path: root/lib/internal/test_runner/yaml_to_js.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/internal/test_runner/yaml_to_js.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/lib/internal/test_runner/yaml_to_js.js b/lib/internal/test_runner/yaml_to_js.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 724e71baaa..0000000000
--- a/lib/internal/test_runner/yaml_to_js.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-const {
- codes: {
- },
-} = require('internal/errors');
-const AssertionError = require('internal/assert/assertion_error');
-const {
- ArrayPrototypeJoin,
- ArrayPrototypePush,
- Error,
- Number,
- NumberIsNaN,
- RegExpPrototypeExec,
- StringPrototypeEndsWith,
- StringPrototypeRepeat,
- StringPrototypeSlice,
- StringPrototypeStartsWith,
- StringPrototypeSubstring,
-} = primordials;
-const kYamlKeyRegex = /^(\s+)?(\w+):(\s)*([>|][-+])?(.*)$/;
-const kStackDelimiter = ' at ';
-function reConstructError(parsedYaml) {
- if (!('error' in parsedYaml)) {
- return parsedYaml;
- }
- const isAssertionError = parsedYaml.code === 'ERR_ASSERTION' ||
- 'actual' in parsedYaml || 'expected' in parsedYaml || 'operator' in parsedYaml;
- const isTestFailure = parsedYaml.code === 'ERR_TEST_FAILURE' || 'failureType' in parsedYaml;
- const stack = parsedYaml.stack ? kStackDelimiter + ArrayPrototypeJoin(parsedYaml.stack, `\n${kStackDelimiter}`) : '';
- let error, cause;
- if (isAssertionError) {
- cause = new AssertionError({
- message: parsedYaml.error,
- actual: parsedYaml.actual,
- expected: parsedYaml.expected,
- operator: parsedYaml.operator,
- });
- } else {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
- cause = new Error(parsedYaml.error);
- }
- const name = ?? 'Error';
- cause.stack = `${name}: ${parsedYaml.error}\n${stack}`;
- if (!isAssertionError && !isTestFailure) {
- cause.code = parsedYaml.code;
- }
- if (isTestFailure) {
- error = new ERR_TEST_FAILURE(cause, parsedYaml.failureType);
- error.stack = stack;
- }
- parsedYaml.error = error ?? cause;
- delete parsedYaml.stack;
- delete parsedYaml.code;
- delete parsedYaml.failureType;
- delete parsedYaml.actual;
- delete parsedYaml.expected;
- delete parsedYaml.operator;
- return parsedYaml;
-function getYamlValue(value) {
- if (StringPrototypeStartsWith(value, "'") && StringPrototypeEndsWith(value, "'")) {
- return StringPrototypeSlice(value, 1, -1);
- }
- if (value === 'true') {
- return true;
- }
- if (value === 'false') {
- return false;
- }
- if (value !== '') {
- const valueAsNumber = Number(value);
- return NumberIsNaN(valueAsNumber) ? value : valueAsNumber;
- }
- return value;
-// This parses the YAML generated by the built-in TAP reporter,
-// which is a subset of the full YAML spec. There are some
-// YAML features that won't be parsed here. This function should not be exposed publicly.
-function YAMLToJs(lines) {
- if (lines == null) {
- return undefined;
- }
- const result = { __proto__: null };
- let context = { __proto__: null, object: result, indent: 0, currentKey: null };
- let isInYamlBlock = false;
- for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
- const line = lines[i];
- if (isInYamlBlock && !StringPrototypeStartsWith(line, StringPrototypeRepeat(' ', isInYamlBlock.indent))) {
- context.object[isInYamlBlock.key] = isInYamlBlock.key === 'stack' ?
- context.object[isInYamlBlock.key] : ArrayPrototypeJoin(context.object[isInYamlBlock.key], '\n');
- isInYamlBlock = false;
- }
- if (isInYamlBlock) {
- const blockLine = StringPrototypeSubstring(line, isInYamlBlock.indent);
- ArrayPrototypePush(context.object[isInYamlBlock.key], blockLine);
- continue;
- }
- const match = RegExpPrototypeExec(kYamlKeyRegex, line);
- if (match !== null) {
- const { 1: leadingSpaces, 2: key, 4: block, 5: value } = match;
- const indent = leadingSpaces?.length ?? 0;
- if (block) {
- isInYamlBlock = { key, indent: indent + 2 };
- context.object[key] = [];
- continue;
- }
- if (indent > context.indent) {
- context.object[context.currentKey] ||= {};
- context = { __proto__: null, parent: context, object: context.object[context.currentKey], indent };
- } else if (indent < context.indent) {
- context = context.parent;
- }
- context.currentKey = key;
- context.object[key] = getYamlValue(value);
- }
- }
- return reConstructError(result);
-module.exports = {