BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
1.0.1Bump version to 1.0.1Jean-Marc Valin13 years
1.0.xAdds some checks to the surround APIJean-Marc Valin12 years
1.1.1bump version for upcoming 1.1.1Jean-Marc Valin9 years
1.1.2update releases.sha2Jean-Marc Valin9 years
1.1.xBump version numbersJean-Marc Valin8 years
analysis_fix1Improve silence handlingJean-Marc Valin6 years
analysis_fix2Reset nb_no_activity_frames when analysis DTX isn't usedJean-Marc Valin6 years
burg_optimizationfaster Burg implementationKoen Vos9 years
cng_fixFixes the transient detector on silenceJean-Marc Valin9 years
cng_fix2Always use the max of the decaying PLC energy and the background noiseJean-Marc Valin9 years
draftMerge branch 'draft-willson' into draftRalph Giles5 years
draft_wipadd security considerationJean-Marc Valin8 years
exp-highpassRemoves code that became useless with the Opus-level highpassJean-Marc Valin14 years
exp-neural-silk-enhancementadded high bitrates and enabled complexity and packet_loss_perc randomizationJan Buethe24 months
exp_24k_analysis1cleanupJean-Marc Valin8 years
exp_24k_analysis2Fix analysis for 2.5 ms framesJean-Marc Valin8 years
exp_24k_analysis3Adds support for running the analysis on 16 kHz inputJean-Marc Valin8 years
exp_24k_analysis4We no longer need 200 frames to remember 2 secondsJean-Marc Valin8 years
exp_24k_analysis5Cleaning up mlp_train codeJean-Marc Valin8 years
exp_analysisMakes the speech/music probability estimation mode conservativeJean-Marc Valin12 years
exp_analysis6OPUS_{GET,SET}_LSB_DEPTH for multichannel.Gregory Maxwell13 years
exp_analysis7Tuning the speech/music probability modelJean-Marc Valin12 years
exp_analysis8Makes variable framesize less aggressive at lower ratesJean-Marc Valin12 years
exp_analysis9Making multistream variable duration work for both the float and int APIJean-Marc Valin12 years
exp_bandwidthFixes an integer overflow for lsb_depth=24Jean-Marc Valin12 years
exp_bandwidth_fix3Fix decision thresholds for larger frame sizesJean-Marc Valin7 years
exp_bandwidth_fix4Switch from narrowband to wideband at 9 kb/s, don't use mediumbandJean-Marc Valin7 years
exp_bitstreamMake it possible to ignore inverted phase stereo for downmix purposesJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_bitstream2Only enable new hybrid folding behaviour with ENABLE_UPDATE_DRAFTJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_bitstream3Make it possible to ignore inverted phase stereo for downmix purposesJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_bitstream5Make it possible to ignore inverted phase stereo for downmix purposesJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_bitstream6Make it possible to ignore inverted phase stereo for downmix purposesJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_bitstream7Make it possible to ignore inverted phase stereo for downmix purposesJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_cbr_silkAdds padding code to fill up SILK frames to CBRJean-Marc Valin13 years
exp_crc32wipJean-Marc Valin7 years
exp_delayed_decisionUpdates opus_demoJean-Marc Valin12 years
exp_detectionTraining now stops when stuck in a minimumJean-Marc Valin14 years
exp_dred_icasspLPCNet updateJean-Marc Valin2 years
exp_fec_tuneTune SILK rate for hybrid with FEC enabledJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_gain_lock2CBR: reset gains to their original values where we're busting the budgetJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_gain_lock4CBR: set gains to their previons values where we're busting the budgetJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_gain_lock5CBR: set gains to their previons values where we're busting the budgetJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_google_opt1bOptimize silk_NSQ_del_dec() for ARM NEONLinfeng Zhang8 years
exp_google_opt1cOptimize silk_NSQ_del_dec() for ARM NEONLinfeng Zhang8 years
exp_google_opt1eOptimize silk_NSQ_del_dec() for ARM NEONLinfeng Zhang8 years
exp_hardening2MUST_SUCCEED() fixesJean-Marc Valin7 years
exp_hybrid_lbr1Fixes integer overflow in SILK VAD for 10-ms framesJean-Marc Valin7 years
exp_hybrid_stereoBetter rate allocation for stereo SILK in hybrid modeJean-Marc Valin8 years
exp_hybrid_tuneFixes foldingJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_hybrid_tune2Don't use too much temporal resolution on hybrid frames at low rateJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_ignoreAdd mising cmake file from make distJean-Marc Valin6 years
exp_kelly1Printing classifier probsJean-Marc Valin7 years
exp_koen4Fixes the high-band hybrid gain from the previous commitJean-Marc Valin13 years
exp_lbr_tuneAdds some smoothing to the energy quantizationJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_lbr_tune1Oops, fixes max_decay for LFE in fixed-pointJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_lbr_tune10Adds some smoothing to the energy quantizationJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_lbr_tune11Adds some smoothing to the energy quantizationJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_lbr_tune12Include config.h in mlp.cJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_lbr_tune13Include config.h in mlp.cJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_lbr_tune14Include config.h in mlp.cJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_lbr_tune2Forces trim to 5 on hybrid modeJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_lbr_tune3Fixes range coder mismatch introduced in 0eb652a38c4Jean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_lbr_tune4faster Burg implementationKoen Vos9 years
