path: root/vendor/boto/docs/source/autoscale_tut.rst
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+.. _autoscale_tut:
+An Introduction to boto's Autoscale interface
+This tutorial focuses on the boto interface to the Autoscale service. This
+assumes you are familiar with boto's EC2 interface and concepts.
+Autoscale Concepts
+The AWS Autoscale service is comprised of three core concepts:
+ #. *Autoscale Group (AG):* An AG can be viewed as a collection of criteria for
+ maintaining or scaling a set of EC2 instances over one or more availability
+ zones. An AG is limited to a single region.
+ #. *Launch Configuration (LC):* An LC is the set of information needed by the
+ AG to launch new instances - this can encompass image ids, startup data,
+ security groups and keys. Only one LC is attached to an AG.
+ #. *Triggers*: A trigger is essentially a set of rules for determining when to
+ scale an AG up or down. These rules can encompass a set of metrics such as
+ average CPU usage across instances, or incoming requests, a threshold for
+ when an action will take place, as well as parameters to control how long
+ to wait after a threshold is crossed.
+Creating a Connection
+The first step in accessing autoscaling is to create a connection to the service.
+There are two ways to do this in boto. The first is:
+>>> from boto.ec2.autoscale import AutoScaleConnection
+>>> conn = AutoScaleConnection('<aws access key>', '<aws secret key>')
+Alternatively, you can use the shortcut:
+>>> conn = boto.connect_autoscale()
+A Note About Regions and Endpoints
+Like EC2 the Autoscale service has a different endpoint for each region. By
+default the US endpoint is used. To choose a specific region, instantiate the
+AutoScaleConnection object with that region's endpoint.
+>>> ec2 = boto.connect_autoscale(host='')
+Alternatively, edit your boto.cfg with the default Autoscale endpoint to use::
+ [Boto]
+ autoscale_endpoint =
+Getting Existing AutoScale Groups
+To retrieve existing autoscale groups:
+>>> conn.get_all_groups()
+You will get back a list of AutoScale group objects, one for each AG you have.
+Creating Autoscaling Groups
+An Autoscaling group has a number of parameters associated with it.
+ #. *Name*: The name of the AG.
+ #. *Availability Zones*: The list of availability zones it is defined over.
+ #. *Minimum Size*: Minimum number of instances running at one time.
+ #. *Maximum Size*: Maximum number of instances running at one time.
+ #. *Launch Configuration (LC)*: A set of instructions on how to launch an instance.
+ #. *Load Balancer*: An optional ELB load balancer to use. See the ELB tutorial
+ for information on how to create a load balancer.
+For the purposes of this tutorial, let's assume we want to create one autoscale
+group over the us-east-1a and us-east-1b availability zones. We want to have
+two instances in each availability zone, thus a minimum size of 4. For now we
+won't worry about scaling up or down - we'll introduce that later when we talk
+about triggers. Thus we'll set a maximum size of 4 as well. We'll also associate
+the AG with a load balancer which we assume we've already created, called 'my_lb'.
+Our LC tells us how to start an instance. This will at least include the image
+id to use, security_group, and key information. We assume the image id, key
+name and security groups have already been defined elsewhere - see the EC2
+tutorial for information on how to create these.
+>>> from boto.ec2.autoscale import LaunchConfiguration
+>>> from boto.ec2.autoscale import AutoScalingGroup
+>>> lc = LaunchConfiguration(name='my-launch_config', image_id='my-ami',
+ key_name='my_key_name',
+ security_groups=['my_security_groups'])
+>>> conn.create_launch_configuration(lc)
+We now have created a launch configuration called 'my-launch-config'. We are now
+ready to associate it with our new autoscale group.
+>>> ag = AutoScalingGroup(group_name='my_group', load_balancers=['my-lb'],
+ availability_zones=['us-east-1a', 'us-east-1b'],
+ launch_config=lc, min_size=4, max_size=4)
+>>> conn.create_auto_scaling_group(ag)
+We now have a new autoscaling group defined! At this point instances should be
+starting to launch. To view activity on an autoscale group:
+>>> ag.get_activities()
+ [Activity:Launching a new EC2 instance status:Successful progress:100,
+ ...]
+or alternatively:
+>>> conn.get_all_activities(ag)
+This autoscale group is fairly useful in that it will maintain the minimum size without
+breaching the maximum size defined. That means if one instance crashes, the autoscale
+group will use the launch configuration to start a new one in an attempt to maintain
+its minimum defined size. It knows instance health using the health check defined on
+its associated load balancer.
+Scaling a Group Up or Down
+It might be more useful to also define means to scale a group up or down
+depending on certain criteria. For example, if the average CPU utilization of
+all your instances goes above 60%, you may want to scale up a number of
+instances to deal with demand - likewise you might want to scale down if usage
+drops. These criteria are defined in *triggers*.
+For example, let's modify our above group to have a maxsize of 8 and define means
+of scaling up based on CPU utilization. We'll say we should scale up if the average
+CPU usage goes above 80% and scale down if it goes below 40%.
+>>> from boto.ec2.autoscale import Trigger
+>>> tr = Trigger(name='my_trigger', autoscale_group=ag,
+ measure_name='CPUUtilization', statistic='Average',
+ unit='Percent',
+ dimensions=[('AutoScalingGroupName',],
+ period=60, lower_threshold=40,
+ lower_breach_scale_increment='-5',
+ upper_threshold=80,
+ upper_breach_scale_increment='10',
+ breach_duration=360)
+>> conn.create_trigger(tr)