diff options
authorBrandon Nesterenko <>2022-07-05 07:12:49 -0600
committerBrandon Nesterenko <>2022-07-13 09:03:32 -0600
commit02e85aeafdc3fbe7d628e155880390c4d623f9b4 (patch)
parent96be3fe8416d312e08d67b36608e7b2d5a865d5d (diff)
MDEV-28487: sequences not respect value of binlog_row_image with select nextval(seq_gen)
Problem: ======== When using sequences, the function sequence_definition::write(TABLE *table, bool all_fields) is used to save DML/DDL updates to sequence tables (e.g. nextval, setval, and alter). Prior to this patch, the value all_fields was always false when invoked via nextval and setval, which forced the bitmap to only include changed columns. Solution: ======== Change all_fields when invoked via nextval and setval to be reliant on binlog_row_image, such that it is false when binlog_row_image is MINIMAL, and true otherwise. Reviewed By: =========== Andrei Elkin <>
6 files changed, 2546 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/include/ b/mysql-test/include/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0dab9cc2735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Helper file to ensure that a binary log file properly writes the expected
+# fields based on the binlog_row_image value.
+# ==== Usage ====
+# --let $expected_columns= (COLUMN_IDS)
+# --let $binlog_filename= FILENAME
+# --source include/
+# Parameters:
+# expected_columns (list<uint>, in) : A list of positive integers which
+# correspond to the column numbers that should be output in a binary
+# log's write_rows event
+# binlog_filename (string, in) : Name of the binary log file to analyze
+if (!$expected_columns)
+ --die expected_columns parameter is required but was not set
+if (!$binlog_filename)
+ --die binlog_filename parameter is required but was not set
+--let $include_filename= [$expected_columns]
+--source include/
+--let $assert_file=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/binlog_decoded.out
+--let mysqld_datadir=`select @@datadir`
+--echo # MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+--exec $MYSQL_BINLOG $mysqld_datadir/$binlog_filename -vv > $assert_file
+--echo # Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+--let num_cols_found=0
+--let last_expected_col= `SELECT GREATEST $expected_columns`
+--let i= 1
+while($i <= $last_expected_col)
+ # By default, assume the column is not expected to be in the binary log.
+ # If the column id is set in expected_columns, then override assertion
+ # parameters.
+ --let assert_count= 0
+ --let assert_text= Column @$i should not be in binary log
+ if (`SELECT $i IN $expected_columns`)
+ {
+ --let assert_count= 1
+ --let assert_text= Column @$i should be in binary log
+ --inc $num_cols_found
+ }
+ --let assert_select= @$i
+ --source include/
+ --inc $i
+--echo # ..success
+--echo # Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+--let assert_count= $num_cols_found
+--let assert_text= The binlog event should only have $num_cols_found columns
+--let assert_select= @[\d]+
+--source include/
+--echo # ..success
+--let $include_filename= [$expected_columns]
+--source include/
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/rpl/include/ b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/include/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..be5b7600f0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# This include file validates that sequence events are properly binlogged
+# and replicated.
+# Parameters:
+# expected_columns (list<uint>, in) : A list of positive integers which
+# correspond to the column numbers that should be output in a binary
+# log's write_rows event
+--echo # Create sequences with specific engines per server
+--connection server_1
+--eval SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=$server_1_engine
+--source include/
+--connection server_2
+--eval SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=$server_2_engine
+--source include/
+--connection server_3
+--eval SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=$server_3_engine
+--source include/
+--echo # Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+--connection server_1
+--source include/
+--echo # Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+--connection server_3
+--source include/
+--let $diff_tables= server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1
+--source include/
+--echo # Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+--connection server_1
+--let binlog_filenamE= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1)
+--source include/
+--echo # Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+--connection server_2
+--let binlog_filename= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1)
+--source include/
+--echo # Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+--connection server_3
+--let binlog_filename= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1)
+--source include/
+--echo # Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+--connection server_1
+--source include/
+--echo # Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+--connection server_3
+--source include/
+--let $diff_tables= server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1
+--source include/
+--echo # Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+--connection server_1
+--let binlog_filename= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1)
+--source include/
+--echo # Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+--connection server_2
+--let binlog_filename= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1)
+--source include/
+--echo # Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+--connection server_3
+--let binlog_filename= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1)
+--source include/
+--echo # Cleanup
+--connection server_1
+--source include/
+--connection server_3
+--source include/
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_row_img_sequence.result b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_row_img_sequence.result
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aa9fb34ec02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_row_img_sequence.result
