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+=head1 NAME
+perlop - Perl operators and precedence
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Perl operators have the following associativity and precedence,
+listed from highest precedence to lowest. Note that all operators
+borrowed from C keep the same precedence relationship with each other,
+even where C's precedence is slightly screwy. (This makes learning
+Perl easier for C folks.)
+ left terms and list operators (leftward)
+ left ->
+ nonassoc ++ --
+ right **
+ right ! ~ \ and unary + and -
+ left =~ !~
+ left * / % x
+ left + - .
+ left << >>
+ nonassoc named unary operators
+ nonassoc < > <= >= lt gt le ge
+ nonassoc == != <=> eq ne cmp
+ left &
+ left | ^
+ left &&
+ left ||
+ nonassoc ..
+ right ?:
+ right = += -= *= etc.
+ left , =>
+ nonassoc list operators (rightward)
+ left not
+ left and
+ left or xor
+In the following sections, these operators are covered in precedence order.
+=head2 Terms and List Operators (Leftward)
+Any TERM is of highest precedence of Perl. These includes variables,
+quote and quotelike operators, any expression in parentheses,
+and any function whose arguments are parenthesized. Actually, there
+aren't really functions in this sense, just list operators and unary
+operators behaving as functions because you put parentheses around
+the arguments. These are all documented in L<perlfunc>.
+If any list operator (print(), etc.) or any unary operator (chdir(), etc.)
+is followed by a left parenthesis as the next token, the operator and
+arguments within parentheses are taken to be of highest precedence,
+just like a normal function call.
+In the absence of parentheses, the precedence of list operators such as
+C<print>, C<sort>, or C<chmod> is either very high or very low depending on
+whether you look at the left side of operator or the right side of it.
+For example, in
+ @ary = (1, 3, sort 4, 2);
+ print @ary; # prints 1324
+the commas on the right of the sort are evaluated before the sort, but
+the commas on the left are evaluated after. In other words, list
+operators tend to gobble up all the arguments that follow them, and
+then act like a simple TERM with regard to the preceding expression.
+Note that you have to be careful with parens:
+ # These evaluate exit before doing the print:
+ print($foo, exit); # Obviously not what you want.
+ print $foo, exit; # Nor is this.
+ # These do the print before evaluating exit:
+ (print $foo), exit; # This is what you want.
+ print($foo), exit; # Or this.
+ print ($foo), exit; # Or even this.
+Also note that
+ print ($foo & 255) + 1, "\n";
+probably doesn't do what you expect at first glance. See
+L<Named Unary Operators> for more discussion of this.
+Also parsed as terms are the C<do {}> and C<eval {}> constructs, as
+well as subroutine and method calls, and the anonymous
+constructors C<[]> and C<{}>.
+See also L<Quote and Quotelike Operators> toward the end of this section,
+as well as L<I/O Operators>.
+=head2 The Arrow Operator
+Just as in C and C++, "C<-E<gt>>" is an infix dereference operator. If the
+right side is either a C<[...]> or C<{...}> subscript, then the left side
+must be either a hard or symbolic reference to an array or hash (or
+a location capable of holding a hard reference, if it's an lvalue (assignable)).
+See L<perlref>.
+Otherwise, the right side is a method name or a simple scalar variable
+containing the method name, and the left side must either be an object
+(a blessed reference) or a class name (that is, a package name).
+See L<perlobj>.
+=head2 Autoincrement and Autodecrement
+"++" and "--" work as in C. That is, if placed before a variable, they
+increment or decrement the variable before returning the value, and if
+placed after, increment or decrement the variable after returning the value.
+The autoincrement operator has a little extra built-in magic to it. If
+you increment a variable that is numeric, or that has ever been used in
+a numeric context, you get a normal increment. If, however, the
+variable has only been used in string contexts since it was set, and
+has a value that is not null and matches the pattern
+C</^[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]*$/>, the increment is done as a string, preserving each
+character within its range, with carry:
+ print ++($foo = '99'); # prints '100'
+ print ++($foo = 'a0'); # prints 'a1'
+ print ++($foo = 'Az'); # prints 'Ba'
+ print ++($foo = 'zz'); # prints 'aaa'
+The autodecrement operator is not magical.
+=head2 Exponentiation
+Binary "**" is the exponentiation operator. Note that it binds even more
+tightly than unary minus, so -2**4 is -(2**4), not (-2)**4.
+=head2 Symbolic Unary Operators
+Unary "!" performs logical negation, i.e. "not". See also C<not> for a lower
+precedence version of this.
