path: root/run-tests.php
diff options
authorAndrea Faulds <>2019-02-16 01:05:04 +0100
committerAndrea Faulds <>2019-02-16 01:05:04 +0100
commit41fbeb6c5655ab40df409a46c64664881ceffaab (patch)
tree72b91e9845aaa51107d8d7d2772d9501c756cb98 /run-tests.php
parentf1588d841c43eb19f58206e4c0ddcd0cea6c6635 (diff)
run-tests.php: move all top-level code into a function
Prerequisite for parallelised testing: Quoth Nikita @ > @hikari-no-yume Please feel free to directly commit the first commit > (to PHP-7.4). That's probably a big and unnecessary source of > conflicts, and makes reviewing harder as well.
Diffstat (limited to 'run-tests.php')
1 files changed, 909 insertions, 852 deletions
diff --git a/run-tests.php b/run-tests.php
index 92d605c4e7..9a479e7f01 100755
--- a/run-tests.php
+++ b/run-tests.php
@@ -26,22 +26,50 @@
/* $Id$ */
-define('INIT_DIR', getcwd());
-// change into the PHP source directory.
-if (getenv('TEST_PHP_SRCDIR')) {
- @chdir(getenv('TEST_PHP_SRCDIR'));
-define('TEST_PHP_SRCDIR', getcwd());
-/* Sanity check to ensure that pcre extension needed by this script is available.
- * In the event it is not, print a nice error message indicating that this script will
- * not run without it.
+/* Let there be no top-level code beyond this point:
+ * Only functions and classes, thanks!
-if (!extension_loaded('pcre')) {
- echo <<<NO_PCRE_ERROR
+ * One function to rule them all, one function to find them, one function to
+ * bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
+ * This is the entry point and exit point überfunction. It contains all the
+ * code that was previously found at the top level. It could and should be
+ * refactored to be smaller and more manageable.
+ */
+function main()
+ /* This list was derived in a naïve mechanical fashion. If a member
+ * looks like it doesn't belong, it probably doesn't; cull at will.
+ */
+ global $DETAILED, $PHP_FAILED_TESTS, $SHOW_ONLY_GROUPS, $argc, $argv, $cfg,
+ $cfgfiles, $cfgtypes, $conf_passed, $end_time, $environment,
+ $exts_skipped, $exts_tested, $exts_to_test, $failed_tests_file,
+ $html_file, $html_output, $ignored_by_ext, $ini_overwrites, $is_switch,
+ $just_save_results, $log_format, $matches, $no_clean, $no_file_cache,
+ $optionals, $output_file, $pass_option_n, $pass_options,
+ $pattern_match, $php, $php_cgi, $phpdbg, $preload, $redir_tests,
+ $repeat, $result_tests_file, $slow_min_ms, $start_time, $switch,
+ $temp_source, $temp_target, $temp_urlbase, $test_cnt, $test_dirs,
+ $test_files, $test_idx, $test_list, $test_results, $testfile,
+ $user_tests, $valgrind, $sum_results;
+ define('INIT_DIR', getcwd());
+ // change into the PHP source directory.
+ if (getenv('TEST_PHP_SRCDIR')) {
+ @chdir(getenv('TEST_PHP_SRCDIR'));
+ }
+ define('TEST_PHP_SRCDIR', getcwd());
+ /* Sanity check to ensure that pcre extension needed by this script is available.
+ * In the event it is not, print a nice error message indicating that this script will
+ * not run without it.
+ */
+ if (!extension_loaded('pcre')) {
+ echo <<<NO_PCRE_ERROR
| ! ERROR ! |
@@ -52,11 +80,11 @@ if (!extension_loaded('pcre')) {
- exit(1);
+ exit(1);
+ }
-if (!function_exists('proc_open')) {
+ if (!function_exists('proc_open')) {
| ! ERROR ! |
@@ -65,649 +93,427 @@ if (!function_exists('proc_open')) {
- exit(1);
-// If timezone is not set, use UTC.
-if (ini_get('date.timezone') == '') {
- date_default_timezone_set('UTC');
-// Delete some security related environment variables
-ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', PHP_INT_MAX);
-// delete as much output buffers as possible
-while (@ob_end_clean());
-if (ob_get_level()) echo "Not all buffers were deleted.\n";
-$environment = $_ENV ?? array();
-// Note: php.ini-development sets variables_order="GPCS" not "EGPCS", in which case $_ENV is NOT populated.
-// detect and handle this case, or die or warn
-if (empty($environment)) {
- // not documented, but returns array of all environment variables
- $environment = getenv();
-if (empty($environment['TEMP'])) {
- $environment['TEMP'] = sys_get_temp_dir();
- if (empty($environment['TEMP'])) {
- // for example, OpCache on Windows will fail in this case because child processes (for tests) will not get
- // a TEMP variable, so GetTempPath() will fallback to c:\windows, while GetTempPath() will return %TEMP% for parent
- // (likely a different path). The parent will initialize the OpCache in that path, and child will fail to reattach to
- // the OpCache because it will be using the wrong path.
- die("TEMP environment is NOT set");
- } else if (count($environment) == 1) {
- // not having other environment variables, only having TEMP, is probably ok, but strange and may make a
- // difference in the test pass rate, so warn the user.
- echo "WARNING: Only 1 environment variable will be available to tests(TEMP environment variable)" . PHP_EOL;
- }
-if ((substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == "WIN") && empty($environment["SystemRoot"])) {
- $environment["SystemRoot"] = getenv("SystemRoot");
-// Don't ever guess at the PHP executable location.
-// Require the explicit specification.
-// Otherwise we could end up testing the wrong file!
-$php = null;
-$php_cgi = null;
-$phpdbg = null;
-if (getenv('TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE')) {
- $php = getenv('TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE');
- if ($php == 'auto') {
- $php = TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . '/sapi/cli/php';
- putenv("TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=$php");
- if (!getenv('TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE')) {
- $php_cgi = TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . '/sapi/cgi/php-cgi';
- if (file_exists($php_cgi)) {
- putenv("TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE=$php_cgi");
- } else {
- $php_cgi = null;
- }
- }
- }
- $environment['TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE'] = $php;
-if (getenv('TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE')) {
- $php_cgi = getenv('TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE');
- if ($php_cgi == 'auto') {
- $php_cgi = TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . '/sapi/cgi/php-cgi';
- putenv("TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE=$php_cgi");
- }
- $environment['TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE'] = $php_cgi;
-if (!getenv('TEST_PHPDBG_EXECUTABLE')) {
- if (!strncasecmp(PHP_OS, "win", 3) && file_exists(dirname($php) . "/phpdbg.exe")) {
- $phpdbg = realpath(dirname($php) . "/phpdbg.exe");
- } elseif (file_exists(dirname($php) . "/../../sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg")) {
- $phpdbg = realpath(dirname($php) . "/../../sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg");
- } elseif (file_exists("./sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg")) {
- $phpdbg = realpath("./sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg");
- } elseif (file_exists(dirname($php) . "/phpdbg")) {
- $phpdbg = realpath(dirname($php) . "/phpdbg");
- } else {
- $phpdbg = null;
- }
- if ($phpdbg) {
- putenv("TEST_PHPDBG_EXECUTABLE=$phpdbg");
- }
-if (getenv('TEST_PHPDBG_EXECUTABLE')) {
- $phpdbg = getenv('TEST_PHPDBG_EXECUTABLE');
- if ($phpdbg == 'auto') {
- $phpdbg = TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . '/sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg';
- putenv("TEST_PHPDBG_EXECUTABLE=$phpdbg");
- }
- $environment['TEST_PHPDBG_EXECUTABLE'] = $phpdbg;
-if (!function_exists("hrtime")) {
- function hrtime(bool $as_num = false)
- {
- $t = microtime(true);
- if ($as_num) {
- return $t * 1000000000;
- }
- $s = floor($t);
- return array(0 => $s, 1 => ($t - $s) * 1000000000);
- }
-function verify_config()
- global $php;
- if (empty($php) || !file_exists($php)) {
- error('environment variable TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE must be set to specify PHP executable!');
- }
- if (!is_executable($php)) {
- error("invalid PHP executable specified by TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE = $php");
- }
-if (getenv('TEST_PHP_LOG_FORMAT')) {
- $log_format = strtoupper(getenv('TEST_PHP_LOG_FORMAT'));
-} else {
- $log_format = 'LEODS';
-// Check whether a detailed log is wanted.
