path: root/doc/source
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/source')
7 files changed, 331 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/api-examples.rst b/doc/source/api-examples.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ef4985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/api-examples.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+designateclient python module - examples
diff --git a/doc/source/api.rst b/doc/source/api.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..986c0e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/api.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+designateclient python module
diff --git a/doc/source/contributing.rst b/doc/source/contributing.rst
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+Code is hosted `on GitHub`_. Submit bugs to the Designate project on
+`Launchpad`_. Submit code to the stackforge/python-designateclient project using
+.. _on GitHub:
+.. _Launchpad:
+.. _Gerrit:
+Here's a quick summary:
+Install the git-review package to make life easier
+.. code-block:: shell-session
+ pip install git-review
+Branch, work, & submit:
+.. code-block:: shell-session
+ # cut a new branch, tracking master
+ git checkout --track -b bug/id origin/master
+ # work work work
+ git add stuff
+ git commit
+ # rebase/squash to a single commit before submitting
+ git rebase -i
+ # submit
+ git-review
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index e201836..7d0a1c0 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -1,16 +1,26 @@
-.. designate documentation master file, created by
- sphinx-quickstart on Wed Oct 31 18:58:17 2012.
- You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
- contain the root `toctree` directive.
-Welcome to designateclients's documentation!
+This is a client for Designate API. There's a :doc:`Python API
+<api>` (the :program:`designateclient` module), and a :doc:`command-line tool
+<shell>` (installed as :program:`designate`).
+You'll need credentials for an OpenStack cloud that is implementing the Designate API ,
+such as HP's `Cloud DNS`_, in order to use the designate client.
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ installation
+ api
+ api-examples
+ shell
+ shell-examples
+ contributing
Indices and tables
@@ -19,3 +29,4 @@ Indices and tables
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`
+.. _Cloud DNS:
diff --git a/doc/source/installation.rst b/doc/source/installation.rst
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/doc/source/installation.rst
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+Install the client from PyPI
+The :program:`python-designateclient` package is published on `PyPI`_ and so can be installed using the pip tool, which will manage installing all
+python dependencies:
+.. code-block:: shell-session
+ pip install python-designateclient
+*Warning: the packages on PyPI may lag behind the git repo in functionality.*
+Setup the client from source
+If you want the latest version, straight from github:
+.. code-block:: shell-session
+ git clone
+ cd python-designateclient
+ virtualenv .venv
+ . .venv/bin/activate
+ pip install -r requirements.txt -r test-requirements.txt
+ python install
+Setup the client in development mode
+Installing in development mode allows your to make changes to the source code & test directly without having to re-run the "python install"
+step. You can find out more about `Development Mode`_
+.. code-block:: shell-session
+ git clone
+ cd python-designateclient
+ virtualenv .venv
+ . .venv/bin/activate
+ pip install -r requirements.txt -r test-requirements.txt
+ python develop
+.. _Development Mode:
+.. _PyPI:
diff --git a/doc/source/shell-examples.rst b/doc/source/shell-examples.rst
new file mode 100644
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+designate command line tool - examples
+Using the client against your dev environment
+Typically the designate client talks to Keystone (or a Keystone like service) via the OS_AUTH_URL setting & retrives the designate endpoint from the returned service catalog. Using ``--os-endpoint`` or ``OS_ENDPOINT`` you can specify the end point directly, this is useful if you want to point the client at a test environment that's running without a full Keystone service.
+.. code-block:: shell-session
+ $ designate --os-endpoint server-create --name
+ +------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | Field | Value |
+ +------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | created_at | 2013-07-09T13:20:23.664811 |
+ | id | 1af2d561-b802-44d7-8208-46475dcd45f9 |
+ | name | |
+ | updated_at | None |
+ +------------+--------------------------------------+
+ $ designate --os-endpoint domain-create --name --email
+ +------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | Field | Value |
+ +------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | name | |
+ | created_at | 2013-07-09T13:20:30.826155 |
+ | updated_at | None |
+ | id | 5c02c519-4928-4a38-bd10-c748c200912f |
+ | ttl | 3600 |
+ | serial | 1373376030 |
+ | email | |
+ +------------+--------------------------------------+
+ $ designate --os-endpoint record-create --name --type A --data 5c02c519-4928-4a38-bd10-c748c200912f
diff --git a/doc/source/shell.rst b/doc/source/shell.rst
new file mode 100644
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+designate command line tool
+The python-designateclient package comes with a command line tool (installed as :program:`designate`), this can be used to access a Designate API
+without having to manipulate JSON by hand, it can also produce the output in a variety of formats (JSON, CSV) and allow you to select columns to be
+As with any OpenStack utility, :program:`designate` requires certain information to
+talk to the REST API, username, password, auth url (from where the other required
+endpoints are retrieved once you are authenticated).
+To provide your access credentials (username, password, tenant name or tenant id)
+you can pass them on the command line with the ``--os-username``, ``--os-password``, ``--os-tenant-name`` or ``--os-tenant-id``
+params, but it's easier to just set them as environment variables::
+ export OS_USERNAME=openstack
+ export OS_PASSWORD=yadayada
+ export OS_TENANT_NAME=myproject
+ export OS_TENANT_ID=123456789
+You will also need to define the authentication url with ``--os-auth-url``
+or set is as an environment variable as well::
+ export OS_AUTH_URL=
+Since Keystone can return multiple regions in the Service Catalog, you
+can specify the one you want with ``--os-region-name`` (or
+``export OS_REGION_NAME``). It defaults to the first in the list returned.
