path: root/doc/source
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authorStephen Finucane <>2020-08-31 15:33:51 +0100
committerStephen Finucane <>2020-08-31 15:53:31 +0100
commit58f7582c6326f5a59623b1786f4bcce959b1fb34 (patch)
tree0a27ffd01e9e84bdeec9a944cb5895fd14ed2ee5 /doc/source
parent31b2fd114c741b241a4f567d0962e82c5034d7e4 (diff)
docs: Remove references to XenAPI driver
Not as many of these as I thought there would be. Also, yes, the change to 'nova.conf.compute' is a doc change :) Change-Id: I27626984ce94544bd81d998c5fdf141875faec92 Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <>
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/source')
18 files changed, 57 insertions, 1865 deletions
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diff --git a/doc/source/admin/admin-password-injection.rst b/doc/source/admin/admin-password-injection.rst
index 7c5a299ed9..1a4776b93a 100644
--- a/doc/source/admin/admin-password-injection.rst
+++ b/doc/source/admin/admin-password-injection.rst
@@ -53,12 +53,6 @@ the ``/etc/shadow`` file inside the virtual machine instance.
`CentOS cloud images <>`_ which, by default,
does not allow :command:`ssh` access to the instance with password.
-.. rubric:: Password injection and XenAPI (XenServer/XCP)
-When using the XenAPI hypervisor back end, Compute uses the XenAPI agent to
-inject passwords into guests. The virtual machine image must be configured with
-the agent for password injection to work.
.. rubric:: Password injection and Windows images (all hypervisors)
For Windows virtual machines, configure the Windows image to retrieve the admin
diff --git a/doc/source/admin/arch.rst b/doc/source/admin/arch.rst
index 2590b497f0..8869710fd5 100644
--- a/doc/source/admin/arch.rst
+++ b/doc/source/admin/arch.rst
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Compute controls hypervisors through an API server. Selecting the best
hypervisor to use can be difficult, and you must take budget, resource
constraints, supported features, and required technical specifications into
account. However, the majority of OpenStack development is done on systems
-using KVM and Xen-based hypervisors. For a detailed list of features and
+using KVM-based hypervisors. For a detailed list of features and
support across different hypervisors, see :doc:`/user/support-matrix`.
You can also orchestrate clouds using multiple hypervisors in different
@@ -72,8 +72,6 @@ availability zones. Compute supports the following hypervisors:
- `Xen (using libvirt) <>`__
-- `XenServer <>`__
- `zVM <>`__
For more information about hypervisors, see
diff --git a/doc/source/admin/config-drive.rst b/doc/source/admin/config-drive.rst
index 741445b30c..05f553478b 100644
--- a/doc/source/admin/config-drive.rst
+++ b/doc/source/admin/config-drive.rst
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ compute host and image.
.. rubric:: Compute host requirements
-The following virt drivers support the config drive: libvirt, XenServer,
+The following virt drivers support the config drive: libvirt,
Hyper-V, VMware, and (since 17.0.0 Queens) PowerVM. The Bare Metal service also
supports the config drive.
-- To use config drives with libvirt, XenServer, or VMware, you must first
+- To use config drives with libvirt or VMware, you must first
install the :command:`genisoimage` package on each compute host. Use the
:oslo.config:option:`mkisofs_cmd` config option to set the path where you
install the :command:`genisoimage` program. If :command:`genisoimage` is in
@@ -106,10 +106,4 @@ following to :file:`nova.conf`:
when booting instances. For more information, refer to the :ref:`user guide
-.. note::
- If using Xen with a config drive, you must use the
- :oslo.config:option:`xenserver.disable_agent` config option to disable the
- agent.
.. _cloud-init:
diff --git a/doc/source/admin/configuration/hypervisor-kvm.rst b/doc/source/admin/configuration/hypervisor-kvm.rst
index 243e7eb238..0403339cdf 100644
--- a/doc/source/admin/configuration/hypervisor-kvm.rst
+++ b/doc/source/admin/configuration/hypervisor-kvm.rst
@@ -135,8 +135,7 @@ system or find a system with this support.
and enable the VT option.
If KVM acceleration is not supported, configure Compute to use a different
-hypervisor, such as ``QEMU`` or ``Xen``. See :ref:`compute_qemu` or
-:ref:`compute_xen_api` for details.
+hypervisor, such as :ref:`QEMU <compute_qemu>`.
These procedures help you load the kernel modules for Intel-based and AMD-based
processors if they do not load automatically during KVM installation.
diff --git a/doc/source/admin/configuration/hypervisor-xen-api.rst b/doc/source/admin/configuration/hypervisor-xen-api.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 734abab11e..0000000000
--- a/doc/source/admin/configuration/hypervisor-xen-api.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-.. _compute_xen_api:
-XenServer (and other XAPI based Xen variants)
-.. deprecated:: 20.0.0
- The xenapi driver is deprecated and may be removed in a future release.
- The driver is not tested by the OpenStack project nor does it have clear
- maintainer(s) and thus its quality can not be ensured. If you are using
- the driver in production please let us know in freenode IRC and/or the
- openstack-discuss mailing list.
-.. todo::
- os-xenapi version is 0.3.1 currently.
- This document should be modified according to the new version.
- This todo has been reported as `bug 1718606`_.
-.. _bug 1718606:
-This section describes XAPI managed hypervisors, and how to use them with
-A hypervisor that provides the fundamental isolation between virtual machines.
-Xen is open source (GPLv2) and is managed by `
-<>`_, a cross-industry organization and a Linux
-Foundation Collaborative project.
-Xen is a component of many different products and projects. The hypervisor
-itself is very similar across all these projects, but the way that it is
-managed can be different, which can cause confusion if you're not clear which
-toolstack you are using. Make sure you know what `toolstack
-<>`_ you want before you get
-started. If you want to use Xen with libvirt in OpenStack Compute refer to
-XAPI is one of the toolstacks that could control a Xen based hypervisor.
-XAPI's role is similar to libvirt's in the KVM world. The API provided by XAPI
-is called XenAPI. To learn more about the provided interface, look at `XenAPI
-Object Model Overview <>`_
-for definitions of XAPI specific terms such as SR, VDI, VIF and PIF.
-OpenStack has a compute driver which talks to XAPI, therefore all XAPI managed
-servers could be used with OpenStack.
-XenAPI is the API provided by XAPI. This name is also used by the python
-library that is a client for XAPI. A set of packages to use XenAPI on existing
-distributions can be built using the `xenserver/buildroot
-<>`_ project.
-An Open Source virtualization platform that delivers all features needed for
-any server and datacenter implementation including the Xen hypervisor and XAPI
-for the management. For more information and product downloads, visit
-` <>`_.
