path: root/mysql-test/include/
diff options
authorSergei Golubchik <>2012-09-27 20:09:46 +0200
committerSergei Golubchik <>2012-09-27 20:09:46 +0200
commit474fe6d9d9e0b4d8803bdf439dd017ba0c729729 (patch)
tree6b088655217934bf0cbb6cdf85df0a217ef1d939 /mysql-test/include/
parentcd9f773020c6ddfc1ea39e9037e4258b8bc32a08 (diff)
fixes for test failures
and small collateral changes mysql-test/lib/My/ somehow with "print" we get truncated writes sometimes mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/digest_table_full.result: md5 hashes of statement digests differ, because yacc token codes are different in mariadb mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/dml_handler.result: host table is not ported over yet mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/information_schema.result: host table is not ported over yet mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/nesting.result: this differs, because we don't rewrite general log queries, and multi-statement packets are logged as a one entry. this result file is identical to what mysql-5.6.5 produces with the --log-raw option. mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/relaylog.result: MariaDB modifies the binlog index file directly, while MySQL 5.6 has a feature "crash-safe binlog index" and modifies a special "crash-safe" shadow copy of the index file and then moves it over. That's why this test shows "NONE" index file writes in MySQL and "MANY" in MariaDB. mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/server_init.result: MariaDB initializes the "manager" resources from the "manager" thread, and starts this thread only when --flush-time is not 0. MySQL 5.6 initializes "manager" resources unconditionally on server startup. mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/stage_mdl_global.result: this differs, because MariaDB disables query cache when query_cache_size=0. MySQL does not do that, and this causes useless mutex locks and waits. mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/statement_digest.result: md5 hashes of statement digests differ, because yacc token codes are different in mariadb mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/statement_digest_consumers.result: md5 hashes of statement digests differ, because yacc token codes are different in mariadb mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/statement_digest_long_query.result: md5 hashes of statement digests differ, because yacc token codes are different in mariadb mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_mixed_drop_create_temp_table.result: will be updated to match 5.6 when and are merged mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_non_direct_mixed_mixing_engines.result: will be updated to match 5.6 when is merged
Diffstat (limited to 'mysql-test/include/')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/include/ b/mysql-test/include/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..17c7c1985d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# ==== Purpose ====
+# Read the contents of a file, filter it through a perl script, and
+# write it back.
+# This is useful in conjunction with include/
+# and cat_file or include/ See
+# e.g. include/ for an example.
+# ==== Usage ====
+# --let $input_file= <FILE_NAME>
+# [--let $output_file= <FILE_NAME>]
+# --let $script= <PERL_SCRIPT>
+# [--let $select_columns= <LIST OF NUMBERS>]
+# [--let $pre_script= <PERL_SCRIPT>]
+# [--let $rpl_debug= 1]
+# --source include/
+# Parameters:
+# $input_file
+# File to read from.
+# $output_file
+# File to write to. If omitted, writes to $input_file.
+# $script
+# This script will be executed once for each line in $input_file.
+# When the script starts, the perl variable $_ will be set to the
+# current row (including the terminating newline). The script can
+# modify $_ in any way it likes, and the result will be appended
+# to $output_file. It is even possible to remove a row by setting
+# $_ to '', or to generate extra rows by appending "\n" to $_.
+# Since mysqltest is incapable of properly escaping dollar
+# characters, you have to replace any '$' in your script by
+# 'DOLLAR' (otherwise mysqltest would try to interpolate parts of
+# your script). will replace 'DOLLAR' by '$'
+# before evaluating your script.
+# $select_columns
+# For convenience, if you set this to a space-separated list of
+# numbers, it will print only the numbered columns, in the given
+# order.
+# $pre_script
+# This script will be evaluated before starting to iterate over
+# the lines of $input_file. It can be useful if you need some
+# sort of initialization; for example, you can define a subroutine
+# here and call it from $script.
+# $rpl_debug
+# If set, verbose debug info is printed.
+--let $include_filename=
+--source include/
+if ($rpl_debug)
+ --echo pre_script='$pre_script'
+ --echo script='$script'
+ --echo select_columns='$select_columns'
+ --echo input_file='$input_file' output_file='$output_file'
+--let _FF_PRE_SCRIPT= $pre_script
+--let _FF_SCRIPT= $script
+--let _FF_INPUT_FILE= $input_file
+--let _FF_OUTPUT_FILE= $output_file
+--let _FF_SELECT_COLUMNS= $select_columns
+--let _FF_DEBUG= $rpl_debug
+if (!$output_file)
+ --let _FF_OUTPUT_FILE= $input_file
+ my $pre_script = $ENV{'_FF_PRE_SCRIPT'};
+ $pre_script =~ s/DOLLAR/\$/g;
+ my $script = $ENV{'_FF_SCRIPT'};
+ $script =~ s/DOLLAR/\$/g;
+ my $input_file = $ENV{'_FF_INPUT_FILE'};
+ my $output_file = $ENV{'_FF_OUTPUT_FILE'};
+ my $select_columns = $ENV{'_FF_SELECT_COLUMNS'};
+ my $debug = $ENV{'_FF_DEBUG'};
+ if ($select_columns)
+ {
+ chomp($select_columns);
+ $select_columns =~ s/[, ]+/,/g;
+ $script = '
+ chomp;
+ my @cols = split(/\t/, $_);
+ $_ = join("\t", map { $cols[$_ - 1] } ('.$select_columns.'))."\n";
+ ' . $script;
+ }
+ unless ($keep_quotes)
+ {
+ $pre_script = 'my %unquote = ("n"=>"\n","t"=>"\t","\\\\"=>"\\\\");' . $pre_script;
+ $script .= 's{\\\\(.)}{$unquote{$1}}ge;';
+ }
+ if ($debug)
+ {
+ $script = 'print "BEFORE:\'$_\'";' . $script . 'print "AFTER:\'$_\'";'
+ }
+ # Generate a script (perl is faster if we avoid many calls to eval).
+ my $full_script =
+ open FILE, "< $input_file" or die "Error opening $input_file: $!";
+ my $filtered_contents = "";
+ my %column_names = ();
+ '.$pre_script.';
+ while (<FILE>)
+ {
+ chomp;
+ s/\r//g;
+ if (!%column_names)
+ {
+ my $n = 1;
+ %column_names = map { $_ => $n++ } split(/\t/, $_);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ' . $script . '
+ }
+ $filtered_contents .= $_."\n";
+ }
+ close FILE or die "Error closing $input_file: $!";
+ open FILE, "> $output_file" or die "Error opening $output_file: $!";
+ binmode FILE;
+ print FILE $filtered_contents or die "Error writing filtered contents to $output_file: $!";
+ close FILE or die "Error closing $output_file: $!";
+ return 0;
+ if ($debug)
+ {
+ print STDOUT "full_script=<<END_OF_SCRIPT\n${full_script}END_OF_SCRIPT\n"
+ }
+ my $eval_ret = eval($full_script);
+ defined($eval_ret) or die "Parse error or 'die' invoked when evaluating perl script '$full_script': $@";
+ $eval_ret == 0 or die "Non-zero exit value $eval_ret from script '$script'";
+--let $include_filename=
+--source include/