+Using the command line tool
+With enough details now in environment, you can use the designate client to create a domain & populate it with some records:
+.. code-block:: shell-session
+ $ designate domain-create --name --email
+ +-------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | Field | Value |
+ +-------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | description | None |
+ | created_at | 2013-09-19T11:45:25.295355 |
+ | updated_at | None |
+ | email | |
+ | ttl | 3600 |
+ | serial | 1379591125 |
+ | id | eacbe2a5-95f1-4a9f-89f5-b9c58009b163 |
+ | name | |
+ +-------------+--------------------------------------+
+You can see more details on the arguments domain-create accepts at the `REST API create-domain`_.
+Now that the domain has been created, we can start adding records.
+You'll note that the name ( has a trailing ``.``, as per the DNS standard, we didn't set a TTL and we had to specify the parent
+zone/domain by domain_id ``eacbe2a5-95f1-4a9f-89f5-b9c58009b163``.
+.. code-block:: shell-session
+ $ designate record-create eacbe2a5-95f1-4a9f-89f5-b9c58009b163 --name --type A --data
+ +-------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | Field | Value |
+ +-------------+--------------------------------------+
+ | name | |
+ | data | |
+ | created_at | 2013-09-19T13:44:42.295428 |
+ | updated_at | None |
+ | id | 147f6082-8466-4951-8d13-37a10e92b11e |
+ | priority | None |
+ | ttl | None |
+ | type | A |
+ | domain_id | eacbe2a5-95f1-4a9f-89f5-b9c58009b163 |
+ | description | None |
+ +-------------+--------------------------------------+
+We've already seen the ``domain-create`` and ``record-create`` subcommands, here the full list of subcommands:
+======================= ====================================================== ===============
+subcommand Notes Admin Required
+======================= ====================================================== ===============
+diagnostics-ping Ping a service on a given host
+diagnostics-sync-all Sync Everything
+diagnostics-sync-domain Sync a single Domain
+diagnostics-sync-record Sync a single Record
+domain-create Create Domain
+domain-delete Delete Domain
+domain-get Get Domain
+domain-list List Domains
+domain-servers-list List Domain Servers
+domain-update Update Domain
+help print detailed help for another command
+record-create Create Record
+record-delete Delete Record
+record-get Get Record
+record-list List Records
+record-update Update Record
+report-count-all Get count totals for all tenants, domains and records
+report-count-domains Get counts for total domains
+report-count-records Get counts for total records
+report-count-tenants Get counts for total tenants
+report-tenant-domains Get a list of domains for given tenant
+report-tenants-all Get list of tenants and domain count for each
+server-create Create Server
+server-delete Delete Server
+server-get Get Server
+server-list List Servers
+server-update Update Server
+======================= ====================================================== ===============
+Builtin designate documentation
+You'll find complete documentation on the shell by running
+``designate --help``::
+ usage: designate [--version] [-v] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-q] [-h] [--debug]
+ [--os-endpoint OS_ENDPOINT] [--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL]
+ [--os-username OS_USERNAME] [--os-password OS_PASSWORD]
+ [--os-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID]
+ [--os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME] [--os-token OS_TOKEN]
+ [--os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE]
+ [--os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME]
+ [--sudo-tenant-id SUDO_TENANT_ID] [--insecure]
+ Designate Client
+ optional arguments:
+ --version show program's version number and exit
+ -v, --verbose Increase verbosity of output. Can be repeated.
+ --log-file LOG_FILE Specify a file to log output. Disabled by default.
+ -q, --quiet suppress output except warnings and errors
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --debug show tracebacks on errors
+ --os-endpoint OS_ENDPOINT
+ Defaults to env[OS_DNS_ENDPOINT]
+ --os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL
+ Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL]
+ --os-username OS_USERNAME
+ Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME]
+ --os-password OS_PASSWORD
+ Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD]
+ --os-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID
+ Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_ID]
+ --os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME
+ Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME]
+ --os-token OS_TOKEN Defaults to env[OS_SERVICE_TOKEN]
+ --os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE
+ Defaults to env[OS_DNS_SERVICE_TYPE], or 'dns'
+ --os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME
+ Defaults to env[OS_REGION_NAME]
+ --sudo-tenant-id SUDO_TENANT_ID
+ --insecure Explicitly allow 'insecure' SSL requests
+ Commands:
+ diagnostics-ping Ping a service on a given host
+ diagnostics-sync-all Sync Everything
+ diagnostics-sync-domain Sync a single Domain
+ diagnostics-sync-record Sync a single Record
+ domain-create Create Domain
+ domain-delete Delete Domain
+ domain-get Get Domain
+ domain-list List Domains
+ domain-servers-list List Domain Servers
+ domain-update Update Domain
+ help print detailed help for another command
+ record-create Create Record
+ record-delete Delete Record
+ record-get Get Record
+ record-list List Records
+ record-update Update Record
+ report-count-all Get count totals for all tenants, domains and records
+ report-count-domains Get counts for total domains
+ report-count-records Get counts for total records
+ report-count-tenants Get counts for total tenants
+ report-tenant-domains Get a list of domains for given tenant
+ report-tenants-all Get list of tenants and domain count for each
+ server-create Create Server
+ server-delete Delete Server
+ server-get Get Server
+ server-list List Servers
+ server-update Update Server
+.. _REST API create-domain: