path: root/vendor/Twisted-10.0.0/twisted/conch/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/Twisted-10.0.0/twisted/conch/')
1 files changed, 1017 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/Twisted-10.0.0/twisted/conch/ b/vendor/Twisted-10.0.0/twisted/conch/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1dcfb781f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/Twisted-10.0.0/twisted/conch/
@@ -0,0 +1,1017 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_telnet -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Telnet protocol implementation.
+@author: Jp Calderone
+import struct
+from zope.interface import implements
+from twisted.internet import protocol, interfaces as iinternet, defer
+from twisted.python import log
+MODE = chr(1)
+EDIT = 1
+LIT_ECHO = 16
+# Characters gleaned from the various (and conflicting) RFCs. Not all of these are correct.
+NULL = chr(0) # No operation.
+BEL = chr(7) # Produces an audible or
+ # visible signal (which does
+ # NOT move the print head).
+BS = chr(8) # Moves the print head one
+ # character position towards
+ # the left margin.
+HT = chr(9) # Moves the printer to the
+ # next horizontal tab stop.
+ # It remains unspecified how
+ # either party determines or
+ # establishes where such tab
+ # stops are located.
+LF = chr(10) # Moves the printer to the
+ # next print line, keeping the
+ # same horizontal position.
+VT = chr(11) # Moves the printer to the
+ # next vertical tab stop. It
+ # remains unspecified how
+ # either party determines or
+ # establishes where such tab
+ # stops are located.
+FF = chr(12) # Moves the printer to the top
+ # of the next page, keeping
+ # the same horizontal position.
+CR = chr(13) # Moves the printer to the left
+ # margin of the current line.
+ECHO = chr(1) # User-to-Server: Asks the server to send
+ # Echos of the transmitted data.
+SGA = chr(3) # Suppress Go Ahead. Go Ahead is silly
+ # and most modern servers should suppress
+ # it.
+NAWS = chr(31) # Negotiate About Window Size. Indicate that
+ # information about the size of the terminal
+ # can be communicated.
+LINEMODE = chr(34) # Allow line buffering to be
+ # negotiated about.
+SE = chr(240) # End of subnegotiation parameters.
+NOP = chr(241) # No operation.
+DM = chr(242) # "Data Mark": The data stream portion
+ # of a Synch. This should always be
+ # accompanied by a TCP Urgent
+ # notification.
+BRK = chr(243) # NVT character Break.
+IP = chr(244) # The function Interrupt Process.
+AO = chr(245) # The function Abort Output
+AYT = chr(246) # The function Are You There.
+EC = chr(247) # The function Erase Character.
+EL = chr(248) # The function Erase Line
+GA = chr(249) # The Go Ahead signal.
+SB = chr(250) # Indicates that what follows is
+ # subnegotiation of the indicated
+ # option.
+WILL = chr(251) # Indicates the desire to begin
+ # performing, or confirmation that
+ # you are now performing, the
+ # indicated option.
+WONT = chr(252) # Indicates the refusal to perform,
+ # or continue performing, the
+ # indicated option.
+DO = chr(253) # Indicates the request that the
+ # other party perform, or
+ # confirmation that you are expecting
+ # the other party to perform, the
+ # indicated option.
+DONT = chr(254) # Indicates the demand that the
+ # other party stop performing,
+ # or confirmation that you are no
+ # longer expecting the other party
+ # to perform, the indicated option.
+IAC = chr(255) # Data Byte 255. Introduces a
+ # telnet command.
+LINEMODE_SLC = chr(3)
+LINEMODE_SLC_EC = chr(10)
+LINEMODE_SLC_EL = chr(11)
+LINEMODE_SLC_EW = chr(12)
+LINEMODE_SLC_RP = chr(13)
+LINEMODE_SLC_ACK = chr(128)
+LINEMODE_EOF = chr(236)
+LINEMODE_SUSP = chr(237)
+LINEMODE_ABORT = chr(238)
+class ITelnetProtocol(iinternet.IProtocol):
+ def unhandledCommand(command, argument):
+ """A command was received but not understood.
+ """
+ def unhandledSubnegotiation(bytes):
+ """A subnegotiation command was received but not understood.
+ """
+ def enableLocal(option):
+ """Enable the given option locally.
