path: root/examples/demo
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/demo')
8 files changed, 929 insertions, 1067 deletions
diff --git a/examples/demo/ b/examples/demo/
deleted file mode 100755
index d67935d9..00000000
--- a/examples/demo/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- Mode: Python; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
-# Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc., John (J5) Palmieri <>
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
-# USA
-import codecs
-import os
-import sys
-import textwrap
-from gi.repository import GLib, GObject, Pango, GdkPixbuf, Gtk, Gio
- from gi.repository import GtkSource
- GtkSource # PyFlakes
-except ImportError:
- GtkSource = None
-DEMOROOTDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-DEMOCODEDIR = os.path.join(DEMOROOTDIR, 'demos')
-sys.path.insert(0, DEMOROOTDIR)
-class Demo(GObject.GObject):
- __gtype_name__ = 'GtkDemo'
- def __init__(self, title, module, filename):
- super(Demo, self).__init__()
- self.title = title
- self.module = module
- self.filename = filename
- @classmethod
- def new_from_file(cls, path):
- relpath = os.path.relpath(path, DEMOROOTDIR)
- packagename = os.path.dirname(relpath).replace(os.sep, '.')
- modulename = os.path.basename(relpath)[0:-3]
- package = __import__(packagename, globals(), locals(), [modulename], 0)
- module = getattr(package, modulename)
- try:
- return cls(module.title, module, path)
- except AttributeError as e:
- raise AttributeError('(%s): %s' % (path, e.message))
-class DemoTreeStore(Gtk.TreeStore):
- __gtype_name__ = 'GtkDemoTreeStore'
- def __init__(self, *args):
- super(DemoTreeStore, self).__init__(str, Demo, Pango.Style)
- self._parent_nodes = {}
- for filename in self._list_dir(DEMOCODEDIR):
- fullpath = os.path.join(DEMOCODEDIR, filename)
- initfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fullpath), '')
- if fullpath != initfile and os.path.isfile(initfile) and fullpath.endswith('.py'):
- parentname = os.path.dirname(os.path.relpath(fullpath, DEMOCODEDIR))
- if parentname:
- parent = self._get_parent_node(parentname)
- else:
- parent = None
- demo = Demo.new_from_file(fullpath)
- self.append(parent, (demo.title, demo, Pango.Style.NORMAL))
- def _list_dir(self, path):
- demo_file_list = []
- for filename in os.listdir(path):
- fullpath = os.path.join(path, filename)
- if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
- demo_file_list.extend(self._list_dir(fullpath))
- elif os.path.isfile(fullpath):
- demo_file_list.append(fullpath)
- return sorted(demo_file_list, key=str.lower)
- def _get_parent_node(self, name):
- if name not in self._parent_nodes.keys():
- node = self.append(None, (name, None, Pango.Style.NORMAL))
- self._parent_nodes[name] = node
- return self._parent_nodes[name]
-class GtkDemoApp(Gtk.Application):
- __gtype_name__ = 'GtkDemoWindow'
- def __init__(self):
- super(GtkDemoApp, self).__init__(application_id='org.gnome.pygobject.gtkdemo')
- # Use a GResource to hold the CSS files. Resource bundles are created by
- # the glib-compile-resources program shipped with Glib which takes an xml
- # file that describes the bundle, and a set of files that the xml
- # references. These are combined into a binary resource bundle.
- base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
- resource_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'demos/data/demo.gresource')
- resource = Gio.Resource.load(resource_path)
- # FIXME: method register() should be without the underscore
- # FIXME: see
- # Once the resource has been globally registered it can be used
- # throughout the application.
- resource._register()
- def on_activate(self, app):
- self.window =
- self.window.set_title('PyGObject GTK+ Code Demos')
- self.window.set_default_size(600, 400)
- self.setup_default_icon()
- self.header_bar = Gtk.HeaderBar(show_close_button=True,
- subtitle='Foobar')
- self.window.set_titlebar(self.header_bar)
- stack = Gtk.Stack(transition_type=Gtk.StackTransitionType.SLIDE_LEFT_RIGHT,
- homogeneous=True)
- switcher = Gtk.StackSwitcher(stack=stack, halign=Gtk.Align.CENTER)
- self.header_bar.set_custom_title(switcher)
- hbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
- homogeneous=False,
- spacing=0)
- self.window.add(hbox)
- tree = self.create_tree()
- hbox.pack_start(child=tree, expand=False, fill=False, padding=0)
- hbox.pack_start(child=stack, expand=True, fill=True, padding=0)
- text_widget, info_buffer = self.create_text_view()
- stack.add_titled(text_widget, name='info', title='Info')
- self.info_buffer = info_buffer
- self.info_buffer.create_tag('title', font='Sans 18')
- text_widget, self.source_buffer = self.create_source_view()
- stack.add_titled(text_widget, name='source', title='Source')
- self.window.show_all()
- self.selection_cb(self.tree_view.get_selection(),
- self.tree_view.get_model())
- def find_file(self, base=''):
- dir = os.path.join(DEMOCODEDIR, 'data')
- logo_file = os.path.join(dir, 'gtk-logo-rgb.gif')
- base_file = os.path.join(dir, base)
- if (GLib.file_test(logo_file, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS) and
- GLib.file_test(base_file, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)):
- return base_file
- else:
- filename = os.path.join(DEMOCODEDIR, base)
- if GLib.file_test(filename, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS):
- return filename
- # can't find the file
- raise IOError('Cannot find demo data file "%s"' % base)
- def setup_default_icon(self):
- filename = self.find_file('gtk-logo-rgb.gif')
- pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(filename)
- transparent = pixbuf.add_alpha(True, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff)
- list = []
- list.append(transparent)
- Gtk.Window.set_default_icon_list(list)
- def selection_cb(self, selection, model):
