path: root/asmcomp
diff options
authorXavier Leroy <>2002-02-08 16:55:44 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>2002-02-08 16:55:44 +0000
commit71cf31f0e2a07f78575b1f37a5754509579082b0 (patch)
tree331cd9f54aa52753314c2d1bfceb4b686341bde6 /asmcomp
parentef9cd6d7e6dbe3bf52de9d75faa2a35bb3dabff2 (diff)
Ajout du packaging d'unites de compilation (option -pack)
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'asmcomp')
18 files changed, 409 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/asmcomp/alpha/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/alpha/emit.mlp
index 15fc1750aa..b34c38f539 100644
--- a/asmcomp/alpha/emit.mlp
+++ b/asmcomp/alpha/emit.mlp
@@ -832,26 +832,26 @@ let begin_assembly() =
of line numbers for the debugger, 'cos they make .o files larger
and slow down linking. *)
` .file 1 \"{emit_string !Location.input_name}\"\n\n`;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_begin" in
` .data\n`;
` .globl {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_begin}:\n`;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_begin" in
` .text\n`;
` .globl {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_begin}:\n`
let end_assembly () =
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_end" in
` .text\n`;
` .globl {emit_symbol lbl_end}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end}:\n`;
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_end" in
` .data\n`;
` .globl {emit_symbol lbl_end}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end}:\n`;
` .quad 0\n`;
- let lbl_frame = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_frametable" in
+ let lbl_frame = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__frametable" in
` {emit_string rdata_section}\n`;
` .globl {emit_symbol lbl_frame}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_frame}:\n`;
diff --git a/asmcomp/arm/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/arm/emit.mlp
index 88be03ce72..83cbfc6f04 100644
--- a/asmcomp/arm/emit.mlp
+++ b/asmcomp/arm/emit.mlp
@@ -648,26 +648,26 @@ let begin_assembly() =
`sp .req r13\n`;
`lr .req r14\n`;
`pc .req r15\n`;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_begin" in
` .data\n`;
` .global {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_begin}:\n`;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_begin" in
` .text\n`;
` .global {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_begin}:\n`
let end_assembly () =
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_end" in
` .text\n`;
` .global {emit_symbol lbl_end}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end}:\n`;
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_end" in
` .data\n`;
` .global {emit_symbol lbl_end}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end}:\n`;
` .word 0\n`;
- let lbl = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_frametable" in
+ let lbl = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__frametable" in
` .data\n`;
` .global {emit_symbol lbl}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl}:\n`;
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 45a31d22d4..6020f90a68 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -71,6 +71,12 @@ let check_consistency file_name unit crc =
with Not_found ->
Hashtbl.add crc_implementations unit.ui_name (file_name, crc)
+let extract_crcs table =
+ Hashtbl.fold (fun name (file_name, crc) accu -> (name, crc) :: accu)
+ table []
+let extract_crc_interfaces () = extract_crcs crc_interfaces
+let extract_crc_implementations () = extract_crcs crc_implementations
(* Add C objects and options and "custom" info from a library descriptor.
See bytecomp/ for comments on the order of C objects. *)
@@ -163,7 +169,8 @@ let make_startup_file ppf filename units_list =
Location.input_name := "startup"; (* set the name of the "current" input *)
Compilenv.reset "startup"; (* set the name of the "current" compunit *)
- let name_list = (fun (info,_,_) -> info.ui_name) units_list in
+ let name_list =
+ List.flatten ( (fun (info,_,_) -> info.ui_defines) units_list) in
compile_phrase (Cmmgen.entry_point name_list);
let apply_functions = ref (IntSet.add 2 (IntSet.add 3 IntSet.empty)) in
(* The callback functions always reference caml_apply[23] *)
@@ -191,9 +198,10 @@ let make_startup_file ppf filename units_list =
- (fun name ->
- let (auth_name,crc) = Hashtbl.find crc_interfaces name in (name,crc))
- name_list));
+ (fun (unit,_,_) ->
+ let (auth_name,crc) = Hashtbl.find crc_interfaces unit.ui_name in
+ (unit.ui_name,crc))
+ units_list));
compile_phrase(Cmmgen.data_segment_table ("startup" :: name_list));
compile_phrase(Cmmgen.code_segment_table ("startup" :: name_list));
diff --git a/asmcomp/asmlink.mli b/asmcomp/asmlink.mli
index 1924860793..9c5f202681 100644
--- a/asmcomp/asmlink.mli
+++ b/asmcomp/asmlink.mli
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ open Format
val link: formatter -> string list -> unit
+val check_consistency: string -> Compilenv.unit_infos -> Digest.t -> unit
+val extract_crc_interfaces: unit -> (string * Digest.t) list
+val extract_crc_implementations: unit -> (string * Digest.t) list
type error =
File_not_found of string
| Not_an_object_file of string
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b66e9bfb69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+(* *)
+(* Objective Caml *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* "Package" a set of .cmx/.o files into one .cmx/.o file having the
+ original compilation units as sub-modules. *)
+open Printf
+open Misc
+open Lambda
+open Clambda
+open Compilenv
+type error =
+ Illegal_renaming of string * string
+ | Forward_reference of string * string
+ | Linking_error
+ | Assembler_error of string
+ | File_not_found of string
+ | No_binutils
+exception Error of error
+(* Read the unit information from a .cmx file. *)
+let read_unit_info cmxfile =
+ let (info, crc) = Compilenv.read_unit_info cmxfile in
+ if info.ui_name
+ <> String.capitalize(Filename.basename(chop_extension_if_any cmxfile))
+ then raise(Error(Illegal_renaming(cmxfile, info.ui_name)));
+ Asmlink.check_consistency cmxfile info crc;
+ info
+(* Check absence of forward references *)
+let check_units cmxfiles units unit_names =
+ let rec check forbidden = function
+ [] -> ()
+ | (cmxfile, infos) :: tl ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun (unit, _) ->
+ if List.mem unit forbidden
+ then raise(Error(Forward_reference(cmxfile, unit))))
+ infos.ui_imports_cmx;
+ check (list_remove infos.ui_name forbidden) tl in
+ check unit_names (List.combine cmxfiles units)
+(* Rename symbols in an object file. All defined symbols of the form
+ [T] or [T]__xxx, where [T] belongs to the list [units], are prefixed by
+ [pref]__ . Return the list of renamed symbols. *)
+let extract_symbols units symbolfile =
+ let symbs = ref [] in
+ let ic = open_in symbolfile in
+ begin try
+ while true do
+ let l = input_line ic in
+ try
+ let i = 3 + (try search_substring " T " l 0
+ with Not_found -> search_substring " D " l 0) in
+ let j = try search_substring "__" l i
+ with Not_found -> String.length l in
+ if List.mem (String.sub l i (j - i)) units then
+ symbs := (String.sub l i (String.length l - i)) :: !symbs
+ with Not_found ->
+ ()
+ done
+ with End_of_file -> close_in ic
+ | x -> close_in ic; raise x
+ end;
+ !symbs
+let rename_in_object_file units pref objfile =
+ let symbolfile = Filename.temp_file "camlsymbols" "" in
+ try
+ let nm_cmdline =
+ sprintf "%s %s > %s" Config.binutils_nm objfile symbolfile in
