+ "- 1 1234 -")
+ def test13(self):
+ """single line #def escaped $placeholders"""
+ self.verify(
+ "#def testMeth: \$aFunc(\$anInt)\n- $testMeth -",
+ "- $aFunc($anInt) -")
+ def test14(self):
+ """single line #def 1 escaped $placeholders"""
+ self.verify(
+ "#def testMeth: \$aFunc($anInt)\n- $testMeth -",
+ "- $aFunc(1) -")
+ def test15(self):
+ """single line #def 1 escaped $placeholders + more WS"""
+ self.verify(
+ "#def testMeth : \$aFunc($anInt)\n- $testMeth -",
+ "- $aFunc(1) -")
+ def test16(self):
+ """multiline #def with $ on methodName"""
+ self.verify("#def $testMeth\n1234\n#end def\n$testMeth",
+ "1234\n")
+ def test17(self):
+ """single line #def with $ on methodName"""
+ self.verify("#def $testMeth:1234\n$testMeth",
+ "1234")
+ def test18(self):
+ """single line #def with an argument"""
+ self.verify("#def $testMeth($arg=1234):$arg\n$testMeth",
+ "1234")
+ def test19(self):
+ """#def that extends over two lines with arguments"""
+ self.verify("#def $testMeth($arg=1234,\n"
+ +" $arg2=5678)\n"
+ +"$arg $arg2\n"
+ +"#end def\n"
+ +"$testMeth",
+ "1234 5678\n")
+class DecoratorDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """single line #def with decorator"""
+ self.verify("#@ blah", "#@ blah")
+ self.verify("#@23 blah", "#@23 blah")
+ self.verify("#@@TR: comment", "#@@TR: comment")
+ self.verify("#from Cheetah.Tests.SyntaxAndOutput import testdecorator\n"
+ +"#@testdecorator"
+ +"\n#def $testMeth():1234\n$testMeth",
+ "1234")
+ self.verify("#from Cheetah.Tests.SyntaxAndOutput import testdecorator\n"
+ +"#@testdecorator"
+ +"\n#block $testMeth():1234",
+ "1234")
+ try:
+ self.verify(
+ "#from Cheetah.Tests.SyntaxAndOutput import testdecorator\n"
+ +"#@testdecorator\n sdf"
+ +"\n#def $testMeth():1234\n$testMeth",
+ "1234")
+ except ParseError:
+ pass
+ else:
+'should raise a ParseError')
+ def test2(self):
+ """#def with multiple decorators"""
+ self.verify("#from Cheetah.Tests.SyntaxAndOutput import testdecorator\n"
+ +"#@testdecorator\n"
+ +"#@testdecorator\n"
+ +"#def testMeth\n"
+ +"1234\n"
+ "#end def\n"
+ "$testMeth",
+ "1234\n")
+if versionTuple < (2,4):
+ del DecoratorDirective
+class BlockDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#block without argstring"""
+ self.verify("#block testBlock\n1234\n#end block",
+ "1234\n")
+ self.verify("#block testBlock ##comment\n1234\n#end block",
+ "1234\n")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#block without argstring, gobble WS"""
+ self.verify(" #block testBlock \n1234\n #end block ",
+ "1234\n")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#block with argstring, gobble WS
+ Because blocks can be reused in multiple parts of the template arguments
+ (!!with defaults!!) can be given."""
+ self.verify(" #block testBlock($a=999) \n1234-$a\n #end block ",
+ "1234-999\n")
+ def test4(self):
+ """#block with 2 args, gobble WS"""
+ self.verify(" #block testBlock($a=999, $b=444) \n1234-$a$b\n #end block ",
+ "1234-999444\n")
+ def test5(self):
+ """#block with 2 nested blocks
+ Blocks can be nested to any depth and the name of the block is optional
+ for the #end block part: #end block OR #end block [name] """
+ self.verify("""#block testBlock
+this is a test block
+#block outerNest
+#block innerNest
+#end block innerNest
+#end block outerNest
+#end block testBlock
+ "this is a test block\nouter\ninner\n---\n")
+ def test6(self):
+ """single line #block """
+ self.verify(
+ "#block testMeth: This is my block",
+ "This is my block")
+ def test7(self):
+ """single line #block with WS"""
+ self.verify(
+ "#block testMeth: This is my block",
+ "This is my block")
+ def test8(self):
+ """single line #block 1 escaped $placeholders"""
+ self.verify(
+ "#block testMeth: \$aFunc($anInt)",
+ "$aFunc(1)")
+ def test9(self):
+ """single line #block 1 escaped $placeholders + WS"""
+ self.verify(
+ "#block testMeth: \$aFunc( $anInt )",
+ "$aFunc( 1 )")
+ def test10(self):
+ """single line #block 1 escaped $placeholders + more WS"""
+ self.verify(
+ "#block testMeth : \$aFunc( $anInt )",
+ "$aFunc( 1 )")
+ def test11(self):
+ """multiline #block $ on argstring"""
+ self.verify("#block $testBlock\n1234\n#end block",
+ "1234\n")
+ def test12(self):
+ """single line #block with $ on methodName """
+ self.verify(
+ "#block $testMeth: This is my block",
+ "This is my block")
+ def test13(self):
+ """single line #block with an arg """
+ self.verify(
+ "#block $testMeth($arg='This is my block'): $arg",
+ "This is my block")
+ def test14(self):
+ """single line #block with None for content"""
+ self.verify(
+ """#block $testMeth: $None\ntest $testMeth-""",
+ "test -")
+ def test15(self):
+ """single line #block with nothing for content"""
+ self.verify(
+ """#block $testMeth: \nfoo\n#end block\ntest $testMeth-""",
+ "foo\ntest foo\n-")
+class IncludeDirective(OutputTest):
+ def setUp(self):
+ fp = open('parseTest.txt','w')
+ fp.write("$numOne $numTwo")
+ fp.flush()
+ fp.close
+ def tearDown(self):
+ if os.path.exists('parseTest.txt'):
+ os.remove('parseTest.txt')
+ def test1(self):
+ """#include raw of source $emptyString"""
+ self.verify("#include raw source=$emptyString",
+ "")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#include raw of source $blockToBeParsed"""
+ self.verify("#include raw source=$blockToBeParsed",
+ "$numOne $numTwo")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#include raw of 'parseTest.txt'"""
+ self.verify("#include raw 'parseTest.txt'",
+ "$numOne $numTwo")
+ def test4(self):
+ """#include raw of $includeFileName"""
+ self.verify("#include raw $includeFileName",
+ "$numOne $numTwo")
+ def test5(self):
+ """#include raw of $includeFileName, with WS"""
+ self.verify(" #include raw $includeFileName ",
+ "$numOne $numTwo")
+ def test6(self):
+ """#include raw of source= , with WS"""
+ self.verify(" #include raw source='This is my $Source '*2 ",
+ "This is my $Source This is my $Source ")
+ def test7(self):
+ """#include of $blockToBeParsed"""
+ self.verify("#include source=$blockToBeParsed",
+ "1 2")
+ def test8(self):
+ """#include of $blockToBeParsed, with WS"""
+ self.verify(" #include source=$blockToBeParsed ",
+ "1 2")
+ def test9(self):
+ """#include of 'parseTest.txt', with WS"""
+ self.verify(" #include source=$blockToBeParsed ",
+ "1 2")
+ def test10(self):
+ """#include of "parseTest.txt", with WS"""
+ self.verify(" #include source=$blockToBeParsed ",
+ "1 2")
+ def test11(self):
+ """#include of 'parseTest.txt', with WS and surrounding text"""
+ self.verify("aoeu\n #include source=$blockToBeParsed \naoeu",
+ "aoeu\n1 2aoeu")
+ def test12(self):
+ """#include of 'parseTest.txt', with WS and explicit closure"""
+ self.verify(" #include source=$blockToBeParsed# ",
+ " 1 2 ")
+class SilentDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """simple #silent"""
+ self.verify("#silent $aFunc",
+ "")
+ def test2(self):
+ """simple #silent"""
+ self.verify("#silent $anObj.callIt\n$anObj.callArg",
+ "1234")
+ self.verify("#silent $anObj.callIt ##comment\n$anObj.callArg",
+ "1234")
+ def test3(self):
+ """simple #silent"""
+ self.verify("#silent $anObj.callIt(99)\n$anObj.callArg",
+ "99")
+class SetDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """simple #set"""
+ self.verify("#set $testVar = 'blarg'\n$testVar",
+ "blarg")
+ self.verify("#set testVar = 'blarg'\n$testVar",
+ "blarg")
+ self.verify("#set testVar = 'blarg'##comment\n$testVar",
+ "blarg")
+ def test2(self):
+ """simple #set with no WS between operands"""
+ self.verify("#set $testVar='blarg'",
+ "")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#set + use of var"""
+ self.verify("#set $testVar = 'blarg'\n$testVar",
+ "blarg")
+ def test4(self):
+ """#set + use in an #include"""
+ self.verify("#set global $aSetVar = 1234\n#include source=$includeBlock2",
+ "1 2 1234")
+ def test5(self):
+ """#set with a dictionary"""
+ self.verify( """#set $testDict = {'one':'one1','two':'two2','three':'three3'}
+ "one1\ntwo2")
+ def test6(self):
+ """#set with string, then used in #if block"""
+ self.verify("""#set $test='a string'\n#if $test#blarg#end if""",
+ "blarg")
+ def test7(self):
+ """simple #set, gobble WS"""
+ self.verify(" #set $testVar = 'blarg' ",
+ "")
+ def test8(self):
+ """simple #set, don't gobble WS"""
+ self.verify(" #set $testVar = 'blarg'#---",
+ " ---")
+ def test9(self):
+ """simple #set with a list"""
+ self.verify(" #set $testVar = [1, 2, 3] \n$testVar",
+ "[1, 2, 3]")
+ def test10(self):
+ """simple #set global with a list"""
+ self.verify(" #set global $testVar = [1, 2, 3] \n$testVar",
+ "[1, 2, 3]")
+ def test11(self):
+ """simple #set global with a list and *cache
+ Caching only works with global #set vars. Local vars are not accesible
+ to the cache namespace.
