diff options
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/fill_help_tables.sql b/scripts/fill_help_tables.sql
index caedfa461e0..f50512a449d 100644
--- a/scripts/fill_help_tables.sql
+++ b/scripts/fill_help_tables.sql
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ insert into help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) values
insert into help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) values (49,'Replication',1,'');
insert into help_category (help_category_id,name,parent_category_id,url) values (50,'Prepared Statements',1,'');
-insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (1,9,'HELP_DATE','Help Contents generated from the MariaDB Knowledge Base on 23 January 2023.','','');
-insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (2,9,'HELP_VERSION','Help Contents generated for MariaDB 10.10 from the MariaDB Knowledge Base on 23 January 2023.','','');
+insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (1,9,'HELP_DATE','Help Contents generated from the MariaDB Knowledge Base on 10 February 2023.','','');
+insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (2,9,'HELP_VERSION','Help Contents generated for MariaDB 10.11 from the MariaDB Knowledge Base on 10 February 2023.','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (3,2,'AREA','A synonym for ST_AREA.\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (4,2,'CENTROID','A synonym for ST_CENTROID.\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (5,2,'ExteriorRing','A synonym for ST_ExteriorRing.\n\nURL:','','');
@@ -195,9 +195,9 @@ insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,
update help_topic set description = CONCAT(description, '\n+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n| MAX_STATEMENT_TIME | Timeout, in seconds, for statements |\n| | executed by the user. See also |\n| | Aborting Statements that Exceed a |\n| | Certain Time to Execute. |\n+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+\n\nIf any of these limits are set to 0, then there is no limit for that resource\nfor that user.\n\nHere is an example showing how to set an account\'s resource limits:\n\nALTER USER \'someone\'@\'localhost\' WITH\n MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 10\n MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 200;\n\nThe resources are tracked per account, which means \'user\'@\'server\'; not per\nuser name or per connection.\n\nThe count can be reset for all users using FLUSH USER_RESOURCES, FLUSH\nPRIVILEGES or mysqladmin reload.\n\nPer account resource limits are stored in the user table, in the mysql\ndatabase. Columns used for resources limits are named max_questions,\nmax_updates, max_connections (for MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR), and\nmax_user_connections (for MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS).\n\nPassword Expiry\n---------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.4.3\n----------------------------\nBesides automatic password expiry, as determined by default_password_lifetime,\npassword expiry times can be set on an individual user basis, overriding the\nglobal setting, for example:\n\nALTER USER \'monty\'@\'localhost\' PASSWORD EXPIRE INTERVAL 120 DAY;\nALTER USER \'monty\'@\'localhost\' PASSWORD EXPIRE NEVER;\nALTER USER \'monty\'@\'localhost\' PASSWORD EXPIRE DEFAULT;\n\nSee User Password Expiry for more details.\n\nAccount Locking\n---------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.4.2\n----------------------------\nAccount locking permits privileged administrators to lock/unlock user\naccounts. No new client connections will be permitted if an account is locked\n(existing connections are not affected). For example:\n\nALTER USER \'marijn\'@\'localhost\' ACCOUNT LOCK;\n\nSee Account Locking for more details.\n\nFrom MariaDB 10.4.7 and MariaDB 10.5.8, the lock_option and password_option\nclauses can occur in either order.\n\nURL:') WHERE help_topic_id = 106;
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (107,10,'DROP USER','Syntax\n------\n\nDROP USER [IF EXISTS] user_name [, user_name] ...\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe DROP USER statement removes one or more MariaDB accounts. It removes\nprivilege rows for the account from all grant tables. To use this statement,\nyou must have the global CREATE USER privilege or the DELETE privilege for the\nmysql database. Each account is named using the same format as for the CREATE\nUSER statement; for example, \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\'. If you specify only the\nuser name part of the account name, a host name part of \'%\' is used. For\nadditional information about specifying account names, see CREATE USER.\n\nNote that, if you specify an account that is currently connected, it will not\nbe deleted until the connection is closed. The connection will not be\nautomatically closed.\n\nIf any of the specified user accounts do not exist, ERROR 1396 (HY000)\nresults. If an error occurs, DROP USER will still drop the accounts that do\nnot result in an error. Only one error is produced for all users which have\nnot been dropped:\n\nERROR 1396 (HY000): Operation DROP USER failed for \'u1\'@\'%\',\'u2\'@\'%\'\n\nFailed CREATE or DROP operations, for both users and roles, produce the same\nerror code.\n\nIF EXISTS\n---------\n\nIf the IF EXISTS clause is used, MariaDB will return a note instead of an\nerror if the user does not exist.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nDROP USER bob;\n\nDROP USER foo2@localhost,foo2@\'127.%\';\n\nIF EXISTS:\n\nDROP USER bob;\nERROR 1396 (HY000): Operation DROP USER failed for \'bob\'@\'%\'\n\nDROP USER IF EXISTS bob;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)\n\nSHOW WARNINGS;\n+-------+------+---------------------------------------------+\n| Level | Code | Message |\n+-------+------+---------------------------------------------+\n| Note | 1974 | Can\'t drop user \'bob\'@\'%\'; it doesn\'t exist |\n+-------+------+---------------------------------------------+\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (108,10,'GRANT','Syntax\n------\n\nGRANT\n priv_type [(column_list)]\n [, priv_type [(column_list)]] ...\n ON [object_type] priv_level\n TO user_specification [ user_options ...]\n\nuser_specification:\n username [authentication_option]\n | PUBLIC\nauthentication_option:\n IDENTIFIED BY \'password\'\n | IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD \'password_hash\'\n | IDENTIFIED {VIA|WITH} authentication_rule [OR authentication_rule ...]\n\nauthentication_rule:\n authentication_plugin\n | authentication_plugin {USING|AS} \'authentication_string\'\n | authentication_plugin {USING|AS} PASSWORD(\'password\')\n\nGRANT PROXY ON username\n TO user_specification [, user_specification ...]\n [WITH GRANT OPTION]\n\nGRANT rolename TO grantee [, grantee ...]\n [WITH ADMIN OPTION]\n\ngrantee:\n rolename\n username [authentication_option]\n\nuser_options:\n [REQUIRE {NONE | tls_option [[AND] tls_option] ...}]\n [WITH with_option [with_option] ...]\n\nobject_type:\n TABLE\n | FUNCTION\n | PROCEDURE\n | PACKAGE\n\npriv_level:\n *\n | *.*\n | db_name.*\n | db_name.tbl_name\n | tbl_name\n | db_name.routine_name\n\nwith_option:\n GRANT OPTION\n | resource_option\n\nresource_option:\n MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR count\n | MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR count\n | MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR count\n | MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS count\n | MAX_STATEMENT_TIME time\n\ntls_option:\n SSL\n | X509\n | CIPHER \'cipher\'\n | ISSUER \'issuer\'\n | SUBJECT \'subject\'\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe GRANT statement allows you to grant privileges or roles to accounts. To\nuse GRANT, you must have the GRANT OPTION privilege, and you must have the\nprivileges that you are granting.\n\nUse the REVOKE statement to revoke privileges granted with the GRANT statement.\n\nUse the SHOW GRANTS statement to determine what privileges an account has.\n\nAccount Names\n-------------\n\nFor GRANT statements, account names are specified as the username argument in\nthe same way as they are for CREATE USER statements. See account names from\nthe CREATE USER page for details on how account names are specified.\n\nImplicit Account Creation\n-------------------------\n\nThe GRANT statement also allows you to implicitly create accounts in some\ncases.\n\nIf the account does not yet exist, then GRANT can implicitly create it. To\nimplicitly create an account with GRANT, a user is required to have the same\nprivileges that would be required to explicitly create the account with the\nCREATE USER statement.\n\nIf the NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER SQL_MODE is set, then accounts can only be created\nif authentication information is specified, or with a CREATE USER statement.\nIf no authentication information is provided, GRANT will produce an error when\nthe specified account does not exist, for example:\n\nshow variables like \'%sql_mode%\' ;\n+---------------+--------------------------------------------+\n| Variable_name | Value |\n+---------------+--------------------------------------------+\n| sql_mode | NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION |\n+---------------+--------------------------------------------+\n\nGRANT USAGE ON *.* TO \'user123\'@\'%\' IDENTIFIED BY \'\';\nERROR 1133 (28000): Can\'t find any matching row in the user table\n\nGRANT USAGE ON *.* TO \'user123\'@\'%\' \n IDENTIFIED VIA PAM using \'mariadb\' require ssl ;\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)\n\nselect host, user from mysql.user where user=\'user123\' ;\n\n+------+----------+\n| host | user |\n+------+----------+\n| % | user123 |\n+------+----------+\n\nPrivilege Levels\n----------------\n\nPrivileges can be set globally, for an entire database, for a table or\nroutine, or for individual columns in a table. Certain privileges can only be\nset at certain levels.\n\n* Global privileges priv_type are granted using *.* for\npriv_level. Global privileges include privileges to administer the database\nand manage user accounts, as well as privileges for all tables, functions, and\nprocedures. Global privileges are stored in the mysql.user table prior to\nMariaDB 10.4, and in mysql.global_priv table afterwards.\n* Database privileges priv_type are granted using db_name.*\nfor priv_level, or using just * to use default database. Database\nprivileges include privileges to create tables and functions, as well as\nprivileges for all tables, functions, and procedures in the database. Database\nprivileges are stored in the mysql.db table.\n* Table privileges priv_type are granted using db_name.tbl_name\nfor priv_level, or using just tbl_name to specify a table in the default\ndatabase. The TABLE keyword is optional. Table privileges include the\nability to select and change data in the table. Certain table privileges can\nbe granted for individual columns.\n* Column privileges priv_type are granted by specifying a table for\npriv_level and providing a column list after the privilege type. They allow\nyou to control exactly which columns in a table users can select and change.\n* Function privileges priv_type are granted using FUNCTION db_name.routine_name\nfor priv_level, or using just FUNCTION routine_name to specify a function\nin the default database.\n* Procedure privileges priv_type are granted using PROCEDURE\ndb_name.routine_name\nfor priv_level, or using just PROCEDURE routine_name to specify a procedure\nin the default database.\n\nThe USAGE Privilege\n-------------------\n\nThe USAGE privilege grants no real privileges. The SHOW GRANTS statement will\nshow a global USAGE privilege for a newly-created user. You can use USAGE with\nthe GRANT statement to change options like GRANT OPTION and\nMAX_USER_CONNECTIONS without changing any account privileges.\n\nThe ALL PRIVILEGES Privilege\n----------------------------\n\nThe ALL PRIVILEGES privilege grants all available privileges. Granting all\nprivileges only affects the given privilege level. For example, granting all\nprivileges on a table does not grant any privileges on the database or\nglobally.\n\nUsing ALL PRIVILEGES does not grant the special GRANT OPTION privilege.\n\nYou can use ALL instead of ALL PRIVILEGES.\n\nThe GRANT OPTION Privilege\n--------------------------\n\nUse the WITH GRANT OPTION clause to give users the ability to grant privileges\nto other users at the given privilege level. Users with the GRANT OPTION\nprivilege can only grant privileges they have. They cannot grant privileges at\na higher privilege level than they have the GRANT OPTION privilege.\n\nThe GRANT OPTION privilege cannot be set for individual columns. If you use\nWITH GRANT OPTION when specifying column privileges, the GRANT OPTION\nprivilege will be granted for the entire table.\n\nUsing the WITH GRANT OPTION clause is equivalent to listing GRANT OPTION as a\nprivilege.\n\nGlobal Privileges\n-----------------\n\nThe following table lists the privileges that can be granted globally. You can\nalso grant all database, table, and function privileges globally. When granted\nglobally, these privileges apply to all databases, tables, or functions,\nincluding those created later.\n\nTo set a global privilege, use *.* for priv_level.\n\nBINLOG ADMIN\n------------\n\nEnables administration of the binary log, including the PURGE BINARY LOGS\nstatement and setting the system variables:\n\n* binlog_annotate_row_events\n* binlog_cache_size\n* binlog_commit_wait_count\n* binlog_commit_wait_usec\n* binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates\n* binlog_expire_logs_seconds\n* binlog_file_cache_size\n* binlog_format\n* binlog_row_image\n* binlog_row_metadata\n* binlog_stmt_cache_size\n* expire_logs_days\n* log_bin_compress\n* log_bin_compress_min_len\n* log_bin_trust_function_creators\n* max_binlog_cache_size\n* max_binlog_size\n* max_binlog_stmt_cache_size\n* sql_log_bin and\n* sync_binlog.\n\nAdded in MariaDB 10.5.2.\n\nBINLOG MONITOR\n--------------\n\nNew name for REPLICATION CLIENT from MariaDB 10.5.2, (REPLICATION CLIENT still\nsupported as an alias for compatibility purposes). Permits running SHOW\ncommands related to the binary log, in particular the SHOW BINLOG STATUS and\nSHOW BINARY LOGS statements. Unlike REPLICATION CLIENT prior to MariaDB 10.5,\nSHOW REPLICA STATUS isn\'t included in this privilege, and REPLICA MONITOR is\nrequired.\n\nBINLOG REPLAY\n-------------\n\nEnables replaying the binary log with the BINLOG statement (generated by\nmariadb-binlog), executing SET timestamp when secure_timestamp is set to\nreplication, and setting the session values of system variables usually\nincluded in BINLOG output, in particular:\n\n* gtid_domain_id\n* gtid_seq_no\n* pseudo_thread_id\n* server_id.\n\nAdded in MariaDB 10.5.2\n\nCONNECTION ADMIN\n----------------\n\nEnables administering connection resource limit options. This includes\nignoring the limits specified by:\n\n* max_connections\n* max_user_connections and\n* max_password_errors.\n\nThe statements specified in init_connect are not executed, killing connections\nand queries owned by other users is permitted. The following\nconnection-related system variables can be changed:\n\n* connect_timeout\n* disconnect_on_expired_password\n* extra_max_connections\n* init_connect\n* max_connections\n* max_connect_errors\n* max_password_errors\n* proxy_protocol_networks\n* secure_auth\n* slow_launch_time\n* thread_pool_exact_stats\n* thread_pool_dedicated_listener\n* thread_pool_idle_timeout\n* thread_pool_max_threads\n* thread_pool_min_threads\n* thread_pool_oversubscribe\n* thread_pool_prio_kickup_timer\n* thread_pool_priority\n* thread_pool_size, and\n* thread_pool_stall_limit.\n\nAdded in MariaDB 10.5.2.\n\nCREATE USER\n-----------\n\nCreate a user using the CREATE USER statement, or implicitly create a user\nwith the GRANT statement.\n\nFEDERATED ADMIN\n---------------\n\nExecute CREATE SERVER, ALTER SERVER, and DROP SERVER statements. Added in\nMariaDB 10.5.2.\n\nFILE\n----\n\nRead and write files on the server, using statements like LOAD DATA INFILE or\nfunctions like LOAD_FILE(). Also needed to create CONNECT outward tables.\nMariaDB server must have the permissions to access those files.\n\nGRANT OPTION\n------------\n\nGrant global privileges. You can only grant privileges that you have.\n\nPROCESS\n-------\n\nShow information about the active processes, for example via SHOW PROCESSLIST\nor mysqladmin processlist. If you have the PROCESS privilege, you can see all\nthreads. Otherwise, you can see only your own threads (that is, threads\nassociated with the MariaDB account that you are using).\n\nREAD_ONLY ADMIN\n---------------\n\nUser can set the read_only system variable and allows the user to perform\nwrite operations, even when the read_only option is active. Added in MariaDB\n10.5.2.\n\nFrom MariaDB 10.11.0, the READ_ONLY ADMIN privilege has been removed from\nSUPER. The benefit of this is that one can remove the READ_ONLY ADMIN\nprivilege from all users and ensure that no one can make any changes on any\nnon-temporary tables. This is useful on replicas when one wants to ensure that\nthe replica is kept identical to the primary.\n\nRELOAD\n------\n\nExecute FLUSH statements or equivalent mariadb-admin/mysqladmin commands.\n\nREPLICATION CLIENT\n------------------\n\nExecute SHOW MASTER STATUS and SHOW BINARY LOGS informative statements.\nRenamed to BINLOG MONITOR in MariaDB 10.5.2 (but still supported as an alias\nfor compatibility reasons). SHOW SLAVE STATUS was part of REPLICATION CLIENT\nprior to MariaDB 10.5.\n\nREPLICATION MASTER ADMIN\n------------------------\n\nPermits administration of primary servers, including the SHOW REPLICA HOSTS\nstatement, and setting the gtid_binlog_state, gtid_domain_id,\nmaster_verify_checksum and server_id system variables. Added in MariaDB 10.5.2.\n\nREPLICA MONITOR\n---------------\n\nPermit SHOW REPLICA STATUS and SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS. From MariaDB 10.5.9.\n\nWhen a user would upgrade from an older major release to a MariaDB 10.5 minor\nrelease prior to MariaDB 10.5.9, certain user accounts would lose\ncapabilities. For example, a user account that had the REPLICATION CLIENT\nprivilege in older major releases could run SHOW REPLICA STATUS, but after\nupgrading to a MariaDB 10.5 minor release prior to MariaDB 10.5.9, they could\nno longer run SHOW REPLICA STATUS, because that statement was changed to\nrequire the REPLICATION REPLICA ADMIN privilege.\n\nThis issue is fixed in MariaDB 10.5.9 with this new privilege, which now\ngrants the user the ability to execute SHOW [ALL] (SLAVE | REPLICA) STATUS.\n\nWhen a database is upgraded from an older major release to MariaDB Server\n10.5.9 or later, any user accounts with the REPLICATION CLIENT or REPLICATION\nSLAVE privileges will automatically be granted the new REPLICA MONITOR\nprivilege. The privilege fix occurs when the server is started up, not when\nmariadb-upgrade is performed.\n\nHowever, when a database is upgraded from an early 10.5 minor release to\n10.5.9 and later, the user will have to fix any user account privileges\nmanually.\n\nREPLICATION REPLICA\n-------------------\n\nSynonym for REPLICATION SLAVE. From MariaDB 10.5.1.\n\nREPLICATION SLAVE\n-----------------\n\nAccounts used by replica servers on the primary need this privilege. This is\nneeded to get the updates made on the master. From MariaDB 10.5.1, REPLICATION\nREPLICA is an alias for REPLICATION SLAVE.\n\nREPLICATION SLAVE ADMIN\n-----------------------\n\nPermits administering replica servers, including START REPLICA/SLAVE, STOP\nREPLICA/SLAVE, CHANGE MASTER, SHOW REPLICA/SLAVE STATUS, SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS\nstatements, replaying the binary log with the BINLOG statement (generated by\nmariadb-binlog), and setting the system variables:\n\n* gtid_cleanup_batch_size\n* gtid_ignore_duplicates\n* gtid_pos_auto_engines\n* gtid_slave_pos\n* gtid_strict_mode\n* init_slave\n* read_binlog_speed_limit\n* relay_log_purge\n* relay_log_recovery\n* replicate_do_db\n* replicate_do_table\n* replicate_events_marked_for_skip\n* replicate_ignore_db\n* replicate_ignore_table\n* replicate_wild_do_table\n* replicate_wild_ignore_table\n* slave_compressed_protocol\n* slave_ddl_exec_mode\n* slave_domain_parallel_threads\n* slave_exec_mode\n* slave_max_allowed_packet\n* slave_net_timeout\n* slave_parallel_max_queued\n* slave_parallel_mode\n* slave_parallel_threads\n* slave_parallel_workers\n* slave_run_triggers_for_rbr\n* slave_sql_verify_checksum\n* slave_transaction_retry_interval\n* slave_type_conversions\n* sync_master_info\n* sync_relay_log, and\n* sync_relay_log_info.\n\nAdded in MariaDB 10.5.2.\n\nSET USER\n--------\n','','');
-update help_topic set description = CONCAT(description, '\nEnables setting the DEFINER when creating triggers, views, stored functions\nand stored procedures. Added in MariaDB 10.5.2.\n\nSHOW DATABASES\n--------------\n\nList all databases using the SHOW DATABASES statement. Without the SHOW\nDATABASES privilege, you can still issue the SHOW DATABASES statement, but it\nwill only list databases containing tables on which you have privileges.\n\nSHUTDOWN\n--------\n\nShut down the server using SHUTDOWN or the mysqladmin shutdown command.\n\nSUPER\n-----\n\nExecute superuser statements: CHANGE MASTER TO, KILL (users who do not have\nthis privilege can only KILL their own threads), PURGE LOGS, SET global system\nvariables, or the mysqladmin debug command. Also, this permission allows the\nuser to write data even if the read_only startup option is set, enable or\ndisable logging, enable or disable replication on replica, specify a DEFINER\nfor statements that support that clause, connect once reaching the\nMAX_CONNECTIONS. If a statement has been specified for the init-connect mysqld\noption, that command will not be executed when a user with SUPER privileges\nconnects to the server.\n\nThe SUPER privilege has been split into multiple smaller privileges from\nMariaDB 10.5.2 to allow for more fine-grained privileges, although it remains\nan alias for these smaller privileges.\n\nFrom MariaDB 10.11.0, the READ_ONLY ADMIN privilege has been removed from\nSUPER. The benefit of this is that one can remove the READ_ONLY ADMIN\nprivilege from all users and ensure that no one can make any changes on any\nnon-temporary tables. This is useful on replicas when one wants to ensure that\nthe replica is kept identical to the primary.\n\nDatabase Privileges\n-------------------\n\nThe following table lists the privileges that can be granted at the database\nlevel. You can also grant all table and function privileges at the database\nlevel. Table and function privileges on a database apply to all tables or\nfunctions in that database, including those created later.\n\nTo set a privilege for a database, specify the database using db_name.* for\npriv_level, or just use * to specify the default database.\n\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| Privilege | Description |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| CREATE | Create a database using the CREATE |\n| | DATABASE statement, when the privilege |\n| | is granted for a database. You can |\n| | grant the CREATE privilege on |\n| | databases that do not yet exist. This |\n| | also grants the CREATE privilege on |\n| | all tables in the database. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| CREATE ROUTINE | Create Stored Programs using the |\n| | CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION |\n| | statements. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES | Create temporary tables with the |\n| | CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement. This |\n| | privilege enable writing and dropping |\n| | those temporary tables |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| DROP | Drop a database using the DROP |\n| | DATABASE statement, when the privilege |\n| | is granted for a database. This also |\n| | grants the DROP privilege on all |\n| | tables in the database. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| EVENT | Create, drop and alter EVENTs. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| GRANT OPTION | Grant database privileges. You can |\n| | only grant privileges that you have. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| LOCK TABLES | Acquire explicit locks using the LOCK |\n| | TABLES statement; you also need to |\n| | have the SELECT privilege on a table, |\n| | in order to lock it. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n\nTable Privileges\n----------------\n\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| Privilege | Description |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| ALTER | Change the structure of an existing |\n| | table using the ALTER TABLE statement. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| CREATE | Create a table using the CREATE TABLE |\n| | statement. You can grant the CREATE |\n| | privilege on tables that do not yet |\n| | exist. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| CREATE VIEW | Create a view using the CREATE_VIEW |\n| | statement. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| DELETE | Remove rows from a table using the |\n| | DELETE statement. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| DELETE HISTORY | Remove historical rows from a table |\n| | using the DELETE HISTORY statement. |\n| | Displays as DELETE VERSIONING ROWS |\n| | when running SHOW GRANTS until MariaDB |\n| | 10.3.15 and until MariaDB 10.4.5 |\n| | (MDEV-17655), or when running SHOW |\n| | PRIVILEGES until MariaDB 10.5.2, |\n| | MariaDB 10.4.13 and MariaDB 10.3.23 |\n| | (MDEV-20382). From MariaDB 10.3.4. |\n| | From MariaDB 10.3.5, if a user has the |\n| | SUPER privilege but not this |\n| | privilege, running mysql_upgrade will |\n| | grant this privilege as well. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| DROP | Drop a table using the DROP TABLE |\n| | statement or a view using the DROP |\n| | VIEW statement. Also required to |\n| | execute the TRUNCATE TABLE statement. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| GRANT OPTION | Grant table privileges. You can only |\n| | grant privileges that you have. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| INDEX | Create an index on a table using the |\n| | CREATE INDEX statement. Without the |\n| | INDEX privilege, you can still create |\n| | indexes when creating a table using |\n| | the CREATE TABLE statement if the you |\n| | have the CREATE privilege, and you can |\n| | create indexes using the ALTER TABLE |\n| | statement if you have the ALTER |\n| | privilege. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| INSERT | Add rows to a table using the INSERT |\n| | statement. The INSERT privilege can |\n| | also be set on individual columns; see |\n| | Column Privileges below for details. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| REFERENCES | Unused. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| SELECT | Read data from a table using the |\n| | SELECT statement. The SELECT privilege |\n| | can also be set on individual columns; |\n| | see Column Privileges below for |\n| | details. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| SHOW VIEW | Show the CREATE VIEW statement to |\n| | create a view using the SHOW CREATE |\n| | VIEW statement. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| TRIGGER | Execute triggers associated to tables |\n| | you update, execute the CREATE TRIGGER |\n| | and DROP TRIGGER statements. You will |\n| | still be able to see triggers. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| UPDATE | Update existing rows in a table using |\n| | the UPDATE statement. UPDATE |\n| | statements usually include a WHERE |\n| | clause to update only certain rows. |\n| | You must have SELECT privileges on the |\n| | table or the appropriate columns for |\n| | the WHERE clause. The UPDATE privilege |\n| | can also be set on individual columns; |\n| | see Column Privileges below for |\n| | details. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n\nColumn Privileges\n-----------------\n\nSome table privileges can be set for individual columns of a table. To use\ncolumn privileges, specify the table explicitly and provide a list of column\nnames after the privilege type. For example, the following statement would\nallow the user to read the names and positions of employees, but not other\ninformation from the same table, such as salaries.\n\nGRANT SELECT (name, position) on Employee to \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\';\n\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| Privilege | Description |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| INSERT (column_list) | Add rows specifying values in columns |\n| | using the INSERT statement. If you |\n| | only have column-level INSERT |\n| | privileges, you must specify the |\n| | columns you are setting in the INSERT |\n| | statement. All other columns will be |\n| | set to their default values, or NULL. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| REFERENCES (column_list) | Unused. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| SELECT (column_list) | Read values in columns using the |\n| | SELECT statement. You cannot access or |\n| | query any columns for which you do not |\n| | have SELECT privileges, including in |\n| | WHERE, ON, GROUP BY, and ORDER BY |\n| | clauses. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| UPDATE (column_list) | Update values in columns of existing |\n| | rows using the UPDATE statement. |\n| | UPDATE statements usually include a |\n| | WHERE clause to update only certain |\n| | rows. You must have SELECT privileges |\n| | on the table or the appropriate |\n| | columns for the WHERE clause. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n\nFunction Privileges\n-------------------\n\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| Privilege | Description |') WHERE help_topic_id = 108;
-update help_topic set description = CONCAT(description, '\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| ALTER ROUTINE | Change the characteristics of a stored |\n| | function using the ALTER FUNCTION |\n| | statement. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| EXECUTE | Use a stored function. You need SELECT |\n| | privileges for any tables or columns |\n| | accessed by the function. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| GRANT OPTION | Grant function privileges. You can |\n| | only grant privileges that you have. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n\nProcedure Privileges\n--------------------\n\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| Privilege | Description |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| ALTER ROUTINE | Change the characteristics of a stored |\n| | procedure using the ALTER PROCEDURE |\n| | statement. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| EXECUTE | Execute a stored procedure using the |\n| | CALL statement. The privilege to call |\n| | a procedure may allow you to perform |\n| | actions you wouldn\'t otherwise be able |\n| | to do, such as insert rows into a |\n| | table. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| GRANT OPTION | Grant procedure privileges. You can |\n| | only grant privileges that you have. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n\nGRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE mysql.create_db TO maintainer;\n\nProxy Privileges\n----------------\n\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| Privilege | Description |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| PROXY | Permits one user to be a proxy for |\n| | another. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n\nThe PROXY privilege allows one user to proxy as another user, which means\ntheir privileges change to that of the proxy user, and the CURRENT_USER()\nfunction returns the user name of the proxy user.\n\nThe PROXY privilege only works with authentication plugins that support it.\nThe default mysql_native_password authentication plugin does not support proxy\nusers.\n\nThe pam authentication plugin is the only plugin included with MariaDB that\ncurrently supports proxy users. The PROXY privilege is commonly used with the\npam authentication plugin to enable user and group mapping with PAM.\n\nFor example, to grant the PROXY privilege to an anonymous account that\nauthenticates with the pam authentication plugin, you could execute the\nfollowing:\n\nCREATE USER \'dba\'@\'%\' IDENTIFIED BY \'strongpassword\';\nGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO \'dba\'@\'%\' ;\n\nCREATE USER \'\'@\'%\' IDENTIFIED VIA pam USING \'mariadb\';\nGRANT PROXY ON \'dba\'@\'%\' TO \'\'@\'%\';\n\nA user account can only grant the PROXY privilege for a specific user account\nif the granter also has the PROXY privilege for that specific user account,\nand if that privilege is defined WITH GRANT OPTION. For example, the following\nexample fails because the granter does not have the PROXY privilege for that\nspecific user account at all:\n\nSELECT USER(), CURRENT_USER();\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| USER() | CURRENT_USER() |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| alice@localhost | alice@localhost |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n\nSHOW GRANTS;\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------+\n| Grants for alice@localhost \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------+\n| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO \'alice\'@\'localhost\' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD\n\'*2470C0C06DEE42FD1618BB99005ADCA2EC9D1E19\' |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------+\n\nGRANT PROXY ON \'dba\'@\'localhost\' TO \'bob\'@\'localhost\';\nERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user \'alice\'@\'localhost\'\n\nAnd the following example fails because the granter does have the PROXY\nprivilege for that specific user account, but it is not defined WITH GRANT\nOPTION:\n\nSELECT USER(), CURRENT_USER();\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| USER() | CURRENT_USER() |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| alice@localhost | alice@localhost |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n\nSHOW GRANTS;\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------+\n| Grants for alice@localhost \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------+\n| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO \'alice\'@\'localhost\' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD\n\'*2470C0C06DEE42FD1618BB99005ADCA2EC9D1E19\' |\n| GRANT PROXY ON \'dba\'@\'localhost\' TO \'alice\'@\'localhost\' \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------+\n\nGRANT PROXY ON \'dba\'@\'localhost\' TO \'bob\'@\'localhost\';\nERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user \'alice\'@\'localhost\'\n\nBut the following example succeeds because the granter does have the PROXY\nprivilege for that specific user account, and it is defined WITH GRANT OPTION:\n\nSELECT USER(), CURRENT_USER();\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| USER() | CURRENT_USER() |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| alice@localhost | alice@localhost |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n\nSHOW GRANTS;\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------------------------+\n| Grants for alice@localhost \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------------------------+\n| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO \'alice\'@\'localhost\' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD\n\'*2470C0C06DEE42FD1618BB99005ADCA2EC9D1E19\' WITH GRANT OPTION |\n| GRANT PROXY ON \'dba\'@\'localhost\' TO \'alice\'@\'localhost\' WITH GRANT OPTION \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------------------------+\n\nGRANT PROXY ON \'dba\'@\'localhost\' TO \'bob\'@\'localhost\';\n\nA user account can grant the PROXY privilege for any other user account if the\ngranter has the PROXY privilege for the \'\'@\'%\' anonymous user account, like\nthis:\n\nGRANT PROXY ON \'\'@\'%\' TO \'dba\'@\'localhost\' WITH GRANT OPTION;\n\nFor example, the following example succeeds because the user can grant the\nPROXY privilege for any other user account:\n\nSELECT USER(), CURRENT_USER();\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| USER() | CURRENT_USER() |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| alice@localhost | alice@localhost |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n\nSHOW GRANTS;\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------------------------+\n| Grants for alice@localhost \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------------------------+\n| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO \'alice\'@\'localhost\' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD\n\'*2470C0C06DEE42FD1618BB99005ADCA2EC9D1E19\' WITH GRANT OPTION |\n| GRANT PROXY ON \'\'@\'%\' TO \'alice\'@\'localhost\' WITH GRANT OPTION \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------------------------+\n\nGRANT PROXY ON \'app1_dba\'@\'localhost\' TO \'bob\'@\'localhost\';\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.004 sec)\n\nGRANT PROXY ON \'app2_dba\'@\'localhost\' TO \'carol\'@\'localhost\';\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.004 sec)\n\nThe default root user accounts created by mysql_install_db have this\nprivilege. For example:\n\nGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO \'root\'@\'localhost\' WITH GRANT OPTION;\nGRANT PROXY ON \'\'@\'%\' TO \'root\'@\'localhost\' WITH GRANT OPTION;\n\nThis allows the default root user accounts to grant the PROXY privilege for\nany other user account, and it also allows the default root user accounts to\ngrant others the privilege to do the same.