+ if Ccomp.command nm_cmdline <> 0 then raise(Error Linking_error);
+ let symbols_to_rename =
+ extract_symbols units symbolfile in
+ let objcopy_cmdline =
+ sprintf "%s %s %s"
+ Config.binutils_objcopy
+ (String.concat " "
+ (
+ (fun s -> sprintf "--redefine-sym '%s=%s__%s'" s pref s)
+ symbols_to_rename))
+ objfile in
+ (* FIXME: what if the command line is too long? *)
+ if Ccomp.command objcopy_cmdline <> 0 then raise(Error Linking_error);
+ remove_file symbolfile;
+ symbols_to_rename
+ with x ->
+ remove_file symbolfile;
+ raise x
+(* Rename function symbols and global symbols in value approximations *)
+let rename_approx mapping approx =
+ let ren_label lbl =
+ try Tbl.find lbl mapping with Not_found -> lbl in
+ let ren_ident id =
+ if Ident.persistent id
+ then Ident.create_persistent(ren_label( id))
+ else id in
+ let rec ren_ulambda = function
+ Uvar id ->
+ Uvar(ren_ident id)
+ | Uconst cst ->
+ Uconst cst
+ | Udirect_apply(lbl, args) ->
+ Udirect_apply(ren_label lbl, ren_ulambda args)
+ | Ugeneric_apply(fn, args) ->
+ Ugeneric_apply(ren_ulambda fn, ren_ulambda args)
+ | Uclosure(fns, env) ->
+ (* never present in an inlined function body *)
+ assert false
+ | Uoffset(lam, ofs) -> Uoffset(ren_ulambda lam, ofs)
+ | Ulet(id, u, body) -> Ulet(id, ren_ulambda u, ren_ulambda body)
+ | Uletrec(defs, body) ->
+ (* never present in an inlined function body *)
+ assert false
+ | Uprim(prim, args) ->
+ let prim' =
+ match prim with
+ Pgetglobal id -> Pgetglobal(ren_ident id)
+ | Psetglobal id -> assert false (* never present in inlined fn body *)
+ | _ -> prim in
+ Uprim(prim', ren_ulambda args)
+ | Uswitch(u, cases) ->
+ Uswitch(ren_ulambda u,
+ {cases with
+ us_actions_consts = ren_ulambda cases.us_actions_consts;
+ us_actions_blocks = ren_ulambda cases.us_actions_blocks})
+ | Ustaticfail(tag, args) ->
+ Ustaticfail(tag, ren_ulambda args)
+ | Ucatch(nfail, ids, u1, u2) ->
+ Ucatch(nfail, ids, ren_ulambda u1, ren_ulambda u2)
+ | Utrywith(u1, id, u2) ->
+ Utrywith(ren_ulambda u1, id, ren_ulambda u2)
+ | Uifthenelse(u1, u2, u3) ->
+ Uifthenelse(ren_ulambda u1, ren_ulambda u2, ren_ulambda u3)
+ | Usequence(u1, u2) ->
+ Usequence(ren_ulambda u1, ren_ulambda u2)
+ | Uwhile(u1, u2) ->
+ Uwhile(ren_ulambda u1, ren_ulambda u2)
+ | Ufor(id, u1, u2, dir, u3) ->
+ Ufor(id, ren_ulambda u1, ren_ulambda u2, dir, ren_ulambda u3)
+ | Uassign(id, u) ->
+ Uassign(id, ren_ulambda u)
+ | Usend(u1, u2, ul) ->
+ Usend(ren_ulambda u1, ren_ulambda u2, ren_ulambda ul) in
+ let rec ren_approx = function
+ Value_closure(fd, res) ->
+ let fd' =
+ {fd with
+ fun_label = ren_label fd.fun_label;
+ fun_inline =
+ match fd.fun_inline with
+ None -> None
+ | Some(params, body) -> Some(params, ren_ulambda body)} in
+ Value_closure(fd', ren_approx res)
+ | Value_tuple comps ->
+ Value_tuple ( ren_approx comps)
+ | app -> app
+ in ren_approx approx
+(* Make the .cmx file for the package *)
+let build_package_cmx units unit_names target symbols_to_rename cmxfile =
+ let filter lst =
+ List.filter (fun (name, crc) -> not (List.mem name unit_names)) lst in
+ let union lst =
+ List.fold_left
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun accu n -> if List.mem n accu then accu else n :: accu))
+ [] lst in
+ let mapping =
+ List.fold_left (fun tbl s -> Tbl.add s (target ^ "__" ^ s) tbl)
+ Tbl.empty symbols_to_rename in
+ let pkg_infos =
+ { ui_name = target;
+ ui_defines =
+ map_end (fun s -> target ^ "__" ^ s) unit_names [target];
+ ui_imports_cmi = filter(Asmlink.extract_crc_interfaces());
+ ui_imports_cmx = filter(Asmlink.extract_crc_implementations());
+ ui_approx =
+ Value_tuple
+ (
+ (fun info -> rename_approx mapping info.ui_approx)
+ (Array.of_list units));
+ ui_curry_fun = union( (fun info -> info.ui_curry_fun) units);
+ ui_apply_fun = union( (fun info -> info.ui_apply_fun) units);
+ ui_force_link = List.exists (fun info -> info.ui_force_link) units