+ This should enable the given option on this side of the
+ telnet connection and return True. If False is returned,
+ the option will be treated as still disabled and the peer
+ will be notified.
+ """
+ def enableRemote(option):
+ """Indicate whether the peer should be allowed to enable this option.
+ Returns True if the peer should be allowed to enable this option,
+ False otherwise.
+ """
+ def disableLocal(option):
+ """Disable the given option locally.
+ Unlike enableLocal, this method cannot fail. The option must be
+ disabled.
+ """
+ def disableRemote(option):
+ """Indicate that the peer has disabled this option.
+ """
+class ITelnetTransport(iinternet.ITransport):
+ def do(option):
+ """Indicate a desire for the peer to begin performing the given option.
+ Returns a Deferred that fires with True when the peer begins performing
+ the option, or False when the peer refuses to perform it. If the peer
+ is already performing the given option, the Deferred will fail with
+ L{AlreadyEnabled}. If a negotiation regarding this option is already
+ in progress, the Deferred will fail with L{AlreadyNegotiating}.
+ Note: It is currently possible that this Deferred will never fire,
+ if the peer never responds, or if the peer believes the option to
+ already be enabled.
+ """
+ def dont(option):
+ """Indicate a desire for the peer to cease performing the given option.
+ Returns a Deferred that fires with True when the peer ceases performing
+ the option. If the peer is not performing the given option, the
+ Deferred will fail with L{AlreadyDisabled}. If negotiation regarding
+ this option is already in progress, the Deferred will fail with
+ L{AlreadyNegotiating}.
+ Note: It is currently possible that this Deferred will never fire,
+ if the peer never responds, or if the peer believes the option to
+ already be disabled.
+ """
+ def will(option):
+ """Indicate our willingness to begin performing this option locally.
+ Returns a Deferred that fires with True when the peer agrees to allow
+ us to begin performing this option, or False if the peer refuses to
+ allow us to begin performing it. If the option is already enabled
+ locally, the Deferred will fail with L{AlreadyEnabled}. If negotiation
+ regarding this option is already in progress, the Deferred will fail with
+ L{AlreadyNegotiating}.
+ Note: It is currently possible that this Deferred will never fire,
+ if the peer never responds, or if the peer believes the option to
+ already be enabled.
+ """
+ def wont(option):
+ """Indicate that we will stop performing the given option.
+ Returns a Deferred that fires with True when the peer acknowledges
+ we have stopped performing this option. If the option is already
+ disabled locally, the Deferred will fail with L{AlreadyDisabled}.
+ If negotiation regarding this option is already in progress,
+ the Deferred will fail with L{AlreadyNegotiating}.
+ Note: It is currently possible that this Deferred will never fire,
+ if the peer never responds, or if the peer believes the option to
+ already be disabled.
+ """
+ def requestNegotiation(about, bytes):
+ """Send a subnegotiation request.
+ @param about: A byte indicating the feature being negotiated.
+ @param bytes: Any number of bytes containing specific information
+ about the negotiation being requested. No values in this string
+ need to be escaped, as this function will escape any value which
+ requires it.
+ """
+class TelnetError(Exception):
+ pass
+class NegotiationError(TelnetError):
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.__class__.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__ + ':' + repr(self.args[0])
+class OptionRefused(NegotiationError):
+ pass
+class AlreadyEnabled(NegotiationError):
+ pass
+class AlreadyDisabled(NegotiationError):
+ pass
+class AlreadyNegotiating(NegotiationError):
+ pass
+class TelnetProtocol(protocol.Protocol):
+ implements(ITelnetProtocol)
+ def unhandledCommand(self, command, argument):
+ pass
+ def unhandledSubnegotiation(self, command, bytes):
+ pass
+ def enableLocal(self, option):
+ pass
+ def enableRemote(self, option):
+ pass
+ def disableLocal(self, option):
+ pass
+ def disableRemote(self, option):
+ pass
+class Telnet(protocol.Protocol):
+ """
+ @ivar commandMap: A mapping of bytes to callables. When a
+ telnet command is received, the command byte (the first byte
+ after IAC) is looked up in this dictionary. If a callable is
+ found, it is invoked with the argument of the command, or None
+ if the command takes no argument. Values should be added to
+ this dictionary if commands wish to be handled. By default,
+ only WILL, WONT, DO, and DONT are handled. These should not
+ be overridden, as this class handles them correctly and
+ provides an API for interacting with them.