\n\nAuthentication Options\n----------------------\n\nThe authentication options for the GRANT statement are the same as those for\nthe CREATE USER statement.\n\nIDENTIFIED BY \'password\'\n------------------------\n\nThe optional IDENTIFIED BY clause can be used to provide an account with a\npassword. The password should be specified in plain text. It will be hashed by\nthe PASSWORD function prior to being stored.\n\nFor example, if our password is mariadb, then we can create the user with:\n\nGRANT USAGE ON *.* TO foo2@test IDENTIFIED BY \'mariadb\';\n\nIf you do not specify a password with the IDENTIFIED BY clause, the user will\nbe able to connect without a password. A blank password is not a wildcard to\nmatch any password. The user must connect without providing a password if no\npassword is set.\n\nIf the user account already exists and if you provide the IDENTIFIED BY\nclause, then the user\'s password will be changed. You must have the privileges\nneeded for the SET PASSWORD statement to change a user\'s password with GRANT.\n\nThe only authentication plugins that this clause supports are\nmysql_native_password and mysql_old_password.\n\nIDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD \'password_hash\'\n--------------------------------------\n\nThe optional IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD clause can be used to provide an account\nwith a password that has already been hashed. The password should be specified\nas a hash that was provided by the PASSWORD function. It will be stored as-is.\n\nFor example, if our password is mariadb, then we can find the hash with:\n\nSELECT PASSWORD(\'mariadb\');\n+-------------------------------------------+\n| PASSWORD(\'mariadb\') |\n+-------------------------------------------+\n| *54958E764CE10E50764C2EECBB71D01F08549980 |\n+-------------------------------------------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nAnd then we can create a user with the hash:\n\nGRANT USAGE ON *.* TO foo2@test IDENTIFIED BY \n PASSWORD \'*54958E764CE10E50764C2EECBB71D01F08549980\';\n\nIf you do not specify a password with the IDENTIFIED BY clause, the user will\nbe able to connect without a password. A blank password is not a wildcard to\nmatch any password. The user must connect without providing a password if no\npassword is set.\n\nIf the user account already exists and if you provide the IDENTIFIED BY\nclause, then the user\'s password will be changed. You must have the privileges\nneeded for the SET PASSWORD statement to change a user\'s password with GRANT.\n\nThe only authentication plugins that this clause supports are\nmysql_native_password and mysql_old_password.\n\nIDENTIFIED {VIA|WITH} authentication_plugin\n-------------------------------------------\n\nThe optional IDENTIFIED VIA authentication_plugin allows you to specify that\nthe account should be authenticated by a specific authentication plugin. The\nplugin name must be an active authentication plugin as per SHOW PLUGINS. If it\ndoesn\'t show up in that output, then you will need to install it with INSTALL\nPLUGIN or INSTALL SONAME.\n\nFor example, this could be used with the PAM authentication plugin:\n\nGRANT USAGE ON *.* TO foo2@test IDENTIFIED VIA pam;\n\nSome authentication plugins allow additional arguments to be specified after a\nUSING or AS keyword. For example, the PAM authentication plugin accepts a\nservice name:\n\nGRANT USAGE ON *.* TO foo2@test IDENTIFIED VIA pam USING \'mariadb\';\n\nThe exact meaning of the additional argument would depend on the specific\nauthentication plugin.\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.4.0\n----------------------------\nThe USING or AS keyword can also be used to provide a plain-text password to a\nplugin if it\'s provided as an argument to the PASSWORD() function. This is\nonly valid for authentication plugins that have implemented a hook for the\nPASSWORD() function. For example, the ed25519 authentication plugin supports\nthis:\n\nCREATE USER safe@\'%\' IDENTIFIED VIA ed25519 \n USING PASSWORD(\'secret\');\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.4.3\n----------------------------\nOne can specify many authentication plugins, they all work as alternatives\nways of authenticating a user:\n\nCREATE USER safe@\'%\' IDENTIFIED VIA ed25519 \n USING PASSWORD(\'secret\') OR unix_socket;\n\nBy default, when you create a user without specifying an authentication\nplugin, MariaDB uses the mysql_native_password plugin.\n\nResource Limit Options\n----------------------\n\nIt is possible to set per-account limits for certain server resources. The\nfollowing table shows the values that can be set per account:\n\n+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+') WHERE help_topic_id = 108;
-update help_topic set description = CONCAT(description, '\n| Limit Type | Decription |\n+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+\n| MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR | Number of statements that the |\n| | account can issue per hour |\n| | (including updates) |\n+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+\n| MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR | Number of updates (not queries) |\n| | that the account can issue per hour |\n+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+\n| MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR | Number of connections that the |\n| | account can start per hour |\n+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+\n| MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS | Number of simultaneous connections |\n| | that can be accepted from the same |\n| | account; if it is 0, |\n| | max_connections will be used |\n| | instead; if max_connections is 0, |\n| | there is no limit for this |\n| | account\'s simultaneous connections. |\n+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+\n| MAX_STATEMENT_TIME | Timeout, in seconds, for statements |\n| | executed by the user. See also |\n| | Aborting Statements that Exceed a |\n| | Certain Time to Execute. |\n+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+\n\nIf any of these limits are set to 0, then there is no limit for that resource\nfor that user.\n\nTo set resource limits for an account, if you do not want to change that\naccount\'s privileges, you can issue a GRANT statement with the USAGE\nprivilege, which has no meaning. The statement can name some or all limit\ntypes, in any order.\n\nHere is an example showing how to set resource limits:\n\nGRANT USAGE ON *.* TO \'someone\'@\'localhost\' WITH\n MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 0\n MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 200;\n\nThe resources are tracked per account, which means \'user\'@\'server\'; not per\nuser name or per connection.\n\nThe count can be reset for all users using FLUSH USER_RESOURCES, FLUSH\nPRIVILEGES or mysqladmin reload.\n\nUsers with the CONNECTION ADMIN privilege (in MariaDB 10.5.2 and later) or the\nSUPER privilege are not restricted by max_user_connections, max_connections,\nor max_password_errors.\n\nPer account resource limits are stored in the user table, in the mysql\ndatabase. Columns used for resources limits are named max_questions,\nmax_updates, max_connections (for MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR), and\nmax_user_connections (for MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS).\n\nTLS Options\n-----------\n\nBy default, MariaDB transmits data between the server and clients without\nencrypting it. This is generally acceptable when the server and client run on\nthe same host or in networks where security is guaranteed through other means.\nHowever, in cases where the server and client exist on separate networks or\nthey are in a high-risk network, the lack of encryption does introduce\nsecurity concerns as a malicious actor could potentially eavesdrop on the\ntraffic as it is sent over the network between them.\n\nTo mitigate this concern, MariaDB allows you to encrypt data in transit\nbetween the server and clients using the Transport Layer Security (TLS)\nprotocol. TLS was formerly known as Secure Socket Layer (SSL), but strictly\nspeaking the SSL protocol is a predecessor to TLS and, that version of the\nprotocol is now considered insecure. The documentation still uses the term SSL\noften and for compatibility reasons TLS-related server system and status\nvariables still use the prefix ssl_, but internally, MariaDB only supports its\nsecure successors.\n\nSee Secure Connections Overview for more information about how to determine\nwhether your MariaDB server has TLS support.\n\nYou can set certain TLS-related restrictions for specific user accounts. For\ninstance, you might use this with user accounts that require access to\nsensitive data while sending it across networks that you do not control. These\nrestrictions can be enabled for a user account with the CREATE USER, ALTER\nUSER, or GRANT statements. The following options are available:\n\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n| Option | Description |\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n| REQUIRE NONE | TLS is not required for this account, but can |\n| | still be used. |\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n| REQUIRE SSL | The account must use TLS, but no valid X509 |\n| | certificate is required. This option cannot |\n| | be combined with other TLS options. |\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n| REQUIRE X509 | The account must use TLS and must have a |\n| | valid X509 certificate. This option implies |\n| | REQUIRE SSL. This option cannot be combined |\n| | with other TLS options. |\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n| REQUIRE ISSUER \'issuer\' | The account must use TLS and must have a |\n| | valid X509 certificate. Also, the Certificate |\n| | Authority must be the one specified via the |\n| | string issuer. This option implies REQUIRE |\n| | X509. This option can be combined with the |\n| | SUBJECT, and CIPHER options in any order. |\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n| REQUIRE SUBJECT \'subject\' | The account must use TLS and must have a |\n| | valid X509 certificate. Also, the |\n| | certificate\'s Subject must be the one |\n| | specified via the string subject. This option |\n| | implies REQUIRE X509. This option can be |\n| | combined with the ISSUER, and CIPHER options |\n| | in any order. |\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n| REQUIRE CIPHER \'cipher\' | The account must use TLS, but no valid X509 |\n| | certificate is required. Also, the encryption |\n| | used for the connection must use a specific |\n| | cipher method specified in the string cipher. |\n| | This option implies REQUIRE SSL. This option |\n| | can be combined with the ISSUER, and SUBJECT |\n| | options in any order. |\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n\nThe REQUIRE keyword must be used only once for all specified options, and the\nAND keyword can be used to separate individual options, but it is not required.\n\nFor example, you can create a user account that requires these TLS options\nwith the following:\n\nGRANT USAGE ON *.* TO \'alice\'@\'%\'\n REQUIRE SUBJECT \'/CN=alice/O=My Dom, Inc./C=US/ST=Oregon/L=Portland\'\n AND ISSUER \'/C=FI/ST=Somewhere/L=City/ O=Some Company/CN=Peter\nParker/\'\n AND CIPHER \'SHA-DES-CBC3-EDH-RSA\';\n\nIf any of these options are set for a specific user account, then any client\nwho tries to connect with that user account will have to be configured to\nconnect with TLS.\n\nSee Securing Connections for Client and Server for information on how to\nenable TLS on the client and server.\n\nRoles\n-----\n\nSyntax\n------\n\nGRANT role TO grantee [, grantee ... ]\n[ WITH ADMIN OPTION ]\n\ngrantee:\n rolename\n username [authentication_option]\n\nThe GRANT statement is also used to grant the use of a role to one or more\nusers or other roles. In order to be able to grant a role, the grantor doing\nso must have permission to do so (see WITH ADMIN in the CREATE ROLE article).\n\nSpecifying the WITH ADMIN OPTION permits the grantee to in turn grant the role\nto another.\n\nFor example, the following commands show how to grant the same role to a\ncouple different users.\n\nGRANT journalist TO hulda;\n\nGRANT journalist TO berengar WITH ADMIN OPTION;\n\nIf a user has been granted a role, they do not automatically obtain all\npermissions associated with that role. These permissions are only in use when\nthe user activates the role with the SET ROLE statement.\n\nTO PUBLIC\n---------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.11\n---------------------------\n\nSyntax\n------\n\nGRANT <privilege> ON <database>.<object> TO PUBLIC;\nREVOKE <privilege> ON <database>.<object> FROM PUBLIC;\n\nGRANT ... TO PUBLIC grants privileges to all users with access to the server.\nThe privileges also apply to users created after the privileges are granted.\nThis can be useful when one only wants to state once that all users need to\nhave a certain set of privileges.\n\nWhen running SHOW GRANTS, a user will also see all privileges inherited from\nPUBLIC. SHOW GRANTS FOR PUBLIC will only show TO PUBLIC grants.\n\nGrant Examples\n--------------\n\nGranting Root-like Privileges\n-----------------------------\n\nYou can create a user that has privileges similar to the default root accounts\nby executing the following:\n\nCREATE USER \'alexander\'@\'localhost\';\nGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* to \'alexander\'@\'localhost\' WITH GRANT OPTION;\n\nURL:') WHERE help_topic_id = 108;
+update help_topic set description = CONCAT(description, '\nEnables setting the DEFINER when creating triggers, views, stored functions\nand stored procedures. Added in MariaDB 10.5.2.\n\nSHOW DATABASES\n--------------\n\nList all databases using the SHOW DATABASES statement. Without the SHOW\nDATABASES privilege, you can still issue the SHOW DATABASES statement, but it\nwill only list databases containing tables on which you have privileges.\n\nSHUTDOWN\n--------\n\nShut down the server using SHUTDOWN or the mysqladmin shutdown command.\n\nSUPER\n-----\n\nExecute superuser statements: CHANGE MASTER TO, KILL (users who do not have\nthis privilege can only KILL their own threads), PURGE LOGS, SET global system\nvariables, or the mysqladmin debug command. Also, this permission allows the\nuser to write data even if the read_only startup option is set, enable or\ndisable logging, enable or disable replication on replica, specify a DEFINER\nfor statements that support that clause, connect once reaching the\nMAX_CONNECTIONS. If a statement has been specified for the init-connect mysqld\noption, that command will not be executed when a user with SUPER privileges\nconnects to the server.\n\nThe SUPER privilege has been split into multiple smaller privileges from\nMariaDB 10.5.2 to allow for more fine-grained privileges.\n\nFrom MariaDB 10.11.0, the READ_ONLY ADMIN privilege has been removed from\nSUPER. The benefit of this is that one can remove the READ_ONLY ADMIN\nprivilege from all users and ensure that no one can make any changes on any\nnon-temporary tables. This is useful on replicas when one wants to ensure that\nthe replica is kept identical to the primary.\n\nDatabase Privileges\n-------------------\n\nThe following table lists the privileges that can be granted at the database\nlevel. You can also grant all table and function privileges at the database\nlevel. Table and function privileges on a database apply to all tables or\nfunctions in that database, including those created later.\n\nTo set a privilege for a database, specify the database using db_name.* for\npriv_level, or just use * to specify the default database.\n\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| Privilege | Description |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| CREATE | Create a database using the CREATE |\n| | DATABASE statement, when the privilege |\n| | is granted for a database. You can |\n| | grant the CREATE privilege on |\n| | databases that do not yet exist. This |\n| | also grants the CREATE privilege on |\n| | all tables in the database. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| CREATE ROUTINE | Create Stored Programs using the |\n| | CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION |\n| | statements. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES | Create temporary tables with the |\n| | CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement. This |\n| | privilege enable writing and dropping |\n| | those temporary tables |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| DROP | Drop a database using the DROP |\n| | DATABASE statement, when the privilege |\n| | is granted for a database. This also |\n| | grants the DROP privilege on all |\n| | tables in the database. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| EVENT | Create, drop and alter EVENTs. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| GRANT OPTION | Grant database privileges. You can |\n| | only grant privileges that you have. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| LOCK TABLES | Acquire explicit locks using the LOCK |\n| | TABLES statement; you also need to |\n| | have the SELECT privilege on a table, |\n| | in order to lock it. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n\nTable Privileges\n----------------\n\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| Privilege | Description |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| ALTER | Change the structure of an existing |\n| | table using the ALTER TABLE statement. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| CREATE | Create a table using the CREATE TABLE |\n| | statement. You can grant the CREATE |\n| | privilege on tables that do not yet |\n| | exist. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| CREATE VIEW | Create a view using the CREATE_VIEW |\n| | statement. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| DELETE | Remove rows from a table using the |\n| | DELETE statement. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| DELETE HISTORY | Remove historical rows from a table |\n| | using the DELETE HISTORY statement. |\n| | Displays as DELETE VERSIONING ROWS |\n| | when running SHOW GRANTS until MariaDB |\n| | 10.3.15 and until MariaDB 10.4.5 |\n| | (MDEV-17655), or when running SHOW |\n| | PRIVILEGES until MariaDB 10.5.2, |\n| | MariaDB 10.4.13 and MariaDB 10.3.23 |\n| | (MDEV-20382). From MariaDB 10.3.4. |\n| | From MariaDB 10.3.5, if a user has the |\n| | SUPER privilege but not this |\n| | privilege, running mysql_upgrade will |\n| | grant this privilege as well. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| DROP | Drop a table using the DROP TABLE |\n| | statement or a view using the DROP |\n| | VIEW statement. Also required to |\n| | execute the TRUNCATE TABLE statement. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| GRANT OPTION | Grant table privileges. You can only |\n| | grant privileges that you have. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| INDEX | Create an index on a table using the |\n| | CREATE INDEX statement. Without the |\n| | INDEX privilege, you can still create |\n| | indexes when creating a table using |\n| | the CREATE TABLE statement if the you |\n| | have the CREATE privilege, and you can |\n| | create indexes using the ALTER TABLE |\n| | statement if you have the ALTER |\n| | privilege. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| INSERT | Add rows to a table using the INSERT |\n| | statement. The INSERT privilege can |\n| | also be set on individual columns; see |\n| | Column Privileges below for details. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| REFERENCES | Unused. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| SELECT | Read data from a table using the |\n| | SELECT statement. The SELECT privilege |\n| | can also be set on individual columns; |\n| | see Column Privileges below for |\n| | details. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| SHOW VIEW | Show the CREATE VIEW statement to |\n| | create a view using the SHOW CREATE |\n| | VIEW statement. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| TRIGGER | Execute triggers associated to tables |\n| | you update, execute the CREATE TRIGGER |\n| | and DROP TRIGGER statements. You will |\n| | still be able to see triggers. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| UPDATE | Update existing rows in a table using |\n| | the UPDATE statement. UPDATE |\n| | statements usually include a WHERE |\n| | clause to update only certain rows. |\n| | You must have SELECT privileges on the |\n| | table or the appropriate columns for |\n| | the WHERE clause. The UPDATE privilege |\n| | can also be set on individual columns; |\n| | see Column Privileges below for |\n| | details. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n\nColumn Privileges\n-----------------\n\nSome table privileges can be set for individual columns of a table. To use\ncolumn privileges, specify the table explicitly and provide a list of column\nnames after the privilege type. For example, the following statement would\nallow the user to read the names and positions of employees, but not other\ninformation from the same table, such as salaries.\n\nGRANT SELECT (name, position) on Employee to \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\';\n\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| Privilege | Description |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| INSERT (column_list) | Add rows specifying values in columns |\n| | using the INSERT statement. If you |\n| | only have column-level INSERT |\n| | privileges, you must specify the |\n| | columns you are setting in the INSERT |\n| | statement. All other columns will be |\n| | set to their default values, or NULL. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| REFERENCES (column_list) | Unused. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| SELECT (column_list) | Read values in columns using the |\n| | SELECT statement. You cannot access or |\n| | query any columns for which you do not |\n| | have SELECT privileges, including in |\n| | WHERE, ON, GROUP BY, and ORDER BY |\n| | clauses. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| UPDATE (column_list) | Update values in columns of existing |\n| | rows using the UPDATE statement. |\n| | UPDATE statements usually include a |\n| | WHERE clause to update only certain |\n| | rows. You must have SELECT privileges |\n| | on the table or the appropriate |\n| | columns for the WHERE clause. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n\nFunction Privileges\n-------------------\n\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| Privilege | Description |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+') WHERE help_topic_id = 108;
+update help_topic set description = CONCAT(description, '\n| ALTER ROUTINE | Change the characteristics of a stored |\n| | function using the ALTER FUNCTION |\n| | statement. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| EXECUTE | Use a stored function. You need SELECT |\n| | privileges for any tables or columns |\n| | accessed by the function. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| GRANT OPTION | Grant function privileges. You can |\n| | only grant privileges that you have. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n\nProcedure Privileges\n--------------------\n\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| Privilege | Description |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| ALTER ROUTINE | Change the characteristics of a stored |\n| | procedure using the ALTER PROCEDURE |\n| | statement. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| EXECUTE | Execute a stored procedure using the |\n| | CALL statement. The privilege to call |\n| | a procedure may allow you to perform |\n| | actions you wouldn\'t otherwise be able |\n| | to do, such as insert rows into a |\n| | table. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| GRANT OPTION | Grant procedure privileges. You can |\n| | only grant privileges that you have. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n\nGRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE mysql.create_db TO maintainer;\n\nProxy Privileges\n----------------\n\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| Privilege | Description |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n| PROXY | Permits one user to be a proxy for |\n| | another. |\n+----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n\nThe PROXY privilege allows one user to proxy as another user, which means\ntheir privileges change to that of the proxy user, and the CURRENT_USER()\nfunction returns the user name of the proxy user.\n\nThe PROXY privilege only works with authentication plugins that support it.\nThe default mysql_native_password authentication plugin does not support proxy\nusers.\n\nThe pam authentication plugin is the only plugin included with MariaDB that\ncurrently supports proxy users. The PROXY privilege is commonly used with the\npam authentication plugin to enable user and group mapping with PAM.\n\nFor example, to grant the PROXY privilege to an anonymous account that\nauthenticates with the pam authentication plugin, you could execute the\nfollowing:\n\nCREATE USER \'dba\'@\'%\' IDENTIFIED BY \'strongpassword\';\nGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO \'dba\'@\'%\' ;\n\nCREATE USER \'\'@\'%\' IDENTIFIED VIA pam USING \'mariadb\';\nGRANT PROXY ON \'dba\'@\'%\' TO \'\'@\'%\';\n\nA user account can only grant the PROXY privilege for a specific user account\nif the granter also has the PROXY privilege for that specific user account,\nand if that privilege is defined WITH GRANT OPTION. For example, the following\nexample fails because the granter does not have the PROXY privilege for that\nspecific user account at all:\n\nSELECT USER(), CURRENT_USER();\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| USER() | CURRENT_USER() |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| alice@localhost | alice@localhost |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n\nSHOW GRANTS;\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------+\n| Grants for alice@localhost \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------+\n| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO \'alice\'@\'localhost\' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD\n\'*2470C0C06DEE42FD1618BB99005ADCA2EC9D1E19\' |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------+\n\nGRANT PROXY ON \'dba\'@\'localhost\' TO \'bob\'@\'localhost\';\nERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user \'alice\'@\'localhost\'\n\nAnd the following example fails because the granter does have the PROXY\nprivilege for that specific user account, but it is not defined WITH GRANT\nOPTION:\n\nSELECT USER(), CURRENT_USER();\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| USER() | CURRENT_USER() |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| alice@localhost | alice@localhost |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n\nSHOW GRANTS;\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------+\n| Grants for alice@localhost \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------+\n| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO \'alice\'@\'localhost\' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD\n\'*2470C0C06DEE42FD1618BB99005ADCA2EC9D1E19\' |\n| GRANT PROXY ON \'dba\'@\'localhost\' TO \'alice\'@\'localhost\' \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------+\n\nGRANT PROXY ON \'dba\'@\'localhost\' TO \'bob\'@\'localhost\';\nERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user \'alice\'@\'localhost\'\n\nBut the following example succeeds because the granter does have the PROXY\nprivilege for that specific user account, and it is defined WITH GRANT OPTION:\n\nSELECT USER(), CURRENT_USER();\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| USER() | CURRENT_USER() |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| alice@localhost | alice@localhost |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n\nSHOW GRANTS;\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------------------------+\n| Grants for alice@localhost \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------------------------+\n| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO \'alice\'@\'localhost\' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD\n\'*2470C0C06DEE42FD1618BB99005ADCA2EC9D1E19\' WITH GRANT OPTION |\n| GRANT PROXY ON \'dba\'@\'localhost\' TO \'alice\'@\'localhost\' WITH GRANT OPTION \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------------------------+\n\nGRANT PROXY ON \'dba\'@\'localhost\' TO \'bob\'@\'localhost\';\n\nA user account can grant the PROXY privilege for any other user account if the\ngranter has the PROXY privilege for the \'\'@\'%\' anonymous user account, like\nthis:\n\nGRANT PROXY ON \'\'@\'%\' TO \'dba\'@\'localhost\' WITH GRANT OPTION;\n\nFor example, the following example succeeds because the user can grant the\nPROXY privilege for any other user account:\n\nSELECT USER(), CURRENT_USER();\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| USER() | CURRENT_USER() |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n| alice@localhost | alice@localhost |\n+-----------------+-----------------+\n\nSHOW GRANTS;\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------------------------+\n| Grants for alice@localhost \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------------------------+\n| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO \'alice\'@\'localhost\' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD\n\'*2470C0C06DEE42FD1618BB99005ADCA2EC9D1E19\' WITH GRANT OPTION |\n| GRANT PROXY ON \'\'@\'%\' TO \'alice\'@\'localhost\' WITH GRANT OPTION \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------------------------+\n\nGRANT PROXY ON \'app1_dba\'@\'localhost\' TO \'bob\'@\'localhost\';\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.004 sec)\n\nGRANT PROXY ON \'app2_dba\'@\'localhost\' TO \'carol\'@\'localhost\';\nQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.004 sec)\n\nThe default root user accounts created by mysql_install_db have this\nprivilege. For example:\n\nGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO \'root\'@\'localhost\' WITH GRANT OPTION;\nGRANT PROXY ON \'\'@\'%\' TO \'root\'@\'localhost\' WITH GRANT OPTION;\n\nThis allows the default root user accounts to grant the PROXY privilege for\nany other user account, and it also allows the default root user accounts to\ngrant others the privilege to do the same.\n\nAuthentication Options\n----------------------\n\nThe authentication options for the GRANT statement are the same as those for\nthe CREATE USER statement.\n\nIDENTIFIED BY \'password\'\n------------------------\n\nThe optional IDENTIFIED BY clause can be used to provide an account with a\npassword. The password should be specified in plain text. It will be hashed by\nthe PASSWORD function prior to being stored.\n\nFor example, if our password is mariadb, then we can create the user with:\n\nGRANT USAGE ON *.* TO foo2@test IDENTIFIED BY \'mariadb\';\n\nIf you do not specify a password with the IDENTIFIED BY clause, the user will\nbe able to connect without a password. A blank password is not a wildcard to\nmatch any password. The user must connect without providing a password if no\npassword is set.\n\nIf the user account already exists and if you provide the IDENTIFIED BY\nclause, then the user\'s password will be changed. You must have the privileges\nneeded for the SET PASSWORD statement to change a user\'s password with GRANT.\n\nThe only authentication plugins that this clause supports are\nmysql_native_password and mysql_old_password.\n\nIDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD \'password_hash\'\n--------------------------------------\n\nThe optional IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD clause can be used to provide an account\nwith a password that has already been hashed. The password should be specified\nas a hash that was provided by the PASSWORD function. It will be stored as-is.\n\nFor example, if our password is mariadb, then we can find the hash with:\n\nSELECT PASSWORD(\'mariadb\');\n+-------------------------------------------+\n| PASSWORD(\'mariadb\') |\n+-------------------------------------------+\n| *54958E764CE10E50764C2EECBB71D01F08549980 |\n+-------------------------------------------+\n1 row in set (0.00 sec)\n\nAnd then we can create a user with the hash:\n\nGRANT USAGE ON *.* TO foo2@test IDENTIFIED BY \n PASSWORD \'*54958E764CE10E50764C2EECBB71D01F08549980\';\n\nIf you do not specify a password with the IDENTIFIED BY clause, the user will\nbe able to connect without a password. A blank password is not a wildcard to\nmatch any password. The user must connect without providing a password if no\npassword is set.\n\nIf the user account already exists and if you provide the IDENTIFIED BY\nclause, then the user\'s password will be changed. You must have the privileges\nneeded for the SET PASSWORD statement to change a user\'s password with GRANT.\n\nThe only authentication plugins that this clause supports are\nmysql_native_password and mysql_old_password.\n\nIDENTIFIED {VIA|WITH} authentication_plugin\n-------------------------------------------\n\nThe optional IDENTIFIED VIA authentication_plugin allows you to specify that\nthe account should be authenticated by a specific authentication plugin. The\nplugin name must be an active authentication plugin as per SHOW PLUGINS. If it\ndoesn\'t show up in that output, then you will need to install it with INSTALL\nPLUGIN or INSTALL SONAME.\n\nFor example, this could be used with the PAM authentication plugin:\n\nGRANT USAGE ON *.* TO foo2@test IDENTIFIED VIA pam;\n\nSome authentication plugins allow additional arguments to be specified after a\nUSING or AS keyword. For example, the PAM authentication plugin accepts a\nservice name:\n\nGRANT USAGE ON *.* TO foo2@test IDENTIFIED VIA pam USING \'mariadb\';\n\nThe exact meaning of the additional argument would depend on the specific\nauthentication plugin.\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.4.0\n----------------------------\nThe USING or AS keyword can also be used to provide a plain-text password to a\nplugin if it\'s provided as an argument to the PASSWORD() function. This is\nonly valid for authentication plugins that have implemented a hook for the\nPASSWORD() function. For example, the ed25519 authentication plugin supports\nthis:\n\nCREATE USER safe@\'%\' IDENTIFIED VIA ed25519 \n USING PASSWORD(\'secret\');\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.4.3\n----------------------------\nOne can specify many authentication plugins, they all work as alternatives\nways of authenticating a user:\n\nCREATE USER safe@\'%\' IDENTIFIED VIA ed25519 \n USING PASSWORD(\'secret\') OR unix_socket;\n\nBy default, when you create a user without specifying an authentication\nplugin, MariaDB uses the mysql_native_password plugin.\n\nResource Limit Options\n----------------------\n\nIt is possible to set per-account limits for certain server resources. The\nfollowing table shows the values that can be set per account:\n\n+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+\n| Limit Type | Decription |') WHERE help_topic_id = 108;
+update help_topic set description = CONCAT(description, '\n+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+\n| MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR | Number of statements that the |\n| | account can issue per hour |\n| | (including updates) |\n+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+\n| MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR | Number of updates (not queries) |\n| | that the account can issue per hour |\n+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+\n| MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR | Number of connections that the |\n| | account can start per hour |\n+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+\n| MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS | Number of simultaneous connections |\n| | that can be accepted from the same |\n| | account; if it is 0, |\n| | max_connections will be used |\n| | instead; if max_connections is 0, |\n| | there is no limit for this |\n| | account\'s simultaneous connections. |\n+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+\n| MAX_STATEMENT_TIME | Timeout, in seconds, for statements |\n| | executed by the user. See also |\n| | Aborting Statements that Exceed a |\n| | Certain Time to Execute. |\n+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+\n\nIf any of these limits are set to 0, then there is no limit for that resource\nfor that user.\n\nTo set resource limits for an account, if you do not want to change that\naccount\'s privileges, you can issue a GRANT statement with the USAGE\nprivilege, which has no meaning. The statement can name some or all limit\ntypes, in any order.\n\nHere is an example showing how to set resource limits:\n\nGRANT USAGE ON *.* TO \'someone\'@\'localhost\' WITH\n MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 0\n MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 200;\n\nThe resources are tracked per account, which means \'user\'@\'server\'; not per\nuser name or per connection.\n\nThe count can be reset for all users using FLUSH USER_RESOURCES, FLUSH\nPRIVILEGES or mysqladmin reload.\n\nUsers with the CONNECTION ADMIN privilege (in MariaDB 10.5.2 and later) or the\nSUPER privilege are not restricted by max_user_connections, max_connections,\nor max_password_errors.\n\nPer account resource limits are stored in the user table, in the mysql\ndatabase. Columns used for resources limits are named max_questions,\nmax_updates, max_connections (for MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR), and\nmax_user_connections (for MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS).\n\nTLS Options\n-----------\n\nBy default, MariaDB transmits data between the server and clients without\nencrypting it. This is generally acceptable when the server and client run on\nthe same host or in networks where security is guaranteed through other means.\nHowever, in cases where the server and client exist on separate networks or\nthey are in a high-risk network, the lack of encryption does introduce\nsecurity concerns as a malicious actor could potentially eavesdrop on the\ntraffic as it is sent over the network between them.\n\nTo mitigate this concern, MariaDB allows you to encrypt data in transit\nbetween the server and clients using the Transport Layer Security (TLS)\nprotocol. TLS was formerly known as Secure Socket Layer (SSL), but strictly\nspeaking the SSL protocol is a predecessor to TLS and, that version of the\nprotocol is now considered insecure. The documentation still uses the term SSL\noften and for compatibility reasons TLS-related server system and status\nvariables still use the prefix ssl_, but internally, MariaDB only supports its\nsecure successors.\n\nSee Secure Connections Overview for more information about how to determine\nwhether your MariaDB server has TLS support.\n\nYou can set certain TLS-related restrictions for specific user accounts. For\ninstance, you might use this with user accounts that require access to\nsensitive data while sending it across networks that you do not control. These\nrestrictions can be enabled for a user account with the CREATE USER, ALTER\nUSER, or GRANT statements. The following options are available:\n\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n| Option | Description |\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n| REQUIRE NONE | TLS is not required for this account, but can |\n| | still be used. |\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n| REQUIRE SSL | The account must use TLS, but no valid X509 |\n| | certificate is required. This option cannot |\n| | be combined with other TLS options. |\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n| REQUIRE X509 | The account must use TLS and must have a |\n| | valid X509 certificate. This option implies |\n| | REQUIRE SSL. This option cannot be combined |\n| | with other TLS options. |\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n| REQUIRE ISSUER \'issuer\' | The account must use TLS and must have a |\n| | valid X509 certificate. Also, the Certificate |\n| | Authority must be the one specified via the |\n| | string issuer. This option implies REQUIRE |\n| | X509. This option can be combined with the |\n| | SUBJECT, and CIPHER options in any order. |\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n| REQUIRE SUBJECT \'subject\' | The account must use TLS and must have a |\n| | valid X509 certificate. Also, the |\n| | certificate\'s Subject must be the one |\n| | specified via the string subject. This option |\n| | implies REQUIRE X509. This option can be |\n| | combined with the ISSUER, and CIPHER options |\n| | in any order. |\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n| REQUIRE CIPHER \'cipher\' | The account must use TLS, but no valid X509 |\n| | certificate is required. Also, the encryption |\n| | used for the connection must use a specific |\n| | cipher method specified in the string cipher. |\n| | This option implies REQUIRE SSL. This option |\n| | can be combined with the ISSUER, and SUBJECT |\n| | options in any order. |\n+---------------------------+------------------------------------------------+\n\nThe REQUIRE keyword must be used only once for all specified options, and the\nAND keyword can be used to separate individual options, but it is not required.\n\nFor example, you can create a user account that requires these TLS options\nwith the following:\n\nGRANT USAGE ON *.* TO \'alice\'@\'%\'\n REQUIRE SUBJECT \'/CN=alice/O=My Dom, Inc./C=US/ST=Oregon/L=Portland\'\n AND ISSUER \'/C=FI/ST=Somewhere/L=City/ O=Some Company/CN=Peter\nParker/\'\n AND CIPHER \'SHA-DES-CBC3-EDH-RSA\';\n\nIf any of these options are set for a specific user account, then any client\nwho tries to connect with that user account will have to be configured to\nconnect with TLS.\n\nSee Securing Connections for Client and Server for information on how to\nenable TLS on the client and server.\n\nRoles\n-----\n\nSyntax\n------\n\nGRANT role TO grantee [, grantee ... ]\n[ WITH ADMIN OPTION ]\n\ngrantee:\n rolename\n username [authentication_option]\n\nThe GRANT statement is also used to grant the use of a role to one or more\nusers or other roles. In order to be able to grant a role, the grantor doing\nso must have permission to do so (see WITH ADMIN in the CREATE ROLE article).\n\nSpecifying the WITH ADMIN OPTION permits the grantee to in turn grant the role\nto another.\n\nFor example, the following commands show how to grant the same role to a\ncouple different users.\n\nGRANT journalist TO hulda;\n\nGRANT journalist TO berengar WITH ADMIN OPTION;\n\nIf a user has been granted a role, they do not automatically obtain all\npermissions associated with that role. These permissions are only in use when\nthe user activates the role with the SET ROLE statement.\n\nTO PUBLIC\n---------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.11\n---------------------------\n\nSyntax\n------\n\nGRANT <privilege> ON <database>.<object> TO PUBLIC;\nREVOKE <privilege> ON <database>.<object> FROM PUBLIC;\n\nGRANT ... TO PUBLIC grants privileges to all users with access to the server.\nThe privileges also apply to users created after the privileges are granted.\nThis can be useful when one only wants to state once that all users need to\nhave a certain set of privileges.\n\nWhen running SHOW GRANTS, a user will also see all privileges inherited from\nPUBLIC. SHOW GRANTS FOR PUBLIC will only show TO PUBLIC grants.\n\nGrant Examples\n--------------\n\nGranting Root-like Privileges\n-----------------------------\n\nYou can create a user that has privileges similar to the default root accounts\nby executing the following:\n\nCREATE USER \'alexander\'@\'localhost\';\nGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* to \'alexander\'@\'localhost\' WITH GRANT OPTION;\n\nURL:') WHERE help_topic_id = 108;
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (109,10,'RENAME USER','Syntax\n------\n\nRENAME USER old_user TO new_user\n [, old_user TO new_user] ...\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe RENAME USER statement renames existing MariaDB accounts. To use it, you\nmust have the global CREATE USER privilege or the UPDATE privilege for the\nmysql database. Each account is named using the same format as for the CREATE\nUSER statement; for example, \'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\'. If you specify only the\nuser name part of the account name, a host name part of \'%\' is used.\n\nIf any of the old user accounts do not exist or any of the new user accounts\nalready exist, ERROR 1396 (HY000) results. If an error occurs, RENAME USER\nwill still rename the accounts that do not result in an error.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nCREATE USER \'donald\', \'mickey\';\nRENAME USER \'donald\' TO \'duck\'@\'localhost\', \'mickey\' TO \'mouse\'@\'localhost\';\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (110,10,'REVOKE','Privileges\n----------\n\nSyntax\n------\n\nREVOKE \n priv_type [(column_list)]\n [, priv_type [(column_list)]] ...\n ON [object_type] priv_level\n FROM user [, user] ...\n\nREVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION\n FROM user [, user] ...\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe REVOKE statement enables system administrators to revoke privileges (or\nroles - see section below) from MariaDB accounts. Each account is named using\nthe same format as for the GRANT statement; for example,\n\'jeffrey\'@\'localhost\'. If you specify only the user name part of the account\nname, a host name part of \'%\' is used. For details on the levels at which\nprivileges exist, the allowable priv_type and priv_level values, and the\nsyntax for specifying users and passwords, see GRANT.\n\nTo use the first REVOKE syntax, you must have the GRANT OPTION privilege, and\nyou must have the privileges that you are revoking.\n\nTo revoke all privileges, use the second syntax, which drops all global,\ndatabase, table, column, and routine privileges for the named user or users:\n\nREVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM user [, user] ...\n\nTo use this REVOKE syntax, you must have the global CREATE USER privilege or\nthe UPDATE privilege for the mysql database. See GRANT.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nREVOKE SUPER ON *.* FROM \'alexander\'@\'localhost\';\n\nRoles\n-----\n\nSyntax\n------\n\nREVOKE role [, role ...]\n FROM grantee [, grantee2 ... ]\n\nREVOKE ADMIN OPTION FOR role FROM grantee [, grantee2]\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nREVOKE is also used to remove a role from a user or another role that it\'s\npreviously been assigned to. If a role has previously been set as a default\nrole, REVOKE does not remove the record of the default role from the\nmysql.user table. If the role is subsequently granted again, it will again be\nthe user\'s default. Use SET DEFAULT ROLE NONE to explicitly remove this.\n\nBefore MariaDB 10.1.13, the REVOKE role statement was not permitted in\nprepared statements.\n\nExample\n-------\n\nREVOKE journalist FROM hulda\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (111,10,'SET PASSWORD','Syntax\n------\n\nSET PASSWORD [FOR user] =\n {\n PASSWORD(\'some password\')\n | OLD_PASSWORD(\'some password\')\n | \'encrypted password\'\n }\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe SET PASSWORD statement assigns a password to an existing MariaDB user\naccount.\n\nIf the password is specified using the PASSWORD() or OLD_PASSWORD() function,\nthe literal text of the password should be given. If the password is specified\nwithout using either function, the password should be the already-encrypted\npassword value as returned by PASSWORD().\n\nOLD_PASSWORD() should only be used if your MariaDB/MySQL clients are very old\n(< 4.0.0).\n\nWith no FOR clause, this statement sets the password for the current user. Any\nclient that has connected to the server using a non-anonymous account can\nchange the password for that account.\n\nWith a FOR clause, this statement sets the password for a specific account on\nthe current server host. Only clients that have the UPDATE privilege for the\nmysql database can do this. The user value should be given in\nuser_name@host_name format, where user_name and host_name are exactly as they\nare listed in the User and Host columns of the mysql.user table (or view in\nMariaDB-10.4 onwards) entry.\n\nThe argument to PASSWORD() and the password given to MariaDB clients can be of\narbitrary length.\n\nAuthentication Plugin Support\n-----------------------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.4\n--------------------------\nIn MariaDB 10.4 and later, SET PASSWORD (with or without PASSWORD()) works for\naccounts authenticated via any authentication plugin that supports passwords\nstored in the mysql.global_priv table.\n\nThe ed25519, mysql_native_password, and mysql_old_password authentication\nplugins store passwords in the mysql.global_priv table.\n\nIf you run SET PASSWORD on an account that authenticates with one of these\nauthentication plugins that stores passwords in the mysql.global_priv table,\nthen the PASSWORD() function is evaluated by the specific authentication\nplugin used by the account. The authentication plugin hashes the password with\na method that is compatible with that specific authentication plugin.\n\nThe unix_socket, named_pipe, gssapi, and pam authentication plugins do not\nstore passwords in the mysql.global_priv table. These authentication plugins\nrely on other methods to authenticate the user.\n\nIf you attempt to run SET PASSWORD on an account that authenticates with one\nof these authentication plugins that doesn\'t store a password in the\nmysql.global_priv table, then MariaDB Server will raise a warning like the\nfollowing:\n\nSET PASSWORD is ignored for users authenticating via unix_socket plugin\n\nSee Authentication from MariaDB 10.4 for an overview of authentication changes\nin MariaDB 10.4.\n\nMariaDB until 10.3\n------------------\nIn MariaDB 10.3 and before, SET PASSWORD (with or without PASSWORD()) only\nworks for accounts authenticated via mysql_native_password or\nmysql_old_password authentication plugins\n\nPasswordless User Accounts\n--------------------------\n\nUser accounts do not always require passwords to login.\n\nThe unix_socket , named_pipe and gssapi authentication plugins do not require\na password to authenticate the user.\n\nThe pam authentication plugin may or may not require a password to\nauthenticate the user, depending on the specific configuration.\n\nThe mysql_native_password and mysql_old_password authentication plugins\nrequire passwords for authentication, but the password can be blank. In that\ncase, no password is required.\n\nIf you provide a password while attempting to log into the server as an\naccount that doesn\'t require a password, then MariaDB server will simply\nignore the password.\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.4\n--------------------------\nIn MariaDB 10.4 and later, a user account can be defined to use multiple\nauthentication plugins in a specific order of preference. This specific\nscenario may be more noticeable in these versions, since an account could be\nassociated with some authentication plugins that require a password, and some\nthat do not.\n\nExample\n-------\n\nFor example, if you had an entry with User and Host column values of \'bob\' and\n\'\', you would write the statement like this:\n\nSET PASSWORD FOR \'bob\'@\'\' = PASSWORD(\'newpass\');\n\nIf you want to delete a password for a user, you would do:\n\nSET PASSWORD FOR \'bob\'@localhost = PASSWORD(\"\");\n\nURL:','','');
@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (242,20,'~','Syntax\n------\n\n~\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nBitwise NOT. Converts the value to 4 bytes binary and inverts all bits.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nSELECT 3 & ~1;\n+--------+\n| 3 & ~1 |\n+--------+\n| 2 |\n+--------+\n\nSELECT 5 & ~1;\n+--------+\n| 5 & ~1 |\n+--------+\n| 4 |\n+--------+\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (243,20,'Parentheses','Parentheses are sometimes called precedence operators - this means that they\ncan be used to change the other operator\'s precedence in an expression. The\nexpressions that are written between parentheses are computed before the\nexpressions that are written outside. Parentheses must always contain an\nexpression (that is, they cannot be empty), and can be nested.\n\nFor example, the following expressions could return different results:\n\n* NOT a OR b\n* NOT (a OR b)\n\nIn the first case, NOT applies to a, so if a is FALSE or b is TRUE, the\nexpression returns TRUE. In the second case, NOT applies to the result of a OR\nb, so if at least one of a or b is TRUE, the expression is TRUE.\n\nWhen the precedence of operators is not intuitive, you can use parentheses to\nmake it immediately clear for whoever reads the statement.\n\nThe precedence of the NOT operator can also be affected by the\nHIGH_NOT_PRECEDENCE SQL_MODE flag.\n\nOther uses\n----------\n\nParentheses must always be used to enclose subqueries.\n\nParentheses can also be used in a JOIN statement between multiple tables to\ndetermine which tables must be joined first.\n\nAlso, parentheses are used to enclose the list of parameters to be passed to\nbuilt-in functions, user-defined functions and stored routines. However, when\nno parameter is passed to a stored procedure, parentheses are optional. For\nbuiltin functions and user-defined functions, spaces are not allowed between\nthe function name and the open parenthesis, unless the IGNORE_SPACE SQL_MODE\nis set. For stored routines (and for functions if IGNORE_SPACE is set) spaces\nare allowed before the open parenthesis, including tab characters and new line\ncharacters.\n\nSyntax errors\n-------------\n\nIf there are more open parentheses than closed parentheses, the error usually\nlooks like this:\n\nERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that\ncorresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near \'\'\na\nt line 1\n\nNote the empty string.\n\nIf there are more closed parentheses than open parentheses, the error usually\nlooks like this:\n\nERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that\ncorresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near \')\'\nat line 1\n\nNote the quoted closed parenthesis.\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (244,20,'TRUE FALSE','Description\n-----------\n\nThe constants TRUE and FALSE evaluate to 1 and 0, respectively. The constant\nnames can be written in any lettercase.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nSELECT TRUE, true, FALSE, false;\n+------+------+-------+-------+\n| TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE |\n+------+------+-------+-------+\n| 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |\n+------+------+-------+-------+\n\nURL:','','');
-insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (245,21,'ANALYZE TABLE','Syntax\n------\n\nANALYZE [NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG | LOCAL] TABLE tbl_name [,tbl_name ...] \n [PERSISTENT FOR [ALL|COLUMNS ([col_name [,col_name ...]])]\n [INDEXES ([index_name [,index_name ...]])]]\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nANALYZE TABLE analyzes and stores the key distribution for a table (index\nstatistics). This statement works with MyISAM, Aria and InnoDB tables. During\nthe analysis, InnoDB will allow reads/writes, and MyISAM/Aria reads/inserts.\nFor MyISAM tables, this statement is equivalent to using myisamchk --analyze.\n\nFor more information on how the analysis works within InnoDB, see InnoDB\nLimitations.\n\nMariaDB uses the stored key distribution to decide the order in which tables\nshould be joined when you perform a join on something other than a constant.\nIn addition, key distributions can be used when deciding which indexes to use\nfor a specific table within a query.\n\nThis statement requires SELECT and INSERT privileges for the table.\n\nBy default, ANALYZE TABLE statements are written to the binary log and will be\nreplicated. The NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG keyword (LOCAL is an alias) will ensure the\nstatement is not written to the binary log.\n\nFrom MariaDB 10.3.19, ANALYZE TABLE statements are not logged to the binary\nlog if read_only is set. See also Read-Only Replicas.\n\nANALYZE TABLE is also supported for partitioned tables. You can use ALTER\nTABLE ... ANALYZE PARTITION to analyze one or more partitions.\n\nThe Aria storage engine supports progress reporting for the ANALYZE TABLE\nstatement.\n\nEngine-Independent Statistics\n-----------------------------\n\nANALYZE TABLE supports engine-independent statistics. See Engine-Independent\nTable Statistics: Collecting Statistics with the ANALYZE TABLE Statement for\nmore information.\n\nUseful Variables\n----------------\n\nFor calculating the number of duplicates, ANALYZE TABLE uses a buffer of\nsort_buffer_size bytes per column. You can slightly increase the speed of\nANALYZE TABLE by increasing this variable.\n\nURL:','','');
-insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (246,21,'CHECK TABLE','Syntax\n------\n\nCHECK TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... [option] ...\n\noption = {FOR UPGRADE | QUICK | FAST | MEDIUM | EXTENDED | CHANGED}\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nCHECK TABLE checks a table or tables for errors. CHECK TABLE works for\nArchive, Aria, CSV, InnoDB and MyISAM tables. For Aria and MyISAM tables, the\nkey statistics are updated as well. For CSV, see also Checking and Repairing\nCSV Tables.\n\nAs an alternative, myisamchk is a commandline tool for checking MyISAM tables\nwhen the tables are not being accessed. For Aria tables, there is a similar\ntool: aria_chk.\n\nFor checking dynamic columns integrity, COLUMN_CHECK() can be used.\n\nCHECK TABLE can also check views for problems, such as tables that are\nreferenced in the view definition that no longer exist.\n\nCHECK TABLE is also supported for partitioned tables. You can use ALTER TABLE\n... CHECK PARTITION to check one or more partitions.\n\nThe meaning of the different options are as follows - note that this can vary\na bit between storage engines:\n\n+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| FOR | Do a very quick check if the storage format for the table has |\n| UPG | changed so that one needs to do a REPAIR. This is only needed when |\n| ADE | one upgrades between major versions of MariaDB or MySQL. This is |\n| | usually done by running mysql_upgrade. |\n+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| FAS | Only check tables that has not been closed properly or are marked |\n| | as corrupt. Only supported by the MyISAM and Aria engines. For |\n| | other engines the table is checked normally |\n+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| CHA | Check only tables that has changed since last REPAIR / CHECK. Only |\n| GED | supported by the MyISAM and Aria engines. For other engines the |\n| | table is checked normally. |\n+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| QUI | Do a fast check. For MyISAM and Aria, this means skipping the check |\n| K | of the delete link chain, which may take some time. |\n+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| MED | Scan also the data files. Checks integrity between data and index |\n| UM | files with checksums. In most cases this should find all possible |\n| | errors. |\n+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| EXT | Does a full check to verify every possible error. For MyISAM and |\n| NDE | Aria, verify for each row that all it keys exists and points to the |\n| | row. This may take a long time on large tables. Ignored by InnoDB |\n| | before MariaDB 10.6.11, MariaDB 10.7.7, MariaDB 10.8.6 and MariaDB |\n| | 10.9.4. |\n+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nFor most cases running CHECK TABLE without options or MEDIUM should be good\nenough.\n\nThe Aria storage engine supports progress reporting for this statement.\n\nIf you want to know if two tables are identical, take a look at CHECKSUM TABLE.\n\nInnoDB\n------\n\nIf CHECK TABLE finds an error in an InnoDB table, MariaDB might shutdown to\nprevent the error propagation. In this case, the problem will be reported in\nthe error log. Otherwise the table or an index might be marked as corrupted,\nto prevent use. This does not happen with some minor problems, like a wrong\nnumber of entries in a secondary index. Those problems are reported in the\noutput of CHECK TABLE.\n\nEach tablespace contains a header with metadata. This header is not checked by\nthis statement.\n\nDuring the execution of CHECK TABLE, other threads may be blocked.\n\nURL:','','');
+insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (245,21,'ANALYZE TABLE','Syntax\n------\n\nANALYZE [NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG | LOCAL] TABLE tbl_name [,tbl_name ...]\n [PERSISTENT FOR\n { ALL\n | COLUMNS ([col_name [,col_name ...]]) INDEXES ([index_name [,index_name\n...]])\n }\n ]\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nANALYZE TABLE analyzes and stores the key distribution for a table (index\nstatistics). This statement works with MyISAM, Aria and InnoDB tables. During\nthe analysis, InnoDB will allow reads/writes, and MyISAM/Aria reads/inserts.\nFor MyISAM tables, this statement is equivalent to using myisamchk --analyze.\n\nFor more information on how the analysis works within InnoDB, see InnoDB\nLimitations.\n\nMariaDB uses the stored key distribution to decide the order in which tables\nshould be joined when you perform a join on something other than a constant.\nIn addition, key distributions can be used when deciding which indexes to use\nfor a specific table within a query.\n\nThis statement requires SELECT and INSERT privileges for the table.\n\nBy default, ANALYZE TABLE statements are written to the binary log and will be\nreplicated. The NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG keyword (LOCAL is an alias) will ensure the\nstatement is not written to the binary log.\n\nFrom MariaDB 10.3.19, ANALYZE TABLE statements are not logged to the binary\nlog if read_only is set. See also Read-Only Replicas.\n\nANALYZE TABLE is also supported for partitioned tables. You can use ALTER\nTABLE ... ANALYZE PARTITION to analyze one or more partitions.\n\nThe Aria storage engine supports progress reporting for the ANALYZE TABLE\nstatement.\n\nEngine-Independent Statistics\n-----------------------------\n\nANALYZE TABLE supports engine-independent statistics. See Engine-Independent\nTable Statistics: Collecting Statistics with the ANALYZE TABLE Statement for\nmore information.\n\nUseful Variables\n----------------\n\nFor calculating the number of duplicates, ANALYZE TABLE uses a buffer of\nsort_buffer_size bytes per column. You can slightly increase the speed of\nANALYZE TABLE by increasing this variable.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\n-- update all engine-independent statistics for all columns and indexes\nANALYZE TABLE tbl PERSISTENT FOR ALL;\n\n-- update specific columns and indexes:\nANALYZE TABLE tbl PERSISTENT FOR COLUMNS (col1,col2,...) INDEXES\n(idx1,idx2,...);\n\n-- empty lists are allowed:\nANALYZE TABLE tbl PERSISTENT FOR COLUMNS (col1,col2,...) INDEXES ();\nANALYZE TABLE tbl PERSISTENT FOR COLUMNS () INDEXES (idx1,idx2,...);\n\n-- the following will only update mysql.table_stats fields:\nANALYZE TABLE tbl PERSISTENT FOR COLUMNS () INDEXES ();\n\n-- when use_stat_tables is set to \'COMPLEMENTARY\' or \'PREFERABLY\', \n-- a simple ANALYZE TABLE collects engine-independent statistics for all\ncolumns and indexes.\nSET SESSION use_stat_tables=\'COMPLEMENTARY\';\nANALYZE TABLE tbl;\n\nURL:','','');
+insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (246,21,'CHECK TABLE','Syntax\n------\n\nCHECK TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... [option] ...\n\noption = {FOR UPGRADE | QUICK | FAST | MEDIUM | EXTENDED | CHANGED}\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nCHECK TABLE checks a table or tables for errors. CHECK TABLE works for\nArchive, Aria, CSV, InnoDB and MyISAM tables. For Aria and MyISAM tables, the\nkey statistics are updated as well. For CSV, see also Checking and Repairing\nCSV Tables.\n\nAs an alternative, myisamchk is a commandline tool for checking MyISAM tables\nwhen the tables are not being accessed. For Aria tables, there is a similar\ntool: aria_chk.\n\nFor checking dynamic columns integrity, COLUMN_CHECK() can be used.\n\nCHECK TABLE can also check views for problems, such as tables that are\nreferenced in the view definition that no longer exist.\n\nCHECK TABLE is also supported for partitioned tables. You can use ALTER TABLE\n... CHECK PARTITION to check one or more partitions.\n\nThe meaning of the different options are as follows - note that this can vary\na bit between storage engines:\n\n+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| FOR | Do a very quick check if the storage format for the table has |\n| UPG | changed so that one needs to do a REPAIR. This is only needed when |\n| ADE | one upgrades between major versions of MariaDB or MySQL. This is |\n| | usually done by running mysql_upgrade. |\n+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| FAS | Only check tables that has not been closed properly or are marked |\n| | as corrupt. Only supported by the MyISAM and Aria engines. For |\n| | other engines the table is checked normally |\n+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| CHA | Check only tables that has changed since last REPAIR / CHECK. Only |\n| GED | supported by the MyISAM and Aria engines. For other engines the |\n| | table is checked normally. |\n+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| QUI | Do a fast check. For MyISAM and Aria, this means skipping the check |\n| K | of the delete link chain, which may take some time. |\n+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| MED | Scan also the data files. Checks integrity between data and index |\n| UM | files with checksums. In most cases this should find all possible |\n| | errors. |\n+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| EXT | Does a full check to verify every possible error. For InnoDB, Aria, |\n| NDE | and MyISAM, verify for each row that all its keys exists, and for |\n| | those index keys, they point back to the primary clustered key. |\n| | This may take a long time on large tables. This option was |\n| | previously ignored by InnoDB before MariaDB 10.6.11, MariaDB |\n| | 10.7.7, MariaDB 10.8.6 and MariaDB 10.9.4. |\n+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nFor most cases running CHECK TABLE without options or MEDIUM should be good\nenough.\n\nThe Aria storage engine supports progress reporting for this statement.\n\nIf you want to know if two tables are identical, take a look at CHECKSUM TABLE.\n\nInnoDB\n------\n\nIf CHECK TABLE finds an error in an InnoDB table, MariaDB might shutdown to\nprevent the error propagation. In this case, the problem will be reported in\nthe error log. Otherwise the table or an index might be marked as corrupted,\nto prevent use. This does not happen with some minor problems, like a wrong\nnumber of entries in a secondary index. Those problems are reported in the\noutput of CHECK TABLE.\n\nEach tablespace contains a header with metadata. This header is not checked by\nthis statement.\n\nDuring the execution of CHECK TABLE, other threads may be blocked.\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (247,21,'CHECK VIEW','Syntax\n------\n\nCHECK VIEW view_name\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe CHECK VIEW statement was introduced in MariaDB 10.0.18 to assist with\nfixing MDEV-6916, an issue introduced in MariaDB 5.2 where the view algorithms\nwere swapped. It checks whether the view algorithm is correct. It is run as\npart of mysql_upgrade, and should not normally be required in regular use.\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (248,21,'CHECKSUM TABLE','Syntax\n------\n\nCHECKSUM TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] ... [ QUICK | EXTENDED ]\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nCHECKSUM TABLE reports a table checksum. This is very useful if you want to\nknow if two tables are the same (for example on a master and slave).\n\nWith QUICK, the live table checksum is reported if it is available, or NULL\notherwise. This is very fast. A live checksum is enabled by specifying the\nCHECKSUM=1 table option when you create the table; currently, this is\nsupported only for Aria and MyISAM tables.\n\nWith EXTENDED, the entire table is read row by row and the checksum is\ncalculated. This can be very slow for large tables.\n\nIf neither QUICK nor EXTENDED is specified, MariaDB returns a live checksum if\nthe table storage engine supports it and scans the table otherwise.\n\nCHECKSUM TABLE requires the SELECT privilege for the table.\n\nFor a nonexistent table, CHECKSUM TABLE returns NULL and generates a warning.\n\nThe table row format affects the checksum value. If the row format changes,\nthe checksum will change. This means that when a table created with a\nMariaDB/MySQL version is upgraded to another version, the checksum value will\nprobably change.\n\nTwo identical tables should always match to the same checksum value; however,\nalso for non-identical tables there is a very slight chance that they will\nreturn the same value as the hashing algorithm is not completely\ncollision-free.\n\nIdentical Tables\n----------------\n\nIdentical tables mean that the CREATE statement is identical and that the\nfollowing variable, which affects the storage formats, was the same when the\ntables were created:\n\n* mysql56-temporal-format\n\nDifferences Between MariaDB and MySQL\n-------------------------------------\n\nCHECKSUM TABLE may give a different result as MariaDB doesn\'t ignore NULLs in\nthe columns as MySQL 5.1 does (Later MySQL versions should calculate checksums\nthe same way as MariaDB). You can get the \'old style\' checksum in MariaDB by\nstarting mysqld with the --old option. Note however that that the MyISAM and\nAria storage engines in MariaDB are using the new checksum internally, so if\nyou are using --old, the CHECKSUM command will be slower as it needs to\ncalculate the checksum row by row. Starting from MariaDB Server 10.9, --old is\ndeprecated and will be removed in a future release. Set --old-mode or OLD_MODE\nto COMPAT_5_1_CHECKSUM to get \'old style\' checksum.\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (249,21,'OPTIMIZE TABLE','Syntax\n------\n\nOPTIMIZE [NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG | LOCAL] TABLE\n tbl_name [, tbl_name] ...\n [WAIT n | NOWAIT]\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nOPTIMIZE TABLE has two main functions. It can either be used to defragment\ntables, or to update the InnoDB fulltext index.\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3.0\n----------------------------\n\nWAIT/NOWAIT\n-----------\n\nSet the lock wait timeout. See WAIT and NOWAIT.\n\nDefragmenting\n-------------\n\nOPTIMIZE TABLE works for InnoDB (before MariaDB 10.1.1, only if the\ninnodb_file_per_table server system variable is set), Aria, MyISAM and ARCHIVE\ntables, and should be used if you have deleted a large part of a table or if\nyou have made many changes to a table with variable-length rows (tables that\nhave VARCHAR, VARBINARY, BLOB, or TEXT columns). Deleted rows are maintained\nin a linked list and subsequent INSERT operations reuse old row positions.\n\nThis statement requires SELECT and INSERT privileges for the table.\n\nBy default, OPTIMIZE TABLE statements are written to the binary log and will\nbe replicated. The NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG keyword (LOCAL is an alias) will ensure\nthe statement is not written to the binary log.\n\nFrom MariaDB 10.3.19, OPTIMIZE TABLE statements are not logged to the binary\nlog if read_only is set. See also Read-Only Replicas.\n\nOPTIMIZE TABLE is also supported for partitioned tables. You can use ALTER\nTABLE ... OPTIMIZE PARTITION to optimize one or more partitions.\n\nYou can use OPTIMIZE TABLE to reclaim the unused space and to defragment the\ndata file. With other storage engines, OPTIMIZE TABLE does nothing by default,\nand returns this message: \" The storage engine for the table doesn\'t support\noptimize\". However, if the server has been started with the --skip-new option,\nOPTIMIZE TABLE is linked to ALTER TABLE, and recreates the table. This\noperation frees the unused space and updates index statistics.\n\nThe Aria storage engine supports progress reporting for this statement.\n\nIf a MyISAM table is fragmented, concurrent inserts will not be performed\nuntil an OPTIMIZE TABLE statement is executed on that table, unless the\nconcurrent_insert server system variable is set to ALWAYS.\n\nUpdating an InnoDB fulltext index\n---------------------------------\n\nWhen rows are added or deleted to an InnoDB fulltext index, the index is not\nimmediately re-organized, as this can be an expensive operation. Change\nstatistics are stored in a separate location . The fulltext index is only\nfully re-organized when an OPTIMIZE TABLE statement is run.\n\nBy default, an OPTIMIZE TABLE will defragment a table. In order to use it to\nupdate fulltext index statistics, the innodb_optimize_fulltext_only system\nvariable must be set to 1. This is intended to be a temporary setting, and\nshould be reset to 0 once the fulltext index has been re-organized.\n\nSince fulltext re-organization can take a long time, the\ninnodb_ft_num_word_optimize variable limits the re-organization to a number of\nwords (2000 by default). You can run multiple OPTIMIZE statements to fully\nre-organize the index.\n\nDefragmenting InnoDB tablespaces\n--------------------------------\n\nMariaDB 10.1.1 merged the Facebook/Kakao defragmentation patch, allowing one\nto use OPTIMIZE TABLE to defragment InnoDB tablespaces. For this functionality\nto be enabled, the innodb_defragment system variable must be enabled. No new\ntables are created and there is no need to copy data from old tables to new\ntables. Instead, this feature loads n pages (determined by\ninnodb-defragment-n-pages) and tries to move records so that pages would be\nfull of records and then frees pages that are fully empty after the operation.\nNote that tablespace files (including ibdata1) will not shrink as the result\nof defragmentation, but one will get better memory utilization in the InnoDB\nbuffer pool as there are fewer data pages in use.\n\nSee Defragmenting InnoDB Tablespaces for more details.\n\nURL:','','');
