path: root/README.rst
diff options
authorErik Faye-Lund <>2022-05-20 13:45:55 +0200
committerErik Faye-Lund <>2022-05-30 12:14:24 +0200
commit478260862bdd5fc8887c4cea4d0a960eddbc4946 (patch)
tree8de2d3fe616dc2575775f8db4980a4c40cc20835 /README.rst
parent379f6a1453ddb6a5440c81d0783b304ef09142f5 (diff)
convert index.html to README.rst
This is a bit more discoverable, and easier to read for humans.
Diffstat (limited to 'README.rst')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5ea745a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+Mesa Demos Distribution
+The Mesa Demos package contains a large number of OpenGL demonstration
+and test programs.
+These programs were previously distributed as the MesaDemos-x.y.z.tar.gz
+package released in conjunction with the MesaLib-x.y.z.tar.gz package.
+The demos are separated now since they don't change often and
+aren't tied to a particular version of Mesa.
+Note that the Mesa demos should be usable with any OpenGL implementation;
+not just Mesa.
+FTP site
+The latest version of the Mesa demos can be found on the `
+archives <>`_ site.
+Git Repository
+The Mesa demos git repository can be obtained with:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ $ git clone
+The Mesa demos can be built with `Meson <>`_.
+You'll need glut or `freeglut <>`_
+(runtime libraries and header files).
+If you're using an RPM-based Linux distro you can install these items
+.. code-block:: sh
+ $ yum install freeglut freeglut-devel
+And if you're using a Debian based Linux distro you can install these
+items with:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ $ apt-get install freeglut3-dev
+For `Wayland <>`_ support,
+`wayland-protocols <>`_
+`wayland-scanner <>`_
+must be available. Additionally, to build for Wayland using CMake,
+`Extra CMake Modules <>`_
+must be available.
+Run **meson configure** to see the options available for building
+the demos.
+Otherwise, just run **meson build-dir; meson compile -C build-dir** to
+build the demos.
+See the `Meson documentation <>`_ for more
+information about Meson.
+MinGW cross-compilation
+Create a **cross-file** file containing:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [binaries]
+ c = '/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc'
+ cpp = '/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++'
+ ar = '/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar'
+ strip = '/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip'
+ pkgconfig = 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-pkg-config'
+ exe_wrapper = 'wine'
+ [host_machine]
+ system = 'windows'
+ cpu_family = 'x86_64'
+ cpu = 'i686'
+ endian = 'little'
+Then do:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ $ meson --prefix=/path/to/install --cross-file /path/to/cross-file build-dir
+ $ meson compile -C build-dir
+ $ meson install -C build-dir
+The Demos
+Look in the **src/** directory for these sub-directories, among others:
+- demos - the original Mesa demos, such as gears, gloss, etc.
+- redbook - the OpenGL Programming Guide demos
+- samples- original SGI OpenGL demos
+- glsl - OpenGL Shading Language demos
+- gs - Geometry shader demos
+- xdemos - GLX-based demos
+- egl - EGL-based demos
+- wgl - WGL-based demos
+- fp - fragment program tests
+- vp - vertex program tests
+- data - data files used by the demos
+- perf - performance tests
+- tests - assorted test programs
+- objviewer - program to view .obj modes with a skybox
+Getting Help
+If you have trouble building or using the Mesa demos, you can post
+to the `Mesa users <>`_
+mailing list.
+If your question is especially technical, you can try the
+to the `Mesa dev <>`_
+mailing list.
+Reporting Bugs
+Bugs in the demos can be reported to the
+`Mesa demos issue tracker <>`_.