@@ -0,0 +1,2290 @@
+include/ [topology=1->2->3]
+connection server_1;
+connection server_2;
+connection server_3;
+connection server_1;
+# Test Case 1) binlog_row_image=MINIMAL should write only columns
+# 1 and 8 to the binary log
+CON: 'server_1', IMG: 'MINIMAL', RESTART SLAVE: 'N'
+connection server_1;
+SET SESSION binlog_row_image= 'MINIMAL';
+SET GLOBAL binlog_row_image= 'MINIMAL';
+SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'binlog_row_image';
+Variable_name Value
+binlog_row_image MINIMAL
+CON: 'server_2', IMG: 'MINIMAL', RESTART SLAVE: 'Y'
+connection server_2;
+SET SESSION binlog_row_image= 'MINIMAL';
+SET GLOBAL binlog_row_image= 'MINIMAL';
+SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'binlog_row_image';
+Variable_name Value
+binlog_row_image MINIMAL
+CON: 'server_3', IMG: 'MINIMAL', RESTART SLAVE: 'Y'
+connection server_3;
+SET SESSION binlog_row_image= 'MINIMAL';
+SET GLOBAL binlog_row_image= 'MINIMAL';
+SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'binlog_row_image';
+Variable_name Value
+binlog_row_image MINIMAL
+connection server_1;
+### engines: MyISAM, MyISAM, MyISAM
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: MyISAM, MyISAM, InnoDB
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: MyISAM, InnoDB, MyISAM
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: MyISAM, InnoDB, InnoDB
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: InnoDB, MyISAM, MyISAM
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: InnoDB, MyISAM, InnoDB
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: InnoDB, InnoDB, MyISAM
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: InnoDB, InnoDB, InnoDB
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+# Test Case 2) binlog_row_image=NOBLOB should write all columns to the
+# binary log
+CON: 'server_1', IMG: 'NOBLOB', RESTART SLAVE: 'N'
+connection server_1;
+SET SESSION binlog_row_image= 'NOBLOB';
+SET GLOBAL binlog_row_image= 'NOBLOB';
+SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'binlog_row_image';
+Variable_name Value
+binlog_row_image NOBLOB
+CON: 'server_2', IMG: 'NOBLOB', RESTART SLAVE: 'Y'
+connection server_2;
+SET SESSION binlog_row_image= 'NOBLOB';
+SET GLOBAL binlog_row_image= 'NOBLOB';
+SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'binlog_row_image';
+Variable_name Value
+binlog_row_image NOBLOB
+CON: 'server_3', IMG: 'NOBLOB', RESTART SLAVE: 'Y'
+connection server_3;
+SET SESSION binlog_row_image= 'NOBLOB';
+SET GLOBAL binlog_row_image= 'NOBLOB';
+SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'binlog_row_image';
+Variable_name Value
+binlog_row_image NOBLOB
+connection server_3;
+### engines: MyISAM, MyISAM, MyISAM
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: MyISAM, MyISAM, InnoDB
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: MyISAM, InnoDB, MyISAM
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: MyISAM, InnoDB, InnoDB
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: InnoDB, MyISAM, MyISAM
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: InnoDB, MyISAM, InnoDB
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: InnoDB, InnoDB, MyISAM
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: InnoDB, InnoDB, InnoDB
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+# Test Case 3) binlog_row_image=NOBLOB should write all columns to the
+# binary log
+CON: 'server_1', IMG: 'FULL', RESTART SLAVE: 'N'
+connection server_1;
+SET SESSION binlog_row_image= 'FULL';
+SET GLOBAL binlog_row_image= 'FULL';
+SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'binlog_row_image';
+Variable_name Value
+binlog_row_image FULL
+CON: 'server_2', IMG: 'FULL', RESTART SLAVE: 'Y'
+connection server_2;
+SET SESSION binlog_row_image= 'FULL';
+SET GLOBAL binlog_row_image= 'FULL';
+SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'binlog_row_image';
+Variable_name Value
+binlog_row_image FULL
+CON: 'server_3', IMG: 'FULL', RESTART SLAVE: 'Y'
+connection server_3;
+SET SESSION binlog_row_image= 'FULL';
+SET GLOBAL binlog_row_image= 'FULL';
+SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'binlog_row_image';
+Variable_name Value
+binlog_row_image FULL
+connection server_3;
+### engines: MyISAM, MyISAM, MyISAM
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: MyISAM, MyISAM, InnoDB
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: MyISAM, InnoDB, MyISAM
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: MyISAM, InnoDB, InnoDB
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: InnoDB, MyISAM, MyISAM
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: InnoDB, MyISAM, InnoDB
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: InnoDB, InnoDB, MyISAM
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=MyISAM;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+### engines: InnoDB, InnoDB, InnoDB
+# Create sequences with specific engines per server
+connection server_1;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_2;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+connection server_3;
+SET STATEMENT sql_log_bin=0 FOR create sequence s1 cache=0 engine=InnoDB;
+# Pt.1 Ensure SETVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+SETVAL(s1, 10)
+# Validate SETVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged SETVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Pt.2 Ensure NEXTVAL replicates and binlogs correctly
+connection server_1;
+# Validate NEXTVAL replicated correctly to other servers
+connection server_3;
+include/ [server_1:test.s1,server_2:test.s1,server_3:test.s1]
+# Validate server_1 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_1;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_2 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_2;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Validate server_3 binlogged NEXTVAL with the correct columns
+connection server_3;
+include/ [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)]
+# MYSQL_BINLOG mysqld_datadir/binlog_filename -vv > assert_file
+# Verifying all expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Verifying only expected column ids appear in binlog event output..