-XCP is not supported anymore. XCP project recommends all XCP users to upgrade
-to the latest version of XenServer by visiting `
-Privileged and unprivileged domains
-A Xen host runs a number of virtual machines, VMs, or domains (the terms are
-synonymous on Xen). One of these is in charge of running the rest of the
-system, and is known as domain 0, or dom0. It is the first domain to boot after
-Xen, and owns the storage and networking hardware, the device drivers, and the
-primary control software. Any other VM is unprivileged, and is known as a domU
-or guest. All customer VMs are unprivileged, but you should note that on
-XenServer (and other XenAPI using hypervisors), the OpenStack Compute service
-(``nova-compute``) also runs in a domU. This gives a level of security
-isolation between the privileged system software and the OpenStack software
-(much of which is customer-facing). This architecture is described in more
-detail later.
-Paravirtualized versus hardware virtualized domains
-A Xen virtual machine can be paravirtualized (PV) or hardware virtualized
-(HVM). This refers to the interaction between Xen, domain 0, and the guest VM's
-kernel. PV guests are aware of the fact that they are virtualized and will
-co-operate with Xen and domain 0; this gives them better performance
-characteristics. HVM guests are not aware of their environment, and the
-hardware has to pretend that they are running on an unvirtualized machine. HVM
-guests do not need to modify the guest operating system, which is essential
-when running Windows.
-In OpenStack, customer VMs may run in either PV or HVM mode. However, the
-OpenStack domU (that's the one running ``nova-compute``) must be running in PV
-xapi pool
-A resource pool comprises multiple XenServer host installations, bound together
-into a single managed entity which can host virtual machines. When combined with
-shared storage, VMs could dynamically move between XenServer hosts, with minimal
-downtime since no block copying is needed.
-XenAPI deployment architecture
-A basic OpenStack deployment on a XAPI-managed server, assuming that the
-network provider is neutron network, looks like this:
-.. figure:: /_static/images/xenserver_architecture.png
- :width: 100%
-Key things to note:
-* The hypervisor: Xen
-* Domain 0: runs XAPI and some small pieces from OpenStack,
- the XAPI plug-ins.
-* OpenStack VM: The ``Compute`` service runs in a paravirtualized virtual
- machine, on the host under management. Each host runs a local instance of
- ``Compute``. It is also running neutron plugin-agent
- (``neutron-openvswitch-agent``) to perform local vSwitch configuration.
-* OpenStack Compute uses the XenAPI Python library to talk to XAPI, and it uses
- the Management Network to reach from the OpenStack VM to Domain 0.
-Some notes on the networking:
-* The above diagram assumes DHCP networking.
-* There are three main OpenStack networks:
- * Management network: RabbitMQ, MySQL, inter-host communication, and
- compute-XAPI communication. Please note that the VM images are downloaded
- by the XenAPI plug-ins, so make sure that the OpenStack Image service is
- accessible through this network. It usually means binding those services to
- the management interface.
- * Tenant network: controlled by neutron, this is used for tenant traffic.
- * Public network: floating IPs, public API endpoints.
-* The networks shown here must be connected to the corresponding physical
- networks within the data center. In the simplest case, three individual
- physical network cards could be used. It is also possible to use VLANs to
- separate these networks. Please note, that the selected configuration must be
- in line with the networking model selected for the cloud. (In case of VLAN
- networking, the physical channels have to be able to forward the tagged
- traffic.)
-* With the Networking service, you should enable Linux bridge in ``Dom0`` which
- is used for Compute service. ``nova-compute`` will create Linux bridges for
- security group and ``neutron-openvswitch-agent`` in Compute node will apply
- security group rules on these Linux bridges. To implement this, you need to
- remove ``/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-bridge*`` in ``Dom0``.
-Further reading
-Here are some of the resources available to learn more about Xen:
-* `Citrix XenServer official documentation
- <>`_
-* `What is Xen? by
- <>`_
-* `Xen Hypervisor project
- <>`_
-* `Xapi project <>`_
-* `Further XenServer and OpenStack information
- <>`_
-Install XenServer
-Before you can run OpenStack with XenServer, you must install the hypervisor on
-`an appropriate server <
-.. note::
- Xen is a type 1 hypervisor: When your server starts, Xen is the first
- software that runs. Consequently, you must install XenServer before you
- install the operating system where you want to run OpenStack code. You then
- install ``nova-compute`` into a dedicated virtual machine on the host.
-Use the following link to download XenServer's installation media:
-When you install many servers, you might find it easier to perform `PXE boot
-installations <
-1.0/en_gb/installation.html#pxe_boot_install>`_. You can also package any
-post-installation changes that you want to make to your XenServer by following
-the instructions of `creating your own XenServer supplemental pack
-.. important::
- When using ``[xenserver]image_handler=direct_vhd`` (the default), make sure
- you use the EXT type of storage repository (SR). Features that require access
- to VHD files (such as copy on write, snapshot and migration) do not work when
- you use the LVM SR. Storage repository (SR) is a XAPI-specific term relating to
- the physical storage where virtual disks are stored.
- On the XenServer installation screen, choose the :guilabel:`XenDesktop
- Optimized` option. If you use an answer file, make sure you use
- ``srtype="ext"`` in the ``installation`` tag of the answer file.
-Post-installation steps
-The following steps need to be completed after the hypervisor's installation:
-#. For resize and migrate functionality, enable password-less SSH
- authentication and set up the ``/images`` directory on dom0.
-#. Install the XAPI plug-ins.
-#. To support AMI type images, you must set up ``/boot/guest``
- symlink/directory in dom0.
-#. Create a paravirtualized virtual machine that can run ``nova-compute``.
-#. Install and configure ``nova-compute`` in the above virtual machine.
-#. To support live migration requiring no block device migration, you should
- add the current host to a xapi pool using shared storage. You need to know
- the pool master ip address, user name and password:
-.. code-block:: console
- xe pool-join master-address=MASTER_IP master-username=root master-password=MASTER_PASSWORD
-Install XAPI plug-ins
-When you use a XAPI managed hypervisor, you can install a Python script (or any
-executable) on the host side, and execute that through XenAPI. These scripts
-are called plug-ins. The OpenStack related XAPI plug-ins live in OpenStack
-os-xenapi code repository. These plug-ins have to be copied to dom0's
-filesystem, to the appropriate directory, where XAPI can find them. It is
-important to ensure that the version of the plug-ins are in line with the
-OpenStack Compute installation you are using.
-The plugins should typically be copied from the Nova installation running in
-the Compute's DomU (``pip show os-xenapi`` to find its location), but if you
-want to download the latest version the following procedure can be used.
-**Manually installing the plug-ins**
-#. Create temporary files/directories:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ OS_XENAPI_TARBALL=$(mktemp)
- $ OS_XENAPI_SOURCES=$(mktemp -d)
-#. Get the source from the archives. The example assumes the
- latest release is used, and the XenServer host is accessible as xenserver.
- Match those parameters to your setup.