exp_lbr_tune5faster Burg implementationKoen Vos9 years
exp_lbr_tune6comment about reduced codelength component in LTP quantizer error metricKoen Vos9 years
exp_lbr_tune7Oops, edited the wrong comment in the previous commitJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_lbr_tune8Taking loss rate into account in compute_equiv_rate()Jean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_lbr_tune9Adds some smoothing to the energy quantizationJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_leakage4First attempt at modelling leakageJean-Marc Valin8 years
exp_leakage7Adding leakage modelling to boost bandsJean-Marc Valin8 years
exp_mips_altmips C equivalent: Using simple rounding rather than the original biasJean-Marc Valin11 years
exp_mips_alt_jun03C equivalent of the MIPS codeJean-Marc Valin11 years
exp_mips_optWhitespace fixesJean-Marc Valin11 years
exp_neural_fec2More general Laplace encoderJean-Marc Valin2 years
exp_neural_fec2bUsing LPCNet version with FECJean-Marc Valin2 years
exp_neural_fec2cCode for extracting DRED from packetJean-Marc Valin2 years
exp_neural_fec3LPCNet updateJean-Marc Valin22 months
exp_neural_fec4Add LPCNet headers to make distJean-Marc Valin22 months
exp_new_classifier1Retrain RNN classifier weights to include reverberated speechJean-Marc Valin6 years
exp_new_tf2btuningJean-Marc Valin7 years
exp_overflow2More headroom in fixed-point silk_burg_modified() to avoid an overflowJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_overflow4SILK overflow fixesJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_overflow6Fixes cap on gain in denormalise_bands()Jean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_plc_hack4enable neural PLC by defaultJean-Marc Valin3 years
exp_pvq_opt1disable PVQ SSE code for fixed-pointJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_ratecontrol1Improving rate control for low bitrateJean-Marc Valin7 years
exp_refactoringmore bands.c cleaning upJean-Marc Valin12 years
exp_rnn1Using lookahead (when possible) to make the mode decision on the first frameJean-Marc Valin8 years
exp_rnn3Add RNN for VAD and speech/music classificationJean-Marc Valin8 years
exp_silk_cbrWe should now be able to be less conservative when using CBRJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_silk_cbr2Using more fine-grained complexity settings for SILKJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_silk_feature_dumpremove decoder delay for widebandJean-Marc Valin6 years
exp_silk_jm2Attenuate SILK PLC gain only for unvoiced speechFelicia Lim9 years
exp_spreading_mask1Add a simple masking model to the spreading decisionJean-Marc Valin7 years
exp_stagingfixing unit testsJean-Marc Valin8 years
exp_stereo3No need to renormalizeJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_stereo5Partially collapsing the stereo image when channels have different energyJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_stereo6More LyX textJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_stereo_vbr1experimental new stereo VBR codeJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_stereo_vbr3wipJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_surround1Avoids unnecessary copying in opus_encode for delayed decisionJean-Marc Valin11 years
exp_temporalSome tuning of temporal VBR.Jean-Marc Valin12 years
exp_temporal1Some tuning of temporal VBR.Jean-Marc Valin12 years
exp_theta10We need to copy the output folding, not the inputJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_theta11Don't do theta RDO on intensity-stereo-coded bandsJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_theta4distortion onlyJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_theta6wipJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_theta7mask is unsignedJean-Marc Valin9 years
exp_transient_fold1Using more folding on transients and less on non-transientJean-Marc Valin8 years
exp_ubsan1Ensuring we can see where crashes occurJean-Marc Valin3 years
exp_warnings1Fix C90-related warningsJean-Marc Valin3 years
exp_waveform_matchingUse new waveform matching option on ambisonicsJean-Marc Valin5 years
exp_waveform_matching2Use new waveform matching option on ambisonicsJean-Marc Valin5 years
exp_waveform_matching3Use new waveform matching option on ambisonicsJean-Marc Valin5 years
exp_wipoopsJean-Marc Valin12 years
exp_wip4Reverts the transient_analysis() changes from 4e8b9905Jean-Marc Valin13 years
exp_wip5Reverts the transient_analysis() changes from 4e8b9905Jean-Marc Valin13 years
exp_wip6Add exp_wip5 tag to version string.Gregory Maxwell13 years
gain_sumAdds back gain sum checkJean-Marc Valin9 years
gitlab-cifixup gitlab-ci: job extends typoRalph Giles5 years
gitlab-ci-mrgitlab-ci: Re-enable builds for merge requests.Ralph Giles4 years
hybrid_vbrusing "hybrid" flag instead of start != 0Jean-Marc Valin9 years
hybrid_vbr3using "hybrid" flag instead of start != 0Jean-Marc Valin9 years
ietf-draftFixes a minor CELT->SILK switching glitch in the decoderJean-Marc Valin12 years
jon_patchesMake it possible to pass in paths to opus_demo and opus_compare.Jonathan Lennox10 years
masterci: add ci-fairy linter to make sure commits are GPG signedTim-Philipp Müller22 months
merge_attemptMerge branch 'exp_analysis7' into masterJean-Marc Valin12 years
mesonmeson: Fix runtime CPU detection with MSVCNirbheek Chauhan4 years
msvcSquashed commit of the following:Jean-Marc Valin12 years
ne10_patchesAdd entcode.c to dump_modes build.Timothy B. Terriberry10 years