+ } in
+ Compilenv.write_unit_info pkg_infos cmxfile
+(* Make the .o file for the package (not renamed yet) *)
+let make_package_object ppf unit_names objfiles targetobj targetname =
+ let asmtemp = Filename.temp_file "camlpackage" Config.ext_asm in
+ let objtemp = Filename.temp_file "camlpackage" Config.ext_obj in
+ let oc = open_out asmtemp in
+ Emitaux.output_channel := oc;
+ Location.input_name := targetname; (* set the name of the "current" input *)
+ Compilenv.reset targetname; (* set the name of the "current" compunit *)
+ Emit.begin_assembly();
+ List.iter (Asmgen.compile_phrase ppf) (Cmmgen.package unit_names targetname);
+ Emit.end_assembly();
+ close_out oc;
+ if Proc.assemble_file asmtemp objtemp <> 0 then
+ raise(Error(Assembler_error asmtemp));
+ remove_file asmtemp;
+ let ld_cmd =
+ sprintf "%s -o %s %s %s"
+ Config.native_partial_linker targetobj objtemp
+ (String.concat " " objfiles) in
+ let retcode = Ccomp.command ld_cmd in
+ remove_file objtemp;
+ if retcode <> 0 then raise(Error Linking_error)
+(* Make the .cmx and the .o for the package *)
+let package_object_files ppf cmxfiles targetcmx targetobj targetname =
+ let units = map_left_right read_unit_info cmxfiles in
+ let unit_names = (fun info -> info.ui_name) units in
+ check_units cmxfiles units unit_names;
+ let objfiles =
+ (fun f -> chop_extension_if_any f ^ Config.ext_obj) cmxfiles in
+ make_package_object ppf unit_names objfiles targetobj targetname;
+ let symbols = rename_in_object_file unit_names targetname targetobj in
+ build_package_cmx units unit_names targetname symbols targetcmx
+(* The entry point *)
+let package_files ppf files targetcmx =
+ if Config.binutils_objcopy = "" || Config.binutils_nm = ""
+ then raise (Error No_binutils);
+ let cmxfiles =
+ (fun f ->
+ try find_in_path !Config.load_path f
+ with Not_found -> raise(Error(File_not_found f)))
+ files in
+ let prefix = chop_extension_if_any targetcmx in
+ let targetcmi = prefix ^ ".cmi" in
+ let targetobj = prefix ^ Config.ext_obj in
+ let targetname = String.capitalize(Filename.basename prefix) in
+ try
+ Typemod.package_units cmxfiles targetcmi targetname;
+ package_object_files ppf cmxfiles targetcmx targetobj targetname
+ with x ->
+ remove_file targetcmi; remove_file targetcmx; remove_file targetobj;
+ raise x
+(* Error report *)
+open Format
+let report_error ppf = function
+ Illegal_renaming(file, id) ->
+ fprintf ppf "Wrong file naming: %s@ contains the code for@ %s"
+ file id
+ | Forward_reference(file, ident) ->
+ fprintf ppf "Forward reference to %s in file %s" ident file
+ | File_not_found file ->
+ fprintf ppf "File %s not found" file
+ | Assembler_error file ->
+ fprintf ppf "Error while assembling %s" file
+ | Linking_error ->
+ fprintf ppf "Error during partial linking"
+ | No_binutils ->
+ fprintf ppf "ocamlopt -pack is not supported on this platform.@ \
+ Reason: the GNU `binutils' tools are not available"
diff --git a/asmcomp/asmpackager.mli b/asmcomp/asmpackager.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae16e198e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asmcomp/asmpackager.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+(* *)
+(* Objective Caml *)
+(* *)
+(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* "Package" a set of .cmx/.o files into one .cmx/.o file having the
+ original compilation units as sub-modules. *)
+val package_files: Format.formatter -> string list -> string -> unit
+type error =
+ Illegal_renaming of string * string
+ | Forward_reference of string * string
+ | Linking_error
+ | Assembler_error of string
+ | File_not_found of string
+ | No_binutils
+exception Error of error
+val report_error: Format.formatter -> error -> unit
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 77c36095b4..6ab5098cbc 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ and close_functions fenv cenv fun_defs =
(id, (Lfunction(kind, params, body) as def)) ->
let label =
- Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_" ^ Ident.unique_name id in
+ Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__" ^ Ident.unique_name id in
let arity = List.length params in
let fundesc =
{fun_label = label;
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index aecc80ab3e..716634e83a 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ let new_const_label () =
let new_const_symbol () =
incr const_label;
- Compilenv.current_unit_name () ^ "_" ^ string_of_int !const_label
+ Compilenv.current_unit_name () ^ "__" ^ string_of_int !const_label
let structured_constants = ref ([] : (string * structured_constant) list)
@@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ let emit_all_constants cont =
let compunit size ulam =
let glob = Compilenv.current_unit_name () in
let init_code = transl ulam in
- let c1 = [Cfunction {fun_name = glob ^ "_entry"; fun_args = [];
+ let c1 = [Cfunction {fun_name = glob ^ "__entry"; fun_args = [];
fun_body = init_code; fun_fast = false}] in
let c2 = transl_all_functions StringSet.empty c1 in
let c3 = emit_all_constants c2 in
@@ -1557,6 +1557,15 @@ let compunit size ulam =
Cdefine_symbol glob;
Cskip(size * size_addr)] :: c3
+(* Translate a package *)
+let package unit_names target =
+ [Cdata (Cint(block_header 0 (List.length unit_names)) ::
+ Cdefine_symbol target ::
+ (fun s -> Csymbol_address s) unit_names);
+ Cfunction {fun_name = target ^ "__entry"; fun_args = [];
+ fun_body = Ctuple[]; fun_fast = false}]
(* Generate an application function:
(defun caml_applyN (a1 ... aN clos)
(if (= clos.arity N)
@@ -1685,7 +1694,7 @@ let entry_point namelist =
let body =
(fun name next ->
- Csequence(Cop(Capply typ_void, [Cconst_symbol(name ^ "_entry")]),
+ Csequence(Cop(Capply typ_void, [Cconst_symbol(name ^ "__entry")]),
Csequence(incr_global_inited, next)))
namelist (Cconst_int 1) in
Cfunction {fun_name = "caml_program";
@@ -1710,8 +1719,8 @@ let globals_map namelist =
let frame_table namelist =
Cdata(Cdefine_symbol "caml_frametable" ::
- (fun name -> Csymbol_address(name ^ "_frametable")) namelist @
- [cint_zero])
+ (fun name -> Csymbol_address(name ^ "__frametable")) namelist
+ @ [cint_zero])
(* Generate the table of module data and code segments *)
@@ -1725,10 +1734,10 @@ let segment_table namelist symbol begname endname =
let data_segment_table namelist =
- segment_table namelist "caml_data_segments" "_data_begin" "_data_end"
+ segment_table namelist "caml_data_segments" "__data_begin" "__data_end"
let code_segment_table namelist =
- segment_table namelist "caml_code_segments" "_code_begin" "_code_end"
+ segment_table namelist "caml_code_segments" "__code_begin" "__code_end"
(* Initialize a predefined exception *)
diff --git a/asmcomp/cmmgen.mli b/asmcomp/cmmgen.mli
index 0bf27f8cd4..1d70a9b525 100644
--- a/asmcomp/cmmgen.mli
+++ b/asmcomp/cmmgen.mli
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
val compunit: int -> Clambda.ulambda -> Cmm.phrase list
+val package: string list -> string -> Cmm.phrase list
val apply_function: int -> Cmm.phrase
val curry_function: int -> Cmm.phrase list
val entry_point: string list -> Cmm.phrase
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 9677d5a5a8..0012cea4ed 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ exception Error of error
type unit_infos =
{ mutable ui_name: string; (* Name of unit implemented *)
+ mutable ui_defines: string list; (* Unit and sub-units implemented *)
mutable ui_imports_cmi: (string * Digest.t) list; (* Interfaces imported *)
mutable ui_imports_cmx: (string * Digest.t) list; (* Infos imported *)
mutable ui_approx: value_approximation; (* Approx of the structure *)
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ let global_approx_table =
let current_unit =
{ ui_name = "";
+ ui_defines = [];
ui_imports_cmi = [];
ui_imports_cmx = [];
ui_approx = Value_unknown;
@@ -67,6 +69,7 @@ let current_unit =
let reset name =
Hashtbl.clear global_approx_table;
current_unit.ui_name <- name;
+ current_unit.ui_defines <- [name];
current_unit.ui_imports_cmi <- [];
current_unit.ui_imports_cmx <- [];
current_unit.ui_curry_fun <- [];
@@ -139,16 +142,19 @@ let need_apply_fun n =
(* Write the description of the current unit *)
-let save_unit_info filename =
- current_unit.ui_imports_cmi <- Env.imported_units();
+let write_unit_info info filename =
let oc = open_out_bin filename in
output_string oc cmx_magic_number;
- output_value oc current_unit;
+ output_value oc info;
flush oc;
let crc = Digest.file filename in
Digest.output oc crc;
close_out oc
+let save_unit_info filename =
+ current_unit.ui_imports_cmi <- Env.imported_units();
+ write_unit_info current_unit filename
(* Error report *)
open Format
diff --git a/asmcomp/compilenv.mli b/asmcomp/compilenv.mli
index db645d66a2..5ddf7cd276 100644
--- a/asmcomp/compilenv.mli
+++ b/asmcomp/compilenv.mli
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ open Clambda
type unit_infos =
{ mutable ui_name: string; (* Name of unit implemented *)
+ mutable ui_defines: string list; (* Unit and sub-units implemented *)
mutable ui_imports_cmi: (string * Digest.t) list; (* Interfaces imported *)
mutable ui_imports_cmx: (string * Digest.t) list; (* Infos imported *)
mutable ui_approx: value_approximation; (* Approx of the structure *)
@@ -62,6 +63,8 @@ val need_apply_fun: int -> unit
val read_unit_info: string -> unit_infos * Digest.t
(* Read infos and CRC from a [.cmx] file. *)
+val write_unit_info: unit_infos -> string -> unit
+ (* Save the given infos in the given file *)
val save_unit_info: string -> unit
(* Save the infos for the current unit in the given file *)
diff --git a/asmcomp/hppa/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/hppa/emit.mlp
index 322be0c673..7b164f35d0 100644
--- a/asmcomp/hppa/emit.mlp
+++ b/asmcomp/hppa/emit.mlp
@@ -1070,11 +1070,11 @@ let begin_assembly() =
defined_symbols := StringSet.empty;
called_symbols := StringSet.empty;
Hashtbl.clear stub_label_table;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_begin" in
` .data\n`;
emit_global lbl_begin;
`{emit_symbol lbl_begin}:\n`;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_begin" in
` .code\n`;
emit_global lbl_begin;
`{emit_symbol lbl_begin}:\n`
@@ -1083,15 +1083,15 @@ let begin_assembly() =
let end_assembly() =
if not hpux then emit_stubs();
` .code\n`;
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_end" in
emit_global lbl_end;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end}:\n`;
` .data\n`;
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_end" in
emit_global lbl_end;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end}:\n`;
` .long 0\n`;
- let lbl = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_frametable" in
+ let lbl = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__frametable" in
emit_global lbl;
`{emit_symbol lbl}:\n`;
` .long {emit_int (List.length !frame_descriptors)}\n`;
diff --git a/asmcomp/i386/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/i386/emit.mlp
index 961a8c3735..aa4e8db8ce 100644
--- a/asmcomp/i386/emit.mlp
+++ b/asmcomp/i386/emit.mlp
@@ -805,26 +805,26 @@ let data l =
(* Beginning / end of an assembly file *)
let begin_assembly() =
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_begin" in
` .data\n`;
` .globl {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_begin}:\n`;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_begin" in
` .text\n`;
` .globl {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_begin}:\n`
let end_assembly() =
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_end" in
` .text\n`;
` .globl {emit_symbol lbl_end}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end}:\n`;
` .data\n`;
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_end" in
` .globl {emit_symbol lbl_end}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end}:\n`;
` .long 0\n`;
- let lbl = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_frametable" in
+ let lbl = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__frametable" in
` .globl {emit_symbol lbl}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl}:\n`;
` .long {emit_int (List.length !frame_descriptors)}\n`;
diff --git a/asmcomp/i386/emit_nt.mlp b/asmcomp/i386/emit_nt.mlp
index 12ed86a51d..548f731789 100644
--- a/asmcomp/i386/emit_nt.mlp
+++ b/asmcomp/i386/emit_nt.mlp
@@ -789,28 +789,28 @@ let begin_assembly() =
` EXTERN _caml_alloc3: PROC\n`;
` EXTERN _array_bound_error: PROC\n`;
` .DATA\n`;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_begin" in
add_def_symbol lbl_begin;
` PUBLIC {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_begin} LABEL DWORD\n`;
` .CODE\n`;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_begin" in
add_def_symbol lbl_begin;
` PUBLIC {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_begin} LABEL DWORD\n`
let end_assembly() =
` .CODE\n`;
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_end" in
add_def_symbol lbl_end;
` PUBLIC {emit_symbol lbl_end}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end} LABEL DWORD\n`;
` .DATA\n`;
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_end" in
add_def_symbol lbl_end;
` PUBLIC {emit_symbol lbl_end}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end} LABEL DWORD\n`;
- let lbl = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_frametable" in
+ let lbl = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__frametable" in
add_def_symbol lbl;
` PUBLIC {emit_symbol lbl}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl} DWORD {emit_int (List.length !frame_descriptors)}\n`;
diff --git a/asmcomp/ia64/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/ia64/emit.mlp
index e0ad7bd98b..9cfc8f0181 100644
--- a/asmcomp/ia64/emit.mlp
+++ b/asmcomp/ia64/emit.mlp
@@ -1302,18 +1302,18 @@ let data l =
let begin_assembly() =
` .data\n`;
- emit_define_symbol (Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_begin");
+ emit_define_symbol (Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_begin");
` .text\n`;
- emit_define_symbol (Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_begin")
+ emit_define_symbol (Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_begin")
let end_assembly () =
` .data\n`;
- emit_define_symbol (Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_end");
+ emit_define_symbol (Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_end");
` .text\n`;
- emit_define_symbol (Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_end");
+ emit_define_symbol (Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_end");
` .rodata\n`;
` .align 8\n`;
- emit_define_symbol (Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_frametable");
+ emit_define_symbol (Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__frametable");
` data8 {emit_int (List.length !frame_descriptors)}\n`;
List.iter emit_frame !frame_descriptors;
frame_descriptors := []
diff --git a/asmcomp/mips/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/mips/emit.mlp
index 86112b000a..193a12df20 100644
--- a/asmcomp/mips/emit.mlp
+++ b/asmcomp/mips/emit.mlp
@@ -560,11 +560,11 @@ let begin_assembly() =
` .noalias $16,$sp; .noalias $16,$30; .noalias $17,$sp; .noalias $17,$30\n`;
` .noalias $18,$sp; .noalias $18,$30; .noalias $19,$sp; .noalias $19,$30\n`;
` .noalias $20,$sp; .noalias $20,$30; .noalias $21,$sp; .noalias $21,$30\n\n`;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_begin" in
` .data\n`;
` .globl {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_begin}:\n`;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_begin" in