- sel = selection.get_selected()
- if sel == ():
- return
- treeiter = sel[1]
- title = model.get_value(treeiter, 0)
- demo = model.get_value(treeiter, 1)
- if demo is None:
- return
- # Split into paragraphs based on double newlines and use
- # textwrap to strip out all other formatting whitespace
- description = ''
- for paragraph in demo.module.description.split('\n\n'):
- description += '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(paragraph, 99999))
- description += '\n\n' # Add paragraphs back in
- f =, 'rU', 'utf-8')
- code =
- f.close()
- # output and style the title
- (start, end) = self.info_buffer.get_bounds()
- self.info_buffer.delete(start, end)
- (start, end) = self.source_buffer.get_bounds()
- self.source_buffer.delete(start, end)
- start = self.info_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(0)
- end = start.copy()
- self.info_buffer.insert(end, title)
- start = end.copy()
- start.backward_chars(len(title))
- self.info_buffer.apply_tag_by_name('title', start, end)
- self.info_buffer.insert(end, '\n')
- # output the description
- self.info_buffer.insert(end, description)
- # output the code
- start = self.source_buffer.get_iter_at_offset(0)
- end = start.copy()
- self.source_buffer.insert(end, code)
- def row_activated_cb(self, view, path, col, store):
- iter = store.get_iter(path)
- demo = store.get_value(iter, 1)
- if demo is not None:
- store.set_value(iter, 2, Pango.Style.ITALIC)
- try:
- demo.module.main(self)
- finally:
- store.set_value(iter, 2, Pango.Style.NORMAL)
- def create_tree(self):
- tree_store = DemoTreeStore()
- tree_view = Gtk.TreeView()
- self.tree_view = tree_view
- tree_view.set_model(tree_store)
- selection = tree_view.get_selection()
- selection.set_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.BROWSE)
- tree_view.set_size_request(200, -1)
- cell = Gtk.CellRendererText()
- column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(title='Widget (double click for demo)',
- cell_renderer=cell,
- text=0,
- style=2)
- first_iter = tree_store.get_iter_first()
- if first_iter is not None:
- selection.select_iter(first_iter)
- selection.connect('changed', self.selection_cb, tree_store)
- tree_view.connect('row_activated', self.row_activated_cb, tree_store)
- tree_view.append_column(column)
- tree_view.expand_all()
- tree_view.set_headers_visible(False)
- scrolled_window = Gtk.ScrolledWindow(hadjustment=None,
- vadjustment=None)
- scrolled_window.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER,
- Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)
- scrolled_window.add(tree_view)
- label = Gtk.Label(label='Widget (double click for demo)')
- box = Gtk.Notebook()
- box.append_page(scrolled_window, label)
- tree_view.grab_focus()
- return box
- def create_scrolled_window(self):
- scrolled_window = Gtk.ScrolledWindow(hadjustment=None,
- vadjustment=None)
- scrolled_window.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC,
- Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)
- scrolled_window.set_shadow_type(Gtk.ShadowType.IN)
- return scrolled_window
- def create_text_view(self):
- text_view = Gtk.TextView()
- buffer = Gtk.TextBuffer()
- text_view.set_buffer(buffer)
- text_view.set_editable(False)
- text_view.set_cursor_visible(False)
- scrolled_window = self.create_scrolled_window()
- scrolled_window.add(text_view)
- text_view.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.WORD)
- text_view.set_pixels_above_lines(2)
- text_view.set_pixels_below_lines(2)
- return scrolled_window, buffer
- def create_source_view(self):
- font_desc = Pango.FontDescription('monospace 11')
- if GtkSource:
- lang_mgr = GtkSource.LanguageManager()
- lang = lang_mgr.get_language('python')
- buffer = GtkSource.Buffer()
- buffer.set_language(lang)
- buffer.set_highlight_syntax(True)
- view = GtkSource.View()
- view.set_buffer(buffer)
- view.set_show_line_numbers(True)
- scrolled_window = self.create_scrolled_window()
- scrolled_window.add(view)
- else:
- scrolled_window, buffer = self.create_text_view()
- view = scrolled_window.get_child()
- view.modify_font(font_desc)
- view.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.NONE)
- return scrolled_window, buffer
- def run(self, argv):
- self.connect('activate', self.on_activate)
- return super(GtkDemoApp, self).run(argv)
-def main(argv):
- """Entry point for demo manager"""
- app = GtkDemoApp()
- return
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- SystemExit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/examples/demo/demos/ b/examples/demo/demos/
index d44ca0da..9dc9eb2a 100644..100755
--- a/examples/demo/demos/
+++ b/examples/demo/demos/
@@ -25,20 +25,12 @@ Demonstrates a typical application window with menubar, toolbar, statusbar.
import os
-from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf, Gtk
+import sys
import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '4.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk
-infobar = None
-window = None
-messagelabel = None
-_demoapp = None
def widget_destroy(widget, button):
@@ -266,27 +258,25 @@ ui_info = """
+def get_content() -> Gtk.Widget:
+ box = Gtk.Box()
+ button = Gtk.Button.new_with_label("Test")
+ box.add(button)
+ return box
def _quit(*args):
def main(demoapp=None):
- global infobar
- global window
- global messagelabel
- global _demoapp
- _demoapp = demoapp
window = Gtk.Window()
window.set_title('Application Window')
window.set_default_size(200, 200)
window.connect_after('destroy', _quit)
- button = Gtk.Button.new_with_label("Test")
- window.add(button)
+ content = get_content()
+ window.add(content)
diff --git a/examples/demo/demos/ b/examples/demo/demos/
index 0485b7c0..1080155f 100755
--- a/examples/demo/demos/
+++ b/examples/demo/demos/
@@ -27,6 +27,707 @@ support sorting and filtering. The children of a GtkFlowBox are regular widgets.