+Unary "-" performs arithmetic negation if the operand is numeric. If
+the operand is an identifier, a string consisting of a minus sign
+concatenated with the identifier is returned. Otherwise, if the string
+starts with a plus or minus, a string starting with the opposite sign
+is returned. One effect of these rules is that C<-bareword> is equivalent
+to C<"-bareword">.
+Unary "~" performs bitwise negation, i.e. 1's complement.
+Unary "+" has no effect whatsoever, even on strings. It is useful
+syntactically for separating a function name from a parenthesized expression
+that would otherwise be interpreted as the complete list of function
+arguments. (See examples above under L<List Operators>.)
+Unary "\" creates a reference to whatever follows it. See L<perlref>.
+Do not confuse this behavior with the behavior of backslash within a
+string, although both forms do convey the notion of protecting the next
+thing from interpretation.
+=head2 Binding Operators
+Binary "=~" binds an expression to a pattern match.
+Certain operations search or modify the string $_ by default. This
+operator makes that kind of operation work on some other string. The
+right argument is a search pattern, substitution, or translation. The
+left argument is what is supposed to be searched, substituted, or
+translated instead of the default $_. The return value indicates the
+success of the operation. (If the right argument is an expression
+rather than a search pattern, substitution, or translation, it is
+interpreted as a search pattern at run time. This is less efficient
+than an explicit search, since the pattern must be compiled every time
+the expression is evaluated--unless you've used C</o>.)
+Binary "!~" is just like "=~" except the return value is negated in
+the logical sense.
+=head2 Multiplicative Operators
+Binary "*" multiplies two numbers.
+Binary "/" divides two numbers.
+Binary "%" computes the modulus of the two numbers.
+Binary "x" is the repetition operator. In a scalar context, it
+returns a string consisting of the left operand repeated the number of
+times specified by the right operand. In a list context, if the left
+operand is a list in parens, it repeats the list.
+ print '-' x 80; # print row of dashes
+ print "\t" x ($tab/8), ' ' x ($tab%8); # tab over
+ @ones = (1) x 80; # a list of 80 1's
+ @ones = (5) x @ones; # set all elements to 5
+=head2 Additive Operators
+Binary "+" returns the sum of two numbers.
+Binary "-" returns the difference of two numbers.
+Binary "." concatenates two strings.
+=head2 Shift Operators
+Binary "<<" returns the value of its left argument shifted left by the
+number of bits specified by the right argument. Arguments should be
+Binary ">>" returns the value of its left argument shifted right by the
+number of bits specified by the right argument. Arguments should be
+=head2 Named Unary Operators
+The various named unary operators are treated as functions with one
+argument, with optional parentheses. These include the filetest
+operators, like C<-f>, C<-M>, etc. See L<perlfunc>.
+If any list operator (print(), etc.) or any unary operator (chdir(), etc.)
+is followed by a left parenthesis as the next token, the operator and
+arguments within parentheses are taken to be of highest precedence,
+just like a normal function call. Examples:
+ chdir $foo || die; # (chdir $foo) || die
+ chdir($foo) || die; # (chdir $foo) || die
+ chdir ($foo) || die; # (chdir $foo) || die
+ chdir +($foo) || die; # (chdir $foo) || die
+but, because * is higher precedence than ||:
+ chdir $foo * 20; # chdir ($foo * 20)
+ chdir($foo) * 20; # (chdir $foo) * 20
+ chdir ($foo) * 20; # (chdir $foo) * 20
+ chdir +($foo) * 20; # chdir ($foo * 20)
+ rand 10 * 20; # rand (10 * 20)
+ rand(10) * 20; # (rand 10) * 20
+ rand (10) * 20; # (rand 10) * 20
+ rand +(10) * 20; # rand (10 * 20)
+See also L<"List Operators">.
+=head2 Relational Operators
+Binary "<" returns true if the left argument is numerically less than
+the right argument.
+Binary ">" returns true if the left argument is numerically greater
+than the right argument.
+Binary "<=" returns true if the left argument is numerically less than
+or equal to the right argument.
+Binary ">=" returns true if the left argument is numerically greater
+than or equal to the right argument.
+Binary "lt" returns true if the left argument is stringwise less than
+the right argument.
+Binary "gt" returns true if the left argument is stringwise greater
+than the right argument.
+Binary "le" returns true if the left argument is stringwise less than
+or equal to the right argument.
+Binary "ge" returns true if the left argument is stringwise greater
+than or equal to the right argument.
+=head2 Equality Operators
+Binary "==" returns true if the left argument is numerically equal to
+the right argument.
+Binary "!=" returns true if the left argument is numerically not equal
+to the right argument.
