diff options
4 files changed, 715 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/psych/extconf.rb b/ext/psych/extconf.rb
index 05e3f4a..02e0b7a 100644
--- a/ext/psych/extconf.rb
+++ b/ext/psych/extconf.rb
@@ -9,6 +9,14 @@ end
yaml_source = with_config("libyaml-source-dir") || enable_config("bundled-libyaml", false)
if yaml_source == true
yaml_source = Dir.glob("#{$srcdir}/yaml{,-*}/").max_by {|n| File.basename(n).scan(/\d+/).map(&:to_i)}
+ unless yaml_source
+ require_relative '../../tool/extlibs.rb'
+ extlibs = File.expand_path("../../tmp/download_cache", $srcdir))
+ unless extlibs.process_under($srcdir)
+ raise "failed to download libyaml source"
+ end
+ yaml_source, = Dir.glob("#{$srcdir}/yaml-*/")
+ end
elsif yaml_source
yaml_source = yaml_source.gsub(/\$\((\w+)\)|\$\{(\w+)\}/) {ENV[$1||$2]}
diff --git a/ext/psych/extlibs b/ext/psych/extlibs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4ac02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/psych/extlibs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ver = 0.2.5
+$(ver)/yaml-$(ver).tar.gz \
+ rmd160:cc175ed640046722fb7790de828002633407b6b9 \
+ sha256:c642ae9b75fee120b2d96c712538bd2cf283228d2337df2cf2988e3c02678ef4 \
+ sha512:dadd7d8e0d88b5ebab005e5d521d56d541580198aa497370966b98c904586e642a1cd4f3881094eb57624f218d50db77417bbfd0ffdce50340f011e35e8c4c02 \
+ #
diff --git a/tool/downloader.rb b/tool/downloader.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3a9f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/downloader.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+# Used by configure and make to download or update mirrored Ruby and GCC
+# files. This will use HTTPS if possible, falling back to HTTP.
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'open-uri'
+require 'pathname'
+ require 'net/https'
+rescue LoadError
+ https = 'http'
+ https = 'https'
+ # open-uri of ruby 2.2.0 accepts an array of PEMs as ssl_ca_cert, but old
+ # versions do not. so, patching OpenSSL::X509::Store#add_file instead.
+ class OpenSSL::X509::Store
+ alias orig_add_file add_file
+ def add_file(pems)
+ Array(pems).each do |pem|
+ if
+ add_path pem
+ else
+ orig_add_file pem
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # since open-uri internally checks ssl_ca_cert using,
+ # allow to accept an array.
+ class <<File
+ alias orig_directory? directory?
+ def files
+ files.is_a?(Array) ? false : orig_directory?(files)
+ end
+ end
+class Downloader
+ def self.https=(https)
+ @@https = https
+ end
+ def self.https?
+ @@https == 'https'
+ end
+ def self.https
+ @@https
+ end
+ class GNU < self
+ def, *rest)
+ if https?
+ begin
+ super("{name}", name, *rest)
+ rescue => e
+ STDERR.puts "Download failed (#{e.message}), try another URL"
+ super("{name}", name, *rest)
+ end
+ else
+ super("{name}", name, *rest)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class RubyGems < self
+ def, dir = nil, since = true, options = {})
+ require 'rubygems'
+ options = options.dup
+ options[:ssl_ca_cert] = Dir.glob(File.expand_path("../lib/rubygems/ssl_certs/**/*.pem", File.dirname(__FILE__)))
+ super("{name}", name, dir, since, options)
+ end
+ end
+ Gems = RubyGems
+ class Unicode < self
+ INDEX = {} # cache index file information across files in the same directory
+ def, dir = nil, since = true, options = {})
+ options = options.dup
+ unicode_beta = options.delete(:unicode_beta)
+ name_dir_part = name.sub(/[^\/]+$/, '')
+ if unicode_beta == 'YES'
+ if INDEX.size == 0
+ index_options = options.dup
+ index_options[:cache_save] = false # TODO: make sure caching really doesn't work for index file
+ index_data =, "index.html")) rescue nil
+ index_file = super(UNICODE_PUBLIC+name_dir_part, "#{name_dir_part}index.html", dir, true, index_options)
+ INDEX[:index] =
+ since = true unless INDEX[:index] == index_data
+ end
+ file_base = File.basename(name, '.txt')
+ return if file_base == '.' # Use pre-generated headers and tables
+ beta_name = INDEX[:index][/#{Regexp.quote(file_base)}(-[0-9.]+d\d+)?\.txt/]
+ # make sure we always check for new versions of files,
+ # because they can easily change in the beta period
+ super(UNICODE_PUBLIC+name_dir_part+beta_name, name, dir, since, options)
+ else
+ index_file =, name_dir_part+'index.html'))
+ if index_file.exist? and name_dir_part !~ /^(12\.1\.0|emoji\/12\.0)/
+ raise "Although Unicode is not in beta, file #{index_file} exists. " +
+ "Remove all files in this directory and in .downloaded-cache/ " +
+ "because they may be leftovers from the beta period."