neural_fec3LPCNet updateJean-Marc Valin2 years
neural_plcUpdate build instructionsJean-Marc Valin3 years
opt_floatUsing celt_inner_prod() for input sanity check.Jean-Marc Valin11 years
silk_LTP_corr_smoothingforward-backward smoothing of LTP correlations before quantizingKoen Vos9 years
silk_lsf_quant_with_hysteresisbias in LSF quantization towards previously quantized LSFsKoen Vos9 years
silk_pitch_fixMakes pitch gain control less aggressiveJean-Marc Valin11 years
silk_tuningsfix for divide by zeroFelicia Lim9 years
silk_tunings2set back to floating point by defaultKoen Vos9 years
silk_tunings3Clean up: alignment of commentsKoen Vos9 years
silk_tunings4Clean up: alignment of commentsKoen Vos9 years
silk_tunings6fix bug in previous commitKoen Vos9 years
stagingWork around VS2015 internal compiler errorMark Harris7 years
stereo_masking1biasing quantizationJean-Marc Valin9 years
surroundRevisit surround rate allocationJean-Marc Valin12 years
update_draftPrevents ridiculously large gains from causing inf/NaNs in float decoderJean-Marc Valin8 years
v1.4opus-1.4.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin23 months
v1.3.1opus-1.3.1.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin6 years
v1.3opus-1.3.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin6 years
v1.3-rc2opus-1.3-rc2.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin6 years
v1.3-rcopus-1.3-rc.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin7 years
v1.3-betaopus-1.3-beta.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin7 years
v1.2.1opus-1.2.1.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin8 years
v1.2opus-1.2.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin8 years
v1.2-rc1opus-1.2-rc1.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin8 years
v1.2-betaopus-1.2-beta.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin8 years
v1.1.5opus-1.1.5.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin8 years
v1.1.4opus-1.1.4.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin8 years
v1.2-alpha2opus-1.2-alpha2.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin8 years
v1.2-alphaopus-1.2-alpha.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin8 years
v1.1.3opus-1.1.3.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin9 years
v1.1.2opus-1.1.2.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin9 years
v1.1.1opus-1.1.1.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin9 years
v1.1.1-rcopus-1.1.1-rc.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin9 years
draft-ietf-codec-oggopus-06opus-draft-ietf-codec-oggopus-06.tar.gz  Ralph Giles10 years
draft-ietf-codec-oggopus-05opus-draft-ietf-codec-oggopus-05.tar.gz  Ralph Giles10 years
v1.1.1-betaopus-1.1.1-beta.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin10 years
draft-ietf-codec-oggopus-04opus-draft-ietf-codec-oggopus-04.tar.gz  Ralph Giles11 years
draft-ietf-codec-oggopus-03opus-draft-ietf-codec-oggopus-03.tar.gz  Ralph Giles11 years
draft-ietf-codec-oggopus-01opus-draft-ietf-codec-oggopus-01.tar.gz  Ralph Giles11 years
draft-ietf-codec-oggopus-02opus-draft-ietf-codec-oggopus-02.tar.gz  Ralph Giles11 years
v1.1opus-1.1.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin11 years
v1.1-rc3opus-1.1-rc3.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin11 years
v1.1-rc2opus-1.1-rc2.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin11 years
v1.1-rcopus-1.1-rc.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin11 years
v1.1-betaopus-1.1-beta.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin12 years
v1.0.3opus-1.0.3.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin12 years
v1.1-alphaopus-1.1-alpha.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin12 years
v1.0.2opus-1.0.2.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin12 years
v1.0.1opus-1.0.1.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
v1.0.1-rc3opus-1.0.1-rc3.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
v1.0.0opus-1.0.0.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
v1.0.1-rc2opus-1.0.1-rc2.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
v1.0.1-rcopus-1.0.1-rc.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
v1.0.0-rcopus-1.0.0-rc.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
draft-15opus-draft-15.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
v0.9.14opus-0.9.14.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
draft-14opus-draft-14.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
v0.9.11opus-0.9.11.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
draft-13opus-draft-13.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
draft-12opus-draft-12.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
v0.9.10opus-0.9.10.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
v0.9.9opus-0.9.9.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
draft-10opus-draft-10.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
v0.9.8opus-0.9.8.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
draft-09opus-draft-09.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
v0.9.7opus-0.9.7.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin13 years
draft-08opus-draft-08.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin14 years
v0.9.6opus-0.9.6.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin14 years
draft-07opus-draft-07.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin14 years
v0.9.5opus-0.9.5.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin14 years
v0.9.4opus-0.9.4.tar.gz  Jean-Marc Valin14 years