+Binary "<=>" returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether the left argument is numerically
+less than, equal to, or greater than the right argument.
+Binary "eq" returns true if the left argument is stringwise equal to
+the right argument.
+Binary "ne" returns true if the left argument is stringwise not equal
+to the right argument.
+Binary "cmp" returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether the left argument is stringwise
+less than, equal to, or greater than the right argument.
+=head2 Bitwise And
+Binary "&" returns its operators ANDed together bit by bit.
+=head2 Bitwise Or and Exclusive Or
+Binary "|" returns its operators ORed together bit by bit.
+Binary "^" returns its operators XORed together bit by bit.
+=head2 C-style Logical And
+Binary "&&" performs a short-circuit logical AND operation. That is,
+if the left operand is false, the right operand is not even evaluated.
+Scalar or list context propagates down to the right operand if it
+is evaluated.
+=head2 C-style Logical Or
+Binary "||" performs a short-circuit logical OR operation. That is,
+if the left operand is true, the right operand is not even evaluated.
+Scalar or list context propagates down to the right operand if it
+is evaluated.
+The C<||> and C<&&> operators differ from C's in that, rather than returning
+0 or 1, they return the last value evaluated. Thus, a reasonably portable
+way to find out the home directory (assuming it's not "0") might be:
+ $home = $ENV{'HOME'} || $ENV{'LOGDIR'} ||
+ (getpwuid($<))[7] || die "You're homeless!\n";
+As more readable alternatives to C<&&> and C<||>, Perl provides "and" and
+"or" operators (see below). The short-circuit behavior is identical. The
+precedence of "and" and "or" is much lower, however, so that you can
+safely use them after a list operator without the need for
+ unlink "alpha", "beta", "gamma"
+ or gripe(), next LINE;
+With the C-style operators that would have been written like this:
+ unlink("alpha", "beta", "gamma")
+ || (gripe(), next LINE);
+=head2 Range Operator
+Binary ".." is the range operator, which is really two different
+operators depending on the context. In a list context, it returns an
+array of values counting (by ones) from the left value to the right
+value. This is useful for writing C<for (1..10)> loops and for doing
+slice operations on arrays. Be aware that under the current implementation,
+a temporary array is created, so you'll burn a lot of memory if you
+write something like this:
+ for (1 .. 1_000_000) {
+ # code
+ }
+In a scalar context, ".." returns a boolean value. The operator is
+bistable, like a flip-flop, and emulates the line-range (comma) operator
+of B<sed>, B<awk>, and various editors. Each ".." operator maintains its
+own boolean state. It is false as long as its left operand is false.
+Once the left operand is true, the range operator stays true until the
+right operand is true, I<AFTER> which the range operator becomes false
+again. (It doesn't become false till the next time the range operator is
+evaluated. It can test the right operand and become false on the same
+evaluation it became true (as in B<awk>), but it still returns true once.
+If you don't want it to test the right operand till the next evaluation
+(as in B<sed>), use three dots ("...") instead of two.) The right
+operand is not evaluated while the operator is in the "false" state, and
+the left operand is not evaluated while the operator is in the "true"
+state. The precedence is a little lower than || and &&. The value
+returned is either the null string for false, or a sequence number
+(beginning with 1) for true. The sequence number is reset for each range
+encountered. The final sequence number in a range has the string "E0"
+appended to it, which doesn't affect its numeric value, but gives you
+something to search for if you want to exclude the endpoint. You can
+exclude the beginning point by waiting for the sequence number to be
+greater than 1. If either operand of scalar ".." is a numeric literal,
+that operand is implicitly compared to the C<$.> variable, the current
+line number. Examples:
+As a scalar operator:
+ if (101 .. 200) { print; } # print 2nd hundred lines
+ next line if (1 .. /^$/); # skip header lines
+ s/^/> / if (/^$/ .. eof()); # quote body
+As a list operator:
+ for (101 .. 200) { print; } # print $_ 100 times
+ @foo = @foo[$[ .. $#foo]; # an expensive no-op
+ @foo = @foo[$#foo-4 .. $#foo]; # slice last 5 items
+The range operator (in a list context) makes use of the magical
+autoincrement algorithm if the operaands are strings. You
+can say
+ @alphabet = ('A' .. 'Z');
+to get all the letters of the alphabet, or
+ $hexdigit = (0 .. 9, 'a' .. 'f')[$num & 15];
+to get a hexadecimal digit, or
+ @z2 = ('01' .. '31'); print $z2[$mday];
+to get dates with leading zeros. If the final value specified is not
+in the sequence that the magical increment would produce, the sequence
+goes until the next value would be longer than the final value
+=head2 Conditional Operator
+Ternary "?:" is the conditional operator, just as in C. It works much
+like an if-then-else. If the argument before the ? is true, the
+argument before the : is returned, otherwise the argument after the :
+is returned. Scalar or list context propagates downward into the 2nd
+or 3rd argument, whichever is selected. The operator may be assigned
+to if both the 2nd and 3rd arguments are legal lvalues (meaning that you
+can assign to them):
+ ($a_or_b ? $a : $b) = $c;
+Note that this is not guaranteed to contribute to the readability of
+your program.