+ """
+ self.verify(" #set global $testVar = [1, 2, 3] \n$*testVar",
+ "[1, 2, 3]")
+ def test12(self):
+ """simple #set global with a list and *<int>*cache"""
+ self.verify(" #set global $testVar = [1, 2, 3] \n$*5*testVar",
+ "[1, 2, 3]")
+ def test13(self):
+ """simple #set with a list and *<float>*cache"""
+ self.verify(" #set global $testVar = [1, 2, 3] \n$*.5*testVar",
+ "[1, 2, 3]")
+ def test14(self):
+ """simple #set without NameMapper on"""
+ self.verify("""#compiler useNameMapper = 0\n#set $testVar = 1 \n$testVar""",
+ "1")
+ def test15(self):
+ """simple #set without $"""
+ self.verify("""#set testVar = 1 \n$testVar""",
+ "1")
+ def test16(self):
+ """simple #set global without $"""
+ self.verify("""#set global testVar = 1 \n$testVar""",
+ "1")
+ def test17(self):
+ """simple #set module without $"""
+ self.verify("""#set module __foo__ = 'bar'\n$__foo__""",
+ "bar")
+ def test18(self):
+ """#set with i,j=list style assignment"""
+ self.verify("""#set i,j = [1,2]\n$i$j""",
+ "12")
+ self.verify("""#set $i,$j = [1,2]\n$i$j""",
+ "12")
+ def test19(self):
+ """#set with (i,j)=list style assignment"""
+ self.verify("""#set (i,j) = [1,2]\n$i$j""",
+ "12")
+ self.verify("""#set ($i,$j) = [1,2]\n$i$j""",
+ "12")
+ def test20(self):
+ """#set with i, (j,k)=list style assignment"""
+ self.verify("""#set i, (j,k) = [1,(2,3)]\n$i$j$k""",
+ "123")
+ self.verify("""#set $i, ($j,$k) = [1,(2,3)]\n$i$j$k""",
+ "123")
+class IfDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """simple #if block"""
+ self.verify("#if 1\n$aStr\n#end if\n",
+ "blarg\n")
+ self.verify("#if 1:\n$aStr\n#end if\n",
+ "blarg\n")
+ self.verify("#if 1: \n$aStr\n#end if\n",
+ "blarg\n")
+ self.verify("#if 1: ##comment \n$aStr\n#end if\n",
+ "blarg\n")
+ self.verify("#if 1 ##comment \n$aStr\n#end if\n",
+ "blarg\n")
+ self.verify("#if 1##for i in range(10)#$i#end for##end if",
+ '0123456789')
+ self.verify("#if 1: #for i in range(10)#$i#end for",
+ '0123456789')
+ self.verify("#if 1: #for i in range(10):$i",
+ '0123456789')
+ def test2(self):
+ """simple #if block, with WS"""
+ self.verify(" #if 1\n$aStr\n #end if \n",
+ "blarg\n")
+ def test3(self):
+ """simple #if block, with WS and explicit closures"""
+ self.verify(" #if 1#\n$aStr\n #end if #--\n",
+ " \nblarg\n --\n")
+ def test4(self):
+ """#if block using $numOne"""
+ self.verify("#if $numOne\n$aStr\n#end if\n",
+ "blarg\n")
+ def test5(self):
+ """#if block using $zero"""
+ self.verify("#if $zero\n$aStr\n#end if\n",
+ "")
+ def test6(self):
+ """#if block using $emptyString"""
+ self.verify("#if $emptyString\n$aStr\n#end if\n",
+ "")
+ def test7(self):
+ """#if ... #else ... block using a $emptyString"""
+ self.verify("#if $emptyString\n$anInt\n#else\n$anInt - $anInt\n#end if",
+ "1 - 1\n")
+ def test8(self):
+ """#if ... #elif ... #else ... block using a $emptyString"""
+ self.verify("#if $emptyString\n$c\n#elif $numOne\n$numOne\n#else\n$c - $c\n#end if",
+ "1\n")
+ def test9(self):
+ """#if 'not' test, with #slurp"""
+ self.verify("#if not $emptyString\n$aStr#slurp\n#end if\n",
+ "blarg")
+ def test10(self):
+ """#if block using $*emptyString
+ This should barf
+ """
+ try:
+ self.verify("#if $*emptyString\n$aStr\n#end if\n",
+ "")
+ except ParseError:
+ pass
+ else:
+'This should barf')
+ def test11(self):
+ """#if block using invalid top-level $(placeholder) syntax - should barf"""
+ for badSyntax in ("#if $*5*emptyString\n$aStr\n#end if\n",
+ "#if ${emptyString}\n$aStr\n#end if\n",
+ "#if $(emptyString)\n$aStr\n#end if\n",
+ "#if $[emptyString]\n$aStr\n#end if\n",
+ "#if $!emptyString\n$aStr\n#end if\n",
+ ):
+ try:
+ self.verify(badSyntax, "")
+ except ParseError:
+ pass
+ else:
+'This should barf')
+ def test12(self):
+ """#if ... #else if ... #else ... block using a $emptyString
+ Same as test 8 but using else if instead of elif"""
+ self.verify("#if $emptyString\n$c\n#else if $numOne\n$numOne\n#else\n$c - $c\n#end if",
+ "1\n")
+ def test13(self):
+ """#if# ... #else # ... block using a $emptyString with """
+ self.verify("#if $emptyString# $anInt#else#$anInt - $anInt#end if",
