path: root/tasks
diff options
authorPradyun Gedam <>2019-07-30 17:41:22 +0530
committerPradyun Gedam <>2019-07-30 17:41:22 +0530
commitc9b6d252a8ffbbbe932853192d0187e457eb20cb (patch)
tree506606ea362443dad7b3ff4b7e881213bab26f86 /tasks
parent800f866600968997dd6d9e49076b401784195123 (diff)
Move invoke commands to tools.automation
Diffstat (limited to 'tasks')
6 files changed, 1 insertions, 488 deletions
diff --git a/tasks/ b/tasks/
index 5f1a4aff6..ecde43996 100644
--- a/tasks/
+++ b/tasks/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import invoke
-from . import generate
-from . import vendoring
+from tools.automation import generate, vendoring
ns = invoke.Collection(generate, vendoring)
diff --git a/tasks/ b/tasks/
deleted file mode 100644
index 235789707..000000000
--- a/tasks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-import io
-import invoke
-def authors(ctx):
- print("[generate.authors] Generating AUTHORS")
- # Get our list of authors
- print("[generate.authors] Collecting author names")
- # Note that it's necessary to use double quotes in the
- # --format"=%aN <%aE>" part of the command, as the Windows
- # shell doesn't recognise single quotes here.
- r ='git log --use-mailmap --format"=%aN <%aE>"',
- encoding="utf-8", hide=True)
- authors = []
- seen_authors = set()
- for author in r.stdout.splitlines():
- author = author.strip()
- if author.lower() not in seen_authors:
- seen_authors.add(author.lower())
- authors.append(author)
- # Sort our list of Authors by their case insensitive name
- authors = sorted(authors, key=lambda x: x.lower())
- # Write our authors to the AUTHORS file
- print("[generate.authors] Writing AUTHORS")
- with"AUTHORS.txt", "w", encoding="utf8") as fp:
- fp.write(u"\n".join(authors))
- fp.write(u"\n")
-def news(ctx, draft=False, yes=False):
- print("[] Generating NEWS")
- args = []
- if draft:
- args.append("--draft")
- if yes:
- args.append("--yes")
-"towncrier {}".format(" ".join(args)))
diff --git a/tasks/vendoring/ b/tasks/vendoring/
deleted file mode 100644
index 052be8efc..000000000
--- a/tasks/vendoring/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-""""Vendoring script, python 3.5 with requests needed"""
-from pathlib import Path
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import tarfile
-import zipfile
-import invoke
-import requests
-TASK_NAME = 'update'
- 'Makefile',
- 'vendor.txt',
- '',
- 'README.rst',
-# libraries that have directories with different names
- 'setuptools': 'pkg_resources',
- 'msgpack-python': 'msgpack',
-# from time to time, remove the no longer needed ones
- 'pytoml': '',
- 'webencodings': ''
- 'master/LICENSE',
-def drop_dir(path, **kwargs):
- shutil.rmtree(str(path), **kwargs)
-def remove_all(paths):
- for path in paths:
- if path.is_dir():
- drop_dir(path)
- else:
- path.unlink()
-def log(msg):
- print('[vendoring.%s] %s' % (TASK_NAME, msg))
-def _get_vendor_dir(ctx):
- git_root ='git rev-parse --show-toplevel', hide=True).stdout
- return Path(git_root.strip()) / 'src' / 'pip' / '_vendor'
-def clean_vendor(ctx, vendor_dir):
- # Old _vendor cleanup
- remove_all(vendor_dir.glob('*.pyc'))
- log('Cleaning %s' % vendor_dir)
- for item in vendor_dir.iterdir():
- if item.is_dir():
- shutil.rmtree(str(item))
- elif not in FILE_WHITE_LIST:
- item.unlink()
- else:
- log('Skipping %s' % item)
-def detect_vendored_libs(vendor_dir):
- retval = []
- for item in vendor_dir.iterdir():
- if item.is_dir():
- retval.append(
- elif".pyi"):
- continue
- elif "LICENSE" in or "COPYING" in
- continue
- elif not in FILE_WHITE_LIST:
- retval.append([:-3])
- return retval
-def rewrite_imports(package_dir, vendored_libs):
- for item in package_dir.iterdir():
- if item.is_dir():
- rewrite_imports(item, vendored_libs)
- elif'.py'):
- rewrite_file_imports(item, vendored_libs)
-def rewrite_file_imports(item, vendored_libs):
- """Rewrite 'import xxx' and 'from xxx import' for vendored_libs"""
- text = item.read_text(encoding='utf-8')
- # Revendor pkg_resources.extern first
- text = re.sub(r'pkg_resources\.extern', r'pip._vendor', text)
- text = re.sub(r'from \.extern', r'from pip._vendor', text)
- for lib in vendored_libs:
- text = re.sub(
- r'(\n\s*|^)import %s(\n\s*)' % lib,
- r'\1from pip._vendor import %s\2' % lib,
- text,
- )
- text = re.sub(
- r'(\n\s*|^)from %s(\.|\s+)' % lib,
- r'\1from pip._vendor.%s\2' % lib,
- text,
- )
- item.write_text(text, encoding='utf-8')
-def apply_patch(ctx, patch_file_path):
- log('Applying patch %s' %
-'git apply --verbose %s' % patch_file_path)
-def vendor(ctx, vendor_dir):
- log('Reinstalling vendored libraries')
- # We use --no-deps because we want to ensure that all of our dependencies
- # are added to vendor.txt, this includes all dependencies recursively up
- # the chain.