+=head2 Assigment Operators
+"=" is the ordinary assignment operator.
+Assignment operators work as in C. That is,
+ $a += 2;
+is equivalent to
+ $a = $a + 2;
+although without duplicating any side effects that dereferencing the lvalue
+might trigger, such as from tie(). Other assignment operators work similarly.
+The following are recognized:
+ **= += *= &= <<= &&=
+ -= /= |= >>= ||=
+ .= %= ^=
+ x=
+Note that while these are grouped by family, they all have the precedence
+of assignment.
+Unlike in C, the assignment operator produces a valid lvalue. Modifying
+an assignment is equivalent to doing the assignment and then modifying
+the variable that was assigned to. This is useful for modifying
+a copy of something, like this:
+ ($tmp = $global) =~ tr [A-Z] [a-z];
+ ($a += 2) *= 3;
+is equivalent to
+ $a += 2;
+ $a *= 3;
+Binary "," is the comma operator. In a scalar context it evaluates
+its left argument, throws that value away, then evaluates its right
+argument and returns that value. This is just like C's comma operator.
+In a list context, it's just the list argument separator, and inserts
+both its arguments into the list.
+=head2 List Operators (Rightward)
+On the right side of a list operator, it has very low precedence,
+such that it controls all comma-separated expressions found there.
+The only operators with lower precedence are the logical operators
+"and", "or", and "not", which may be used to evaluate calls to list
+operators without the need for extra parentheses:
+ open HANDLE, "filename"
+ or die "Can't open: $!\n";
+See also discussion of list operators in L<List Operators (Leftward)>.
+=head2 Logical Not
+Unary "not" returns the logical negation of the expression to its right.
+It's the equivalent of "!" except for the very low precedence.
+=head2 Logical And
+Binary "and" returns the logical conjunction of the two surrounding
+expressions. It's equivalent to && except for the very low
+precedence. This means that it short-circuits: i.e. the right
+expression is evaluated only if the left expression is true.
+=head2 Logical or and Exclusive Or
+Binary "or" returns the logical disjunction of the two surrounding
+expressions. It's equivalent to || except for the very low
+precedence. This means that it short-circuits: i.e. the right
+expression is evaluated only if the left expression is false.
+Binary "xor" returns the exclusive-OR of the two surrounding expressions.
+It cannot short circuit, of course.
+=head2 C Operators Missing From Perl
+Here is what C has that Perl doesn't:
+=over 8
+=item unary &
+Address-of operator. (But see the "\" operator for taking a reference.)
+=item unary *
+Dereference-address operator. (Perl's prefix dereferencing
+operators are typed: $, @, %, and &.)
+=item (TYPE)
+Type casting operator.
+=head2 Quote and Quotelike Operators
+While we usually think of quotes as literal values, in Perl they
+function as operators, providing various kinds of interpolating and
+pattern matching capabilities. Perl provides customary quote characters
+for these behaviors, but also provides a way for you to choose your
+quote character for any of them. In the following table, a C<{}> represents
+any pair of delimiters you choose. Non-bracketing delimiters use
+the same character fore and aft, but the 4 sorts of brackets
+(round, angle, square, curly) will all nest.
+ Customary Generic Meaning Interpolates
+ '' q{} Literal no
+ "" qq{} Literal yes
+ `` qx{} Command yes
+ qw{} Word list no
+ // m{} Pattern match yes
+ s{}{} Substitution yes
+ tr{}{} Translation no
+For constructs that do interpolation, variables beginning with "C<$> or "C<@>"
+are interpolated, as are the following sequences:
+ \t tab
+ \n newline
+ \r return
+ \f form feed
+ \v vertical tab, whatever that is
+ \b backspace
+ \a alarm (bell)
+ \e escape
+ \033 octal char
+ \x1b hex char
+ \c[ control char
+ \l lowercase next char
+ \u uppercase next char
+ \L lowercase till \E
+ \U uppercase till \E
+ \E end case modification
+ \Q quote regexp metacharacters till \E
+Patterns are subject to an additional level of interpretation as a
+regular expression. This is done as a second pass, after variables are
+interpolated, so that regular expressions may be incorporated into the
+pattern from the variables. If this is not what you want, use C<\Q> to
+interpolate a variable literally.