@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (675,36,'RIGHT','Syntax\n------\n\nRIGHT(str,len)\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nReturns the rightmost len characters from the string str, or NULL if any\nargument is NULL.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nSELECT RIGHT(\'MariaDB\', 2);\n+---------------------+\n| RIGHT(\'MariaDB\', 2) |\n+---------------------+\n| DB |\n+---------------------+\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (676,36,'RPAD','Syntax\n------\n\nRPAD(str, len [, padstr])\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nReturns the string str, right-padded with the string padstr to a length of len\ncharacters. If str is longer than len, the return value is shortened to len\ncharacters. If padstr is omitted, the RPAD function pads spaces.\n\nPrior to MariaDB 10.3.1, the padstr parameter was mandatory.\n\nReturns NULL if given a NULL argument. If the result is empty (a length of\nzero), returns either an empty string, or, from MariaDB 10.3.6 with\nSQL_MODE=Oracle, NULL.\n\nThe Oracle mode version of the function can be accessed outside of Oracle mode\nby using RPAD_ORACLE as the function name.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nSELECT RPAD(\'hello\',10,\'.\');\n+----------------------+\n| RPAD(\'hello\',10,\'.\') |\n+----------------------+\n| hello..... |\n+----------------------+\n\nSELECT RPAD(\'hello\',2,\'.\');\n+---------------------+\n| RPAD(\'hello\',2,\'.\') |\n+---------------------+\n| he |\n+---------------------+\n\nFrom MariaDB 10.3.1, with the pad string defaulting to space.\n\nSELECT RPAD(\'hello\',30);\n+--------------------------------+\n| RPAD(\'hello\',30) |\n+--------------------------------+\n| hello |\n+--------------------------------+\n\nOracle mode version from MariaDB 10.3.6:\n\nSELECT RPAD(\'\',0),RPAD_ORACLE(\'\',0);\n+------------+-------------------+\n| RPAD(\'\',0) | RPAD_ORACLE(\'\',0) |\n+------------+-------------------+\n| | NULL |\n+------------+-------------------+\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (677,36,'RTRIM','Syntax\n------\n\nRTRIM(str)\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nReturns the string str with trailing space characters removed.\n\nReturns NULL if given a NULL argument. If the result is empty, returns either\nan empty string, or, from MariaDB 10.3.6 with SQL_MODE=Oracle, NULL.\n\nThe Oracle mode version of the function can be accessed outside of Oracle mode\nby using RTRIM_ORACLE as the function name.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nSELECT QUOTE(RTRIM(\'MariaDB \'));\n+-----------------------------+\n| QUOTE(RTRIM(\'MariaDB \')) |\n+-----------------------------+\n| \'MariaDB\' |\n+-----------------------------+\n\nOracle mode version from MariaDB 10.3.6:\n\nSELECT RTRIM(\'\'),RTRIM_ORACLE(\'\');\n+-----------+------------------+\n| RTRIM(\'\') | RTRIM_ORACLE(\'\') |\n+-----------+------------------+\n| | NULL |\n+-----------+------------------+\n\nURL:','','');
-insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (678,36,'SFORMAT','MariaDB starting with 10.7.0\n----------------------------\nSFORMAT was added in MariaDB 10.7.0.\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe SFORMAT function takes an input string and a formatting specification and\nreturns the string formatted using the rules the user passed in the\nspecification.\n\nIt use the fmtlib library for Python-like (as well as Rust, C++20, etc) string\nformatting.\n\nOnly fmtlib 7.0.0+ is supported.\n\nThere is no native support for temporal and decimal values:\n\n* TIME_RESULT is handled as STRING_RESULT\n* DECIMAL_RESULT as REAL_RESULT\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nSELECT SFORMAT(\"The answer is {}.\", 42);\n+----------------------------------+\n| SFORMAT(\"The answer is {}.\", 42) |\n+----------------------------------+\n| The answer is 42. |\n+----------------------------------+\n\nCREATE TABLE test_sformat(mdb_release char(6), mdev int, feature char(20));\n\nINSERT INTO test_sformat VALUES(\'10.7.0\', 25015, \'Python style sformat\'), \n (\'10.7.0\', 4958, \'UUID\');\n\nSELECT * FROM test_sformat;\n+-------------+-------+----------------------+\n| mdb_release | mdev | feature |\n+-------------+-------+----------------------+\n| 10.7.0 | 25015 | Python style sformat |\n| 10.7.0 | 4958 | UUID |\n+-------------+-------+----------------------+\n\nSELECT SFORMAT(\'MariaDB Server {} has a preview for MDEV-{} which is about\n{}\', \n mdb_release, mdev, feature) AS \'Preview Release Examples\'\n FROM test_sformat;\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------+\n| Preview Release Examples \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------+\n| MariaDB Server 10.7.0 has a preview for MDEV-25015 which is about Python\nstyle sformat |\n| MariaDB Server 10.7.0 has a preview for MDEV-4958 which is about UUID \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------+\n\nURL:','','');
+insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (678,36,'SFORMAT','MariaDB starting with 10.7.0\n----------------------------\nSFORMAT was added in MariaDB 10.7.0.\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe SFORMAT function takes an input string and a formatting specification and\nreturns the string formatted using the rules the user passed in the\nspecification.\n\nIt uses the fmtlib library for Python-like (as well as Rust, C++20, etc)\nstring formatting.\n\nOnly fmtlib 7.0.0+ is supported.\n\nThere is no native support for temporal and decimal values:\n\n* TIME_RESULT is handled as STRING_RESULT\n* DECIMAL_RESULT as REAL_RESULT\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nSELECT SFORMAT(\"The answer is {}.\", 42);\n+----------------------------------+\n| SFORMAT(\"The answer is {}.\", 42) |\n+----------------------------------+\n| The answer is 42. |\n+----------------------------------+\n\nCREATE TABLE test_sformat(mdb_release char(6), mdev int, feature char(20));\n\nINSERT INTO test_sformat VALUES(\'10.7.0\', 25015, \'Python style sformat\'), \n (\'10.7.0\', 4958, \'UUID\');\n\nSELECT * FROM test_sformat;\n+-------------+-------+----------------------+\n| mdb_release | mdev | feature |\n+-------------+-------+----------------------+\n| 10.7.0 | 25015 | Python style sformat |\n| 10.7.0 | 4958 | UUID |\n+-------------+-------+----------------------+\n\nSELECT SFORMAT(\'MariaDB Server {} has a preview for MDEV-{} which is about\n{}\', \n mdb_release, mdev, feature) AS \'Preview Release Examples\'\n FROM test_sformat;\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------+\n| Preview Release Examples \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------+\n| MariaDB Server 10.7.0 has a preview for MDEV-25015 which is about Python\nstyle sformat |\n| MariaDB Server 10.7.0 has a preview for MDEV-4958 which is about UUID \n |\n+------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n---------+\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (679,36,'SOUNDEX','Syntax\n------\n\nSOUNDEX(str)\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nReturns a soundex string from str. Two strings that sound almost the same\nshould have identical soundex strings. A standard soundex string is four\ncharacters long, but the SOUNDEX() function returns an arbitrarily long\nstring. You can use SUBSTRING() on the result to get a standard soundex\nstring. All non-alphabetic characters in str are ignored. All international\nalphabetic characters outside the A-Z range are treated as vowels.\n\nImportant: When using SOUNDEX(), you should be aware of the following details:\n\n* This function, as currently implemented, is intended to work well with\n strings that are in the English language only. Strings in other languages may\n not produce reasonable results.\n\n* This function implements the original Soundex algorithm, not the more\npopular enhanced version (also described by D. Knuth). The difference is that\noriginal version discards vowels first and duplicates second, whereas the\nenhanced version discards duplicates first and vowels second.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nSOUNDEX(\'Hello\');\n+------------------+\n| SOUNDEX(\'Hello\') |\n+------------------+\n| H400 |\n+------------------+\n\nSELECT SOUNDEX(\'MariaDB\');\n+--------------------+\n| SOUNDEX(\'MariaDB\') |\n+--------------------+\n| M631 |\n+--------------------+\n\nSELECT SOUNDEX(\'Knowledgebase\');\n+--------------------------+\n| SOUNDEX(\'Knowledgebase\') |\n+--------------------------+\n| K543212 |\n+--------------------------+\n\nSELECT givenname, surname FROM users WHERE SOUNDEX(givenname) =\nSOUNDEX(\"robert\");\n+-----------+---------+\n| givenname | surname |\n+-----------+---------+\n| Roberto | Castro |\n+-----------+---------+\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (680,36,'SOUNDS LIKE','Syntax\n------\n\nexpr1 SOUNDS LIKE expr2\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThis is the same as SOUNDEX(expr1) = SOUNDEX(expr2).\n\nExample\n-------\n\nSELECT givenname, surname FROM users WHERE givenname SOUNDS LIKE \"robert\";\n+-----------+---------+\n| givenname | surname |\n+-----------+---------+\n| Roberto | Castro |\n+-----------+---------+\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (681,36,'SPACE','Syntax\n------\n\nSPACE(N)\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nReturns a string consisting of N space characters. If N is NULL, returns NULL.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nSELECT QUOTE(SPACE(6));\n+-----------------+\n| QUOTE(SPACE(6)) |\n+-----------------+\n| \' \' |\n+-----------------+\n\nURL:','','');
@@ -810,8 +810,8 @@ insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (704,38,'ALTER TABLESPACE','The ALTER TABLESPACE statement is not supported by MariaDB. It was originally\ninherited from MySQL NDB Cluster. In MySQL 5.7 and later, the statement is\nalso supported for InnoDB. However, MariaDB has chosen not to include that\nspecific feature. See MDEV-19294 for more information.\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (705,38,'ALTER VIEW','Syntax\n------\n\nALTER\n [ALGORITHM = {UNDEFINED | MERGE | TEMPTABLE}]\n [DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }]\n [SQL SECURITY { DEFINER | INVOKER }]\n VIEW view_name [(column_list)]\n AS select_statement\n [WITH [CASCADED | LOCAL] CHECK OPTION]\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThis statement changes the definition of a view, which must exist. The syntax\nis similar to that for CREATE VIEW and the effect is the same as for CREATE OR\nREPLACE VIEW if the view exists. This statement requires the CREATE VIEW and\nDROP privileges for the view, and some privilege for each column referred to\nin the SELECT statement. ALTER VIEW is allowed only to the definer or users\nwith the SUPER privilege.\n\nExample\n-------\n\nALTER VIEW v AS SELECT a, a*3 AS a2 FROM t;\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (706,38,'CREATE TABLE','Syntax\n------\n\nCREATE [OR REPLACE] [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name\n (create_definition,...) [table_options ]... [partition_options]\nCREATE [OR REPLACE] [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name\n [(create_definition,...)] [table_options ]... [partition_options]\n select_statement\nCREATE [OR REPLACE] [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name\n { LIKE old_table_name | (LIKE old_table_name) }\nselect_statement:\n [IGNORE | REPLACE] [AS] SELECT ... (Some legal select statement)\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nUse the CREATE TABLE statement to create a table with the given name.\n\nIn its most basic form, the CREATE TABLE statement provides a table name\nfollowed by a list of columns, indexes, and constraints. By default, the table\nis created in the default database. Specify a database with db_name.tbl_name.\nIf you quote the table name, you must quote the database name and table name\nseparately as `db_name`.`tbl_name`. This is particularly useful for CREATE\nTABLE ... SELECT, because it allows to create a table into a database, which\ncontains data from other databases. See Identifier Qualifiers.\n\nIf a table with the same name exists, error 1050 results. Use IF NOT EXISTS to\nsuppress this error and issue a note instead. Use SHOW WARNINGS to see notes.\n\nThe CREATE TABLE statement automatically commits the current transaction,\nexcept when using the TEMPORARY keyword.\n\nFor valid identifiers to use as table names, see Identifier Names.\n\nNote: if the default_storage_engine is set to ColumnStore then it needs\nsetting on all UMs. Otherwise when the tables using the default engine are\nreplicated across UMs they will use the wrong engine. You should therefore not\nuse this option as a session variable with ColumnStore.\n\nMicrosecond precision can be between 0-6. If no precision is specified it is\nassumed to be 0, for backward compatibility reasons.\n\nPrivileges\n----------\n\nExecuting the CREATE TABLE statement requires the CREATE privilege for the\ntable or the database.\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE\n-----------------\n\nIf the OR REPLACE clause is used and the table already exists, then instead of\nreturning an error, the server will drop the existing table and replace it\nwith the newly defined table.\n\nThis syntax was originally added to make replication more robust if it has to\nrollback and repeat statements such as CREATE ... SELECT on replicas.\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE TABLE table_name (a int);\n\nis basically the same as:\n\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS table_name;\nCREATE TABLE table_name (a int);\n\nwith the following exceptions:\n\n* If table_name was locked with LOCK TABLES it will continue to be locked\nafter the statement.\n* Temporary tables are only dropped if the TEMPORARY keyword was used. (With\nDROP TABLE, temporary tables are preferred to be dropped before normal\ntables).\n\nThings to be Aware of With CREATE OR REPLACE\n--------------------------------------------\n\n* The table is dropped first (if it existed), after that the CREATE is done.\nBecause of this, if the CREATE fails, then the table will not exist anymore\nafter the statement. If the table was used with LOCK TABLES it will be\nunlocked.\n* One can\'t use OR REPLACE together with IF EXISTS.\n* Slaves in replication will by default use CREATE OR REPLACE when replicating\nCREATE statements that don\'\'t use IF EXISTS. This can be changed by setting\nthe variable slave-ddl-exec-mode to STRICT.\n\nCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS\n--------------------------\n\nIf the IF NOT EXISTS clause is used, then the table will only be created if a\ntable with the same name does not already exist. If the table already exists,\nthen a warning will be triggered by default.\n\nCREATE TEMPORARY TABLE\n----------------------\n\nUse the TEMPORARY keyword to create a temporary table that is only available\nto the current session. Temporary tables are dropped when the session ends.\nTemporary table names are specific to the session. They will not conflict with\nother temporary tables from other sessions even if they share the same name.\nThey will shadow names of non-temporary tables or views, if they are\nidentical. A temporary table can have the same name as a non-temporary table\nwhich is located in the same database. In that case, their name will reference\nthe temporary table when used in SQL statements. You must have the CREATE\nTEMPORARY TABLES privilege on the database to create temporary tables. If no\nstorage engine is specified, the default_tmp_storage_engine setting will\ndetermine the engine.\n\nROCKSDB temporary tables cannot be created by setting the\ndefault_tmp_storage_engine system variable, or using CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE\nLIKE. Before MariaDB 10.7, they could be specified, but would silently fail,\nand a MyISAM table would be created instead. From MariaDB 10.7 an error is\nreturned. Explicitly creating a temporary table with ENGINE=ROCKSDB has never\nbeen permitted.\n\nCREATE TABLE ... LIKE\n---------------------\n\nUse the LIKE clause instead of a full table definition to create a table with\nthe same definition as another table, including columns, indexes, and table\noptions. Foreign key definitions, as well as any DATA DIRECTORY or INDEX\nDIRECTORY table options specified on the original table, will not be created.\n\nCREATE TABLE ... SELECT\n-----------------------\n\nYou can create a table containing data from other tables using the CREATE ...\nSELECT statement. Columns will be created in the table for each field returned\nby the SELECT query.\n\nYou can also define some columns normally and add other columns from a SELECT.\nYou can also create columns in the normal way and assign them some values\nusing the query, this is done to force a certain type or other field\ncharacteristics. The columns that are not named in the query will be placed\nbefore the others. For example:\n\nCREATE TABLE test (a INT NOT NULL, b CHAR(10)) ENGINE=MyISAM\n SELECT 5 AS b, c, d FROM another_table;\n\nRemember that the query just returns data. If you want to use the same\nindexes, or the same columns attributes ([NOT] NULL, DEFAULT, AUTO_INCREMENT)\nin the new table, you need to specify them manually. Types and sizes are not\nautomatically preserved if no data returned by the SELECT requires the full\nsize, and VARCHAR could be converted into CHAR. The CAST() function can be\nused to forcee the new table to use certain types.\n\nAliases (AS) are taken into account, and they should always be used when you\nSELECT an expression (function, arithmetical operation, etc).\n\nIf an error occurs during the query, the table will not be created at all.\n\nIf the new table has a primary key or UNIQUE indexes, you can use the IGNORE\nor REPLACE keywords to handle duplicate key errors during the query. IGNORE\nmeans that the newer values must not be inserted an identical value exists in\nthe index. REPLACE means that older values must be overwritten.\n\nIf the columns in the new table are more than the rows returned by the query,\nthe columns populated by the query will be placed after other columns. Note\nthat if the strict SQL_MODE is on, and the columns that are not names in the\nquery do not have a DEFAULT value, an error will raise and no rows will be\ncopied.\n\nConcurrent inserts are not used during the execution of a CREATE ... SELECT.\n\nIf the table already exists, an error similar to the following will be\nreturned:\n\nERROR 1050 (42S01): Table \'t\' already exists\n\nIf the IF NOT EXISTS clause is used and the table exists, a note will be\nproduced instead of an error.\n\nTo insert rows from a query into an existing table, INSERT ... SELECT can be\nused.\n\nColumn Definitions\n------------------\n\ncreate_definition:\n { col_name column_definition | index_definition | period_definition | CHECK\n(expr) }\ncolumn_definition:\n data_type\n [NOT NULL | NULL] [DEFAULT default_value | (expression)]\n [ON UPDATE [NOW | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP] [(precision)]]\n [AUTO_INCREMENT] [ZEROFILL] [UNIQUE [KEY] | [PRIMARY] KEY]\n [INVISIBLE] [{WITH|WITHOUT} SYSTEM VERSIONING]\n [COMMENT \'string\'] [REF_SYSTEM_ID = value]\n [reference_definition]\n | data_type [GENERATED ALWAYS]\n AS { { ROW {START|END} } | { (expression) [VIRTUAL | PERSISTENT | STORED] } }\n [UNIQUE [KEY]] [COMMENT \'string\']\nconstraint_definition:\n CONSTRAINT [constraint_name] CHECK (expression)\nNote: Until MariaDB 10.4, MariaDB accepts the shortcut format with a\nREFERENCES clause only in ALTER TABLE and CREATE TABLE statements, but that\nsyntax does nothing. For example:\n\nCREATE TABLE b(for_key INT REFERENCES a(not_key));\n\nMariaDB simply parses it without returning any error or warning, for\ncompatibility with other DBMS\'s. Before MariaDB 10.2.1 this was also true for\nCHECK constraints. However, only the syntax described below creates foreign\nkeys.\n\nFrom MariaDB 10.5, MariaDB will attempt to apply the constraint. See Foreign\nKeys examples.\n\nEach definition either creates a column in the table or specifies and index or\nconstraint on one or more columns. See Indexes below for details on creating\nindexes.\n\nCreate a column by specifying a column name and a data type, optionally\nfollowed by column options. See Data Types for a full list of data types\nallowed in MariaDB.\n\nNULL and NOT NULL\n-----------------\n\nUse the NULL or NOT NULL options to specify that values in the column may or\nmay not be NULL, respectively. By default, values may be NULL. See also NULL\nValues in MariaDB.\n\nDEFAULT Column Option\n---------------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.2.1\n----------------------------\nThe DEFAULT clause was enhanced in MariaDB 10.2.1. Some enhancements include\n\n* BLOB and TEXT columns now support DEFAULT.\n* The DEFAULT clause can now be used with an expression or function.\n\nSpecify a default value using the DEFAULT clause. If you don\'t specify DEFAULT\nthen the following rules apply:\n\n* If the column is not defined with NOT NULL, AUTO_INCREMENT or TIMESTAMP, an\nexplicit DEFAULT NULL will be added.\nNote that in MySQL and in MariaDB before 10.1.6, you may get an explicit\nDEFAULT for primary key parts, if not specified with NOT NULL.\n\nThe default value will be used if you INSERT a row without specifying a value\nfor that column, or if you specify DEFAULT for that column. Before MariaDB\n10.2.1 you couldn\'t usually provide an expression or function to evaluate at\ninsertion time. You had to provide a constant default value instead. The one\nexception is that you may use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as the default value for a\nTIMESTAMP column to use the current timestamp at insertion time.\n\nCURRENT_TIMESTAMP may also be used as the default value for a DATETIME\n\nFrom MariaDB 10.2.1 you can use most functions in DEFAULT. Expressions should\nhave parentheses around them. If you use a non deterministic function in\nDEFAULT then all inserts to the table will be replicated in row mode. You can\neven refer to earlier columns in the DEFAULT expression (excluding\nAUTO_INCREMENT columns):\n\nCREATE TABLE t1 (a int DEFAULT (1+1), b int DEFAULT (a+1));\nCREATE TABLE t2 (a bigint primary key DEFAULT UUID_SHORT());\n\nThe DEFAULT clause cannot contain any stored functions or subqueries, and a\ncolumn used in the clause must already have been defined earlier in the\nstatement.\n\nSince MariaDB 10.2.1, it is possible to assign BLOB or TEXT columns a DEFAULT\nvalue. In earlier versions, assigning a default to these columns was not\npossible.\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3.3\n----------------------------\nStarting from 10.3.3 you can also use DEFAULT (NEXT VALUE FOR sequence)\n\nAUTO_INCREMENT Column Option\n----------------------------\n\nUse AUTO_INCREMENT to create a column whose value can can be set automatically\nfrom a simple counter. You can only use AUTO_INCREMENT on a column with an\ninteger type. The column must be a key, and there can only be one\nAUTO_INCREMENT column in a table. If you insert a row without specifying a\nvalue for that column (or if you specify 0, NULL, or DEFAULT as the value),\nthe actual value will be taken from the counter, with each insertion\nincrementing the counter by one. You can still insert a value explicitly. If\nyou insert a value that is greater than the current counter value, the counter\nis set based on the new value. An AUTO_INCREMENT column is implicitly NOT\nNULL. Use LAST_INSERT_ID to get the AUTO_INCREMENT value most recently used by\nan INSERT statement.\n\nZEROFILL Column Option\n----------------------\n\nIf the ZEROFILL column option is specified for a column using a numeric data\ntype, then the column will be set to UNSIGNED and the spaces used by default\nto pad the field are replaced with zeros. ZEROFILL is ignored in expressions\nor as part of a UNION. ZEROFILL is a non-standard MySQL and MariaDB\nenhancement.\n\nPRIMARY KEY Column Option\n-------------------------\n\nUse PRIMARY KEY to make a column a primary key. A primary key is a special\ntype of a unique key. There can be at most one primary key per table, and it\nis implicitly NOT NULL.\n\nSpecifying a column as a unique key creates a unique index on that column. See\nthe Index Definitions section below for more information.\n\nUNIQUE KEY Column Option\n------------------------\n\nUse UNIQUE KEY (or just UNIQUE) to specify that all values in the column must\nbe distinct from each other. Unless the column is NOT NULL, there may be\nmultiple rows with NULL in the column.\n\nSpecifying a column as a unique key creates a unique index on that column. See\nthe Index Definitions section below for more information.\n\nCOMMENT Column Option\n---------------------\n\nYou can provide a comment for each column using the COMMENT clause. The\nmaximum length is 1024 characters. Use the SHOW FULL COLUMNS statement to see\ncolumn comments.\n\nREF_SYSTEM_ID\n-------------\n\nREF_SYSTEM_ID can be used to specify Spatial Reference System IDs for spatial\ndata type columns. For example:\n\nCREATE TABLE t1(g GEOMETRY(9,4) REF_SYSTEM_ID=101);\n\nGenerated Columns\n-----------------\n\nA generated column is a column in a table that cannot explicitly be set to a\nspecific value in a DML query. Instead, its value is automatically generated\nbased on an expression. This expression might generate the value based on the\nvalues of other columns in the table, or it might generate the value by\ncalling built-in functions or user-defined functions (UDFs).\n\nThere are two types of generated columns:\n\n* PERSISTENT or STORED: This type\'s value is actually stored in the table.','','');
-update help_topic set description = CONCAT(description, '\n* VIRTUAL: This type\'s value is not stored at all. Instead, the value is\ngenerated dynamically when the table is queried. This type is the default.\n\nGenerated columns are also sometimes called computed columns or virtual\ncolumns.\n\nFor a complete description about generated columns and their limitations, see\nGenerated (Virtual and Persistent/Stored) Columns.\n\nCOMPRESSED\n----------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3.3\n----------------------------\nCertain columns may be compressed. See Storage-Engine Independent Column\nCompression.\n\nINVISIBLE\n---------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3.3\n----------------------------\nColumns may be made invisible, and hidden in certain contexts. See Invisible\nColumns.\n\nWITH SYSTEM VERSIONING Column Option\n------------------------------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3.4\n----------------------------\nColumns may be explicitly marked as included from system versioning. See\nSystem-versioned tables for details.\n\nWITHOUT SYSTEM VERSIONING Column Option\n---------------------------------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3.4\n----------------------------\nColumns may be explicitly marked as excluded from system versioning. See\nSystem-versioned tables for details.\n\nIndex Definitions\n-----------------\n\nindex_definition:\n {INDEX|KEY} [index_name] [index_type] (index_col_name,...) [index_option]\n...\n {{{|}}} {FULLTEXT|SPATIAL} [INDEX|KEY] [index_name] (index_col_name,...)\n[index_option] ...\n {{{|}}} [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] PRIMARY KEY [index_type] (index_col_name,...)\n[index_option] ...\n {{{|}}} [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] UNIQUE [INDEX|KEY] [index_name] [index_type]\n(index_col_name,...) [index_option] ...\n {{{|}}} [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] FOREIGN KEY [index_name] (index_col_name,...)\nreference_definition\n\nindex_col_name:\n col_name [(length)] [ASC | DESC]\n\nindex_type:\n USING {BTREE | HASH | RTREE}\n\nindex_option:\n [ KEY_BLOCK_SIZE [=] value\n {{{|}}} index_type\n {{{|}}} WITH PARSER parser_name\n {{{|}}} COMMENT \'string\'\n {{{|}}} CLUSTERING={YES| NO} ]\n [ IGNORED | NOT IGNORED ]\n\nreference_definition:\n REFERENCES tbl_name (index_col_name,...)\n [MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE]\n [ON DELETE reference_option]\n [ON UPDATE reference_option]\n\nreference_option:\n RESTRICT | CASCADE | SET NULL | NO ACTION\n\nINDEX and KEY are synonyms.\n\nIndex names are optional, if not specified an automatic name will be assigned.\nIndex name are needed to drop indexes and appear in error messages when a\nconstraint is violated.\n\nIndex Categories\n----------------\n\nPlain Indexes\n-------------\n\nPlain indexes are regular indexes that are not unique, and are not acting as a\nprimary key or a foreign key. They are also not the \"specialized\" FULLTEXT or\nSPATIAL indexes.\n\nSee Getting Started with Indexes: Plain Indexes for more information.\n\nPRIMARY KEY\n-----------\n\nFor PRIMARY KEY indexes, you can specify a name for the index, but it is\nignored, and the name of the index is always PRIMARY. From MariaDB 10.3.18 and\nMariaDB 10.4.8, a warning is explicitly issued if a name is specified. Before\nthen, the name was silently ignored.\n\nSee Getting Started with Indexes: Primary Key for more information.\n\nUNIQUE\n------\n\nThe UNIQUE keyword means that the index will not accept duplicated values,\nexcept for NULLs. An error will raise if you try to insert duplicate values in\na UNIQUE index.\n\nFor UNIQUE indexes, you can specify a name for the constraint, using the\nCONSTRAINT keyword. That name will be used in error messages.\n\nSee Getting Started with Indexes: Unique Index for more information.\n\nFOREIGN KEY\n-----------\n\nFor FOREIGN KEY indexes, a reference definition must be provided.\n\nFor FOREIGN KEY indexes, you can specify a name for the constraint, using the\nCONSTRAINT keyword. That name will be used in error messages.\n\nFirst, you have to specify the name of the target (parent) table and a column\nor a column list which must be indexed and whose values must match to the\nforeign key\'s values. The MATCH clause is accepted to improve the\ncompatibility with other DBMS\'s, but has no meaning in MariaDB. The ON DELETE\nand ON UPDATE clauses specify what must be done when a DELETE (or a REPLACE)\nstatements attempts to delete a referenced row from the parent table, and when\nan UPDATE statement attempts to modify the referenced foreign key columns in a\nparent table row, respectively. The following options are allowed:\n\n* RESTRICT: The delete/update operation is not performed. The statement\nterminates with a 1451 error (SQLSTATE \'2300\').\n* NO ACTION: Synonym for RESTRICT.\n* CASCADE: The delete/update operation is performed in both tables.\n* SET NULL: The update or delete goes ahead in the parent table, and the\ncorresponding foreign key fields in the child table are set to NULL. (They\nmust not be defined as NOT NULL for this to succeed).\n* SET DEFAULT: This option is currently implemented only for the PBXT storage\nengine, which is disabled by default and no longer maintained. It sets the\nchild table\'s foreign key fields to their DEFAULT values when the referenced\nparent table key entries are updated or deleted.\n\nIf either clause is omitted, the default behavior for the omitted clause is\nRESTRICT.\n\nSee Foreign Keys for more information.\n\nFULLTEXT\n--------\n\nUse the FULLTEXT keyword to create full-text indexes.\n\nSee Full-Text Indexes for more information.\n\nSPATIAL\n-------\n\nUse the SPATIAL keyword to create geometric indexes.\n\nSee SPATIAL INDEX for more information.\n\nIndex Options\n-------------\n\nKEY_BLOCK_SIZE Index Option\n---------------------------\n\nThe KEY_BLOCK_SIZE index option is similar to the KEY_BLOCK_SIZE table option.\n\nWith the InnoDB storage engine, if you specify a non-zero value for the\nKEY_BLOCK_SIZE table option for the whole table, then the table will\nimplicitly be created with the ROW_FORMAT table option set to COMPRESSED.\nHowever, this does not happen if you just set the KEY_BLOCK_SIZE index option\nfor one or more indexes in the table. The InnoDB storage engine ignores the\nKEY_BLOCK_SIZE index option. However, the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement may\nstill report it for the index.\n\nFor information about the KEY_BLOCK_SIZE index option, see the KEY_BLOCK_SIZE\ntable option below.\n\nIndex Types\n-----------\n\nEach storage engine supports some or all index types. See Storage Engine Index\nTypes for details on permitted index types for each storage engine.\n\nDifferent index types are optimized for different kind of operations:\n\n* BTREE is the default type, and normally is the best choice. It is supported\nby all storage engines. It can be used to compare a column\'s value with a\nvalue using the =, >, >=, <, <=, BETWEEN, and LIKE operators. BTREE can also\nbe used to find NULL values. Searches against an index prefix are possible.\n* HASH is only supported by the MEMORY storage engine. HASH indexes can only\nbe used for =, <=, and >= comparisons. It can not be used for the ORDER BY\nclause. Searches against an index prefix are not possible.\n* RTREE is the default for SPATIAL indexes, but if the storage engine does not\nsupport it BTREE can be used.\n\nIndex columns names are listed between parenthesis. After each column, a\nprefix length can be specified. If no length is specified, the whole column\nwill be indexed. ASC and DESC can be specified for compatibility with are\nDBMS\'s, but have no meaning in MariaDB.\n\nWITH PARSER Index Option\n------------------------\n\nThe WITH PARSER index option only applies to FULLTEXT indexes and contains the\nfulltext parser name. The fulltext parser must be an installed plugin.\n\nCOMMENT Index Option\n--------------------\n\nA comment of up to 1024 characters is permitted with the COMMENT index option.\n\nThe COMMENT index option allows you to specify a comment with user-readable\ntext describing what the index is for. This information is not used by the\nserver itself.\n\nCLUSTERING Index Option\n-----------------------\n\nThe CLUSTERING index option is only valid for tables using the TokuDB storage\nengine.\n\nIGNORED / NOT IGNORED\n---------------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.6.0\n----------------------------\nFrom MariaDB 10.6.0, indexes can be specified to be ignored by the optimizer.\nSee Ignored Indexes.\n\nPeriods\n-------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3.4\n----------------------------\n\nperiod_definition:\n PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME (start_column_name, end_column_name)\nMariaDB supports a subset of the standard syntax for periods. At the moment\nit\'s only used for creating System-versioned tables. Both columns must be\ncreated, must be either of a TIMESTAMP(6) or BIGINT UNSIGNED type, and be\ngenerated as ROW START and ROW END accordingly. See System-versioned tables\nfor details.\n\nThe table must also have the WITH SYSTEM VERSIONING clause.\n\nConstraint Expressions\n----------------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.2.1\n----------------------------\nMariaDB 10.2.1 introduced new ways to define a constraint.\n\nNote: Before MariaDB 10.2.1, constraint expressions were accepted in the\nsyntax but ignored.\n\nMariaDB 10.2.1 introduced two ways to define a constraint:\n\n* CHECK(expression) given as part of a column definition.\n* CONSTRAINT [constraint_name] CHECK (expression)\n\nBefore a row is inserted or updated, all constraints are evaluated in the\norder they are defined. If any constraints fails, then the row will not be\nupdated. One can use most deterministic functions in a constraint, including\nUDFs.\n\ncreate table t1 (a int check(a>0) ,b int check (b> 0), constraint abc check\n(a>b));\n\nIf you use the second format and you don\'t give a name to the constraint, then\nthe constraint will get a auto generated name. This is done so that you can\nlater delete the constraint with ALTER TABLE DROP constraint_name.\n\nOne can disable all constraint expression checks by setting the variable\ncheck_constraint_checks to OFF. This is useful for example when loading a\ntable that violates some constraints that you want to later find and fix in\nSQL.\n\nSee CONSTRAINT for more information.\n\nTable Options\n-------------\n\nFor each individual table you create (or alter), you can set some table\noptions. The general syntax for setting options is:\n\n<OPTION_NAME> = <option_value>, [<OPTION_NAME> = <option_value> ...]\n\nThe equal sign is optional.\n\nSome options are supported by the server and can be used for all tables, no\nmatter what storage engine they use; other options can be specified for all\nstorage engines, but have a meaning only for some engines. Also, engines can\nextend CREATE TABLE with new options.\n\nIf the IGNORE_BAD_TABLE_OPTIONS SQL_MODE is enabled, wrong table options\ngenerate a warning; otherwise, they generate an error.\n\ntable_option: \n [STORAGE] ENGINE [=] engine_name\n | AUTO_INCREMENT [=] value\n | AVG_ROW_LENGTH [=] value\n | [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET [=] charset_name\n | CHECKSUM [=] {0 | 1}\n | [DEFAULT] COLLATE [=] collation_name\n | COMMENT [=] \'string\'\n | CONNECTION [=] \'connect_string\'\n | DATA DIRECTORY [=] \'absolute path to directory\'\n | DELAY_KEY_WRITE [=] {0 | 1}\n | ENCRYPTED [=] {YES | NO}\n | ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID [=] value\n | IETF_QUOTES [=] {YES | NO}\n | INDEX DIRECTORY [=] \'absolute path to directory\'\n | INSERT_METHOD [=] { NO | FIRST | LAST }\n | KEY_BLOCK_SIZE [=] value\n | MAX_ROWS [=] value\n | MIN_ROWS [=] value\n | PACK_KEYS [=] {0 | 1 | DEFAULT}\n | PAGE_CHECKSUM [=] {0 | 1}\n | PAGE_COMPRESSED [=] {0 | 1}\n | PAGE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL [=] {0 .. 9}\n | PASSWORD [=] \'string\'\n | ROW_FORMAT [=] {DEFAULT|DYNAMIC|FIXED|COMPRESSED|REDUNDANT|COMPACT|PAGE}\n | SEQUENCE [=] {0|1}\n | STATS_AUTO_RECALC [=] {DEFAULT|0|1}\n | STATS_PERSISTENT [=] {DEFAULT|0|1}\n | STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES [=] {DEFAULT|value}\n | TABLESPACE tablespace_name\n | TRANSACTIONAL [=] {0 | 1}\n | UNION [=] (tbl_name[,tbl_name]...)\n | WITH SYSTEM VERSIONING\n\n[STORAGE] ENGINE\n----------------\n\n[STORAGE] ENGINE specifies a storage engine for the table. If this option is\nnot used, the default storage engine is used instead. That is, the\ndefault_storage_engine session option value if it is set, or the value\nspecified for the --default-storage-engine mysqld startup option, or the\ndefault storage engine, InnoDB. If the specified storage engine is not\ninstalled and active, the default value will be used, unless the\nNO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION SQL MODE is set (default). This is only true for CREATE\nTABLE, not for ALTER TABLE. For a list of storage engines that are present in\nyour server, issue a SHOW ENGINES.\n\nAUTO_INCREMENT\n--------------\n\nAUTO_INCREMENT specifies the initial value for the AUTO_INCREMENT primary key.\nThis works for MyISAM, Aria, InnoDB, MEMORY, and ARCHIVE tables. You can\nchange this option with ALTER TABLE, but in that case the new value must be\nhigher than the highest value which is present in the AUTO_INCREMENT column.\nIf the storage engine does not support this option, you can insert (and then\ndelete) a row having the wanted value - 1 in the AUTO_INCREMENT column.\n\nAVG_ROW_LENGTH\n--------------\n\nAVG_ROW_LENGTH is the average rows size. It only applies to tables using\nMyISAM and Aria storage engines that have the ROW_FORMAT table option set to\nFIXED format.\n\nMyISAM uses MAX_ROWS and AVG_ROW_LENGTH to decide the maximum size of a table\n(default: 256TB, or the maximum file size allowed by the system).\n\n[DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET/CHARSET\n-------------------------------\n\n[DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET (or [DEFAULT] CHARSET) is used to set a default\ncharacter set for the table. This is the character set used for all columns\nwhere an explicit character set is not specified. If this option is omitted or\nDEFAULT is specified, database\'s default character set will be used. See\nSetting Character Sets and Collations for details on setting the character\nsets.\n\nCHECKSUM/TABLE_CHECKSUM\n-----------------------\n\nCHECKSUM (or TABLE_CHECKSUM) can be set to 1 to maintain a live checksum for\nall table\'s rows. This makes write operations slower, but CHECKSUM TABLE will\nbe very fast. This option is only supported for MyISAM and Aria tables.\n\n[DEFAULT] COLLATE\n-----------------\n\n[DEFAULT] COLLATE is used to set a default collation for the table. This is\nthe collation used for all columns where an explicit character set is not\nspecified. If this option is omitted or DEFAULT is specified, database\'s') WHERE help_topic_id = 706;
-update help_topic set description = CONCAT(description, '\ndefault option will be used. See Setting Character Sets and Collations for\ndetails on setting the collations\n\nCOMMENT\n-------\n\nCOMMENT is a comment for the table. The maximum length is 2048 characters.\nAlso used to define table parameters when creating a Spider table.\n\nCONNECTION\n----------\n\nCONNECTION is used to specify a server name or a connection string for a\nSpider, CONNECT, Federated or FederatedX table.\n\nDATA DIRECTORY/INDEX DIRECTORY\n------------------------------\n\nDATA DIRECTORY and INDEX DIRECTORY are supported for MyISAM and Aria, and DATA\nDIRECTORY is also supported by InnoDB if the innodb_file_per_table server\nsystem variable is enabled, but only in CREATE TABLE, not in ALTER TABLE. So,\ncarefully choose a path for InnoDB tables at creation time, because it cannot\nbe changed without dropping and re-creating the table. These options specify\nthe paths for data files and index files, respectively. If these options are\nomitted, the database\'s directory will be used to store data files and index\nfiles. Note that these table options do not work for partitioned tables (use\nthe partition options instead), or if the server has been invoked with the\n--skip-symbolic-links startup option. To avoid the overwriting of old files\nwith the same name that could be present in the directories, you can use the\n--keep_files_on_create option (an error will be issued if files already\nexist). These options are ignored if the NO_DIR_IN_CREATE SQL_MODE is enabled\n(useful for replication slaves). Also note that symbolic links cannot be used\nfor InnoDB tables.\n\nDATA DIRECTORY works by creating symlinks from where the table would normally\nhave been (inside the datadir) to where the option specifies. For security\nreasons, to avoid bypassing the privilege system, the server does not permit\nsymlinks inside the datadir. Therefore, DATA DIRECTORY cannot be used to\nspecify a location inside the datadir. An attempt to do so will result in an\nerror 1210 (HY000) Incorrect arguments to DATA DIRECTORY.\n\nDELAY_KEY_WRITE\n---------------\n\nDELAY_KEY_WRITE is supported by MyISAM and Aria, and can be set to 1 to speed\nup write operations. In that case, when data are modified, the indexes are not\nupdated until the table is closed. Writing the changes to the index file\naltogether can be much faster. However, note that this option is applied only\nif the delay_key_write server variable is set to \'ON\'. If it is \'OFF\' the\ndelayed index writes are always disabled, and if it is \'ALL\' the delayed index\nwrites are always used, disregarding the value of DELAY_KEY_WRITE.\n\nENCRYPTED\n---------\n\nThe ENCRYPTED table option can be used to manually set the encryption status\nof an InnoDB table. See InnoDB Encryption for more information.\n\nAria does not support the ENCRYPTED table option. See MDEV-18049.\n\nSee Data-at-Rest Encryption for more information.\n\nENCRYPTION_KEY_ID\n-----------------\n\nThe ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID table option can be used to manually set the encryption\nkey of an InnoDB table. See InnoDB Encryption for more information.\n\nAria does not support the ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID table option. See MDEV-18049.\n\nSee Data-at-Rest Encryption for more information.\n\nIETF_QUOTES\n-----------\n\nFor the CSV storage engine, the IETF_QUOTES option, when set to YES, enables\nIETF-compatible parsing of embedded quote and comma characters. Enabling this\noption for a table improves compatibility with other tools that use CSV, but\nis not compatible with MySQL CSV tables, or MariaDB CSV tables created without\nthis option. Disabled by default.\n\nINSERT_METHOD\n-------------\n\nINSERT_METHOD is only used with MERGE tables. This option determines in which\nunderlying table the new rows should be inserted. If you set it to \'NO\' (which\nis the default) no new rows can be added to the table (but you will still be\nable to perform INSERTs directly against the underlying tables). FIRST means\nthat the rows are inserted into the first table, and LAST means that thet are\ninserted into the last table.\n\nKEY_BLOCK_SIZE\n--------------\n\nKEY_BLOCK_SIZE is used to determine the size of key blocks, in bytes or\nkilobytes. However, this value is just a hint, and the storage engine could\nmodify or ignore it. If KEY_BLOCK_SIZE is set to 0, the storage engine\'s\ndefault value will be used.\n\nWith the InnoDB storage engine, if you specify a non-zero value for the\nKEY_BLOCK_SIZE table option for the whole table, then the table will\nimplicitly be created with the ROW_FORMAT table option set to COMPRESSED.\n\nMIN_ROWS/MAX_ROWS\n-----------------\n\nMIN_ROWS and MAX_ROWS let the storage engine know how many rows you are\nplanning to store as a minimum and as a maximum. These values will not be used\nas real limits, but they help the storage engine to optimize the table.\nMIN_ROWS is only used by MEMORY storage engine to decide the minimum memory\nthat is always allocated. MAX_ROWS is used to decide the minimum size for\nindexes.\n\nPACK_KEYS\n---------\n\nPACK_KEYS can be used to determine whether the indexes will be compressed. Set\nit to 1 to compress all keys. With a value of 0, compression will not be used.\nWith the DEFAULT value, only long strings will be compressed. Uncompressed\nkeys are faster.\n\nPAGE_CHECKSUM\n-------------\n\nPAGE_CHECKSUM is only applicable to Aria tables, and determines whether\nindexes and data should use page checksums for extra safety.\n\nPAGE_COMPRESSED\n---------------\n\nPAGE_COMPRESSED is used to enable InnoDB page compression for InnoDB tables.\n\nPAGE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL\n----------------------\n\nPAGE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL is used to set the compression level for InnoDB page\ncompression for InnoDB tables. The table must also have the PAGE_COMPRESSED\ntable option set to 1.\n\nValid values for PAGE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL are 1 (the best speed) through 9 (the\nbest compression), .\n\nPASSWORD\n--------\n\nPASSWORD is unused.\n\nRAID_TYPE\n---------\n\nRAID_TYPE is an obsolete option, as the raid support has been disabled since\nMySQL 5.0.\n\nROW_FORMAT\n----------\n\nThe ROW_FORMAT table option specifies the row format for the data file.\nPossible values are engine-dependent.\n\nSupported MyISAM Row Formats\n----------------------------\n\nFor MyISAM, the supported row formats are:\n\n* FIXED\n* DYNAMIC\n* COMPRESSED\n\nThe COMPRESSED row format can only be set by the myisampack command line tool.\n\nSee MyISAM Storage Formats for more information.\n\nSupported Aria Row Formats\n--------------------------\n\nFor Aria, the supported row formats are:\n\n* PAGE\n* FIXED\n* DYNAMIC.\n\nSee Aria Storage Formats for more information.\n\nSupported InnoDB Row Formats\n----------------------------\n\nFor InnoDB, the supported row formats are:\n\n* COMPACT\n* REDUNDANT\n* COMPRESSED\n* DYNAMIC.\n\nIf the ROW_FORMAT table option is set to FIXED for an InnoDB table, then the\nserver will either return an error or a warning depending on the value of the\ninnodb_strict_mode system variable. If the innodb_strict_mode system variable\nis set to OFF, then a warning is issued, and MariaDB will create the table\nusing the default row format for the specific MariaDB server version. If the\ninnodb_strict_mode system variable is set to ON, then an error will be raised.\n\nSee InnoDB Storage Formats for more information.\n\nOther Storage Engines and ROW_FORMAT\n------------------------------------\n\nOther storage engines do not support the ROW_FORMAT table option.\n\nSEQUENCE\n--------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3\n--------------------------\nIf the table is a sequence, then it will have the SEQUENCE set to 1.\n\nSTATS_AUTO_RECALC\n-----------------\n\nSTATS_AUTO_RECALC indicates whether to automatically recalculate persistent\nstatistics (see STATS_PERSISTENT, below) for an InnoDB table. If set to 1,\nstatistics will be recalculated when more than 10% of the data has changed.\nWhen set to 0, stats will be recalculated only when an ANALYZE TABLE is run.\nIf set to DEFAULT, or left out, the value set by the innodb_stats_auto_recalc\nsystem variable applies. See InnoDB Persistent Statistics.\n\nSTATS_PERSISTENT\n----------------\n\nSTATS_PERSISTENT indicates whether the InnoDB statistics created by ANALYZE\nTABLE will remain on disk or not. It can be set to 1 (on disk), 0 (not on\ndisk, the pre-MariaDB 10 behavior), or DEFAULT (the same as leaving out the\noption), in which case the value set by the innodb_stats_persistent system\nvariable will apply. Persistent statistics stored on disk allow the statistics\nto survive server restarts, and provide better query plan stability. See\nInnoDB Persistent Statistics.\n\nSTATS_SAMPLE_PAGES\n------------------\n\nSTATS_SAMPLE_PAGES indicates how many pages are used to sample index\nstatistics. If 0 or DEFAULT, the default value, the innodb_stats_sample_pages\nvalue is used. See InnoDB Persistent Statistics.\n\nTRANSACTIONAL\n-------------\n\nTRANSACTIONAL is only applicable for Aria tables. In future Aria tables\ncreated with this option will be fully transactional, but currently this\nprovides a form of crash protection. See Aria Storage Engine for more details.\n\nUNION\n-----\n\nUNION must be specified when you create a MERGE table. This option contains a\ncomma-separated list of MyISAM tables which are accessed by the new table. The\nlist is enclosed between parenthesis. Example: UNION = (t1,t2)\n\nWITH SYSTEM VERSIONING\n----------------------\n\nWITH SYSTEM VERSIONING is used for creating System-versioned tables.\n\nPartitions\n----------\n\npartition_options:\n PARTITION BY\n { [LINEAR] HASH(expr)\n | [LINEAR] KEY(column_list)\n | RANGE(expr)\n | LIST(expr)\n | SYSTEM_TIME [INTERVAL time_quantity time_unit] [LIMIT num] }\n [PARTITIONS num]\n [SUBPARTITION BY\n { [LINEAR] HASH(expr)\n | [LINEAR] KEY(column_list) }\n [SUBPARTITIONS num]\n ]\n [(partition_definition [, partition_definition] ...)]\npartition_definition:\n PARTITION partition_name\n [VALUES {LESS THAN {(expr) | MAXVALUE} | IN (value_list)}]\n [[STORAGE] ENGINE [=] engine_name]\n [COMMENT [=] \'comment_text\' ]\n [DATA DIRECTORY [=] \'data_dir\']\n [INDEX DIRECTORY [=] \'index_dir\']\n [MAX_ROWS [=] max_number_of_rows]\n [MIN_ROWS [=] min_number_of_rows]\n [TABLESPACE [=] tablespace_name]\n [NODEGROUP [=] node_group_id]\n [(subpartition_definition [, subpartition_definition] ...)]\nsubpartition_definition:\n SUBPARTITION logical_name\n [[STORAGE] ENGINE [=] engine_name]\n [COMMENT [=] \'comment_text\' ]\n [DATA DIRECTORY [=] \'data_dir\']\n [INDEX DIRECTORY [=] \'index_dir\']\n [MAX_ROWS [=] max_number_of_rows]\n [MIN_ROWS [=] min_number_of_rows]\n [TABLESPACE [=] tablespace_name]\n [NODEGROUP [=] node_group_id]\nIf the PARTITION BY clause is used, the table will be partitioned. A partition\nmethod must be explicitly indicated for partitions and subpartitions.\nPartition methods are:\n\n* [LINEAR] HASH creates a hash key which will be used to read and write rows.\nThe partition function can be any valid SQL expression which returns an\nINTEGER number. Thus, it is possible to use the HASH method on an integer\ncolumn, or on functions which accept integer columns as an argument. However,\nVALUES LESS THAN and VALUES IN clauses can not be used with HASH. An example:\n\nCREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b CHAR(5), c DATETIME)\n PARTITION BY HASH ( YEAR(c) );\n\n[LINEAR] HASH can be used for subpartitions, too.\n\n* [LINEAR] KEY is similar to HASH, but the index has an even distribution of\ndata. Also, the expression can only be a column or a list of columns. VALUES\nLESS THAN and VALUES IN clauses can not be used with KEY.\n* RANGE partitions the rows using on a range of values, using the VALUES LESS\nTHAN operator. VALUES IN is not allowed with RANGE. The partition function can\nbe any valid SQL expression which returns a single value.\n* LIST assigns partitions based on a table\'s column with a restricted set of\npossible values. It is similar to RANGE, but VALUES IN must be used for at\nleast 1 columns, and VALUES LESS THAN is disallowed.\n* SYSTEM_TIME partitioning is used for System-versioned tables to store\nhistorical data separately from current data.\n\nOnly HASH and KEY can be used for subpartitions, and they can be [LINEAR].\n\nIt is possible to define up to 1024 partitions and subpartitions.\n\nThe number of defined partitions can be optionally specified as PARTITION\ncount. This can be done to avoid specifying all partitions individually. But\nyou can also declare each individual partition and, additionally, specify a\nPARTITIONS count clause; in the case, the number of PARTITIONs must equal\ncount.\n\nAlso see Partitioning Types Overview.\n\nSequences\n---------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3\n--------------------------\nCREATE TABLE can also be used to create a SEQUENCE. See CREATE SEQUENCE and\nSequence Overview.\n\nAtomic DDL\n----------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.6.1\n----------------------------\nMariaDB 10.6.1 supports Atomic DDL. CREATE TABLE is atomic, except for CREATE\nOR REPLACE, which is only crash safe.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\ncreate table if not exists test (\na bigint auto_increment primary key,\nname varchar(128) charset utf8,\nkey name (name(32))\n) engine=InnoDB default charset latin1;\n\nThis example shows a couple of things:\n\n* Usage of IF NOT EXISTS; If the table already existed, it will not be\ncreated. There will not be any error for the client, just a warning.\n* How to create a PRIMARY KEY that is automatically generated.\n* How to specify a table-specific character set and another for a column.\n* How to create an index (name) that is only partly indexed (to save space).\n\nThe following clauses will work from MariaDB 10.2.1 only.\n\nCREATE TABLE t1(\n a int DEFAULT (1+1),\n b int DEFAULT (a+1),\n expires DATETIME DEFAULT(NOW() + INTERVAL 1 YEAR),\n x BLOB DEFAULT USER()\n);\n\nURL:') WHERE help_topic_id = 706;
+update help_topic set description = CONCAT(description, '\n* VIRTUAL: This type\'s value is not stored at all. Instead, the value is\ngenerated dynamically when the table is queried. This type is the default.\n\nGenerated columns are also sometimes called computed columns or virtual\ncolumns.\n\nFor a complete description about generated columns and their limitations, see\nGenerated (Virtual and Persistent/Stored) Columns.\n\nCOMPRESSED\n----------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3.3\n----------------------------\nCertain columns may be compressed. See Storage-Engine Independent Column\nCompression.\n\nINVISIBLE\n---------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3.3\n----------------------------\nColumns may be made invisible, and hidden in certain contexts. See Invisible\nColumns.\n\nWITH SYSTEM VERSIONING Column Option\n------------------------------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3.4\n----------------------------\nColumns may be explicitly marked as included from system versioning. See\nSystem-versioned tables for details.\n\nWITHOUT SYSTEM VERSIONING Column Option\n---------------------------------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3.4\n----------------------------\nColumns may be explicitly marked as excluded from system versioning. See\nSystem-versioned tables for details.\n\nIndex Definitions\n-----------------\n\nindex_definition:\n {INDEX|KEY} [index_name] [index_type] (index_col_name,...) [index_option]\n...\n {{{|}}} {FULLTEXT|SPATIAL} [INDEX|KEY] [index_name] (index_col_name,...)\n[index_option] ...\n {{{|}}} [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] PRIMARY KEY [index_type] (index_col_name,...)\n[index_option] ...\n {{{|}}} [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] UNIQUE [INDEX|KEY] [index_name] [index_type]\n(index_col_name,...) [index_option] ...\n {{{|}}} [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] FOREIGN KEY [index_name] (index_col_name,...)\nreference_definition\n\nindex_col_name:\n col_name [(length)] [ASC | DESC]\n\nindex_type:\n USING {BTREE | HASH | RTREE}\n\nindex_option:\n [ KEY_BLOCK_SIZE [=] value\n {{{|}}} index_type\n {{{|}}} WITH PARSER parser_name\n {{{|}}} COMMENT \'string\'\n {{{|}}} CLUSTERING={YES| NO} ]\n [ IGNORED | NOT IGNORED ]\n\nreference_definition:\n REFERENCES tbl_name (index_col_name,...)\n [MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE]\n [ON DELETE reference_option]\n [ON UPDATE reference_option]\n\nreference_option:\n RESTRICT | CASCADE | SET NULL | NO ACTION\n\nINDEX and KEY are synonyms.\n\nIndex names are optional, if not specified an automatic name will be assigned.\nIndex name are needed to drop indexes and appear in error messages when a\nconstraint is violated.\n\nIndex Categories\n----------------\n\nPlain Indexes\n-------------\n\nPlain indexes are regular indexes that are not unique, and are not acting as a\nprimary key or a foreign key. They are also not the \"specialized\" FULLTEXT or\nSPATIAL indexes.\n\nSee Getting Started with Indexes: Plain Indexes for more information.\n\nPRIMARY KEY\n-----------\n\nFor PRIMARY KEY indexes, you can specify a name for the index, but it is\nignored, and the name of the index is always PRIMARY. From MariaDB 10.3.18 and\nMariaDB 10.4.8, a warning is explicitly issued if a name is specified. Before\nthen, the name was silently ignored.\n\nSee Getting Started with Indexes: Primary Key for more information.\n\nUNIQUE\n------\n\nThe UNIQUE keyword means that the index will not accept duplicated values,\nexcept for NULLs. An error will raise if you try to insert duplicate values in\na UNIQUE index.\n\nFor UNIQUE indexes, you can specify a name for the constraint, using the\nCONSTRAINT keyword. That name will be used in error messages.\n\nSee Getting Started with Indexes: Unique Index for more information.\n\nFOREIGN KEY\n-----------\n\nFor FOREIGN KEY indexes, a reference definition must be provided.\n\nFor FOREIGN KEY indexes, you can specify a name for the constraint, using the\nCONSTRAINT keyword. That name will be used in error messages.\n\nFirst, you have to specify the name of the target (parent) table and a column\nor a column list which must be indexed and whose values must match to the\nforeign key\'s values. The MATCH clause is accepted to improve the\ncompatibility with other DBMS\'s, but has no meaning in MariaDB. The ON DELETE\nand ON UPDATE clauses specify what must be done when a DELETE (or a REPLACE)\nstatements attempts to delete a referenced row from the parent table, and when\nan UPDATE statement attempts to modify the referenced foreign key columns in a\nparent table row, respectively. The following options are allowed:\n\n* RESTRICT: The delete/update operation is not performed. The statement\nterminates with a 1451 error (SQLSTATE \'2300\').\n* NO ACTION: Synonym for RESTRICT.\n* CASCADE: The delete/update operation is performed in both tables.\n* SET NULL: The update or delete goes ahead in the parent table, and the\ncorresponding foreign key fields in the child table are set to NULL. (They\nmust not be defined as NOT NULL for this to succeed).\n* SET DEFAULT: This option is currently implemented only for the PBXT storage\nengine, which is disabled by default and no longer maintained. It sets the\nchild table\'s foreign key fields to their DEFAULT values when the referenced\nparent table key entries are updated or deleted.\n\nIf either clause is omitted, the default behavior for the omitted clause is\nRESTRICT.\n\nSee Foreign Keys for more information.\n\nFULLTEXT\n--------\n\nUse the FULLTEXT keyword to create full-text indexes.\n\nSee Full-Text Indexes for more information.\n\nSPATIAL\n-------\n\nUse the SPATIAL keyword to create geometric indexes.\n\nSee SPATIAL INDEX for more information.\n\nIndex Options\n-------------\n\nKEY_BLOCK_SIZE Index Option\n---------------------------\n\nThe KEY_BLOCK_SIZE index option is similar to the KEY_BLOCK_SIZE table option.\n\nWith the InnoDB storage engine, if you specify a non-zero value for the\nKEY_BLOCK_SIZE table option for the whole table, then the table will\nimplicitly be created with the ROW_FORMAT table option set to COMPRESSED.\nHowever, this does not happen if you just set the KEY_BLOCK_SIZE index option\nfor one or more indexes in the table. The InnoDB storage engine ignores the\nKEY_BLOCK_SIZE index option. However, the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement may\nstill report it for the index.\n\nFor information about the KEY_BLOCK_SIZE index option, see the KEY_BLOCK_SIZE\ntable option below.\n\nIndex Types\n-----------\n\nEach storage engine supports some or all index types. See Storage Engine Index\nTypes for details on permitted index types for each storage engine.\n\nDifferent index types are optimized for different kind of operations:\n\n* BTREE is the default type, and normally is the best choice. It is supported\nby all storage engines. It can be used to compare a column\'s value with a\nvalue using the =, >, >=, <, <=, BETWEEN, and LIKE operators. BTREE can also\nbe used to find NULL values. Searches against an index prefix are possible.\n* HASH is only supported by the MEMORY storage engine. HASH indexes can only\nbe used for =, <=, and >= comparisons. It can not be used for the ORDER BY\nclause. Searches against an index prefix are not possible.\n* RTREE is the default for SPATIAL indexes, but if the storage engine does not\nsupport it BTREE can be used.\n\nIndex columns names are listed between parenthesis. After each column, a\nprefix length can be specified. If no length is specified, the whole column\nwill be indexed. ASC and DESC can be specified for compatibility with are\nDBMS\'s, but have no meaning in MariaDB.\n\nWITH PARSER Index Option\n------------------------\n\nThe WITH PARSER index option only applies to FULLTEXT indexes and contains the\nfulltext parser name. The fulltext parser must be an installed plugin.\n\nCOMMENT Index Option\n--------------------\n\nA comment of up to 1024 characters is permitted with the COMMENT index option.\n\nThe COMMENT index option allows you to specify a comment with user-readable\ntext describing what the index is for. This information is not used by the\nserver itself.\n\nCLUSTERING Index Option\n-----------------------\n\nThe CLUSTERING index option is only valid for tables using the TokuDB storage\nengine.\n\nIGNORED / NOT IGNORED\n---------------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.6.0\n----------------------------\nFrom MariaDB 10.6.0, indexes can be specified to be ignored by the optimizer.\nSee Ignored Indexes.\n\nPeriods\n-------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3.4\n----------------------------\n\nperiod_definition:\n PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME (start_column_name, end_column_name)\nMariaDB supports a subset of the standard syntax for periods. At the moment\nit\'s only used for creating System-versioned tables. Both columns must be\ncreated, must be either of a TIMESTAMP(6) or BIGINT UNSIGNED type, and be\ngenerated as ROW START and ROW END accordingly. See System-versioned tables\nfor details.\n\nThe table must also have the WITH SYSTEM VERSIONING clause.\n\nConstraint Expressions\n----------------------\n\nNote: Before MariaDB 10.2.1, constraint expressions were accepted in the\nsyntax but ignored.\n\nMariaDB 10.2.1 introduced two ways to define a constraint:\n\n* CHECK(expression) given as part of a column definition.\n* CONSTRAINT [constraint_name] CHECK (expression)\n\nBefore a row is inserted or updated, all constraints are evaluated in the\norder they are defined. If any constraints fails, then the row will not be\nupdated. One can use most deterministic functions in a constraint, including\nUDFs.\n\ncreate table t1 (a int check(a>0) ,b int check (b> 0), constraint abc check\n(a>b));\n\nIf you use the second format and you don\'t give a name to the constraint, then\nthe constraint will get a auto generated name. This is done so that you can\nlater delete the constraint with ALTER TABLE DROP constraint_name.\n\nOne can disable all constraint expression checks by setting the variable\ncheck_constraint_checks to OFF. This is useful for example when loading a\ntable that violates some constraints that you want to later find and fix in\nSQL.\n\nSee CONSTRAINT for more information.\n\nTable Options\n-------------\n\nFor each individual table you create (or alter), you can set some table\noptions. The general syntax for setting options is:\n\n<OPTION_NAME> = <option_value>, [<OPTION_NAME> = <option_value> ...]\n\nThe equal sign is optional.\n\nSome options are supported by the server and can be used for all tables, no\nmatter what storage engine they use; other options can be specified for all\nstorage engines, but have a meaning only for some engines. Also, engines can\nextend CREATE TABLE with new options.\n\nIf the IGNORE_BAD_TABLE_OPTIONS SQL_MODE is enabled, wrong table options\ngenerate a warning; otherwise, they generate an error.\n\ntable_option: \n [STORAGE] ENGINE [=] engine_name\n | AUTO_INCREMENT [=] value\n | AVG_ROW_LENGTH [=] value\n | [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET [=] charset_name\n | CHECKSUM [=] {0 | 1}\n | [DEFAULT] COLLATE [=] collation_name\n | COMMENT [=] \'string\'\n | CONNECTION [=] \'connect_string\'\n | DATA DIRECTORY [=] \'absolute path to directory\'\n | DELAY_KEY_WRITE [=] {0 | 1}\n | ENCRYPTED [=] {YES | NO}\n | ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID [=] value\n | IETF_QUOTES [=] {YES | NO}\n | INDEX DIRECTORY [=] \'absolute path to directory\'\n | INSERT_METHOD [=] { NO | FIRST | LAST }\n | KEY_BLOCK_SIZE [=] value\n | MAX_ROWS [=] value\n | MIN_ROWS [=] value\n | PACK_KEYS [=] {0 | 1 | DEFAULT}\n | PAGE_CHECKSUM [=] {0 | 1}\n | PAGE_COMPRESSED [=] {0 | 1}\n | PAGE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL [=] {0 .. 9}\n | PASSWORD [=] \'string\'\n | ROW_FORMAT [=] {DEFAULT|DYNAMIC|FIXED|COMPRESSED|REDUNDANT|COMPACT|PAGE}\n | SEQUENCE [=] {0|1}\n | STATS_AUTO_RECALC [=] {DEFAULT|0|1}\n | STATS_PERSISTENT [=] {DEFAULT|0|1}\n | STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES [=] {DEFAULT|value}\n | TABLESPACE tablespace_name\n | TRANSACTIONAL [=] {0 | 1}\n | UNION [=] (tbl_name[,tbl_name]...)\n | WITH SYSTEM VERSIONING\n\n[STORAGE] ENGINE\n----------------\n\n[STORAGE] ENGINE specifies a storage engine for the table. If this option is\nnot used, the default storage engine is used instead. That is, the\ndefault_storage_engine session option value if it is set, or the value\nspecified for the --default-storage-engine mysqld startup option, or the\ndefault storage engine, InnoDB. If the specified storage engine is not\ninstalled and active, the default value will be used, unless the\nNO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION SQL MODE is set (default). This is only true for CREATE\nTABLE, not for ALTER TABLE. For a list of storage engines that are present in\nyour server, issue a SHOW ENGINES.\n\nAUTO_INCREMENT\n--------------\n\nAUTO_INCREMENT specifies the initial value for the AUTO_INCREMENT primary key.\nThis works for MyISAM, Aria, InnoDB, MEMORY, and ARCHIVE tables. You can\nchange this option with ALTER TABLE, but in that case the new value must be\nhigher than the highest value which is present in the AUTO_INCREMENT column.\nIf the storage engine does not support this option, you can insert (and then\ndelete) a row having the wanted value - 1 in the AUTO_INCREMENT column.\n\nAVG_ROW_LENGTH\n--------------\n\nAVG_ROW_LENGTH is the average rows size. It only applies to tables using\nMyISAM and Aria storage engines that have the ROW_FORMAT table option set to\nFIXED format.\n\nMyISAM uses MAX_ROWS and AVG_ROW_LENGTH to decide the maximum size of a table\n(default: 256TB, or the maximum file size allowed by the system).\n\n[DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET/CHARSET\n-------------------------------\n\n[DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET (or [DEFAULT] CHARSET) is used to set a default\ncharacter set for the table. This is the character set used for all columns\nwhere an explicit character set is not specified. If this option is omitted or\nDEFAULT is specified, database\'s default character set will be used. See\nSetting Character Sets and Collations for details on setting the character\nsets.\n\nCHECKSUM/TABLE_CHECKSUM\n-----------------------\n\nCHECKSUM (or TABLE_CHECKSUM) can be set to 1 to maintain a live checksum for\nall table\'s rows. This makes write operations slower, but CHECKSUM TABLE will\nbe very fast. This option is only supported for MyISAM and Aria tables.\n\n[DEFAULT] COLLATE\n-----------------\n\n[DEFAULT] COLLATE is used to set a default collation for the table. This is\nthe collation used for all columns where an explicit character set is not\nspecified. If this option is omitted or DEFAULT is specified, database\'s\ndefault option will be used. See Setting Character Sets and Collations for\ndetails on setting the collations\n\nCOMMENT\n-------\n') WHERE help_topic_id = 706;
