path: root/src/pl/plpgsql/src/sql/plpgsql_record.sql
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pl/plpgsql/src/sql/plpgsql_record.sql')
1 files changed, 441 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pl/plpgsql/src/sql/plpgsql_record.sql b/src/pl/plpgsql/src/sql/plpgsql_record.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..069d2643cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pl/plpgsql/src/sql/plpgsql_record.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+-- Tests for PL/pgSQL handling of composite (record) variables
+create type two_int4s as (f1 int4, f2 int4);
+create type two_int8s as (q1 int8, q2 int8);
+-- base-case return of a composite type
+create function retc(int) returns two_int8s language plpgsql as
+$$ begin return row($1,1)::two_int8s; end $$;
+select retc(42);
+-- ok to return a matching record type
+create or replace function retc(int) returns two_int8s language plpgsql as
+$$ begin return row($1::int8, 1::int8); end $$;
+select retc(42);
+-- we don't currently support implicit casting
+create or replace function retc(int) returns two_int8s language plpgsql as
+$$ begin return row($1,1); end $$;
+select retc(42);
+-- nor extra columns
+create or replace function retc(int) returns two_int8s language plpgsql as
+$$ begin return row($1::int8, 1::int8, 42); end $$;
+select retc(42);
+-- same cases with an intermediate "record" variable
+create or replace function retc(int) returns two_int8s language plpgsql as
+$$ declare r record; begin r := row($1::int8, 1::int8); return r; end $$;
+select retc(42);
+create or replace function retc(int) returns two_int8s language plpgsql as
+$$ declare r record; begin r := row($1,1); return r; end $$;
+select retc(42);
+create or replace function retc(int) returns two_int8s language plpgsql as
+$$ declare r record; begin r := row($1::int8, 1::int8, 42); return r; end $$;
+select retc(42);
+-- but, for mostly historical reasons, we do convert when assigning
+-- to a named-composite-type variable
+create or replace function retc(int) returns two_int8s language plpgsql as
+$$ declare r two_int8s; begin r := row($1::int8, 1::int8, 42); return r; end $$;
+select retc(42);
+do $$ declare c two_int8s;
+begin c := row(1,2); raise notice 'c = %', c; end$$;
+do $$ declare c two_int8s;
+begin for c in select 1,2 loop raise notice 'c = %', c; end loop; end$$;
+do $$ declare c4 two_int4s; c8 two_int8s;
+ c8 := row(1,2);
+ c4 := c8;
+ c8 := c4;
+ raise notice 'c4 = %', c4;
+ raise notice 'c8 = %', c8;
+-- check passing composite result to another function
+create function getq1(two_int8s) returns int8 language plpgsql as $$
+declare r two_int8s; begin r := $1; return r.q1; end $$;
+select getq1(retc(344));
+select getq1(row(1,2));
+do $$
+declare r1 two_int8s; r2 record; x int8;
+ r1 := retc(345);
+ perform getq1(r1);
+ x := getq1(r1);
+ raise notice 'x = %', x;
+ r2 := retc(346);
+ perform getq1(r2);
+ x := getq1(r2);
+ raise notice 'x = %', x;
+-- check assignments of composites
+do $$
+declare r1 two_int8s; r2 two_int8s; r3 record; r4 record;
+ r1 := row(1,2);
+ raise notice 'r1 = %', r1;
+ r1 := r1; -- shouldn't do anything
+ raise notice 'r1 = %', r1;
+ r2 := r1;
+ raise notice 'r1 = %', r1;
+ raise notice 'r2 = %', r2;
+ r2.q2 = r1.q1 + 3; -- check that r2 has distinct storage
+ raise notice 'r1 = %', r1;
+ raise notice 'r2 = %', r2;
+ r1 := null;
+ raise notice 'r1 = %', r1;
+ raise notice 'r2 = %', r2;
+ r1 := row(7,11)::two_int8s;
+ r2 := r1;
+ raise notice 'r1 = %', r1;
+ raise notice 'r2 = %', r2;
+ r3 := row(1,2);
+ r4 := r3;
+ raise notice 'r3 = %', r3;
+ raise notice 'r4 = %', r4;
+ r4.f1 := r4.f1 + 3; -- check that r4 has distinct storage
+ raise notice 'r3 = %', r3;
+ raise notice 'r4 = %', r4;
+ r1 := r3;
+ raise notice 'r1 = %', r1;
+ r4 := r1;
+ raise notice 'r4 = %', r4;
+ r4.q2 := r4.q2 + 1; -- r4's field names have changed
+ raise notice 'r4 = %', r4;
+-- fields of named-type vars read as null if uninitialized
+do $$
+declare r1 two_int8s;
+ raise notice 'r1 = %', r1;
+ raise notice 'r1.q1 = %', r1.q1;
+ raise notice 'r1.q2 = %', r1.q2;
+ raise notice 'r1 = %', r1;