+Apart from the above, there are no multiple levels of interpolation. In
+particular, contrary to the expectations of shell programmers, backquotes
+do I<NOT> interpolate within double quotes, nor do single quotes impede
+evaluation of variables when used within double quotes.
+=over 8
+=item ?PATTERN?
+This is just like the C</pattern/> search, except that it matches only
+once between calls to the reset() operator. This is a useful
+optimization when you only want to see the first occurrence of
+something in each file of a set of files, for instance. Only C<??>
+patterns local to the current package are reset.
+This usage is vaguely deprecated, and may be removed in some future
+version of Perl.
+=item m/PATTERN/gimosx
+=item /PATTERN/gimosx
+Searches a string for a pattern match, and in a scalar context returns
+true (1) or false (''). If no string is specified via the C<=~> or
+C<!~> operator, the $_ string is searched. (The string specified with
+C<=~> need not be an lvalue--it may be the result of an expression
+evaluation, but remember the C<=~> binds rather tightly.) See also
+Options are:
+ g Match globally, i.e. find all occurrences.
+ i Do case-insensitive pattern matching.
+ m Treat string as multiple lines.
+ o Only compile pattern once.
+ s Treat string as single line.
+ x Use extended regular expressions.
+If "/" is the delimiter then the initial C<m> is optional. With the C<m>
+you can use any pair of non-alphanumeric, non-whitespace characters as
+delimiters. This is particularly useful for matching Unix path names
+that contain "/", to avoid LTS (leaning toothpick syndrome).
+PATTERN may contain variables, which will be interpolated (and the
+pattern recompiled) every time the pattern search is evaluated. (Note
+that C<$)> and C<$|> might not be interpolated because they look like
+end-of-string tests.) If you want such a pattern to be compiled only
+once, add a C</o> after the trailing delimiter. This avoids expensive
+run-time recompilations, and is useful when the value you are
+interpolating won't change over the life of the script. However, mentioning
+C</o> constitutes a promise that you won't change the variables in the pattern.
+If you change them, Perl won't even notice.
+If the PATTERN evaluates to a null string, the most recently executed
+(and successfully compiled) regular expression is used instead.
+If used in a context that requires a list value, a pattern match returns a
+list consisting of the subexpressions matched by the parentheses in the
+pattern, i.e. ($1, $2, $3...). (Note that here $1 etc. are also set, and
+that this differs from Perl 4's behavior.) If the match fails, a null
+array is returned. If the match succeeds, but there were no parentheses,
+a list value of (1) is returned.
+ open(TTY, '/dev/tty');
+ <TTY> =~ /^y/i && foo(); # do foo if desired
+ if (/Version: *([0-9.]*)/) { $version = $1; }
+ next if m#^/usr/spool/uucp#;
+ # poor man's grep
+ $arg = shift;
+ while (<>) {
+ print if /$arg/o; # compile only once
+ }
+ if (($F1, $F2, $Etc) = ($foo =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)/))
+This last example splits $foo into the first two words and the
+remainder of the line, and assigns those three fields to $F1, $F2 and
+$Etc. The conditional is true if any variables were assigned, i.e. if
+the pattern matched.
+The C</g> modifier specifies global pattern matching--that is, matching
+as many times as possible within the string. How it behaves depends on
+the context. In a list context, it returns a list of all the
+substrings matched by all the parentheses in the regular expression.
+If there are no parentheses, it returns a list of all the matched
+strings, as if there were parentheses around the whole pattern.
+In a scalar context, C<m//g> iterates through the string, returning TRUE
+each time it matches, and FALSE when it eventually runs out of
+matches. (In other words, it remembers where it left off last time and
+restarts the search at that point. You can actually find the current
+match position of a string using the pos() function--see L<perlfunc>.)
+If you modify the string in any way, the match position is reset to the
+beginning. Examples:
+ # list context
+ ($one,$five,$fifteen) = (`uptime` =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/g);
+ # scalar context
+ $/ = ""; $* = 1; # $* deprecated in Perl 5
+ while ($paragraph = <>) {
+ while ($paragraph =~ /[a-z]['")]*[.!?]+['")]*\s/g) {
+ $sentences++;
+ }
+ }
+ print "$sentences\n";
+=item q/STRING/
+=item C<'STRING'>
+A single-quoted, literal string. Backslashes are ignored, unless
+followed by the delimiter or another backslash, in which case the
+delimiter or backslash is interpolated.