- 'pip install -t {0} -r {0}/vendor.txt --no-compile --no-deps'.format(
- str(vendor_dir),
- )
- )
- remove_all(vendor_dir.glob('*.dist-info'))
- remove_all(vendor_dir.glob('*.egg-info'))
- # Cleanup setuptools unneeded parts
- (vendor_dir / '').unlink()
- drop_dir(vendor_dir / 'setuptools')
- drop_dir(vendor_dir / 'pkg_resources' / '_vendor')
- drop_dir(vendor_dir / 'pkg_resources' / 'extern')
- # Drop the bin directory (contains easy_install, distro, chardetect etc.)
- # Might not appear on all OSes, so ignoring errors
- drop_dir(vendor_dir / 'bin', ignore_errors=True)
- # Drop interpreter and OS specific msgpack libs.
- # Pip will rely on the python-only fallback instead.
- remove_all(vendor_dir.glob('msgpack/*.so'))
- # Detect the vendored packages/modules
- vendored_libs = detect_vendored_libs(vendor_dir)
- log("Detected vendored libraries: %s" % ", ".join(vendored_libs))
- # Global import rewrites
- log("Rewriting all imports related to vendored libs")
- for item in vendor_dir.iterdir():
- if item.is_dir():
- rewrite_imports(item, vendored_libs)
- elif not in FILE_WHITE_LIST:
- rewrite_file_imports(item, vendored_libs)
- # Special cases: apply stored patches
- log("Apply patches")
- patch_dir = Path(__file__).parent / 'patches'
- for patch in patch_dir.glob('*.patch'):
- apply_patch(ctx, patch)
-def download_licenses(ctx, vendor_dir):
- log('Downloading licenses')
- tmp_dir = vendor_dir / '__tmp__'
- 'pip download -r {0}/vendor.txt --no-binary '
- ':all: --no-deps -d {1}'.format(
- str(vendor_dir),
- str(tmp_dir),
- )
- )
- for sdist in tmp_dir.iterdir():
- extract_license(vendor_dir, sdist)
- drop_dir(tmp_dir)
-def extract_license(vendor_dir, sdist):
- if sdist.suffixes[-2] == '.tar':
- ext = sdist.suffixes[-1][1:]
- with, mode='r:{}'.format(ext)) as tar:
- found = find_and_extract_license(vendor_dir, tar, tar.getmembers())
- elif sdist.suffixes[-1] == '.zip':
- with zipfile.ZipFile(sdist) as zip:
- found = find_and_extract_license(vendor_dir, zip, zip.infolist())
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError('new sdist type!')