+ "1 - 1")
+ def test14(self):
+ """single-line #if: simple"""
+ self.verify("#if $emptyString then 'true' else 'false'",
+ "false")
+ def test15(self):
+ """single-line #if: more complex"""
+ self.verify("#if $anInt then 'true' else 'false'",
+ "true")
+ def test16(self):
+ """single-line #if: with the words 'else' and 'then' in the output """
+ self.verify("#if ($anInt and not $emptyString==''' else ''') then $str('then') else 'else'",
+ "then")
+ def test17(self):
+ """single-line #if: """
+ self.verify("#if 1: foo\n#if 0: bar\n#if 1: foo",
+ "foo\nfoo")
+ self.verify("#if 1: foo\n#if 0: bar\n#if 1: foo",
+ "foo\nfoo")
+ def test18(self):
+ """single-line #if: \n#else: """
+ self.verify("#if 1: foo\n#elif 0: bar",
+ "foo\n")
+ self.verify("#if 1: foo\n#elif 0: bar\n#else: blarg\n",
+ "foo\n")
+ self.verify("#if 0: foo\n#elif 0: bar\n#else: blarg\n",
+ "blarg\n")
+class UnlessDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#unless 1"""
+ self.verify("#unless 1\n 1234 \n#end unless",
+ "")
+ self.verify("#unless 1:\n 1234 \n#end unless",
+ "")
+ self.verify("#unless 1: ##comment\n 1234 \n#end unless",
+ "")
+ self.verify("#unless 1 ##comment\n 1234 \n#end unless",
+ "")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#unless 0"""
+ self.verify("#unless 0\n 1234 \n#end unless",
+ " 1234 \n")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#unless $none"""
+ self.verify("#unless $none\n 1234 \n#end unless",
+ " 1234 \n")
+ def test4(self):
+ """#unless $numTwo"""
+ self.verify("#unless $numTwo\n 1234 \n#end unless",
+ "")
+ def test5(self):
+ """#unless $numTwo with WS"""
+ self.verify(" #unless $numTwo \n 1234 \n #end unless ",
+ "")
+ def test6(self):
+ """single-line #unless"""
+ self.verify("#unless 1: 1234", "")
+ self.verify("#unless 0: 1234", "1234")
+ self.verify("#unless 0: 1234\n"*2, "1234\n"*2)
+class PSP(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """simple <%= [int] %>"""
+ self.verify("<%= 1234 %>", "1234")
+ def test2(self):
+ """simple <%= [string] %>"""
+ self.verify("<%= 'blarg' %>", "blarg")
+ def test3(self):
+ """simple <%= None %>"""
+ self.verify("<%= None %>", "")
+ def test4(self):
+ """simple <%= [string] %> + $anInt"""
+ self.verify("<%= 'blarg' %>$anInt", "blarg1")
+ def test5(self):
+ """simple <%= [EXPR] %> + $anInt"""
+ self.verify("<%= ('blarg'*2).upper() %>$anInt", "BLARGBLARG1")
+ def test6(self):
+ """for loop in <%%>"""
+ self.verify("<% for i in range(5):%>1<%end%>", "11111")
+ def test7(self):
+ """for loop in <%%> and using <%=i%>"""
+ self.verify("<% for i in range(5):%><%=i%><%end%>", "01234")
+ def test8(self):
+ """for loop in <% $%> and using <%=i%>"""
+ self.verify("""<% for i in range(5):
+ i=i*2$%><%=i%><%end%>""", "02468")
+ def test9(self):
+ """for loop in <% $%> and using <%=i%> plus extra text"""
+ self.verify("""<% for i in range(5):
+ i=i*2$%><%=i%>-<%end%>""", "0-2-4-6-8-")
+class WhileDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """simple #while with a counter"""
+ self.verify("#set $i = 0\n#while $i < 5\n$i#slurp\n#set $i += 1\n#end while",
+ "01234")
+class ContinueDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#continue with a #while"""
+ self.verify("""#set $i = 0
+#while $i < 5
+#if $i == 3
+ #set $i += 1
+ #continue
+#end if
+#set $i += 1
+#end while""",
+ "0124")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#continue with a #for"""
+ self.verify("""#for $i in range(5)
+#if $i == 3
+ #continue
+#end if
+#end for""",
+ "0124")
+class BreakDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#break with a #while"""
+ self.verify("""#set $i = 0
+#while $i < 5
+#if $i == 3
+ #break
+#end if
+#set $i += 1
+#end while""",
+ "012")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#break with a #for"""
+ self.verify("""#for $i in range(5)
+#if $i == 3
+ #break
+#end if
+#end for""",
+ "012")
+class TryDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """simple #try
+ """
+ self.verify("#try\n1234\n#except\nblarg\n#end try",
+ "1234\n")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#try / #except with #raise
