path: root/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli
index b0f4ed35bc..ae888300e6 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+(* *)
(* OCamldoc *)
(* *)
(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
@@ -9,8 +10,6 @@
(* *)
-(* $Id: odoc_info.mli 12959 2012-09-27 13:12:51Z maranget $ *)
(** Interface to the information collected in source files. *)
(** The differents kinds of element references. *)
@@ -56,6 +55,7 @@ and text_element = Odoc_types.text_element =
| Module_list of string list
(** The table of the given modules with their abstract. *)
| Index_list (** The links to the various indexes (values, types, ...) *)
+ | Custom of string * text (** to extend \{foo syntax *)
| Target of string * string (** (target, code) : to specify code specific to a target format *)
(** A text is a list of [text_element]. The order matters. *)
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ module Type :
vc_name : string ; (** Name of the constructor. *)
vc_args : Types.type_expr list ; (** Arguments of the constructor. *)
- vc_ret : Types.type_expr option ;
+ vc_ret : Types.type_expr option ;
mutable vc_text : text option ; (** Optional description in the associated comment. *)
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ module Module :
im_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the included module. *)
mutable im_module : mmt option ; (** The included module or module type, if we found it. *)
- mutable im_info : option ; (** comment associated to the includ directive *)
+ mutable im_info : option ; (** comment associated to the includ directive *)
and module_alias = Odoc_module.module_alias =
@@ -433,10 +433,10 @@ module Module :
and module_parameter = Odoc_module.module_parameter = {
- mp_name : string ; (** the name *)
- mp_type : Types.module_type ; (** the type *)
- mp_type_code : string ; (** the original code *)
- mp_kind : module_type_kind ; (** the way the parameter was built *)
+ mp_name : string ; (** the name *)
+ mp_type : Types.module_type ; (** the type *)
+ mp_type_code : string ; (** the original code *)
+ mp_kind : module_type_kind ; (** the way the parameter was built *)
(** Different kinds of a module. *)
@@ -459,15 +459,16 @@ module Module :
and t_module = Odoc_module.t_module =
m_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the module. *)
- m_type : Types.module_type ; (** The type of the module. *)
+ mutable m_type : Types.module_type ; (** The type of the module. *)
mutable m_info : info option ; (** Information found in the optional associated comment. *)
m_is_interface : bool ; (** [true] for modules read from interface files *)
m_file : string ; (** The file the module is defined in. *)
mutable m_kind : module_kind ; (** The way the module is defined. *)
mutable m_loc : location ;
mutable m_top_deps : Name.t list ; (** The toplevels module names this module depends on. *)
- mutable m_code : string option ; (** The whole code of the module *)
- mutable m_code_intf : string option ; (** The whole code of the interface of the module *)
+ mutable m_code : string option ; (** The whole code of the module *)
+ mutable m_code_intf : string option ; (** The whole code of the interface of the module *)
+ m_text_only : bool ; (** [true] if the module comes from a text file *)
and module_type_alias = Odoc_module.module_type_alias =
@@ -493,7 +494,7 @@ module Module :
mt_name : Name.t ; (** Complete name of the module type. *)
mutable mt_info : info option ; (** Information found in the optional associated comment. *)
- mt_type : Types.module_type option ; (** [None] means that the module type is abstract. *)
+ mutable mt_type : Types.module_type option ; (** [None] means that the module type is abstract. *)
mt_is_interface : bool ; (** [true] for modules read from interface files. *)
mt_file : string ; (** The file the module type is defined in. *)
mutable mt_kind : module_type_kind option ;
@@ -727,6 +728,9 @@ val verbose : string -> unit
error counter is incremented. *)
val warning : string -> unit
+(** A flag to indicate whether ocamldoc warnings must be printed or not. *)
+val print_warnings : bool ref
(** Increment this counter when an error is encountered.
The ocamldoc tool will print the number of errors
encountered exit with code 1 if this number is greater
@@ -766,10 +770,11 @@ val info_string_of_info : info -> string
(** [info_of_comment_file file] parses the given file
and return an {!} structure. The content of the
file must have the same syntax as the content of a special comment.
+ The given module list is used for cross reference.
@raise Failure is the file could not be opened or there is a
syntax error.
-val info_of_comment_file : string -> info
+val info_of_comment_file : Module.t_module list -> string -> info
(** [remove_ending_newline s] returns [s] without the optional ending newline. *)
val remove_ending_newline : string -> string
@@ -969,109 +974,6 @@ module Global :
val with_trailer : bool ref
- (** The list of module names to hide. *)
- val hidden_modules : string list ref
- (** The directory where files have to be generated. *)
- val target_dir : string ref
- (** An optional file to use where a CSS style is defined (for HTML). *)
- val css_style : string option ref
- (** Generate only index files. (for HTML). *)
- val index_only : bool ref
- (** To colorize code in HTML generated documentation pages, not code pages. *)
- val colorize_code : bool ref
- (** Character encoding used in HTML pages header. *)
- val charset : string ref
- (** The flag which indicates if we must generate a header (for LaTeX). *)
- val with_header : bool ref
- (** The flag which indicates if we must generate a trailer (for LaTeX). *)
- val with_trailer : bool ref
- (** The flag to indicate if we must generate one file per module (for LaTeX). *)
- val separate_files : bool ref
- (** The list of pairs (title level, sectionning style). *)
- val latex_titles : (int * string) list ref
- (** The prefix to use for value labels in LaTeX. *)
- val latex_value_prefix : string ref
- (** The prefix to use for type labels in LaTeX. *)
- val latex_type_prefix : string ref
- (** The prefix to use for exception labels in LaTeX. *)
- val latex_exception_prefix : string ref
- (** The prefix to use for module labels in LaTeX. *)
- val latex_module_prefix : string ref
- (** The prefix to use for module type labels in LaTeX. *)
- val latex_module_type_prefix : string ref
- (** The prefix to use for class labels in LaTeX. *)
- val latex_class_prefix : string ref
- (** The prefix to use for class type labels in LaTeX. *)
- val latex_class_type_prefix : string ref
- (** The prefix to use for attribute labels in LaTeX. *)
- val latex_attribute_prefix : string ref
- (** The prefix to use for method labels in LaTeX. *)
- val latex_method_prefix : string ref
- (** The flag which indicates if we must generate a table of contents (for LaTeX). *)
- val with_toc : bool ref
- (** The flag which indicates if we must generate an index (for TeXinfo). *)
- val with_index : bool ref
- (** The flag which indicates if we must escape accentuated characters (for TeXinfo).*)
- val esc_8bits : bool ref
- (** The Info directory section *)
- val info_section : string ref
- (** The Info directory entries to insert *)
- val info_entry : string list ref
- (** Include all modules or only the ones on the command line, for the dot output. *)
- val dot_include_all : bool ref
- (** Generate dependency graph for types. *)
- val dot_types : bool ref
- (** Perform transitive reduction before dot output. *)
- val dot_reduce : bool ref
- (** The colors used in the dot output. *)
- val dot_colors : string list ref
- (** The suffix for man pages. *)
- val man_suffix : string ref
- (** The section for man pages. *)
- val man_section : string ref
- (** The flag to generate all man pages or only for modules and classes.*)
- val man_mini : bool ref
- (** The files to be analysed. *)
- val files : source_file list ref
- (** To set the documentation generator. *)
- val set_doc_generator : doc_generator option -> unit
- (** Add an option specification. *)
- val add_option : string * Arg.spec * string -> unit
- end
(** Analysis of the given source files.
@param init is the list of modules already known from a previous analysis.
@return the list of analysed top modules. *)