from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk
+def get_content():
+ flowbox = Gtk.FlowBox()
+ flowbox.set_valign(Gtk.Align.START)
+ flowbox.set_max_children_per_line(30)
+ flowbox.set_selection_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.NONE)
+ content = create_flowbox(flowbox)
+ return flowbox
+def color_swatch_new(str_color):
+ rgba = Gdk.RGBA()
+ rgba.parse(str_color)
+ text_str = 'white' # default is white
+ if max(,, > 0.6:
+ text_str = 'black'
+ label = Gtk.Label(label=str_color)
+ style = f'.{str_color} {{ color: {text_str}; background-color: {str_color}; }}'
+ css_provider = Gtk.CssProvider()
+ css_provider.load_from_data(str.encode(style))
+ display = Gdk.Display.get_default()
+ style_context = label.get_style_context()
+ style_context.add_provider_for_display(display, css_provider,
+ return label
+def create_flowbox(flowbox):
+ colors = [
+ 'AliceBlue',
+ 'AntiqueWhite',
+ 'AntiqueWhite1',
+ 'AntiqueWhite2',
+ 'AntiqueWhite3',
+ 'AntiqueWhite4',
+ 'aqua',
+ 'aquamarine',
+ 'aquamarine1',
+ 'aquamarine2',
+ 'aquamarine3',
+ 'aquamarine4',
+ 'azure',
+ 'azure1',
+ 'azure2',
+ 'azure3',
+ 'azure4',
+ 'beige',
+ 'bisque',
+ 'bisque1',
+ 'bisque2',
+ 'bisque3',
+ 'bisque4',
+ 'black',
+ 'BlanchedAlmond',
+ 'blue',
+ 'blue1',
+ 'blue2',
+ 'blue3',
+ 'blue4',
+ 'BlueViolet',
+ 'brown',
+ 'brown1',
+ 'brown2',
+ 'brown3',
+ 'brown4',
+ 'burlywood',
+ 'burlywood1',
+ 'burlywood2',
+ 'burlywood3',
+ 'burlywood4',
+ 'CadetBlue',
+ 'CadetBlue1',
+ 'CadetBlue2',
+ 'CadetBlue3',
+ 'CadetBlue4',
+ 'chartreuse',
+ 'chartreuse1',
+ 'chartreuse2',
+ 'chartreuse3',
+ 'chartreuse4',
+ 'chocolate',
+ 'chocolate1',
+ 'chocolate2',
+ 'chocolate3',
+ 'chocolate4',
+ 'coral',
+ 'coral1',
+ 'coral2',
+ 'coral3',
+ 'coral4',
+ 'CornflowerBlue',
+ 'cornsilk',
+ 'cornsilk1',
+ 'cornsilk2',
+ 'cornsilk3',
+ 'cornsilk4',
+ 'crimson',
+ 'cyan',
+ 'cyan1',
+ 'cyan2',
+ 'cyan3',
+ 'cyan4',
+ 'DarkBlue',
+ 'DarkCyan',
+ 'DarkGoldenrod',
+ 'DarkGoldenrod1',
+ 'DarkGoldenrod2',
+ 'DarkGoldenrod3',
+ 'DarkGoldenrod4',
+ 'DarkGray',
+ 'DarkGreen',
+ 'DarkGrey',
+ 'DarkKhaki',
+ 'DarkMagenta',
+ 'DarkOliveGreen',
+ 'DarkOliveGreen1',
+ 'DarkOliveGreen2',
+ 'DarkOliveGreen3',
+ 'DarkOliveGreen4',
+ 'DarkOrange',
+ 'DarkOrange1',
+ 'DarkOrange2',
+ 'DarkOrange3',
+ 'DarkOrange4',
+ 'DarkOrchid',
+ 'DarkOrchid1',
+ 'DarkOrchid2',
+ 'DarkOrchid3',
+ 'DarkOrchid4',
+ 'DarkRed',
+ 'DarkSalmon',
+ 'DarkSeaGreen',
+ 'DarkSeaGreen1',
+ 'DarkSeaGreen2',
+ 'DarkSeaGreen3',
+ 'DarkSeaGreen4',
+ 'DarkSlateBlue',
+ 'DarkSlateGray',
+ 'DarkSlateGray1',
+ 'DarkSlateGray2',
+ 'DarkSlateGray3',
+ 'DarkSlateGray4',
+ 'DarkSlateGrey',
+ 'DarkTurquoise',
+ 'DarkViolet',
+ 'DeepPink',
+ 'DeepPink1',
+ 'DeepPink2',
+ 'DeepPink3',
+ 'DeepPink4',
+ 'DeepSkyBlue',
+ 'DeepSkyBlue1',
+ 'DeepSkyBlue2',
+ 'DeepSkyBlue3',
+ 'DeepSkyBlue4',
+ 'DimGray',
+ 'DimGrey',
+ 'DodgerBlue',
+ 'DodgerBlue1',
+ 'DodgerBlue2',
+ 'DodgerBlue3',
+ 'DodgerBlue4',
+ 'firebrick',
+ 'firebrick1',
+ 'firebrick2',
+ 'firebrick3',
+ 'firebrick4',
+ 'FloralWhite',
+ 'ForestGreen',
+ 'fuchsia',
+ 'gainsboro',
+ 'GhostWhite',
+ 'gold',
+ 'gold1',
+ 'gold2',
+ 'gold3',
+ 'gold4',
+ 'goldenrod',
+ 'goldenrod1',
+ 'goldenrod2',
+ 'goldenrod3',
+ 'goldenrod4',
+ 'gray',
+ 'gray0',
+ 'gray1',
+ 'gray2',
+ 'gray3',
+ 'gray4',
+ 'gray5',
+ 'gray6',
+ 'gray7',
+ 'gray8',
+ 'gray9',
+ 'gray10',
+ 'gray11',
+ 'gray12',
+ 'gray13',
+ 'gray14',
+ 'gray15',
+ 'gray16',
+ 'gray17',
+ 'gray18',
+ 'gray19',
+ 'gray20',
+ 'gray21',
+ 'gray22',
+ 'gray23',
+ 'gray24',
+ 'gray25',
+ 'gray26',
+ 'gray27',
+ 'gray28',
+ 'gray29',
+ 'gray30',
+ 'gray31',
+ 'gray32',
+ 'gray33',
+ 'gray34',
+ 'gray35',
+ 'gray36',
+ 'gray37',
+ 'gray38',
+ 'gray39',
+ 'gray40',
+ 'gray41',
+ 'gray42',
+ 'gray43',
+ 'gray44',
+ 'gray45',
+ 'gray46',
+ 'gray47',
+ 'gray48',
+ 'gray49',
+ 'gray50',
+ 'gray51',
+ 'gray52',
+ 'gray53',
+ 'gray54',
+ 'gray55',
+ 'gray56',
+ 'gray57',
+ 'gray58',
+ 'gray59',
+ 'gray60',
+ 'gray61',
+ 'gray62',
+ 'gray63',
+ 'gray64',
+ 'gray65',
+ 'gray66',
+ 'gray67',
+ 'gray68',
+ 'gray69',
+ 'gray70',
+ 'gray71',
+ 'gray72',
+ 'gray73',
+ 'gray74',
+ 'gray75',
+ 'gray76',
+ 'gray77',
+ 'gray78',
+ 'gray79',
+ 'gray80',
+ 'gray81',
+ 'gray82',
+ 'gray83',
+ 'gray84',
+ 'gray85',
+ 'gray86',
+ 'gray87',
+ 'gray88',
+ 'gray89',
+ 'gray90',
+ 'gray91',
+ 'gray92',
+ 'gray93',
+ 'gray94',
+ 'gray95',