+ end
+ super(UNICODE_PUBLIC+name, name, dir, since, options)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def self.mode_for(data)
+ /\A#!/ =~ data ? 0755 : 0644
+ end
+ def self.http_options(file, since)
+ options = {}
+ if since
+ case since
+ when true
+ since = (File.mtime(file).httpdate rescue nil)
+ when Time
+ since = since.httpdate
+ end
+ if since
+ options['If-Modified-Since'] = since
+ end
+ end
+ options['Accept-Encoding'] = 'identity' # to disable Net::HTTP::GenericRequest#decode_content
+ options
+ end
+ def self.httpdate(date)
+ Time.httpdate(date)
+ rescue ArgumentError => e
+ # Some hosts (e.g., return similar to RFC 850 but 4
+ # digit year, sometimes.
+ /\A\s*
+ (?:Mon|Tues|Wednes|Thurs|Fri|Satur|Sun)day,\x20
+ (\d\d)-(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)-(\d{4})\x20
+ (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\x20
+ \s*\z/ix =~ date or raise
+ warn e.message
+ Time.utc($3, $2, $1, $4, $5, $6)
+ end
+ #, name, [dir, [since]])
+ #
+ # Update a file from url if newer version is available.
+ # Creates the file if the file doesn't yet exist; however, the
+ # directory where the file is being created has to exist already.
+ # The +since+ parameter can take the following values, with associated meanings:
+ # true ::
+ # Take the last-modified time of the current file on disk, and only download
+ # if the server has a file that was modified later. Download unconditionally
+ # if we don't have the file yet. Default.
+ # +some time value+ ::
+ # Use this time value instead of the time of modification of the file on disk.
+ # nil ::
+ # Only download the file if it doesn't exist yet.
+ # false ::
+ # always download url regardless of whether we already have a file,
+ # and regardless of modification times. (This is essentially just a waste of
+ # network resources, except in the case that the file we have is somehow damaged.
+ # Please note that using this recurringly might create or be seen as a
+ # denial of service attack.)
+ #
+ # Example usage:
+ # download '',
+ # 'UnicodeData.txt', 'enc/unicode/data'
+ def, name, dir = nil, since = true, options = {})
+ options = options.dup
+ url = URI(url)
+ dryrun = options.delete(:dryrun)
+ options.delete(:unicode_beta) # just to be on the safe side for gems and gcc
+ if name
+ file =, name))
+ else
+ name = File.basename(url.path)
+ end
+ cache_save = options.delete(:cache_save) {
+ ENV["CACHE_SAVE"] != "no"
+ }
+ cache = cache_file(url, name, options.delete(:cache_dir))
+ file ||= cache
+ if since.nil? and file.exist?
+ $stdout.puts "#{file} already exists"
+ $stdout.flush
+ end
+ if cache_save
+ save_cache(cache, file, name)
+ end
+ return file.to_path
+ end
+ if dryrun
+ puts "Download #{url} into #{file}"
+ return
+ end
+ if link_cache(cache, file, name, $VERBOSE)
+ return file.to_path
+ end
+ if !https? and URI::HTTPS === url
+ warn "*** using http instead of https ***"
+ url.scheme = 'http'
+ url = URI(url.to_s)
+ end
+ $stdout.print "downloading #{name} ... "
+ $stdout.flush
+ end
+ mtime = nil
+ options = options.merge(http_options(file, since.nil? ? true : since))
+ begin
+ data = with_retry(10) do
+ data =
+ if mtime = data.meta["last-modified"]
+ mtime = Time.httpdate(mtime)
+ end
+ data
+ end
+ rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => http_error
+ if http_error.message =~ /^304 / # 304 Not Modified
+ $stdout.puts "#{name} not modified"
+ $stdout.flush
+ end
+ return file.to_path
+ end
+ raise
+ rescue Timeout::Error
+ if since.nil? and file.exist?
