path: root/tempest_lib/cmd/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tempest_lib/cmd/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 358 deletions
diff --git a/tempest_lib/cmd/ b/tempest_lib/cmd/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3adeecd..0000000
--- a/tempest_lib/cmd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import argparse
-import ast
-import importlib
-import inspect
-import os
-import sys
-import unittest
-import uuid
-import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
-DECORATOR_NAME = 'idempotent_id'
-IMPORT_LINE = 'from tempest import %s' % DECORATOR_MODULE
-UNIT_TESTS_EXCLUDE = 'tempest.tests'
-class SourcePatcher(object):
- """"Lazy patcher for python source files"""
- def __init__(self):
- self.source_files = None
- self.patches = None
- self.clear()
- def clear(self):
- """Clear inner state"""
- self.source_files = {}
- self.patches = {}
- @staticmethod
- def _quote(s):
- return urlparse.quote(s)
- @staticmethod
- def _unquote(s):
- return urlparse.unquote(s)
- def add_patch(self, filename, patch, line_no):
- """Add lazy patch"""
- if filename not in self.source_files:
- with open(filename) as f:
- self.source_files[filename] = self._quote(
- patch_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
- if not patch.endswith('\n'):
- patch += '\n'
- self.patches[patch_id] = self._quote(patch)
- lines = self.source_files[filename].split(self._quote('\n'))
- lines[line_no - 1] = ''.join(('{%s:s}' % patch_id, lines[line_no - 1]))
- self.source_files[filename] = self._quote('\n').join(lines)
- def _save_changes(self, filename, source):
- print('%s fixed' % filename)
- with open(filename, 'w') as f:
- f.write(source)
- def apply_patches(self):
- """Apply all patches"""
- for filename in self.source_files:
- patched_source = self._unquote(
- self.source_files[filename].format(**self.patches)
- )
- self._save_changes(filename, patched_source)
- self.clear()
-class TestChecker(object):
- def __init__(self, package):
- self.package = package
- self.base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(package.__file__))
- def _path_to_package(self, path):
- relative_path = path[len(self.base_path) + 1:]
- if relative_path:
- return '.'.join((self.package.__name__,) +
- tuple(relative_path.split('/')))
- else:
- return self.package.__name__
- def _modules_search(self):
- """Recursive search for python modules in base package"""
- modules = []
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.base_path):
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, '')):
- continue
- root_package = self._path_to_package(root)
- for item in files:
- if item.endswith('.py'):
- module_name = '.'.join((root_package,
- os.path.splitext(item)[0]))
- if not module_name.startswith(UNIT_TESTS_EXCLUDE):
- modules.append(module_name)
- return modules
- @staticmethod
- def _get_idempotent_id(test_node):
- """Return key-value dict with all metadata from @test.idempotent_id"""
- idempotent_id = None
- for decorator in test_node.decorator_list:
- if (hasattr(decorator, 'func') and
- hasattr(decorator.func, 'attr') and
- decorator.func.attr == DECORATOR_NAME and
- hasattr(decorator.func, 'value') and
- for arg in decorator.args:
- idempotent_id = ast.literal_eval(arg)
- return idempotent_id
- @staticmethod
- def _is_decorator(line):
- return line.strip().startswith('@')
- @staticmethod
- def _is_def(line):
- return line.strip().startswith('def ')
- def _add_uuid_to_test(self, patcher, test_node, source_path):
- with open(source_path) as src:
- src_lines ='\n')
- lineno = test_node.lineno
- insert_position = lineno
- while True:
- if (self._is_def(src_lines[lineno - 1]) or
- (self._is_decorator(src_lines[lineno - 1]) and
- (DECORATOR_TEMPLATE.split('(')[0] <=
- src_lines[lineno - 1].strip().split('(')[0]))):
- insert_position = lineno
- break
- lineno += 1
- patcher.add_patch(
- source_path,
- ' ' * test_node.col_offset + DECORATOR_TEMPLATE % uuid.uuid4(),
- insert_position
- )
- @staticmethod
- def _is_test_case(module, node):
- if (node.__class__ is ast.ClassDef and
- hasattr(module, and
- inspect.isclass(getattr(module,
- return issubclass(getattr(module,, unittest.TestCase)
- @staticmethod
- def _is_test_method(node):
- return (node.__class__ is ast.FunctionDef
- and'test_'))
- @staticmethod
- def _next_node(body, node):
- if body.index(node) < len(body):
- return body[body.index(node) + 1]
- @staticmethod
- def _import_name(node):
- if type(node) == ast.Import:
- return node.names[0].name
- elif type(node) == ast.ImportFrom:
- return '%s.%s' % (node.module, node.names[0].name)
- def _add_import_for_test_uuid(self, patcher, src_parsed, source_path):
- with open(source_path) as f:
- src_lines ='\n')
- line_no = 0
- tempest_imports = [node for node in src_parsed.body
- if self._import_name(node) and
- 'tempest.' in self._import_name(node)]
- if not tempest_imports:
- import_snippet = '\n'.join(('', IMPORT_LINE, ''))
- else:
- for node in tempest_imports:
- if self._import_name(node) < DECORATOR_IMPORT:
- continue
- else:
- line_no = node.lineno
- import_snippet = IMPORT_LINE