+ """
+ self.verify("#try\n#raise ValueError\n#except\nblarg\n#end try",
+ "blarg\n")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#try / #except with #raise + WS
+ Should gobble
+ """
+ self.verify(" #try \n #raise ValueError \n #except \nblarg\n #end try",
+ "blarg\n")
+ def test4(self):
+ """#try / #except with #raise + WS and leading text
+ Shouldn't gobble
+ """
+ self.verify("--#try \n #raise ValueError \n #except \nblarg\n #end try#--",
+ "--\nblarg\n --")
+ def test5(self):
+ """nested #try / #except with #raise
+ """
+ self.verify(
+ #raise ValueError
+ #try
+ #raise ValueError
+ #except
+ #end try
+#end try""",
+ "blarg\n")
+class PassDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#pass in a #try / #except block
+ """
+ self.verify("#try\n#raise ValueError\n#except\n#pass\n#end try",
+ "")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#pass in a #try / #except block + WS
+ """
+ self.verify(" #try \n #raise ValueError \n #except \n #pass \n #end try",
+ "")
+class AssertDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """simple #assert
+ """
+ self.verify("#set $x = 1234\n#assert $x == 1234",
+ "")
+ def test2(self):
+ """simple #assert that fails
+ """
+ def test(self=self):
+ self.verify("#set $x = 1234\n#assert $x == 999",
+ ""),
+ self.failUnlessRaises(AssertionError, test)
+ def test3(self):
+ """simple #assert with WS
+ """
+ self.verify("#set $x = 1234\n #assert $x == 1234 ",
+ "")
+class RaiseDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """simple #raise ValueError
+ Should raise ValueError
+ """
+ def test(self=self):
+ self.verify("#raise ValueError",
+ ""),
+ self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, test)
+ def test2(self):
+ """#raise ValueError in #if block
+ Should raise ValueError
+ """
+ def test(self=self):
+ self.verify("#if 1\n#raise ValueError\n#end if\n",
+ "")
+ self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, test)
+ def test3(self):
+ """#raise ValueError in #if block
+ Shouldn't raise ValueError
+ """
+ self.verify("#if 0\n#raise ValueError\n#else\nblarg#end if\n",
+ "blarg\n")
+class ImportDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#import math
+ """
+ self.verify("#import math",
+ "")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#import math + WS
+ Should gobble
+ """
+ self.verify(" #import math ",
+ "")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#import math + WS + leading text
+ Shouldn't gobble
+ """
+ self.verify(" -- #import math ",
+ " -- ")
+ def test4(self):
+ """#from math import syn
+ """
+ self.verify("#from math import cos",
+ "")
+ def test5(self):
+ """#from math import cos + WS
+ Should gobble
+ """
+ self.verify(" #from math import cos ",
+ "")
+ def test6(self):
+ """#from math import cos + WS + leading text
+ Shouldn't gobble
+ """
+ self.verify(" -- #from math import cos ",
+ " -- ")
+ def test7(self):
+ """#from math import cos -- use it
+ """
+ self.verify("#from math import cos\n$cos(0)",
+ "1.0")
+ def test8(self):
+ """#from math import cos,tan,sin -- and use them
+ """
+ self.verify("#from math import cos, tan, sin\n$cos(0)-$tan(0)-$sin(0)",
+ "1.0-0.0-0.0")
+ def test9(self):
+ """#import os.path -- use it
+ """
+ self.verify("#import os.path\n$os.path.exists('.')",
+ repr(True))
+ def test10(self):
+ """#import os.path -- use it with NameMapper turned off
+ """
+ self.verify("""##
+#end compiler-settings
+#import os.path
+ repr(True))
+ def test11(self):
+ """#from math import *
+ """
+ self.verify("#from math import *\n$pow(1,2) $log10(10)",
+ "1.0 1.0")
+class CompilerDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """overriding the commentStartToken
+ """
+ self.verify("""$anInt##comment
+#compiler commentStartToken = '//'
+ "1\n1\n")
+ def test2(self):
+ """overriding and resetting the commentStartToken
+ """
+ self.verify("""$anInt##comment
+#compiler commentStartToken = '//'
+#compiler reset
+ "1\n1\n1//comment\n")
+class CompilerSettingsDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """overriding the cheetahVarStartToken