+ puts "Request for #{url} timed out, using old version."
+ return file.to_path
+ end
+ raise
+ rescue SocketError
+ if since.nil? and file.exist?
+ puts "No network connection, unable to download #{url}, using old version."
+ return file.to_path
+ end
+ raise
+ end
+ dest = (cache_save && cache && !cache.exist? ? cache : file)
+ dest.parent.mkpath
+"wb", 0600) do |f|
+ f.write(data)
+ f.chmod(mode_for(data))
+ end
+ if mtime
+ dest.utime(mtime, mtime)
+ end
+ $stdout.puts "done"
+ $stdout.flush
+ end
+ if dest.eql?(cache)
+ link_cache(cache, file, name)
+ elsif cache_save
+ save_cache(cache, file, name)
+ end
+ return file.to_path
+ rescue => e
+ raise "failed to download #{name}\n#{e.class}: #{e.message}: #{url}"
+ end
+ def self.under(dir, name)
+ dir ? File.join(dir, File.basename(name)) : name
+ end
+ def self.cache_file(url, name, cache_dir = nil)
+ case cache_dir
+ when false
+ return nil
+ when nil
+ cache_dir = ENV['CACHE_DIR']
+ if !cache_dir or cache_dir.empty?
+ cache_dir = ".downloaded-cache"
+ end
+ end
+ + (name || File.basename(URI(url).path))
+ end
+ def self.link_cache(cache, file, name, verbose = false)
+ return false unless cache and cache.exist?
+ return true if cache.eql?(file)
+ if /cygwin/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM or /winsymlink:nativestrict/ =~ ENV['CYGWIN']
+ begin
+ file.make_symlink(cache.relative_path_from(file.parent))
+ rescue SystemCallError
+ else
+ if verbose
+ $stdout.puts "made symlink #{name} to #{cache}"
+ $stdout.flush
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ file.make_link(cache)
+ rescue SystemCallError
+ else
+ if verbose
+ $stdout.puts "made link #{name} to #{cache}"
+ $stdout.flush
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ def self.save_cache(cache, file, name)
+ return unless cache or cache.eql?(file)
+ begin
+ st = cache.stat
+ rescue
+ begin
+ file.rename(cache)
+ rescue
+ return
+ end
+ else
+ return unless st.mtime > file.lstat.mtime
+ file.unlink
+ end
+ link_cache(cache, file, name)
+ end
+ def self.with_retry(max_times, &block)
+ times = 0
+ begin
+ rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT, SocketError, OpenURI::HTTPError, Net::ReadTimeout, Net::OpenTimeout, ArgumentError => e
+ raise if e.is_a?(OpenURI::HTTPError) && e.message !~ /^50[023] / # retry only 500, 502, 503 for http error
+ times += 1
+ if times <= max_times
+ $stderr.puts "retrying #{e.class} (#{e.message}) after #{times ** 2} seconds..."
+ sleep(times ** 2)
+ retry
+ else
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private_class_method :with_retry
+Downloader.https = https.freeze
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ since = true
+ options = {}
+ until ARGV.empty?
+ case ARGV[0]
+ when '-d'
+ destdir = ARGV[1]
+ ARGV.shift
+ when '-p'
+ # strip directory names from the name to download, and add the
+ # prefix instead.
+ prefix = ARGV[1]
+ ARGV.shift
+ when '-e'
+ since = nil
+ when '-a'
+ since = false
+ when '-n', '--dryrun'
+ options[:dryrun] = true
+ when '--cache-dir'
+ options[:cache_dir] = ARGV[1]
+ ARGV.shift
+ when '--unicode-beta'
+ options[:unicode_beta] = ARGV[1]
+ ARGV.shift
+ when /\A--cache-dir=(.*)/m
+ options[:cache_dir] = $1
+ when /\A-/
+ abort "#{$0}: unknown option #{ARGV[0]}"
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ ARGV.shift
+ end
+ dl = Downloader.constants.find do |name|
+ ARGV[0].casecmp(name.to_s) == 0
+ end unless ARGV.empty?
