path: root/typing/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'typing/')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index d762b576cc..4d1166fe5b 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -21,16 +21,19 @@
interesting in case of errors.
+open Annot;;
open Format;;
open Lexing;;
open Location;;
open Typedtree;;
-type type_info =
- Ti_pat of pattern
+type annotation =
+ | Ti_pat of pattern
| Ti_expr of expression
| Ti_class of class_expr
| Ti_mod of module_expr
+ | An_call of Location.t *
+ | An_ident of Location.t * string * Annot.ident
let get_location ti =
@@ -39,18 +42,20 @@ let get_location ti =
| Ti_expr e -> e.exp_loc
| Ti_class c -> c.cl_loc
| Ti_mod m -> m.mod_loc
+ | An_call (l, k) -> l
+ | An_ident (l, s, k) -> l
-let type_info = ref ([] : type_info list);;
+let annotations = ref ([] : annotation list);;
let phrases = ref ([] : Location.t list);;
let record ti =
- if !Clflags.save_types && not (get_location ti).Location.loc_ghost then
- type_info := ti :: !type_info
+ if !Clflags.annotations && not (get_location ti).Location.loc_ghost then
+ annotations := ti :: !annotations
let record_phrase loc =
- if !Clflags.save_types then phrases := loc :: !phrases;
+ if !Clflags.annotations then phrases := loc :: !phrases;
(* comparison order:
@@ -67,7 +72,17 @@ let cmp_ti_inner_first ti1 ti2 =
let print_position pp pos =
- fprintf pp "%S %d %d %d" pos.pos_fname pos.pos_lnum pos.pos_bol pos.pos_cnum;
+ if pos = dummy_pos then
+ fprintf pp "--"
+ else
+ fprintf pp "%S %d %d %d" pos.pos_fname pos.pos_lnum pos.pos_bol
+ pos.pos_cnum;
+let print_location pp loc =
+ print_position pp loc.loc_start;
+ fprintf pp " ";
+ print_position pp loc.loc_end;
let sort_filter_phrases () =
@@ -93,38 +108,60 @@ let rec printtyp_reset_maybe loc =
| _ -> ()
+let call_kind_string k =
+ match k with
+ | Tail -> "tail"
+ | Stack -> "stack"
+ | Inline -> "inline"
+let print_ident_annot pp str k =
+ match k with
+ | Idef l -> fprintf pp "def %s %a@." str print_location l;
+ | Iref_internal l -> fprintf pp "int_ref %s %a@." str print_location l;
+ | Iref_external -> fprintf pp "ext_ref %s@." str;
(* The format of the annotation file is documented in emacs/caml-types.el. *)
-let print_info pp ti =
+let print_info pp prev_loc ti =
match ti with
- | Ti_class _ | Ti_mod _ -> ()
+ | Ti_class _ | Ti_mod _ -> prev_loc
| Ti_pat {pat_loc = loc; pat_type = typ}
| Ti_expr {exp_loc = loc; exp_type = typ} ->
- print_position pp loc.loc_start;
- fprintf pp " ";
- print_position pp loc.loc_end;
- fprintf pp "@.type(@. ";
+ if loc <> prev_loc then fprintf pp "%a@." print_location loc;
+ fprintf pp "type(@. ";
printtyp_reset_maybe loc;
Printtyp.mark_loops typ;
Printtyp.type_sch pp typ;
fprintf pp "@.)@.";
+ loc
+ | An_call (loc, k) ->
+ if loc <> prev_loc then fprintf pp "%a@." print_location loc;
+ fprintf pp "call(@. %s@.)@." (call_kind_string k);
+ loc
+ | An_ident (loc, str, k) ->
+ if loc <> prev_loc then fprintf pp "%a@." print_location loc;
+ fprintf pp "ident(@. ";
+ print_ident_annot pp str k;
+ fprintf pp ")@.";
+ loc
let get_info () =
- let info = List.fast_sort cmp_ti_inner_first !type_info in
- type_info := [];
+ let info = List.fast_sort cmp_ti_inner_first !annotations in
+ annotations := [];
let dump filename =
- if !Clflags.save_types then begin
+ if !Clflags.annotations then begin
let info = get_info () in
let pp = formatter_of_out_channel (open_out filename) in
sort_filter_phrases ();
- List.iter (print_info pp) info;
+ ignore (List.fold_left (print_info pp) Location.none info);
phrases := [];
end else begin
- type_info := [];
+ annotations := [];