+do $$
+declare r1 two_int8s;
+ raise notice 'r1.q1 = %', r1.q1;
+ raise notice 'r1.q2 = %', r1.q2;
+ raise notice 'r1 = %', r1;
+ raise notice 'r1.nosuchfield = %', r1.nosuchfield;
+-- records, not so much
+do $$
+declare r1 record;
+ raise notice 'r1 = %', r1;
+ raise notice 'r1.f1 = %', r1.f1;
+ raise notice 'r1.f2 = %', r1.f2;
+ raise notice 'r1 = %', r1;
+-- but OK if you assign first
+do $$
+declare r1 record;
+ raise notice 'r1 = %', r1;
+ r1 := row(1,2);
+ raise notice 'r1.f1 = %', r1.f1;
+ raise notice 'r1.f2 = %', r1.f2;
+ raise notice 'r1 = %', r1;
+ raise notice 'r1.nosuchfield = %', r1.nosuchfield;
+-- check repeated assignments to composite fields
+create table some_table (id int, data text);
+do $$
+declare r some_table;
+ r := (23, 'skidoo');
+ for i in 1 .. 10 loop
+ := + i;
+ := || ' ' || i;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'r = %', r;
+-- check behavior of function declared to return "record"
+create function returnsrecord(int) returns record language plpgsql as
+$$ begin return row($1,$1+1); end $$;
+select returnsrecord(42);
+select * from returnsrecord(42) as r(x int, y int);
+select * from returnsrecord(42) as r(x int, y int, z int); -- fail
+select * from returnsrecord(42) as r(x int, y bigint); -- fail
+-- same with an intermediate record variable
+create or replace function returnsrecord(int) returns record language plpgsql as
+$$ declare r record; begin r := row($1,$1+1); return r; end $$;
+select returnsrecord(42);
+select * from returnsrecord(42) as r(x int, y int);
+select * from returnsrecord(42) as r(x int, y int, z int); -- fail
+select * from returnsrecord(42) as r(x int, y bigint); -- fail
+-- should work the same with a missing column in the actual result value
+create table has_hole(f1 int, f2 int, f3 int);
+alter table has_hole drop column f2;
+create or replace function returnsrecord(int) returns record language plpgsql as
+$$ begin return row($1,$1+1)::has_hole; end $$;
+select returnsrecord(42);
+select * from returnsrecord(42) as r(x int, y int);
+select * from returnsrecord(42) as r(x int, y int, z int); -- fail
+select * from returnsrecord(42) as r(x int, y bigint); -- fail
+-- same with an intermediate record variable
+create or replace function returnsrecord(int) returns record language plpgsql as
+$$ declare r record; begin r := row($1,$1+1)::has_hole; return r; end $$;
+select returnsrecord(42);
+select * from returnsrecord(42) as r(x int, y int);
+select * from returnsrecord(42) as r(x int, y int, z int); -- fail
+select * from returnsrecord(42) as r(x int, y bigint); -- fail
+-- check access to a field of an argument declared "record"
+create function getf1(x record) returns int language plpgsql as
+$$ begin return x.f1; end $$;
+select getf1(1);
+select getf1(row(1,2));
+select getf1(row(1,2)::two_int8s);
+select getf1(row(1,2));
+-- check behavior when assignment to FOR-loop variable requires coercion
+do $$
+declare r two_int8s;
+ for r in select i, i+1 from generate_series(1,4) i
+ loop
+ raise notice 'r = %', r;
+ end loop;
+-- check behavior when returning setof composite
+create function returnssetofholes() returns setof has_hole language plpgsql as
+declare r record;
+ h has_hole;
+ return next h;
+ r := (1,2);
+ h := (3,4);
+ return next r;
+ return next h;
+ return next row(5,6);
+ return next row(7,8)::has_hole;
+select returnssetofholes();
+create or replace function returnssetofholes() returns setof has_hole language plpgsql as
+declare r record;
+ return next r; -- fails, not assigned yet
+select returnssetofholes();
+create or replace function returnssetofholes() returns setof has_hole language plpgsql as
+ return next row(1,2,3); -- fails
+select returnssetofholes();
+-- check behavior with changes of a named rowtype
+create table mutable(f1 int, f2 text);
+create function sillyaddone(int) returns int language plpgsql as
+$$ declare r mutable; begin r.f1 := $1; return r.f1 + 1; end $$;
+select sillyaddone(42);
+alter table mutable drop column f1;
+alter table mutable add column f1 float8;
+-- currently, this fails due to cached plan for "r.f1 + 1" expression
+select sillyaddone(42);
