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diff --git a/t/op/write.t b/t/op/write.t
index ad596a64b4..6e37cac538 100755
--- a/t/op/write.t
+++ b/t/op/write.t
@@ -5,12 +5,59 @@ BEGIN {
@INC = '../lib';
-print "1..50\n";
+#-- testing numeric fields in all variants (WL)
+sub swrite {
+ my $format = shift;
+ local $^A = ""; # don't litter, use a local bin
+ formline( $format, @_ );
+ return $^A;
+my @NumTests = (
+ [ '@###', 0, 1, 9999.5, 9999.4999, -999.5, 1e100 ],
+ [ '@0##', 0, 1, 9999.5, -999.4999, -999.5, 1e100 ],
+ [ '^###', 0, undef ],
+ [ '^0##', 0, undef ],
+ [ '@###.', 0, 1, 9999.5, 9999.4999, -999.5 ],
+ [ '@##.##', 0, 1, 999.995, 999.99499, -100 ],
+ [ '@0#.##', 0, 1, 10, -0.0001 ],
+ );
+sub mkfmt($){
+ my $fmt = shift();
+ my $fieldwidth = length( $fmt );
+ my $leadzero = $fmt =~ /^.0/ ? "0" : "";
+ if( $fmt =~ /\.(#*)/ ){
+ my $fractwidth = length( $1 );
+ return "%#${leadzero}${fieldwidth}.${fractwidth}f"
+ } else {
+ return "%${leadzero}${fieldwidth}.0f"
+ }
+my $num_tests = 0;
+for my $tref ( @NumTests ){
+ $num_tests += @$tref - 1;
+# number of tests in section 1
+my $bas_tests = 20;
+# number of tests in section 3
+my $hmb_tests = 36;
+printf "1..%d\n", $bas_tests + $num_tests + $hmb_tests;
my $CAT = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare' || $^O eq 'VMS') ? 'type'
: ($^O eq 'MacOS') ? 'catenate'
: 'cat';
+## Section 1
format OUT =
the quick brown @<<
@@ -274,14 +321,19 @@ else
my $el;
- format STDOUT =
+ format OUT12 =
ok ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~ # sv_chop() naze
my %hash = (12 => 3);
+ open(OUT12, '>Op_write.tmp') || die "Can't create Op_write.tmp";
for $el (keys %hash) {
- write;
+ write(OUT12);
+ close OUT12 or die "Could not close: $!";
+ print `$CAT Op_write.tmp`;
@@ -300,24 +352,162 @@ $v
print `$CAT Op_write.tmp`;
- # Bug #24774 format without trailing \n failed assertion
- # but this must not compile because we'd get a ';' into the format
+{ # test 14
+ # Bug #24774 format without trailing \n failed assertion, but this
+ # must fail since we have a trailing ; in the eval'ed string (WL)
my @v = ('k');
eval "format OUT14 = \n@\n\@v";
print $@ ? "ok 14\n" : "not ok 14\n";
-# Easiest to add new tests above here #
+{ # test 15
+ # text lost in ^<<< field with \r in value (WL)
+ my $txt = "line 1\rline 2";
+ format OUT15 =
+ open(OUT15, '>Op_write.tmp') || die "Can't create Op_write.tmp";
+ write(OUT15);
+ close OUT15 or die "Could not close: $!";
+ my $res = `$CAT Op_write.tmp`;
+ print $res eq "line 1\nline 2\n" ? "ok 15\n" : "not ok 15\n";
+{ # test 16: multiple use of a variable in same line with ^<
+ my $txt = "this_is_block_1 this_is_block_2 this_is_block_3 this_is_block_4";
+ format OUT16 =
+^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+$txt, $txt
+^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+$txt, $txt
+ open(OUT16, '>Op_write.tmp') || die "Can't create Op_write.tmp";
+ write(OUT16);
+ close OUT16 or die "Could not close: $!";
+ my $res = `$CAT Op_write.tmp`;
+ print $res eq <<EOD ? "ok 16\n" : "not ok 16\n";
+this_is_block_1 this_is_block_2
+this_is_block_3 this_is_block_4
+{ # test 17: @* "should be on a line of its own", but it should work
+ # cleanly with literals before and after. (WL)
+ my $txt = "This is line 1.\nThis is the second line.\nThird and last.\n";
+ format OUT17 =
+Here we go: @* That's all, folks!
+ $txt
+ open(OUT17, '>Op_write.tmp') || die "Can't create Op_write.tmp";
+ write(OUT17);
+ close OUT17 or die "Could not close: $!";
+ my $res = `$CAT Op_write.tmp`;
+ chomp( $txt );
+ my $exp = <<EOD;
+Here we go: $txt That's all, folks!
+ print $res eq $exp ? "ok 17\n" : "not ok 17\n";
+{ # test 18: @# and ~~ would cause runaway format, but we now
+ # catch this while compiling (WL)
+ format OUT18 =
+@######## ~~
+ open(OUT18, '>Op_write.tmp') || die "Can't create Op_write.tmp";
+ eval { write(OUT18); };
+ print $@ ? "ok 18\n" : "not ok 18\n";
+ close OUT18 or die "Could not close: $!";
+{ # test 19: \0 in an evel'ed format, doesn't cause empty lines (WL)
+ my $v = 'gaga';
+ eval "format OUT19 = \n" .
+ '@<<<' . "\0\n" .
+ '$v' . "\n" .
+ '@<<<' . "\0\n" .
+ '$v' . "\n.\n";
+ open(OUT19, '>Op_write.tmp') || die "Can't create Op_write.tmp";
+ write(OUT19);
+ my $res = `$CAT Op_write.tmp`;
+ print $res eq <<EOD ? "ok 19\n" : "not ok 19\n";
+{ # test 20: hash accesses; single '}' must not terminate format '}' (WL)
+ my %h = ( xkey => 'xval', ykey => 'yval' );
+ format OUT20 =
+@>>>> @<<<< ~~
+each %h
+@>>>> @<<<<
+$h{xkey}, $h{ykey}
+@>>>> @<<<<
+{ $h{xkey}, $h{ykey}
+ my $exp = '';
+ while( my( $k, $v ) = each( %h ) ){
+ $exp .= sprintf( "%5s %s\n", $k, $v );
+ }
+ $exp .= sprintf( "%5s %s\n", $h{xkey}, $h{ykey} );
+ $exp .= sprintf( "%5s %s\n", $h{xkey}, $h{ykey} );
+ $exp .= "}\n";
+ open(OUT20, '>Op_write.tmp') || die "Can't create Op_write.tmp";
+ write(OUT20);
+ my $res = `$CAT Op_write.tmp`;
+ print $res eq $exp ? "ok 20\n" : "not ok 20 res=[$res]exp=[$exp]\n";
+## Section 2
+## numeric formatting
+my $nt = $bas_tests;
+for my $tref ( @NumTests ){
+ my $writefmt = shift( @$tref );
+ my $printfmt = mkfmt( $writefmt );
+ my $blank_when_undef = substr( $writefmt, 0, 1 ) eq '^';
+ for my $val ( @$tref ){
+ my $writeres = swrite( $writefmt, $val );
+ my $printres;
+ if( $blank_when_undef && ! defined($val) ){
+ $printres = ' ' x length( $writefmt );
+ } else {
+ $printres = sprintf( $printfmt, $val || 0 );
+ if( length($printres) > length( $writefmt ) ){
+ $printres = '#' x length( $writefmt );
+ }
+ }
+ $nt++;
+ print $printres eq $writeres ? "ok $nt\n" : "not ok $nt\n";
+ }
+## Section 3
+## Easiest to add new tests above here
-# 15..50: scary format testing from Merijn H. Brand
+# scary format testing from H.Merijn Brand
-my $test = 15;
-my $tests = 50;
+my $test = $bas_tests + $num_tests + 1;
+my $tests = $bas_tests + $num_tests + $hmb_tests;
if ($^O eq 'VMS' || $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'dos' || $^O eq 'MacOS' ||
($^O eq 'os2' and not eval '$OS2::can_fork')) {
@@ -351,7 +541,7 @@ $= = 10;
? "ok $test # TODO\n" : "not ok $test # TODO \$- = $- instead of 9\n";
print $^ ne "Comment_TOP"
- ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test\n# \$^ = $^ instead of 'STDOUT_TOP'\n";
+ ? "ok $test\n" : "not ok $test # TODO \$^ = $^ instead of 'STDOUT_TOP'\n";