- if not found:
- log('License not found in {}, will download'.format(
- license_fallback(vendor_dir,
-def find_and_extract_license(vendor_dir, tar, members):
- found = False
- for member in members:
- try:
- name =
- except AttributeError: # zipfile
- name = member.filename
- if 'LICENSE' in name or 'COPYING' in name:
- if '/test' in name:
- # some testing licenses in html5lib and distlib
- log('Ignoring {}'.format(name))
- continue
- found = True
- extract_license_member(vendor_dir, tar, member, name)
- return found
-def license_fallback(vendor_dir, sdist_name):
- """Hardcoded license URLs. Check when updating if those are still needed"""
- libname = libname_from_dir(sdist_name)
- if libname not in HARDCODED_LICENSE_URLS:
- raise ValueError('No hardcoded URL for {} license'.format(libname))
- _, _, name = url.rpartition('/')
- dest = license_destination(vendor_dir, libname, name)
- log('Downloading {}'.format(url))
- r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
- r.raise_for_status()
- dest.write_bytes(r.content)
-def libname_from_dir(dirname):
- """Reconstruct the library name without it's version"""
- parts = []
- for part in dirname.split('-'):
- if part[0].isdigit():
- break
- parts.append(part)
- return '-'.join(parts)
-def license_destination(vendor_dir, libname, filename):
- """Given the (reconstructed) library name, find appropriate destination"""
- normal = vendor_dir / libname
- if normal.is_dir():
- return normal / filename
- lowercase = vendor_dir / libname.lower()
- if lowercase.is_dir():
- return lowercase / filename
- if libname in LIBRARY_DIRNAMES:
- return vendor_dir / LIBRARY_DIRNAMES[libname] / filename
- # fallback to libname.LICENSE (used for nondirs)
- return vendor_dir / '{}.{}'.format(libname, filename)
-def extract_license_member(vendor_dir, tar, member, name):
- mpath = Path(name) # relative path inside the sdist
- dirname = list(mpath.parents)[-2].name # -1 is .
- libname = libname_from_dir(dirname)
- dest = license_destination(vendor_dir, libname,
- dest_relative = dest.relative_to(Path.cwd())
- log('Extracting {} into {}'.format(name, dest_relative))
- try:
- fileobj = tar.extractfile(member)
- dest.write_bytes(
- except AttributeError: # zipfile
- dest.write_bytes(
-def update_stubs(ctx):
- vendor_dir = _get_vendor_dir(ctx)
- vendored_libs = detect_vendored_libs(vendor_dir)
- print("[vendoring.update_stubs] Add mypy stubs")
- extra_stubs_needed = {
- # Some projects need stubs other than a simple <name>.pyi
- "six": [
- "six.__init__",
- "six.moves.__init__",
- "six.moves.configparser",
- ],
- # Some projects should not have stubs coz they're single file modules
- "appdirs": [],
- }
- for lib in vendored_libs:
- if lib not in extra_stubs_needed:
- (vendor_dir / (lib + ".pyi")).write_text("from %s import *" % lib)
- continue
- for selector in extra_stubs_needed[lib]:
- fname = selector.replace(".", os.sep) + ".pyi"
- if selector.endswith(".__init__"):
- selector = selector[:-9]
- f_path = vendor_dir / fname
- if not f_path.parent.exists():
- f_path.parent.mkdir()
- f_path.write_text("from %s import *" % selector)
-@invoke.task(name=TASK_NAME, post=[update_stubs])
-def main(ctx):
- vendor_dir = _get_vendor_dir(ctx)
- log('Using vendor dir: %s' % vendor_dir)
- clean_vendor(ctx, vendor_dir)
- vendor(ctx, vendor_dir)
- download_licenses(ctx, vendor_dir)
- log('Revendoring complete')
diff --git a/tasks/vendoring/patches/appdirs.patch b/tasks/vendoring/patches/appdirs.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 73f9f2b74..000000000
--- a/tasks/vendoring/patches/appdirs.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/pip/_vendor/ b/src/pip/_vendor/
-index ae67001a..2bd39110 100644
---- a/src/pip/_vendor/
-+++ b/src/pip/_vendor/
-@@ -557,18 +557,14 @@ def _get_win_folder_with_jna(csidl_name):
- if system == "win32":
- try:
-- import
-- _get_win_folder = _get_win_folder_with_pywin32
-+ from ctypes import windll
-+ _get_win_folder = _get_win_folder_with_ctypes
- except ImportError:
- try:
-- from ctypes import windll
-- _get_win_folder = _get_win_folder_with_ctypes
-+ import com.sun.jna
-+ _get_win_folder = _get_win_folder_with_jna
- except ImportError:
-- try:
-- import com.sun.jna
-- _get_win_folder = _get_win_folder_with_jna
-- except ImportError:
-- _get_win_folder = _get_win_folder_from_registry
-+ _get_win_folder = _get_win_folder_from_registry
- #---- self test code
diff --git a/tasks/vendoring/patches/html5lib.patch b/tasks/vendoring/patches/html5lib.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 92a34e4b2..000000000
--- a/tasks/vendoring/patches/html5lib.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/pip/_vendor/html5lib/_trie/ b/src/pip/_vendor/html5lib/_trie/
-index a1158bbb..6b71975f 100644
---- a/src/pip/_vendor/html5lib/_trie/
-+++ b/src/pip/_vendor/html5lib/_trie/
-@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
--from collections import Mapping
-+ from import Mapping
-+except ImportError: # Python 2.7
-+ from collections import Mapping
- class Trie(Mapping):
-diff --git a/src/pip/_vendor/html5lib/treebuilders/ b/src/pip/_vendor/html5lib/treebuilders/
-index dcfac220..d8b53004 100644
---- a/src/pip/_vendor/html5lib/treebuilders/
-+++ b/src/pip/_vendor/html5lib/treebuilders/
-@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
--from collections import MutableMapping
-+ from import MutableMapping
-+except ImportError: # Python 2.7
-+ from collections import MutableMapping
- from xml.dom import minidom, Node
- import weakref
diff --git a/tasks/vendoring/patches/requests.patch b/tasks/vendoring/patches/requests.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 75bf25ab2..000000000
--- a/tasks/vendoring/patches/requests.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/pip/_vendor/requests/ b/src/pip/_vendor/requests/
-index 6336a07d..9582fa73 100644
---- a/src/pip/_vendor/requests/
-+++ b/src/pip/_vendor/requests/
-@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ import sys
- # I don't like it either. Just look the other way. :)
- for package in ('urllib3', 'idna', 'chardet'):
-- locals()[package] = __import__(package)
-+ vendored_package = "pip._vendor." + package
-+ locals()[package] = __import__(vendored_package)
- # This traversal is apparently necessary such that the identities are
- # preserved (requests.packages.urllib3.* is urllib3.*)
- for mod in list(sys.modules):
-- if mod == package or mod.startswith(package + '.'):
-- sys.modules['requests.packages.' + mod] = sys.modules[mod]
-+ if mod == vendored_package or mod.startswith(vendored_package + '.'):
-+ unprefixed_mod = mod[len("pip._vendor."):]
-+ sys.modules['pip._vendor.requests.packages.' + unprefixed_mod] = sys.modules[mod]
- # Kinda cool, though, right?
-diff --git a/src/pip/_vendor/requests/ b/src/pip/_vendor/requests/
-index 9c3b769..36a4ef40 100644
---- a/src/pip/_vendor/requests/
-+++ b/src/pip/_vendor/requests/
-@@ -80,13 +80,15 @@ except (AssertionError, ValueError):
- RequestsDependencyWarning)
- # Attempt to enable urllib3's SNI support, if possible
-- from pip._vendor.urllib3.contrib import pyopenssl
-- pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3()
-- # Check cryptography version
-- from cryptography import __version__ as cryptography_version
-- _check_cryptography(cryptography_version)
--except ImportError:
-- pass
-+from pip._internal.utils.compat import WINDOWS
-+if not WINDOWS:
-+ try:
-+ from pip._vendor.urllib3.contrib import pyopenssl
-+ pyopenssl.inject_into_urllib3()
-+ # Check cryptography version
-+ from cryptography import __version__ as cryptography_version
-+ _check_cryptography(cryptography_version)
-+ except ImportError:
-+ pass
- # urllib3's DependencyWarnings should be silenced.
-diff --git a/src/pip/_vendor/requests/ b/src/pip/_vendor/requests/
-index eb6530d..353ec29 100644
---- a/src/pip/_vendor/requests/
-+++ b/src/pip/_vendor/requests/
-@@ -25,10 +25,14 @@
- #: Python 3.x?
- is_py3 = (_ver[0] == 3)
-- import simplejson as json
--except ImportError:
-- import json
-+# Note: We've patched out simplejson support in pip because it prevents
-+# upgrading simplejson on Windows.
-+# try:
-+# import simplejson as json
-+# except (ImportError, SyntaxError):
-+# # simplejson does not support Python 3.2, it throws a SyntaxError
-+# # because of u'...' Unicode literals.
-+import json
- # ---------
- # Specifics