+ $foo = q!I said, "You said, 'She said it.'"!;
+ $bar = q('This is it.');
+=item qq/STRING/
+=item "STRING"
+A double-quoted, interpolated string.
+ $_ .= qq
+ (*** The previous line contains the naughty word "$1".\n)
+ if /(tcl|rexx|python)/; # :-)
+=item qx/STRING/
+=item `STRING`
+A string which is interpolated and then executed as a system command.
+The collected standard output of the command is returned. In scalar
+context, it comes back as a single (potentially multi-line) string.
+In list context, returns a list of lines (however you've defined lines
+ $today = qx{ date };
+See L<I/O Operators> for more discussion.
+=item qw/STRING/
+Returns a list of the words extracted out of STRING, using embedded
+whitespace as the word delimiters. It is exactly equivalent to
+ split(' ', q/STRING/);
+Some frequently seen examples:
+ use POSIX qw( setlocale localeconv )
+ @EXPORT = qw( foo bar baz );
+=item s/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/egimosx
+Searches a string for a pattern, and if found, replaces that pattern
+with the replacement text and returns the number of substitutions
+made. Otherwise it returns false (0).
+If no string is specified via the C<=~> or C<!~> operator, the C<$_>
+variable is searched and modified. (The string specified with C<=~> must
+be a scalar variable, an array element, a hash element, or an assignment
+to one of those, i.e. an lvalue.)
+If the delimiter chosen is single quote, no variable interpolation is
+done on either the PATTERN or the REPLACEMENT. Otherwise, if the
+PATTERN contains a $ that looks like a variable rather than an
+end-of-string test, the variable will be interpolated into the pattern
+at run-time. If you only want the pattern compiled once the first time
+the variable is interpolated, use the C</o> option. If the pattern
+evaluates to a null string, the most recently executed (and successfully compiled) regular
+expression is used instead. See L<perlre> for further explanation on these.
+Options are:
+ e Evaluate the right side as an expression.
+ g Replace globally, i.e. all occurrences.
+ i Do case-insensitive pattern matching.
+ m Treat string as multiple lines.
+ o Only compile pattern once.
+ s Treat string as single line.
+ x Use extended regular expressions.
+Any non-alphanumeric, non-whitespace delimiter may replace the
+slashes. If single quotes are used, no interpretation is done on the
+replacement string (the C</e> modifier overrides this, however). If
+backquotes are used, the replacement string is a command to execute
+whose output will be used as the actual replacement text. If the
+PATTERN is delimited by bracketing quotes, the REPLACEMENT has its own
+pair of quotes, which may or may not be bracketing quotes, e.g.
+C<s(foo)(bar)> or C<sE<lt>fooE<gt>/bar/>. A C</e> will cause the
+replacement portion to be interpreter as a full-fledged Perl expression
+and eval()ed right then and there. It is, however, syntax checked at
+ s/\bgreen\b/mauve/g; # don't change wintergreen
+ $path =~ s|/usr/bin|/usr/local/bin|;
+ s/Login: $foo/Login: $bar/; # run-time pattern
+ ($foo = $bar) =~ s/this/that/;
+ $count = ($paragraph =~ s/Mister\b/Mr./g);
+ $_ = 'abc123xyz';
+ s/\d+/$&*2/e; # yields 'abc246xyz'
+ s/\d+/sprintf("%5d",$&)/e; # yields 'abc 246xyz'
+ s/\w/$& x 2/eg; # yields 'aabbcc 224466xxyyzz'
+ s/%(.)/$percent{$1}/g; # change percent escapes; no /e
+ s/%(.)/$percent{$1} || $&/ge; # expr now, so /e
+ s/^=(\w+)/&pod($1)/ge; # use function call
+ # /e's can even nest; this will expand
+ # simple embedded variables in $_
+ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg;
+ # Delete C comments.
+ $program =~ s {
+ /\* (?# Match the opening delimiter.)
+ .*? (?# Match a minimal number of characters.)
+ \*/ (?# Match the closing delimiter.)
+ } []gsx;
+ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; # trim white space
+ s/([^ ]*) *([^ ]*)/$2 $1/; # reverse 1st two fields
+Note the use of $ instead of \ in the last example. Unlike
+B<sed>, we only use the \<I<digit>> form in the left hand side.
+Anywhere else it's $<I<digit>>.