+ $VERBOSE = true
+ if dl
+ dl = Downloader.const_get(dl)
+ ARGV.shift
+ ARGV.each do |name|
+ dir = destdir
+ if prefix
+ name = name.sub(/\A\.\//, '')
+ destdir2 = destdir.sub(/\A\.\//, '')
+ if name.start_with?(destdir2+"/")
+ name = name[(destdir2.size+1)..-1]
+ if (dir = File.dirname(name)) == '.'
+ dir = destdir
+ else
+ dir = File.join(destdir, dir)
+ end
+ else
+ name = File.basename(name)
+ end
+ name = "#{prefix}/#{name}"
+ end
+, dir, since, options)
+ end
+ else
+ abort "usage: #{$0} url name" unless ARGV.size == 2
+[0], ARGV[1], destdir, since, options)
+ end
diff --git a/tool/extlibs.rb b/tool/extlibs.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5d1a2db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/extlibs.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+# Used to download, extract and patch extension libraries (extlibs)
+# for Ruby. See for Ruby's usage.
+require 'digest'
+require_relative 'downloader'
+ require_relative 'lib/colorize'
+rescue LoadError
+class ExtLibs
+ unless defined?(Colorize)
+ class Colorize
+ def pass(str) str; end
+ def fail(str) str; end
+ end
+ end
+ class Vars < Hash
+ def pattern
+ /\$\((#{Regexp.union(keys)})\)/
+ end
+ def expand(str)
+ if empty?
+ str
+ else
+ str.gsub(pattern) {self[$1]}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize(mode = :all, cache_dir: nil)
+ @mode = mode
+ @cache_dir = cache_dir
+ @colorize =
+ end
+ def cache_file(url, cache_dir)
+ Downloader.cache_file(url, nil, cache_dir).to_path
+ end
+ def do_download(url, cache_dir)
+, nil, nil, nil, :cache_dir => cache_dir)
+ end
+ def do_checksum(cache, chksums)
+ chksums.each do |sum|
+ name, sum = sum.split(/:/)
+ $stdout.print "checking #{name} of #{cache} ..."
+ $stdout.flush
+ end
+ hd = Digest(name.upcase).file(cache).hexdigest
+ $stdout.print " "
+ $stdout.puts hd == sum ? @colorize.pass("OK") :"NG")
+ $stdout.flush
+ end
+ unless hd == sum
+ raise "checksum mismatch: #{cache}, #{name}:#{hd}, expected #{sum}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def do_extract(cache, dir)
+ $stdout.puts "extracting #{cache} into #{dir}"
+ $stdout.flush
+ end
+ ext = File.extname(cache)
+ case ext
+ when '.gz', '.tgz'
+ f = IO.popen(["gzip", "-dc", cache])
+ cache = cache.chomp('.gz')
+ when '.bz2', '.tbz'
+ f = IO.popen(["bzip2", "-dc", cache])
+ cache = cache.chomp('.bz2')
+ when '.xz', '.txz'
+ f = IO.popen(["xz", "-dc", cache])
+ cache = cache.chomp('.xz')
+ else
+ inp = cache
+ end
+ inp ||= f.binmode
+ ext = File.extname(cache)
+ case ext
+ when '.tar', /\A\.t[gbx]z\z/
+ pid = Process.spawn("tar", "xpf", "-", in: inp, chdir: dir)
+ when '.zip'
+ pid = Process.spawn("unzip", inp, "-d", dir)
+ end
+ f.close if f
+ Process.wait(pid)
+ $?.success? or raise "failed to extract #{cache}"
+ end
+ def do_patch(dest, patch, args)
+ $stdout.puts "applying #{patch} under #{dest}"
+ $stdout.flush
+ end
+ Process.wait(Process.spawn(ENV.fetch("PATCH", "patch"), "-d", dest, "-i", patch, *args))
+ $?.success? or raise "failed to patch #{patch}"
+ end
+ def do_link(file, src, dest)
+ file = File.join(dest, file)
+ if (target = src).start_with?("/")
+ target = File.join([".."] * file.count("/"), src)
+ end
+ return unless File.exist?(File.expand_path(target, File.dirname(file)))
+ File.unlink(file) rescue nil
+ begin
+ File.symlink(target, file)
