path: root/testsuite/tests/typing-implicit_unpack/
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authorXavier Clerc <>2011-07-21 07:34:14 +0000
committerXavier Clerc <>2011-07-21 07:34:14 +0000
commit22a753340d9bbccb31112963db3a89ff3d0603d5 (patch)
tree11d4958f8faa82a38ac30aba305886eb5bc2b228 /testsuite/tests/typing-implicit_unpack/
parent9cc18a5a7e0eac3b912bf1853954e2b747aebefe (diff)
test suite: 'implicit_unpack' moved from 'testlabl'.
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/typing-implicit_unpack/')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-implicit_unpack/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-implicit_unpack/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db65dae3da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-implicit_unpack/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ Implicit unpack allows to omit the signature in (val ...) expressions.
+ It also adds (module M : S) and (module M) patterns, relying on
+ implicit (val ...) for the implementation. Such patterns can only
+ be used in function definition, match clauses, and let ... in.
+ New: implicit pack is also supported, and you only need to be able
+ to infer the the module type path from the context.
+ *)
+(* ocaml -principal *)
+(* Use a module pattern *)
+let sort (type s) (module Set : Set.S with type elt = s) l =
+ Set.elements (List.fold_right Set.add l Set.empty)
+(* No real improvement here? *)
+let make_set (type s) cmp : (module Set.S with type elt = s) =
+ (module Set.Make (struct type t = s let compare = cmp end))
+(* No type annotation here *)
+let sort_cmp (type s) cmp =
+ sort (module Set.Make (struct type t = s let compare = cmp end))
+module type S = sig type t val x : t end;;
+let f (module M : S with type t = int) = M.x;;
+let f (module M : S with type t = 'a) = M.x;; (* Error *)
+let f (type a) (module M : S with type t = a) = M.x;;
+f (module struct type t = int let x = 1 end);;
+type 'a s = {s: (module S with type t = 'a)};;
+{s=(module struct type t = int let x = 1 end)};;
+let f {s=(module M)} = M.x;; (* Error *)
+let f (type a) ({s=(module M)} : a s) = M.x;;
+type s = {s: (module S with type t = int)};;
+let f {s=(module M)} = M.x;;
+let f {s=(module M)} {s=(module N)} = M.x + N.x;;
+module type S = sig val x : int end;;
+let f (module M : S) y (module N : S) = M.x + y + N.x;;
+let m = (module struct let x = 3 end);; (* Error *)
+let m = (module struct let x = 3 end : S);;
+f m 1 m;;
+f m 1 (module struct let x = 2 end);;
+let (module M) = m in M.x;;
+let (module M) = m;; (* Error: only allowed in [let .. in] *)
+class c = let (module M) = m in object end;; (* Error again *)
+module M = (val m);;
+module type S' = sig val f : int -> int end;;
+(* Even works with recursion, but must be fully explicit *)
+let rec (module M : S') =
+ (module struct let f n = if n <= 0 then 1 else n * M.f (n-1) end : S')
+in M.f 3;;
+(* Subtyping *)
+module type S = sig type t type u val x : t * u end
+let f (l : (module S with type t = int and type u = bool) list) =
+ (l :> (module S with type u = bool) list)
+(* GADTs from the manual *)
+(* the only modification is in to_string *)
+module TypEq : sig
+ type ('a, 'b) t
+ val apply: ('a, 'b) t -> 'a -> 'b
+ val refl: ('a, 'a) t
+ val sym: ('a, 'b) t -> ('b, 'a) t
+end = struct
+ type ('a, 'b) t = ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a)
+ let refl = (fun x -> x), (fun x -> x)
+ let apply (f, _) x = f x
+ let sym (f, g) = (g, f)
+module rec Typ : sig
+ module type PAIR = sig
+ type t and t1 and t2
+ val eq: (t, t1 * t2) TypEq.t
+ val t1: t1 Typ.typ
+ val t2: t2 Typ.typ
+ end
+ type 'a typ =
+ | Int of ('a, int) TypEq.t
+ | String of ('a, string) TypEq.t
+ | Pair of (module PAIR with type t = 'a)
+end = Typ
+let int = Typ.Int TypEq.refl
+let str = Typ.String TypEq.refl
+let pair (type s1) (type s2) t1 t2 =
+ let module P = struct
+ type t = s1 * s2
+ type t1 = s1
+ type t2 = s2
+ let eq = TypEq.refl
+ let t1 = t1
+ let t2 = t2
+ end in
+ Typ.Pair (module P)
+open Typ
+let rec to_string: 'a. 'a Typ.typ -> 'a -> string =
+ fun (type s) t x ->
+ match (t : s typ) with
+ | Int eq -> string_of_int (TypEq.apply eq x)
+ | String eq -> Printf.sprintf "%S" (TypEq.apply eq x)
+ | Pair (module P) ->
+ let (x1, x2) = TypEq.apply P.eq x in
+ Printf.sprintf "(%s,%s)" (to_string P.t1 x1) (to_string P.t2 x2)