+\c -
+-- but it's OK after a reconnect
+select sillyaddone(42);
+alter table mutable drop column f1;
+select sillyaddone(42); -- fail
+create function getf3(x mutable) returns int language plpgsql as
+$$ begin return x.f3; end $$;
+select getf3(null::mutable); -- doesn't work yet
+alter table mutable add column f3 int;
+select getf3(null::mutable); -- now it works
+alter table mutable drop column f3;
+select getf3(null::mutable); -- fails again
+-- check access to system columns in a record variable
+create function sillytrig() returns trigger language plpgsql as
+ raise notice 'old.ctid = %', old.ctid;
+ raise notice 'old.tableoid = %', old.tableoid::regclass;
+ return new;
+create trigger mutable_trig before update on mutable for each row
+execute procedure sillytrig();
+insert into mutable values ('foo'), ('bar');
+update mutable set f2 = f2 || ' baz';
+table mutable;
+-- check returning a composite datum from a trigger
+create or replace function sillytrig() returns trigger language plpgsql as
+ return row(new.*);
+update mutable set f2 = f2 || ' baz';
+table mutable;
+create or replace function sillytrig() returns trigger language plpgsql as
+$$declare r record;
+ r := row(new.*);
+ return r;
+update mutable set f2 = f2 || ' baz';
+table mutable;
+-- Domains of composite
+create domain ordered_int8s as two_int8s check((value).q1 <= (value).q2);
+create function read_ordered_int8s(p ordered_int8s) returns int8 as $$
+begin return p.q1 + p.q2; end
+$$ language plpgsql;
+select read_ordered_int8s(row(1, 2));
+select read_ordered_int8s(row(2, 1)); -- fail
+create function build_ordered_int8s(i int8, j int8) returns ordered_int8s as $$
+begin return row(i,j); end
+$$ language plpgsql;
+select build_ordered_int8s(1,2);
+select build_ordered_int8s(2,1); -- fail
+create function build_ordered_int8s_2(i int8, j int8) returns ordered_int8s as $$
+declare r record; begin r := row(i,j); return r; end
+$$ language plpgsql;
+select build_ordered_int8s_2(1,2);
+select build_ordered_int8s_2(2,1); -- fail
+create function build_ordered_int8s_3(i int8, j int8) returns ordered_int8s as $$
+declare r two_int8s; begin r := row(i,j); return r; end
+$$ language plpgsql;
+select build_ordered_int8s_3(1,2);
+select build_ordered_int8s_3(2,1); -- fail
+create function build_ordered_int8s_4(i int8, j int8) returns ordered_int8s as $$
+declare r ordered_int8s; begin r := row(i,j); return r; end
+$$ language plpgsql;
+select build_ordered_int8s_4(1,2);
+select build_ordered_int8s_4(2,1); -- fail
+create function build_ordered_int8s_a(i int8, j int8) returns ordered_int8s[] as $$
+begin return array[row(i,j), row(i,j+1)]; end
+$$ language plpgsql;
+select build_ordered_int8s_a(1,2);
+select build_ordered_int8s_a(2,1); -- fail
+-- check field assignment
+do $$
+declare r ordered_int8s;
+ r.q1 := null;
+ r.q2 := 43;
+ r.q1 := 42;
+ r.q2 := 41; -- fail
+-- check whole-row assignment
+do $$
+declare r ordered_int8s;
+ r := null;
+ r := row(null,null);
+ r := row(1,2);
+ r := row(2,1); -- fail
+-- check assignment in for-loop
+do $$
+declare r ordered_int8s;
+ for r in values (1,2),(3,4),(6,5) loop
+ raise notice 'r = %', r;
+ end loop;
+-- check behavior with toastable fields, too
+create type two_texts as (f1 text, f2 text);
+create domain ordered_texts as two_texts check((value).f1 <= (value).f2);
+create table sometable (id int, a text, b text);
+-- b should be compressed, but in-line
+insert into sometable values (1, 'a', repeat('ffoob',1000));
+-- this b should be out-of-line
+insert into sometable values (2, 'a', repeat('ffoob',100000));
+-- this pair should fail the domain check
+insert into sometable values (3, 'z', repeat('ffoob',100000));
+do $$
+declare d ordered_texts;
+ for d in select a, b from sometable loop
+ raise notice 'succeeded at "%"', d.f1;
+ end loop;
+do $$
+declare r record; d ordered_texts;
+ for r in select * from sometable loop
+ raise notice 'processing row %',;
+ d := row(r.a, r.b);
+ end loop;
+do $$
+declare r record; d ordered_texts;
+ for r in select * from sometable loop
+ raise notice 'processing row %',;
+ d := null;
+ d.f1 := r.a;
+ d.f2 := r.b;
+ end loop;