- .. code-block:: console
-#. Copy the plug-ins to the hypervisor:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ PLUGINPATH=$(find $OS_XENAPI_SOURCES -path '*/xapi.d/plugins' -type d -print)
- $ tar -czf - -C "$PLUGINPATH" ./ |
- > ssh root@xenserver tar -xozf - -C /etc/xapi.d/plugins
-#. Remove temporary files/directories:</para>
- .. code-block:: console
- $ rm -rf "$OS_XENAPI_SOURCES"
-Prepare for AMI type images
-To support AMI type images in your OpenStack installation, you must create the
-``/boot/guest`` directory on dom0. One of the OpenStack XAPI plugins will
-extract the kernel and ramdisk from AKI and ARI images and put them to that
-OpenStack maintains the contents of this directory and its size should not
-increase during normal operation. However, in case of power failures or
-accidental shutdowns, some files might be left over. To prevent these files
-from filling up dom0's filesystem, set up this directory as a symlink that
-points to a subdirectory of the local SR.
-Run these commands in dom0 to achieve this setup:
-.. code-block:: console
- # LOCAL_SR=$(xe sr-list name-label="Local storage" --minimal)
- # LOCALPATH="/var/run/sr-mount/$LOCAL_SR/os-guest-kernels"
- # mkdir -p "$LOCALPATH"
- # ln -s "$LOCALPATH" /boot/guest
-Modify dom0 for resize/migration support
-To resize servers with XenServer you must:
-* Establish a root trust between all hypervisor nodes of your deployment:
- To do so, generate an ssh key-pair with the :command:`ssh-keygen` command.
- Ensure that each of your dom0's ``authorized_keys`` file (located in
- ``/root/.ssh/authorized_keys``) contains the public key fingerprint (located
- in ``/root/.ssh/``).
-* Provide a ``/images`` mount point to the dom0 for your hypervisor:
- dom0 space is at a premium so creating a directory in dom0 is potentially
- dangerous and likely to fail especially when you resize large servers. The
- least you can do is to symlink ``/images`` to your local storage SR. The
- following instructions work for an English-based installation of XenServer
- and in the case of ext3-based SR (with which the resize functionality is
- known to work correctly).
- .. code-block:: console
- # LOCAL_SR=$(xe sr-list name-label="Local storage" --minimal)
- # IMG_DIR="/var/run/sr-mount/$LOCAL_SR/images"
- # mkdir -p "$IMG_DIR"
- # ln -s "$IMG_DIR" /images
-XenAPI configuration reference
-The following section discusses some commonly changed options when using the
-XenAPI driver. The table below provides a complete reference of all
-configuration options available for configuring XAPI with OpenStack.
-The recommended way to use XAPI with OpenStack is through the XenAPI driver.
-To enable the XenAPI driver, add the following configuration options to
-``/etc/nova/nova.conf`` and restart ``OpenStack Compute``:
-.. code-block:: ini
- compute_driver = xenapi.XenAPIDriver
- [xenserver]
- connection_url = http://your_xenapi_management_ip_address
- connection_username = root
- connection_password = your_password
- ovs_integration_bridge = br-int
-These connection details are used by OpenStack Compute service to contact your
-hypervisor and are the same details you use to connect XenCenter, the XenServer
-management console, to your XenServer node.
-.. note::
- The ``connection_url`` is generally the management network IP
- address of the XenServer.
-Networking configuration
-The Networking service in the Compute node is running
-``neutron-openvswitch-agent``. This manages ``dom0``\'s OVS. You should refer
-to the :neutron-doc:`openvswitch_agent.ini sample
-<configuration/samples/openvswitch-agent.html>` for details, however there are
-several specific items to look out for.
-.. code-block:: ini
- [agent]
- minimize_polling = False
- root_helper_daemon = xenapi_root_helper
- [ovs]
- of_listen_address = management_ip_address
- ovsdb_connection = tcp:your_xenapi_management_ip_address:6640
- bridge_mappings = <physical_network>:<physical_bridge>, ...
- integration_bridge = br-int
- [xenapi]
- connection_url = http://your_xenapi_management_ip_address
- connection_username = root
- connection_password = your_pass_word
-.. note::
- The ``ovsdb_connection`` is the connection string for the native OVSDB
- backend, you need to enable port 6640 in dom0.
-The agent is a piece of software that runs on the instances, and communicates
-with OpenStack. In case of the XenAPI driver, the agent communicates with
-OpenStack through XenStore (see `the Xen Project Wiki
-<>`_ for more information on XenStore).
-If you don't have the guest agent on your VMs, it takes a long time for
-OpenStack Compute to detect that the VM has successfully started. Generally a
-large timeout is required for Windows instances, but you may want to adjust:
-``agent_version_timeout`` within the ``[xenserver]`` section.
-VNC proxy address
-Assuming you are talking to XAPI through a management network, and XenServer is
-on the address: specify the same address for the vnc proxy address:
-You can specify which Storage Repository to use with nova by editing the
-following flag. To use the local-storage setup by the default installer:
-.. code-block:: ini
- sr_matching_filter = "other-config:i18n-key=local-storage"
-Another alternative is to use the "default" storage (for example if you have
-attached NFS or any other shared storage):
-.. code-block:: ini
- sr_matching_filter = "default-sr:true"
-Use different image handler
-We support three different implementations for glance image handler. You
-can choose a specific image handler based on the demand:
-* ``direct_vhd``: This image handler will call XAPI plugins to directly
- process the VHD files in XenServer SR(Storage Repository). So this handler
- only works when the host's SR type is file system based e.g. ext, nfs.
-* ``vdi_local_dev``: This image handler uploads ``tgz`` compressed raw
- disk images to the glance image service.
-* ``vdi_remote_stream``: With this image handler, the image data streams
- between XenServer and the glance image service. As it uses the remote
- APIs supported by XAPI, this plugin works for all SR types supported by
- XenServer.
-``direct_vhd`` is the default image handler. If want to use a different image
-handler, you can change the config setting of ``image_handler`` within the
-``[xenserver]`` section. For example, the following config setting is to use
-``vdi_remote_stream`` as the image handler:
-.. code-block:: ini
- [xenserver]
- image_handler=vdi_remote_stream
diff --git a/doc/source/admin/configuration/hypervisor-xen-libvirt.rst b/doc/source/admin/configuration/hypervisor-xen-libvirt.rst
index 5ffef048dd..3cb2cf5de0 100644
--- a/doc/source/admin/configuration/hypervisor-xen-libvirt.rst
+++ b/doc/source/admin/configuration/hypervisor-xen-libvirt.rst
@@ -4,11 +4,8 @@ Xen via libvirt
OpenStack Compute supports the Xen Project Hypervisor (or Xen). Xen can be
integrated with OpenStack Compute via the `libvirt <>`_
-`toolstack <>`_ or via the `XAPI
-<>`_ `toolstack
-<>`_. This section describes how
-to set up OpenStack Compute with Xen and libvirt. For information on how to
-set up Xen with XAPI refer to :doc:`hypervisor-xen-api`.