+ rescue
+ else
+ $stdout.puts "linked #{target} to #{file}"
+ $stdout.flush
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ begin
+ src = src.sub(/\A\//, '')
+ File.copy_stream(src, file)
+ rescue
+ $stdout.puts "failed to link #{src} to #{file}: #{$!.message}"
+ end
+ else
+ $stdout.puts "copied #{src} to #{file}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def do_exec(command, dir, dest)
+ dir = dir ? File.join(dest, dir) : dest
+ $stdout.puts "running #{command.dump} under #{dir}"
+ $stdout.flush
+ end
+ system(command, chdir: dir) or raise "failed #{command.dump}"
+ end
+ def do_command(mode, dest, url, cache_dir, chksums)
+ extracted = false
+ base = /.*(?=\.tar(?:\.\w+)?\z)/
+ case mode
+ when :download
+ cache = do_download(url, cache_dir)
+ do_checksum(cache, chksums)
+ when :extract
+ cache = cache_file(url, cache_dir)
+ target = File.join(dest, File.basename(cache)[base])
+ unless
+ do_checksum(cache, chksums)
+ extracted = do_extract(cache, dest)
+ end
+ when :all
+ cache = do_download(url, cache_dir)
+ target = File.join(dest, File.basename(cache)[base])
+ unless
+ do_checksum(cache, chksums)
+ extracted = do_extract(cache, dest)
+ end
+ end
+ extracted
+ end
+ def process(list)
+ mode = @mode
+ cache_dir = @cache_dir
+ after_extract = (mode == :all or mode == :patch)
+ success = true
+ $stdout.puts "downloading for #{list}"
+ $stdout.flush
+ end
+ vars =
+ extracted = false
+ dest = File.dirname(list)
+ url = chksums = nil
+ IO.foreach(list) do |line|
+ line.sub!(/\s*#.*/, '')
+ if /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)/ =~ line
+ vars[$1] = vars.expand($2)
+ next
+ end
+ if chksums
+ chksums.concat(line.split)
+ elsif /^\t/ =~ line
+ if extracted and after_extract
+ patch, *args = {|s| vars.expand(s)}
+ do_patch(dest, patch, args)
+ end
+ next
+ elsif /^!\s*(?:chdir:\s*([^|\s]+)\|\s*)?(.*)/ =~ line
+ if extracted and after_extract
+ command = vars.expand($2.strip)
+ chdir = $1 and chdir = vars.expand(chdir)
+ do_exec(command, chdir, dest)
+ end
+ next
+ elsif /->/ =~ line
+ if extracted and after_extract
+ link, file = $`.strip, $'.strip
+ do_link(vars.expand(link), vars.expand(file), dest)
+ end
+ next
+ else
+ url, *chksums = line.split(' ')
+ end
+ if chksums.last == '\\'
+ chksums.pop
+ next
+ end
+ unless url
+ chksums = nil
+ next
+ end
+ url = vars.expand(url)
+ begin
+ extracted = do_command(mode, dest, url, cache_dir, chksums)
+ rescue => e
+ warn e.full_message
+ success = false
+ end
+ url = chksums = nil
+ end
+ success
+ end
+ def process_under(dir)
+ success = true
+ Dir.glob("#{dir}/**/extlibs") do |list|
+ success &= process(list)
+ end
+ success
+ end
+ def
+ cache_dir = nil
+ mode = :all
+ until argv.empty?
+ case argv[0]
+ when '--download'
+ mode = :download
+ when '--extract'
+ mode = :extract
+ when '--patch'
+ mode = :patch
+ when '--all'
+ mode = :all
+ when '--cache'
+ argv.shift
+ cache_dir = argv[0]
+ when /\A--cache=/
+ cache_dir = $'
+ when '--'
+ argv.shift
+ break
+ when /\A-/
+ warn "unknown option: #{argv[0]}"
+ return false
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ argv.shift
+ end
+ extlibs = new(mode, cache_dir: cache_dir)
+ argv.inject(true) do |success, dir|
+ success & extlibs.process_under(dir)
+ end
+ end
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ exit