+ """
+ self.verify("""$anInt
+cheetahVarStartToken = @
+#end compiler-settings
+#compiler-settings reset
+ "1\n1\n1\n")
+ def test2(self):
+ """overriding the directiveStartToken
+ """
+ self.verify("""#set $x = 1234
+directiveStartToken = @
+#end compiler-settings
+@set $x = 1234
+ "1234\n1234\n")
+ def test3(self):
+ """overriding the commentStartToken
+ """
+ self.verify("""$anInt##comment
+commentStartToken = //
+#end compiler-settings
+ "1\n1\n")
+if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
+ del CompilerDirective
+ del CompilerSettingsDirective
+class ExtendsDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#extends Cheetah.Templates._SkeletonPage"""
+ self.verify("""#from Cheetah.Templates._SkeletonPage import _SkeletonPage
+#extends _SkeletonPage
+#implements respond
+ '<img src="spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />\n')
+ self.verify("""#from Cheetah.Templates._SkeletonPage import _SkeletonPage
+#extends _SkeletonPage
+#implements respond(foo=1234)
+ '<img src="spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />1234\n')
+ def test2(self):
+ """#extends Cheetah.Templates.SkeletonPage without #import"""
+ self.verify("""#extends Cheetah.Templates.SkeletonPage
+#implements respond
+ '<img src="spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />\n')
+ def test3(self):
+ """#extends Cheetah.Templates.SkeletonPage.SkeletonPage without #import"""
+ self.verify("""#extends Cheetah.Templates.SkeletonPage.SkeletonPage
+#implements respond
+ '<img src="spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />\n')
+ def test4(self):
+ """#extends with globals and searchList test"""
+ self.verify("""#extends Cheetah.Templates.SkeletonPage
+#set global g="Hello"
+#implements respond
+$g $numOne
+ 'Hello 1\n')
+class SuperDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ tmpl1 = Template.compile('''$foo $bar(99)
+ #def foo: this is base foo
+ #def bar(arg): super-$arg''')
+ tmpl2 = tmpl1.subclass('''
+ #implements dummy
+ #def foo
+ #super
+ This is child foo
+ #super(trans=trans)
+ $bar(1234)
+ #end def
+ #def bar(arg): #super($arg)
+ ''')
+ expected = ('this is base foo '
+ 'This is child foo\nthis is base foo '
+ 'super-1234\n super-99')
+ assert str(tmpl2()).strip()==expected
+class ImportantExampleCases(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """how to make a comma-delimited list"""
+ self.verify("""#set $sep = ''
+#for $letter in $letterList
+#set $sep = ', '
+#end for
+ "a, b, c")
+class FilterDirective(OutputTest):
+ convertEOLs=False
+ def _getCompilerSettings(self):
+ return {'useFilterArgsInPlaceholders':True}
+ def test1(self):
+ """#filter Filter
+ """
+ self.verify("#filter Filter\n$none#end filter",
+ "")
+ self.verify("#filter Filter: $none",
+ "")
+ def test2(self):
+ """#filter ReplaceNone with WS
+ """
+ self.verify("#filter Filter \n$none#end filter",
+ "")
+ def test3(self):
+ """#filter MaxLen -- maxlen of 5"""
+ self.verify("#filter MaxLen \n${tenDigits, $maxlen=5}#end filter",
+ "12345")
+ def test4(self):
+ """#filter MaxLen -- no maxlen
+ """
+ self.verify("#filter MaxLen \n${tenDigits}#end filter",
+ "1234567890")
+ def test5(self):
+ """#filter WebSafe -- basic usage
+ """
+ self.verify("#filter WebSafe \n$webSafeTest#end filter",
+ "abc &lt;=&gt; &amp;")
+ def test6(self):
+ """#filter WebSafe -- also space
+ """
+ self.verify("#filter WebSafe \n${webSafeTest, $also=' '}#end filter",
+ "abc&nbsp;&lt;=&gt;&nbsp;&amp;")
+ def test7(self):
+ """#filter WebSafe -- also space, without $ on the args
+ """
+ self.verify("#filter WebSafe \n${webSafeTest, also=' '}#end filter",
+ "abc&nbsp;&lt;=&gt;&nbsp;&amp;")
+ def test8(self):
+ """#filter Strip -- trailing newline
+ """
+ self.verify("#filter Strip\n$strip1#end filter",
+ "strippable whitespace\n")
+ def test9(self):
+ """#filter Strip -- no trailing newine
+ """
+ self.verify("#filter Strip\n$strip2#end filter",
+ "strippable whitespace")
+ def test10(self):
+ """#filter Strip -- multi-line
+ """
+ self.verify("#filter Strip\n$strip3#end filter",