+`toolstack <>`_ `toolstack
Installing Xen with libvirt
diff --git a/doc/source/admin/configuration/hypervisors.rst b/doc/source/admin/configuration/hypervisors.rst
index 9f61a33e3c..d784c0d39a 100644
--- a/doc/source/admin/configuration/hypervisors.rst
+++ b/doc/source/admin/configuration/hypervisors.rst
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ Hypervisors
- hypervisor-xen-api
@@ -47,10 +46,6 @@ The following hypervisors are supported:
management interface into ``nova-compute`` to run Linux, Windows, FreeBSD and
NetBSD virtual machines.
-* `XenServer`_ - XenServer, Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) and other XAPI based Xen
- variants runs Linux or Windows virtual machines. You must install the
- ``nova-compute`` service in a para-virtualized VM.
* `Hyper-V`_ - Server virtualization with Microsoft Hyper-V, use to run
Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD virtual machines. Runs ``nova-compute`` natively
on the Windows virtualization platform.
@@ -81,8 +76,6 @@ virt drivers:
can be configured via the :oslo.config:option:`libvirt.virt_type` config
-* :oslo.config:option:`compute_driver` = ``xenapi.XenAPIDriver``
* :oslo.config:option:`compute_driver` = ``ironic.IronicDriver``
* :oslo.config:option:`compute_driver` = ``vmwareapi.VMwareVCDriver``
@@ -104,7 +97,6 @@ virt drivers:
.. _QEMU:
.. _VMware vSphere:
.. _Xen (using libvirt):
-.. _XenServer:
.. _Hyper-V:
.. _Virtuozzo:
.. _PowerVM:
diff --git a/doc/source/admin/configuration/resize.rst b/doc/source/admin/configuration/resize.rst
index 6b5e757754..abf0828f33 100644
--- a/doc/source/admin/configuration/resize.rst
+++ b/doc/source/admin/configuration/resize.rst
@@ -27,12 +27,6 @@ compute host to another is needed to copy the VM file across.
Cloud end users can find out how to resize a server by reading
-To get resize to work with XenServer (and XCP), you need to establish a root
-trust between all hypervisor nodes and provide an ``/image`` mount point to
-your hypervisors dom0.
Automatic confirm
diff --git a/doc/source/admin/configuration/schedulers.rst b/doc/source/admin/configuration/schedulers.rst
index a82f5979a3..f2e023b897 100644
--- a/doc/source/admin/configuration/schedulers.rst
+++ b/doc/source/admin/configuration/schedulers.rst
@@ -436,8 +436,8 @@ The image properties that the filter checks for are:
This was previously called ``architecture``.
- Describes the hypervisor required by the image. Examples are ``qemu``,
- ``xenapi``, and ``hyperv``.
+ Describes the hypervisor required by the image. Examples are ``qemu``
+ and ``hyperv``.
.. note::
@@ -874,13 +874,6 @@ file. For example to configure metric1 with ratio1 and metric2 with ratio2:
weight_setting = "metric1=ratio1, metric2=ratio2"
-XenServer hypervisor pools to support live migration
-When using the XenAPI-based hypervisor, the Compute service uses host
-aggregates to manage XenServer Resource pools, which are used in supporting
-live migration.
Allocation ratios
@@ -981,19 +974,6 @@ HyperV
account for this overhead, based on the amount of memory available
to instances.
- XenServer memory overhead is proportional to the size of the VM and larger
- flavor VMs become more efficient with respect to overhead. This overhead
- can be calculated using the following formula::
- overhead (MB) = (instance.memory * 0.00781) + (instance.vcpus * 1.5) + 3
- You should configure the
- :oslo.config:option:`reserved_host_memory_mb` config option to
- account for this overhead, based on the size of your hosts and
- instances. For more information, refer to
Cells considerations
diff --git a/doc/source/admin/configuring-migrations.rst b/doc/source/admin/configuring-migrations.rst
index b2d76b131b..63edae6e21 100644
--- a/doc/source/admin/configuring-migrations.rst
+++ b/doc/source/admin/configuring-migrations.rst
@@ -10,11 +10,9 @@ source host, but migration can also be useful to redistribute the load when
many VM instances are running on a specific physical machine.
This document covers live migrations using the
-:ref:`configuring-migrations-kvm-libvirt` and
-:ref:`configuring-migrations-xenserver` hypervisors.
+:ref:`configuring-migrations-kvm-libvirt` and VMWare hypervisors
.. :ref:`_configuring-migrations-kvm-libvirt`
-.. :ref:`_configuring-migrations-xenserver`
.. note::
@@ -68,17 +66,17 @@ The migration types are:
different host in the same cell, but not across cells.
The following sections describe how to configure your hosts for live migrations
-using the KVM and XenServer hypervisors.
+using the libvirt virt driver and KVM hypervisor.
.. _configuring-migrations-kvm-libvirt:
.. _configuring-migrations-kvm-general:
General configuration
To enable any type of live migration, configure the compute hosts according to
the instructions below:
@@ -135,7 +133,7 @@ the instructions below:
.. _`configuring-migrations-securing-live-migration-streams`:
Securing live migration streams
If your compute nodes have at least libvirt 4.4.0 and QEMU 2.11.0, it is
strongly recommended to secure all your live migration streams by taking
@@ -148,7 +146,7 @@ on how to set this all up, refer to the
.. _configuring-migrations-kvm-block-and-volume-migration:
Block migration, volume-based live migration
If your environment satisfies the requirements for "QEMU-native TLS",
then block migration requires some setup; refer to the above section,
@@ -161,7 +159,7 @@ Be aware that block migration adds load to the network and storage subsystems.
.. _configuring-migrations-kvm-shared-storage:
Shared storage
Compute hosts have many options for sharing storage, for example NFS, shared
disk array LUNs, Ceph or GlusterFS.
@@ -221,7 +219,7 @@ hosts.
.. _configuring-migrations-kvm-advanced:
Advanced configuration for KVM and QEMU
Live migration copies the instance's memory from the source to the destination
compute host. After a memory page has been copied, the instance may write to it
@@ -319,94 +317,16 @@ memory-intensive instances succeed.
The full list of live migration configuration parameters is documented in the
:doc:`Nova Configuration Options </configuration/config>`
-.. _configuring-migrations-xenserver:
-.. :ref:Shared Storage
-.. :ref:Block migration
-.. _configuring-migrations-xenserver-shared-storage:
-Shared storage
-- **Compatible XenServer hypervisors**.
- For more information, see the `Requirements for Creating Resource Pools
- <>`_
- section of the XenServer Administrator's Guide.
-- **Shared storage**.
- An NFS export, visible to all XenServer hosts.
- .. note::
- For the supported NFS versions, see the `NFS and SMB
- <>`_
- section of the XenServer Administrator's Guide.
-To use shared storage live migration with XenServer hypervisors, the hosts must
-be joined to a XenServer pool.
-.. rubric:: Using shared storage live migrations with XenServer Hypervisors
-#. Add an NFS VHD storage to your master XenServer, and set it as the default
- storage repository. For more information, see NFS VHD in the XenServer
- Administrator's Guide.