+update help_topic set description = CONCAT(description, '\nCOMMENT is a comment for the table. The maximum length is 2048 characters.\nAlso used to define table parameters when creating a Spider table.\n\nCONNECTION\n----------\n\nCONNECTION is used to specify a server name or a connection string for a\nSpider, CONNECT, Federated or FederatedX table.\n\nDATA DIRECTORY/INDEX DIRECTORY\n------------------------------\n\nDATA DIRECTORY and INDEX DIRECTORY are supported for MyISAM and Aria, and DATA\nDIRECTORY is also supported by InnoDB if the innodb_file_per_table server\nsystem variable is enabled, but only in CREATE TABLE, not in ALTER TABLE. So,\ncarefully choose a path for InnoDB tables at creation time, because it cannot\nbe changed without dropping and re-creating the table. These options specify\nthe paths for data files and index files, respectively. If these options are\nomitted, the database\'s directory will be used to store data files and index\nfiles. Note that these table options do not work for partitioned tables (use\nthe partition options instead), or if the server has been invoked with the\n--skip-symbolic-links startup option. To avoid the overwriting of old files\nwith the same name that could be present in the directories, you can use the\n--keep_files_on_create option (an error will be issued if files already\nexist). These options are ignored if the NO_DIR_IN_CREATE SQL_MODE is enabled\n(useful for replication slaves). Also note that symbolic links cannot be used\nfor InnoDB tables.\n\nDATA DIRECTORY works by creating symlinks from where the table would normally\nhave been (inside the datadir) to where the option specifies. For security\nreasons, to avoid bypassing the privilege system, the server does not permit\nsymlinks inside the datadir. Therefore, DATA DIRECTORY cannot be used to\nspecify a location inside the datadir. An attempt to do so will result in an\nerror 1210 (HY000) Incorrect arguments to DATA DIRECTORY.\n\nDELAY_KEY_WRITE\n---------------\n\nDELAY_KEY_WRITE is supported by MyISAM and Aria, and can be set to 1 to speed\nup write operations. In that case, when data are modified, the indexes are not\nupdated until the table is closed. Writing the changes to the index file\naltogether can be much faster. However, note that this option is applied only\nif the delay_key_write server variable is set to \'ON\'. If it is \'OFF\' the\ndelayed index writes are always disabled, and if it is \'ALL\' the delayed index\nwrites are always used, disregarding the value of DELAY_KEY_WRITE.\n\nENCRYPTED\n---------\n\nThe ENCRYPTED table option can be used to manually set the encryption status\nof an InnoDB table. See InnoDB Encryption for more information.\n\nAria does not support the ENCRYPTED table option. See MDEV-18049.\n\nSee Data-at-Rest Encryption for more information.\n\nENCRYPTION_KEY_ID\n-----------------\n\nThe ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID table option can be used to manually set the encryption\nkey of an InnoDB table. See InnoDB Encryption for more information.\n\nAria does not support the ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID table option. See MDEV-18049.\n\nSee Data-at-Rest Encryption for more information.\n\nIETF_QUOTES\n-----------\n\nFor the CSV storage engine, the IETF_QUOTES option, when set to YES, enables\nIETF-compatible parsing of embedded quote and comma characters. Enabling this\noption for a table improves compatibility with other tools that use CSV, but\nis not compatible with MySQL CSV tables, or MariaDB CSV tables created without\nthis option. Disabled by default.\n\nINSERT_METHOD\n-------------\n\nINSERT_METHOD is only used with MERGE tables. This option determines in which\nunderlying table the new rows should be inserted. If you set it to \'NO\' (which\nis the default) no new rows can be added to the table (but you will still be\nable to perform INSERTs directly against the underlying tables). FIRST means\nthat the rows are inserted into the first table, and LAST means that thet are\ninserted into the last table.\n\nKEY_BLOCK_SIZE\n--------------\n\nKEY_BLOCK_SIZE is used to determine the size of key blocks, in bytes or\nkilobytes. However, this value is just a hint, and the storage engine could\nmodify or ignore it. If KEY_BLOCK_SIZE is set to 0, the storage engine\'s\ndefault value will be used.\n\nWith the InnoDB storage engine, if you specify a non-zero value for the\nKEY_BLOCK_SIZE table option for the whole table, then the table will\nimplicitly be created with the ROW_FORMAT table option set to COMPRESSED.\n\nMIN_ROWS/MAX_ROWS\n-----------------\n\nMIN_ROWS and MAX_ROWS let the storage engine know how many rows you are\nplanning to store as a minimum and as a maximum. These values will not be used\nas real limits, but they help the storage engine to optimize the table.\nMIN_ROWS is only used by MEMORY storage engine to decide the minimum memory\nthat is always allocated. MAX_ROWS is used to decide the minimum size for\nindexes.\n\nPACK_KEYS\n---------\n\nPACK_KEYS can be used to determine whether the indexes will be compressed. Set\nit to 1 to compress all keys. With a value of 0, compression will not be used.\nWith the DEFAULT value, only long strings will be compressed. Uncompressed\nkeys are faster.\n\nPAGE_CHECKSUM\n-------------\n\nPAGE_CHECKSUM is only applicable to Aria tables, and determines whether\nindexes and data should use page checksums for extra safety.\n\nPAGE_COMPRESSED\n---------------\n\nPAGE_COMPRESSED is used to enable InnoDB page compression for InnoDB tables.\n\nPAGE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL\n----------------------\n\nPAGE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL is used to set the compression level for InnoDB page\ncompression for InnoDB tables. The table must also have the PAGE_COMPRESSED\ntable option set to 1.\n\nValid values for PAGE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL are 1 (the best speed) through 9 (the\nbest compression), .\n\nPASSWORD\n--------\n\nPASSWORD is unused.\n\nRAID_TYPE\n---------\n\nRAID_TYPE is an obsolete option, as the raid support has been disabled since\nMySQL 5.0.\n\nROW_FORMAT\n----------\n\nThe ROW_FORMAT table option specifies the row format for the data file.\nPossible values are engine-dependent.\n\nSupported MyISAM Row Formats\n----------------------------\n\nFor MyISAM, the supported row formats are:\n\n* FIXED\n* DYNAMIC\n* COMPRESSED\n\nThe COMPRESSED row format can only be set by the myisampack command line tool.\n\nSee MyISAM Storage Formats for more information.\n\nSupported Aria Row Formats\n--------------------------\n\nFor Aria, the supported row formats are:\n\n* PAGE\n* FIXED\n* DYNAMIC.\n\nSee Aria Storage Formats for more information.\n\nSupported InnoDB Row Formats\n----------------------------\n\nFor InnoDB, the supported row formats are:\n\n* COMPACT\n* REDUNDANT\n* COMPRESSED\n* DYNAMIC.\n\nIf the ROW_FORMAT table option is set to FIXED for an InnoDB table, then the\nserver will either return an error or a warning depending on the value of the\ninnodb_strict_mode system variable. If the innodb_strict_mode system variable\nis set to OFF, then a warning is issued, and MariaDB will create the table\nusing the default row format for the specific MariaDB server version. If the\ninnodb_strict_mode system variable is set to ON, then an error will be raised.\n\nSee InnoDB Storage Formats for more information.\n\nOther Storage Engines and ROW_FORMAT\n------------------------------------\n\nOther storage engines do not support the ROW_FORMAT table option.\n\nSEQUENCE\n--------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3\n--------------------------\nIf the table is a sequence, then it will have the SEQUENCE set to 1.\n\nSTATS_AUTO_RECALC\n-----------------\n\nSTATS_AUTO_RECALC indicates whether to automatically recalculate persistent\nstatistics (see STATS_PERSISTENT, below) for an InnoDB table. If set to 1,\nstatistics will be recalculated when more than 10% of the data has changed.\nWhen set to 0, stats will be recalculated only when an ANALYZE TABLE is run.\nIf set to DEFAULT, or left out, the value set by the innodb_stats_auto_recalc\nsystem variable applies. See InnoDB Persistent Statistics.\n\nSTATS_PERSISTENT\n----------------\n\nSTATS_PERSISTENT indicates whether the InnoDB statistics created by ANALYZE\nTABLE will remain on disk or not. It can be set to 1 (on disk), 0 (not on\ndisk, the pre-MariaDB 10 behavior), or DEFAULT (the same as leaving out the\noption), in which case the value set by the innodb_stats_persistent system\nvariable will apply. Persistent statistics stored on disk allow the statistics\nto survive server restarts, and provide better query plan stability. See\nInnoDB Persistent Statistics.\n\nSTATS_SAMPLE_PAGES\n------------------\n\nSTATS_SAMPLE_PAGES indicates how many pages are used to sample index\nstatistics. If 0 or DEFAULT, the default value, the innodb_stats_sample_pages\nvalue is used. See InnoDB Persistent Statistics.\n\nTRANSACTIONAL\n-------------\n\nTRANSACTIONAL is only applicable for Aria tables. In future Aria tables\ncreated with this option will be fully transactional, but currently this\nprovides a form of crash protection. See Aria Storage Engine for more details.\n\nUNION\n-----\n\nUNION must be specified when you create a MERGE table. This option contains a\ncomma-separated list of MyISAM tables which are accessed by the new table. The\nlist is enclosed between parenthesis. Example: UNION = (t1,t2)\n\nWITH SYSTEM VERSIONING\n----------------------\n\nWITH SYSTEM VERSIONING is used for creating System-versioned tables.\n\nPartitions\n----------\n\npartition_options:\n PARTITION BY\n { [LINEAR] HASH(expr)\n | [LINEAR] KEY(column_list)\n | RANGE(expr)\n | LIST(expr)\n | SYSTEM_TIME [INTERVAL time_quantity time_unit] [LIMIT num] }\n [PARTITIONS num]\n [SUBPARTITION BY\n { [LINEAR] HASH(expr)\n | [LINEAR] KEY(column_list) }\n [SUBPARTITIONS num]\n ]\n [(partition_definition [, partition_definition] ...)]\npartition_definition:\n PARTITION partition_name\n [VALUES {LESS THAN {(expr) | MAXVALUE} | IN (value_list)}]\n [[STORAGE] ENGINE [=] engine_name]\n [COMMENT [=] \'comment_text\' ]\n [DATA DIRECTORY [=] \'data_dir\']\n [INDEX DIRECTORY [=] \'index_dir\']\n [MAX_ROWS [=] max_number_of_rows]\n [MIN_ROWS [=] min_number_of_rows]\n [TABLESPACE [=] tablespace_name]\n [NODEGROUP [=] node_group_id]\n [(subpartition_definition [, subpartition_definition] ...)]\nsubpartition_definition:\n SUBPARTITION logical_name\n [[STORAGE] ENGINE [=] engine_name]\n [COMMENT [=] \'comment_text\' ]\n [DATA DIRECTORY [=] \'data_dir\']\n [INDEX DIRECTORY [=] \'index_dir\']\n [MAX_ROWS [=] max_number_of_rows]\n [MIN_ROWS [=] min_number_of_rows]\n [TABLESPACE [=] tablespace_name]\n [NODEGROUP [=] node_group_id]\nIf the PARTITION BY clause is used, the table will be partitioned. A partition\nmethod must be explicitly indicated for partitions and subpartitions.\nPartition methods are:\n\n* [LINEAR] HASH creates a hash key which will be used to read and write rows.\nThe partition function can be any valid SQL expression which returns an\nINTEGER number. Thus, it is possible to use the HASH method on an integer\ncolumn, or on functions which accept integer columns as an argument. However,\nVALUES LESS THAN and VALUES IN clauses can not be used with HASH. An example:\n\nCREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b CHAR(5), c DATETIME)\n PARTITION BY HASH ( YEAR(c) );\n\n[LINEAR] HASH can be used for subpartitions, too.\n\n* [LINEAR] KEY is similar to HASH, but the index has an even distribution of\ndata. Also, the expression can only be a column or a list of columns. VALUES\nLESS THAN and VALUES IN clauses can not be used with KEY.\n* RANGE partitions the rows using on a range of values, using the VALUES LESS\nTHAN operator. VALUES IN is not allowed with RANGE. The partition function can\nbe any valid SQL expression which returns a single value.\n* LIST assigns partitions based on a table\'s column with a restricted set of\npossible values. It is similar to RANGE, but VALUES IN must be used for at\nleast 1 columns, and VALUES LESS THAN is disallowed.\n* SYSTEM_TIME partitioning is used for System-versioned tables to store\nhistorical data separately from current data.\n\nOnly HASH and KEY can be used for subpartitions, and they can be [LINEAR].\n\nIt is possible to define up to 1024 partitions and subpartitions.\n\nThe number of defined partitions can be optionally specified as PARTITION\ncount. This can be done to avoid specifying all partitions individually. But\nyou can also declare each individual partition and, additionally, specify a\nPARTITIONS count clause; in the case, the number of PARTITIONs must equal\ncount.\n\nAlso see Partitioning Types Overview.\n\nSequences\n---------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3\n--------------------------\nCREATE TABLE can also be used to create a SEQUENCE. See CREATE SEQUENCE and\nSequence Overview.\n\nAtomic DDL\n----------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.6.1\n----------------------------\nMariaDB 10.6.1 supports Atomic DDL. CREATE TABLE is atomic, except for CREATE\nOR REPLACE, which is only crash safe.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\ncreate table if not exists test (\na bigint auto_increment primary key,\nname varchar(128) charset utf8,\nkey name (name(32))\n) engine=InnoDB default charset latin1;\n\nThis example shows a couple of things:\n\n* Usage of IF NOT EXISTS; If the table already existed, it will not be\ncreated. There will not be any error for the client, just a warning.\n* How to create a PRIMARY KEY that is automatically generated.\n* How to specify a table-specific character set and another for a column.\n* How to create an index (name) that is only partly indexed (to save space).\n\nThe following clauses will work from MariaDB 10.2.1 only.\n\nCREATE TABLE t1(\n a int DEFAULT (1+1),\n b int DEFAULT (a+1),\n expires DATETIME DEFAULT(NOW() + INTERVAL 1 YEAR),\n x BLOB DEFAULT USER()\n);\n\nURL:') WHERE help_topic_id = 706;
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (707,38,'DROP TABLE','Syntax\n------\n\nDROP [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF EXISTS] [/*COMMENT TO SAVE*/]\n tbl_name [, tbl_name] ...\n [WAIT n|NOWAIT]\n [RESTRICT | CASCADE]\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nDROP TABLE removes one or more tables. You must have the DROP privilege for\neach table. All table data and the table definition are removed, as well as\ntriggers associated to the table, so be careful with this statement! If any of\nthe tables named in the argument list do not exist, MariaDB returns an error\nindicating by name which non-existing tables it was unable to drop, but it\nalso drops all of the tables in the list that do exist.\n\nImportant: When a table is dropped, user privileges on the table are not\nautomatically dropped. See GRANT.\n\nIf another thread is using the table in an explicit transaction or an\nautocommit transaction, then the thread acquires a metadata lock (MDL) on the\ntable. The DROP TABLE statement will wait in the \"Waiting for table metadata\nlock\" thread state until the MDL is released. MDLs are released in the\nfollowing cases:\n\n* If an MDL is acquired in an explicit transaction, then the MDL will be\nreleased when the transaction ends.\n* If an MDL is acquired in an autocommit transaction, then the MDL will be\nreleased when the statement ends.\n* Transactional and non-transactional tables are handled the same.\n\nNote that for a partitioned table, DROP TABLE permanently removes the table\ndefinition, all of its partitions, and all of the data which was stored in\nthose partitions. It also removes the partitioning definition (.par) file\nassociated with the dropped table.\n\nFor each referenced table, DROP TABLE drops a temporary table with that name,\nif it exists. If it does not exist, and the TEMPORARY keyword is not used, it\ndrops a non-temporary table with the same name, if it exists. The TEMPORARY\nkeyword ensures that a non-temporary table will not accidentally be dropped.\n\nUse IF EXISTS to prevent an error from occurring for tables that do not exist.\nA NOTE is generated for each non-existent table when using IF EXISTS. See SHOW\nWARNINGS.\n\nIf a foreign key references this table, the table cannot be dropped. In this\ncase, it is necessary to drop the foreign key first.\n\nRESTRICT and CASCADE are allowed to make porting from other database systems\neasier. In MariaDB, they do nothing.\n\nThe comment before the table names (/*COMMENT TO SAVE*/) is stored in the\nbinary log. That feature can be used by replication tools to send their\ninternal messages.\n\nIt is possible to specify table names as db_name.tab_name. This is useful to\ndelete tables from multiple databases with one statement. See Identifier\nQualifiers for details.\n\nThe DROP privilege is required to use DROP TABLE on non-temporary tables. For\ntemporary tables, no privilege is required, because such tables are only\nvisible for the current session.\n\nNote: DROP TABLE automatically commits the current active transaction, unless\nyou use the TEMPORARY keyword.\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.5.4\n----------------------------\nFrom MariaDB 10.5.4, DROP TABLE reliably deletes table remnants inside a\nstorage engine even if the .frm file is missing. Before then, a missing .frm\nfile would result in the statement failing.\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3.1\n----------------------------\n\nWAIT/NOWAIT\n-----------\n\nSet the lock wait timeout. See WAIT and NOWAIT.\n\nDROP TABLE in replication\n-------------------------\n\nDROP TABLE has the following characteristics in replication:\n\n* DROP TABLE IF EXISTS are always logged.\n* DROP TABLE without IF EXISTS for tables that don\'t exist are not written to\nthe binary log.\n* Dropping of TEMPORARY tables are prefixed in the log with TEMPORARY. These\ndrops are only logged when running statement or mixed mode replication.\n* One DROP TABLE statement can be logged with up to 3 different DROP\nstatements:\nDROP TEMPORARY TABLE list_of_non_transactional_temporary_tables\nDROP TEMPORARY TABLE list_of_transactional_temporary_tables\nDROP TABLE list_of_normal_tables\n\nDROP TABLE on the primary is treated on the replica as DROP TABLE IF EXISTS.\nYou can change that by setting slave-ddl-exec-mode to STRICT.\n\nDropping an Internal #sql-... Table\n-----------------------------------\n\nFrom MariaDB 10.6, DROP TABLE is atomic and the following does not apply.\nUntil MariaDB 10.5, if the mariadbd/mysqld process is killed during an ALTER\nTABLE you may find a table named #sql-... in your data directory. In MariaDB\n10.3, InnoDB tables with this prefix will be deleted automatically during\nstartup. From MariaDB 10.4, these temporary tables will always be deleted\nautomatically.\n\nIf you want to delete one of these tables explicitly you can do so by using\nthe following syntax:\n\nDROP TABLE `#mysql50##sql-...`;\n\nWhen running an ALTER TABLE…ALGORITHM=INPLACE that rebuilds the table, InnoDB\nwill create an internal #sql-ib table. Until MariaDB 10.3.2, for these tables,\nthe .frm file will be called something else. In order to drop such a table\nafter a server crash, you must rename the #sql*.frm file to match the\n#sql-ib*.ibd file.\n\nFrom MariaDB 10.3.3, the same name as the .frm file is used for the\nintermediate copy of the table. The #sql-ib names are used by TRUNCATE and\ndelayed DROP.\n\nFrom MariaDB 10.2.19 and MariaDB 10.3.10, the #sql-ib tables will be deleted\nautomatically.\n\nDropping All Tables in a Database\n---------------------------------\n\nThe best way to drop all tables in a database is by executing DROP DATABASE,\nwhich will drop the database itself, and all tables in it.\n\nHowever, if you want to drop all tables in the database, but you also want to\nkeep the database itself and any other non-table objects in it, then you would\nneed to execute DROP TABLE to drop each individual table. You can construct\nthese DROP TABLE commands by querying the TABLES table in the\ninformation_schema database. For example:\n\nSELECT CONCAT(\'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `\', TABLE_SCHEMA, \'`.`\', TABLE_NAME, \'`;\')\nFROM information_schema.TABLES\nWHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = \'mydb\';\n\nAtomic DROP TABLE\n-----------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.6.1\n----------------------------\nFrom MariaDB 10.6, DROP TABLE for a single table is atomic (MDEV-25180) for\nmost engines, including InnoDB, MyRocks, MyISAM and Aria.\n\nThis means that if there is a crash (server down or power outage) during DROP\nTABLE, all tables that have been processed so far will be completely dropped,\nincluding related trigger files and status entries, and the binary log will\ninclude a DROP TABLE statement for the dropped tables. Tables for which the\ndrop had not started will be left intact.\n\nIn older MariaDB versions, there was a small chance that, during a server\ncrash happening in the middle of DROP TABLE, some storage engines that were\nusing multiple storage files, like MyISAM, could have only a part of its\ninternal files dropped.\n\nIn MariaDB 10.5, DROP TABLE was extended to be able to delete a table that was\nonly partly dropped (MDEV-11412) as explained above. Atomic DROP TABLE is the\nfinal piece to make DROP TABLE fully reliable.\n\nDropping multiple tables is crash-safe.\n\nSee Atomic DDL for more information.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nDROP TABLE Employees, Customers;\n\nNotes\n-----\n\nBeware that DROP TABLE can drop both tables and sequences. This is mainly done\nto allow old tools like mysqldump to work with sequences.\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (708,38,'RENAME TABLE','Syntax\n------\n\nRENAME TABLE[S] [IF EXISTS] tbl_name \n [WAIT n | NOWAIT]\n TO new_tbl_name\n [, tbl_name2 TO new_tbl_name2] ...\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThis statement renames one or more tables or views, but not the privileges\nassociated with them.\n\nIF EXISTS\n---------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.5.2\n----------------------------\nIf this directive is used, one will not get an error if the table to be\nrenamed doesn\'t exist.\n\nThe rename operation is done atomically, which means that no other session can\naccess any of the tables while the rename is running. For example, if you have\nan existing table old_table, you can create another table new_table that has\nthe same structure but is empty, and then replace the existing table with the\nempty one as follows (assuming that backup_table does not already exist):\n\nCREATE TABLE new_table (...);\nRENAME TABLE old_table TO backup_table, new_table TO old_table;\n\ntbl_name can optionally be specified as db_name.tbl_name. See Identifier\nQualifiers. This allows to use RENAME to move a table from a database to\nanother (as long as they are on the same filesystem):\n\nRENAME TABLE db1.t TO db2.t;\n\nNote that moving a table to another database is not possible if it has some\ntriggers. Trying to do so produces the following error:\n\nERROR 1435 (HY000): Trigger in wrong schema\n\nAlso, views cannot be moved to another database:\n\nERROR 1450 (HY000): Changing schema from \'old_db\' to \'new_db\' is not allowed.\n\nMultiple tables can be renamed in a single statement. The presence or absence\nof the optional S (RENAME TABLE or RENAME TABLES) has no impact, whether a\nsingle or multiple tables are being renamed.\n\nIf a RENAME TABLE renames more than one table and one renaming fails, all\nrenames executed by the same statement are rolled back.\n\nRenames are always executed in the specified order. Knowing this, it is also\npossible to swap two tables\' names:\n\nRENAME TABLE t1 TO tmp_table,\n t2 TO t1,\n tmp_table TO t2;\n\nWAIT/NOWAIT\n-----------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3.0\n----------------------------\nSet the lock wait timeout. See WAIT and NOWAIT.\n\nPrivileges\n----------\n\nExecuting the RENAME TABLE statement requires the DROP, CREATE and INSERT\nprivileges for the table or the database.\n\nAtomic RENAME TABLE\n-------------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.6.1\n----------------------------\nFrom MariaDB 10.6, RENAME TABLE is atomic for most engines, including InnoDB,\nMyRocks, MyISAM and Aria (MDEV-23842). This means that if there is a crash\n(server down or power outage) during RENAME TABLE, all tables will revert to\ntheir original names and any changes to trigger files will be reverted.\n\nIn older MariaDB version there was a small chance that, during a server crash\nhappening in the middle of RENAME TABLE, some tables could have been renamed\n(in the worst case partly) while others would not be renamed.\n\nSee Atomic DDL for more information.\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (709,38,'TRUNCATE TABLE','Syntax\n------\n\nTRUNCATE [TABLE] tbl_name\n [WAIT n | NOWAIT]\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nTRUNCATE TABLE empties a table completely. It requires the DROP privilege. See\nGRANT.\n\ntbl_name can also be specified in the form db_name.tbl_name (see Identifier\nQualifiers).\n\nLogically, TRUNCATE TABLE is equivalent to a DELETE statement that deletes all\nrows, but there are practical differences under some circumstances.\n\nTRUNCATE TABLE will fail for an InnoDB table if any FOREIGN KEY constraints\nfrom other tables reference the table, returning the error:\n\nERROR 1701 (42000): Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key\nconstraint\n\nForeign Key constraints between columns in the same table are permitted.\n\nFor an InnoDB table, if there are no FOREIGN KEY constraints, InnoDB performs\nfast truncation by dropping the original table and creating an empty one with\nthe same definition, which is much faster than deleting rows one by one. The\nAUTO_INCREMENT counter is reset by TRUNCATE TABLE, regardless of whether there\nis a FOREIGN KEY constraint.\n\nThe count of rows affected by TRUNCATE TABLE is accurate only when it is\nmapped to a DELETE statement.\n\nFor other storage engines, TRUNCATE TABLE differs from DELETE in the following\nways:\n\n* Truncate operations drop and re-create the table, which is much\n faster than deleting rows one by one, particularly for large tables.\n* Truncate operations cause an implicit commit.\n* Truncation operations cannot be performed if the session holds an\n active table lock.\n* Truncation operations do not return a meaningful value for the number\n of deleted rows. The usual result is \"0 rows affected,\" which should\n be interpreted as \"no information.\"\n* As long as the table format file tbl_name.frm is valid, the\n table can be re-created as an empty table\n with TRUNCATE TABLE, even if the data or index files have become\n corrupted.\n* The table handler does not remember the last\n used AUTO_INCREMENT value, but starts counting\n from the beginning. This is true even for MyISAM and InnoDB, which normally\n do not reuse sequence values.\n* When used with partitioned tables, TRUNCATE TABLE preserves\n the partitioning; that is, the data and index files are dropped and\n re-created, while the partition definitions (.par) file is\n unaffected.\n* Since truncation of a table does not make any use of DELETE,\n the TRUNCATE statement does not invoke ON DELETE triggers.\n* TRUNCATE TABLE will only reset the values in the Performance Schema summary\ntables to zero or null, and will not remove the rows.\n\nFor the purposes of binary logging and replication, TRUNCATE TABLE is treated\nas DROP TABLE followed by CREATE TABLE (DDL rather than DML).\n\nTRUNCATE TABLE does not work on views. Currently, TRUNCATE TABLE drops all\nhistorical records from a system-versioned table.\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.3.0\n----------------------------\n\nWAIT/NOWAIT\n-----------\n\nSet the lock wait timeout. See WAIT and NOWAIT.\n\nOracle-mode\n-----------\n\nOracle-mode from MariaDB 10.3 permits the optional keywords REUSE STORAGE or\nDROP STORAGE to be used.\n\nTRUNCATE [TABLE] tbl_name [{DROP | REUSE} STORAGE] [WAIT n | NOWAIT]\n\nThese have no effect on the operation.\n\nPerformance\n-----------\n\nTRUNCATE TABLE is faster than DELETE, because it drops and re-creates a table.\n\nWith InnoDB, TRUNCATE TABLE is slower if innodb_file_per_table=ON is set (the\ndefault). This is because TRUNCATE TABLE unlinks the underlying tablespace\nfile, which can be an expensive operation. See MDEV-8069 for more details.\n\nThe performance issues with innodb_file_per_table=ON can be exacerbated in\ncases where the InnoDB buffer pool is very large and\ninnodb_adaptive_hash_index=ON is set. In that case, using DROP TABLE followed\nby CREATE TABLE instead of TRUNCATE TABLE may perform better. Setting\ninnodb_adaptive_hash_index=OFF (it defaults to ON before MariaDB 10.5) can\nalso help. In MariaDB 10.2 only, from MariaDB 10.2.19, this performance can\nalso be improved by setting innodb_safe_truncate=OFF. See MDEV-9459 for more\ndetails.\n\nSetting innodb_adaptive_hash_index=OFF can also improve TRUNCATE TABLE\nperformance in general. See MDEV-16796 for more details.\n\nURL:','','');
@@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (744,39,'SETVAL','MariaDB starting with 10.3.1\n----------------------------\nSEQUENCEs were introduced in MariaDB 10.3.\n\nSyntax\n------\n\nSETVAL(sequence_name, next_value, [is_used, [round]])\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nSet the next value to be returned for a SEQUENCE.\n\nThis function is compatible with PostgreSQL syntax, extended with the round\nargument.\n\nIf the is_used argument is not given or is 1 or true, then the next used value\nwill one after the given value. If is_used is 0 or false then the next\ngenerated value will be the given value.\n\nIf round is used then it will set the round value (or the internal cycle\ncount, starting at zero) for the sequence. If round is not used, it\'s assumed\nto be 0.\n\nnext_value must be an integer literal.\n\nFor SEQUENCE tables defined with CYCLE (see CREATE SEQUENCE) one should use\nboth next_value and round to define the next value. In this case the current\nsequence value is defined to be round, next_value.\n\nThe result returned by SETVAL() is next_value or NULL if the given next_value\nand round is smaller than the current value.\n\nSETVAL() will not set the SEQUENCE value to a something that is less than its\ncurrent value. This is needed to ensure that SETVAL() is replication safe. If\nyou want to set the SEQUENCE to a smaller number use ALTER SEQUENCE.\n\nIf CYCLE is used, first round and then next_value are compared to see if the\nvalue is bigger than the current value.\n\nInternally, in the MariaDB server, SETVAL() is used to inform slaves that a\nSEQUENCE has changed value. The slave may get SETVAL() statements out of\norder, but this is ok as only the biggest one will have an effect.\n\nSETVAL requires the INSERT privilege.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nSELECT setval(foo, 42); -- Next nextval will return 43\nSELECT setval(foo, 42, true); -- Same as above\nSELECT setval(foo, 42, false); -- Next nextval will return 42\n\nSETVAL setting higher and lower values on a sequence with an increment of 10:\n\nSELECT NEXTVAL(s);\n+------------+\n| NEXTVAL(s) |\n+------------+\n| 50 |\n+------------+\n\nSELECT SETVAL(s, 100);\n+----------------+\n| SETVAL(s, 100) |\n+----------------+\n| 100 |\n+----------------+\n\nSELECT NEXTVAL(s);\n+------------+\n| NEXTVAL(s) |\n+------------+\n| 110 |\n+------------+\n\nSELECT SETVAL(s, 50);\n+---------------+\n| SETVAL(s, 50) |\n+---------------+\n| NULL |\n+---------------+\n\nSELECT NEXTVAL(s);\n+------------+\n| NEXTVAL(s) |\n+------------+\n| 120 |\n+------------+\n\nExample demonstrating round:\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE SEQUENCE s1\n START WITH 1\n MINVALUE 1\n MAXVALUE 99\n INCREMENT BY 1\n CACHE 20\n CYCLE;\n\nSELECT SETVAL(s1, 99, 1, 0);\n+----------------------+\n| SETVAL(s1, 99, 1, 0) |\n+----------------------+\n| 99 |\n+----------------------+\n\nSELECT NEXTVAL(s1);\n+-------------+\n| NEXTVAL(s1) |\n+-------------+\n| 1 |\n+-------------+\n\nThe following statement returns NULL, as the given next_value and round is\nsmaller than the current value.\n\nSELECT SETVAL(s1, 99, 1, 0);\n+----------------------+\n| SETVAL(s1, 99, 1, 0) |\n+----------------------+\n| NULL |\n+----------------------+\n\nSELECT NEXTVAL(s1);\n+-------------+\n| NEXTVAL(s1) |\n+-------------+\n| 2 |\n+-------------+\n\nIncreasing the round from zero to 1 will allow next_value to be returned.\n\nSELECT SETVAL(s1, 99, 1, 1);\n+----------------------+\n| SETVAL(s1, 99, 1, 1) |\n+----------------------+\n| 99 |\n+----------------------+\n\nSELECT NEXTVAL(s1);\n+-------------+\n| NEXTVAL(s1) |\n+-------------+\n| 1 |\n+-------------+\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (745,40,'JSON_ARRAYAGG','MariaDB starting with 10.5.0\n----------------------------\nJSON_ARRAYAGG was added in MariaDB 10.5.0.\n\nSyntax\n------\n\nJSON_ARRAYAGG(column_or_expression)\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nJSON_ARRAYAGG returns a JSON array containing an element for each value in a\ngiven set of JSON or SQL values. It acts on a column or an expression that\nevaluates to a single value.\n\nReturns NULL in the case of an error, or if the result contains no rows.\n\nJSON_ARRAYAGG cannot currently be used as a window function.\n\nThe full syntax is as follows:\n\nJSON_ARRAYAGG([DISTINCT] expr [,expr ...]\n [ORDER BY {unsigned_integer | col_name | expr}\n [ASC | DESC] [,col_name ...]]\n [LIMIT {[offset,] row_count | row_count OFFSET offset}])\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nCREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b INT);\n\nINSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 1),(2, 1), (1, 1),(2, 1), (3, 2),(2, 2),(2, 2),(2,\n2);\n\nSELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG(a), JSON_ARRAYAGG(b) FROM t1;\n+-------------------+-------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAYAGG(a) | JSON_ARRAYAGG(b) |\n+-------------------+-------------------+\n| [1,2,1,2,3,2,2,2] | [1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2] |\n+-------------------+-------------------+\n\nSELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG(a), JSON_ARRAYAGG(b) FROM t1 GROUP BY b;\n+------------------+------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAYAGG(a) | JSON_ARRAYAGG(b) |\n+------------------+------------------+\n| [1,2,1,2] | [1,1,1,1] |\n| [3,2,2,2] | [2,2,2,2] |\n+------------------+------------------+\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (746,40,'JSON_OBJECTAGG','MariaDB starting with 10.5.0\n----------------------------\nJSON_OBJECTAGG was added in MariaDB 10.5.0.\n\nSyntax\n------\n\nJSON_OBJECTAGG(key, value)\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nJSON_OBJECTAGG returns a JSON object containing key-value pairs. It takes two\nexpressions that evaluate to a single value, or two column names, as\narguments, the first used as a key, and the second as a value.\n\nReturns NULL in the case of an error, or if the result contains no rows.\n\nJSON_OBJECTAGG cannot currently be used as a window function.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nselect * from t1;\n+------+-------+\n| a | b |\n+------+-------+\n| 1 | Hello |\n| 1 | World |\n| 2 | This |\n+------+-------+\n\nSELECT JSON_OBJECTAGG(a, b) FROM t1;\n+----------------------------------------+\n| JSON_OBJECTAGG(a, b) |\n+----------------------------------------+\n| {\"1\":\"Hello\", \"1\":\"World\", \"2\":\"This\"} |\n+----------------------------------------+\n\nURL:','','');
-insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (747,40,'JSONPath Expressions','A number of JSON functions accept JSON Path expressions. MariaDB defines this\npath as follows:\n\nJSON Path Syntax\n----------------\n\npath : [\'lax\'] \'$\' [step]*\n\nThe path starts with an optional path mode. At the moment, MariaDB supports\nonly the \"lax\" mode, which is also the mode that is used when it is not\nexplicitly specified.\n\nThe $ symbol represents the context item. The search always starts from the\ncontext item; because of that, the path always starts with $.\n\nThen, it is followed by zero or more steps, which select element(s) in the\nJSON document. A step may be one of the following:\n\n* Object member selector\n* Array element selector\n* Wildcard selector\n\nObject Member Selector\n----------------------\n\nTo select member(s) in a JSON object, one can use one of the following:\n\n* .memberName selects the value of the member with name memberName.\n* .\"memberName\" - the same as above but allows one to select a member with a\nname that\'s not a valid identifier (that is, has space, dot, and/or other\ncharacters)\n* .* - selects the values of all members of the object.\n\nIf the current item is an array (instead of an object), nothing will be\nselected.\n\nArray Element Selector\n----------------------\n\nTo select elements of an array, one can use one of the following:\n\n* [N] selects element number N in the array. The elements are counted from\nzero.\n* [*] selects all elements in the array.\n\nIf the current item is an object (instead of an array), nothing will be\nselected.\n\nStarting from MariaDB server 10.9, JSON path also supports negative index in\narray, \'last\' keyword and range notation (\'to\' keyword) for accessing array\nelements. Negative index starts from -1.\n\n* [-N] selects n th element from end.\n* [last-N] selects n th element from the last element.\n* [M to N] selects range of elements starting from index M to N.\n\nExample:\n\nSET @json=\'{\n \"A\": [0,\n [1, 2, 3],\n [4, 5, 6],\n \"seven\",\n 0.8,\n true,\n false,\n \"eleven\",\n [12, [13, 14], {\"key1\":\"value1\"},[15]],\n true],\n \"B\": {\"C\": 1},\n \"D\": 2\n }\';\nSELECT JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$.A[-8][1]\');\n+--------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$.A[-8][1]\') |\n+--------------------------------------------------+\n| 5 |\n+--------------------------------------------------+\n\nSELECT JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$.A[last-7][1]\');\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$.A[last-7][1]\'); |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| 5 |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n\nSET @json= \'[\n [1, {\"key1\": \"value1\"}, 3],\n [false, 5, 6],\n [7, 8, [9, {\"key2\": 2}, 11]],\n [15, 1.34, [14], [\"string1\", [16, {\"key1\":[1,2,3,[4,5,6]]}, 18]]],\n [19, 20],\n 21, 22\n ]\';\n\nSELECT JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$[0 to 3][2]\');\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$[0 to 3][2]\') |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| [3, 6, [9, {\"key2\": 2}, 11], [14]] |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n\nThis will produce output for first index of eighth from last element of a two\ndimensional array.\n\nNote: In range notation, when M > N ( when M,N are greater than or equal to 0)\nor (size of array - M or size of array - N when M, N are less than 0), then it\nis treated as an impossible range and NULL is returned.\n\nSET @json= \'[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\';\nSELECT JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$[4 to 2]\');\n+-----------------------------------+\n| JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$[4 to 2]\') |\n+-----------------------------------+\n| NULL |\n+-----------------------------------+\n\nWildcard\n--------\n\nThe wildcard step, **, recursively selects all child elements of the current\nelement. Both array elements and object members are selected.\n\nThe wildcard step must not be the last step in the JSONPath expression. It\nmust be followed by an array or object member selector step.\n\nFor example:\n\nselect json_extract(@json_doc, \'$**.price\');\n\nwill select all object members in the document that are named price, while\n\nselect json_extract(@json_doc, \'$**[2]\');\n\nwill select the second element in each of the arrays present in the document.\n\nCompatibility\n-------------\n\nMariaDB\'s JSONPath syntax supports a subset of JSON Path\'s definition in the\nSQL Standard. The most notable things not supported are the strict mode and\nfilters.\n\nMariaDB\'s JSONPath is close to MySQL\'s JSONPath. The wildcard step ( ** ) is a\nnon-standard extension that has the same meaning as in MySQL. The differences\nbetween MariaDB and MySQL\'s JSONPath are: MySQL supports [last] and [M to N]\nas array element selectors; MySQL doesn\'t allow one to specify the mode\nexplicitly (but uses lax mode implicitly).\n\nURL:','','');
+insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (747,40,'JSONPath Expressions','A number of JSON functions accept JSON Path expressions. MariaDB defines this\npath as follows:\n\nJSON Path Syntax\n----------------\n\npath : [\'lax\'] \'$\' [step]*\n\nThe path starts with an optional path mode. At the moment, MariaDB supports\nonly the \"lax\" mode, which is also the mode that is used when it is not\nexplicitly specified.\n\nThe $ symbol represents the context item. The search always starts from the\ncontext item; because of that, the path always starts with $.\n\nThen, it is followed by zero or more steps, which select element(s) in the\nJSON document. A step may be one of the following:\n\n* Object member selector\n* Array element selector\n* Wildcard selector\n\nObject Member Selector\n----------------------\n\nTo select member(s) in a JSON object, one can use one of the following:\n\n* .memberName selects the value of the member with name memberName.\n* .\"memberName\" - the same as above but allows one to select a member with a\nname that\'s not a valid identifier (that is, has space, dot, and/or other\ncharacters)\n* .* - selects the values of all members of the object.\n\nIf the current item is an array (instead of an object), nothing will be\nselected.\n\nArray Element Selector\n----------------------\n\nTo select elements of an array, one can use one of the following:\n\n* [N] selects element number N in the array. The elements are counted from\nzero.\n* [*] selects all elements in the array.\n\nIf the current item is an object (instead of an array), nothing will be\nselected.\n\nStarting from MariaDB server 10.9, JSON path also supports negative index in\narray, \'last\' keyword and range notation (\'to\' keyword) for accessing array\nelements. Negative index starts from -1.\n\n* [-N] selects n th element from end.\n* [last-N] selects n th element from the last element.\n* [M to N] selects range of elements starting from index M to N.\n\nExample:\n\nSET @json=\'{\n \"A\": [0,\n [1, 2, 3],\n [4, 5, 6],\n \"seven\",\n 0.8,\n true,\n false,\n \"eleven\",\n [12, [13, 14], {\"key1\":\"value1\"},[15]],\n true],\n \"B\": {\"C\": 1},\n \"D\": 2\n }\';\nSELECT JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$.A[-8][1]\');\n+--------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$.A[-8][1]\') |\n+--------------------------------------------------+\n| 5 |\n+--------------------------------------------------+\n\nSELECT JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$.A[last-7][1]\');\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$.A[last-7][1]\'); |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| 5 |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n\nSET @json= \'[\n [1, {\"key1\": \"value1\"}, 3],\n [false, 5, 6],\n [7, 8, [9, {\"key2\": 2}, 11]],\n [15, 1.34, [14], [\"string1\", [16, {\"key1\":[1,2,3,[4,5,6]]}, 18]]],\n [19, 20],\n 21, 22\n ]\';\n\nSELECT JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$[0 to 3][2]\');\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$[0 to 3][2]\') |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n| [3, 6, [9, {\"key2\": 2}, 11], [14]] |\n+-----------------------------------------------+\n\nThis will produce output for first index of eighth from last element of a two\ndimensional array.\n\nNote: In range notation, when M > N ( when M,N are greater than or equal to 0)\nor (size of array - M or size of array - N when M, N are less than 0), then it\nis treated as an impossible range and NULL is returned.\n\nSET @json= \'[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\';\nSELECT JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$[4 to 2]\');\n+-----------------------------------+\n| JSON_EXTRACT(@json, \'$[4 to 2]\') |\n+-----------------------------------+\n| NULL |\n+-----------------------------------+\n\nWildcard\n--------\n\nThe wildcard step, **, recursively selects all child elements of the current\nelement. Both array elements and object members are selected.\n\nThe wildcard step must not be the last step in the JSONPath expression. It\nmust be followed by an array or object member selector step.\n\nFor example:\n\nselect json_extract(@json_doc, \'$**.price\');\n\nwill select all object members in the document that are named price, while\n\nselect json_extract(@json_doc, \'$**[2]\');\n\nwill select the second element in each of the arrays present in the document.\n\nCompatibility\n-------------\n\nMariaDB\'s JSONPath syntax supports a subset of JSON Path\'s definition in the\nSQL Standard. The most notable things not supported are the strict mode and\nfilters.\n\nMariaDB\'s JSONPath is close to MySQL\'s JSONPath. The wildcard step ( ** ) is a\nnon-standard extension that has the same meaning as in MySQL. The difference\nbetween MariaDB and MySQL\'s JSONPath is: MySQL doesn\'t allow one to specify\nthe mode explicitly (but uses lax mode implicitly).\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (748,40,'JSON_ARRAY','Syntax\n------\n\nJSON_ARRAY([value[, value2] ...])\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nReturns a JSON array containing the listed values. The list can be empty.\n\nExample\n-------\n\nSELECT Json_Array(56, 3.1416, \'My name is \"Foo\"\', NULL);\n+--------------------------------------------------+\n| Json_Array(56, 3.1416, \'My name is \"Foo\"\', NULL) |\n+--------------------------------------------------+\n| [56, 3.1416, \"My name is \\\"Foo\\\"\", null] |\n+--------------------------------------------------+\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (749,40,'JSON_ARRAY_APPEND','Syntax\n------\n\nJSON_ARRAY_APPEND(json_doc, path, value[, path, value] ...)\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nAppends values to the end of the specified arrays within a JSON document,\nreturning the result, or NULL if any of the arguments are NULL.\n\nEvaluation is performed from left to right, with the resulting document from\nthe previous pair becoming the new value against which the next pair is\nevaluated.\n\nIf the json_doc is not a valid JSON document, or if any of the paths are not\nvalid, or contain a * or ** wildcard, an error is returned.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nSET @json = \'[1, 2, [3, 4]]\';\n\nSELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@json, \'$[0]\', 5)\n+-------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@json, \'$[0]\', 5) |\n+-------------------------------------+\n| [[1, 5], 2, [3, 4]] |\n+-------------------------------------+\n\nSELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@json, \'$[1]\', 6);\n+-------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@json, \'$[1]\', 6) |\n+-------------------------------------+\n| [1, [2, 6], [3, 4]] |\n+-------------------------------------+\n\nSELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@json, \'$[1]\', 6, \'$[2]\', 7);\n+------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@json, \'$[1]\', 6, \'$[2]\', 7) |\n+------------------------------------------------+\n| [1, [2, 6], [3, 4, 7]] |\n+------------------------------------------------+\n\nSELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@json, \'$\', 5);\n+----------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@json, \'$\', 5) |\n+----------------------------------+\n| [1, 2, [3, 4], 5] |\n+----------------------------------+\n\nSET @json = \'{\"A\": 1, \"B\": [2], \"C\": [3, 4]}\';\n\nSELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@json, \'$.B\', 5);\n+------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(@json, \'$.B\', 5) |\n+------------------------------------+\n| {\"A\": 1, \"B\": [2, 5], \"C\": [3, 4]} |\n+------------------------------------+\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (750,40,'JSON_ARRAY_INSERT','Syntax\n------\n\nJSON_ARRAY_INSERT(json_doc, path, value[, path, value] ...)\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nInserts a value into a JSON document, returning the modified document, or NULL\nif any of the arguments are NULL.\n\nEvaluation is performed from left to right, with the resulting document from\nthe previous pair becoming the new value against which the next pair is\nevaluated.\n\nIf the json_doc is not a valid JSON document, or if any of the paths are not\nvalid, or contain a * or ** wildcard, an error is returned.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nSET @json = \'[1, 2, [3, 4]]\';\n\nSELECT JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@json, \'$[0]\', 5);\n+-------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@json, \'$[0]\', 5) |\n+-------------------------------------+\n| [5, 1, 2, [3, 4]] |\n+-------------------------------------+\n\nSELECT JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@json, \'$[1]\', 6);\n+-------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@json, \'$[1]\', 6) |\n+-------------------------------------+\n| [1, 6, 2, [3, 4]] |\n+-------------------------------------+\n\nSELECT JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@json, \'$[1]\', 6, \'$[2]\', 7);\n+------------------------------------------------+\n| JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(@json, \'$[1]\', 6, \'$[2]\', 7) |\n+------------------------------------------------+\n| [1, 6, 7, 2, [3, 4]] |\n+------------------------------------------------+\n\nURL:','','');
@@ -935,8 +935,8 @@ insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (821,48,'Multiplication Operator (*)','Syntax\n------\n\n*\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nMultiplication operator.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nSELECT 7*6;\n+-----+\n| 7*6 |\n+-----+\n| 42 |\n+-----+\n\nSELECT 1234567890*9876543210;\n+-----------------------+\n| 1234567890*9876543210 |\n+-----------------------+\n| -6253480962446024716 |\n+-----------------------+\n\nSELECT 18014398509481984*18014398509481984.0;\n+---------------------------------------+\n| 18014398509481984*18014398509481984.0 |\n+---------------------------------------+\n| 324518553658426726783156020576256.0 |\n+---------------------------------------+\n\nSELECT 18014398509481984*18014398509481984;\n+-------------------------------------+\n| 18014398509481984*18014398509481984 |\n+-------------------------------------+\n| 0 |\n+-------------------------------------+\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (822,48,'Subtraction Operator (-)','Syntax\n------\n\n-\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nSubtraction. The operator is also used as the unary minus for changing sign.\n\nIf both operands are integers, the result is calculated with BIGINT precision.\nIf either integer is unsigned, the result is also an unsigned integer, unless\nthe NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION SQL_MODE is enabled, in which case the result is\nalways signed.\n\nFor real or string operands, the operand with the highest precision determines\nthe result precision.\n\nExamples\n--------\n\nSELECT 96-9;\n+------+\n| 96-9 |\n+------+\n| 87 |\n+------+\n\nSELECT 15-17;\n+-------+\n| 15-17 |\n+-------+\n| -2 |\n+-------+\n\nSELECT 3.66 + 1.333;\n+--------------+\n| 3.66 + 1.333 |\n+--------------+\n| 4.993 |\n+--------------+\n\nUnary minus:\n\nSELECT - (3+5);\n+---------+\n| - (3+5) |\n+---------+\n| -8 |\n+---------+\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (823,49,'CHANGE MASTER TO','The terms master and slave have historically been used in replication, but the\nterms terms primary and replica are now preferred. The old terms are used\nstill used in parts of the documentation, and in MariaDB commands, although\nMariaDB 10.5 has begun the process of renaming. The documentation process is\nongoing. See MDEV-18777 to follow progress on this effort.\n\nSyntax\n------\n\nCHANGE MASTER [\'connection_name\'] TO master_def [, master_def] ... \n [FOR CHANNEL \'channel_name\']\n\nmaster_def:\n MASTER_BIND = \'interface_name\'\n | MASTER_HOST = \'host_name\'\n | MASTER_USER = \'user_name\'\n | MASTER_PASSWORD = \'password\'\n | MASTER_PORT = port_num\n | MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY = interval\n | MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD = interval\n | MASTER_LOG_FILE = \'master_log_name\'\n | MASTER_LOG_POS = master_log_pos\n | RELAY_LOG_FILE = \'relay_log_name\'\n | RELAY_LOG_POS = relay_log_pos\n | MASTER_DELAY = interval\n | MASTER_SSL = {0|1}\n | MASTER_SSL_CA = \'ca_file_name\'\n | MASTER_SSL_CAPATH = \'ca_directory_name\'\n | MASTER_SSL_CERT = \'cert_file_name\'\n | MASTER_SSL_CRL = \'crl_file_name\'\n | MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH = \'crl_directory_name\'\n | MASTER_SSL_KEY = \'key_file_name\'\n | MASTER_SSL_CIPHER = \'cipher_list\'\n | MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT = {0|1}\n | MASTER_USE_GTID = {current_pos|slave_pos|no}\n | MASTER_DEMOTE_TO_SLAVE = bool\n | IGNORE_SERVER_IDS = (server_id_list)\n | DO_DOMAIN_IDS = ([N,..])\n | IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS = ([N,..])\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nThe CHANGE MASTER statement sets the options that a replica uses to connect to\nand replicate from a primary.\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.7.0\n----------------------------\nThe FOR CHANNEL keyword was added for MySQL compatibility. This is identical\nto using the channel_name directly after CHANGE MASTER.\n\nMulti-Source Replication\n------------------------\n\nIf you are using multi-source replication, then you need to specify a\nconnection name when you execute CHANGE MASTER. There are two ways to do this:\n\n* Setting the default_master_connection system variable prior to executing\nCHANGE MASTER.\n* Setting the connection_name parameter when executing CHANGE MASTER.\n\ndefault_master_connection\n-------------------------\n\nSET default_master_connection = \'gandalf\';\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n MASTER_PASSWORD=\'new3cret\';\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nconnection_name\n---------------\n\nSTOP SLAVE \'gandalf\';\nCHANGE MASTER \'gandalf\' TO \n MASTER_PASSWORD=\'new3cret\';\nSTART SLAVE \'gandalf\';\n\nOptions\n-------\n\nConnection Options\n------------------\n\nMASTER_USER\n-----------\n\nThe MASTER_USER option for CHANGE MASTER defines the user account that the\nreplica will use to connect to the primary.\n\nThis user account will need the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege (or, from MariaDB\n10.5.1, the REPLICATION REPLICA on the primary.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_USER=\'repl\',\n MASTER_PASSWORD=\'new3cret\';\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe maximum length of the MASTER_USER string is 96 characters until MariaDB\n10.5, and 128 characters from MariaDB 10.6.\n\nMASTER_PASSWORD\n---------------\n\nThe MASTER_USER option for CHANGE MASTER defines the password that the replica\nwill use to connect to the primary as the user account defined by the\nMASTER_USER option.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n MASTER_PASSWORD=\'new3cret\';\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe maximum length of the MASTER_PASSWORD string is 32 characters. The\neffective maximum length of the string depends on how many bytes are used per\ncharacter and can be up to 96 characters.\n\nDue to MDEV-29994, the password can be silently truncated to 41 characters\nwhen MariaDB is restarted. For this reason it is recommended to use a password\nthat is shorter than this.\n\nMASTER_HOST\n-----------\n\nThe MASTER_HOST option for CHANGE MASTER defines the hostname or IP address of\nthe primary.\n\nIf you set the value of the MASTER_HOST option to the empty string, then that\nis not the same as not setting the option\'s value at all. If you set the value\nof the MASTER_HOST option to the empty string, then the CHANGE MASTER command\nwill fail with an error. In MariaDB 5.3 and before, if you set the value of\nthe MASTER_HOST option to the empty string, then the CHANGE MASTER command\nwould succeed, but the subsequent START SLAVE command would fail.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_HOST=\'\',\n MASTER_USER=\'repl\',\n MASTER_PASSWORD=\'new3cret\',\n MASTER_USE_GTID=slave_pos;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nIf you set the value of the MASTER_HOST option in a CHANGE MASTER command,\nthen the replica assumes that the primary is different from before, even if\nyou set the value of this option to the same value it had previously. In this\nscenario, the replica will consider the old values for the primary\'s binary\nlog file name and position to be invalid for the new primary. As a side\neffect, if you do not explicitly set the values of the MASTER_LOG_FILE and\nMASTER_LOG_POS options in the statement, then the statement will be implicitly\nappended with MASTER_LOG_FILE=\'\' and MASTER_LOG_POS=4. However, if you enable\nGTID mode for replication by setting the MASTER_USE_GTID option to some value\nother than no in the statement, then these values will effectively be ignored\nanyway.\n\nReplicas cannot connect to primaries using Unix socket files or Windows named\npipes. The replica must connect to the primary using TCP/IP.\n\nThe maximum length of the MASTER_HOST string is 60 characters until MariaDB\n10.5, and 255 characters from MariaDB 10.6.\n\nMASTER_PORT\n-----------\n\nThe MASTER_PORT option for CHANGE MASTER defines the TCP/IP port of the\nprimary.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_HOST=\'\',\n MASTER_PORT=3307,\n MASTER_USER=\'repl\',\n MASTER_PASSWORD=\'new3cret\',\n MASTER_USE_GTID=slave_pos;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nIf you set the value of the MASTER_PORT option in a CHANGE MASTER command,\nthen the replica assumes that the primary is different from before, even if\nyou set the value of this option to the same value it had previously. In this\nscenario, the replica will consider the old values for the primary\'s binary\nlog file name and position to be invalid for the new primary. As a side\neffect, if you do not explicitly set the values of the MASTER_LOG_FILE and\nMASTER_LOG_POS options in the statement, then the statement will be implicitly\nappended with MASTER_LOG_FILE=\'\' and MASTER_LOG_POS=4. However, if you enable\nGTID mode for replication by setting the MASTER_USE_GTID option to some value\nother than no in the statement, then these values will effectively be ignored\nanyway.\n\nReplicas cannot connect to primaries using Unix socket files or Windows named\npipes. The replica must connect to the primary using TCP/IP.\n\nMASTER_CONNECT_RETRY\n--------------------\n\nThe MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY option for CHANGE MASTER defines how many seconds\nthat the replica will wait between connection retries. The default is 60.\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY=20;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe number of connection attempts is limited by the master_retry_count option.\nIt can be set either on the command-line or in a server option group in an\noption file prior to starting up the server. For example:\n\n[mariadb]\n...\nmaster_retry_count=4294967295\n\nMASTER_BIND\n-----------\n\nThe MASTER_BIND option for CHANGE MASTER is only supported by MySQL 5.6.2 and\nlater and by MySQL NDB Cluster 7.3.1 and later. This option is not supported\nby MariaDB. See MDEV-19248 for more information.\n\nThe MASTER_BIND option for CHANGE MASTER can be used on replicas that have\nmultiple network interfaces to choose which network interface the replica will\nuse to connect to the primary.\n\nMASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD\n-----------------------\n\nThe MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD option for CHANGE MASTER can be used to set the\ninterval in seconds between replication heartbeats. Whenever the primary\'s\nbinary log is updated with an event, the waiting period for the next heartbeat\nis reset.\n\nThis option\'s interval argument has the following characteristics:\n\n* It is a decimal value with a range of 0 to 4294967 seconds.\n* It has a resolution of hundredths of a second.\n* Its smallest valid non-zero value is 0.001.\n* Its default value is the value of the slave_net_timeout system variable\ndivided by 2.\n* If it\'s set to 0, then heartbeats are disabled.\n\nHeartbeats are sent by the primary only if there are no unsent events in the\nbinary log file for a period longer than the interval.\n\nIf the RESET SLAVE statement is executed, then the heartbeat interval is reset\nto the default.\n\nIf the slave_net_timeout system variable is set to a value that is lower than\nthe current heartbeat interval, then a warning will be issued.\n\nTLS Options\n-----------\n\nThe TLS options are used for providing information about TLS. The options can\nbe set even on replicas that are compiled without TLS support. The TLS options\nare saved to either the default file or the file that is\nconfigured by the master_info_file option, but these TLS options are ignored\nunless the replica supports TLS.\n\nSee Replication with Secure Connections for more information.\n\nMASTER_SSL\n----------\n\nThe MASTER_SSL option for CHANGE MASTER tells the replica whether to force TLS\nfor the connection. The valid values are 0 or 1.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_SSL=1;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nMASTER_SSL_CA\n-------------\n\nThe MASTER_SSL_CA option for CHANGE MASTER defines a path to a PEM file that\nshould contain one or more X509 certificates for trusted Certificate\nAuthorities (CAs) to use for TLS. This option requires that you use the\nabsolute path, not a relative path. This option implies the MASTER_SSL option.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_SSL_CERT=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-cert.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_KEY=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-key.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_CA=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/ca.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT=1;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nSee Secure Connections Overview: Certificate Authorities (CAs) for more\ninformation.\n\nThe maximum length of MASTER_SSL_CA string is 511 characters.\n\nMASTER_SSL_CAPATH\n-----------------\n\nThe MASTER_SSL_CAPATH option for CHANGE MASTER defines a path to a directory\nthat contains one or more PEM files that should each contain one X509\ncertificate for a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) to use for TLS. This\noption requires that you use the absolute path, not a relative path. The\ndirectory specified by this option needs to be run through the openssl rehash\ncommand. This option implies the MASTER_SSL option.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_SSL_CERT=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-cert.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_KEY=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-key.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_CAPATH=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/ca/\',\n MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT=1;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nSee Secure Connections Overview: Certificate Authorities (CAs) for more\ninformation.\n\nThe maximum length of MASTER_SSL_CA_PATH string is 511 characters.\n\nMASTER_SSL_CERT\n---------------\n\nThe MASTER_SSL_CERT option for CHANGE MASTER defines a path to the X509\ncertificate file to use for TLS. This option requires that you use the\nabsolute path, not a relative path. This option implies the MASTER_SSL option.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_SSL_CERT=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-cert.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_KEY=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-key.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_CA=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/ca.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT=1;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe maximum length of MASTER_SSL_CERT string is 511 characters.\n\nMASTER_SSL_CRL\n--------------\n\nThe MASTER_SSL_CRL option for CHANGE MASTER defines a path to a PEM file that\nshould contain one or more revoked X509 certificates to use for TLS. This\noption requires that you use the absolute path, not a relative path.\n\nThis option is only supported if the server was built with OpenSSL. If the\nserver was built with yaSSL, then this option is not supported. See TLS and\nCryptography Libraries Used by MariaDB for more information about which\nlibraries are used on which platforms.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_SSL_CERT=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-cert.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_KEY=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-key.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_CA=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/ca.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT=1,\n MASTER_SSL_CRL=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/crl.pem\';\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nSee Secure Connections Overview: Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) for more\ninformation.\n\nThe maximum length of MASTER_SSL_CRL string is 511 characters.\n\nMASTER_SSL_CRLPATH\n------------------\n\nThe MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH option for CHANGE MASTER defines a path to a directory\nthat contains one or more PEM files that should each contain one revoked X509\ncertificate to use for TLS. This option requires that you use the absolute\npath, not a relative path. The directory specified by this variable needs to\nbe run through the openssl rehash command.\n\nThis option is only supported if the server was built with OpenSSL. If the\nserver was built with yaSSL, then this option is not supported. See TLS and\nCryptography Libraries Used by MariaDB for more information about which\nlibraries are used on which platforms.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_SSL_CERT=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-cert.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_KEY=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-key.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_CA=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/ca.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT=1,\n MASTER_SSL_CRLPATH=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/crl/\';\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nSee Secure Connections Overview: Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) for more\ninformation.\n\nThe maximum length of MASTER_SSL_CRL_PATH string is 511 characters.\n\nMASTER_SSL_KEY\n--------------\n\nThe MASTER_SSL_KEY option for CHANGE MASTER defines a path to a private key\nfile to use for TLS. This option requires that you use the absolute path, not\na relative path. This option implies the MASTER_SSL option.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_SSL_CERT=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-cert.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_KEY=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-key.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_CA=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/ca.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT=1;','','');
-update help_topic set description = CONCAT(description, '\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe maximum length of MASTER_SSL_KEY string is 511 characters.\n\nMASTER_SSL_CIPHER\n-----------------\n\nThe MASTER_SSL_CIPHER option for CHANGE MASTER defines the list of permitted\nciphers or cipher suites to use for TLS. Besides cipher names, if MariaDB was\ncompiled with OpenSSL, this option could be set to \"SSLv3\" or \"TLSv1.2\" to\nallow all SSLv3 or all TLSv1.2 ciphers. Note that the TLSv1.3 ciphers cannot\nbe excluded when using OpenSSL, even by using this option. See Using TLSv1.3\nfor details. This option implies the MASTER_SSL option.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_SSL_CERT=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-cert.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_KEY=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-key.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_CA=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/ca.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT=1,\n MASTER_SSL_CIPHER=\'TLSv1.2\';\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe maximum length of MASTER_SSL_CIPHER string is 511 characters.\n\nMASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT\n-----------------------------\n\nThe MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT option for CHANGE MASTER enables server\ncertificate verification. This option is disabled by default.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_SSL_CERT=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-cert.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_KEY=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-key.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_CA=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/ca.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT=1;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nSee Secure Connections Overview: Server Certificate Verification for more\ninformation.\n\nBinary Log Options\n------------------\n\nThese options are related to the binary log position on the primary.\n\nMASTER_LOG_FILE\n---------------\n\nThe MASTER_LOG_FILE option for CHANGE MASTER can be used along with\nMASTER_LOG_POS to specify the coordinates at which the replica\'s I/O thread\nshould begin reading from the primary\'s binary logs the next time the thread\nstarts.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_LOG_FILE=\'master2-bin.001\',\n MASTER_LOG_POS=4;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options cannot be specified if the\nRELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS options were also specified.\n\nThe MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options are effectively ignored if you\nenable GTID mode for replication by setting the MASTER_USE_GTID option to some\nvalue other than no in the statement.\n\nMASTER_LOG_POS\n--------------\n\nThe MASTER_LOG_POS option for CHANGE MASTER can be used along with\nMASTER_LOG_FILE to specify the coordinates at which the replica\'s I/O thread\nshould begin reading from the primary\'s binary logs the next time the thread\nstarts.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_LOG_FILE=\'master2-bin.001\',\n MASTER_LOG_POS=4;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options cannot be specified if the\nRELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS options were also specified.\n\nThe MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options are effectively ignored if you\nenable GTID mode for replication by setting the MASTER_USE_GTID option to some\nvalue other than no in the statement.\n\nRelay Log Options\n-----------------\n\nThese options are related to the relay log position on the replica.\n\nRELAY_LOG_FILE\n--------------\n\nThe RELAY_LOG_FILE option for CHANGE MASTER can be used along with the\nRELAY_LOG_POS option to specify the coordinates at which the replica\'s SQL\nthread should begin reading from the relay log the next time the thread starts.\n\nThe CHANGE MASTER statement usually deletes all relay log files. However, if\nthe RELAY_LOG_FILE and/or RELAY_LOG_POS options are specified, then existing\nrelay log files are kept.\n\nWhen you want to change the relay log position, you only need to stop the\nreplica\'s SQL thread. The replica\'s I/O thread can continue running. The STOP\nSLAVE and START SLAVE statements support the SQL_THREAD option for this\nscenario. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n RELAY_LOG_FILE=\'slave-relay-bin.006\',\n RELAY_LOG_POS=4025;\nSTART SLAVE SQL_THREAD;\n\nWhen the value of this option is changed, the metadata about the replica\'s SQL\nthread\'s position in the relay logs will also be changed in the\nfile or the file that is configured by the relay_log_info_file system variable.\n\nThe RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS options cannot be specified if the\nMASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options were also specified.\n\nRELAY_LOG_POS\n-------------\n\nThe RELAY_LOG_POS option for CHANGE MASTER can be used along with the\nRELAY_LOG_FILE option to specify the coordinates at which the replica\'s SQL\nthread should begin reading from the relay log the next time the thread starts.\n\nThe CHANGE MASTER statement usually deletes all relay log files. However, if\nthe RELAY_LOG_FILE and/or RELAY_LOG_POS options are specified, then existing\nrelay log files are kept.\n\nWhen you want to change the relay log position, you only need to stop the\nreplica\'s SQL thread. The replica\'s I/O thread can continue running. The STOP\nSLAVE and START SLAVE statements support the SQL_THREAD option for this\nscenario. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n RELAY_LOG_FILE=\'slave-relay-bin.006\',\n RELAY_LOG_POS=4025;\nSTART SLAVE SQL_THREAD;\n\nWhen the value of this option is changed, the metadata about the replica\'s SQL\nthread\'s position in the relay logs will also be changed in the\nfile or the file that is configured by the relay_log_info_file system variable.\n\nThe RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS options cannot be specified if the\nMASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options were also specified.\n\nGTID Options\n------------\n\nMASTER_USE_GTID\n---------------\n\nThe MASTER_USE_GTID option for CHANGE MASTER can be used to configure the\nreplica to use the global transaction ID (GTID) when connecting to a primary.