+ 'gray96',
+ 'gray97',
+ 'gray98',
+ 'gray99',
+ 'gray100',
+ 'green',
+ 'green1',
+ 'green2',
+ 'green3',
+ 'green4',
+ 'GreenYellow',
+ 'grey',
+ 'grey0',
+ 'grey1',
+ 'grey2',
+ 'grey3',
+ 'grey4',
+ 'grey5',
+ 'grey6',
+ 'grey7',
+ 'grey8',
+ 'grey9',
+ 'grey10',
+ 'grey11',
+ 'grey12',
+ 'grey13',
+ 'grey14',
+ 'grey15',
+ 'grey16',
+ 'grey17',
+ 'grey18',
+ 'grey19',
+ 'grey20',
+ 'grey21',
+ 'grey22',
+ 'grey23',
+ 'grey24',
+ 'grey25',
+ 'grey26',
+ 'grey27',
+ 'grey28',
+ 'grey29',
+ 'grey30',
+ 'grey31',
+ 'grey32',
+ 'grey33',
+ 'grey34',
+ 'grey35',
+ 'grey36',
+ 'grey37',
+ 'grey38',
+ 'grey39',
+ 'grey40',
+ 'grey41',
+ 'grey42',
+ 'grey43',
+ 'grey44',
+ 'grey45',
+ 'grey46',
+ 'grey47',
+ 'grey48',
+ 'grey49',
+ 'grey50',
+ 'grey51',
+ 'grey52',
+ 'grey53',
+ 'grey54',
+ 'grey55',
+ 'grey56',
+ 'grey57',
+ 'grey58',
+ 'grey59',
+ 'grey60',
+ 'grey61',
+ 'grey62',
+ 'grey63',
+ 'grey64',
+ 'grey65',
+ 'grey66',
+ 'grey67',
+ 'grey68',
+ 'grey69',
+ 'grey70',
+ 'grey71',
+ 'grey72',
+ 'grey73',
+ 'grey74',
+ 'grey75',
+ 'grey76',
+ 'grey77',
+ 'grey78',
+ 'grey79',
+ 'grey80',
+ 'grey81',
+ 'grey82',
+ 'grey83',
+ 'grey84',
+ 'grey85',
+ 'grey86',
+ 'grey87',
+ 'grey88',
+ 'grey89',
+ 'grey90',
+ 'grey91',
+ 'grey92',
+ 'grey93',
+ 'grey94',
+ 'grey95',
+ 'grey96',
+ 'grey97',
+ 'grey98',
+ 'grey99',
+ 'grey100',
+ 'honeydew',
+ 'honeydew1',
+ 'honeydew2',
+ 'honeydew3',
+ 'honeydew4',
+ 'HotPink',
+ 'HotPink1',
+ 'HotPink2',
+ 'HotPink3',
+ 'HotPink4',
+ 'IndianRed',
+ 'IndianRed1',
+ 'IndianRed2',
+ 'IndianRed3',
+ 'IndianRed4',
+ 'indigo',
+ 'ivory',
+ 'ivory1',
+ 'ivory2',
+ 'ivory3',
+ 'ivory4',
+ 'khaki',
+ 'khaki1',
+ 'khaki2',
+ 'khaki3',
+ 'khaki4',
+ 'lavender',
+ 'LavenderBlush',
+ 'LavenderBlush1',
+ 'LavenderBlush2',
+ 'LavenderBlush3',
+ 'LavenderBlush4',
+ 'LawnGreen',
+ 'LemonChiffon',
+ 'LemonChiffon1',
+ 'LemonChiffon2',
+ 'LemonChiffon3',
+ 'LemonChiffon4',
+ 'LightBlue',
+ 'LightBlue1',
+ 'LightBlue2',
+ 'LightBlue3',
+ 'LightBlue4',
+ 'LightCoral',
+ 'LightCyan',
+ 'LightCyan1',
+ 'LightCyan2',
+ 'LightCyan3',
+ 'LightCyan4',
+ 'LightGoldenrod',
+ 'LightGoldenrod1',
+ 'LightGoldenrod2',
+ 'LightGoldenrod3',
+ 'LightGoldenrod4',
+ 'LightGoldenrodYellow',
+ 'LightGray',
+ 'LightGreen',
+ 'LightGrey',
+ 'LightPink',
+ 'LightPink1',
+ 'LightPink2',
+ 'LightPink3',
+ 'LightPink4',
+ 'LightSalmon',
+ 'LightSalmon1',
+ 'LightSalmon2',
+ 'LightSalmon3',
+ 'LightSalmon4',
+ 'LightSeaGreen',
+ 'LightSkyBlue',
+ 'LightSkyBlue1',
+ 'LightSkyBlue2',
+ 'LightSkyBlue3',
+ 'LightSkyBlue4',
+ 'LightSlateBlue',
+ 'LightSlateGray',
+ 'LightSlateGrey',
+ 'LightSteelBlue',
+ 'LightSteelBlue1',
+ 'LightSteelBlue2',
+ 'LightSteelBlue3',
+ 'LightSteelBlue4',
+ 'LightYellow',
+ 'LightYellow1',
+ 'LightYellow2',
+ 'LightYellow3',
+ 'LightYellow4',
+ 'lime',
+ 'LimeGreen',
+ 'linen',
+ 'magenta',
+ 'magenta1',
+ 'magenta2',
+ 'magenta3',
+ 'magenta4',
+ 'maroon',
+ 'maroon1',
+ 'maroon2',
+ 'maroon3',
+ 'maroon4',
+ 'MediumAquamarine',
+ 'MediumBlue',
+ 'MediumOrchid',
+ 'MediumOrchid1',
+ 'MediumOrchid2',
+ 'MediumOrchid3',
+ 'MediumOrchid4',
+ 'MediumPurple',
+ 'MediumPurple1',
+ 'MediumPurple2',
+ 'MediumPurple3',
+ 'MediumPurple4',
+ 'MediumSeaGreen',
+ 'MediumSlateBlue',
+ 'MediumSpringGreen',
+ 'MediumTurquoise',
+ 'MediumVioletRed',
+ 'MidnightBlue',
+ 'MintCream',
+ 'MistyRose',
+ 'MistyRose1',
+ 'MistyRose2',
+ 'MistyRose3',
+ 'MistyRose4',
+ 'moccasin',
+ 'NavajoWhite',
+ 'NavajoWhite1',
+ 'NavajoWhite2',
+ 'NavajoWhite3',
+ 'NavajoWhite4',
+ 'navy',
+ 'NavyBlue',
+ 'OldLace',
+ 'olive',
+ 'OliveDrab',
+ 'OliveDrab1',
+ 'OliveDrab2',
+ 'OliveDrab3',
+ 'OliveDrab4',
+ 'orange',
+ 'orange1',
+ 'orange2',
+ 'orange3',
+ 'orange4',
+ 'OrangeRed',
+ 'OrangeRed1',
+ 'OrangeRed2',
+ 'OrangeRed3',
+ 'OrangeRed4',
+ 'orchid',
+ 'orchid1',
+ 'orchid2',
+ 'orchid3',
+ 'orchid4',
+ 'PaleGoldenrod',
+ 'PaleGreen',
+ 'PaleGreen1',
+ 'PaleGreen2',
+ 'PaleGreen3',
+ 'PaleGreen4',
+ 'PaleTurquoise',
+ 'PaleTurquoise1',
+ 'PaleTurquoise2',
+ 'PaleTurquoise3',
+ 'PaleTurquoise4',
+ 'PaleVioletRed',
+ 'PaleVioletRed1',
+ 'PaleVioletRed2',
+ 'PaleVioletRed3',
+ 'PaleVioletRed4',
+ 'PapayaWhip',
+ 'PeachPuff',
+ 'PeachPuff1',
+ 'PeachPuff2',
+ 'PeachPuff3',
+ 'PeachPuff4',
+ 'peru',
+ 'pink',
+ 'pink1',
+ 'pink2',
+ 'pink3',
+ 'pink4',
+ 'plum',
+ 'plum1',
+ 'plum2',
+ 'plum3',
+ 'plum4',
+ 'PowderBlue',
+ 'purple',
+ 'purple1',