-#. Configure all compute nodes to use the default storage repository (``sr``)
- for pool operations. Add this line to your ``nova.conf`` configuration files
- on all compute nodes:
- .. code-block:: ini
- sr_matching_filter=default-sr:true
-#. To add a host to a pool, you need to know the pool master ip address,
- user name and password. Run below command on the XenServer host:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ xe pool-join master-address=MASTER_IP master-username=root master-password=MASTER_PASSWORD
- .. note::
- The added compute node and the host will shut down to join the host to
- the XenServer pool. The operation will fail if any server other than the
- compute node is running or suspended on the host.
-.. _configuring-migrations-xenserver-block-migration:
-Block migration
-- **Compatible XenServer hypervisors**.
- The hypervisors must support the Storage XenMotion feature. See your
- XenServer manual to make sure your edition has this feature.
- .. note::
- - To use block migration, you must use the ``--block-migrate`` parameter
- with the live migration command.
- - Block migration works only with EXT local storage storage repositories,
- and the server must not have any volumes attached.
.. :ref:`_configuring-migrations-vmware`
.. _configuring-migrations-vmware:
vSphere configuration
Enable vMotion on all ESX hosts which are managed by Nova by following the
instructions in `this <>`_ KB article.
diff --git a/doc/source/admin/virtual-gpu.rst b/doc/source/admin/virtual-gpu.rst
index 917537ed78..3c7d62ec96 100644
--- a/doc/source/admin/virtual-gpu.rst
+++ b/doc/source/admin/virtual-gpu.rst
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
Attaching virtual GPU devices to guests
+.. important::
+ The functionality described below is only supported by the libvirt/KVM
+ driver.
The virtual GPU feature in Nova allows a deployment to provide specific GPU
types for instances using physical GPUs that can provide virtual devices.
@@ -10,11 +15,11 @@ Graphics Processing Unit (pGPU) can be virtualized as multiple virtual Graphics
Processing Units (vGPUs) if the hypervisor supports the hardware driver and has
the capability to create guests using those virtual devices.
-This feature is highly dependent on the hypervisor, its version and the
-physical devices present on the host. In addition, the vendor's vGPU driver software
+This feature is highly dependent on the version of libvirt and the physical
+devices present on the host. In addition, the vendor's vGPU driver software
must be installed and configured on the host at the same time.
-Hypervisor-specific caveats are mentioned in the `Caveats`_ section.
+Caveats are mentioned in the `Caveats`_ section.
To enable virtual GPUs, follow the steps below:
@@ -86,14 +91,15 @@ Configure a flavor to request one virtual GPU:
.. note::
- As of the Queens release, all hypervisors that support virtual GPUs
- only accept a single virtual GPU per instance.
+ As of the Queens release, all hypervisors that support virtual GPUs
+ only accept a single virtual GPU per instance.
The enabled vGPU types on the compute hosts are not exposed to API users.
Flavors configured for vGPU support can be tied to host aggregates as a means
to properly schedule those flavors onto the compute hosts that support them.
See :doc:`/admin/aggregates` for more information.
Create instances with virtual GPU devices
@@ -114,92 +120,36 @@ provided by compute nodes.
How to discover a GPU type
-Depending on your hypervisor:
-- For libvirt, virtual GPUs are seen as mediated devices. Physical PCI devices
- (the graphic card here) supporting virtual GPUs propose mediated device
- (mdev) types. Since mediated devices are supported by the Linux kernel
- through sysfs files after installing the vendor's virtual GPUs driver
- software, you can see the required properties as follows:
- .. code-block:: console
- $ ls /sys/class/mdev_bus/*/mdev_supported_types
- /sys/class/mdev_bus/0000:84:00.0/mdev_supported_types:
- nvidia-35 nvidia-36 nvidia-37 nvidia-38 nvidia-39 nvidia-40 nvidia-41 nvidia-42 nvidia-43 nvidia-44 nvidia-45
- /sys/class/mdev_bus/0000:85:00.0/mdev_supported_types:
- nvidia-35 nvidia-36 nvidia-37 nvidia-38 nvidia-39 nvidia-40 nvidia-41 nvidia-42 nvidia-43 nvidia-44 nvidia-45
- /sys/class/mdev_bus/0000:86:00.0/mdev_supported_types:
- nvidia-35 nvidia-36 nvidia-37 nvidia-38 nvidia-39 nvidia-40 nvidia-41 nvidia-42 nvidia-43 nvidia-44 nvidia-45
- /sys/class/mdev_bus/0000:87:00.0/mdev_supported_types:
- nvidia-35 nvidia-36 nvidia-37 nvidia-38 nvidia-39 nvidia-40 nvidia-41 nvidia-42 nvidia-43 nvidia-44 nvidia-45
-- For XenServer, virtual GPU types are created by XenServer at startup
- depending on the available hardware and config files present in dom0.
- You can run the command of ``xe vgpu-type-list`` from dom0 to get the
- available vGPU types. The value for the field of ``model-name ( RO):``
- is the vGPU type's name which can be used to set the nova config option
- ``[devices]/enabled_vgpu_types``. See the following example:
- .. code-block:: console
- [root@trailblazer-2 ~]# xe vgpu-type-list
- uuid ( RO) : 78d2d963-41d6-4130-8842-aedbc559709f
- vendor-name ( RO): NVIDIA Corporation
- model-name ( RO): GRID M60-8Q
- max-heads ( RO): 4
- max-resolution ( RO): 4096x2160
- uuid ( RO) : a1bb1692-8ce3-4577-a611-6b4b8f35a5c9
- vendor-name ( RO): NVIDIA Corporation
- model-name ( RO): GRID M60-0Q
- max-heads ( RO): 2
- max-resolution ( RO): 2560x1600
+Virtual GPUs are seen as mediated devices. Physical PCI devices (the graphic
+card here) supporting virtual GPUs propose mediated device (mdev) types. Since
+mediated devices are supported by the Linux kernel through sysfs files after
+installing the vendor's virtual GPUs driver software, you can see the required
+properties as follows:
- uuid ( RO) : 69d03200-49eb-4002-b661-824aec4fd26f
- vendor-name ( RO): NVIDIA Corporation
- model-name ( RO): GRID M60-2A
- max-heads ( RO): 1
- max-resolution ( RO): 1280x1024
- uuid ( RO) : c58b1007-8b47-4336-95aa-981a5634d03d
- vendor-name ( RO): NVIDIA Corporation
- model-name ( RO): GRID M60-4Q
- max-heads ( RO): 4
- max-resolution ( RO): 4096x2160
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ ls /sys/class/mdev_bus/*/mdev_supported_types
+ /sys/class/mdev_bus/0000:84:00.0/mdev_supported_types:
+ nvidia-35 nvidia-36 nvidia-37 nvidia-38 nvidia-39 nvidia-40 nvidia-41 nvidia-42 nvidia-43 nvidia-44 nvidia-45
- uuid ( RO) : 292a2b20-887f-4a13-b310-98a75c53b61f
- vendor-name ( RO): NVIDIA Corporation
- model-name ( RO): GRID M60-2Q
- max-heads ( RO): 4
- max-resolution ( RO): 4096x2160
+ /sys/class/mdev_bus/0000:85:00.0/mdev_supported_types:
+ nvidia-35 nvidia-36 nvidia-37 nvidia-38 nvidia-39 nvidia-40 nvidia-41 nvidia-42 nvidia-43 nvidia-44 nvidia-45
+ /sys/class/mdev_bus/0000:86:00.0/mdev_supported_types:
+ nvidia-35 nvidia-36 nvidia-37 nvidia-38 nvidia-39 nvidia-40 nvidia-41 nvidia-42 nvidia-43 nvidia-44 nvidia-45
- uuid ( RO) : d377db6b-a068-4a98-92a8-f94bd8d6cc5d
- vendor-name ( RO): NVIDIA Corporation
- model-name ( RO): GRID M60-0B
- max-heads ( RO): 2
- max-resolution ( RO): 2560x1600
+ /sys/class/mdev_bus/0000:87:00.0/mdev_supported_types:
+ nvidia-35 nvidia-36 nvidia-37 nvidia-38 nvidia-39 nvidia-40 nvidia-41 nvidia-42 nvidia-43 nvidia-44 nvidia-45
- ...
