path: root/lib/Class
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authorNicholas Clark <>2012-06-18 17:13:49 +0200
committerNicholas Clark <>2012-06-18 17:37:32 +0200
commit6d03472805c9a5c7e8289605650bfee899dffa69 (patch)
tree839675dd537327df40dd4761d43165478d282b83 /lib/Class
parent1b99293396beb9a86748a1d4b4f4d73d3e01ae4a (diff)
Add tests for all the error paths in Class::Struct.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Class')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Class/Struct.t b/lib/Class/Struct.t
index 73ae6b7eb9..111c090a11 100644
--- a/lib/Class/Struct.t
+++ b/lib/Class/Struct.t
@@ -157,4 +157,95 @@ is $obj5->z_zwap, undef, 'No z_zwap member by default';
isa_ok $obj5->sploosh, 'MyObj', 'Initialised sploosh member from hash';
is_deeply $obj5->sploosh->h, { perl => 'rules'} , 'with correct object';
+is eval {
+ package MyObj;
+ struct( s => '$', a => '@', h => '%', c => 'aClass' );
+}, undef, 'Calling struct a second time fails';
+like $@, qr/^function 'new' already defined in package MyObj/,
+ 'fails with the expected error';
+is eval { MyObj->new( a => {} ) }, undef,
+ 'Using a hash where an array reference is expected';
+like $@, qr/^Initializer for a must be array reference/,
+ 'fails with the expected error';
+is eval { MyObj->new( h => [] ) }, undef,
+ 'Using an array where a hash reference is expected';
+like $@, qr/^Initializer for h must be hash reference/,
+ 'fails with the expected error';
+is eval { Kapow->new( sploosh => { h => [perl => 'rules'] } ); }, undef,
+ 'Using an array where a hash reference is expected in an initialiser list';
+like $@, qr/^Initializer for h must be hash reference/,
+ 'fails with the expected error';
+is eval { Kapow->new( sploosh => [ h => {perl => 'rules'} ] ); }, undef,
+ "Using an array for a member object's initialiser list";
+like $@, qr/^Initializer for sploosh must be hash or MyObj reference/,
+ 'fails with the expected error';
+is eval {
+ package Crraack;
+ use Class::Struct 'struct';
+ struct( 'pow' => '@$%!' );
+}, undef, 'Bad type fails';
+like $@, qr/^'\@\$\%\!' is not a valid struct element type/,
+ 'with the expected error';
+is eval {
+ $obj3->sploosh(MyOther->new(s => 3.14));
+}, undef, 'Setting member to the wrong class of object fails';
+like $@, qr/^sploosh argument is wrong class/,
+ 'with the expected error';
+is $obj3->sploosh->s, 'pie', 'Object is unchanged';
+is eval {
+ $obj3->sploosh(MyObj->new(s => 3.14), 'plop');
+}, undef, 'Too many arguments to setter fails';
+like $@, qr/^Too many args to sploosh/,
+ 'with the expected error';
+is $obj3->sploosh->s, 'pie', 'Object is unchanged';
+is eval {
+ package Blurp;
+ use Class::Struct 'struct';
+ struct( Blurp => {}, 'Bonus!' );
+}, undef, 'hash based class with extra argument fails';
+like $@, qr/\Astruct usage error.*\n.*\n/,
+ 'with the expected confession';
+is eval {
+ package Zamm;
+ use Class::Struct 'struct';
+ struct( Zamm => [], 'Bonus!' );
+}, undef, 'array based class with extra argument fails';
+like $@, qr/\Astruct usage error.*\n.*\n/,
+ 'with the expected confession';
+is eval {
+ package Thwapp;
+ use Class::Struct 'struct';
+ struct( Thwapp => ['Bonus!'] );
+}, undef, 'array based class with extra constructor argument fails';
+like $@, qr/\Astruct usage error.*\n.*\n/,
+ 'with the expected confession';
+is eval {
+ package Rakkk;
+ use Class::Struct 'struct';
+ struct( z_zwap => 'Regexp', sploosh => 'MyObj', 'Bonus' );
+}, undef, 'default array based class with extra constructor argument fails';
+like $@, qr/\Astruct usage error.*\n.*\n/,
+ 'with the expected confession';
+is eval {
+ package Awk;
+ use parent -norequire, 'Urkkk';
+ use Class::Struct 'struct';
+ struct( beer => 'foamy' );
+}, undef, '@ISA is not allowed';
+like $@, qr/^struct class cannot be a subclass \(\@ISA not allowed\)/,
+ 'with the expected error';