-if (getenv('TEST_PHP_DETAILED')) {
-} else {
- $DETAILED = 0;
-if (getenv('SHOW_ONLY_GROUPS')) {
- $SHOW_ONLY_GROUPS = explode(",", getenv('SHOW_ONLY_GROUPS'));
-} else {
- $SHOW_ONLY_GROUPS = array();
-// Check whether user test dirs are requested.
-if (getenv('TEST_PHP_USER')) {
- $user_tests = explode(',', getenv('TEST_PHP_USER'));
-} else {
- $user_tests = array();
-$exts_to_test = array();
-$ini_overwrites = array(
- 'output_handler=',
- 'open_basedir=',
- 'disable_functions=',
- 'output_buffering=Off',
- 'error_reporting=' . (E_ALL | E_STRICT),
- 'display_errors=1',
- 'display_startup_errors=1',
- 'log_errors=0',
- 'html_errors=0',
- 'track_errors=0',
- 'report_memleaks=1',
- 'report_zend_debug=0',
- 'docref_root=',
- 'docref_ext=.html',
- 'error_prepend_string=',
- 'error_append_string=',
- 'auto_prepend_file=',
- 'auto_append_file=',
- 'ignore_repeated_errors=0',
- 'precision=14',
- 'memory_limit=128M',
- 'log_errors_max_len=0',
- 'opcache.fast_shutdown=0',
- 'opcache.file_update_protection=0',
- 'zend.assertions=1',
-$no_file_cache = '-d opcache.file_cache= -d opcache.file_cache_only=0';
-function write_information()
- global $php, $php_cgi, $phpdbg, $php_info, $user_tests, $ini_overwrites, $pass_options, $exts_to_test, $valgrind, $no_file_cache;
- // Get info from php
- $info_file = __DIR__ . '/run-test-info.php';
- @unlink($info_file);
- $php_info = '<?php echo "
-PHP_SAPI : " , PHP_SAPI , "
-PHP_VERSION : " , phpversion() , "
-ZEND_VERSION: " , zend_version() , "
-PHP_OS : " , PHP_OS , " - " , php_uname() , "
-INI actual : " , realpath(get_cfg_var("cfg_file_path")) , "
-More .INIs : " , (function_exists(\'php_ini_scanned_files\') ? str_replace("\n","", php_ini_scanned_files()) : "** not determined **"); ?>';
- save_text($info_file, $php_info);
- $info_params = array();
- settings2array($ini_overwrites, $info_params);
- settings2params($info_params);
- $php_info = `$php $pass_options $info_params $no_file_cache "$info_file"`;
- define('TESTED_PHP_VERSION', `$php -n -r "echo PHP_VERSION;"`);
- if ($php_cgi && $php != $php_cgi) {
- $php_info_cgi = `$php_cgi $pass_options $info_params $no_file_cache -q "$info_file"`;
- $php_info_sep = "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------";
- $php_cgi_info = "$php_info_sep\nPHP : $php_cgi $php_info_cgi$php_info_sep";
- } else {
- $php_cgi_info = '';
- }
- if ($phpdbg) {
- $phpdbg_info = `$phpdbg $pass_options $info_params $no_file_cache -qrr "$info_file"`;
- $php_info_sep = "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------";
- $phpdbg_info = "$php_info_sep\nPHP : $phpdbg $phpdbg_info$php_info_sep";
- } else {
- $phpdbg_info = '';
- }
- if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
- opcache_invalidate($info_file, true);
- }
- @unlink($info_file);
- // load list of enabled extensions
- save_text($info_file, '<?php echo str_replace("Zend OPcache", "opcache", implode(",", get_loaded_extensions())); ?>');
- $exts_to_test = explode(',', `$php $pass_options $info_params $no_file_cache "$info_file"`);
- // check for extensions that need special handling and regenerate
- $info_params_ex = array(
- 'session' => array('session.auto_start=0'),
- 'tidy' => array('tidy.clean_output=0'),
- 'zlib' => array('zlib.output_compression=Off'),
- 'xdebug' => array('xdebug.default_enable=0'),
- 'mbstring' => array('mbstring.func_overload=0'),
- );
- foreach ($info_params_ex as $ext => $ini_overwrites_ex) {
- if (in_array($ext, $exts_to_test)) {
- $ini_overwrites = array_merge($ini_overwrites, $ini_overwrites_ex);
- }
- }
- if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
- opcache_invalidate($info_file, true);
- }
- @unlink($info_file);
- // Write test context information.