` .text\n`;
` .globl {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
` .ent {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
@@ -572,18 +572,18 @@ let begin_assembly() =
` .end {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`
let end_assembly () =
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_end" in
` .text\n`;
` .globl {emit_symbol lbl_end}\n`;
` .ent {emit_symbol lbl_end}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end}:\n`;
` .end {emit_symbol lbl_end}\n`;
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_end" in
` .data\n`;
` .globl {emit_symbol lbl_end}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end}:\n`;
` .word 0\n`;
- let lbl = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_frametable" in
+ let lbl = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__frametable" in
` .rdata\n`;
` .globl {emit_symbol lbl}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl}:\n`;
diff --git a/asmcomp/power/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/power/emit.mlp
index e96dd297ff..534d270cd6 100644
--- a/asmcomp/power/emit.mlp
+++ b/asmcomp/power/emit.mlp
@@ -1042,11 +1042,11 @@ let begin_assembly() =
jumptbl_entries := [];
lbl_jumptbl := 0;
(* Emit the beginning of the segments *)
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_begin" in
emit_string data_space;
declare_global_data lbl_begin;
`{emit_symbol lbl_begin}:\n`;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_begin" in
emit_string code_space;
declare_global_data lbl_begin;
`{emit_symbol lbl_begin}:\n`
@@ -1079,17 +1079,17 @@ let end_assembly() =
StringSet.iter emit_external !external_functions;
(* Emit the end of the segments *)
emit_string code_space;
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_end" in
declare_global_data lbl_end;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end}:\n`;
emit_string data_space;
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_end" in
declare_global_data lbl_end;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end}:\n`;
` .long 0\n`;
(* Emit the frame descriptors *)
emit_string rodata_space;
- let lbl = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_frametable" in
+ let lbl = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__frametable" in
declare_global_data lbl;
`{emit_symbol lbl}:\n`;
` .long {emit_int (List.length !frame_descriptors)}\n`;
diff --git a/asmcomp/sparc/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/sparc/emit.mlp
index bee1c3d5d3..8478acc1f4 100644
--- a/asmcomp/sparc/emit.mlp
+++ b/asmcomp/sparc/emit.mlp
@@ -653,26 +653,26 @@ let data l =
(* Beginning / end of an assembly file *)
let begin_assembly() =
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_begin" in
` .data\n`;
` .global {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_begin}:\n`;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_begin" in
+ let lbl_begin = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_begin" in
` .text\n`;
` .global {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_begin}:\n`
let end_assembly() =
` .text\n`;
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_code_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__code_end" in
` .global {emit_symbol lbl_end}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end}:\n`;
` .data\n`;
- let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_data_end" in
+ let lbl_end = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__data_end" in
` .global {emit_symbol lbl_end}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl_end}:\n`;
` .word 0\n`;
- let lbl = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_frametable" in
+ let lbl = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "__frametable" in
` .global {emit_symbol lbl}\n`;
`{emit_symbol lbl}:\n`;
` .word {emit_int (List.length !frame_descriptors)}\n`;