+ 'purple2',
+ 'purple3',
+ 'purple4',
+ 'red',
+ 'red1',
+ 'red2',
+ 'red3',
+ 'red4',
+ 'RosyBrown',
+ 'RosyBrown1',
+ 'RosyBrown2',
+ 'RosyBrown3',
+ 'RosyBrown4',
+ 'RoyalBlue',
+ 'RoyalBlue1',
+ 'RoyalBlue2',
+ 'RoyalBlue3',
+ 'RoyalBlue4',
+ 'SaddleBrown',
+ 'salmon',
+ 'salmon1',
+ 'salmon2',
+ 'salmon3',
+ 'salmon4',
+ 'SandyBrown',
+ 'SeaGreen',
+ 'SeaGreen1',
+ 'SeaGreen2',
+ 'SeaGreen3',
+ 'SeaGreen4',
+ 'seashell',
+ 'seashell1',
+ 'seashell2',
+ 'seashell3',
+ 'seashell4',
+ 'sienna',
+ 'sienna1',
+ 'sienna2',
+ 'sienna3',
+ 'sienna4',
+ 'silver',
+ 'SkyBlue',
+ 'SkyBlue1',
+ 'SkyBlue2',
+ 'SkyBlue3',
+ 'SkyBlue4',
+ 'SlateBlue',
+ 'SlateBlue1',
+ 'SlateBlue2',
+ 'SlateBlue3',
+ 'SlateBlue4',
+ 'SlateGray',
+ 'SlateGray1',
+ 'SlateGray2',
+ 'SlateGray3',
+ 'SlateGray4',
+ 'SlateGrey',
+ 'snow',
+ 'snow1',
+ 'snow2',
+ 'snow3',
+ 'snow4',
+ 'SpringGreen',
+ 'SpringGreen1',
+ 'SpringGreen2',
+ 'SpringGreen3',
+ 'SpringGreen4',
+ 'SteelBlue',
+ 'SteelBlue1',
+ 'SteelBlue2',
+ 'SteelBlue3',
+ 'SteelBlue4',
+ 'tan',
+ 'tan1',
+ 'tan2',
+ 'tan3',
+ 'tan4',
+ 'teal',
+ 'thistle',
+ 'thistle1',
+ 'thistle2',
+ 'thistle3',
+ 'thistle4',
+ 'tomato',
+ 'tomato1',
+ 'tomato2',
+ 'tomato3',
+ 'tomato4',
+ 'turquoise',
+ 'turquoise1',
+ 'turquoise2',
+ 'turquoise3',
+ 'turquoise4',
+ 'violet',
+ 'VioletRed',
+ 'VioletRed1',
+ 'VioletRed2',
+ 'VioletRed3',
+ 'VioletRed4',
+ 'wheat',
+ 'wheat1',
+ 'wheat2',
+ 'wheat3',
+ 'wheat4',
+ 'white',
+ 'WhiteSmoke',
+ 'yellow',
+ 'yellow1',
+ 'yellow2',
+ 'yellow3',
+ 'yellow4',
+ 'YellowGreen',
+ ]
+ for color in colors:
+ button = color_swatch_new(color)
+ flowbox.add(button)
class FlowBoxApp:
def __init__(self):
@@ -44,703 +745,13 @@ class FlowBoxApp:
scrolled = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
scrolled.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)
- flowbox = Gtk.FlowBox()
- flowbox.set_valign(Gtk.Align.START)
- flowbox.set_max_children_per_line(30)
- flowbox.set_selection_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.NONE)
- self.create_flowbox(flowbox)
+ content = get_content()
- scrolled.add(flowbox)
+ scrolled.add(content)
- def color_swatch_new(self, str_color):
- rgba = Gdk.RGBA()
- rgba.parse(str_color)
- text_rgba = Gdk.RGBA() # default is white
- if max(,, > 0.6:
- text_rgba.parse('black')
- label = Gtk.Label(label=str_color)
- label.override_background_color(0, rgba)
- label.override_color(0, text_rgba)
- return label
- def create_flowbox(self, flowbox):
- colors = [
- 'AliceBlue',
- 'AntiqueWhite',
- 'AntiqueWhite1',
- 'AntiqueWhite2',
- 'AntiqueWhite3',
- 'AntiqueWhite4',
- 'aqua',
- 'aquamarine',
- 'aquamarine1',
- 'aquamarine2',
- 'aquamarine3',
- 'aquamarine4',
- 'azure',
- 'azure1',
- 'azure2',
- 'azure3',
- 'azure4',
- 'beige',
- 'bisque',
- 'bisque1',
- 'bisque2',
- 'bisque3',
- 'bisque4',
- 'black',
- 'BlanchedAlmond',
- 'blue',
- 'blue1',
- 'blue2',
- 'blue3',
- 'blue4',
- 'BlueViolet',
- 'brown',
- 'brown1',
- 'brown2',
- 'brown3',
- 'brown4',
- 'burlywood',
- 'burlywood1',
- 'burlywood2',
- 'burlywood3',
- 'burlywood4',
- 'CadetBlue',
- 'CadetBlue1',
- 'CadetBlue2',
- 'CadetBlue3',
- 'CadetBlue4',
- 'chartreuse',
- 'chartreuse1',
- 'chartreuse2',
- 'chartreuse3',
- 'chartreuse4',
- 'chocolate',
- 'chocolate1',
- 'chocolate2',
- 'chocolate3',
- 'chocolate4',
- 'coral',
- 'coral1',
- 'coral2',
- 'coral3',
- 'coral4',
- 'CornflowerBlue',
- 'cornsilk',
- 'cornsilk1',
- 'cornsilk2',
- 'cornsilk3',
- 'cornsilk4',
- 'crimson',
- 'cyan',
- 'cyan1',
- 'cyan2',
- 'cyan3',
- 'cyan4',
- 'DarkBlue',
- 'DarkCyan',
- 'DarkGoldenrod',
- 'DarkGoldenrod1',
- 'DarkGoldenrod2',
- 'DarkGoldenrod3',
- 'DarkGoldenrod4',
- 'DarkGray',
- 'DarkGreen',
- 'DarkGrey',
- 'DarkKhaki',
- 'DarkMagenta',
- 'DarkOliveGreen',
- 'DarkOliveGreen1',
- 'DarkOliveGreen2',
- 'DarkOliveGreen3',
- 'DarkOliveGreen4',
- 'DarkOrange',
- 'DarkOrange1',
- 'DarkOrange2',
- 'DarkOrange3',
- 'DarkOrange4',
- 'DarkOrchid',
- 'DarkOrchid1',
- 'DarkOrchid2',
- 'DarkOrchid3',
- 'DarkOrchid4',
- 'DarkRed',
- 'DarkSalmon',
- 'DarkSeaGreen',
- 'DarkSeaGreen1',
- 'DarkSeaGreen2',
- 'DarkSeaGreen3',
- 'DarkSeaGreen4',
- 'DarkSlateBlue',
- 'DarkSlateGray',
- 'DarkSlateGray1',
- 'DarkSlateGray2',
- 'DarkSlateGray3',
- 'DarkSlateGray4',
- 'DarkSlateGrey',
- 'DarkTurquoise',
- 'DarkViolet',
- 'DeepPink',
- 'DeepPink1',
- 'DeepPink2',
- 'DeepPink3',
- 'DeepPink4',
- 'DeepSkyBlue',
- 'DeepSkyBlue1',