- echo "
-PHP : $php $php_info $php_cgi_info $phpdbg_info
-Extra dirs : ";
- foreach ($user_tests as $test_dir) {
- echo "{$test_dir}\n ";
- }
- echo "
-VALGRIND : " . ($valgrind ? $valgrind->getHeader() : 'Not used') . "
-define('PHP_QA_EMAIL', '');
-define('QA_SUBMISSION_PAGE', '');
-define('QA_REPORTS_PAGE', '');
-define('TRAVIS_CI', (bool)getenv('TRAVIS'));
-function save_or_mail_results()
- global $sum_results, $just_save_results, $failed_test_summary,
- $PHP_FAILED_TESTS, $php, $output_file;
- /* We got failed Tests, offer the user to send an e-mail to QA team, unless NO_INTERACTION is set */
- if (!getenv('NO_INTERACTION') && !TRAVIS_CI) {
- $fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r+");
- if ($sum_results['FAILED'] || $sum_results['BORKED'] || $sum_results['WARNED'] || $sum_results['LEAKED']) {
- echo "\nYou may have found a problem in PHP.";
- }
- echo "\nThis report can be automatically sent to the PHP QA team at\n";
- echo QA_REPORTS_PAGE . " and\n";
- echo "This gives us a better understanding of PHP's behavior.\n";
- echo "If you don't want to send the report immediately you can choose\n";
- echo "option \"s\" to save it. You can then email it to " . PHP_QA_EMAIL . " later.\n";
- echo "Do you want to send this report now? [Yns]: ";
- flush();
- $user_input = fgets($fp, 10);
- $just_save_results = (strtolower($user_input[0]) == 's');
- }
- if ($just_save_results || !getenv('NO_INTERACTION') || TRAVIS_CI) {
- if ($just_save_results || TRAVIS_CI || strlen(trim($user_input)) == 0 || strtolower($user_input[0]) == 'y') {
- /*
- * Collect information about the host system for our report
- * Fetch phpinfo() output so that we can see the PHP environment
- * Make an archive of all the failed tests
- * Send an email
- */
- if ($just_save_results) {
- $user_input = 's';
- }
- /* Ask the user to provide an email address, so that QA team can contact the user */
- if (TRAVIS_CI) {
- $user_email = 'travis at php dot net';
- } elseif (!strncasecmp($user_input, 'y', 1) || strlen(trim($user_input)) == 0) {
- echo "\nPlease enter your email address.\n(Your address will be mangled so that it will not go out on any\nmailinglist in plain text): ";
- flush();
- $user_email = trim(fgets($fp, 1024));
- $user_email = str_replace("@", " at ", str_replace(".", " dot ", $user_email));
- }
- $failed_tests_data = '';
- $sep = "\n" . str_repeat('=', 80) . "\n";
- $failed_tests_data .= $failed_test_summary . "\n";
- $failed_tests_data .= get_summary(true, false) . "\n";
- if ($sum_results['FAILED']) {
- foreach ($PHP_FAILED_TESTS['FAILED'] as $test_info) {
- $failed_tests_data .= $sep . $test_info['name'] . $test_info['info'];
- $failed_tests_data .= $sep . file_get_contents(realpath($test_info['output']), FILE_BINARY);
- $failed_tests_data .= $sep . file_get_contents(realpath($test_info['diff']), FILE_BINARY);
- $failed_tests_data .= $sep . "\n\n";
- }
- $status = "failed";
- } else {
- $status = "success";
- }
- $failed_tests_data .= "\n" . $sep . 'BUILD ENVIRONMENT' . $sep;
- $failed_tests_data .= "OS:\n" . PHP_OS . " - " . php_uname() . "\n\n";
- $ldd = $autoconf = $sys_libtool = $libtool = $compiler = 'N/A';
- if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != "WIN") {
- /* If PHP_AUTOCONF is set, use it; otherwise, use 'autoconf'. */
- if (getenv('PHP_AUTOCONF')) {
- $autoconf = shell_exec(getenv('PHP_AUTOCONF') . ' --version');
- } else {
- $autoconf = shell_exec('autoconf --version');
- }
- /* Always use the generated libtool - Mac OSX uses 'glibtool' */
- $libtool = shell_exec(INIT_DIR . '/libtool --version');
- /* Use shtool to find out if there is glibtool present (MacOSX) */
- $sys_libtool_path = shell_exec(__DIR__ . '/build/shtool path glibtool libtool');
- if ($sys_libtool_path) {
- $sys_libtool = shell_exec(str_replace("\n", "", $sys_libtool_path) . ' --version');
- }
- /* Try the most common flags for 'version' */
- $flags = array('-v', '-V', '--version');
- $cc_status = 0;
- foreach ($flags as $flag) {
- system(getenv('CC') . " $flag >/dev/null 2>&1", $cc_status);
- if ($cc_status == 0) {
- $compiler = shell_exec(getenv('CC') . " $flag 2>&1");
- break;
- }
- }
- $ldd = shell_exec("ldd $php 2>/dev/null");
- }
- $failed_tests_data .= "Autoconf:\n$autoconf\n";
- $failed_tests_data .= "Bundled Libtool:\n$libtool\n";
- $failed_tests_data .= "System Libtool:\n$sys_libtool\n";
- $failed_tests_data .= "Compiler:\n$compiler\n";
- $failed_tests_data .= "Bison:\n" . shell_exec('bison --version 2>/dev/null') . "\n";
- $failed_tests_data .= "Libraries:\n$ldd\n";
- $failed_tests_data .= "\n";
- if (isset($user_email)) {
- $failed_tests_data .= "User's E-mail: " . $user_email . "\n\n";
- }
- $failed_tests_data .= $sep . "PHPINFO" . $sep;
- $failed_tests_data .= shell_exec($php . ' -ddisplay_errors=stderr -dhtml_errors=0 -i 2> /dev/null');
- if (($just_save_results || !mail_qa_team($failed_tests_data, $status)) && !TRAVIS_CI) {
- file_put_contents($output_file, $failed_tests_data);
- if (!$just_save_results) {
- echo "\nThe test script was unable to automatically send the report to PHP's QA Team\n";
- }
- echo "Please send " . $output_file . " to " . PHP_QA_EMAIL . " manually, thank you.\n";
- } elseif (!getenv('NO_INTERACTION') && !TRAVIS_CI) {
- fwrite($fp, "\nThank you for helping to make PHP better.\n");
- fclose($fp);
- }
- }
- }
-// Determine the tests to be run.
-$test_files = array();
-$redir_tests = array();
-$test_results = array();
-$PHP_FAILED_TESTS = array('BORKED' => array(), 'FAILED' => array(), 'WARNED' => array(), 'LEAKED' => array(), 'XFAILED' => array(), 'SLOW' => array());
-// If parameters given assume they represent selected tests to run.
-$result_tests_file = false;
-$failed_tests_file = false;
-$pass_option_n = false;
-$pass_options = '';
-$output_file = INIT_DIR . '/php_test_results_' . date('Ymd_Hi') . '.txt';
-$just_save_results = false;
-$valgrind = null;
-$html_output = false;
-$html_file = null;
-$temp_source = null;
-$temp_target = null;
-$temp_urlbase = null;
-$conf_passed = null;
-$no_clean = false;
-$slow_min_ms = INF;
-$preload = false;
-$cfgtypes = array('show', 'keep');
-$cfgfiles = array('skip', 'php', 'clean', 'out', 'diff', 'exp', 'mem');
-$cfg = array();
-foreach ($cfgtypes as $type) {
- $cfg[$type] = array();
- foreach ($cfgfiles as $file) {
- $cfg[$type][$file] = false;
- }
-if (getenv('TEST_PHP_ARGS')) {
- if (!isset($argc, $argv) || !$argc) {
- $argv = array(__FILE__);
- }
- $argv = array_merge($argv, explode(' ', getenv('TEST_PHP_ARGS')));
- $argc = count($argv);
-if (isset($argc) && $argc > 1) {
- for ($i = 1; $i < $argc; $i++) {
- $is_switch = false;
- $switch = substr($argv[$i], 1, 1);
- $repeat = substr($argv[$i], 0, 1) == '-';
- while ($repeat) {
- if (!$is_switch) {
- $switch = substr($argv[$i], 1, 1);
- }
- $is_switch = true;
- if ($repeat) {
- foreach ($cfgtypes as $type) {
- if (strpos($switch, '--' . $type) === 0) {
- foreach ($cfgfiles as $file) {
- if ($switch == '--' . $type . '-' . $file) {
- $cfg[$type][$file] = true;
- $is_switch = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!$is_switch) {
- $is_switch = true;
- break;
- }
- $repeat = false;
- switch ($switch) {
- case 'r':
- case 'l':
- $test_list = file($argv[++$i]);
- if ($test_list) {
- foreach ($test_list as $test) {
- $matches = array();
- if (preg_match('/^#.*\[(.*)\]\:\s+(.*)$/', $test, $matches)) {
- $redir_tests[] = array($matches[1], $matches[2]);
- } else if (strlen($test)) {
- $test_files[] = trim($test);
- }
- }
- }
- if ($switch != 'l') {
- break;
- }
- $i--;
- // break left intentionally
- case 'w':
- $failed_tests_file = fopen($argv[++$i], 'w+t');
- break;
- case 'a':
- $failed_tests_file = fopen($argv[++$i], 'a+t');
- break;
- case 'W':
- $result_tests_file = fopen($argv[++$i], 'w+t');
- break;
- case 'c':
- $conf_passed = $argv[++$i];
- break;
- case 'd':
- $ini_overwrites[] = $argv[++$i];
- break;
- case 'g':
- $SHOW_ONLY_GROUPS = explode(",", $argv[++$i]);
- break;
- //case 'h'
- case '--keep-all':
- foreach ($cfgfiles as $file) {
- $cfg['keep'][$file] = true;
- }
- break;
- //case 'l'
- case 'm':
- $valgrind = new RuntestsValgrind($environment);
- break;
- case 'n':
- if (!$pass_option_n) {
- $pass_options .= ' -n';
- }
- $pass_option_n = true;
- break;
- case 'e':
- $pass_options .= ' -e';
- break;
- case '--preload':
- $preload = true;
- break;
- case '--no-clean':
- $no_clean = true;
- break;
- case 'p':
- $php = $argv[++$i];
- putenv("TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=$php");
- $environment['TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE'] = $php;
- break;
- case 'P':
- if (constant('PHP_BINARY')) {
- $php = PHP_BINARY;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- putenv("TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=$php");
- $environment['TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE'] = $php;
- break;
- case 'q':
- putenv('NO_INTERACTION=1');
- break;
- //case 'r'
- case 's':
- $output_file = $argv[++$i];
- $just_save_results = true;
- break;
- case '--set-timeout':
- $environment['TEST_TIMEOUT'] = $argv[++$i];
- break;
- case '--show-all':
- foreach ($cfgfiles as $file) {
- $cfg['show'][$file] = true;
- }
- break;
- case '--show-slow':
- $slow_min_ms = $argv[++$i];
- break;
- case '--temp-source':
- $temp_source = $argv[++$i];
- break;
- case '--temp-target':
- $temp_target = $argv[++$i];
- if ($temp_urlbase) {
- $temp_urlbase = $temp_target;
- }
- break;
- case '--temp-urlbase':
- $temp_urlbase = $argv[++$i];
- break;
- case 'v':
- case '--verbose':
- $DETAILED = true;
- break;
- case 'x':
- $environment['SKIP_SLOW_TESTS'] = 1;
- break;
- case '--offline':
- $environment['SKIP_ONLINE_TESTS'] = 1;
- break;
- //case 'w'
- case '-':
- // repeat check with full switch
- $switch = $argv[$i];
- if ($switch != '-') {
- $repeat = true;
- }
- break;
- case '--html':
- $html_file = fopen($argv[++$i], 'wt');
- $html_output = is_resource($html_file);
- break;
- case '--version':
- echo '$Id$' . "\n";
- exit(1);
- default:
- echo "Illegal switch '$switch' specified!\n";
- case 'h':
- case '-help':
- case '--help':
- echo <<<HELP
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ // If timezone is not set, use UTC.
+ if (ini_get('date.timezone') == '') {
+ date_default_timezone_set('UTC');
+ }
+ // Delete some security related environment variables
+ putenv('SSH_CLIENT=deleted');
+ putenv('SSH_AUTH_SOCK=deleted');
+ putenv('SSH_TTY=deleted');
+ putenv('SSH_CONNECTION=deleted');
+ set_time_limit(0);
+ ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit', PHP_INT_MAX);
+ // delete as much output buffers as possible
+ while (@ob_end_clean()) {
+ ;
+ }
+ if (ob_get_level()) {
+ echo "Not all buffers were deleted.\n";
+ }
+ error_reporting(E_ALL);
+ $environment = $_ENV ?? array();
+ // Note: php.ini-development sets variables_order="GPCS" not "EGPCS", in which case $_ENV is NOT populated.
+ // detect and handle this case, or die or warn
+ if (empty($environment)) {
+ // not documented, but returns array of all environment variables
+ $environment = getenv();
+ }
+ if (empty($environment['TEMP'])) {
+ $environment['TEMP'] = sys_get_temp_dir();
+ if (empty($environment['TEMP'])) {
+ // for example, OpCache on Windows will fail in this case because child processes (for tests) will not get
+ // a TEMP variable, so GetTempPath() will fallback to c:\windows, while GetTempPath() will return %TEMP% for parent
+ // (likely a different path). The parent will initialize the OpCache in that path, and child will fail to reattach to
+ // the OpCache because it will be using the wrong path.
+ die("TEMP environment is NOT set");
+ } else {
+ if (count($environment) == 1) {
+ // not having other environment variables, only having TEMP, is probably ok, but strange and may make a
+ // difference in the test pass rate, so warn the user.
+ echo "WARNING: Only 1 environment variable will be available to tests(TEMP environment variable)" . PHP_EOL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ if ((substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == "WIN") && empty($environment["SystemRoot"])) {
+ $environment["SystemRoot"] = getenv("SystemRoot");
+ }
+ // Don't ever guess at the PHP executable location.
+ // Require the explicit specification.
+ // Otherwise we could end up testing the wrong file!
+ $php = null;
+ $php_cgi = null;
+ $phpdbg = null;
+ if (getenv('TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE')) {
+ $php = getenv('TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE');
+ if ($php == 'auto') {
+ $php = TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . '/sapi/cli/php';
+ putenv("TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=$php");
+ if (!getenv('TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE')) {
+ $php_cgi = TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . '/sapi/cgi/php-cgi';
+ if (file_exists($php_cgi)) {
+ putenv("TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE=$php_cgi");
+ } else {
+ $php_cgi = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $environment['TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE'] = $php;
+ }
+ if (getenv('TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE')) {
+ $php_cgi = getenv('TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE');
+ if ($php_cgi == 'auto') {
+ $php_cgi = TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . '/sapi/cgi/php-cgi';
+ putenv("TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE=$php_cgi");
+ }
+ $environment['TEST_PHP_CGI_EXECUTABLE'] = $php_cgi;
+ }
+ if (!getenv('TEST_PHPDBG_EXECUTABLE')) {
+ if (!strncasecmp(PHP_OS, "win", 3) && file_exists(dirname($php) . "/phpdbg.exe")) {
+ $phpdbg = realpath(dirname($php) . "/phpdbg.exe");
+ } elseif (file_exists(dirname($php) . "/../../sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg")) {
+ $phpdbg = realpath(dirname($php) . "/../../sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg");
+ } elseif (file_exists("./sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg")) {
+ $phpdbg = realpath("./sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg");
+ } elseif (file_exists(dirname($php) . "/phpdbg")) {
+ $phpdbg = realpath(dirname($php) . "/phpdbg");
+ } else {
+ $phpdbg = null;
+ }
+ if ($phpdbg) {
+ putenv("TEST_PHPDBG_EXECUTABLE=$phpdbg");
+ }
+ }
+ if (getenv('TEST_PHPDBG_EXECUTABLE')) {
+ $phpdbg = getenv('TEST_PHPDBG_EXECUTABLE');
+ if ($phpdbg == 'auto') {
+ $phpdbg = TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . '/sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg';
+ putenv("TEST_PHPDBG_EXECUTABLE=$phpdbg");
+ }
+ $environment['TEST_PHPDBG_EXECUTABLE'] = $phpdbg;
+ }
+ if (getenv('TEST_PHP_LOG_FORMAT')) {
+ $log_format = strtoupper(getenv('TEST_PHP_LOG_FORMAT'));
+ } else {
+ $log_format = 'LEODS';
+ }
+ // Check whether a detailed log is wanted.
+ if (getenv('TEST_PHP_DETAILED')) {
+ } else {
+ $DETAILED = 0;
+ }
+ junit_init();
+ if (getenv('SHOW_ONLY_GROUPS')) {
+ $SHOW_ONLY_GROUPS = explode(",", getenv('SHOW_ONLY_GROUPS'));
+ } else {
+ $SHOW_ONLY_GROUPS = array();
+ }
+ // Check whether user test dirs are requested.
+ if (getenv('TEST_PHP_USER')) {
+ $user_tests = explode(',', getenv('TEST_PHP_USER'));
+ } else {
+ $user_tests = array();
+ }
+ $exts_to_test = array();
+ $ini_overwrites = array(
+ 'output_handler=',
+ 'open_basedir=',
+ 'disable_functions=',
+ 'output_buffering=Off',
+ 'error_reporting=' . (E_ALL | E_STRICT),
+ 'display_errors=1',
+ 'display_startup_errors=1',
+ 'log_errors=0',
+ 'html_errors=0',
+ 'track_errors=0',
+ 'report_memleaks=1',
+ 'report_zend_debug=0',
+ 'docref_root=',
+ 'docref_ext=.html',
+ 'error_prepend_string=',
+ 'error_append_string=',
+ 'auto_prepend_file=',
+ 'auto_append_file=',
+ 'ignore_repeated_errors=0',
+ 'precision=14',
+ 'memory_limit=128M',
+ 'log_errors_max_len=0',
+ 'opcache.fast_shutdown=0',
+ 'opcache.file_update_protection=0',
+ 'zend.assertions=1',
+ );
+ $no_file_cache = '-d opcache.file_cache= -d opcache.file_cache_only=0';
+ define('PHP_QA_EMAIL', '');
+ define('QA_SUBMISSION_PAGE', '');
+ define('QA_REPORTS_PAGE', '');
+ define('TRAVIS_CI', (bool)getenv('TRAVIS'));
+ // Determine the tests to be run.
+ $test_files = array();
+ $redir_tests = array();
+ $test_results = array();
+ $PHP_FAILED_TESTS = array(
+ 'BORKED' => array(),
+ 'FAILED' => array(),
+ 'WARNED' => array(),
+ 'LEAKED' => array(),
+ 'XFAILED' => array(),
+ 'SLOW' => array()
+ );
+ // If parameters given assume they represent selected tests to run.
+ $result_tests_file = false;
+ $failed_tests_file = false;
+ $pass_option_n = false;
+ $pass_options = '';
+ $output_file = INIT_DIR . '/php_test_results_' . date('Ymd_Hi') . '.txt';
+ $just_save_results = false;
+ $valgrind = null;
+ $html_output = false;
+ $html_file = null;
+ $temp_source = null;
+ $temp_target = null;
+ $temp_urlbase = null;
+ $conf_passed = null;
+ $no_clean = false;
+ $slow_min_ms = INF;
+ $preload = false;
+ $cfgtypes = array('show', 'keep');
+ $cfgfiles = array('skip', 'php', 'clean', 'out', 'diff', 'exp', 'mem');
+ $cfg = array();
+ foreach ($cfgtypes as $type) {
+ $cfg[$type] = array();
+ foreach ($cfgfiles as $file) {
+ $cfg[$type][$file] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (getenv('TEST_PHP_ARGS')) {
+ if (!isset($argc, $argv) || !$argc) {
+ $argv = array(__FILE__);
+ }
+ $argv = array_merge($argv, explode(' ', getenv('TEST_PHP_ARGS')));
+ $argc = count($argv);
+ }
+ if (isset($argc) && $argc > 1) {
+ for ($i = 1; $i < $argc; $i++) {
+ $is_switch = false;
+ $switch = substr($argv[$i], 1, 1);
+ $repeat = substr($argv[$i], 0, 1) == '-';
+ while ($repeat) {
+ if (!$is_switch) {
+ $switch = substr($argv[$i], 1, 1);
+ }
+ $is_switch = true;
+ if ($repeat) {
+ foreach ($cfgtypes as $type) {
+ if (strpos($switch, '--' . $type) === 0) {
+ foreach ($cfgfiles as $file) {
+ if ($switch == '--' . $type . '-' . $file) {
+ $cfg[$type][$file] = true;
+ $is_switch = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$is_switch) {
+ $is_switch = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ $repeat = false;
+ switch ($switch) {
+ case 'r':
+ case 'l':
+ $test_list = file($argv[++$i]);
+ if ($test_list) {
+ foreach ($test_list as $test) {
+ $matches = array();
+ if (preg_match('/^#.*\[(.*)\]\:\s+(.*)$/', $test, $matches)) {
+ $redir_tests[] = array($matches[1], $matches[2]);
+ } else {
+ if (strlen($test)) {
+ $test_files[] = trim($test);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($switch != 'l') {
+ break;
+ }
+ $i--;
+ // break left intentionally
+ case 'w':
+ $failed_tests_file = fopen($argv[++$i], 'w+t');
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ $failed_tests_file = fopen($argv[++$i], 'a+t');
+ break;
+ case 'W':
+ $result_tests_file = fopen($argv[++$i], 'w+t');
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ $conf_passed = $argv[++$i];
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ $ini_overwrites[] = $argv[++$i];
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ $SHOW_ONLY_GROUPS = explode(",", $argv[++$i]);
+ break;
+ //case 'h'
+ case '--keep-all':
+ foreach ($cfgfiles as $file) {
+ $cfg['keep'][$file] = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ //case 'l'
+ case 'm':
+ $valgrind = new RuntestsValgrind($environment);
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ if (!$pass_option_n) {
+ $pass_options .= ' -n';
+ }
+ $pass_option_n = true;
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ $pass_options .= ' -e';
+ break;
+ case '--preload':
+ $preload = true;
+ break;
+ case '--no-clean':
+ $no_clean = true;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ $php = $argv[++$i];
+ putenv("TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=$php");
+ $environment['TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE'] = $php;
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ if (constant('PHP_BINARY')) {
+ $php = PHP_BINARY;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ putenv("TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=$php");
+ $environment['TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE'] = $php;
+ break;
+ case 'q':
+ putenv('NO_INTERACTION=1');
+ break;
+ //case 'r'
+ case 's':
+ $output_file = $argv[++$i];
+ $just_save_results = true;
+ break;
+ case '--set-timeout':
+ $environment['TEST_TIMEOUT'] = $argv[++$i];
+ break;
+ case '--show-all':
+ foreach ($cfgfiles as $file) {
+ $cfg['show'][$file] = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '--show-slow':
+ $slow_min_ms = $argv[++$i];
+ break;
+ case '--temp-source':
+ $temp_source = $argv[++$i];
+ break;
+ case '--temp-target':
+ $temp_target = $argv[++$i];
+ if ($temp_urlbase) {
+ $temp_urlbase = $temp_target;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '--temp-urlbase':
+ $temp_urlbase = $argv[++$i];
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ case '--verbose':
+ $DETAILED = true;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ $environment['SKIP_SLOW_TESTS'] = 1;
+ break;
+ case '--offline':
+ $environment['SKIP_ONLINE_TESTS'] = 1;
+ break;
+ //case 'w'
+ case '-':
+ // repeat check with full switch
+ $switch = $argv[$i];
+ if ($switch != '-') {
+ $repeat = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '--html':
+ $html_file = fopen($argv[++$i], 'wt');
+ $html_output = is_resource($html_file);
+ break;
+ case '--version':
+ echo '$Id$' . "\n";
+ exit(1);
+ default:
+ echo "Illegal switch '$switch' specified!\n";
+ case 'h':
+ case '-help':
+ case '--help':
+ echo <<<HELP
php run-tests.php [options] [files] [directories]
@@ -787,240 +593,489 @@ Options:
--no-clean Do not execute clean section if any.
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- if (!$is_switch) {
- $testfile = realpath($argv[$i]);
- if (!$testfile && strpos($argv[$i], '*') !== false && function_exists('glob')) {
- if (substr($argv[$i], -5) == '.phpt') {
- $pattern_match = glob($argv[$i]);
- } else if (preg_match("/\*$/", $argv[$i])) {
- $pattern_match = glob($argv[$i] . '.phpt');
- } else {
- die('Cannot find test file "' . $argv[$i] . '".' . PHP_EOL);
- }
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$is_switch) {
+ $testfile = realpath($argv[$i]);
+ if (!$testfile && strpos($argv[$i], '*') !== false && function_exists('glob')) {
+ if (substr($argv[$i], -5) == '.phpt') {
+ $pattern_match = glob($argv[$i]);
+ } else {
+ if (preg_match("/\*$/", $argv[$i])) {
+ $pattern_match = glob($argv[$i] . '.phpt');
+ } else {
+ die('Cannot find test file "' . $argv[$i] . '".' . PHP_EOL);
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_array($pattern_match)) {
+ $test_files = array_merge($test_files, $pattern_match);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (is_dir($testfile)) {
+ find_files($testfile);
+ } else {
+ if (substr($testfile, -5) == '.phpt') {
+ $test_files[] = $testfile;
+ } else {
+ die('Cannot find test file "' . $argv[$i] . '".' . PHP_EOL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (strlen($conf_passed)) {
+ if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == "WIN") {
+ $pass_options .= " -c " . escapeshellarg($conf_passed);
+ } else {
+ $pass_options .= " -c '$conf_passed'";
+ }
+ }
+ $test_files = array_unique($test_files);
+ $test_files = array_merge($test_files, $redir_tests);
+ // Run selected tests.
+ $test_cnt = count($test_files);
+ if ($test_cnt) {
+ putenv('NO_INTERACTION=1');
+ verify_config();
+ write_information();
+ usort($test_files, "test_sort");
+ $start_time = time();
+ if (!$html_output) {
+ echo "Running selected tests.\n";
+ } else {
+ show_start($start_time);
+ }
+ $test_idx = 0;
+ run_all_tests($test_files, $environment);
+ $end_time = time();
+ if ($html_output) {
+ show_end($end_time);
+ }
+ if ($failed_tests_file) {
+ fclose($failed_tests_file);
+ }
+ if ($result_tests_file) {
+ fclose($result_tests_file);
+ }
+ compute_summary();
+ if ($html_output) {
+ fwrite($html_file, "<hr/>\n" . get_summary(false, true));
+ }
+ echo "=====================================================================";
+ echo get_summary(false, false);
+ if ($html_output) {
+ fclose($html_file);
+ }
+ if ($output_file != '' && $just_save_results) {
+ save_or_mail_results();
+ }
+ junit_save_xml();
+ if (getenv('REPORT_EXIT_STATUS') !== '0' &&
+ getenv('REPORT_EXIT_STATUS') !== 'no' && ($sum_results['FAILED'] || $sum_results['BORKED'] || $sum_results['LEAKED'])) {
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ verify_config();
+ write_information();
+ // Compile a list of all test files (*.phpt).
+ $test_files = array();
+ $exts_tested = count($exts_to_test);
+ $exts_skipped = 0;
+ $ignored_by_ext = 0;
+ sort($exts_to_test);
+ $test_dirs = array();
+ $optionals = array('tests', 'ext', 'Zend');
+ foreach ($optionals as $dir) {
+ if (is_dir($dir)) {
+ $test_dirs[] = $dir;
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert extension names to lowercase
+ foreach ($exts_to_test as $key => $val) {
+ $exts_to_test[$key] = strtolower($val);
+ }
+ foreach ($test_dirs as $dir) {
+ find_files(TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . "/{$dir}", $dir == 'ext');
+ }
+ foreach ($user_tests as $dir) {
+ find_files($dir, $dir == 'ext');
+ }
+ $test_files = array_unique($test_files);
+ usort($test_files, "test_sort");
+ $start_time = time();
+ show_start($start_time);
+ $test_cnt = count($test_files);
+ $test_idx = 0;
+ run_all_tests($test_files, $environment);
+ $end_time = time();
- if (is_array($pattern_match)) {
- $test_files = array_merge($test_files, $pattern_match);
- }
+ if ($failed_tests_file) {
+ fclose($failed_tests_file);
+ }
+ if ($result_tests_file) {
+ fclose($result_tests_file);
+ }
- } else if (is_dir($testfile)) {
- find_files($testfile);
- } else if (substr($testfile, -5) == '.phpt') {
- $test_files[] = $testfile;
- } else {
- die('Cannot find test file "' . $argv[$i] . '".' . PHP_EOL);
- }
- }
- }
+ // Summarize results
- if (strlen($conf_passed)) {
- if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == "WIN") {
- $pass_options .= " -c " . escapeshellarg($conf_passed);
- } else {
- $pass_options .= " -c '$conf_passed'";
- }
- }
+ if (0 == count($test_results)) {
+ echo "No tests were run.\n";
+ return;
+ }
- $test_files = array_unique($test_files);
- $test_files = array_merge($test_files, $redir_tests);
+ compute_summary();
- // Run selected tests.
- $test_cnt = count($test_files);
+ show_end($end_time);
+ show_summary();
- if ($test_cnt) {
- putenv('NO_INTERACTION=1');
- verify_config();
- write_information();
- usort($test_files, "test_sort");
- $start_time = time();
+ if ($html_output) {
+ fclose($html_file);
+ }
- if (!$html_output) {
- echo "Running selected tests.\n";
- } else {
- show_start($start_time);
- }
+ save_or_mail_results();
- $test_idx = 0;
- run_all_tests($test_files, $environment);
- $end_time = time();
- if ($html_output) {
- show_end($end_time);
- }
- if ($failed_tests_file) {
- fclose($failed_tests_file);
- }
- if ($result_tests_file) {
- fclose($result_tests_file);
- }
- compute_summary();
- if ($html_output) {
- fwrite($html_file, "<hr/>\n" . get_summary(false, true));
- }
- echo "=====================================================================";
- echo get_summary(false, false);
- if ($html_output) {
- fclose($html_file);
- }
- if ($output_file != '' && $just_save_results) {
- save_or_mail_results();
- }
+ junit_save_xml();
+ if (getenv('REPORT_EXIT_STATUS') !== '0' &&
+ getenv('REPORT_EXIT_STATUS') !== 'no' && ($sum_results['FAILED'] || $sum_results['LEAKED'])) {
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ exit(0);
- junit_save_xml();
+if (!function_exists("hrtime")) {
+ function hrtime(bool $as_num = false)
+ {
+ $t = microtime(true);
- if (getenv('REPORT_EXIT_STATUS') !== '0' &&
- getenv('REPORT_EXIT_STATUS') !== 'no' && ($sum_results['FAILED'] || $sum_results['BORKED'] || $sum_results['LEAKED'])) {
- exit(1);
- }
+ if ($as_num) {
+ return $t * 1000000000;
+ }
- exit(0);
- }
+ $s = floor($t);
+ return array(0 => $s, 1 => ($t - $s) * 1000000000);
+ }
+function verify_config()
+ global $php;
-// Compile a list of all test files (*.phpt).
-$test_files = array();
-$exts_tested = count($exts_to_test);
-$exts_skipped = 0;
-$ignored_by_ext = 0;
-$test_dirs = array();
-$optionals = array('tests', 'ext', 'Zend');
+ if (empty($php) || !file_exists($php)) {
+ error('environment variable TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE must be set to specify PHP executable!');
+ }
-foreach ($optionals as $dir) {
- if (is_dir($dir)) {
- $test_dirs[] = $dir;
- }
+ if (!is_executable($php)) {
+ error("invalid PHP executable specified by TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE = $php");
+ }
-// Convert extension names to lowercase
-foreach ($exts_to_test as $key => $val) {
- $exts_to_test[$key] = strtolower($val);
+function write_information()
+ global $php, $php_cgi, $phpdbg, $php_info, $user_tests, $ini_overwrites, $pass_options, $exts_to_test, $valgrind, $no_file_cache;
-foreach ($test_dirs as $dir) {
- find_files(TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . "/{$dir}", $dir == 'ext');
+ // Get info from php
+ $info_file = __DIR__ . '/run-test-info.php';
+ @unlink($info_file);
+ $php_info = '<?php echo "
+PHP_SAPI : " , PHP_SAPI , "
+PHP_VERSION : " , phpversion() , "
+ZEND_VERSION: " , zend_version() , "
+PHP_OS : " , PHP_OS , " - " , php_uname() , "
+INI actual : " , realpath(get_cfg_var("cfg_file_path")) , "
+More .INIs : " , (function_exists(\'php_ini_scanned_files\') ? str_replace("\n","", php_ini_scanned_files()) : "** not determined **"); ?>';
+ save_text($info_file, $php_info);
+ $info_params = array();
+ settings2array($ini_overwrites, $info_params);
+ settings2params($info_params);
+ $php_info = `$php $pass_options $info_params $no_file_cache "$info_file"`;
+ define('TESTED_PHP_VERSION', `$php -n -r "echo PHP_VERSION;"`);
+ if ($php_cgi && $php != $php_cgi) {
+ $php_info_cgi = `$php_cgi $pass_options $info_params $no_file_cache -q "$info_file"`;
+ $php_info_sep = "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------";
+ $php_cgi_info = "$php_info_sep\nPHP : $php_cgi $php_info_cgi$php_info_sep";
+ } else {
+ $php_cgi_info = '';
+ }
+ if ($phpdbg) {
+ $phpdbg_info = `$phpdbg $pass_options $info_params $no_file_cache -qrr "$info_file"`;
+ $php_info_sep = "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------";
+ $phpdbg_info = "$php_info_sep\nPHP : $phpdbg $phpdbg_info$php_info_sep";
+ } else {
+ $phpdbg_info = '';
+ }
+ if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
+ opcache_invalidate($info_file, true);
+ }
+ @unlink($info_file);
+ // load list of enabled extensions
+ save_text($info_file,
+ '<?php echo str_replace("Zend OPcache", "opcache", implode(",", get_loaded_extensions())); ?>');
+ $exts_to_test = explode(',', `$php $pass_options $info_params $no_file_cache "$info_file"`);
+ // check for extensions that need special handling and regenerate
+ $info_params_ex = array(
+ 'session' => array('session.auto_start=0'),
+ 'tidy' => array('tidy.clean_output=0'),
+ 'zlib' => array('zlib.output_compression=Off'),
+ 'xdebug' => array('xdebug.default_enable=0'),
+ 'mbstring' => array('mbstring.func_overload=0'),
+ );
+ foreach ($info_params_ex as $ext => $ini_overwrites_ex) {
+ if (in_array($ext, $exts_to_test)) {
+ $ini_overwrites = array_merge($ini_overwrites, $ini_overwrites_ex);
+ }
+ }
+ if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
+ opcache_invalidate($info_file, true);
+ }
+ @unlink($info_file);
+ // Write test context information.
+ echo "
+PHP : $php $php_info $php_cgi_info $phpdbg_info
+Extra dirs : ";
+ foreach ($user_tests as $test_dir) {
+ echo "{$test_dir}\n ";
+ }
+ echo "
+VALGRIND : " . ($valgrind ? $valgrind->getHeader() : 'Not used') . "
-foreach ($user_tests as $dir) {
- find_files($dir, $dir == 'ext');
+function save_or_mail_results()
+ global $sum_results, $just_save_results, $failed_test_summary,
+ $PHP_FAILED_TESTS, $php, $output_file;
+ /* We got failed Tests, offer the user to send an e-mail to QA team, unless NO_INTERACTION is set */
+ if (!getenv('NO_INTERACTION') && !TRAVIS_CI) {
+ $fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r+");
+ if ($sum_results['FAILED'] || $sum_results['BORKED'] || $sum_results['WARNED'] || $sum_results['LEAKED']) {
+ echo "\nYou may have found a problem in PHP.";
+ }
+ echo "\nThis report can be automatically sent to the PHP QA team at\n";
+ echo QA_REPORTS_PAGE . " and\n";
+ echo "This gives us a better understanding of PHP's behavior.\n";
+ echo "If you don't want to send the report immediately you can choose\n";
+ echo "option \"s\" to save it. You can then email it to " . PHP_QA_EMAIL . " later.\n";
+ echo "Do you want to send this report now? [Yns]: ";
+ flush();
+ $user_input = fgets($fp, 10);
+ $just_save_results = (strtolower($user_input[0]) == 's');
+ }
+ if ($just_save_results || !getenv('NO_INTERACTION') || TRAVIS_CI) {
+ if ($just_save_results || TRAVIS_CI || strlen(trim($user_input)) == 0 || strtolower($user_input[0]) == 'y') {
+ /*
+ * Collect information about the host system for our report
+ * Fetch phpinfo() output so that we can see the PHP environment
+ * Make an archive of all the failed tests
+ * Send an email
+ */
+ if ($just_save_results) {
+ $user_input = 's';
+ }
+ /* Ask the user to provide an email address, so that QA team can contact the user */
+ if (TRAVIS_CI) {
+ $user_email = 'travis at php dot net';
+ } elseif (!strncasecmp($user_input, 'y', 1) || strlen(trim($user_input)) == 0) {
+ echo "\nPlease enter your email address.\n(Your address will be mangled so that it will not go out on any\nmailinglist in plain text): ";
+ flush();
+ $user_email = trim(fgets($fp, 1024));
+ $user_email = str_replace("@", " at ", str_replace(".", " dot ", $user_email));
+ }
+ $failed_tests_data = '';
+ $sep = "\n" . str_repeat('=', 80) . "\n";
+ $failed_tests_data .= $failed_test_summary . "\n";
+ $failed_tests_data .= get_summary(true, false) . "\n";
+ if ($sum_results['FAILED']) {
+ foreach ($PHP_FAILED_TESTS['FAILED'] as $test_info) {
+ $failed_tests_data .= $sep . $test_info['name'] . $test_info['info'];
+ $failed_tests_data .= $sep . file_get_contents(realpath($test_info['output']), FILE_BINARY);
+ $failed_tests_data .= $sep . file_get_contents(realpath($test_info['diff']), FILE_BINARY);
+ $failed_tests_data .= $sep . "\n\n";
+ }
+ $status = "failed";
+ } else {
+ $status = "success";
+ }
+ $failed_tests_data .= "\n" . $sep . 'BUILD ENVIRONMENT' . $sep;
+ $failed_tests_data .= "OS:\n" . PHP_OS . " - " . php_uname() . "\n\n";
+ $ldd = $autoconf = $sys_libtool = $libtool = $compiler = 'N/A';
+ if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != "WIN") {
+ /* If PHP_AUTOCONF is set, use it; otherwise, use 'autoconf'. */
+ if (getenv('PHP_AUTOCONF')) {
+ $autoconf = shell_exec(getenv('PHP_AUTOCONF') . ' --version');
+ } else {
+ $autoconf = shell_exec('autoconf --version');
+ }
+ /* Always use the generated libtool - Mac OSX uses 'glibtool' */
+ $libtool = shell_exec(INIT_DIR . '/libtool --version');
+ /* Use shtool to find out if there is glibtool present (MacOSX) */
+ $sys_libtool_path = shell_exec(__DIR__ . '/build/shtool path glibtool libtool');
+ if ($sys_libtool_path) {
+ $sys_libtool = shell_exec(str_replace("\n", "", $sys_libtool_path) . ' --version');
+ }
+ /* Try the most common flags for 'version' */
+ $flags = array('-v', '-V', '--version');
+ $cc_status = 0;
+ foreach ($flags as $flag) {
+ system(getenv('CC') . " $flag >/dev/null 2>&1", $cc_status);
+ if ($cc_status == 0) {
+ $compiler = shell_exec(getenv('CC') . " $flag 2>&1");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $ldd = shell_exec("ldd $php 2>/dev/null");
+ }
+ $failed_tests_data .= "Autoconf:\n$autoconf\n";
+ $failed_tests_data .= "Bundled Libtool:\n$libtool\n";
+ $failed_tests_data .= "System Libtool:\n$sys_libtool\n";
+ $failed_tests_data .= "Compiler:\n$compiler\n";
+ $failed_tests_data .= "Bison:\n" . shell_exec('bison --version 2>/dev/null') . "\n";
+ $failed_tests_data .= "Libraries:\n$ldd\n";
+ $failed_tests_data .= "\n";
+ if (isset($user_email)) {
+ $failed_tests_data .= "User's E-mail: " . $user_email . "\n\n";
+ }
+ $failed_tests_data .= $sep . "PHPINFO" . $sep;
+ $failed_tests_data .= shell_exec($php . ' -ddisplay_errors=stderr -dhtml_errors=0 -i 2> /dev/null');
+ if (($just_save_results || !mail_qa_team($failed_tests_data, $status)) && !TRAVIS_CI) {
+ file_put_contents($output_file, $failed_tests_data);
+ if (!$just_save_results) {
+ echo "\nThe test script was unable to automatically send the report to PHP's QA Team\n";
+ }
+ echo "Please send " . $output_file . " to " . PHP_QA_EMAIL . " manually, thank you.\n";
+ } elseif (!getenv('NO_INTERACTION') && !TRAVIS_CI) {
+ fwrite($fp, "\nThank you for helping to make PHP better.\n");
+ fclose($fp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
function find_files($dir, $is_ext_dir = false, $ignore = false)
- global $test_files, $exts_to_test, $ignored_by_ext, $exts_skipped;
+ global $test_files, $exts_to_test, $ignored_by_ext, $exts_skipped;
- $o = opendir($dir) or error("cannot open directory: $dir");
+ $o = opendir($dir) or error("cannot open directory: $dir");
- while (($name = readdir($o)) !== false) {
+ while (($name = readdir($o)) !== false) {
- if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$name}") && !in_array($name, array('.', '..', '.svn'))) {
- $skip_ext = ($is_ext_dir && !in_array(strtolower($name), $exts_to_test));
- if ($skip_ext) {
- $exts_skipped++;
- }
- find_files("{$dir}/{$name}", false, $ignore || $skip_ext);
- }
+ if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$name}") && !in_array($name, array('.', '..', '.svn'))) {
+ $skip_ext = ($is_ext_dir && !in_array(strtolower($name), $exts_to_test));
+ if ($skip_ext) {
+ $exts_skipped++;
+ }
+ find_files("{$dir}/{$name}", false, $ignore || $skip_ext);
+ }
- // Cleanup any left-over tmp files from last run.
- if (substr($name, -4) == '.tmp') {
- @unlink("$dir/$name");
- continue;
- }
+ // Cleanup any left-over tmp files from last run.
+ if (substr($name, -4) == '.tmp') {
+ @unlink("$dir/$name");
+ continue;
+ }
- // Otherwise we're only interested in *.phpt files.
- if (substr($name, -5) == '.phpt') {
- if ($ignore) {
- $ignored_by_ext++;
- } else {
- $testfile = realpath("{$dir}/{$name}");
- $test_files[] = $testfile;
- }
- }
- }
+ // Otherwise we're only interested in *.phpt files.
+ if (substr($name, -5) == '.phpt') {
+ if ($ignore) {
+ $ignored_by_ext++;
+ } else {
+ $testfile = realpath("{$dir}/{$name}");
+ $test_files[] = $testfile;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- closedir($o);
+ closedir($o);
function test_name($name)
- if (is_array($name)) {
- return $name[0] . ':' . $name[1];
- } else {
- return $name;
- }
+ if (is_array($name)) {
+ return $name[0] . ':' . $name[1];
+ } else {
+ return $name;
+ }
function test_sort($a, $b)
- $a = test_name($a);
- $b = test_name($b);
+ $a = test_name($a);
+ $b = test_name($b);
- $ta = strpos($a, TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . "/tests") === 0 ? 1 + (strpos($a, TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . "/tests/run-test") === 0 ? 1 : 0) : 0;
- $tb = strpos($b, TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . "/tests") === 0 ? 1 + (strpos($b, TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . "/tests/run-test") === 0 ? 1 : 0) : 0;
+ $ta = strpos($a, TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . "/tests") === 0 ? 1 + (strpos($a,
+ TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . "/tests/run-test") === 0 ? 1 : 0) : 0;
+ $tb = strpos($b, TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . "/tests") === 0 ? 1 + (strpos($b,
+ TEST_PHP_SRCDIR . "/tests/run-test") === 0 ? 1 : 0) : 0;
- if ($ta == $tb) {
- return strcmp($a, $b);
- } else {
- return $tb - $ta;
- }
+ if ($ta == $tb) {
+ return strcmp($a, $b);
+ } else {
+ return $tb - $ta;
+ }
-$test_files = array_unique($test_files);
-usort($test_files, "test_sort");
-$start_time = time();
-$test_cnt = count($test_files);
-$test_idx = 0;
-run_all_tests($test_files, $environment);
-$end_time = time();
-if ($failed_tests_file) {
- fclose($failed_tests_file);
-if ($result_tests_file) {
- fclose($result_tests_file);
-// Summarize results
-if (0 == count($test_results)) {
- echo "No tests were run.\n";
- return;
-if ($html_output) {
- fclose($html_file);
-if (getenv('REPORT_EXIT_STATUS') !== '0' &&
- getenv('REPORT_EXIT_STATUS') !== 'no' && ($sum_results['FAILED'] || $sum_results['LEAKED'])) {
- exit(1);
// Send Email to QA Team
@@ -3069,3 +3124,5 @@ class RuntestsValgrind
+main(); \ No newline at end of file