+Occasionally, you can't just use a C</g> to get all the changes
+to occur. Here are two common cases:
+ # put commas in the right places in an integer
+ 1 while s/(.*\d)(\d\d\d)/$1,$2/g; # perl4
+ 1 while s/(\d)(\d\d\d)(?!\d)/$1,$2/g; # perl5
+ # expand tabs to 8-column spacing
+ 1 while s/\t+/' ' x (length($&)*8 - length($`)%8)/e;
+Translates all occurrences of the characters found in the search list
+with the corresponding character in the replacement list. It returns
+the number of characters replaced or deleted. If no string is
+specified via the =~ or !~ operator, the $_ string is translated. (The
+string specified with =~ must be a scalar variable, an array element,
+or an assignment to one of those, i.e. an lvalue.) For B<sed> devotees,
+C<y> is provided as a synonym for C<tr>. If the SEARCHLIST is
+delimited by bracketing quotes, the REPLACEMENTLIST has its own pair of
+quotes, which may or may not be bracketing quotes, e.g. C<tr[A-Z][a-z]>
+or C<tr(+-*/)/ABCD/>.
+ c Complement the SEARCHLIST.
+ d Delete found but unreplaced characters.
+ s Squash duplicate replaced characters.
+If the C</c> modifier is specified, the SEARCHLIST character set is
+complemented. If the C</d> modifier is specified, any characters specified
+by SEARCHLIST not found in REPLACEMENTLIST are deleted. (Note
+that this is slightly more flexible than the behavior of some B<tr>
+programs, which delete anything they find in the SEARCHLIST, period.)
+If the C</s> modifier is specified, sequences of characters that were
+translated to the same character are squashed down to a single instance of the
+If the C</d> modifier is used, the REPLACEMENTLIST is always interpreted
+exactly as specified. Otherwise, if the REPLACEMENTLIST is shorter
+than the SEARCHLIST, the final character is replicated till it is long
+enough. If the REPLACEMENTLIST is null, the SEARCHLIST is replicated.
+This latter is useful for counting characters in a class or for
+squashing character sequences in a class.
+ $ARGV[1] =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # canonicalize to lower case
+ $cnt = tr/*/*/; # count the stars in $_
+ $cnt = $sky =~ tr/*/*/; # count the stars in $sky
+ $cnt = tr/0-9//; # count the digits in $_
+ tr/a-zA-Z//s; # bookkeeper -> bokeper
+ ($HOST = $host) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+ tr/a-zA-Z/ /cs; # change non-alphas to single space
+ tr [\200-\377]
+ [\000-\177]; # delete 8th bit
+Note that because the translation table is built at compile time, neither
+the SEARCHLIST nor the REPLACEMENTLIST are subjected to double quote
+interpolation. That means that if you want to use variables, you must use
+an eval():
+ eval "tr/$oldlist/$newlist/";
+ die $@ if $@;
+ eval "tr/$oldlist/$newlist/, 1" or die $@;
+=head2 I/O Operators
+There are several I/O operators you should know about.
+A string is enclosed by backticks (grave accents) first undergoes
+variable substitution just like a double quoted string. It is then
+interpreted as a command, and the output of that command is the value
+of the pseudo-literal, like in a shell. In a scalar context, a single
+string consisting of all the output is returned. In a list context,
+a list of values is returned, one for each line of output. (You can
+set C<$/> to use a different line terminator.) The command is executed
+each time the pseudo-literal is evaluated. The status value of the
+command is returned in C<$?> (see L<perlvar> for the interpretation
+of C<$?>). Unlike in B<csh>, no translation is done on the return
+data--newlines remain newlines. Unlike in any of the shells, single
+quotes do not hide variable names in the command from interpretation.
+To pass a $ through to the shell you need to hide it with a backslash.
+The generalized form of backticks is C<qx//>.
+Evaluating a filehandle in angle brackets yields the next line from
+that file (newline included, so it's never false until end of file, at which
+time an undefined value is returned). Ordinarily you must assign that
+value to a variable, but there is one situation where an automatic
+assignment happens. I<If and ONLY if> the input symbol is the only
+thing inside the conditional of a C<while> loop, the value is
+automatically assigned to the variable C<$_>. (This may seem like an
+odd thing to you, but you'll use the construct in almost every Perl
+script you write.) Anyway, the following lines are equivalent to each
+ while ($_ = <STDIN>) { print; }
+ while (<STDIN>) { print; }
+ for (;<STDIN>;) { print; }
+ print while $_ = <STDIN>;
+ print while <STDIN>;
+The filehandles STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR are predefined. (The
+filehandles C<stdin>, C<stdout> and C<stderr> will also work except in
+packages, where they would be interpreted as local identifiers rather
+than global.) Additional filehandles may be created with the open()
+If a <FILEHANDLE> is used in a context that is looking for a list, a
+list consisting of all the input lines is returned, one line per list
+element. It's easy to make a I<LARGE> data space this way, so use with
+The null filehandle <> is special and can be used to emulate the
+behavior of B<sed> and B<awk>. Input from <> comes either from
+standard input, or from each file listed on the command line. Here's
+how it works: the first time <> is evaluated, the @ARGV array is
+checked, and if it is null, C<$ARGV[0]> is set to "-", which when opened
+gives you standard input. The @ARGV array is then processed as a list
+of filenames. The loop
+ while (<>) {
+ ... # code for each line
+ }
+is equivalent to the following Perl-like pseudo code:
+ unshift(@ARGV, '-') if $#ARGV < $[;
+ while ($ARGV = shift) {
+ open(ARGV, $ARGV);
+ while (<ARGV>) {
+ ... # code for each line
+ }
+ }
+except that it isn't so cumbersome to say, and will actually work. It
+really does shift array @ARGV and put the current filename into variable
+$ARGV. It also uses filehandle I<ARGV> internally--<> is just a synonym
+for <ARGV>, which is magical. (The pseudo code above doesn't work
+because it treats <ARGV> as non-magical.)
+You can modify @ARGV before the first <> as long as the array ends up
+containing the list of filenames you really want. Line numbers (C<$.>)
+continue as if the input were one big happy file. (But see example
+under eof() for how to reset line numbers on each file.)
+If you want to set @ARGV to your own list of files, go right ahead. If
+you want to pass switches into your script, you can use one of the
+Getopts modules or put a loop on the front like this:
+ while ($_ = $ARGV[0], /^-/) {
+ shift;
+ last if /^--$/;
+ if (/^-D(.*)/) { $debug = $1 }
+ if (/^-v/) { $verbose++ }
+ ... # other switches
+ }
+ while (<>) {
+ ... # code for each line
+ }
+The <> symbol will return FALSE only once. If you call it again after
+this it will assume you are processing another @ARGV list, and if you
+haven't set @ARGV, will input from STDIN.
+If the string inside the angle brackets is a reference to a scalar
+variable (e.g. <$foo>), then that variable contains the name of the
+filehandle to input from.
+If the string inside angle brackets is not a filehandle, it is
+interpreted as a filename pattern to be globbed, and either a list of
+filenames or the next filename in the list is returned, depending on
+context. One level of $ interpretation is done first, but you can't
+say C<E<lt>$fooE<gt>> because that's an indirect filehandle as explained in the
+previous paragraph. You could insert curly brackets to force
+interpretation as a filename glob: C<E<lt>${foo}E<gt>>. (Alternately, you can
+call the internal function directly as C<glob($foo)>, which is probably
+the right way to have done it in the first place.) Example:
+ while (<*.c>) {
+ chmod 0644, $_;
+ }
+is equivalent to
+ open(FOO, "echo *.c | tr -s ' \t\r\f' '\\012\\012\\012\\012'|");
+ while (<FOO>) {
+ chop;
+ chmod 0644, $_;
+ }
+In fact, it's currently implemented that way. (Which means it will not
+work on filenames with spaces in them unless you have csh(1) on your
+machine.) Of course, the shortest way to do the above is:
+ chmod 0644, <*.c>;
+Because globbing invokes a shell, it's often faster to call readdir() yourself
+and just do your own grep() on the filenames. Furthermore, due to its current
+implementation of using a shell, the glob() routine may get "Arg list too
+long" errors (unless you've installed tcsh(1L) as F</bin/csh>).
+=head2 Constant Folding
+Like C, Perl does a certain amount of expression evaluation at
+compile time, whenever it determines that all of the arguments to an
+operator are static and have no side effects. In particular, string
+concatenation happens at compile time between literals that don't do
+variable substitution. Backslash interpretation also happens at
+compile time. You can say
+ 'Now is the time for all' . "\n" .
+ 'good men to come to.'
+and this all reduces to one string internally. Likewise, if
+you say
+ foreach $file (@filenames) {
+ if (-s $file > 5 + 100 * 2**16) { ... }
+ }
+the compiler will pre-compute the number that
+expression represents so that the interpreter
+won't have to.
+=head2 Integer arithmetic
+By default Perl assumes that it must do most of its arithmetic in
+floating point. But by saying
+ use integer;
+you may tell the compiler that it's okay to use integer operations
+from here to the end of the enclosing BLOCK. An inner BLOCK may
+countermand this by saying
+ no integer;
+which lasts until the end of that BLOCK.