- 'DeepSkyBlue2',
- 'DeepSkyBlue3',
- 'DeepSkyBlue4',
- 'DimGray',
- 'DimGrey',
- 'DodgerBlue',
- 'DodgerBlue1',
- 'DodgerBlue2',
- 'DodgerBlue3',
- 'DodgerBlue4',
- 'firebrick',
- 'firebrick1',
- 'firebrick2',
- 'firebrick3',
- 'firebrick4',
- 'FloralWhite',
- 'ForestGreen',
- 'fuchsia',
- 'gainsboro',
- 'GhostWhite',
- 'gold',
- 'gold1',
- 'gold2',
- 'gold3',
- 'gold4',
- 'goldenrod',
- 'goldenrod1',
- 'goldenrod2',
- 'goldenrod3',
- 'goldenrod4',
- 'gray',
- 'gray0',
- 'gray1',
- 'gray2',
- 'gray3',
- 'gray4',
- 'gray5',
- 'gray6',
- 'gray7',
- 'gray8',
- 'gray9',
- 'gray10',
- 'gray11',
- 'gray12',
- 'gray13',
- 'gray14',
- 'gray15',
- 'gray16',
- 'gray17',
- 'gray18',
- 'gray19',
- 'gray20',
- 'gray21',
- 'gray22',
- 'gray23',
- 'gray24',
- 'gray25',
- 'gray26',
- 'gray27',
- 'gray28',
- 'gray29',
- 'gray30',
- 'gray31',
- 'gray32',
- 'gray33',
- 'gray34',
- 'gray35',
- 'gray36',
- 'gray37',
- 'gray38',
- 'gray39',
- 'gray40',
- 'gray41',
- 'gray42',
- 'gray43',
- 'gray44',
- 'gray45',
- 'gray46',
- 'gray47',
- 'gray48',
- 'gray49',
- 'gray50',
- 'gray51',
- 'gray52',
- 'gray53',
- 'gray54',
- 'gray55',
- 'gray56',
- 'gray57',
- 'gray58',
- 'gray59',
- 'gray60',
- 'gray61',
- 'gray62',
- 'gray63',
- 'gray64',
- 'gray65',
- 'gray66',
- 'gray67',
- 'gray68',
- 'gray69',
- 'gray70',
- 'gray71',
- 'gray72',
- 'gray73',
- 'gray74',
- 'gray75',
- 'gray76',
- 'gray77',
- 'gray78',
- 'gray79',
- 'gray80',
- 'gray81',
- 'gray82',
- 'gray83',
- 'gray84',
- 'gray85',
- 'gray86',
- 'gray87',
- 'gray88',
- 'gray89',
- 'gray90',
- 'gray91',
- 'gray92',
- 'gray93',
- 'gray94',
- 'gray95',
- 'gray96',
- 'gray97',
- 'gray98',
- 'gray99',
- 'gray100',
- 'green',
- 'green1',
- 'green2',
- 'green3',
- 'green4',
- 'GreenYellow',
- 'grey',
- 'grey0',
- 'grey1',
- 'grey2',
- 'grey3',
- 'grey4',
- 'grey5',
- 'grey6',
- 'grey7',
- 'grey8',
- 'grey9',
- 'grey10',
- 'grey11',
- 'grey12',
- 'grey13',
- 'grey14',
- 'grey15',
- 'grey16',
- 'grey17',
- 'grey18',
- 'grey19',
- 'grey20',
- 'grey21',
- 'grey22',
- 'grey23',
- 'grey24',
- 'grey25',
- 'grey26',
- 'grey27',
- 'grey28',
- 'grey29',
- 'grey30',
- 'grey31',
- 'grey32',
- 'grey33',
- 'grey34',
- 'grey35',
- 'grey36',
- 'grey37',
- 'grey38',
- 'grey39',
- 'grey40',
- 'grey41',
- 'grey42',
- 'grey43',
- 'grey44',
- 'grey45',
- 'grey46',
- 'grey47',
- 'grey48',
- 'grey49',
- 'grey50',
- 'grey51',
- 'grey52',
- 'grey53',
- 'grey54',
- 'grey55',
- 'grey56',
- 'grey57',
- 'grey58',
- 'grey59',
- 'grey60',
- 'grey61',
- 'grey62',
- 'grey63',
- 'grey64',
- 'grey65',
- 'grey66',
- 'grey67',
- 'grey68',
- 'grey69',
- 'grey70',
- 'grey71',
- 'grey72',
- 'grey73',
- 'grey74',
- 'grey75',
- 'grey76',
- 'grey77',
- 'grey78',
- 'grey79',
- 'grey80',
- 'grey81',
- 'grey82',
- 'grey83',
- 'grey84',
- 'grey85',
- 'grey86',
- 'grey87',
- 'grey88',
- 'grey89',
- 'grey90',
- 'grey91',
- 'grey92',
- 'grey93',
- 'grey94',
- 'grey95',
- 'grey96',
- 'grey97',
- 'grey98',
- 'grey99',
- 'grey100',
- 'honeydew',
- 'honeydew1',
- 'honeydew2',
- 'honeydew3',
- 'honeydew4',
- 'HotPink',
- 'HotPink1',
- 'HotPink2',
- 'HotPink3',
- 'HotPink4',
- 'IndianRed',
- 'IndianRed1',
- 'IndianRed2',
- 'IndianRed3',
- 'IndianRed4',
- 'indigo',
- 'ivory',
- 'ivory1',
- 'ivory2',
- 'ivory3',
- 'ivory4',
- 'khaki',
- 'khaki1',
- 'khaki2',
- 'khaki3',
- 'khaki4',
- 'lavender',
- 'LavenderBlush',
- 'LavenderBlush1',
- 'LavenderBlush2',
- 'LavenderBlush3',
- 'LavenderBlush4',
- 'LawnGreen',
- 'LemonChiffon',
- 'LemonChiffon1',
- 'LemonChiffon2',
- 'LemonChiffon3',
- 'LemonChiffon4',
- 'LightBlue',
- 'LightBlue1',
- 'LightBlue2',
- 'LightBlue3',
- 'LightBlue4',
- 'LightCoral',
- 'LightCyan',
- 'LightCyan1',
- 'LightCyan2',
- 'LightCyan3',
- 'LightCyan4',
- 'LightGoldenrod',
- 'LightGoldenrod1',
- 'LightGoldenrod2',
- 'LightGoldenrod3',
- 'LightGoldenrod4',
- 'LightGoldenrodYellow',
- 'LightGray',
- 'LightGreen',
- 'LightGrey',
- 'LightPink',
- 'LightPink1',
- 'LightPink2',
- 'LightPink3',
- 'LightPink4',
- 'LightSalmon',
- 'LightSalmon1',
- 'LightSalmon2',
- 'LightSalmon3',
- 'LightSalmon4',
- 'LightSeaGreen',
- 'LightSkyBlue',
- 'LightSkyBlue1',
- 'LightSkyBlue2',
- 'LightSkyBlue3',
- 'LightSkyBlue4',
- 'LightSlateBlue',
- 'LightSlateGray',
- 'LightSlateGrey',
- 'LightSteelBlue',
- 'LightSteelBlue1',
- 'LightSteelBlue2',
- 'LightSteelBlue3',
- 'LightSteelBlue4',
- 'LightYellow',
- 'LightYellow1',
- 'LightYellow2',
- 'LightYellow3',
- 'LightYellow4',