Checking allocations and inventories for virtual GPUs
.. note::
- The information below is only valid from the 19.0.0 Stein release and only
- for the libvirt driver. Before this release or when using the Xen driver,
- inventories and allocations related to a ``VGPU`` resource class are still
- on the root resource provider related to the compute node.
+ The information below is only valid from the 19.0.0 Stein release. Before
+ this release, inventories and allocations related to a ``VGPU`` resource
+ class are still on the root resource provider related to the compute node.
If upgrading from Rocky and using the libvirt driver, ``VGPU`` inventory and
allocations are moved to child resource providers that represent actual
physical GPUs.
@@ -348,8 +298,6 @@ Caveats
This information is correct as of the 17.0.0 Queens release. Where
improvements have been made or issues fixed, they are noted per item.
-For libvirt:
* Suspending a guest that has vGPUs doesn't yet work because of a libvirt
limitation (it can't hot-unplug mediated devices from a guest). Workarounds
using other instance actions (like snapshotting the instance or shelving it)
@@ -405,28 +353,6 @@ For nested vGPUs:
- You can ask for a flavor with 2 vGPU with --max 2.
- But you can't ask for a flavor with 4 vGPU and --max 2.
-For XenServer:
-* Suspend and live migration with vGPUs attached depends on support from the
- underlying XenServer version. Please see XenServer release notes for up to
- date information on when a hypervisor supporting live migration and
- suspend/resume with vGPUs is available. If a suspend or live migrate operation
- is attempted with a XenServer version that does not support that operation, an
- internal exception will occur that will cause nova setting the instance to
- be in ERROR status. You can use the command of
- ``openstack server set --state active <server>`` to set it back to ACTIVE.
-* Resizing an instance with a new flavor that has vGPU resources doesn't
- allocate those vGPUs to the instance (the instance is created without
- vGPU resources). The proposed workaround is to rebuild the instance after
- resizing it. The rebuild operation allocates vGPUS to the instance.
-* Cold migrating an instance to another host will have the same problem as
- resize. If you want to migrate an instance, make sure to rebuild it after the
- migration.
-* Multiple GPU types per compute is not supported by the XenServer driver.
.. _bug 1778563:
.. _bug 1762688:
diff --git a/doc/source/contributor/code-review.rst b/doc/source/contributor/code-review.rst
index 8d309ca997..89d2457899 100644
--- a/doc/source/contributor/code-review.rst
+++ b/doc/source/contributor/code-review.rst
@@ -176,9 +176,9 @@ from the relevant third party test, on the latest patchset, before a +2 vote
can be applied.
Specifically, changes to nova/virt/driver/<NNNN> need a +1 vote from the
respective third party CI.
-For example, if you change something in the XenAPI virt driver, you must wait
-for a +1 from the XenServer CI on the latest patchset, before you can give
-that patch set a +2 vote.
+For example, if you change something in the Hyper-V virt driver, you must wait
+for a +1 from the Hyper-V CI on the latest patchset, before you can give that
+patch set a +2 vote.
This is important to ensure:
diff --git a/doc/source/install/get-started-compute.rst b/doc/source/install/get-started-compute.rst
index 96751396ea..e3e81033cd 100644
--- a/doc/source/install/get-started-compute.rst
+++ b/doc/source/install/get-started-compute.rst
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ OpenStack Compute consists of the following areas and their components:
A worker daemon that creates and terminates virtual machine instances through
hypervisor APIs. For example:
- - XenAPI for XenServer/XCP
- libvirt for KVM or QEMU
- VMwareAPI for VMware
diff --git a/doc/source/user/cellsv2-layout.rst b/doc/source/user/cellsv2-layout.rst
index af1456203e..945770c665 100644
--- a/doc/source/user/cellsv2-layout.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user/cellsv2-layout.rst
@@ -376,12 +376,12 @@ affinity check, you should set
``[workarounds]/disable_group_policy_check_upcall=True`` and
``[filter_scheduler]/track_instance_changes=False`` in ``nova.conf``.
-The fourth is currently only a problem when performing live migrations
-using the XenAPI driver and not specifying ``--block-migrate``. The
-driver will attempt to figure out if block migration should be performed
-based on source and destination hosts being in the same aggregate. Since
-aggregates data has migrated to the API database, the cell conductor will
-not be able to access the aggregate information and will fail.
+The fourth was previously only a problem when performing live migrations using
+the since-removed XenAPI driver and not specifying ``--block-migrate``. The
+driver would attempt to figure out if block migration should be performed based
+on source and destination hosts being in the same aggregate. Since aggregates
+data had migrated to the API database, the cell conductor would not be able to
+access the aggregate information and would fail.
The fifth is a problem because when a volume is attached to an instance
in the *nova-compute* service, and ``[cinder]/cross_az_attach=False`` in
diff --git a/doc/source/user/feature-matrix-gp.ini b/doc/source/user/feature-matrix-gp.ini
index db264504d2..6b6f88d775 100644
--- a/doc/source/user/feature-matrix-gp.ini
+++ b/doc/source/user/feature-matrix-gp.ini
@@ -22,10 +22,6 @@ link=
-title=XenServer CI
title=VMware CI
@@ -76,7 +72,6 @@ driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-ct=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is i
driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-vm=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
@@ -98,7 +93,6 @@ driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-ct=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is i
driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-vm=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
@@ -119,7 +113,6 @@ driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-ct=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is i
driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-vm=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
@@ -140,7 +133,6 @@ driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-ct=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is i
driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-vm=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
@@ -161,7 +153,6 @@ libvirt-virtuozzo-ct=complete
driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-vm=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
@@ -181,7 +172,6 @@ libvirt-kvm-s390=unknown
@@ -206,8 +196,6 @@ libvirt-kvm-s390=unknown
-driver-notes-xenserver=This is not tested in a CI system, and only partially implemented.
driver-notes-vmware=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
@@ -231,8 +219,6 @@ libvirt-virtuozzo-ct=unknown
driver-notes-libvirt-xen=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
-driver-notes-xenserver=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
driver-notes-vmware=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
@@ -256,7 +242,6 @@ libvirt-virtuozzo-ct=missing
driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-vm=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
driver-notes-vmware=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
@@ -279,7 +264,6 @@ driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-ct=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is i
driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-vm=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
@@ -299,7 +283,6 @@ libvirt-kvm-s390=unknown
driver-notes-vmware=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
@@ -323,7 +306,6 @@ libvirt-virtuozzo-ct=partial
driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-ct=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
driver-notes-hyperv=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
@@ -346,7 +328,6 @@ libvirt-virtuozzo-ct=missing
driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-vm=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
@@ -368,8 +349,6 @@ libvirt-kvm-s390=unknown
-driver-notes-xenserver=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
driver-notes-hyperv=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
@@ -392,7 +371,6 @@ libvirt-kvm-s390=unknown
diff --git a/doc/source/user/feature-matrix-hpc.ini b/doc/source/user/feature-matrix-hpc.ini
index c425cb8658..30ba64e6ce 100644
--- a/doc/source/user/feature-matrix-hpc.ini
+++ b/doc/source/user/feature-matrix-hpc.ini
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ link=
-title=XenServer CI
title=VMware CI
@@ -57,7 +53,6 @@ driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-ct=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is i
driver-notes-libvirt-virtuozzo-vm=This is not tested in a CI system, but it is implemented.
@@ -75,7 +70,6 @@ libvirt-kvm-s390=unknown
diff --git a/doc/source/user/support-matrix.ini b/doc/source/user/support-matrix.ini
index 4cee38a784..d07ee3507c 100644
--- a/doc/source/user/support-matrix.ini
+++ b/doc/source/user/support-matrix.ini
@@ -71,9 +71,6 @@
# document, and merge it with this when their code merges into
# Nova core.
title=Libvirt KVM (x86)
@@ -128,7 +125,6 @@ notes=The attach volume operation provides a means to hotplug
is considered to be more of a pet than cattle. Therefore
this operation is not considered to be mandatory to support.
cli=nova volume-attach <server> <volume>
@@ -152,7 +148,6 @@ status=optional
notes=Attach a block device with a tag to an existing server instance. See
"Device tags" for more information.
cli=nova volume-attach <server> <volume> [--tag <tag>]
@@ -173,7 +168,6 @@ title=Detach block volume from instance
notes=See notes for attach volume operation.
cli=nova volume-detach <server> <volume>
@@ -203,7 +197,6 @@ notes=The extend volume operation provides a means to extend
where the instance is considered to be more of a pet than cattle.
Therefore this operation is not considered to be mandatory to support.
cli=cinder extend <volume> <new_size>
@@ -232,7 +225,6 @@ notes=The attach interface operation provides a means to hotplug
In a cloud model it would be more typical to just spin up a
new instance with more interfaces.
cli=nova interface-attach <server>
@@ -257,7 +249,6 @@ status=optional
notes=Attach a virtual network interface with a tag to an existing
server instance. See "Device tags" for more information.
cli=nova interface-attach <server> [--tag <tag>]
@@ -278,7 +269,6 @@ title=Detach virtual network interface from instance
notes=See notes for attach-interface operation.
cli=nova interface-detach <server> <port_id>
@@ -308,7 +298,6 @@ notes=This operation allows a host to be placed into maintenance
The driver methods to implement are "host_maintenance_mode" and
cli=nova host-update <host>
@@ -336,7 +325,6 @@ notes=A possible failure scenario in a cloud environment is the outage
dropped. That happens in the same way as a rebuild.
This is not considered to be a mandatory operation to support.
cli=nova evacuate <server>;nova host-evacuate <host>
@@ -361,7 +349,6 @@ notes=A possible use case is additional attributes need to be set
'personalities'. Though this is not considered to be a mandatory
operation to support.
cli=nova rebuild <server> <image>
@@ -385,7 +372,6 @@ notes=Provides realtime information about the power state of the guest
tracking changes in guests, this operation is considered mandatory to
@@ -407,7 +393,6 @@ status=optional
notes=Returns the result of host uptime since power on,
it's used to report hypervisor status.
@@ -429,7 +414,6 @@ status=optional
notes=Returns the ip of this host, it's used when doing
resize and migration.
@@ -460,7 +444,6 @@ notes=Live migration provides a way to move an instance off one
built on the container based virtualization. Therefore this
operation is not considered mandatory to support.
cli=nova live-migration <server>;nova host-evacuate-live <host>
@@ -490,7 +473,6 @@ notes=Live migration provides a way to move a running instance to another
a switch to post-copy mode. Otherwise the instance will be suspended
until the migration is completed or aborted.
cli=nova live-migration-force-complete <server> <migration>
driver-notes.libvirt-kvm-x86=Requires libvirt>=1.3.3, qemu>=2.5.0
@@ -525,7 +507,6 @@ notes=Live migration provides a way to move a running instance to another
the job status changes to "running", only some of the hypervisors support
this feature.
cli=nova live-migration-abort <server> <migration>
@@ -548,7 +529,6 @@ notes=Importing pre-existing running virtual machines on a host is
considered out of scope of the cloud paradigm. Therefore this
operation is mandatory to support in drivers.
@@ -577,7 +557,6 @@ notes=Stopping an instances CPUs can be thought of as roughly
implement it. Therefore this operation is considered optional
to support in drivers.
cli=nova pause <server>
@@ -602,7 +581,6 @@ notes=It is reasonable for a guest OS administrator to trigger a
reboot can be achieved by a combination of stop+start. Therefore
this operation is considered optional.
cli=nova reboot <server>
@@ -630,7 +608,6 @@ notes=The rescue operation starts an instance in a special
thrown away and a new instance created. Therefore this
operation is considered optional to support in drivers.
cli=nova rescue <server>
@@ -658,7 +635,6 @@ notes=The resize operation allows the user to change a running
running instance. Therefore this operation is considered
optional to support in drivers.
cli=nova resize <server> <flavor>
@@ -681,7 +657,6 @@ title=Restore instance
notes=See notes for the suspend operation
cli=nova resume <server>
@@ -712,8 +687,6 @@ notes=Provides a mechanism to (re)set the password of the administrator
this is just a convenient optimization. Therefore this operation is
not considered mandatory for drivers to support.
cli=nova set-password <server>
-driver-notes.xenserver=Requires XenAPI agent on the guest.
driver-notes.libvirt-kvm-x86=Requires libvirt>=1.2.16 and hw_qemu_guest_agent.