+ "strippable whitespace\n1 2 3\n")
+ def test11(self):
+ """#filter StripSqueeze -- canonicalize all whitespace to ' '
+ """
+ self.verify("#filter StripSqueeze\n$strip3#end filter",
+ "strippable whitespace 1 2 3")
+class EchoDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#echo 1234
+ """
+ self.verify("#echo 1234",
+ "1234")
+class SilentDirective(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """#silent 1234
+ """
+ self.verify("#silent 1234",
+ "")
+class ErrorCatcherDirective(OutputTest):
+ pass
+class VarExists(OutputTest): # Template.varExists()
+ def test1(self):
+ """$varExists('$anInt')
+ """
+ self.verify("$varExists('$anInt')",
+ repr(True))
+ def test2(self):
+ """$varExists('anInt')
+ """
+ self.verify("$varExists('anInt')",
+ repr(True))
+ def test3(self):
+ """$varExists('$anInt')
+ """
+ self.verify("$varExists('$bogus')",
+ repr(False))
+ def test4(self):
+ """$varExists('$anInt') combined with #if false
+ """
+ self.verify("#if $varExists('$bogus')\n1234\n#else\n999\n#end if",
+ "999\n")
+ def test5(self):
+ """$varExists('$anInt') combined with #if true
+ """
+ self.verify("#if $varExists('$anInt')\n1234\n#else\n999#end if",
+ "1234\n")
+class GetVar(OutputTest): # Template.getVar()
+ def test1(self):
+ """$getVar('$anInt')
+ """
+ self.verify("$getVar('$anInt')",
+ "1")
+ def test2(self):
+ """$getVar('anInt')
+ """
+ self.verify("$getVar('anInt')",
+ "1")
+ def test3(self):
+ """$self.getVar('anInt')
+ """
+ self.verify("$self.getVar('anInt')",
+ "1")
+ def test4(self):
+ """$getVar('bogus', 1234)
+ """
+ self.verify("$getVar('bogus', 1234)",
+ "1234")
+ def test5(self):
+ """$getVar('$bogus', 1234)
+ """
+ self.verify("$getVar('$bogus', 1234)",
+ "1234")
+class MiscComplexSyntax(OutputTest):
+ def test1(self):
+ """Complex use of {},[] and () in a #set expression
+ ----
+ #set $c = {'A':0}[{}.get('a', {'a' : 'A'}['a'])]
+ $c
+ """
+ self.verify("#set $c = {'A':0}[{}.get('a', {'a' : 'A'}['a'])]\n$c",
+ "0")
+class CGI(OutputTest):
+ """CGI scripts with(out) the CGI environment and with(out) GET variables.
+ """
+ convertEOLs=False
+ def _beginCGI(self):
+ os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] = "GET"
+ def _endCGI(self):
+ try:
+ del os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ _guaranteeNoCGI = _endCGI
+ def test1(self):
+ """A regular template."""
+ self._guaranteeNoCGI()
+ source = "#extends Cheetah.Tools.CGITemplate\n" + \
+ "#implements respond\n" + \
+ "$cgiHeaders#slurp\n" + \
+ "Hello, world!"
+ self.verify(source, "Hello, world!")
+ def test2(self):
+ """A CGI script."""
+ self._beginCGI()
+ source = "#extends Cheetah.Tools.CGITemplate\n" + \
+ "#implements respond\n" + \
+ "$cgiHeaders#slurp\n" + \
+ "Hello, world!"
+ self.verify(source, "Content-type: text/html\n\nHello, world!")
+ self._endCGI()
+ def test3(self):
+ """A (pseudo) Webware servlet.
+ This uses the Python syntax escape to set
+ self._CHEETAH__isControlledByWebKit.
+ We could instead do '#silent self._CHEETAH__isControlledByWebKit = True',
+ taking advantage of the fact that it will compile unchanged as long
+ as there's no '$' in the statement. (It won't compile with an '$'
+ because that would convert to a function call, and you can't assign
+ to a function call.) Because this isn't really being called from
+ Webware, we'd better not use any Webware services! Likewise, we'd
+ better not call $cgiImport() because it would be misled.
+ """
+ self._beginCGI()
+ source = "#extends Cheetah.Tools.CGITemplate\n" + \
+ "#implements respond\n" + \
+ "<% self._CHEETAH__isControlledByWebKit = True %>#slurp\n" + \
+ "$cgiHeaders#slurp\n" + \
+ "Hello, world!"
+ self.verify(source, "Hello, world!")
+ self._endCGI()
+ def test4(self):
+ """A CGI script with a GET variable."""
+ self._beginCGI()
+ os.environ['QUERY_STRING'] = "cgiWhat=world"
+ source = "#extends Cheetah.Tools.CGITemplate\n" + \
+ "#implements respond\n" + \
+ "$cgiHeaders#slurp\n" + \
+ "#silent $webInput(['cgiWhat'])##slurp\n" + \
+ "Hello, $cgiWhat!"
+ self.verify(source,
+ "Content-type: text/html\n\nHello, world!")
