path: root/deps/npm/node_modules/libnpmdiff/test/index.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/npm/node_modules/libnpmdiff/test/index.js')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/npm/node_modules/libnpmdiff/test/index.js b/deps/npm/node_modules/libnpmdiff/test/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88b474c111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/npm/node_modules/libnpmdiff/test/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+const { resolve } = require('path')
+const t = require('tap')
+const diff = require('../index.js')
+const normalizePath = p => p
+ .replace(/\\+/g, '/')
+ .replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')
+t.cleanSnapshot = (str) => normalizePath(str)
+ .replace(normalizePath(process.execPath), 'node')
+const json = (obj) => `${JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2)}\n`
+t.test('compare two diff specs', async t => {
+ const path = t.testdir({
+ a1: {
+ 'package.json': json({
+ name: 'a',
+ version: '1.0.0',
+ }),
+ 'index.js': 'module.exports =\n "a1"\n',
+ },
+ a2: {
+ 'package.json': json({
+ name: 'a',
+ version: '2.0.0',
+ }),
+ 'index.js': 'module.exports =\n "a2"\n',
+ },
+ })
+ const a = `file:${resolve(path, 'a1')}`
+ const b = `file:${resolve(path, 'a2')}`
+ t.resolveMatchSnapshot(diff([a, b], {}), 'should output expected diff')
+t.test('using single arg', async t => {
+ await t.rejects(
+ diff(['abbrev@1.0.3']),
+ /libnpmdiff needs two arguments to compare/,
+ 'should throw EDIFFARGS error'
+ )
+t.test('too many args', async t => {
+ const args = ['abbrev@1.0.3', 'abbrev@1.0.4', 'abbrev@1.0.5']
+ await t.rejects(
+ diff(args),
+ /libnpmdiff needs two arguments to compare/,
+ 'should output diff against cwd files'
+ )
+t.test('folder in node_modules', async t => {
+ const path = t.testdir({
+ node_modules: {
+ a: {
+ 'package.json': json({
+ name: 'a',
+ version: '1.0.0',
+ scripts: {
+ prepare: `${process.execPath} prepare.js`,
+ },
+ }),
+ 'prepare.js': 'throw new Error("ERR")',
+ node_modules: {
+ b: {
+ 'package.json': json({
+ name: 'b',
+ version: '2.0.0',
+ scripts: {
+ prepare: `${process.execPath} prepare.js`,
+ },
+ }),
+ 'prepare.js': 'throw new Error("ERR")',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ packages: {
+ a: {
+ 'package.json': json({
+ name: 'a',
+ version: '1.0.1',
+ scripts: {
+ prepare: `${process.execPath} prepare.js`,
+ },
+ }),
+ 'prepare.js': '',
+ },
+ b: {
+ 'package.json': json({
+ name: 'b',
+ version: '2.0.1',
+ scripts: {
+ prepare: `${process.execPath} prepare.js`,
+ },
+ }),
+ 'prepare.js': '',
+ },
+ },
+ 'package.json': json({
+ name: 'my-project',
+ version: '1.0.0',
+ }),
+ })
+ t.test('top-level, absolute path', async t => {
+ t.resolveMatchSnapshot(diff([
+ `file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/a')}`,
+ `file:${resolve(path, 'packages/a')}`,
+ ], { where: path }), 'should output expected diff')
+ })
+ t.test('top-level, relative path', async t => {
+ const _cwd = process.cwd()
+ process.chdir(path)
+ t.teardown(() => {
+ process.chdir(_cwd)
+ })
+ t.resolveMatchSnapshot(diff([
+ 'file:./node_modules/a',
+ 'file:./packages/a',
+ ], { where: path }), 'should output expected diff')
+ })
+ t.test('nested, absolute path', async t => {
+ t.resolveMatchSnapshot(diff([
+ `file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/a/node_modules/b')}`,
+ `file:${resolve(path, 'packages/b')}`,
+ ], { where: path}), 'should output expected diff')
+ })
+ t.test('nested, relative path', async t => {
+ const _cwd = process.cwd()
+ process.chdir(path)
+ t.teardown(() => {
+ process.chdir(_cwd)
+ })
+ t.resolveMatchSnapshot(diff([
+ 'file:./node_modules/a/node_modules/b',
+ 'file:./packages/b',
+ ], { where: path }), 'should output expected diff')
+ })