diff options
authorTessei Kameyama <>2018-07-21 21:24:08 +0900
committerJoão Reis <>2018-09-05 20:52:02 +0100
commitaf883e1f99598492474c13447e2a1895c0c6f1b7 (patch)
parent3209679b7f9ec9bd3ffc6cf2c56c6c5583be6b87 (diff)
child_process: fix switches for alternative shells on Windows
On Windows, normalizeSpawnArguments set "/d /s /c" for any shells. It cause exec and other methods are limited to cmd.exe as a shell. Powershell and git-bash are often used instead of cmd.exe, and they can recieve "-c" switch like unix shells. So normalizeSpawnArguments is changed to set "/d /s /c" for cmd.exe, and "-c" for others. Fixes: PR-URL: Reviewed-By: James M Snell <> Reviewed-By: João Reis <> Reviewed-By: Matteo Collina <> Reviewed-By: Refael Ackermann <>
4 files changed, 86 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/doc/api/ b/doc/api/
index 5b2b16f253..9cee76c02e 100644
--- a/doc/api/
+++ b/doc/api/
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ changes:
[Default Windows Shell][]. **Default:** `false` (no shell).
* `windowsVerbatimArguments` {boolean} No quoting or escaping of arguments is
done on Windows. Ignored on Unix. This is set to `true` automatically
- when `shell` is specified. **Default:** `false`.
+ when `shell` is specified and is CMD. **Default:** `false`.
* `windowsHide` {boolean} Hide the subprocess console window that would
normally be created on Windows systems. **Default:** `true`.
* Returns: {ChildProcess}
@@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ changes:
[Default Windows Shell][]. **Default:** `false` (no shell).
* `windowsVerbatimArguments` {boolean} No quoting or escaping of arguments is
done on Windows. Ignored on Unix. This is set to `true` automatically
- when `shell` is specified. **Default:** `false`.
+ when `shell` is specified and is CMD. **Default:** `false`.
* `windowsHide` {boolean} Hide the subprocess console window that would
normally be created on Windows systems. **Default:** `true`.
* Returns: {Object}
@@ -1432,8 +1432,9 @@ to `stdout` although there are only 4 characters.
## Shell Requirements
-The shell should understand the `-c` switch on UNIX or `/d /s /c` on Windows.
-On Windows, command line parsing should be compatible with `'cmd.exe'`.
+The shell should understand the `-c` switch. If the shell is `'cmd.exe'`, it
+should understand the `/d /s /c` switches and command line parsing should be
## Default Windows Shell
diff --git a/lib/child_process.js b/lib/child_process.js
index 2e9c71c1ef..2962f5cf05 100644
--- a/lib/child_process.js
+++ b/lib/child_process.js
@@ -469,14 +469,19 @@ function normalizeSpawnArguments(file, args, options) {
if ( {
const command = [file].concat(args).join(' ');
+ // Set the shell, switches, and commands.
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
if (typeof === 'string')
file =;
file = process.env.comspec || 'cmd.exe';
- args = ['/d', '/s', '/c', `"${command}"`];
- options.windowsVerbatimArguments = true;
+ // '/d /s /c' is used only for cmd.exe.
+ if (/^(?:.*\\)?cmd(?:\.exe)?$/i.test(file)) {
+ args = ['/d', '/s', '/c', `"${command}"`];
+ options.windowsVerbatimArguments = true;
+ } else {
+ args = ['-c', command];
+ }
} else {
if (typeof === 'string')
file =;
diff --git a/test/parallel/test-child-process-exec-any-shells-windows.js b/test/parallel/test-child-process-exec-any-shells-windows.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cdd03d7e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/parallel/test-child-process-exec-any-shells-windows.js
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+'use strict';
+const common = require('../common');
+const assert = require('assert');
+const cp = require('child_process');
+const fs = require('fs');
+const tmpdir = require('../common/tmpdir');
+// This test is only relevant on Windows.
+if (!common.isWindows)
+ common.skip('Windows specific test.');
+// This test ensures that child_process.exec can work with any shells.
+const tmpPath = `${tmpdir.path}\\path with spaces`;
+const test = (shell) => {
+ cp.exec('echo foo bar', { shell: shell },
+ common.mustCall((error, stdout, stderror) => {
+ assert.ok(!error && !stderror);
+ assert.ok(stdout.includes('foo') && stdout.includes('bar'));
+ }));
+const testCopy = (shellName, shellPath) => {
+ // Copy the executable to a path with spaces, to ensure there are no issues
+ // related to quoting of argv0
+ const copyPath = `${tmpPath}\\${shellName}`;
+ fs.copyFileSync(shellPath, copyPath);
+ test(copyPath);
+const system32 = `${process.env.SystemRoot}\\System32`;
+// Test CMD
+testCopy('cmd.exe', `${system32}\\cmd.exe`);
+// Test PowerShell
+ `${system32}\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe`);
+fs.writeFile(`${tmpPath}\\test file`, 'Test', common.mustCall((err) => {
+ assert.ifError(err);
+ cp.exec(`Get-ChildItem "${tmpPath}" | Select-Object -Property Name`,
+ { shell: 'PowerShell' },
+ common.mustCall((error, stdout, stderror) => {
+ assert.ok(!error && !stderror);
+ assert.ok(stdout.includes(
+ 'test file'));
+ }));
+// Test Bash (from WSL and Git), if available
+cp.exec('where bash', common.mustCall((error, stdout) => {
+ if (error) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const lines = stdout.trim().split(/[\r\n]+/g);
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
+ const bashPath = lines[i].trim();
+ test(bashPath);
+ testCopy(`bash_${i}.exe`, bashPath);
+ }
diff --git a/test/parallel/test-child-process-spawnsync-shell.js b/test/parallel/test-child-process-spawnsync-shell.js
index 637cb12a23..6f7c0ec0f1 100644
--- a/test/parallel/test-child-process-spawnsync-shell.js
+++ b/test/parallel/test-child-process-spawnsync-shell.js
@@ -54,11 +54,12 @@ assert.strictEqual(env.stdout.toString().trim(), 'buzz');
function test(testPlatform, shell, shellOutput) {
platform = testPlatform;
+ const isCmd = /^(?:.*\\)?cmd(?:\.exe)?$/i.test(shellOutput);
const cmd = 'not_a_real_command';
- const shellFlags = platform === 'win32' ? ['/d', '/s', '/c'] : ['-c'];
- const outputCmd = platform === 'win32' ? `"${cmd}"` : cmd;
- const windowsVerbatim = platform === 'win32' ? true : undefined;
+ const shellFlags = isCmd ? ['/d', '/s', '/c'] : ['-c'];
+ const outputCmd = isCmd ? `"${cmd}"` : cmd;
+ const windowsVerbatim = isCmd ? true : undefined;
internalCp.spawnSync = common.mustCall(function(opts) {
assert.strictEqual(opts.file, shellOutput);