+ del os.environ['QUERY_STRING']
+ self._endCGI()
+class WhitespaceAfterDirectiveTokens(OutputTest):
+ def _getCompilerSettings(self):
+ return {'allowWhitespaceAfterDirectiveStartToken':True}
+ def test1(self):
+ self.verify("# for i in range(10): $i",
+ "0123456789")
+ self.verify("# for i in range(10)\n$i# end for",
+ "0123456789")
+ self.verify("# for i in range(10)#$i#end for",
+ "0123456789")
+class DefmacroDirective(OutputTest):
+ def _getCompilerSettings(self):
+ def aMacro(src):
+ return '$aStr'
+ return {'macroDirectives':{'aMacro':aMacro
+ }}
+ def test1(self):
+ self.verify("""\
+#defmacro inc: #set @src +=1
+#set i = 1
+#inc: $i
+ "2")
+ self.verify("""\
+#defmacro test
+#for i in range(10): @src
+#end defmacro
+#test: $i-foo#slurp
+#for i in range(3): $i""",
+ "0-foo1-foo2-foo3-foo4-foo5-foo6-foo7-foo8-foo9-foo012")
+ self.verify("""\
+#defmacro test
+#for i in range(10): @src
+#end defmacro
+#test: $i-foo
+#for i in range(3): $i""",
+ "0-foo\n1-foo\n2-foo\n3-foo\n4-foo\n5-foo\n6-foo\n7-foo\n8-foo\n9-foo\n012")
+ self.verify("""\
+#defmacro test: #for i in range(10): @src
+#test: $i-foo#slurp
+-#for i in range(3): $i""",
+ "0-foo1-foo2-foo3-foo4-foo5-foo6-foo7-foo8-foo9-foo-012")
+ self.verify("""\
+#defmacro test##for i in range(10): @src#end defmacro##slurp
+#test: $i-foo#slurp
+-#for i in range(3): $i""",
+ "0-foo1-foo2-foo3-foo4-foo5-foo6-foo7-foo8-foo9-foo-012")
+ self.verify("""\
+#defmacro testFoo: nothing
+#defmacro test(foo=1234): #for i in range(10): @src
+#test foo=234: $i-foo#slurp
+-#for i in range(3): $i""",
+ "0-foo1-foo2-foo3-foo4-foo5-foo6-foo7-foo8-foo9-foo-012")
+ self.verify("""\
+#defmacro testFoo: nothing
+#defmacro test(foo=1234): #for i in range(10): @src@foo
+#test foo='-foo'#$i#end test#-#for i in range(3): $i""",
+ "0-foo1-foo2-foo3-foo4-foo5-foo6-foo7-foo8-foo9-foo-012")
+ self.verify("""\
+#defmacro testFoo: nothing
+#defmacro test(foo=1234): #for i in range(10): @src.strip()@foo
+#test foo='-foo': $i
+-#for i in range(3): $i""",
+ "0-foo1-foo2-foo3-foo4-foo5-foo6-foo7-foo8-foo9-foo-012")
+ def test2(self):
+ self.verify("#aMacro: foo",
+ "blarg")
+ self.verify("#defmacro nested: @macros.aMacro(@src)\n#nested: foo",
+ "blarg")
+class Indenter(OutputTest):
+ convertEOLs=False
+ source = """
+public class X
+ #for $method in $methods
+ $getMethod($method)
+ #end for
+//end of class
+#def getMethod($method)
+ #indent ++
+ public $getType($method) ${method.Name}($getParams($method.Params));
+ #indent --
+#end def
+#def getParams($params)
+ #indent off
+ #for $counter in $range($len($params))
+ #if $counter == len($params) - 1
+ $params[$counter]#slurp
+ #else:
+ $params[$counter],
+ #end if
+ #end for
+ #indent on
+#end def
+#def getType($method)
+ #indent push
+ #indent=0
+ #if $method.Type == "VT_VOID"
+ void#slurp
+ #elif $method.Type == "VT_INT"
+ int#slurp
+ #elif $method.Type == "VT_VARIANT"
+ Object#slurp
+ #end if
+ #indent pop
+#end def
+ control = """
+public class X
+ public void Foo(
+ _input,
+ _output);
+ public int Bar(
+ _str1,
+ str2,
+ _str3);
+ public Object Add(
+ value1,
+ value);
+//end of class
+ def _getCompilerSettings(self):
+ return {'useFilterArgsInPlaceholders':True}
+ def searchList(self): # Inside Indenter class.
+ class Method:
+ def __init__(self, _name, _type, *_params):
+ self.Name = _name
+ self.Type = _type
+ self.Params = _params
+ methods = [Method("Foo", "VT_VOID", "_input", "_output"),
+ Method("Bar", "VT_INT", "_str1", "str2", "_str3"),
+ Method("Add", "VT_VARIANT", "value1", "value")]
+ return [{"methods": methods}]
+ def test1(self): # Inside Indenter class.
+ self.verify(self.source, self.control)
+if OutputTest._useNewStyleCompilation and versionTuple >= (2,3):
+ extraCompileKwArgsForDiffBaseclass = {'baseclass':dict}
+ extraCompileKwArgsForDiffBaseclass = {'baseclass':object}
+for klass in [var for var in globals().values()
+ if type(var) == types.ClassType and issubclass(var, unittest.TestCase)]:
+ name = klass.__name__
+ if hasattr(klass,'convertEOLs') and klass.convertEOLs:
+ win32Src = r"class %(name)s_Win32EOL(%(name)s): _EOLreplacement = '\r\n'"%locals()
+ macSrc = r"class %(name)s_MacEOL(%(name)s): _EOLreplacement = '\r'"%locals()
+ #print win32Src
+ #print macSrc
+ exec win32Src+'\n'
+ exec macSrc+'\n'
+ if versionTuple >= (2,3):
+ src = r"class %(name)s_DiffBaseClass(%(name)s): "%locals()
+ src += " _extraCompileKwArgs = extraCompileKwArgsForDiffBaseclass"
+ exec src+'\n'
+ del name
+ del klass
+## if run from the command line ##
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
+# vim: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab