path: root/ext/standard/tests/strings/vfprintf_variation8.phpt
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authorandy wharmby <>2009-01-20 14:19:40 +0000
committerandy wharmby <>2009-01-20 14:19:40 +0000
commit9c2283fe02a45ceba041e3de0ee17914d4049a12 (patch)
tree08be740d431c00c5e2057ea82fb30a2a9ef8ba10 /ext/standard/tests/strings/vfprintf_variation8.phpt
parentb5c6e15ab8b1a83454b697c50051f2fb85fe5bfe (diff)
New vfprintf() tests. Tested on Window, Linux and Linux 64 bit
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/standard/tests/strings/vfprintf_variation8.phpt')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/vfprintf_variation8.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/vfprintf_variation8.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cda05c4d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/strings/vfprintf_variation8.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Test vfprintf() function : usage variations - string formats with non-string values
+/* Prototype : int vfprintf ( resource $handle , string $format , array $args )
+ * Description: Write a formatted string to a stream
+ * Source code: ext/standard/formatted_print.c
+ * Test vfprintf() when different string formats and non-string values are passed to
+ * the '$format' and '$args' arguments of the function
+error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
+echo "*** Testing vfprintf() : string formats and non-string values ***\n";
+// defining array of string formats
+$formats =
+ '%s %+s %-s
+ %ls %Ls %4s %-4s
+ %10.4s %-10.4s %04s %04.4s
+ %\'#2s %\'2s %\'$2s %\'_2s
+ %3$s %4$s %1$s %2$s';
+// Arrays of non string values for the format defined in $format.
+// Each sub array contains non string values which correspond to each format in $format
+$args_array = array(
+ // array of float values
+ array(2.2, .2, 10.2,
+ 123456.234, 123456.234, -1234.6789, +1234.6789,
+ 2.1234567e10, +2.7654321e10, -2.7654321e10,
+ 12345.780, 12.000000011111, -12.00000111111, -123456.234,
+ 3.33, +4.44, 1.11,-2.22 ),
+ // array of int values
+ array(2, -2, +2,
+ 123456, 123456234, -12346789, +12346789,
+ 123200, +20000, -40000, 22212,
+ 12345780, 1211111, -12111111, -12345634,
+ 3, +4, 1,-2 ),
+ // different arrays
+ array( array(0), array(1, 2), array(-1, -1),
+ array("123"), array('123'), array('-123'), array("-123"),
+ array(true), array(false), array(TRUE), array(FALSE),
+ array("123hello"), array("1", "2"), array('123hello'), array(12=>"12twelve"),
+ array("3"), array("4"), array("1"), array("2") ),
+ // array of boolean data
+ array( true, TRUE, false,
+ TRUE, 0, FALSE, 1,
+ true, false, TRUE, FALSE,
+ 0, 1, 1, 0,
+ 1, TRUE, 0, FALSE),
+/* creating dumping file */
+$data_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/dump.txt';
+if (!($fp = fopen($data_file, 'wt')))
+ return;
+// looping to test vfprintf() with different string formats from the above $format array
+// and with non-string values from the above $args_array array
+$counter = 1;
+foreach($args_array as $args) {
+ fprintf($fp, "\n-- Iteration %d --\n",$counter);
+ vfprintf($fp, $formats, $args);
+ $counter++;
+echo "\n";
+*** Testing vfprintf() : string formats and non-string values ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+2.2 0.2 10.2
+ 123456.234 s -1234.6789 1234.6789
+ 2123 2765 -27654321000 1234
+ 12.000000011111 -12.00000111111 -123456.234 3.33
+ 10.2 123456.234 2.2 0.2
+-- Iteration 2 --
+2 -2 2
+ 123456 s -12346789 12346789
+ 1232 2000 -40000 2221
+ 12345780 1211111 -12111111 -12345634
+ 2 123456 2 -2
+-- Iteration 3 --
+Array Array Array
+ Array s Array Array
+ Arra Arra Array Arra
+ Array Array Array Array
+ Array Array Array Array
+-- Iteration 4 --
+1 1
+ 1 s 1
+ 1 0001 0000
+ #0 1 $1 _0
+ 1 1 1