- 'lime',
- 'LimeGreen',
- 'linen',
- 'magenta',
- 'magenta1',
- 'magenta2',
- 'magenta3',
- 'magenta4',
- 'maroon',
- 'maroon1',
- 'maroon2',
- 'maroon3',
- 'maroon4',
- 'MediumAquamarine',
- 'MediumBlue',
- 'MediumOrchid',
- 'MediumOrchid1',
- 'MediumOrchid2',
- 'MediumOrchid3',
- 'MediumOrchid4',
- 'MediumPurple',
- 'MediumPurple1',
- 'MediumPurple2',
- 'MediumPurple3',
- 'MediumPurple4',
- 'MediumSeaGreen',
- 'MediumSlateBlue',
- 'MediumSpringGreen',
- 'MediumTurquoise',
- 'MediumVioletRed',
- 'MidnightBlue',
- 'MintCream',
- 'MistyRose',
- 'MistyRose1',
- 'MistyRose2',
- 'MistyRose3',
- 'MistyRose4',
- 'moccasin',
- 'NavajoWhite',
- 'NavajoWhite1',
- 'NavajoWhite2',
- 'NavajoWhite3',
- 'NavajoWhite4',
- 'navy',
- 'NavyBlue',
- 'OldLace',
- 'olive',
- 'OliveDrab',
- 'OliveDrab1',
- 'OliveDrab2',
- 'OliveDrab3',
- 'OliveDrab4',
- 'orange',
- 'orange1',
- 'orange2',
- 'orange3',
- 'orange4',
- 'OrangeRed',
- 'OrangeRed1',
- 'OrangeRed2',
- 'OrangeRed3',
- 'OrangeRed4',
- 'orchid',
- 'orchid1',
- 'orchid2',
- 'orchid3',
- 'orchid4',
- 'PaleGoldenrod',
- 'PaleGreen',
- 'PaleGreen1',
- 'PaleGreen2',
- 'PaleGreen3',
- 'PaleGreen4',
- 'PaleTurquoise',
- 'PaleTurquoise1',
- 'PaleTurquoise2',
- 'PaleTurquoise3',
- 'PaleTurquoise4',
- 'PaleVioletRed',
- 'PaleVioletRed1',
- 'PaleVioletRed2',
- 'PaleVioletRed3',
- 'PaleVioletRed4',
- 'PapayaWhip',
- 'PeachPuff',
- 'PeachPuff1',
- 'PeachPuff2',
- 'PeachPuff3',
- 'PeachPuff4',
- 'peru',
- 'pink',
- 'pink1',
- 'pink2',
- 'pink3',
- 'pink4',
- 'plum',
- 'plum1',
- 'plum2',
- 'plum3',
- 'plum4',
- 'PowderBlue',
- 'purple',
- 'purple1',
- 'purple2',
- 'purple3',
- 'purple4',
- 'red',
- 'red1',
- 'red2',
- 'red3',
- 'red4',
- 'RosyBrown',
- 'RosyBrown1',
- 'RosyBrown2',
- 'RosyBrown3',
- 'RosyBrown4',
- 'RoyalBlue',
- 'RoyalBlue1',
- 'RoyalBlue2',
- 'RoyalBlue3',
- 'RoyalBlue4',
- 'SaddleBrown',
- 'salmon',
- 'salmon1',
- 'salmon2',
- 'salmon3',
- 'salmon4',
- 'SandyBrown',
- 'SeaGreen',
- 'SeaGreen1',
- 'SeaGreen2',
- 'SeaGreen3',
- 'SeaGreen4',
- 'seashell',
- 'seashell1',
- 'seashell2',
- 'seashell3',
- 'seashell4',
- 'sienna',
- 'sienna1',
- 'sienna2',
- 'sienna3',
- 'sienna4',
- 'silver',
- 'SkyBlue',
- 'SkyBlue1',
- 'SkyBlue2',
- 'SkyBlue3',
- 'SkyBlue4',
- 'SlateBlue',
- 'SlateBlue1',
- 'SlateBlue2',
- 'SlateBlue3',
- 'SlateBlue4',
- 'SlateGray',
- 'SlateGray1',
- 'SlateGray2',
- 'SlateGray3',
- 'SlateGray4',
- 'SlateGrey',
- 'snow',
- 'snow1',
- 'snow2',
- 'snow3',
- 'snow4',
- 'SpringGreen',
- 'SpringGreen1',
- 'SpringGreen2',
- 'SpringGreen3',
- 'SpringGreen4',
- 'SteelBlue',
- 'SteelBlue1',
- 'SteelBlue2',
- 'SteelBlue3',
- 'SteelBlue4',
- 'tan',
- 'tan1',
- 'tan2',
- 'tan3',
- 'tan4',
- 'teal',
- 'thistle',
- 'thistle1',
- 'thistle2',
- 'thistle3',
- 'thistle4',
- 'tomato',
- 'tomato1',
- 'tomato2',
- 'tomato3',
- 'tomato4',
- 'turquoise',
- 'turquoise1',
- 'turquoise2',
- 'turquoise3',
- 'turquoise4',
- 'violet',
- 'VioletRed',
- 'VioletRed1',
- 'VioletRed2',
- 'VioletRed3',
- 'VioletRed4',
- 'wheat',
- 'wheat1',
- 'wheat2',
- 'wheat3',
- 'wheat4',
- 'white',
- 'WhiteSmoke',
- 'yellow',
- 'yellow1',
- 'yellow2',
- 'yellow3',
- 'yellow4',
- 'YellowGreen',
- ]
- for color in colors:
- button = self.color_swatch_new(color)
- flowbox.add(button)
def main(demoapp=None):
diff --git a/examples/demo/demos/ b/examples/demo/demos/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1654d784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/demo/demos/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+demo_sources = [
+ '',
+ '',
+install_data(demo_sources, install_dir: get_option('bindir'))
diff --git a/examples/demo/ b/examples/demo/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..477b3ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+if get_option('demos')
+demo_app_sources = [
+ '',
+# desktop file
+ install_dir: join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'applications'))
+install_data(demo_app_sources, install_dir: get_option('bindir'))
+endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/demo/org.gnome.pygobject-demo.desktop b/examples/demo/org.gnome.pygobject-demo.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1cbe6a63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/demo/org.gnome.pygobject-demo.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=PYGobject Demo
+Comment=A demo of PyGObject.
+NoDisplay=true \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/demo/org.gnome.pygobject-demo.json b/examples/demo/org.gnome.pygobject-demo.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a468b972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/demo/org.gnome.pygobject-demo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ "app-id" : "org.gnome.pygobject-demo",
+ "runtime" : "org.gnome.Platform",
+ "runtime-version" : "master",
+ "sdk" : "org.gnome.Sdk",
+ "command" : "",
+ "finish-args" : [
+ "--device=dri",
+ "--share=ipc",
+ "--socket=x11",
+ "--socket=wayland",
+ "--talk-name=org.gnome.OnlineAccounts",
+ "--filesystem=host",
+ "--talk-name=org.gtk.vfs",
+ "--talk-name=org.gtk.vfs.*",
+ "--filesystem=xdg-run/dconf",
+ "--filesystem=~/.config/dconf:ro",
+ "--talk-name=ca.desrt.dconf",
+ "--env=DCONF_USER_CONFIG_DIR=.config/dconf"
+ ],
+ "build-options" : {
+ "build-args" : [
+ "--share=network"
+ ],
+ "cflags" : "-O2 -g",
+ "cxxflags" : "-O2 -g",
+ "env" : {
+ "V" : "1",
+ "GI_TYPELIB_PATH" : "/app/lib/girepository-1.0/",
+ "PYTHONPATH": "/app/lib/python3.7/site-packages"
+ }
+ },
+ "modules" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "pytest",
+ "buildsystem" : "simple",
+ "build-commands" : [
+ "/usr/bin/pip3 --disable-pip-version-check install --prefix=/app --verbose ."
+ ],
+ "sources" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "git",
+ "url" : "",
+ "tag" : "3.7.2"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "wayland",
+ "buildsystem" : "autotools",
+ "builddir" : true,
+ "config-opts" : [
+ "--disable-documentation"
+ ],
+ "sources" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "git",
+ "url" : ""
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "graphene",
+ "buildsystem" : "meson",
+ "builddir" : true,
+ "config-opts" : [
+ "--libdir=/app/lib",
+ "-Dtests=false",
+ "-Dbenchmarks=false"
+ ],
+ "sources" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "git",
+ "url" : ""
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "gtk",
+ "buildsystem" : "meson",
+ "builddir" : true,
+ "config-opts" : [
+ "--libdir=/app/lib"
+ ],
+ "sources" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "git",
+ "url" : "",
+ "tag" : "3.94.0"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "",
+ "buildsystem" : "meson",
+ "builddir" : true,
+ "config-opts" : [
+ "--libdir=/app/lib",
+ "-Ddemos=true"
+ ],
+ "sources" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "git",
+ "url" : ""
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/examples/demo/ b/examples/demo/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6a31f600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2018 Carlos Soriano <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+import gi
+gi.require_version('Gtk', '4.0')
+from gi.repository import Gtk, Gio
+from typing import Dict, Any
+import appwindow
+import flowbox
+class PyDemoApplication(Gtk.Application):
+ __gtype_name__ = 'PyDemoApplication'
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ super().__init__(application_id='org.gnome.pygobject-demo',
+ flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE)
+ def do_activate(self) -> None:
+ win: Gtk.Window = self.get_active_window()
+ if not win:
+ win = PyDemoWindow(application=self)
+ win.present()
+class PyDemoWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
+ __gtype_name__ = 'PyDemoWindow'
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.set_default_size(600, 400)
+ self._main_box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
+ self.add(self._main_box)
+ self._sidebar = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
+ self._main_box.add(self._sidebar)
+ self._stack = Gtk.Stack()
+ self._main_box.add(self._stack)
+ self.add_demos()
+ def add_demos(self):
+ button = Gtk.Button(label='Basics')
+ button.connect("clicked", lambda _: self._stack.set_visible_child_name('basics'))
+ button.vexpand = False
+ button.valign = Gtk.Align.START
+ self._sidebar.add(button)
+ self._stack.add_named(appwindow.get_content(), 'basics')
+ button = Gtk.Button(label='Flowbox')
+ button.connect("clicked", lambda _: self._stack.set_visible_child_name('flowbox'))
+ button.vexpand = False
+ button.valign = Gtk.Align.START
+ self._sidebar.add(button)
+ self._stack.add_named(flowbox.get_content(), 'flowbox')
+def main(demoapp=None):
+ app = PyDemoApplication()
+ return
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()