\nThe possible values are:\n\n* current_pos - Replicate in GTID mode and use gtid_current_pos as the\nposition to start downloading transactions from the primary. Deprecated from\nMariaDB 10.10. Using to transition to primary can break the replication state\nif the replica executes local transactions due to actively updating\ngtid_current_pos with gtid_binlog_pos and gtid_slave_pos. Use the new, safe,\nMASTER_DEMOTE_TO_SLAVE=<bool> option instead.\n* slave_pos - Replicate in GTID mode and use gtid_slave_pos as the position to\nstart downloading transactions from the primary. From MariaDB 10.5.1,\nreplica_pos is an alias for slave_pos.\n* no - Don\'t replicate in GTID mode.\n\nMASTER_DEMOTE_TO_SLAVE\n----------------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.10\n---------------------------\nUsed to transition a primary to become a replica. Replaces the old\nMASTER_USE_GTID=current_pos with a safe alternative by forcing users to set\nUsing_Gtid=Slave_Pos and merging gtid_binlog_pos into gtid_slave_pos once at\nCHANGE MASTER TO time. If gtid_slave_pos is more recent than gtid_binlog_pos\n(as in the case of chain replication), the replication state should be\npreserved.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_USE_GTID = current_pos;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nOr:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nSET GLOBAL gtid_slave_pos=\'0-1-153\';\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_USE_GTID = slave_pos;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nReplication Filter Options\n--------------------------\n\nAlso see Replication filters.\n\nIGNORE_SERVER_IDS\n-----------------\n\nThe IGNORE_SERVER_IDS option for CHANGE MASTER can be used to configure a\nreplica to ignore binary log events that originated from certain servers.\nFiltered binary log events will not get logged to the replica’s relay log, and\nthey will not be applied by the replica.\n\nThe option\'s value can be specified by providing a comma-separated list of\nserver_id values. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n IGNORE_SERVER_IDS = (3,5);\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nIf you would like to clear a previously set list, then you can set the value\nto an empty list. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n IGNORE_SERVER_IDS = ();\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nDO_DOMAIN_IDS\n-------------\n\nThe DO_DOMAIN_IDS option for CHANGE MASTER can be used to configure a replica\nto only apply binary log events if the transaction\'s GTID is in a specific\ngtid_domain_id value. Filtered binary log events will not get logged to the\nreplica’s relay log, and they will not be applied by the replica.\n\nThe option\'s value can be specified by providing a comma-separated list of\ngtid_domain_id values. Duplicate values are automatically ignored. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n DO_DOMAIN_IDS = (1,2);\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nIf you would like to clear a previously set list, then you can set the value\nto an empty list. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n DO_DOMAIN_IDS = ();\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe DO_DOMAIN_IDS option and the IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS option cannot both be set\nto non-empty values at the same time. If you want to set the DO_DOMAIN_IDS\noption, and the IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS option was previously set, then you need to\nclear the value of the IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS option. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS = (),\n DO_DOMAIN_IDS = (1,2);\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe DO_DOMAIN_IDS option can only be specified if the replica is replicating\nin GTID mode. Therefore, the MASTER_USE_GTID option must also be set to some\nvalue other than no in order to use this option.\n\nIGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS\n-----------------\n\nThe IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS option for CHANGE MASTER can be used to configure a\nreplica to ignore binary log events if the transaction\'s GTID is in a specific\ngtid_domain_id value. Filtered binary log events will not get logged to the\nreplica’s relay log, and they will not be applied by the replica.\n\nThe option\'s value can be specified by providing a comma-separated list of\ngtid_domain_id values. Duplicate values are automatically ignored. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS = (1,2);\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nIf you would like to clear a previously set list, then you can set the value\nto an empty list. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS = ();\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe DO_DOMAIN_IDS option and the IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS option cannot both be set\nto non-empty values at the same time. If you want to set the IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS\noption, and the DO_DOMAIN_IDS option was previously set, then you need to\nclear the value of the DO_DOMAIN_IDS option. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n DO_DOMAIN_IDS = (),\n IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS = (1,2);\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS option can only be specified if the replica is\nreplicating in GTID mode. Therefore, the MASTER_USE_GTID option must also be\nset to some value other than no in order to use this option.\n\nDelayed Replication Options\n---------------------------\n\nMASTER_DELAY\n------------\n\nThe MASTER_DELAY option for CHANGE MASTER can be used to enable delayed\nreplication. This option specifies the time in seconds (at least) that a\nreplica should lag behind the primary up to a maximum value of 2147483647, or\nabout 68 years. Before executing an event, the replica will first wait, if\nnecessary, until the given time has passed since the event was created on the\nprimary. The result is that the replica will reflect the state of the primary\nsome time back in the past. The default is zero, no delay.\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n MASTER_DELAY=3600;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nChanging Option Values\n----------------------\n\nIf you don\'t specify a given option when executing the CHANGE MASTER\nstatement, then the option keeps its old value in most cases. Most of the\ntime, there is no need to specify the options that do not need to change. For\nexample, if the password for the user account that the replica uses to connect\nto its primary has changed, but no other options need to change, then you can\njust change the MASTER_PASSWORD option by executing the following commands:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n MASTER_PASSWORD=\'new3cret\';\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThere are some cases where options are implicitly reset, such as when the\nMASTER_HOST and MASTER_PORT options are changed.\n\nOption Persistence\n------------------\n\nThe values of the MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options (i.e. the binary\nlog position on the primary) and most other options are written to either the\ndefault file or the file that is configured by the\nmaster_info_file option. The replica\'s I/O thread keeps this binary log\nposition updated as it downloads events only when MASTER_USE_GTID option is\nset to NO. Otherwise the file is not updated on a per event basis.\n\nThe master_info_file option can be set either on the command-line or in a\nserver option group in an option file prior to starting up the server. For\nexample:\n\n[mariadb]\n...\nmaster_info_file=/mariadb/\n\nThe values of the RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS options (i.e. the relay log\nposition) are written to either the default file or the file\nthat is configured by the relay_log_info_file system variable. The replica\'s\nSQL thread keeps this relay log position updated as it applies events.\n\nThe relay_log_info_file system variable can be set either on the command-line\nor in a server option group in an option file prior to starting up the server.\nFor example:\n\n[mariadb]\n...\nrelay_log_info_file=/mariadb/\n\nGTID Persistence\n----------------\n\nIf the replica is replicating binary log events that contain GTIDs, then the\nreplica\'s SQL thread will write every GTID that it applies to the\nmysql.gtid_slave_pos table. This GTID can be inspected and modified through\nthe gtid_slave_pos system variable.\n\nIf the replica has the log_slave_updates system variable enabled and if the\nreplica has the binary log enabled, then every write by the replica\'s SQL\nthread will also go into the replica\'s binary log. This means that GTIDs of\nreplicated transactions would be reflected in the value of the gtid_binlog_pos\nsystem variable.\n\nCreating a Replica from a Backup\n--------------------------------\n\nThe CHANGE MASTER statement is useful for setting up a replica when you have a\nbackup of the primary and you also have the binary log position or GTID\nposition corresponding to the backup.\n\nAfter restoring the backup on the replica, you could execute something like\nthis to use the binary log position:\n\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_LOG_FILE=\'master2-bin.001\',\n MASTER_LOG_POS=4;\nSTART SLAVE;\n') WHERE help_topic_id = 823;
-update help_topic set description = CONCAT(description, '\nOr you could execute something like this to use the GTID position:\n\nSET GLOBAL gtid_slave_pos=\'0-1-153\';\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_USE_GTID=slave_pos;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nSee Setting up a Replication Slave with Mariabackup for more information on\nhow to do this with Mariabackup.\n\nExample\n-------\n\nThe following example changes the primary and primary\'s binary log\ncoordinates. This is used when you want to set up the replica to replicate the\nprimary:\n\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_HOST=\'\',\n MASTER_USER=\'replication\',\n MASTER_PASSWORD=\'bigs3cret\',\n MASTER_PORT=3306,\n MASTER_LOG_FILE=\'master2-bin.001\',\n MASTER_LOG_POS=4,\n MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY=10;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nURL:') WHERE help_topic_id = 823;
+update help_topic set description = CONCAT(description, '\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe maximum length of MASTER_SSL_KEY string is 511 characters.\n\nMASTER_SSL_CIPHER\n-----------------\n\nThe MASTER_SSL_CIPHER option for CHANGE MASTER defines the list of permitted\nciphers or cipher suites to use for TLS. Besides cipher names, if MariaDB was\ncompiled with OpenSSL, this option could be set to \"SSLv3\" or \"TLSv1.2\" to\nallow all SSLv3 or all TLSv1.2 ciphers. Note that the TLSv1.3 ciphers cannot\nbe excluded when using OpenSSL, even by using this option. See Using TLSv1.3\nfor details. This option implies the MASTER_SSL option.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_SSL_CERT=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-cert.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_KEY=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-key.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_CA=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/ca.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT=1,\n MASTER_SSL_CIPHER=\'TLSv1.2\';\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe maximum length of MASTER_SSL_CIPHER string is 511 characters.\n\nMASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT\n-----------------------------\n\nThe MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT option for CHANGE MASTER enables server\ncertificate verification. This option is disabled by default.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_SSL_CERT=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-cert.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_KEY=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/server-key.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_CA=\'/etc/my.cnf.d/certificates/ca.pem\',\n MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT=1;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nSee Secure Connections Overview: Server Certificate Verification for more\ninformation.\n\nBinary Log Options\n------------------\n\nThese options are related to the binary log position on the primary.\n\nMASTER_LOG_FILE\n---------------\n\nThe MASTER_LOG_FILE option for CHANGE MASTER can be used along with\nMASTER_LOG_POS to specify the coordinates at which the replica\'s I/O thread\nshould begin reading from the primary\'s binary logs the next time the thread\nstarts.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_LOG_FILE=\'master2-bin.001\',\n MASTER_LOG_POS=4;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options cannot be specified if the\nRELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS options were also specified.\n\nThe MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options are effectively ignored if you\nenable GTID mode for replication by setting the MASTER_USE_GTID option to some\nvalue other than no in the statement.\n\nMASTER_LOG_POS\n--------------\n\nThe MASTER_LOG_POS option for CHANGE MASTER can be used along with\nMASTER_LOG_FILE to specify the coordinates at which the replica\'s I/O thread\nshould begin reading from the primary\'s binary logs the next time the thread\nstarts.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_LOG_FILE=\'master2-bin.001\',\n MASTER_LOG_POS=4;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options cannot be specified if the\nRELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS options were also specified.\n\nThe MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options are effectively ignored if you\nenable GTID mode for replication by setting the MASTER_USE_GTID option to some\nvalue other than no in the statement.\n\nRelay Log Options\n-----------------\n\nThese options are related to the relay log position on the replica.\n\nRELAY_LOG_FILE\n--------------\n\nThe RELAY_LOG_FILE option for CHANGE MASTER can be used along with the\nRELAY_LOG_POS option to specify the coordinates at which the replica\'s SQL\nthread should begin reading from the relay log the next time the thread starts.\n\nThe CHANGE MASTER statement usually deletes all relay log files. However, if\nthe RELAY_LOG_FILE and/or RELAY_LOG_POS options are specified, then existing\nrelay log files are kept.\n\nWhen you want to change the relay log position, you only need to stop the\nreplica\'s SQL thread. The replica\'s I/O thread can continue running. The STOP\nSLAVE and START SLAVE statements support the SQL_THREAD option for this\nscenario. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n RELAY_LOG_FILE=\'slave-relay-bin.006\',\n RELAY_LOG_POS=4025;\nSTART SLAVE SQL_THREAD;\n\nWhen the value of this option is changed, the metadata about the replica\'s SQL\nthread\'s position in the relay logs will also be changed in the\nfile or the file that is configured by the relay_log_info_file system variable.\n\nThe RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS options cannot be specified if the\nMASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options were also specified.\n\nRELAY_LOG_POS\n-------------\n\nThe RELAY_LOG_POS option for CHANGE MASTER can be used along with the\nRELAY_LOG_FILE option to specify the coordinates at which the replica\'s SQL\nthread should begin reading from the relay log the next time the thread starts.\n\nThe CHANGE MASTER statement usually deletes all relay log files. However, if\nthe RELAY_LOG_FILE and/or RELAY_LOG_POS options are specified, then existing\nrelay log files are kept.\n\nWhen you want to change the relay log position, you only need to stop the\nreplica\'s SQL thread. The replica\'s I/O thread can continue running. The STOP\nSLAVE and START SLAVE statements support the SQL_THREAD option for this\nscenario. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n RELAY_LOG_FILE=\'slave-relay-bin.006\',\n RELAY_LOG_POS=4025;\nSTART SLAVE SQL_THREAD;\n\nWhen the value of this option is changed, the metadata about the replica\'s SQL\nthread\'s position in the relay logs will also be changed in the\nfile or the file that is configured by the relay_log_info_file system variable.\n\nThe RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS options cannot be specified if the\nMASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options were also specified.\n\nGTID Options\n------------\n\nMASTER_USE_GTID\n---------------\n\nThe MASTER_USE_GTID option for CHANGE MASTER can be used to configure the\nreplica to use the global transaction ID (GTID) when connecting to a primary.\nThe possible values are:\n\n* current_pos - Replicate in GTID mode and use gtid_current_pos as the\nposition to start downloading transactions from the primary. Deprecated from\nMariaDB 10.10. Using to transition to primary can break the replication state\nif the replica executes local transactions due to actively updating\ngtid_current_pos with gtid_binlog_pos and gtid_slave_pos. Use the new, safe,\nMASTER_DEMOTE_TO_SLAVE=<bool> option instead.\n* slave_pos - Replicate in GTID mode and use gtid_slave_pos as the position to\nstart downloading transactions from the primary. From MariaDB 10.5.1,\nreplica_pos is an alias for slave_pos.\n* no - Don\'t replicate in GTID mode.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_USE_GTID = current_pos;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nOr:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nSET GLOBAL gtid_slave_pos=\'0-1-153\';\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_USE_GTID = slave_pos;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nMASTER_DEMOTE_TO_SLAVE\n----------------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.10\n---------------------------\nUsed to transition a primary to become a replica. Replaces the old\nMASTER_USE_GTID=current_pos with a safe alternative by forcing users to set\nUsing_Gtid=Slave_Pos and merging gtid_binlog_pos into gtid_slave_pos once at\nCHANGE MASTER TO time. If gtid_slave_pos is more recent than gtid_binlog_pos\n(as in the case of chain replication), the replication state should be\npreserved.\n\nFor example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_DEMOTE_TO_SLAVE = 1;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nReplication Filter Options\n--------------------------\n\nAlso see Replication filters.\n\nIGNORE_SERVER_IDS\n-----------------\n\nThe IGNORE_SERVER_IDS option for CHANGE MASTER can be used to configure a\nreplica to ignore binary log events that originated from certain servers.\nFiltered binary log events will not get logged to the replica’s relay log, and\nthey will not be applied by the replica.\n\nThe option\'s value can be specified by providing a comma-separated list of\nserver_id values. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n IGNORE_SERVER_IDS = (3,5);\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nIf you would like to clear a previously set list, then you can set the value\nto an empty list. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n IGNORE_SERVER_IDS = ();\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nDO_DOMAIN_IDS\n-------------\n\nThe DO_DOMAIN_IDS option for CHANGE MASTER can be used to configure a replica\nto only apply binary log events if the transaction\'s GTID is in a specific\ngtid_domain_id value. Filtered binary log events will not get logged to the\nreplica’s relay log, and they will not be applied by the replica.\n\nThe option\'s value can be specified by providing a comma-separated list of\ngtid_domain_id values. Duplicate values are automatically ignored. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n DO_DOMAIN_IDS = (1,2);\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nIf you would like to clear a previously set list, then you can set the value\nto an empty list. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n DO_DOMAIN_IDS = ();\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe DO_DOMAIN_IDS option and the IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS option cannot both be set\nto non-empty values at the same time. If you want to set the DO_DOMAIN_IDS\noption, and the IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS option was previously set, then you need to\nclear the value of the IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS option. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS = (),\n DO_DOMAIN_IDS = (1,2);\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe DO_DOMAIN_IDS option can only be specified if the replica is replicating\nin GTID mode. Therefore, the MASTER_USE_GTID option must also be set to some\nvalue other than no in order to use this option.\n\nIGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS\n-----------------\n\nThe IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS option for CHANGE MASTER can be used to configure a\nreplica to ignore binary log events if the transaction\'s GTID is in a specific\ngtid_domain_id value. Filtered binary log events will not get logged to the\nreplica’s relay log, and they will not be applied by the replica.\n\nThe option\'s value can be specified by providing a comma-separated list of\ngtid_domain_id values. Duplicate values are automatically ignored. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS = (1,2);\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nIf you would like to clear a previously set list, then you can set the value\nto an empty list. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS = ();\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe DO_DOMAIN_IDS option and the IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS option cannot both be set\nto non-empty values at the same time. If you want to set the IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS\noption, and the DO_DOMAIN_IDS option was previously set, then you need to\nclear the value of the DO_DOMAIN_IDS option. For example:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n DO_DOMAIN_IDS = (),\n IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS = (1,2);\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThe IGNORE_DOMAIN_IDS option can only be specified if the replica is\nreplicating in GTID mode. Therefore, the MASTER_USE_GTID option must also be\nset to some value other than no in order to use this option.\n\nDelayed Replication Options\n---------------------------\n\nMASTER_DELAY\n------------\n\nThe MASTER_DELAY option for CHANGE MASTER can be used to enable delayed\nreplication. This option specifies the time in seconds (at least) that a\nreplica should lag behind the primary up to a maximum value of 2147483647, or\nabout 68 years. Before executing an event, the replica will first wait, if\nnecessary, until the given time has passed since the event was created on the\nprimary. The result is that the replica will reflect the state of the primary\nsome time back in the past. The default is zero, no delay.\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n MASTER_DELAY=3600;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nChanging Option Values\n----------------------\n\nIf you don\'t specify a given option when executing the CHANGE MASTER\nstatement, then the option keeps its old value in most cases. Most of the\ntime, there is no need to specify the options that do not need to change. For\nexample, if the password for the user account that the replica uses to connect\nto its primary has changed, but no other options need to change, then you can\njust change the MASTER_PASSWORD option by executing the following commands:\n\nSTOP SLAVE;\nCHANGE MASTER TO \n MASTER_PASSWORD=\'new3cret\';\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nThere are some cases where options are implicitly reset, such as when the\nMASTER_HOST and MASTER_PORT options are changed.\n\nOption Persistence\n------------------\n\nThe values of the MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options (i.e. the binary\nlog position on the primary) and most other options are written to either the\ndefault file or the file that is configured by the\nmaster_info_file option. The replica\'s I/O thread keeps this binary log\nposition updated as it downloads events only when MASTER_USE_GTID option is\nset to NO. Otherwise the file is not updated on a per event basis.\n\nThe master_info_file option can be set either on the command-line or in a\nserver option group in an option file prior to starting up the server. For\nexample:\n\n[mariadb]\n...\nmaster_info_file=/mariadb/\n\nThe values of the RELAY_LOG_FILE and RELAY_LOG_POS options (i.e. the relay log\nposition) are written to either the default file or the file\nthat is configured by the relay_log_info_file system variable. The replica\'s\nSQL thread keeps this relay log position updated as it applies events.\n\nThe relay_log_info_file system variable can be set either on the command-line\nor in a server option group in an option file prior to starting up the server.\nFor example:\n\n[mariadb]\n...\nrelay_log_info_file=/mariadb/\n\nGTID Persistence\n----------------\n\nIf the replica is replicating binary log events that contain GTIDs, then the\nreplica\'s SQL thread will write every GTID that it applies to the\nmysql.gtid_slave_pos table. This GTID can be inspected and modified through\nthe gtid_slave_pos system variable.\n\nIf the replica has the log_slave_updates system variable enabled and if the\nreplica has the binary log enabled, then every write by the replica\'s SQL\nthread will also go into the replica\'s binary log. This means that GTIDs of\nreplicated transactions would be reflected in the value of the gtid_binlog_pos\nsystem variable.\n\nCreating a Replica from a Backup\n--------------------------------\n\nThe CHANGE MASTER statement is useful for setting up a replica when you have a\nbackup of the primary and you also have the binary log position or GTID\nposition corresponding to the backup.\n\nAfter restoring the backup on the replica, you could execute something like\nthis to use the binary log position:\n\nCHANGE MASTER TO') WHERE help_topic_id = 823;
+update help_topic set description = CONCAT(description, '\n MASTER_LOG_FILE=\'master2-bin.001\',\n MASTER_LOG_POS=4;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nOr you could execute something like this to use the GTID position:\n\nSET GLOBAL gtid_slave_pos=\'0-1-153\';\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_USE_GTID=slave_pos;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nSee Setting up a Replication Slave with Mariabackup for more information on\nhow to do this with Mariabackup.\n\nExample\n-------\n\nThe following example changes the primary and primary\'s binary log\ncoordinates. This is used when you want to set up the replica to replicate the\nprimary:\n\nCHANGE MASTER TO\n MASTER_HOST=\'\',\n MASTER_USER=\'replication\',\n MASTER_PASSWORD=\'bigs3cret\',\n MASTER_PORT=3306,\n MASTER_LOG_FILE=\'master2-bin.001\',\n MASTER_LOG_POS=4,\n MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY=10;\nSTART SLAVE;\n\nURL:') WHERE help_topic_id = 823;
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (824,49,'START SLAVE','The terms master and slave have historically been used in replication, but the\nterms terms primary and replica are now preferred. The old terms are used\nstill used in parts of the documentation, and in MariaDB commands, although\nMariaDB 10.5 has begun the process of renaming. The documentation process is\nongoing. See MDEV-18777 to follow progress on this effort.\n\nSyntax\n------\n\nSTART SLAVE [\"connection_name\"] [thread_type [, thread_type] ... ] [FOR\nCHANNEL \"connection_name\"]\nSTART SLAVE [\"connection_name\"] [SQL_THREAD] UNTIL \n MASTER_LOG_FILE = \'log_name\', MASTER_LOG_POS = log_pos [FOR CHANNEL\n\"connection_name\"]\nSTART SLAVE [\"connection_name\"] [SQL_THREAD] UNTIL\n RELAY_LOG_FILE = \'log_name\', RELAY_LOG_POS = log_pos [FOR CHANNEL\n\"connection_name\"]\nSTART SLAVE [\"connection_name\"] [SQL_THREAD] UNTIL\n MASTER_GTID_POS = <GTID position> [FOR CHANNEL \"connection_name\"]\nSTART ALL SLAVES [thread_type [, thread_type]]\n\nSTART REPLICA [\"connection_name\"] [thread_type [, thread_type] ... ] -- from\n10.5.1\nSTART REPLICA [\"connection_name\"] [SQL_THREAD] UNTIL \n MASTER_LOG_FILE = \'log_name\', MASTER_LOG_POS = log_pos -- from 10.5.1\nSTART REPLICA [\"connection_name\"] [SQL_THREAD] UNTIL\n RELAY_LOG_FILE = \'log_name\', RELAY_LOG_POS = log_pos -- from 10.5.1\nSTART REPLICA [\"connection_name\"] [SQL_THREAD] UNTIL\n MASTER_GTID_POS = <GTID position> -- from 10.5.1\nSTART ALL REPLICAS [thread_type [, thread_type]] -- from 10.5.1\n\nthread_type: IO_THREAD | SQL_THREAD\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nSTART SLAVE (START REPLICA from MariaDB 10.5.1) with no thread_type options\nstarts both of the replica threads (see replication). The I/O thread reads\nevents from the primary server and stores them in the relay log. The SQL\nthread reads events from the relay log and executes them. START SLAVE requires\nthe SUPER privilege, or, from MariaDB 10.5.2, the REPLICATION SLAVE ADMIN\nprivilege.\n\nIf START SLAVE succeeds in starting the replica threads, it returns without\nany error. However, even in that case, it might be that the replica threads\nstart and then later stop (for example, because they do not manage to connect\nto the primary or read its binary log, or some other problem). START SLAVE\ndoes not warn you about this. You must check the replica\'s error log for error\nmessages generated by the replica threads, or check that they are running\nsatisfactorily with SHOW SLAVE STATUS (SHOW REPLICA STATUS from MariaDB\n10.5.1).\n\nSTART SLAVE UNTIL\n-----------------\n\nSTART SLAVE UNTIL refers to the SQL_THREAD replica position at which the\nSQL_THREAD replication will halt. If SQL_THREAD isn\'t specified both threads\nare started.\n\nSTART SLAVE UNTIL master_gtid_pos=xxx is also supported. See Global\nTransaction ID/START SLAVE UNTIL master_gtid_pos=xxx for more details.\n\nconnection_name\n---------------\n\nIf there is only one nameless primary, or the default primary (as specified by\nthe default_master_connection system variable) is intended, connection_name\ncan be omitted. If provided, the START SLAVE statement will apply to the\nspecified primary. connection_name is case-insensitive.\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.7.0\n----------------------------\nThe FOR CHANNEL keyword was added for MySQL compatibility. This is identical\nas using the channel_name directly after START SLAVE.\n\nSTART ALL SLAVES\n----------------\n\nSTART ALL SLAVES starts all configured replicas (replicas with master_host not\nempty) that were not started before. It will give a note for all started\nconnections. You can check the notes with SHOW WARNINGS.\n\nSTART REPLICA\n-------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.5.1\n----------------------------\nSTART REPLICA is an alias for START SLAVE from MariaDB 10.5.1.\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (825,49,'STOP SLAVE','The terms master and slave have historically been used in replication, but the\nterms terms primary and replica are now preferred. The old terms are used\nstill used in parts of the documentation, and in MariaDB commands, although\nMariaDB 10.5 has begun the process of renaming. The documentation process is\nongoing. See MDEV-18777 to follow progress on this effort.\n\nSyntax\n------\n\nSTOP SLAVE [\"connection_name\"] [thread_type [, thread_type] ... ] [FOR CHANNEL\n\"connection_name\"]\n\nSTOP ALL SLAVES [thread_type [, thread_type]]\n\nSTOP REPLICA [\"connection_name\"] [thread_type [, thread_type] ... ] -- from\n10.5.1\n\nSTOP ALL REPLICAS [thread_type [, thread_type]] -- from 10.5.1\n\nthread_type: IO_THREAD | SQL_THREAD\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nStops the replica threads. STOP SLAVE requires the SUPER privilege, or, from\nMariaDB 10.5.2, the REPLICATION SLAVE ADMIN privilege.\n\nLike START SLAVE, this statement may be used with the IO_THREAD and SQL_THREAD\noptions to name the thread or threads to be stopped. In almost all cases, one\nnever need to use the thread_type options.\n\nSTOP SLAVE waits until any current replication event group affecting one or\nmore non-transactional tables has finished executing (if there is any such\nreplication group), or until the user issues a KILL QUERY or KILL CONNECTION\nstatement.\n\nNote that STOP SLAVE doesn\'t delete the connection permanently. Next time you\nexecute START SLAVE or the MariaDB server restarts, the replica connection is\nrestored with it\'s original arguments. If you want to delete a connection, you\nshould execute RESET SLAVE.\n\nSTOP ALL SLAVES\n---------------\n\nSTOP ALL SLAVES stops all your running replicas. It will give you a note for\nevery stopped connection. You can check the notes with SHOW WARNINGS.\n\nconnection_name\n---------------\n\nThe connection_name option is used for multi-source replication.\n\nIf there is only one nameless master, or the default master (as specified by\nthe default_master_connection system variable) is intended, connection_name\ncan be omitted. If provided, the STOP SLAVE statement will apply to the\nspecified master. connection_name is case-insensitive.\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.7.0\n----------------------------\nThe FOR CHANNEL keyword was added for MySQL compatibility. This is identical\nas using the channel_name directly after STOP SLAVE.\n\nSTOP REPLICA\n------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.5.1\n----------------------------\nSTOP REPLICA is an alias for STOP SLAVE from MariaDB 10.5.1.\n\nURL:','','');
insert into help_topic (help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example,url) values (826,49,'RESET REPLICA/SLAVE','The terms master and slave have historically been used in replication, but the\nterms terms primary and replica are now preferred. The old terms are used\nstill used in parts of the documentation, and in MariaDB commands, although\nMariaDB 10.5 has begun the process of renaming. The documentation process is\nongoing. See MDEV-18777 to follow progress on this effort.\n\nSyntax\n------\n\nRESET REPLICA [\"connection_name\"] [ALL] [FOR CHANNEL \"connection_name\"] --\nfrom MariaDB 10.5.1 \nRESET SLAVE [\"connection_name\"] [ALL] [FOR CHANNEL \"connection_name\"]\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\nRESET REPLICA/SLAVE makes the replica forget its replication position in the\nmaster\'s binary log. This statement is meant to be used for a clean start. It\ndeletes the and files, all the relay log files, and\nstarts a new relay log file. To use RESET REPLICA/SLAVE, the replica threads\nmust be stopped (use STOP REPLICA/SLAVE if necessary).\n\nNote: All relay log files are deleted, even if they have not been completely\nexecuted by the slave SQL thread. (This is a condition likely to exist on a\nreplication slave if you have issued a STOP REPLICA/SLAVE statement or if the\nslave is highly loaded.)\n\nNote: RESET REPLICA does not reset the global gtid_slave_pos variable. This\nmeans that a replica server configured with CHANGE MASTER TO\nMASTER_USE_GTID=slave_pos will not receive events with GTIDs occurring before\nthe state saved in gtid_slave_pos. If the intent is to reprocess these events,\ngtid_slave_pos must be manually reset, e.g. by executing set global\ngtid_slave_pos=\"\".\n\nConnection information stored in the file is immediately reset\nusing any values specified in the corresponding startup options. This\ninformation includes values such as master host, master port, master user, and\nmaster password. If the replica SQL thread was in the middle of replicating\ntemporary tables when it was stopped, and RESET REPLICA/SLAVE is issued, these\nreplicated temporary tables are deleted on the slave.\n\nThe ALL also resets the PORT, HOST, USER and PASSWORD parameters for the\nslave. If you are using a connection name, it will permanently delete it and\nit will not show up anymore in SHOW ALL REPLICAS/SLAVE STATUS.\n\nconnection_name\n---------------\n\nThe connection_name option is used for multi-source replication.\n\nIf there is only one nameless primary, or the default primary (as specified by\nthe default_master_connection system variable) is intended, connection_name\ncan be omitted. If provided, the RESET REPLICA/SLAVE statement will apply to\nthe specified primary. connection_name is case-insensitive.\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.7.0\n----------------------------\nThe FOR CHANNEL keyword was added for MySQL compatibility. This is identical\nas using the channel_name directly after RESET REPLICA.\n\nRESET REPLICA\n-------------\n\nMariaDB starting with 10.5.1\n----------------------------\nRESET REPLICA is an alias for RESET SLAVE from MariaDB 10.5.1.\n\nURL:','','');