+# ..success
+# Cleanup
+connection server_1;
+connection server_3;
+# End of tests
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_img_sequence.cnf b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_img_sequence.cnf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7104b4e4502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_img_sequence.cnf
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+!include include/default_mysqld.cnf
+SERVER_MYPORT_1= @mysqld.1.port
+SERVER_MYPORT_2= @mysqld.2.port
+SERVER_MYPORT_3= @mysqld.3.port
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_img_sequence.test b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_img_sequence.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..23860fb2de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_img_sequence.test
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Purpose:
+# This test verifies that sequence DML updates, i.e. NEXTVAL and SETVAL,
+# respect the binlog_row_image variable value when written into the binary log.
+# In particular, it ensures that only changed columns are written with MINIMAL
+# image mode, and all columns are written otherwise.
+# Methodology
+# After issuing a sequence update, ensure that both 1) it was replicated
+# correctly, and 2) it was binlogged respective to the binlog_row_image value.
+# The sequence table does not use caching to ensure each update is immediately
+# binlogged. Each command is binlogged into its own unique log file, and the
+# entirety of the file is analyzed for correctness of its sequence event.
+# Specifically, mysqlbinlog is used in verbose mode so it outputs the columns
+# which belong to the event, and the columns are analyzed to ensure the correct
+# ones were logged. is used to test with multiple
+# chained replicas, varying engines between InnoDB and MyISAM.
+# References:
+# MDEV-28487: sequences not respect value of binlog_row_image with select
+# nextval(seq_gen)
+--let $rpl_topology= 1->2->3
+--source include/
+--source include/
+--connection server_1
+--source include/
+--connection server_2
+--source include/
+--connection server_3
+--source include/
+--connection server_1
+--echo #
+--echo # Test Case 1) binlog_row_image=MINIMAL should write only columns
+--echo # 1 and 8 to the binary log
+--echo #
+--let $row_img_set=server_1:MINIMAL:N,server_2:MINIMAL:Y,server_3:MINIMAL:Y
+--source include/
+--let $expected_columns=(1,8)
+--let row_img_test_script= include/
+--source include/
+--echo #
+--echo # Test Case 2) binlog_row_image=NOBLOB should write all columns to the
+--echo # binary log
+--echo #
+--let $row_img_set=server_1:NOBLOB:N,server_2:NOBLOB:Y,server_3:NOBLOB:Y
+--source include/
+--let $expected_columns=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
+--source include/
+--echo #
+--echo # Test Case 3) binlog_row_image=NOBLOB should write all columns to the
+--echo # binary log
+--echo #
+--let $row_img_set=server_1:FULL:N,server_2:FULL:Y,server_3:FULL:Y
+--source include/
+--let $expected_columns=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
+--source include/
+--source include/
+--echo # End of tests
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index e5fea586d06..40524702835 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -704,7 +704,9 @@ longlong SEQUENCE::next_value(TABLE *table, bool second_round, int *error)
longlong res_value, org_reserved_until, add_to;
bool out_of_values;
+ THD *thd= table->in_use;
*error= 0;
if (!second_round)
@@ -769,7 +771,8 @@ longlong SEQUENCE::next_value(TABLE *table, bool second_round, int *error)
DBUG_RETURN(next_value(table, 1, error));
- if (unlikely((*error= write(table, 0))))
+ if (unlikely((*error= write(table, thd->variables.binlog_row_image !=
reserved_until= org_reserved_until;
next_free_value= res_value;
@@ -836,7 +839,9 @@ int SEQUENCE::set_value(TABLE *table, longlong next_val, ulonglong next_round,
longlong org_reserved_until= reserved_until;
longlong org_next_free_value= next_free_value;
ulonglong org_round= round;
+ THD *thd= table->in_use;
if (is_used)
@@ -875,7 +880,8 @@ int SEQUENCE::set_value(TABLE *table, longlong next_val, ulonglong next_round,
reserved_until= next_free_value;
- if (write(table, 0))
+ if (write(table,
+ thd->variables.binlog_row_image != BINLOG_ROW_IMAGE_MINIMAL))
reserved_until= org_reserved_until;
next_free_value= org_next_free_value;