+ @ivar negotiationMap: A mapping of bytes to callables. When
+ a subnegotiation command is received, the command byte (the
+ first byte after SB) is looked up in this dictionary. If
+ a callable is found, it is invoked with the argument of the
+ subnegotiation. Values should be added to this dictionary if
+ subnegotiations are to be handled. By default, no values are
+ handled.
+ @ivar options: A mapping of option bytes to their current
+ state. This state is likely of little use to user code.
+ Changes should not be made to it.
+ @ivar state: A string indicating the current parse state. It
+ can take on the values "data", "escaped", "command", "newline",
+ "subnegotiation", and "subnegotiation-escaped". Changes
+ should not be made to it.
+ @ivar transport: This protocol's transport object.
+ """
+ # One of a lot of things
+ state = 'data'
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.options = {}
+ self.negotiationMap = {}
+ self.commandMap = {
+ WILL: self.telnet_WILL,
+ WONT: self.telnet_WONT,
+ DO: self.telnet_DO,
+ DONT: self.telnet_DONT}
+ def _write(self, bytes):
+ self.transport.write(bytes)
+ class _OptionState:
+ class _Perspective:
+ state = 'no'
+ negotiating = False
+ onResult = None
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.state + ('*' * self.negotiating)
+ def __init__(self):
+ = self._Perspective()
+ self.him = self._Perspective()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<_OptionState us=%s him=%s>' % (, self.him)
+ def getOptionState(self, opt):
+ return self.options.setdefault(opt, self._OptionState())
+ def _do(self, option):
+ self._write(IAC + DO + option)
+ def _dont(self, option):
+ self._write(IAC + DONT + option)
+ def _will(self, option):
+ self._write(IAC + WILL + option)
+ def _wont(self, option):
+ self._write(IAC + WONT + option)
+ def will(self, option):
+ """Indicate our willingness to enable an option.
+ """
+ s = self.getOptionState(option)
+ if or s.him.negotiating:
+ return
+ elif == 'yes':
+ return
+ else:
+ = True
+ = d = defer.Deferred()
+ self._will(option)
+ return d
+ def wont(self, option):
+ """Indicate we are not willing to enable an option.
+ """
+ s = self.getOptionState(option)
+ if or s.him.negotiating:
+ return
+ elif == 'no':
+ return
+ else:
+ = True
+ = d = defer.Deferred()
+ self._wont(option)
+ return d
+ def do(self, option):
+ s = self.getOptionState(option)
+ if or s.him.negotiating:
+ return
+ elif s.him.state == 'yes':
+ return
+ else:
+ s.him.negotiating = True
+ s.him.onResult = d = defer.Deferred()
+ self._do(option)
+ return d
+ def dont(self, option):
+ s = self.getOptionState(option)
+ if or s.him.negotiating:
+ return
+ elif s.him.state == 'no':
+ return
+ else:
+ s.him.negotiating = True
+ s.him.onResult = d = defer.Deferred()
+ self._dont(option)
+ return d
+ def requestNegotiation(self, about, bytes):
+ """
+ Send a negotiation message for the option C{about} with C{bytes} as the
+ payload.
+ @see: L{ITelnetTransport.requestNegotiation}
+ """
+ bytes = bytes.replace(IAC, IAC * 2)
+ self._write(IAC + SB + about + bytes + IAC + SE)
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ appDataBuffer = []
+ for b in data:
+ if self.state == 'data':
+ if b == IAC:
+ self.state = 'escaped'
+ elif b == '\r':
+ self.state = 'newline'
+ else:
+ appDataBuffer.append(b)
+ elif self.state == 'escaped':
+ if b == IAC:
+ appDataBuffer.append(b)
+ self.state = 'data'
+ elif b == SB:
+ self.state = 'subnegotiation'
+ self.commands = []
+ elif b in (NOP, DM, BRK, IP, AO, AYT, EC, EL, GA):
+ self.state = 'data'
+ if appDataBuffer:
+ self.applicationDataReceived(''.join(appDataBuffer))
+ del appDataBuffer[:]
+ self.commandReceived(b, None)
+ elif b in (WILL, WONT, DO, DONT):
+ self.state = 'command'
+ self.command = b
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Stumped", b)
+ elif self.state == 'command':
+ self.state = 'data'
+ command = self.command
+ del self.command
+ if appDataBuffer:
+ self.applicationDataReceived(''.join(appDataBuffer))
+ del appDataBuffer[:]
+ self.commandReceived(command, b)
+ elif self.state == 'newline':
+ self.state = 'data'
+ if b == '\n':
+ appDataBuffer.append('\n')
+ elif b == '\0':
+ appDataBuffer.append('\r')
+ elif b == IAC:
+ # IAC isn't really allowed after \r, according to the
+ # RFC, but handling it this way is less surprising than
+ # delivering the IAC to the app as application data.
+ # The purpose of the restriction is to allow terminals
+ # to unambiguously interpret the behavior of the CR
+ # after reading only one more byte. CR LF is supposed
+ # to mean one thing (cursor to next line, first column),
+ # CR NUL another (cursor to first column). Absent the
+ # NUL, it still makes sense to interpret this as CR and
+ # then apply all the usual interpretation to the IAC.
+ appDataBuffer.append('\r')
+ self.state = 'escaped'
+ else:
+ appDataBuffer.append('\r' + b)
+ elif self.state == 'subnegotiation':
+ if b == IAC:
+ self.state = 'subnegotiation-escaped'
+ else:
+ self.commands.append(b)
+ elif self.state == 'subnegotiation-escaped':
+ if b == SE:
+ self.state = 'data'
+ commands = self.commands
+ del self.commands
+ if appDataBuffer:
+ self.applicationDataReceived(''.join(appDataBuffer))
+ del appDataBuffer[:]
+ self.negotiate(commands)
+ else:
+ self.state = 'subnegotiation'
+ self.commands.append(b)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("How'd you do this?")
+ if appDataBuffer:
+ self.applicationDataReceived(''.join(appDataBuffer))
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ for state in self.options.values():
+ if is not None:
+ d =
+ = None
+ d.errback(reason)
+ if state.him.onResult is not None:
+ d = state.him.onResult
+ state.him.onResult = None
+ d.errback(reason)
+ def applicationDataReceived(self, bytes):
+ """Called with application-level data.
+ """
+ def unhandledCommand(self, command, argument):
+ """Called for commands for which no handler is installed.
+ """
+ def commandReceived(self, command, argument):
+ cmdFunc = self.commandMap.get(command)
+ if cmdFunc is None:
+ self.unhandledCommand(command, argument)
+ else:
+ cmdFunc(argument)
+ def unhandledSubnegotiation(self, command, bytes):
+ """Called for subnegotiations for which no handler is installed.
+ """
+ def negotiate(self, bytes):
+ command, bytes = bytes[0], bytes[1:]
+ cmdFunc = self.negotiationMap.get(command)
+ if cmdFunc is None:
+ self.unhandledSubnegotiation(command, bytes)
+ else:
+ cmdFunc(bytes)
+ def telnet_WILL(self, option):
+ s = self.getOptionState(option)
+ self.willMap[s.him.state, s.him.negotiating](self, s, option)
+ def will_no_false(self, state, option):
+ # He is unilaterally offering to enable an option.
+ if self.enableRemote(option):
+ state.him.state = 'yes'
+ self._do(option)
+ else:
+ self._dont(option)
+ def will_no_true(self, state, option):
+ # Peer agreed to enable an option in response to our request.
+ state.him.state = 'yes'
+ state.him.negotiating = False
+ d = state.him.onResult
+ state.him.onResult = None
+ d.callback(True)
+ assert self.enableRemote(option), "enableRemote must return True in this context (for option %r)" % (option,)
+ def will_yes_false(self, state, option):
+ # He is unilaterally offering to enable an already-enabled option.
+ # Ignore this.
+ pass
+ def will_yes_true(self, state, option):
+ # This is a bogus state. It is here for completeness. It will
+ # never be entered.
+ assert False, "will_yes_true can never be entered, but was called with %r, %r" % (state, option)
+ willMap = {('no', False): will_no_false, ('no', True): will_no_true,
+ ('yes', False): will_yes_false, ('yes', True): will_yes_true}
+ def telnet_WONT(self, option):
+ s = self.getOptionState(option)
+ self.wontMap[s.him.state, s.him.negotiating](self, s, option)
+ def wont_no_false(self, state, option):
+ # He is unilaterally demanding that an already-disabled option be/remain disabled.
+ # Ignore this (although we could record it and refuse subsequent enable attempts
+ # from our side - he can always refuse them again though, so we won't)
+ pass
+ def wont_no_true(self, state, option):
+ # Peer refused to enable an option in response to our request.
+ state.him.negotiating = False
+ d = state.him.onResult
+ state.him.onResult = None
+ d.errback(OptionRefused(option))
+ def wont_yes_false(self, state, option):
+ # Peer is unilaterally demanding that an option be disabled.
+ state.him.state = 'no'
+ self.disableRemote(option)
+ self._dont(option)
+ def wont_yes_true(self, state, option):
+ # Peer agreed to disable an option at our request.
+ state.him.state = 'no'
+ state.him.negotiating = False
+ d = state.him.onResult
+ state.him.onResult = None
+ d.callback(True)
+ self.disableRemote(option)
+ wontMap = {('no', False): wont_no_false, ('no', True): wont_no_true,
+ ('yes', False): wont_yes_false, ('yes', True): wont_yes_true}
+ def telnet_DO(self, option):
+ s = self.getOptionState(option)
+ self.doMap[,](self, s, option)
+ def do_no_false(self, state, option):
+ # Peer is unilaterally requesting that we enable an option.
+ if self.enableLocal(option):
+ = 'yes'
+ self._will(option)
+ else:
+ self._wont(option)
+ def do_no_true(self, state, option):
+ # Peer agreed to allow us to enable an option at our request.
+ = 'yes'
+ = False
+ d =
+ = None
+ d.callback(True)
+ self.enableLocal(option)
+ def do_yes_false(self, state, option):
+ # Peer is unilaterally requesting us to enable an already-enabled option.
+ # Ignore this.
+ pass
+ def do_yes_true(self, state, option):
+ # This is a bogus state. It is here for completeness. It will never be
+ # entered.
+ assert False, "do_yes_true can never be entered, but was called with %r, %r" % (state, option)
+ doMap = {('no', False): do_no_false, ('no', True): do_no_true,
+ ('yes', False): do_yes_false, ('yes', True): do_yes_true}
+ def telnet_DONT(self, option):
+ s = self.getOptionState(option)
+ self.dontMap[,](self, s, option)
+ def dont_no_false(self, state, option):
+ # Peer is unilaterally demanding us to disable an already-disabled option.
+ # Ignore this.
+ pass
+ def dont_no_true(self, state, option):
+ # This is a bogus state. It is here for completeness. It will never be
+ # entered.
+ assert False, "dont_no_true can never be entered, but was called with %r, %r" % (state, option)
+ def dont_yes_false(self, state, option):
+ # Peer is unilaterally demanding we disable an option.
+ = 'no'
+ self.disableLocal(option)
+ self._wont(option)
+ def dont_yes_true(self, state, option):
+ # Peer acknowledged our notice that we will disable an option.
+ = 'no'
+ = False
+ d =
+ = None
+ d.callback(True)
+ self.disableLocal(option)
+ dontMap = {('no', False): dont_no_false, ('no', True): dont_no_true,
+ ('yes', False): dont_yes_false, ('yes', True): dont_yes_true}
+ def enableLocal(self, option):
+ """
+ Reject all attempts to enable options.
+ """
+ return False
+ def enableRemote(self, option):
+ """
+ Reject all attempts to enable options.
+ """
+ return False
+ def disableLocal(self, option):
+ """
+ Signal a programming error by raising an exception.
+ L{enableLocal} must return true for the given value of C{option} in
+ order for this method to be called. If a subclass of L{Telnet}
+ overrides enableLocal to allow certain options to be enabled, it must
+ also override disableLocal to disable those options.
+ @raise NotImplementedError: Always raised.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Don't know how to disable local telnet option %r" % (option,))
+ def disableRemote(self, option):
+ """
+ Signal a programming error by raising an exception.
+ L{enableRemote} must return true for the given value of C{option} in
+ order for this method to be called. If a subclass of L{Telnet}
+ overrides enableRemote to allow certain options to be enabled, it must
+ also override disableRemote tto disable those options.
+ @raise NotImplementedError: Always raised.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "Don't know how to disable remote telnet option %r" % (option,))
+class ProtocolTransportMixin:
+ def write(self, bytes):
+ self.transport.write(bytes.replace('\n', '\r\n'))
+ def writeSequence(self, seq):
+ self.transport.writeSequence(seq)
+ def loseConnection(self):
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ def getHost(self):
+ return self.transport.getHost()
+ def getPeer(self):
+ return self.transport.getPeer()
+class TelnetTransport(Telnet, ProtocolTransportMixin):
+ """
+ @ivar protocol: An instance of the protocol to which this
+ transport is connected, or None before the connection is
+ established and after it is lost.
+ @ivar protocolFactory: A callable which returns protocol instances
+ which provide L{ITelnetProtocol}. This will be invoked when a
+ connection is established. It is passed *protocolArgs and
+ **protocolKwArgs.
+ @ivar protocolArgs: A tuple of additional arguments to
+ pass to protocolFactory.
+ @ivar protocolKwArgs: A dictionary of additional arguments
+ to pass to protocolFactory.
+ """
+ disconnecting = False
+ protocolFactory = None
+ protocol = None
+ def __init__(self, protocolFactory=None, *a, **kw):
+ Telnet.__init__(self)
+ if protocolFactory is not None:
+ self.protocolFactory = protocolFactory
+ self.protocolArgs = a
+ self.protocolKwArgs = kw
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ if self.protocolFactory is not None:
+ self.protocol = self.protocolFactory(*self.protocolArgs, **self.protocolKwArgs)
+ assert ITelnetProtocol.providedBy(self.protocol)
+ try:
+ factory = self.factory
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.protocol.factory = factory
+ self.protocol.makeConnection(self)
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ Telnet.connectionLost(self, reason)
+ if self.protocol is not None:
+ try:
+ self.protocol.connectionLost(reason)
+ finally:
+ del self.protocol
+ def enableLocal(self, option):
+ return self.protocol.enableLocal(option)
+ def enableRemote(self, option):
+ return self.protocol.enableRemote(option)
+ def disableLocal(self, option):
+ return self.protocol.disableLocal(option)
+ def disableRemote(self, option):
+ return self.protocol.disableRemote(option)
+ def unhandledSubnegotiation(self, command, bytes):
+ self.protocol.unhandledSubnegotiation(command, bytes)
+ def unhandledCommand(self, command, argument):
+ self.protocol.unhandledCommand(command, argument)
+ def applicationDataReceived(self, bytes):
+ self.protocol.dataReceived(bytes)
+ def write(self, data):
+ ProtocolTransportMixin.write(self, data.replace('\xff','\xff\xff'))
+class TelnetBootstrapProtocol(TelnetProtocol, ProtocolTransportMixin):
+ implements()
+ protocol = None
+ def __init__(self, protocolFactory, *args, **kw):
+ self.protocolFactory = protocolFactory
+ self.protocolArgs = args
+ self.protocolKwArgs = kw
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ self.transport.negotiationMap[NAWS] = self.telnet_NAWS
+ self.transport.negotiationMap[LINEMODE] = self.telnet_LINEMODE
+ for opt in (LINEMODE, NAWS, SGA):
+ for opt in (ECHO,):
+ self.transport.will(opt).addErrback(log.err)
+ self.protocol = self.protocolFactory(*self.protocolArgs, **self.protocolKwArgs)
+ try:
+ factory = self.factory
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.protocol.factory = factory
+ self.protocol.makeConnection(self)
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ if self.protocol is not None:
+ try:
+ self.protocol.connectionLost(reason)
+ finally:
+ del self.protocol
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ self.protocol.dataReceived(data)
+ def enableLocal(self, opt):
+ if opt == ECHO:
+ return True
+ elif opt == SGA:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def enableRemote(self, opt):
+ if opt == LINEMODE:
+ self.transport.requestNegotiation(LINEMODE, MODE + chr(TRAPSIG))
+ return True
+ elif opt == NAWS:
+ return True
+ elif opt == SGA:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def telnet_NAWS(self, bytes):
+ # NAWS is client -> server *only*. self.protocol will
+ # therefore be an ITerminalTransport, the `.protocol'
+ # attribute of which will be an ITerminalProtocol. Maybe.
+ # You know what, XXX TODO clean this up.
+ if len(bytes) == 4:
+ width, height = struct.unpack('!HH', ''.join(bytes))
+ self.protocol.terminalProtocol.terminalSize(width, height)
+ else:
+ log.msg("Wrong number of NAWS bytes")
+ linemodeSubcommands = {
+ def telnet_LINEMODE(self, bytes):
+ revmap = {}
+ linemodeSubcommand = bytes[0]
+ if 0:
+ # XXX TODO: This should be enabled to parse linemode subnegotiation.
+ getattr(self, 'linemode_' + self.linemodeSubcommands[linemodeSubcommand])(bytes[1:])
+ def linemode_SLC(self, bytes):
+ chunks = zip(*[iter(bytes)]*3)
+ for slcFunction, slcValue, slcWhat in chunks:
+ # Later, we should parse stuff.
+ 'SLC', ord(slcFunction), ord(slcValue), ord(slcWhat)
+from twisted.protocols import basic
+class StatefulTelnetProtocol(basic.LineReceiver, TelnetProtocol):
+ delimiter = '\n'
+ state = 'Discard'
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ basic.LineReceiver.connectionLost(self, reason)
+ TelnetProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason)
+ def lineReceived(self, line):
+ oldState = self.state
+ newState = getattr(self, "telnet_" + oldState)(line)
+ if newState is not None:
+ if self.state == oldState:
+ self.state = newState
+ else:
+ log.msg("Warning: state changed and new state returned")
+ def telnet_Discard(self, line):
+ pass
+from twisted.cred import credentials
+class AuthenticatingTelnetProtocol(StatefulTelnetProtocol):
+ """A protocol which prompts for credentials and attempts to authenticate them.
+ Username and password prompts are given (the password is obscured). When the
+ information is collected, it is passed to a portal and an avatar implementing
+ L{ITelnetProtocol} is requested. If an avatar is returned, it connected to this
+ protocol's transport, and this protocol's transport is connected to it.
+ Otherwise, the user is re-prompted for credentials.
+ """
+ state = "User"
+ protocol = None
+ def __init__(self, portal):
+ self.portal = portal
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ self.transport.write("Username: ")
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ StatefulTelnetProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason)
+ if self.protocol is not None:
+ try:
+ self.protocol.connectionLost(reason)
+ self.logout()
+ finally:
+ del self.protocol, self.logout
+ def telnet_User(self, line):
+ self.username = line
+ self.transport.will(ECHO)
+ self.transport.write("Password: ")
+ return 'Password'
+ def telnet_Password(self, line):
+ username, password = self.username, line
+ del self.username
+ def login(ignored):
+ creds = credentials.UsernamePassword(username, password)
+ d = self.portal.login(creds, None, ITelnetProtocol)
+ d.addCallback(self._cbLogin)
+ d.addErrback(self._ebLogin)
+ self.transport.wont(ECHO).addCallback(login)
+ return 'Discard'
+ def _cbLogin(self, ial):
+ interface, protocol, logout = ial
+ assert interface is ITelnetProtocol
+ self.protocol = protocol
+ self.logout = logout
+ self.state = 'Command'
+ protocol.makeConnection(self.transport)
+ self.transport.protocol = protocol
+ def _ebLogin(self, failure):
+ self.transport.write("\nAuthentication failed\n")
+ self.transport.write("Username: ")
+ self.state = "User"
+__all__ = [
+ # Exceptions
+ 'TelnetError', 'NegotiationError', 'OptionRefused',
+ 'AlreadyNegotiating', 'AlreadyEnabled', 'AlreadyDisabled',
+ # Interfaces
+ 'ITelnetProtocol', 'ITelnetTransport',
+ # Other stuff, protocols, etc.
+ 'Telnet', 'TelnetProtocol', 'TelnetTransport',
+ 'TelnetBootstrapProtocol',
+ ]