@@ -747,7 +720,6 @@ notes=The snapshot operation allows the current state of the
snapshot cannot be assumed. Therefore this operation is not
considered mandatory to support.
cli=nova image-create <server> <name>
@@ -787,7 +759,6 @@ notes=Suspending an instance can be thought of as roughly
the instance instead of suspending. Therefore this operation
is considered optional to support.
cli=nova suspend <server>
@@ -815,7 +786,6 @@ notes=The swap volume operation is a mechanism for changing a running
migration to work in the volume service. This is considered optional to
cli=nova volume-update <server> <attachment> <volume>
@@ -839,7 +809,6 @@ notes=The ability to terminate a virtual machine is required in
avoid indefinitely ongoing billing. Therefore this operation
is mandatory to support in drivers.
cli=nova delete <server>
@@ -868,7 +837,6 @@ notes=The trigger crash dump operation is a mechanism for triggering
a means to dump the production memory image as a dump file which is useful
for users. Therefore this operation is considered optional to support.
cli=nova trigger-crash-dump <server>
@@ -889,7 +857,6 @@ title=Resume instance CPUs (unpause)
notes=See notes for the "Stop instance CPUs" operation
cli=nova unpause <server>
@@ -912,7 +879,6 @@ notes=Partition and resize FS to match the size specified by
flavors.root_gb, As this is hypervisor specific feature.
Therefore this operation is considered optional to support.
@@ -938,7 +904,6 @@ notes=The ability to set rate limits on virtual disks allows for
of doing fine grained tuning. Therefore this is not considered
to be an mandatory configuration to support.
cli=nova limits
@@ -967,7 +932,6 @@ notes=The config drive provides an information channel into
of the guest setup mechanisms is required to be supported by
drivers, in order to enable login access.
driver-notes.libvirt-kvm-aarch64=Requires kernel with proper config (oldest known: Ubuntu 4.13 HWE)
@@ -997,7 +961,6 @@ notes=This allows for the end user to provide data for multiple
service or config drive. Therefore this operation is considered
optional to support.
@@ -1027,8 +990,6 @@ notes=This allows for static networking configuration (IP
config drive. Therefore this operation is considered optional
to support.
-driver-notes.xenserver=Only for Debian derived guests
driver-notes.libvirt-kvm-x86=Only for Debian derived guests
@@ -1059,7 +1020,6 @@ notes=This allows the administrator to interact with the graphical
mandatory, however, a driver is required to support at least one
of the listed console access operations.
cli=nova get-rdp-console <server> <console-type>
@@ -1088,7 +1048,6 @@ notes=This allows the administrator to query the logs of data
operation is not mandatory, however, a driver is required to
support at least one of the listed console access operations.
cli=nova console-log <server>
@@ -1118,7 +1077,6 @@ notes=This allows the administrator to interact with the serial
This feature was introduced in the Juno release with blueprint
cli=nova get-serial-console <server>
@@ -1146,7 +1104,6 @@ notes=This allows the administrator to interact with the graphical
mandatory, however, a driver is required to support at least one
of the listed console access operations.
cli=nova get-spice-console <server> <console-type>
@@ -1174,7 +1131,6 @@ notes=This allows the administrator to interact with the graphical
mandatory, however, a driver is required to support at least one
of the listed console access operations.
cli=nova get-vnc-console <server> <console-type>
@@ -1204,7 +1160,6 @@ notes=Block storage provides instances with direct attached
the network. Therefore support for this configuration is not
considered mandatory for drivers to support.
@@ -1230,7 +1185,6 @@ notes=To maximise performance of the block storage, it may be desirable
technology on the compute hosts. Since this is just a performance
optimization of the I/O path it is not considered mandatory to support.
@@ -1259,7 +1213,6 @@ notes=If the driver wishes to support block storage, it is common to
block storage, then this is considered mandatory to support, otherwise
it is considered optional.
@@ -1283,7 +1236,6 @@ notes=If accessing the cinder iSCSI service over an untrusted LAN it
protocol. CHAP is the commonly used authentication protocol for
iSCSI. This is not considered mandatory to support. (?)
@@ -1309,7 +1261,6 @@ notes=This refers to the ability to boot an instance from an image
on external PXE servers is out of scope. Therefore this is considered
a mandatory storage feature to support.
cli=nova boot --image <image> <name>
@@ -1330,7 +1281,6 @@ title=uefi boot
notes=This allows users to boot a guest with uefi firmware.
@@ -1365,7 +1315,6 @@ notes=This allows users to set tags on virtual devices when creating a
Instead, device role tags should be used. Device tags can be
applied to virtual network interfaces and block devices.
cli=nova boot
@@ -1388,7 +1337,6 @@ notes=Quiesce the specified instance to prepare for snapshots.
For libvirt, guest filesystems will be frozen through qemu
@@ -1409,7 +1357,6 @@ title=unquiesce
notes=See notes for the quiesce operation
@@ -1435,7 +1382,6 @@ notes=The multiattach volume operation is an extension to
Note that for the libvirt driver, this is only supported
if qemu<2.10 or libvirt>=3.10.
cli=nova volume-attach <server> <volume>
@@ -1461,7 +1407,6 @@ notes=This is the same as the attach volume operation
volume is optional this feature is also optional for
compute drivers to support.
cli=nova volume-attach <server> <volume>
driver-notes.libvirt-kvm-x86=For native QEMU decryption of the
encrypted volume (and rbd support), QEMU>=2.6.0 and libvirt>=2.2.0
@@ -1492,7 +1437,6 @@ notes=Since trusted image certification validation is configurable
drivers cannot support the feature since it is mostly just plumbing
user requests through the virt driver when downloading images.
cli=nova boot --trusted-image-certificate-id ...
@@ -1517,7 +1461,6 @@ notes=The file backed memory feature in Openstack allows a Nova node to serve
within the libvirt memory backing directory. This is only supported if
qemu>2.6 and libvirt>4.0.0
@@ -1540,7 +1483,6 @@ notes=The report CPU traits feature in OpenStack allows a Nova node to report
its CPU traits according to CPU mode configuration. This gives users the ability
to boot instances based on desired CPU traits.
@@ -1565,7 +1507,6 @@ notes=To support neutron SR-IOV ports (vnic_type=direct or vnic_type=macvtap)
key in the dict returned from the ComputeDriver.get_available_resource()
cli=nova boot --nic port-id <neutron port with resource request> ...
@@ -1590,7 +1531,6 @@ notes=The feature allows VMs to be booted with their memory
other than the user of the VM. The Configuration and Security
Guides specify usage of this feature.
cli=openstack server create <usual server create parameters>
driver-notes.libvirt-kvm-x86=This feature is currently only
available with hosts which support the SEV (Secure Encrypted
@@ -1618,7 +1558,6 @@ notes=Drivers supporting this feature cache base images on the compute host so
support allows priming the cache so that the first boot also benefits. Image
caching support is tunable via config options in the [image_cache] group.
cli=openstack server create <usual server create parameters>
@@ -1645,7 +1584,6 @@ notes=Allows VMs to be booted with an emulated trusted platform module (TPM)
the user's credentials are required to unlock the virtual device files on the
cli=openstack server create <usual server create parameters>
driver-notes.libvirt-kvm-x86=Move operations are not yet supported.