- break
- else:
- line_no = tempest_imports[-1].lineno
- while True:
- if (not src_lines[line_no - 1] or
- getattr(self._next_node(src_parsed.body,
- tempest_imports[-1]),
- 'lineno') == line_no or
- line_no == len(src_lines)):
- break
- line_no += 1
- import_snippet = '\n'.join((IMPORT_LINE, ''))
- patcher.add_patch(source_path, import_snippet, line_no)
- def get_tests(self):
- """Get test methods with sources from base package with metadata"""
- tests = {}
- for module_name in self._modules_search():
- tests[module_name] = {}
- module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
- source_path = '.'.join(
- (os.path.splitext(module.__file__)[0], 'py')
- )
- with open(source_path, 'r') as f:
- source =
- tests[module_name]['source_path'] = source_path
- tests[module_name]['tests'] = {}
- source_parsed = ast.parse(source)
- tests[module_name]['ast'] = source_parsed
- tests[module_name]['import_valid'] = (
- hasattr(module, DECORATOR_MODULE) and
- inspect.ismodule(getattr(module, DECORATOR_MODULE))
- )
- test_cases = (node for node in source_parsed.body
- if self._is_test_case(module, node))
- for node in test_cases:
- for subnode in filter(self._is_test_method, node.body):
- test_name = '%s.%s' % (,
- tests[module_name]['tests'][test_name] = subnode
- return tests
- @staticmethod
- def _filter_tests(function, tests):
- """Filter tests with condition 'function(test_node) == True'"""
- result = {}
- for module_name in tests:
- for test_name in tests[module_name]['tests']:
- if function(module_name, test_name, tests):
- if module_name not in result:
- result[module_name] = {
- 'ast': tests[module_name]['ast'],
- 'source_path': tests[module_name]['source_path'],
- 'import_valid': tests[module_name]['import_valid'],
- 'tests': {}
- }
- result[module_name]['tests'][test_name] = \
- tests[module_name]['tests'][test_name]
- return result
- def find_untagged(self, tests):
- """Filter all tests without uuid in metadata"""
- def check_uuid_in_meta(module_name, test_name, tests):
- idempotent_id = self._get_idempotent_id(
- tests[module_name]['tests'][test_name])
- return not idempotent_id
- return self._filter_tests(check_uuid_in_meta, tests)
- def report_collisions(self, tests):
- """Reports collisions if there are any
- Returns true if collisions exist.
- """
- uuids = {}
- def report(module_name, test_name, tests):
- test_uuid = self._get_idempotent_id(
- tests[module_name]['tests'][test_name])
- if not test_uuid:
- return
- if test_uuid in uuids:
- error_str = "%s:%s\n uuid %s collision: %s<->%s\n%s:%s" % (
- tests[module_name]['source_path'],
- tests[module_name]['tests'][test_name].lineno,
- test_uuid,
- test_name,
- uuids[test_uuid]['test_name'],
- uuids[test_uuid]['source_path'],
- uuids[test_uuid]['test_node'].lineno,
- )
- print(error_str)
- print("cannot automatically resolve the collision, please "
- "manually remove the duplicate value on the new test.")
- return True
- else:
- uuids[test_uuid] = {
- 'module': module_name,
- 'test_name': test_name,
- 'test_node': tests[module_name]['tests'][test_name],
- 'source_path': tests[module_name]['source_path']
- }
- return bool(self._filter_tests(report, tests))
- def report_untagged(self, tests):
- """Reports untagged tests if there are any
- Returns true if untagged tests exist.
- """
- def report(module_name, test_name, tests):
- error_str = "%s:%s\nmissing @test.idempotent_id('...')\n%s\n" % (
- tests[module_name]['source_path'],
- tests[module_name]['tests'][test_name].lineno,
- test_name
- )
- print(error_str)
- return True
- return bool(self._filter_tests(report, tests))
- def fix_tests(self, tests):
- """Add uuids to all specified in tests and fix it in source files"""
- patcher = SourcePatcher()
- for module_name in tests:
- add_import_once = True
- for test_name in tests[module_name]['tests']:
- if not tests[module_name]['import_valid'] and add_import_once:
- self._add_import_for_test_uuid(
- patcher,
- tests[module_name]['ast'],
- tests[module_name]['source_path']
- )
- add_import_once = False
- self._add_uuid_to_test(
- patcher, tests[module_name]['tests'][test_name],
- tests[module_name]['source_path'])
- patcher.apply_patches()
-def run():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--package', action='store', dest='package',
- default='tempest', type=str,
- help='Package with tests')
- parser.add_argument('--fix', action='store_true', dest='fix_tests',
- help='Attempt to fix tests without UUIDs')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
- pkg = importlib.import_module(args.package)
- checker = TestChecker(pkg)
- errors = False
- tests = checker.get_tests()
- untagged = checker.find_untagged(tests)
- errors = checker.report_collisions(tests) or errors
- if args.fix_tests and untagged:
- checker.fix_tests(untagged)
- else:
- errors = checker.report_untagged(untagged) or errors
- if errors:
- sys.exit("@test.idempotent_id existence and uniqueness checks failed\n"
- "Run 'tox -v -euuidgen' to automatically fix tests with\n"
- "missing @test.idempotent_id decorators.")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- run()